Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

Hezb'allah's Jihad Genocide against Jews Worldwide

From American Thinker on 22 June 2008:

According to US and Canadian intelligence agencies the Shi'ite jihad terror organization Hezb'allah, supported by its patron Iran, is poised, once again, to launch a lethal attack against "Jewish targets" far removed from the battlegrounds of the Middle East. Although no substantive evidence has emerged identifying a specific target, both Canada and Latin America have been suggested as possiblities, the latter being where, in Buenos Aires, Hezb'allah struck twice during the 1990s, killing 29 at the Israeli embassy in 1992, and murdering at least 85 more in a 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center.

The ostensible reason given for this renewed jihad terror activity is "revenge" for the February (2008) assassination of Hezb'allah's murderous terror master Imad Mugniyah, killed by a car bomb in Damascus, Syria. Hezb'allah blames Israel for this assassination, an allegation rejected by Israeli officials. Ultimately, however, Hezb'allah's chronic, annihilationist jihad against Israel reflects a rigid adherence to both classical jihad theory, and the ugliest elements of Islamic theology regarding Jews.


The distinguished Shi'ite theologian al-Amili (d.1622) wrote the following (p.213) about jihad war in the Jami-i-Abbasi, his seminal Persian manual of Shi'a Law:


"Islamic Holy war [jihad] against followers of other religions, such as Jews, is required unless they convert to Islam or pay the poll tax."
And the Jews stubborn malevolence -- portrayed in the darkest colors by Islam's sacred texts -- is their defining worldly characteristic. Examples of this archetypal Jew hatred from the Koran, and hadith (traditions of the Muslim prophet Muhammad), amplified by the early Muslim biographies of Muhammad, include:
  • Koranic verses labeling Jews as malevolent enemies of Islam (5:82); disobedient slayers of their own prophets who suffered justifiable abasement (2:61), including, for some, transformation into apes and swine (5:60);
  • the canonical hadith (Sahih Muslim Book 026, Number 5431), and accounts provided by early Muslim biographers of Muhammad (such as Ibn Saad, below), that the Jews caused Muhammad's protracted, excruciating death  from poisoning:
"The Jews discussed about poisons and became united in one poison. She [a Khaybar Jewess, Zaynab Bint al-Harith] poisoned the goat putting more poison in the forelegs.. Allah's Apostle took the foreleg, a piece of which he put into his mouth...Allah's Apostle sent for Zaynab [and]...handed her over to [those] who put her to death...Allah's Apostle lived after this three years, till in consequence of his pain he passed away. During his illness he used to say: I did not cease to find the effect of the poisoned morsel I took at Khaybar..."
Hezb'allah's name, "The Party of Allah",  derives from  Koran 5:56:


"And whoever takes Allah and His messenger and those who believe for a guardian, then surely the party of Allah are they that shall be triumphant."
In a public statement issued February 15/16, 1986, Hezb'allah stressed its indelible links to Iran and Ayatollah Khomeini ("We obey the orders of one leader wise and just...") and conceived of itself as a "nation" linked to Muslims worldwide by "...a strong ideological and political bond, namely Islam." Expressed in the political language of the Koran, Hezb'allah's ideology encompasses, (as per the slogan adorning the party emblem, "The Party of Allah is Sure to Triumph" ) at least three major objectives: transforming Lebanon into a Shari'a state; destroying Israel; establishing regional, followed by international Islamic hegemony, i.e., bringing the region, then the world under Shari'a law.
...we do not constitute an organized party in Lebanon. Nor are we a tight political cadre. We are an umma linked to the Muslims of the whole world by the solid doctrinal and religious connection of Islam, whose message God wanted to be fulfilled by the Seal of the Prophets, i.e., Muhammad. This is why whatever touches or strikes Muslims, in Afghanistan, Iraq, the Philippines and everywhere reverberates throughout the Muslim umma of which we are an integral part. Our behavior is dictated to us by legal principles laid down by the light of an overall political conception defined by the leading jurist (wilayat al-faqih)

As for our culture, it is based on the Holy Koran, the Sunna and the legal rulings of the faqih who is our source of imitation (marja' al-taqlid). Our culture is crystal clear. It is not complicated and is accessible to all.

No one can imagine the importance of our military potential as our military apparatus is not separate from our overall social fabric. Each of us is a fighting soldier. And when it becomes necessary to carry out the Holy war (Jihad), each of us takes up his assignment in the fight in accordance with the injunctions of the Law, and that in the framework of the mission carried out under the tutelage of the Commanding Jurist.

...our struggle [against Israel] will end only when this entity is obliterated. We recognize no treaty with it, no cease fire, and no peace agreements, whether separate or consolidated.
Demonizing Israel and Jews -- via motifs in the Koran and hadith -- Hezb'allah views the jihad against the "Zionist entity" as an annihilationist war intrinsic to broader conflicts: the struggle between the Islamic world and the non-Muslim world, and the historical struggle between Islam and Judaism. The most senior clerical authority for Hezb'allah, Husayn Fadlalah has stated,
"We find in the Koran that the Jews are the most aggressive towards the Muslims...because of their aggressive resistance to the unity of the faith."
Fadlallah repeatedly refers to anti-Jewish archetypes in the Koran, hadith, and sira: the corrupt, treacherous and aggressive nature of the Jews; their reputation as killers of prophets, who spread corruption on earth; and the notion that the Jews engaged in conspiratorial efforts against the Muslim prophet. Fadlallah argues, ultimately, "Either we destroy Israel or Israel destroys us." Muhammad. Hassan Nasrallah, current Secretary General of Hezb'allah, and a protége of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei,  presently Iran's highest ranking political and religious authority (i.e., its "Guardian Jurisprudent"), has reiterated these antisemitic and annihilationist views with particular vehemence.  Invoking motifs from Islam's foundational texts, Nasrallah has characterized Jews as the "grandsons of apes and pigs," and as "Allah's most cowardly and greedy creatures." He elaborates these themes into an annihilationist animus against all Jews, not merely Israelis.
Anyone who reads the Koran and the holy writings of the monotheistic religions sees what they did to the prophets, and what acts of madness and slaughter the Jews carried out throughout history...


Anyone who reads these texts cannot think of co-existence with them, of peace with them, or about accepting their presence, not only in Palestine of 1948 but even in a small village in Palestine, because they are a cancer which is liable to spread again at any moment...There is no solution to the conflict in this region except with the disappearance of Israel.
If we searched the entire world for a person more cowardly, despicable, weak and feeble in psyche, mind, ideology and religion, we would not find anyone like the Jew. Notice, I do not say the Israeli...[I]f they [the Jews] all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide.
The Shi'ite jihadist organization Hezb'allah thus proclaims with triumphant exuberance its visceral opposition to Judaism and the existence of Israel, stressing the eternal conflict between the Jews and Islam. Eradicating Israel, and terrorizing, perhaps even destroying Jewish communities worldwide, represents an early stage of Hezballah's Pan-Islamic ambitions, and its jihad against the rest of the non-Muslim world. Blithely ignoring this reality, and allowing places such as Toronto, Canada, or Dearborn, Michigan to become hubs for Hezb'allah fund-raising and organizing is both morally repugnant, and destructive to our must fundamental Western values expressed with such eloquence in George Washington's 1790 letter to the Jewish community of Newport, Rhode Island.
The Citizens of the United States of America have a right to applaud themselves for having given to mankind examples of an enlarged and liberal policy: a policy worthy of imitation. All possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship. It is now no more that toleration is spoken of, as if it was by the indulgence of one class of people, that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent national gifts. For happily the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens, in giving it on all occasions their effectual support.

May the children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to...enjoy the good will of the other Inhabitants; while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and figtree, and there shall be none to make him afraid.


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Andrew G. Bostom is the best-selling author of The Legacy of Jihad and the forthcoming The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism.

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Name: Non-Muslim gentile
Date: Monday June 23, 2008
Time: 07:39:28 -0700


Islam has declared war against non-Muslims. Any attack against any non-Muslim is an attack against us. We are going to destroy everything that Islam stands for. No Muslim is ever going to feel safe unless they leave Islam. The Koran mandates war and killing against non-Muslims. But we are greater than Allah or the murderer Mohammad(damn him in hell), no Muslim will exist after the GREAT WAR to come. No mosque will be seen on earth. Be warned, leave Islam now!

Name: Michael
Date: Monday June 23, 2008
Time: 08:04:12 -0700


This article is another wake up call. Non muslims must unite against this curse called islam and stamp it out. This has to be done by discussion and verbal confrontation as is done on this site. I hope violent confrontation does not become necessary but somewhere down the line I believe it will come to that. The skirmishes have already started.

Name: John
Date: Monday June 23, 2008
Time: 08:54:12 -0700


If you want evidence of the falsehood that is islam just look at islamic societies. Dreadful cesspolls of backwardness. If islam was so good it would have transformed islamic societies into havens of prosperity and peace. Why do most muslims want to leave their islamic countries and go to US and europe? According to them they are kfirs who are anti -islam. Why are muslims not comfortable in their own countries? Dont they want to remain in societies which have sharia law? The truth is they dont. Any explanations?

Name: akhter
Date: Monday June 23, 2008
Time: 12:28:43 -0700


Well , now i do believe it , look at these poor souls , petrified , and pissing in their pants , please do not be afraid the Muslims are not coming , they are already here, it is sign of things to come , my dearest , it is also the truth, they will over take you , and it might be OK for you little cultists, and atheists to shout warnings to Muslims and threats on the net, but when confronted you all have not the GUTS to even look into a Muslim's eyes. So my little friends just sit down and relexxxxxxx.

Name: Why not?
Date: Monday June 23, 2008
Time: 13:44:37 -0700


Sometimes I ask myself: Why should the civilized world not declare war against islam? It seems that many muslims are just waiting for WW III. Why not, the quran gives more than enough evidence that islam is against humanity, against democracy, civil rights, equality and any meaningful progress at all. At least it would be very easy to beat the islamic world if the west would not care like it does today in Iraq and Afghanistan. We could nuke them all with the neutron bomb and even save the buildings and oil facilities for our needs! This is what muslims could expect if the west had an islam-like ideology. But will we really need to fight against islam? Islam does not have any knowledge at all, no know how, no technology, not enough skilled and educated people. And in a few decades they will have no more oil, no more water and no more hope. All they will have is islam, but they will not even have enough paper to print it. You are so desperate. And you are wasting your time with atupid things like memorizing stupid texts. And we are too civilized to fight against them. The muslim world should better recognize how fair we are against them. Are there any non-muslim suicide bombers except the few in Sri Lanka?

Name: Facts about Islam
Date: Monday June 23, 2008
Time: 13:59:07 -0700


20% of the world population and maybe 50 % of the world illiterate population, perhaps less than 5% of the world gross production and 66.6% of the world oil reserves and perhaps less than a few percent of the world water reserves. This does not bode well for the muslim world. In a few decades we must answer how to feed them. The christian missionary workers will be very, very busy.

Name: One proof again
Date: Monday June 23, 2008
Time: 21:53:54 -0700


So Mo's hatred toward the Jews has been lengthened up until now. Because of the Jews in Medina didn't accept his claim for prophethood, then he became hate them. His teaching full of hatred towards the Jews. And so stupid are they who believe in him, following to hate the Jews. Who are they? The Moslems. Ha ha ha ....

Name: hey akhter
Date: Tuesday June 24, 2008
Time: 04:38:41 -0700


Hey Akhter you are living in a fool's paradise. yes, muslims have come only to be either massacred as they did to nonmuslims in the past, or leave the crooked mohammeden cult. Already muslims have started shitting in the pants. Your great own uloom in deoban have declared terrorism as unislamic. what else is this than shitting in their pants. they tool 20 years abetting terrorism and now they have known their days will end. So, they are playing taqiyya. The worlsd hs known these tactics. Wait for your dooms day. Pray now 10 times a day. Yet you will not be spared if you dont reform yourself and become humans. Rightnow, you are animals worse than the wild ones.

Name: To akhter: Advice to Muslims before prayer: FLUSH
Date: Tuesday June 24, 2008
Time: 06:00:52 -0700


Just received a revelation from the ANGEL. Before you pray you have to perform ritual washing, but now its a must for all Muslims--- PUT YOUR HEAD IN TOILET BOWL AND FLUSH. This will refresh you and, help you in thinking clearly and perhaps rid you of this superstitious ritual. You are after all praying in a language which is foreign to you. A FLUSH SURE DOES YOU GOOD.

Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Tuesday June 24, 2008
Time: 10:26:51 -0700


A person has to be a Muslim to be a member of Hezbollah. Likewise, this is also true for Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Muslims claim to respect the Bible. So if their claim is not just lip service they should pay attantion to the Bible when it teaches that the Holy Land belongs to the descendants of Isaac [The Jews] ]by Divine Right, not to the descendants of Ishmael[The Arabs] or as some of them refer to themselves as Palestinians. This is written in the scripture, for example, Genesis 28:13-15. 35:10-12 Psalm 105:7-11. The Land also belongs to the Jews by historic rights. First Kings 4:20,21 24. 8:55,56. So the above named jihadist groups are in error, wrong, and in darkness. Second Timothy 3:16. Isaiah 8:20. Therefore,since the three organizations named above,as well as other likeminded Islamic entites even though they might not know it, are fighting the will of God. Thus that makes them wicked. Even if they all join their forces together to attack The Stste of Israel they will lose. For the Bible reads in Proverbs 11:21 ."Thought hand jion in hand the wicked shall not be unpunished." Psalms 83:1-8,17. also teaches about the lost cause of uniting to go to war with Israel. In all fairness there is one way that the jihadists can convince God to agree to give the Land to them and their people, and have Isreal be no more. the way is to change the laws of astrophysics, including that of the Sun ,moon and the stars. For God had said in Jeremiah 31; 35,36. "Thus saith the Lord , which giveth the Sun for a light by day ,and the ordinances of the moon and the stars for light by night...The Lord of host is His name. If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the lord, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever." - [KJV]

Name: John
Date: Tuesday June 24, 2008
Time: 11:31:59 -0700


If islam was the truth it would have given its followers the capacity to liberate Plaestine. But it has kept them backward and made it impossible for them to have the power to counter israel. All they can do is dispatch suicide bombers which is a stupid way to fight a foe like israel.

Name: to Akhter, a challenge to proof
Date: Wednesday June 25, 2008
Time: 02:15:45 -0700


Can you give an actual proof that the Kaaba was built by Abraham? If it was not built by Abraham, then all the stories told by Mohammed are big lies only. Abraham never came to Makah. No proof of it. End of story. Check this one. The grave of Abraham, in Macphelah, Israel, his feet are pointing southward, toward the Kaaba. If he was the one who built it, then it is very unpolite to be buried that way, with his feet point toward the Bait'ullah.

Name: Islamists alias Mohammadians can not think.
Date: Wednesday June 25, 2008
Time: 05:01:00 -0700


Islamists alias Mohammadians can not think. They are donkeys of the desert who believe in dilusuions and hallucinations. They need psychological councelling

Name: John
Date: Wednesday June 25, 2008
Time: 11:11:08 -0700


The muslims are getting the stick from almost everybody. They still dont want to admit it.In non muslim world they are forced to obey secular laws. If they want sharia so much go back to your islamic nations. I think there the muslims will be comfortable.

Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Friday June 27, 2008
Time: 08:06:07 -0700


The members of Hezbollah need to wake up because not only are they fighting for a lost cause, but they are also being used as stooges for and by the Ayatollahs, Mullahs and Imams of Iran. The three just named groups of Islamic "scholars" aren't taking a chance getting killed or even getting their hands dirty doing the fighting.

Name: From a humanist
Date: Sunday June 29, 2008
Time: 03:25:21 -0700


Israel Doesn't Need 'Gas Chambers' To Commit Genocide By R. Zuercher 12-11-4 Israeli genocide against the Palestinians is paid for with our money and now Our blood. Why would someone hate us so much, that they would kill themselves to kill us? Because our government gives billions of dollars in cash and military supplies for Israel to support the following: Israel practices strict racial segregation against all non-Jews, while Jewish groups and the Jewish media in the US demand forced racial integration in America. Israeli courts have reaffirmed the use of torture against all non-Jews, while Jewish groups and the Jewish media demand special rights for minorities in America. Israel uses collective punishment against all non-Jews, while Jewish groups and the Jewish media call any use of race in America "racism" and "racial profiling." Israel uses mass deportations against all non-Jews, and shoots anyone crossing it's borders, while Jewish groups and the Jewish media demand open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens in America. Israel practices ethnic cleansing of all non-Jews in Israel, while Jewish groups and the Jewish media in America demand sanctions, bombings and the UN invasion of Serbia and Iraq. Israel invades its neighbors in violation of numerous UN Resolutions, while no "Smart Bombs" fall on Israeli cities to "restore democracy." Israel denies even the most basic human rights to non-Jews, and is responsible for the mass murder of tens of thousands of Palestinians, while Jewish groups and the Jewish media in America call the systematic extermination of a people, "Genocide." Israel doesn't need "gas chambers" to commit Genocide. JUST YOUR MONEY! R. Zuercher

Professor F. Littell has said: "You can't discuss the truth of the holocaust. That is a distortion of the concept of free speech. The United States should emulate West Germany, which outlaws such exercises." --Mind-boggling! Don't you think? +++++++ "Deep down, I believe that a little anti-Semitism is a good thing for the Jews - reminds us who we are." --Jay Lefkowitz (New York Times Magazine, Feb. 12, 1995 on Page 65). Jay Lefkowitz is now Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy. A sick man! Don't you think? "An anti-Semite is someone that the Jews hate." ---Joe Sobran Another way of putting it: An anti-Semite used to be someone who does not like Jews; now it is someone who the Jews do not like.

 Peace is patriotic! Michael Santomauro Editorial Director 253 West 72nd street #1711 New York, NY 10023 Available for Talk-Radio interviews 24hours 212-787-7891

Name: ben
Date: Sunday June 29, 2008
Time: 13:26:07 -0700


The israelis are commiting the same injustice to the arabs as the arbs had been doing for centuries to the rest of the non muslim world. The muslims still treat non muslims badly in their countries. If the muslims have the spiritual, intellectual, philosophic, moral, cultural strength they would have successfully confronted israel by now. The indians did this against the british. Islam just makes palestinians send suicide bombers which is an ineffective and mindless way to deal with israel. Let us hope that they will realise that islam does not give them the tools to live succesful lives and turn awat from it. At least then will some good can come out of this.

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