Colossal and Premeditated Abuse of Women in America by Muslims
30 Sep, 2007
From Always on Watch.
What is normal for one culture is not necessarily normal for another. Neither is what might be considered “normal” the equivalent of “sameness”. So, while any given culture promulgates practices that are “normal” for that specific culture, those same practices will not necessarily be the “same” or “normal” from culture to culture.
- Individuals within a given culture are presented with, and conditioned from the time they are children to use, the societally preferred way to think, to do things, to manage their environment, and to perceive the world around them by their parents, by the schools they attend, by the religious precepts they are taught, and by the culture’s governing bodies. This conditioning is usually lifelong and consistently reinforced. As a result, these preferred ways seem “right”, especially when an individual finds himself in an environment unlike the one in which he grew up. To follow the ways of the culture he came from, to the extent that it is possible, helps him to feel that he is in control of his own situation and to maintain his own self-image. While he may make an effort to adapt to his new environment in order to wend his way successfully in society and will often fit in quite well as a result, he will always find the way in which he was brought up to be “the way it should be” and to be the most comfortable manner in which to live life. The traditional way to do things is considered the best way simply because it is the most familiar.
The above is especially true where relations with the opposite sex are concerned, especially in cultures with a long history. The Muslim male’s behavior patterns, no matter where the individual may be living, are prime examples.
* * * * *
The practices of degradation, exploitation, humiliation, subjugation, and physical abuse of women by Muslim men have been, and still are, time-honored traditions since the 7th century.
Muslims’ abominable treatment of the fairer sex was established by Muhammad and copied by his Bedouin Arab followers. They swept across Arabia and into neighboring countries, butchering the male inhabitants, looting and stealing their belongings, and taking their women and children captive to be raped, sodomized, forced into slavery, and shipped off on in droves to the harems and households of the wealthy men of the day.
Muhammad based his “right” to the above behavior on conveniently timed justifications which he passed off as “revelations” on the subject. Because he was ruthless in eliminating anyone who disagreed with him, his followers let him get away with this practice.
After Muhammad died, the bits of bone and leaf and other materials upon which Othman wrote his utterances (Muhammad was an illiterate trader), were organized by him into what are today called the suras of the Qur’an. They were arranged by length, the longest being first, rather than by chronology.
It is the suras concerning women in this collection of statements, and in the thousands of comments and analyses called the Hadith by Muslim jurists and philosophers based on the words of Muhammad, which began the institutionalization of relegating women to the status of non-persons to be used and exploited in any way Muslim males chose. Those jurists and philosophers who hated women took every opportunity to craft ever more limitations on how women were to be thought of, how they were to be treated, and what they were and were not allowed to do.
The following are “authorities” of that express the prevailing opinion of Muslim males from Muhammad’s time until today. Because it is forbidden to question or analyze the Qur’an and the Hadith, these statements, set forth 14 centuries ago, remain unchanged and written in stone to this day.
Sura al-Baqarah 2:23: Your women are a tilth to you to cultivate so go to your tilth as ye will, and send good deeds before you for your souls, and fear Allah, and know that ye will one day meet Him.
Sura an-Nisa 4:34: As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them, refuse to share their beds, and beat them.
Sura an-Nisa 4:24: And all married women are forbidden to you save those whom your right hand possesses (captives).
Sura al-Baqarah 2:222: They question thee concerning menstruation. Say it is an illness, so let women alone at such times and go not unto them till they are cleansed.
These are called in Islam the “golden rights and provisions for all Muslim women:”
The right to be treated as diseased and as sex toys
The Qur’an – 2:222; Sahahi Bukhari -3.31.172The right to be used as a sowing field
The Qur’an – 2:223The right to enjoy another husband after the third divorce from the previous husband (hilla marriage)
The Qur’an – 2:230; Sahih Bukhari – 8.73.107; Sahih Bukhari - 7.63.187The right to engage in Islamic prostitution through Mut’a marriage
The Qur’an – 4:24;Sahih Bukhari – 8.3246, 3247, 3248;
Sahih Muslim – 8:3252, 8:3253, 8:3258The right to be treated as impure or as a drunkard
The Qur’an – 4:32; The Qur’an – 16:92To uphold the inalienable superiority of men over women and the right to be beaten by husbands—no questions asked
The Qur’an - 16:92; Sunaan Abu Dawad - 11.2142; Abdur Rahman – 1 DOI, the recognized authority on Sharia in his book, Women in Society”To uphold the right of the husband to have four wives at any time and any number sex-slaves for all times; in case of objection by any wife, the husband can beat her
The Qur’an – 4:3; Sunan Abu Dawad – 30.2.13; The Qur’an – 23:5-6, 70:29-30The right to be treated as a dog, a pig, a monkey, or an ass
Sahih Bukhari – 1.9.490, 493, 498 Sahih Muslim – 4.1039;
Sunaan Abu Dawud – 11.2155; Mishkat ul-Masabih – vol 2, p.114, Hadis no. 789The right of ordinary women to be treated as crows
Ghazali – vol 2, p. 34The right of a Muslimah to be stupid and to become a servant
Sahih Bukhari – 1.6.301; Ghazali – vol 2, p. 34Muslim women forfeit their right to travel alone
Sahih Bukhari – 2.20.192, 193; Sahih Bukhari – 3.29.85, 4.52.250
Abdur Rahman 1 Doi, the recognized authority on Sharia in his book, “Women in SocietyWomen must keep their sexual organs ready at all times for the husband to enjoy them unhindered at any time—night or day
Sahih Bukhari – 4.54.460, 7.62.81; Sahih Muslim – 8.3367, 3368;
Ghazali – vol 2, p. 43Women have the right to breast-feed an unrelated bearded man to make him haram (forbidden to her in marriage)
Sahih Muslim – 8.3424, 3425, 3426, 3427, 3428Women are slaves (prisoners) and men are their masters (owners)
Ghazali – vol 2, p. 33; Hedaya – p. 47Islamic marriage is about sex for money (prostitution)
Sunaan Abu Dawud – 11.2105, 2.11,2106; Milik’s Muwatta – 28.4.12;
Sunaan Abu Dawud – 11.2126; Hedaya – p. 44If a woman wishes to get rid of her tyrannical husband she must refund the ‘sex money’ (Mahr) she received from him during marriage
Sahih Muslim – 7.63.197, 198, 199; Sunaan Abu Dawud – 12,2220;
Malik’s Muwatta – 29.10.32Women have the right to undergo female circumcision (FGM)
Sunaan Abu Dawud – 41.5251Women are slaves and infidels—they are not fit to join the moral police force
Ghazali – vol 2, p.186A husband has the right to have sex with his wife by force (the right to rape)
Hedaya – p. 141Women are cheap—you can have sex with a woman by simply teaching her how to recite a few verses from the Qur’an
Sahih Buhkari – 6.61.547, 548; Ghazali – vol 2, 31Barren women should be confined at home—they are fit only to be in the house-prison
Ghazali – vol 2, p. 24; Sunaan Abu Dawud – 3.29.3911A woman has no say when her husband decides to add more wives in his harem; she can’t even ask her husband to divorce her
Sahih Bukhari – p. 141A wife has the right to decorate her husband when he goes out to have sex with his other wives
Sahih Bukhari – 1.5.270A woman should never be selected or elected as a ruler
Sahih Bukhari – 5.59.709; Ghazali – vol 2, p. 34Muslim women uphold the right of Islamic Jihadists to rape captive women right in front of their vanquished husbands
The Qur’an – 4:24; Sahih Muslim – 8.3371, 3373, 3374, 3377;
Sunaan Abu Dawud – 2.11.2150, 8.77.598Women are devils; they are as dirty and filthy as private parts are
Sahih Muslim – 8.3240, 3242; Ghazali – vol 2, p. 26, vol 2, p. 43Fear the company of women—they bring bad luck
Sahih Bukhari – 7.62.30, 31; Bukhari – 4.52.110, 111;
Malik’s Muwatta – 54.821, 22; Sahih Muslim – 36.6603. 6604;
Ghazali – vol 3, p. 86, 87Women have very little intelligence—their own testimony is inadmissible in rape cases; in other matters their testimony is half to that of a man
The Qur’an – 4:14, 2:282; Sunaan Abu Dawud – 3.40.4662Women are less human—they get one-third of blood money, no booty (for Jihad) for them
Malik’s Muwatta – 43.64b; Sahih Muslim – 19.4458Women are worse than dead persons—they cannot follow a bier
Sahih Muslim – 4.2039Men should always oppose women
Ghazali – vol 2, p. 34Women are easily expendable—a divorced woman gets no maintenance or alimony from her ex-husband
Sahih Muslim – 9.3519, 3522A woman has the right to stay at home solely to provide sex to her husband
Hedaya – p. 54A woman becomes a harlot when she wears perfume
Mishkat al-Masabih – vol 2, p. 255
Muslims grow up with these unchallenged opinions which have engendered, for 1400 years, the attitude that men are ordained to be “superior” and treated as ‘gods” in their own households. Women are considered “inferior” from birth.
It is drilled into the women that their bodies are shameful (awra) to the family, that the family honor rests on the purity of those shameful bodies, and they are to be obediently submissive to and subjugated by their male relatives at all times. Even the slightest suspicion of a woman’s contact with any unrelated male will earn her a death sentence in order to save the family “honor”.
Is it any wonder that Muslim men feel free to subject American women to the same depraved treatment? After all, abuse, degradation, and the killing of women are the “manly” things to do.
When you and I look as an American woman or girl, we see a person with beauty, intelligence, an open and lively expression which shows a joy of living on her face, and a sense of self-respect and dignity in the way that she carries herself. And we rejoice at what we see.
When a Muslim male looks at an American woman or girl, he sees an inferior being dressed in jeans and a color-coordinated top that reveals her figure and very likely bare arms, a mass of uncovered bright hair, and that she walks with pride, joy of living, self-respect, and self-assurance. He also observes that she has the nerve to look him straight in the eye, speak to him as though he is her equal, and that she does not hesitate to contradict him or tell him “No.” if she feels like it. And he hates her and her freedom deep inside even while all he can think about is raping her on the spot to “teach her a lesson about the proper place of women”. He also considers her a slut and a “whore” because she doesn’t scuttle around in a black shroud with nothing showing but her eyes.
Muslim males hate American women or any other women who have self-respect and are accomplished in their own right because they are anathema to Muslim males who desire to have all women degraded, terrified, psychologically traumatized, available for sex on command, and endlessly pregnant with their babies—that is, when they are not cooking or cleaning.
There is very little that gives Muslim males more pleasure than taking out their frustrations, inadequacies (which includes very small penises, according to a nurse), and lack of competence at just about everything on the women in their household who are not allowed to defend themselves. It makes the males feel like they are “in control” and that they are “real men”.
This would be especially true in the case of American women who would not hesitate to snicker and point the instant they observed the undersized fungus between the Muslims’ legs.
There is an added political element that makes abuse of American women by Muslims of even wider civilizational significance than was originally perceived because . . . Everything jihadi Muslims in particular do in the United States is to further the successful destruction of American freedoms and the replacement of our Constitution with their detestable, backward, woman-hating Sharia (Islamic law).
A key point in the Muslim war strategy to overthrow America by the year 2020 is Point 9 which states,
“Accelerate Islamic demographic growth. Muslim men must marry American women and Islamize them (10,000 annually). Then divorce them and remarry every five years—since one cannot have the Muslim legal permission to marry four at one time. This is a legal solution in America”.
In other words, Muslim men coming to the United Sates are to be on the prowl for naïve and therefore gullible American women who haven’t a clue about what Muslim men normally do to women they have under their control (because the women are terrorized on a daily basis). When they find these women, they charm them and tell them everything every woman wants to hear about being the most wonderful creature in existence until the women finally believe them. At that point, the males pressure their prey every day to marry them and live happily ever after as soon as possible.
Only there is no “happily ever after”.
The instant the women become wives of these Muslims, their new husbands pressure them to sign citizenship and permanent residence papers for them so these guys can stay indefinitely, set up terrorist cells, and possibly bring their endlessly extended families here to become citizens as well. But they never tell their wives all of this.
The new husbands also begin criticizing the way their wives dress, think, and act. The wives are told that because they are now wives of Muslims, they need to convert to Islam, cover themselves in shrouds from head to foot (no hair can show!), obey their husbands from morning ‘till night and beyond, stop associating with their ‘infidel” families and friends, quit their jobs if they are working, stay home, and have babies. And if the wives tell their husbands where they can go, the husbands proceed to beat them up within an inch of their lives, threaten to kill them if they tell anyone what has been done to them, and then repeat the process almost on a daily basis until the wives are so terrified they cannot think straight, much less summon the courage to leave and go home to their birth families.
Somewhat later, the husbands will have all joint bank accounts put in their names only so that their wives have no operating funds. If their wives own property, these “flowers of Muslim society” will also terrorize them until the wives either sell their property or take out huge mortgages on it and hand the money over to their husbands which leaves the wives with nothing—no home, no money, and no assets to fall back on.
When they have children, a new chapter in the lives of American wives of Muslims begins. Once the children are no longer nursing and can get around on their own somewhat, the mothers of these children are at risk at any time of having their children abducted without warning and taken back to the Middle East where they will have no chance of ever seeing their mothers again, much less of ever being returned to them. Their mothers are left high and dry, desolate and bereft of their children for as long as they live.
And, to add even more misery to already abused lives, if any of these wives were forced to convert to Islam and leave it to return to their own religion, they will have to live in fear of being killed for their return to their original faith. Islamic law requires that anyone who leaves or rejects it is considered apostate and must be killed at the first opportunity by any ‘good Muslim’ at any time.
The Muslim husbands will return to the United States under other names, move to other parts of the country, establish new identities, and repeat the process at least five times as directed. If the husbands do not leave the States, they will demand that all children they father be raised as Muslim since this helps swell the Muslim population in this country, and they will fight the mothers for custody of these children for years until the children are 18 and free of such coercion.
Muslims figure that they are going to gain control of the United States one way or another. If they cannot do it by force of arms, they will try to do so by overwhelming population numbers accomplished by forced conversions and by breeding little Muslims.
American women do not matter to them except as tools to be used to gain citizenship, steal other people’s property, and to increase the Muslim population.
The American (Western women) should be careful about Muslim men they may want to be involved in. If they want to hear it from someone with personal experience, send them to me.
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Cassandra is a American woman who married an Arab Muslim and later escaped from it. She documented her own experience and of other women who had been married to Muslims in her book, ‘Escape! From An Arab Marriage: Horror Stories of Women Who Fled From Abusive Muslim Husbands’.
Name: vbv
Date: Sunday September 30, 2007
Time: 00:56:23 -0700
Islam treats women as nothing better than contractual whores who can be sexually abused,divorced at will by men, subject to physical and mental torture and summarily dismissed as a third-class human-being not deserving any reapect,just an object of men's perverse sexual gratification! And yet it claims to be the fastest growing religion everywhere,more so in the USA. Are the westerners tired of life that they are opting for a creed that leads to nothing but misery and self-destruction ??? The quotes from quran and hadees are ghastly and barbaric to say the least and yet there are people ,especially women,willing to subscribe to the dark idealogy! Isn't it really astonishing to find so many idiotic self-destructive morons around the world? Somebody should drive some sense into these willing zombies lest they should spread the disease/misery everywhere!
Name: Are women giving up on marriage?
Date: Sunday September 30, 2007
Time: 01:05:23 -0700
Are women giving up on marriage?
Name: Women in Islam
Date: Sunday September 30, 2007
Time: 01:19:23 -0700
… Contrary to widespread erroneous belief, … Contrary to widespread negative stereotyping, and … Contrary to regrettable practices in some Islamic societies where anti-Islamic culture traditions have won over Islamic teachings and where women are subdued (and men even more so) This information has been written with the objective of briefing you on the true Islamic teachings regarding women laid down by the Quran and prophet Mohammad over 14 centuries ago. … Islam declared women and men equal. … Islam condemned pre-Islamic practices degrading and oppressing women. … The same injunctions and prohibitions of Islam equally apply to both sexes. … Islam gave woman the right of inheritance and the right of individual independent ownership unhampered by father, husband, brother, son or anyone else. … Islam gave women the right to accept or reject a marriage proposal free from pressure, and by mutual agreement to specify in the marriage contract that she has the right to divorce (if she misses that option she has the right to seek court divorce if she deems the marriage to have failed beyond repair). … Islam does not require woman to change her name at marriage. … Islam protects the family and condemns the betrayal of marital fidelity. It recognizes only one type of family: husband and wife united by authentic marriage contract. … "Heaven is at the feet of mothers", is a basic Islamic teaching. … "The best of you are the kindest to their wives and I am your best to mine", is a teaching by prophet Mohammad. … Islam enjoins sounds morality in thinking, behavior and appearance. Dress fashions and social patterns that reduce woman to a sex object and exploit her as such are not acceptable to Islam. … The observance of chastity and moral standards is equally demanded by Islam from both men and women. "Women are the siblings of men", is a saying of prophet Mohammad.
Name: Facts
Date: Sunday September 30, 2007
Time: 01:25:21 -0700
There has been no dearth of movements and organisations working for the rights, upliftment, liberation and emancipation of women. There is a lot of hue and cry about their status, role and rights. In spite of all this the women related statistics make a dismal reading. …5,000 brides are murdered or commit suicide in relation to dowry every year in India. …Female foeticide is rampant in India and China. Of 8,000 abortions conducted at a clinic in Mumbai, 7,999 were female fetuses. …Some 600,000 women - die each year from pregnancy related causes, most of which are preventable. …70% of world illiterates are women. …70% of people in abject poverty are women. …Only 1% of world assets are held by women. …In Africa for every HIV infected male there are six HIV infected females. …50% to 75% women experience domestic violence. …More than 50% of marriages end in divorce in America. …Half the population on globe lacks basic sanitation and 1/3 of the world population is without safe drinking water. …Basic education for all would cost $6 billion and water and sanitation for all would cost $9 billion. …Reproductive health service for all women would cost $12 million annually.
Name: Stereotyping
Date: Sunday September 30, 2007
Time: 01:30:41 -0700
What do women and Islam have in common? Besides the stereotyped images that each suffers from individually, the status of women in Islam is one of the most extremely misunderstood and incorrectly portrayed things in western society. We can investigate why this is so later. First, a brief introduction to the actual status of women in Islam is in order. Before discussing issues pertinent to the social status of women, consider the original creation of the woman as portrayed by the Quoran (the Islamic holy book) which does not subscribe to the view that Eve was created from the crooked rib of Adam and thus is of inferior status: "O humankind, be conscious of your Sustainer who has created you out of one living entity, and out of it created its mate, and out of the two spread abroad a multitude of men and women." Instead, the verse of the Quoran shows that there is no superiority for one sex over the other. This sets the tone for the status of women in Islam. /// The concept of gender equality in Islam is stressed by the non-superiority of either sex over the other. It came at a time when it was necessary to elevate the demeaned status of women and grant them rights equal to those of men. The equality of women in Islam is evident by the unprecedented legal rights given to them under a monotheistic religion as defined in the Quoran. As one of many examples, consider the rights of women in marriage and divorce. Both men and women have equal rights to contract a marriage as well as to dissolve it. The precondition of marriage is merely the mutual agreement by both parties. And unlike Christianity, a woman in Islam can divorce her husband at any time if she feels that she has been dealt with unjustly or even if she is just unhappy with her spouse since marriage is based upon mutual responsibilities toward each other. Islam has also ensured the woman's right to remarry pending a three month refrainment period. /// As for social rights, Islam has always recognized the prominent role that women play in society. They are given the freedom to pursue any profession including political positions. Both in the past and present day, women in Islamic societies have reached political heights unparalleled in the most "advanced" western nations. Even in the earliest day of Islam, Aysha, the daughter of the prophet, lead an army of 30,000 soldiers. [Webmasters note: Ayesha was in fact the wife of the Prophet (saw) and didn't lead the army, but was present at the battle of the camel. In the last two centuries, several women have led Muslim-majority nations. However, it should be noted that the only position a woman may not hold is that of head of state, according to the Shahriah, so this fact is not necessarily a matter to be proud of.] Here in the U.S., we still have never had a female president and the outlook doesn't look too good either. /// Those are just a few of the facts. Why then is Islam portrayed as a religion that oppresses women and puts them in a position inferior to men? Part of that is certainly due to the stereotyped image of how Islamic women are portrayed in western media as an extension of Islam-bashing. A prominent example is the movie "Not Without My Daughter" in which scores of false and fictitious depictions were made of women in an Islamic country. It is also true, however, that in many so called "Islamic" countries, women are not treated according to their God-given rights. But this is not the fault of Islamic ideology but rather the misapplication or sometimes the outright denial of the ideology in these societies. /// Much of the practices and laws in "Islamic" countries have deviated from or are totally unrelated to the origins of Islam. Instead many of these practices are based on cultural or traditional customs which have been injected into these societies. For example, in Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to drive by law. This rule, in a country which is supposed to derive its law from Islamic legislation, is completely an invention of the Saudi monarchy. This horrific rule as well as a host of others are residues of old pre-Islamic tribal traditions where women were not entitled to the same rights as men. As another example, in some "Islamic" countries, many civil laws remain those that were imposed upon them during European colonization. Much of the civil law that legislates personal and family matters in Egypt, for example, is directly based on old French law. As a result, an Egyptian man can divorce his wife much more easily than the reverse. Consequently, women often have to suffer long and expensive court procedures and have to prove that they were mistreated by their husbands before being granted a divorce. Often times, laws in Middle Eastern countries, which are legislated and enforced by men, only take bits and pieces of Islamic law and combine them with concocted rules based upon some cultural or foreign practices. /// The status of women in Islam is one of equality and honor. Unfortunately, in the current day and age, though there are many societies in which the majority of citizens are Muslim, there are no Islamic nations.
Name: Is Slavery Permissible in Islam?
Date: Sunday September 30, 2007
Time: 01:34:13 -0700
Before the advent of Islam., slavery prevailed all over the world. To men in those days, it seemed perfectly normal for the strong and wealthy to have slaves whom they had captured in war or purchased in the market. The Greeks were the leaders of thought in the ancient world. No Greek thinker had ever raised his voice against the institution of slavery. The Quran proclaimed the equality of all men in the sight of God. It struck at the root of slavery by recognizing the moral worth of man as man. However, there were, at the time of the advent of Islam, numerous slaves, both men and women, in Arabia as elsewhere in the world. The Arab economy was based on slavery. To abolish it at one stroke was impracticable. It could not be done without plunging the whole society into confusion. Yet, in every conceivable way, the Quran discouraged slavery and improved the lot of the slaves. The Muslims were urged to be kind and considerate to their slaves. They were told that to emancipate a slave was a meritorious act. They could atone for some of their offences by setting a slave free. Thus the number of slaves was gradually reduced and society was made less dependent on slave labour. The words "whom your right hand possessed" occurring in the Quran are in the past tense and refer to those who had already been enslaved. When they were emancipated through a gradual process, slavery died a natural death. The main source of slaves-men and women-was prisoners in war. The Quran laid down that they should be set free either for a ransom or as a favour (47 : 4). The door for future slavery was thus closed by the Quran for ever. Whatever happened in subsequent history, was the responsibility of the Muslims and not of the Quran. Islam brought about a revolution in human relations placing master and slave, man and woman, on a footing of equality before God. In Arabia, as in most other countries, man had been accustomed to look on women just for the gratification of his lust. Marriage was a device to prevent men from quarrelling for the possession of desirable women. The Quran raised the status of women in society and made them equal partners of men in the enterprise of living.
Name: Chastity In Islam
Date: Sunday September 30, 2007
Time: 01:36:50 -0700
Consistent with this view, the Quran lays particular stress on chastity. It is regarded as a cardinal virtue and as such helps forward the moral and mental progress of man. Chastity is essential for moral purity and mental health. The Freudian theory of sex has, rightly or wrongly, encouraged men to think that sexual abstinence is harmful to mental health. It is supposed to be a fruitful cause of neurotic troubles. Those who hold this view are doing an injustice to Freud. He himself did not defend licentiousness. It is not sexual abstinence but repressed sexuality that produces neurotic disorders. This is what Freud actually taught. Some medical men, who have only superficial knowledge of the psychoanalytic doctrine, actually advise their neurotic patients to overcome their sexual inhibitions and let themselves "go" : no wonder that the patients sometimes get worse instead of getting better. Because of a constitutional bias the neurotics are obsessed with sex and are also prone to repression. Sexual abstinence does no appreciable harm to normal men. Rather, abstinence is conducive to mental health. What a man is to do if circumstances do not permit him to marry? The Quran advises him to guard his chastity and to abstain from gratifying his sex appetite till it is possible for him to get a suitable mate: And let those who cannot find a match keep chaste till Allah enriches them by His grace (24 : 32). The drives of hunger and thirst are imperative and must be satisfied under any circumstances. The satisfaction of the sex drive, however, can safely be postponed for a fairly long period, or even for ever. Unlike the drives of hunger and thirst, sex appetite never rouses itself : it is excitable by conscious volition. The point needs further elaboration. A man, even when busy and deeply absorbed in his work, will feel thirstily when his system needs water, irrespective of the fact whether he is conscious about the need or not. At first the feeling will be mild, but as time passes, it will become unbearable so much so that he will have to leave aside his work and attend to it if he wishes to survive. The same will hold good in the case of food. But the sex urge is quite different. It never becomes a compelling drive on its own unless it receives a stimulus, mental or physical. The most important exciting factor is the thought of sex itself which has to be held in check. This is why chastity is not a physiological or psychological impossibility. The Quran, by emphasising the importance of chastity, also helps to solve population problem. Chastity is not only in extramarital relationship, but even a married, couple should turn towards the sex urge only when they are ready to welcome an addition to the family. This ideal will benefit both the body and the human self alike and also make a sensible check on the growth of population. Today, with the current state of morals, this may seem a counsel of perfection. It is so only because the pursuit of pleasure is the dominant aim. Self-indulgence has dimmed the vision of the purpose of life which is to befit oneself for a higher plane of existence. The Quranic advice is meant for those who are alive to the demands of this purpose. It is not just a pious advice. The Quran gives it a practical shape. The first thing is to cultivate the right attitude towards sex. The way to do this is to bear in mind that the purpose of the sexual activity is procreation and not mere pleasure. It will exercise a moderating influence on passion and will engender a sense of responsibility in us. Knowledge of the possible consequences of our intended action will restrain us from acting thoughtlessly and so assuming duties which we cannot properly discharge. In animals, the sex impulses are controlled by nature and the sex drive arises only when nature wishes to bring about conception. Animals, therefore, cannot rear a "planned family". Man, on the other hand, possesses freedom of choice, including sexual matters, so that he may bring children into the world according to his own plans. He may, however, abuse his freedom and indulge in sex for the sake of pleasure, which results in accidental and unwanted births with all the miss-adjustments that follow for the individual as well as for society. To save man from such a ruinous situation and to bring about, instead, healthy results, the Quran asks us to practice self-control. If self-control is practised, the sex impulse can be directed into healthy channels. Needless to say that it will prove to be beneficial to the individual as well as to the society at large. It will strengthen the moral fibre of man and, at the same time, avert the danger of overpopulation. To sum up, the Quran seeks to regulate the sex behaviour of man in the following ways : 1. It asks man to keep his eye fixed steadily on the purpose of life. It assures him that he can achieve this purpose by pursuing absolute values. 2. It assures women that she is not a tool for the sex gratification of man; that she too is a free, independent and rational being. "She is an end unto herself." Her aim in life should not be to make herself a. source of temptation to men but to impart meaningful partnership. 3. The Quran condemns lewdness, indecency, pornography and all things that excite and ponder to the sex passion: Say, my Rabb forbiddeth indecencies, such of them as are apparent and such as are within (7 : 33). 4. It affirms the value of chastity and commands men and women equally to lead a pure and chaste life. It regards chastity as essential for the development of human personality, both for man and woman. 5. It reminds man of his duty to his children. He is enjoined to bring up his children properly, to educate them, to inculcate in their minds the human level of life (as against the animal level) and permanent values, and to give them a fair start in life. Some modern writers, after an extensive study of the sex life of primitive as well as civilised men, have come to the conclusion that chastity is essential to the progress of humanity. J.D. Unwin of Cambridge University, has studied the sex life of some eighty primitive tribes and of sixteen civilised nations. He has set forth his views in his book Sex and Culture. In the Preface he writes: Briefly stated, my final conclusion is that the cultural behaviour of any human society depends, first, on the inherent nature of the human organism, and, secondly, on the state of energy into which, as the result of its sexual regulations, the society has arrived 1 The conclusions he draws from his study of the primitive peoples are as follows: 1. That group was on the lowest level of culture in which sexual intercourse without marriage was openly permitted; 2. the tribe in which there were some restrictions on sexual relations without marriage were on the middle level; and 3. On the highest level were the tribes which insisted on pre-marital chastity.2 Summing up the results of his investigation, he says: I submit, therefore that the limitation of the sexual opportunity must be regarded as the cause of the cultural advance.3 Again : No society can display social energy unless a new generation inherits a social system under which sexual opportunity is reduced to a minimum. If such a system be preserved, a richer and yet richer tradition will be created, refined by human entropy.4 Unwin's concluding remarks deserve careful consideration : If a vigorous society wishes to display its productive energy for a long time, and even for ever, it must re-create itself, I think, first by placing the sexes on a level of complete legal equality, and then by altering its economic and social organisation in such a way as to render it both possible and tolerable for sexual opportunity to remain at a minimum for an extended period, and even for ever. In such a case the face of the society will be set in the Direction of the Cultural, Process; its inherited tradition would be continually enriched, it would achieve a higher culture than has yet been attained ; by the action of human entropy its tradition would be augmented and refined in a manner which surpasses our present understandings. 5 The Quran, by granting to woman the status of a free responsible citizen, by placing the sexes on the level of complete legal equality, and by reducing sexual opportunity to the minimum,, is only seeking to set up the conditions which find support from human research.
Name: ExMuslim
Date: Sunday September 30, 2007
Time: 01:56:03 -0700
Mr/Ms Stereotype/Chastity in Islam/Slavery in Islam,
Why don't you address the verses and hadiths referred to by the author, instead of telling unsubstantiated pet stories and obscure verses?
The condition of women in Islamic societies only support those references cited by the author; not what you want to pass on.
Name: Very well Ex Muslim or should I say devout Jew
Date: Sunday September 30, 2007
Time: 02:40:59 -0700
One at time: As usual on this website only part of the verse is taken and the rest is omitted. The following verses are also never mentioned although they explain and deal with the subject. 4- Women (Al-Nisa) 4:34] The men are made responsible for the women, and GOD has endowed them with certain qualities, and made them the bread earners. The righteous women will cheerfully accept this arrangement, since it is GOD's commandment, and honor their husbands during their absence. If you experience rebellion from the women, you shall first talk to them, then deserting them in bed, then you may (as a last alternative) beat them. If they obey you, you are not permitted to transgress against them. GOD is Most High, Supreme. [4:35] If a couple fears separation, you shall appoint an arbitrator from his family and an arbitrator from her family; if they decide to reconcile, GOD will help them get together. GOD is Omniscient, Cognizant.
Name: Very well Ex Muslim or maybe devout Jew Part2
Date: Sunday September 30, 2007
Time: 03:10:41 -0700
///Number 2 ///The author of this article may tried to list the verses from Sura al-Baqarah the first time as separate from the proceeding verse although they are in order, needless to mention the changes of meaning this may cause. You do not have to be law student to know that when laws are written or mentioned in different order meanings are changed and sometimes can reflect total opposite views. The first time the author of this article quoted Sura al-Baqarah she wrongly points its location 2:23 instead of 2:223 from the verse but the second time she mentioned the same Sura she positioned it correctly verse 2:222. She pointed to totally different Sura an-Nisa in between. ///Here is the order and the translation: 2:222] They ask you about menstruation: say, "It is harmful; you shall avoid sexual intercourse with the women during menstruation; do not approach them until they are rid of it. Once they are rid of it, you may have intercourse with them in the manner designed by GOD. GOD loves the repenters, and He loves those who are clean." [2:223] Your women are the bearers of your seed. Thus, you may enjoy this privilege however you like, so long as you maintain righteousness. You shall observe GOD, and know that you will meet Him. Give good news to the believers.
Name: Very well Ex Muslim or maybe devout Jew Part3
Date: Sunday September 30, 2007
Time: 03:35:08 -0700
It is shame that the verses are only taken out of their contexts with every intention. The author only listed part of Sura an-Nisa 4:24. Please read the following full verses of the Sura. /// [4:19] O you who believe, it is not lawful for you to inherit what the women leave behind, against their will. You shall not force them to give up anything you had given them, unless they commit a proven adultery. You shall treat them nicely. If you dislike them, you may dislike something wherein GOD has placed a lot of good. [4:20] If you wish to marry another wife, in place of your present wife, and you had given any of them a great deal, you shall not take back anything you had given her. Would you take it fraudulently, maliciously, and sinfully? [4:21] How could you take it back, after you have been intimate with each other, and they had taken from you a solemn pledge? [4:22] Do not marry the women who were previously married to your fathers - existing marriages are exempted and shall not be broken - for it is a gross offense, and an abominable act. [4:23] Prohibited for you (in marriage) are your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, the sisters of your fathers, the sisters of your mothers, the daughters of your brother, the daughters of your sister, your nursing mothers, the girls who nursed from the same woman as you, the mothers of your wives, the daughters of your wives with whom you have consummated the marriage - if the marriage has not been consummated, you may marry the daughter. Also prohibited for you are the women who were married to your genetic sons. Also, you shall not be married to two sisters at the same time - but do not break up existing marriages. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful. [4:24] Also prohibited are the women who are already married, unless they flee their disbelieving husbands who are at war with you. These are GOD's commandments to you. All other categories are permitted for you in marriage, so long as you pay them their due dowries. You shall maintain your morality, by not committing adultery. Thus, whoever you like among them, you shall pay them the dowry decreed for them. You commit no error by mutually agreeing to any adjustments to the dowry. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise. [4:25] Those among you who cannot afford to marry free believing women, may marry believing slave women. GOD knows best about your belief, and you are equal to one another, as far as belief is concerned. You shall obtain permission from their guardians before you marry them, and pay them their due dowry equitably. They shall maintain moral behavior, by not committing adultery, or having secret lovers. Once they are freed through marriage, if they commit adultery, their punishment shall be half of that for the free women. Marrying a slave shall be a last resort for those unable to wait. To be patient is better for you. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
Name: ExMuslim
Date: Sunday September 30, 2007
Time: 06:04:36 -0700
Readers should take how Muslims lie. Look at the verse 4:24 doctored by the poster in the post above this one. Compare with the three most accepted translations below:
004.024 YUSUFALI: Also (prohibited are) women already married, except those whom your right hands possess: Thus hath Allah ordained (Prohibitions) against you: Except for these, all others are lawful, provided ye seek (them in marriage) with gifts from your property,- desiring chastity, not lust, seeing that ye derive benefit from them, give them their dowers (at least) as prescribed; but if, after a dower is prescribed, agree Mutually (to vary it), there is no blame on you, and Allah is All-knowing, All-wise
PICKTHAL: And all married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess. It is a decree of Allah for you. Lawful unto you are all beyond those mentioned, so that ye seek them with your wealth in honest wedlock, not debauchery. And those of whom ye seek content (by marrying them), give unto them their portions as a duty. And there is no sin for you in what ye do by mutual agreement after the duty (hath been done). Lo! Allah is ever Knower, Wise
SHAKIR: And all married women except those whom your right hands possess (this is) Allah's ordinance to you, and lawful for you are (all women) besides those, provided that you seek (them) with your property, taking (them) in marriage not committing fornication. Then as to those whom you profit by, give them their dowries as appointed; and there is no blame on you about what you mutually agree after what is appointed; surely Allah is Knowing, Wise.
Name: vbv
Date: Sunday September 30, 2007
Time: 06:53:18 -0700
Well,don't prevaricate and use 'taqiya' technique. Tell me doesn't islam say the witness of one man is better than two women in any litigation, in case of rape the women are at the receiving end than the perpetrators of the crime who go scot free because the the women has to produce atleast four witnesses to the crime,and there are a lot of inequities loaded heavily against women in islam. In pre-islamic era women could do busines on their own ( see your prophet's first wife Ms. Khadija) and at present how many women in islamic counties like Saudi Arabia,Iran,etc tolerate women to be economically independent,educated? You have also the recent case of Taliban reducing women to begging at street corners in Afghanistan. You call islam guards women's chastity,then why did your prophet and his coherts go on rampage plundering,looting,raping women,taking women and young boys and girls as slaves? All this is in your Koran,Hadees and also in the histories narrated by islamic historians. Mohamed was by no stretch of imagination a noble man who encouraged slavery,had 9 or 11 'official' wives and several hundred sex slaves in his harem, and to top it all he marries a 6 year old girl when he is over 50 years ( a clear case of pedophile), a VERITABLE SEX MANIAC AND A DANGEROUS PSYCHOPATH! He is not a Jesus Christ or Budha or Zoroaster or any other noble founders of world religion,but a terrible,horrible ,cruel ,intolerant,bigoted and narcissistic barbarian the world has ever seen or heard. So don't obfuscate and try to cover up with a pack of lies!
Name: vbv
Date: Sunday September 30, 2007
Time: 07:06:21 -0700
To me Allah sounds more like an evil satan than a good god. He is vengeful,merciless,cruel, barbaric,and fits the character of Mohamed who invented him! Allah is mentally retarded ,regressive and anti-women.It is better to dump this fictional character,an invention of Mohamed, in the garbage and get on with life sensibly without trying to cause harm to anyone, show tolerance and dump all religions in the garbage of History to guarantee better life to all humans!
Name: Casper (BTW not a Jew, never have been, and don't know any)
Date: Sunday September 30, 2007
Time: 07:17:30 -0700
---"Very well Ex Muslim or should I say devout Jew"---- I fully intended to read this Muslim's comment however, anyone who assumes that every critic of Islam is somehow a Jew, or as another commenter says a "zainist"(sic),is not worth spending the time on because it not only suggests a strong tendency to irrationality but also an even stronger tendency towards unjistified paranoia.---instead of wasting my time on his /her longwinded denial of the damned obvious second class status of women in Islam, I decided to do something more interesting and rearrange my sock drawer. What is it about a measly 15 million Jews that 1.2 billion Muslims can't handle ?
Name: Layer Seven
Date: Sunday September 30, 2007
Time: 07:22:30 -0700
"Yet, in every conceivable way, the Quran discouraged slavery and improved the lot of the slaves." Taqqiyah that contradicts itself! Name ONE WAY in which Koran(SBOI)discourages slavery.
Name: Chris
Date: Sunday September 30, 2007
Time: 08:25:44 -0700
To: Very well Ex Muslim or should I say devout Jew -- Please tell Islam-Watch's readers the source of your very sublime translation of Koran 4:24, "Also prohibited art the women who are already married, unless they flee their disbelieving husbands who are at war with you." I can just see these women, in the midst of a battle, running away from their husbands, homes, and children into the arms and loins of the enemy. My own advice to readers is to be skeptical about any translation of the Koran after 1960 or so because their is a growing industry involved with selecting innocuous and far-fetched English words to confuse the original meaning of the Arabic text. Muslims are realizing (and trying to obscure) the simple truth that the Koran is filled with hateful, intolerant, and misogyny decrees from the God of Islam.
Name: 1389
Date: Sunday September 30, 2007
Time: 10:23:06 -0700
People can go on and on arguing about whether the Koran and Hadith mean what they obviously do mean in this regard, but here's the bottom line: You can tell a tree by its fruits. We see Muslim husbands and fathers - maybe you can find a few exceptions, but they ARE exceptions! - behaving as described in this article, on a regular basis, throughout the world. They do so in overwhelmingly greater numbers than do non-Muslim husbands and fathers. Any ideology that brings out this behavior in men, and toleration of this behavior in women, cannot be good. Hmmm... quite a contrast with the way Jesus treated women!
Name: Nicole
Date: Sunday September 30, 2007
Time: 15:04:48 -0700
Just a correction. Mohammad in the early meccan period lied and said he was illiterate to try to pose as the Unlettered Prophet of Deuteronomy. He later abandoned that particular scam, it didnt work anyway. But he could read and write: Muhammad's contemporaries said:, "These are tales from the past that he wrote down. They are being dictated to him day and night" (25:5) Hadith 900 (sahih muslim 2958) - When the concluding verses of surah Al-Baqarah were revealed, Allah's Messenger went out and read them out to the people, and he then forbade them to trade in wine. vol 4 bhukari hadith 3 pg 260 Allahs apostle said bring me a scapula so that i may write something for you Volume 3, Book 49, Number 863 So,:Allah's Apostle took the document and wrote
Name: Ananda
Date: Sunday September 30, 2007
Time: 22:20:08 -0700
Muslim women are pets of Muslim men, everyone has known that for ages. This is not a secret. If the pets are well behaved, they are loved. If they don't obey rules, they are punished. These pets love being pets (do they have any other choice?), if they didn't the whole Muslim world will collapse. Leaving aside the tough question like 'can a Saudi woman stop being a pet', one must ask, why can't a British or American Muslim woman stop being a pet?
Name: American Women
Date: Monday October 01, 2007
Time: 01:23:09 -0700
I don’t know what this arguing is all about. I do not know about Muslim men but I know that American women are good for nothing, maybe sex but when you try women from other races you will know the difference. You can take my word for it.
Name: Ex-muslima (jewess to all muslims)
Date: Monday October 01, 2007
Time: 13:19:19 -0700
To Taqiyya artist muslim: You are a liar as was your role model pedophile prophet ( who robbed for living, raped for fun and killed to bring exitement to his pathetic life). Leave alone your long rants let us just pick aya 4.24 (which shia muslims use to justify muta temporary marriages). You translated it 4:24] "Also prohibited are the women who are already married, unless they flee their disbelieving husbands who are at war with you" Where did you get this translation from? Do you also get revelations like your con artist prophet used to get? Quran gave 10 translations"Also (forbidden are) women already married, except those (captives and slaves) whom your right hands possess".
Name: Marie
Date: Tuesday October 02, 2007
Time: 12:34:04 -0700
According to the Quran women are to wear veils to protect their chastity and decency, but men can wear whatever they want. Women are only allowed to have on husband, while men can have up to four wives. Women only receive have half of their inheritance from their deceased parents, while men get to receive everything. Women are prohibited from being seen with men that are not their husband, father, brother, or any other male relative, while men have the freedom of seeing any women. The Quran states that in cases of a person being accused of infidelity, only four male witnesses must be provided to give testimony. If the witnesses are female, the testimony of 2 women will count of on man. In cases of a wife being disobedient, the husband has the right to beat her. In cases of divorce, the husband receives full custody of their children. The states that a man can have sexual intercourse with his wife any time he wants to, while the wife must give in to her husband's desires, even if she does not want to. The Quran also states that most women will go to fires of hell, while the men will go to paradise and take part in it's heavenly orgies. There is no stereotyping or misunderstanding about how Islam treats women.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Saturday October 06, 2007
Time: 01:12:42 -0700
Why is it that the Qur'an, Hadiths, and Muhammad cannot be questioned? Answer: Evil does not allow evil to be questioned. If evil were allowed to be questioned, eventually it would disappear. The weight of the truth would suffocate it. God loves truth; Satan hates truth. God is pure love; Satan, the same name for Allah, is pure hatred. So, onward Christian soldiers and all others, who love truth, continue unmasking the evil of Islam! Continue unmasking the evil, pedophile, child molester, murderer, woman beater, whoremonger, polygamist, satanic, Muhammad!!! P.S. I always publish my name so that the satanic Islamists will come after me and not after their poor women. How ironic, the evil Islamists are made of flesh from their mothers, but immediately they are "greater" than their mothers, and all because the liar, pedophile, murderer, Muhammad said so. Rebel, Islamists, and eat a ham sandwich!!! Hogs were created by a loving God so that humans could enjoy a good ham sandwich. Don't pay attention to Satan Allah, and the liar, child molester, rapist, pedophile Muhammad !!!
Name: Ron
Date: Saturday October 06, 2007
Time: 01:38:00 -0700
This message will be for Casandra. I am not Muslim, nor do I prescribe to that religion. I agree with her main point, however I do take issue with other points she makes. My answers will be in bold. Your comments:When you and I look as an American woman or girl, we see a person with beauty, intelligence, an open and lively expression which shows a joy of living on her face, and a sense of self-respect and dignity in the way that she carries herself. And we rejoice at what we see. My response:That is not necessarily true. American and Americanized women do not normally walk with an open & lively expression. Life is not that way . More American women than you think are keenly aware of their freedoms and the openness of our culture, and thus walk with arrogance, snobbishness and whose expressions are not exactly friendly. Americanize women-women to have acquired citizenship after living in their own culture can sometimes be worse. The pitcher you paint of American women is not reality. The modern American woman does not necessarily display the traits you listed above in greater degree compared to the women of other cultures, for example Brazil, Korea. In fact American women have gotten further away from ‘family first’ compared to the women of other cultures, not just societies under Sharia law. I do have a question. Why is it that whenever a woman is asked to describe either themselves or women in general, the CONSISTENT first answer is always physical beauty. never intelligence first, or profession. It seems to be that women propagate, almost instigate the natural male response by insinuating to themselves and to the world that their physical beauty is the most important thing to them. Almost as if it is a potential weapon. Your comments:When a Muslim male looks at an American woman or girl, he sees an inferior being dressed in jeans and a color-coordinated top that reveals her figure and very likely bare arms, a mass of uncovered bright hair, and that she walks with pride, joy of living, self-respect, and self-assurance. My respnse:This may have some merit, but it is certainly not the standard. American/Americanized Women (especially young American women) in very many cases dress totally revealing with not just bare arms, but with bare legs, torso, and large amounts of chest or as much flesh as they could conceivably show. All one needs to do to confirm this is to go to any club, university or high school campus, or simply walk down center city Philadelphia or any major metropolitan city during the spring/summer months. If an American women does’nt show ‘flesh’, she will deliberately adorn clothing which definitely shows her femininity. I have personally seen American females walking through shopping malls with jeans cut so low that the pubic hair almost shows through. You Casandra my dress conservatively, but your American sisters as a whole do not. This is important because it is this type of mentality that most conservative societies (basically every society except Europe and the U.S) do not want influencing their women. America should not be heralded as the STANDARD by which women should behave. Your comments: There is very little that gives Muslim males more pleasure than taking out their frustrations, inadequacies (which includes very small penises, according to a nurse), and lack of competence at just about everything on the women in their household who are not allowed to defend themselves. It makes the males feel like they are “in control” and that they are “real men”. My response:No person should be humiliated simply to stroke another’s ego. Any man who treats his wife or children in such manner is NOT a man, nor should he be entrusted with the gift of marriage. However to include a side remark regarding penis size, that has no relevance what so ever to the message you wish to convey is petty and yes, girlish. It does nothing more than to build animosity to you and your position. Your comments: This would be especially true in the case of American women who would not hesitate to snicker and point the instant they observed the undersized fungus between the Muslims’ legs. My response: I have found that when you get to know women, they will say things that indict themselves and their behaviors, behaviors they generally will deny. By writing the above, you simply confirmed that American women ‘would not hesitate’ to degrade or openly insult another person over something he or she has no control of such as a physical condition. Also you’ve just included an entire population of Muslim men of being ‘undersized’ if I am to understand you from what you wrote. That Casandra is the equivalent of ‘not hesitating’ to degrade or insult a woman who may not be well endowed or may have a physical ailment, or say all feminists and Christian women are that way. Your comments:When they find these women, they charm them and tell them everything every woman wants to hear about being the most wonderful creature in existence until the women finally believe them. At that point, the males pressure their prey every day to marry them and live happily ever after as soon as possible. My response:What you are saying is that women do not want to here the truth but rather follow what they want to hear, especially of them being the center of the universe, and will ‘BELIEVE’ that very thing. That is either gross arrogance or complete gullibility. Unfortunately, the above highlight was written by you, you are a woman, therefore you are being honest that women tend to be on the gullible side. This poses another issue for the modern male: do you tell women the truth or do you tell them what you know they want to hear? Telling a woman the truth, either in or out of marriage has consequences Your comments:The instant the women become wives of these Muslims, their new husbands pressure them to sign citizenship and permanent residence papers for them so these guys can stay indefinitely, set up terrorist cells, and possibly bring their endlessly extended families here to become citizens as well. But they never tell their wives all of this. My response:That is normally what anyone would do when they marry or are engaged to marry a foreigner; bring them home to live with them. There should be no pressuring here. Unless you intend to go live in his country. But why would you not WANT a man you say you love to live with you in your country? I think the most important thing is that any woman should be careful who she meets, find out about his life and family and definitely get her family involved. A good strong father, brother or Uncle is a nice little deterrent to an unscrupulous foreign man who wants in to the family. If my daughter was planning on marrying a foreigner who lived in a country governed by Sharia law, I’d want to meet the man and observe him for awhile. A long while. Your comments:The new husbands also begin criticizing the way their wives dress, think, and act. The wives are told that because they are now wives of Muslims, they need to convert to Islam, cover themselves in shrouds from head to foot (no hair can show!), obey their husbands from morning ‘till night and beyond, stop associating with their ‘infidel” families and friends, quit their jobs if they are working, stay home, and have babies. And if the wives tell their husbands where they can go, the husbands proceed to beat them up within an inch of their lives, threaten to kill them if they tell anyone what has been done to them, and then repeat the process almost on a daily basis until the wives are so terrified they cannot think straight, much less summon the courage to leave and go home to their birth families. Somewhat later, the husbands will have all joint bank accounts put in their names only so that their wives have no operating funds. If their wives own property, these “flowers of Muslim society” will also terrorize them until the wives either sell their property or take out huge mortgages on it and hand the money over to their husbands which leaves the wives with nothing—no home, no money, and no assets to fall back on. When they have children, a new chapter in the lives of American wives of Muslims begins. Once the children are no longer nursing and can get around on their own somewhat, the mothers of these children are at risk at any time of having their children abducted without warning and taken back to the Middle East where they will have no chance of ever seeing their mothers again, much less of ever being returned to them. Their mothers are left high and dry, desolate and bereft of their children for as long as they live. And, to add even more misery to already abused lives, if any of these wives were forced to convert to Islam and leave it to return to their own religion, they will have to live in fear of being killed for their return to their original faith. Islamic law requires that anyone who leaves or rejects it is considered apostate and must be killed at the first opportunity by any ‘good Muslim’ at any time. My response: Who’s fault is this? You paint a bleak pitcher but who’s fault is it to go through this entire process? Women love painting such instances to garner sympathy but they are the ones who choose these men. Most divorces are initiated by American women.Why anyone would remain in a relationship as you have described above is unbelievable. That is your fault. Stop wanting the whole world to cry for you and come to the conclusion that you pay for the decisions YOU make.
Name: I have an example
Date: Saturday October 06, 2007
Time: 07:09:40 -0700
I was standing outside my workplace (a hospital) with other co-workers in August. Coming toward the entrance was muslim family. In front were the husband and son, both dressed in shorts, short sleeved shirts and flip flops. Behind them, were two women, both wearing long black dresses, and black gloves. Not a bit of skin or hair showing except for the eyes. IT WAS OVER 100 DEGREES OUTSIDE... Oh and yes, this was at a hospital in the USA. So, don't tell me that men and women are equal in Islam.
Name: David
Date: Saturday October 06, 2007
Time: 18:44:27 -0700
A male from Moracco contacted a woman that I worked with. She was 59 yrs old at the time and he was 26. She went there and married him??? He was refused entry by the the US goverment, thank goodness. It sure wasn't love. He told her she couldn't work. When he came to the US he had to obey her. Muslums have a thing in koran. Even a lie is ok to defeat the infidial
Name: Regarding Comment by "Stereotyping"
Date: Monday October 08, 2007
Time: 14:42:05 -0700
"Not without My Daughter" is not a fictitious account perpetrated by Hollywood to malign Muslims in Iran. It is the true story of an American woman who married a Muslim man and then traveled with him and their 5-year-old daughter to Iran after the revolution. He lied to get her to take the trip; once in Iran, he informed her of his unilateral decision that they all stay; he threatened to divorce her and have her expelled from the country without her daughter (since children always belong to the husband in Muslim society) if she objected; he beat her when he discovered that she was still trying to find ways to leave and threatened to kill her if it ever happened again. The treatment of women is exactly what she experienced and observed in the almost 2 years she and her daughter were held there against their will. The saddest part is that everything he did was within his rights as a good Muslim husband.
Name: Nichole
Date: Wednesday October 10, 2007
Time: 00:57:43 -0700
Wow! I really feel sorry for you if this is what you really think. As an AMERICAN Muslim Woman married to an Egyptian muslim man I can definitely say that while some things you state may be culturally true in very sad cases, Islam does not support or advocate such behaviours and treatment. Just about everything you state is taken completely out of context. For the sake of brevity I will point out just a few but trust me I could show how untrue every single one is according to only Islam. For instance you state the divorced woman has no right to alimony or such. Well that is what the Mahr, bridal gift, is for. It is not a purchase price for prostitution. It is meant as a gift to the woman and solely to her. Meaning her family i.e. male relatives can not take it from her. Look at both sides of the coin before jumping to conclusions. The four wives verse is actually about the protection of orphans. In those times, and even now, Muslims were persecuted and so there were many widows with orphans. So they could be supported justly men are allowed to marry them to offer this. The Quran states however, that the man must deal with them equally. This means he can't favor one over the other and must be equal in his time and maintenance of them. If the first wife disagrees then yes she has the right to ask for divorce. Again this is stated in the Quran. As for the tilth verse, well again look at what it means. It's explaining that you can basically have intercourse with your wife in any position that is pleasing to you both. Back then the Christians were getting on how evil women were, they considered women souless, and stated that sex was only for procreation and not enjoyment which led to only one position being acceptable. The missionary position. Check your history and you'll see I'm right. And funny how Muslim women had more rights than even western women up until the women's liberation movement here in the U.S. Women before that had no right of inheritance or property but Muslim women always have. Now as far as Muslim men not respecting American women, I find that funny considering I know many muslim men who marry American women, and most definitely not for citizenship either. My husband didn't need to marry me to get citizenship and the other couples I know, well they mostly all end up moving to the husbands country or wherever he gets a good job. They don't get the citizenship. I know foreign couples where the men NEVER raise a hand against their wives, in fact they are very loving, respecting and caring. I know there are exceptions to every rule. However, abusive men are not all solely Muslims. Look at the U.S. This nation has a Christian majority yet we have one of the highest rates of spousal abuse. I could keep going but I think this is sufficient for now. If anyone ever wants to know the TRUTH about Islam and not the version that suits your prejudice best then talk to actual American Muslim Women.
Name: daad
Date: Wednesday October 10, 2007
Time: 02:06:19 -0700
i'm an arab girl i don't agree with you at all,i can understand that some women suffered but it's not because of islam,islam is the first religion to give woman her rights while people used to burry her see a version of bad people but islam is really a great religion and what was mentioned about the writings in quora'n is totally wrong the way you wrote and's totally the opposite,i wanna tell you something that you think you're living in the american gream and wutever and that america is the whole world well! think again you are not the whole world there are other parts in the world and stop accusing muslim people for every tear you drop,come to our countries and see what you american women and men whom you call free and fair!!! guess what? in the eyes of others you are tyrant people! i understand all this anger but you are talking about a small percentage of those people ,and not all people are the don't put blame on islam and you're ignorant about it...thx
Name: Tim
Date: Wednesday October 10, 2007
Time: 13:47:01 -0700
Islam has no value, for any nation or people. It should be consigned to the rubbish bin of history and the teaching of it banned. Just look at what Islam produces, hatred, murder, abuse, corruption and war. The worlds biggest drug dealer’s are Muslims in Afghanistan, most Islamic governments are corrupt while help and Aid is often stolen and Human rights ONLY apply to Muslim and others. Islam is an evil sickness and a curse on all men and women.
Name: Ron
Date: Thursday October 11, 2007
Time: 00:01:48 -0700
This is in response to Nicole's comment on Wednesday October 10, 2007 that this nation (U.S.) has a Christian majority. That is not true today. The U.S. is a secular nation, and a secular nation bar none which makes every attempt to erase religion (christianity in particular) from public life. I don't remember if the 10 Commandments were taken out of the classroom. America started as a nation greatly influenced by Judeo-Christian values, but that definitely is not America today. There may still be many churches but not everybody who attends church is Christian. The average mindset in this country seems to be liberal. Our universities and media are proof of that. So there is not this direct correlation between 'Christian majority' and 'spousal abuse'as your comments indicate because there is no Christian majority. I might add that the higest form of spousal abuse would be honor killings (murdering wives sisters daughters)and that tends to remain a primarily Islamic phenomenon.
Name: Jake
Date: Saturday October 27, 2007
Time: 08:25:55 -0700
Relatively speaking, women have had it made for centuries in the U.S. However, in my opinion, they are now in a self-destruct mode, destroying the society which has made it possible for them to be "equals," etc. I don't think that the warnings conveyed here will cause the spoiled little darlings to be careful, but women will continue on their downward spiral until the attain the status of muslim women. But, then, some will enjoy their "muslim" status. Nothing can be done to deter American women. Regards
Name: Kell
Date: Thursday November 01, 2007
Time: 18:10:15 -0700
I am an American convert, and my husband has NEVER treated me badly, and never called me any bad name. My decision to wear hijab was mine alone. I wore hijab years before I even met my husband. Islam protects women, and I am glad I am Muslim.