Fidelity of an Infidel: Allah an Eunuch?
06 Sep, 2008
As I belong to a Muslim background I am bound to know what is the shape of my God, Allah? How He looks. Like in every religion Muslims are introduced to their Allah in their very childhood. The first introduction is “Allah is Great”….ok….great. As for a child the Muslim Allah helps in every thing like if you loose or misplace a toy then Allah will help you find it. If there is a pain in your teeth Allah will give you a relief. If you are afraid of some thing God will keep you safe etc etc.
Then you grow up and Allah grows too. The soft hearted baby look Quran teacher is replaced by heavy bearded and fat Mullahs. They come with a roar and explain that Allah is One (thanks for the info) and he is the creator of this world (thanks again) and he will put you in Hell if you commit sin and do not pray for five time.
What the hell? From where this HELL came from…I thought Allah had only Heaven.
“No” growled the Mullah with a huge face and enormous belly “He has a hell too where he burns the sinners”. Now the shape of Allah changed and he became a huge beast with huge teeth standing near a large cauldron and boiling human beings.
I protested against this look of Allah. “But…how is it possible?” I asked the Mullah. “Listen... there are no Buts and Ifs in Islam… understood,” replied the mullah staring at the BUTTS of a young boy. “And remember…,” he yelled... ”Allah has a lover”.
“Loverrrr…????” “Yes… his prophet... (p-b-u-h-s-m-m-a-y-r….).” He recited a long holy verse with the name of prophet. “Allah made this world for his lover”.
For the next couple of days I kept on wondering that why Allah has a lover and as He is considered to be HE, then, How can a male Allah keep a male lover? No…never….I am not going to think that……….. what I saw on some g-y sites…no……. please.
Then after a session of brain storming I came to the point that the Allah is a female. Well Allah creates every thing…..from trees to babies….and there is a lover too. According to the Muslim faith, the lover had visited the beloved; so it’s obvious that Allah is a very beautiful woman.
I was happy with this Cindy Crawfordian vision of Allah when the Mullah pushed the door of my room and howled, ”Damn with you…you are the greatest sinner of the world?”
“What happened?” I asked.
“Remember ……Allah has no gender…….He is neither man nor woman……..he has no father no mother or any sons or daughters………understood”.
“But………………” “No buts, no ifs…… Next time If I hear the same from you… I will behead you.” He grabbed the Cindy Crawford magazine from my hand and left.
“O Allah…….” I fell on the bed. Neither man nor woman…what
now…..Is Allah a eunuch??????
Can any one please help me?
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Name: Frank
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 05:19:03 -0700
A very long response, good job it is weekend,however brilliantly refuted , i am now in a very clear picture about Allah, and why Allah has to be the name of Almighty.To these people with funny names, who regularly write here with twisted , and misquoted texts, what are they trying to achieve?Since 9/11 thousands of websites have sprung up spewing hate and lies against Islam and Muslims,i have to say their efforts are in vain and in desperation of their failures they are loosing wholesale to the Muslims by being venomous.
Name: tanstaafl
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 08:14:21 -0700
I'm going to stick with the Cindy Crawford idea. It would make sense that an all powerful deity would want to look good.
Name: David
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 10:35:55 -0700
Maybe this is satire, Frank? One has to admit there are a lot of contradictions in Islam. In the West there are quite a few lists pointing out what people believe ar contradictions in the Bible and noone is killed for it because we have freedom of expression. Now that the internet is here Muslims have freedom of expression also.
Name: Allah f*ck Hu? Akbar
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 13:52:29 -0700
Now it’s becoming clear why Muslim women are kept in burkha and treated like animals. Allah is jealous and scared of women, he thinks that they may attract his gay lover Akbar and thus he has to do whatever to satisfy his needs, everything is fair when having sex is war. If we want a proof for gayness of Allah then check this out, Gods of all other religion got female counterparts associated with them like Dev-Devi, Jesus-Mary and so on, only Allah got male counterpart Allah-Akbar, doesn’t it tick the brain, about which way Allah swings. Anyway nothing personal against our gay and lesbian community, it’s your body; you can take whatever pleasure with it, as long as you don’t push/trick me into it, I am fine.
Name: SH
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 14:34:44 -0700
Islam is a religion that will guide you to live your life with peace and happiness. Like any other religions in the world, people choose what they believe is right for them. You should respect other people choice of beliefs. If you think you're such a good human being, seems that you don't show it at all by making fun of Allah. If you have no faith or no knowledge of what true Islam is, you should live your life in your own agony. Clearly, your words of expression about Allah show that your life is an agony, have no answer of what is the meaning of life. I feel sorry for you. You choose to be who you are. For that, Allah will never guide you, nor open your eyes, your ears, your mind. Unless you start to believe in Allah, may you live your life the way you want until your body die from you. After that, nobody have smart words to say about life after death. Till then, you'll know what Allah is like. Smart people truely are idiots when they start to be arrogant.
Name: Tom Jones
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 15:31:46 -0700
Allahu Snakbar, LOL!!!1
Name: When Muslims are outsmarted they start crying about After life (Last Resource Against Infidels: Use fear of Unknown)
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 17:26:53 -0700
Do you really know what after life is? Body is not me, its just extension of me because there is some unfinished business which cannot be completed by contacting people in dreams. You get hurt when someone insult Allah but your heart does not show any emotion or kindness when you kill and bomb innocent people and children for extending kingdom of your Allah. Did a thought never comes into your brain that the ones who you are killing for your master are someone children and friends, someone is going to cry for them. But I think Demons get happy by watching others cry. My friend respect is a two way street, and the rule is give respect to others way of life and beliefs and get respect in return. Earth is a public property, so start learning about sharing and adjusting with others as long as possible; or the driver will kick you out from this public bus. You are the one who want to win earth for your Allah, we are just acting in self defence, because it’s right of every creature, if its hurts you, sorry cannot do anything; you have choosen it for yourself. Your Allah/Mo has challenged the game and now the game will get Islam from all possible and impossible directions. And YES I am lucky not to be guided by Allah; otherwise I may also have become a bloody thirsty monster, blowing myself and others somewhere in Afghanistan.
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 17:59:43 -0700
Muslims seem to be obssessed with the afterlife, that is why they do not do anything worthwhile in their life on planet earth except to hate and kill people. I am just curious, can anybody help me. Are there any sweeties waiting in heaven for christians?
Name: Mateus
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 18:27:46 -0700
Frank & SH .Everything that Mohammad and Islam has been accused of has never ever been satisfactorily refuted by Muslims in any anti Islam site . Despite your fuzzy feelings and assurences of eternal bliss this still does not make Islam true .Even the most primitive religions offer these same guarantees . Doesn,t the mere fact that your Allah and his adherants shows clear sines of inferiority complex warn you that perhaps islam is false . If your allah was such top stuff why are you even defending him .Can't he look after himself .
Name: Rajiv
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 19:37:50 -0700
I stand by my question. It seems there is no one to answer for a simple questions. Angels (SLUTS)TELL ME PLEASE .
Name: caleb singh
Date: Sunday September 07, 2008
Time: 02:07:46 -0700
muhammed was a despicable bastard if he said these words it shows his barbarity and evil behavior and to claim that god chooses Muhammad to reveal his message is sheer nonsense and the bastard cannibalistic allah is only pleased by the blood of slaughtered infidels is the most evil and barbaric philosophy enclosed in islam
Name: i don't know why mo'slums' believe these stupid things
Date: Sunday September 07, 2008
Time: 03:35:37 -0700
i don't know why mo'slums' believe these stupid things of allah created out of imagination of Mo
Name: You are a Muslim?
Date: Sunday September 07, 2008
Time: 04:31:48 -0700
re: As I belong to a Muslim background I am bound to know what is the shape of my God, Allah?//// (Quran 5:73) in Sura Ikhlas we read: "Say: He is Allah, The One: Allah, the Eternal,Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; and there is none like unto Him." ====
i am a radical muslim please read my blog, READ how islam will win the clash of civilization. white-race put six millions jews in gas- chamber, white-race must pay for their crime to jews with land not palestinian.
Name: vbv
Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 00:54:58 -0700
Allah is an impotent punk and a woman-hating voyuer who relishes his adherents raping innocent women,children ,young boys and girls! He is the ultimate scoundrel and the most evil deity ever who instigates his zealots to carry out their pogroms of genocides ,plundering,raping and all kinds of perversions ,wicked and lewd! What does Allah do by himself? Nothing noble - he is not compassionate ,not loving ,not forgiving, nothing to ameliorate human sufferings(on the contrary he engenders novel ways to increase and multply human sufferings).That is Allah for you ! Can you cite one instance when he comes to the aid of a person as a 'human being' ? None! Even muslims all over help themselves by cheating,defrauding ,murdering 'infidels/kaffirs' ,which is considered good and righteous by this Allah and Muhamad! So he is not a mitigator but an evil instigator ,a narcssistic selfseeking Bastard!
Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 05:52:52 -0700
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 08:55:56 -0700
ISLAM is the most vicious,malicious, poisonous religion on this good earth created/ imagined by MO/ALLA /DALLA . ALLA is a pimp and tout thinking all the time about the sexual organs of women and men and about sex . is there one good thing about ISLAM /MO / ALLA the ISLAMIC god and about Moslems ? None. ISLAMIC ALLA spies, dig pits to bury people, watches people during sex , deceives,cheats, dishonest, plays TAQIYYA , vengeful, ISLAMIC ALLA enjoys throwing nonmoslems in hell fire for ever and burning them over and over and over and over by making new skin !!! HA .. HA .. HA .. what about meat and bones ? apparently ALLA thinks stupidly that human bones ,brain, eyes and all other parts of human will surive for eternal burning !!!!! this is ISLAM /ALLA/ MO 's thinking ......!!!!!no end to this madness .... and where as ALLA is happy watching the jihadists with 72 houris copulating and welcoming the JIHADIST martyr . Is it possible for ALLA doing all the activities ? .... Intelligent moslems must start thinking and denouncing this evil cult and curse on them .
Name: hello
Date: Tuesday September 09, 2008
Time: 01:08:11 -0700
you dont believe anything, then fair enough! what u can do for yourself & the most important is who are you, where are you coming from, why you are here, what for??
Date: Tuesday September 09, 2008
Time: 04:41:14 -0700
Ya you are right. Infact I am made to understand in Allaha's (or is it Whore house) paradise even yound boys too are supplied, I didn't say politically incorrect word "Paedophile". But we must agree Allah is mo-father of Marketing, look at his sales promotion to increase market share & motivated sales_exec who can even do suicide to reach paradise through fast track.
Name: Hadiths prove how stupid islam is!
Date: Tuesday September 09, 2008
Time: 21:11:05 -0700
Hadiths say that the earth is flat! Now, what does that do for those of us who disagree with that? Call me an "infidel" if you please, coming from you folks it's a compliment!
Name: Age of the Earth
Date: Wednesday September 10, 2008
Time: 06:44:08 -0700
As for the Biblical genealogies which form the basis of the Jewish calendar and assert that today the world is 5738 years old, these are hardly admissible either. Our solar system may well be four and a quarter billion years old, and the appearance of human beings on earth, as we know him today, may be estimated in tens of thousands of years, if not more. It is absolutely essential, therefore, to note that the Qur’an does not contain any such indications as to the age of the world, and that these are specific to the Biblical text.
Name: Bible doesn't say...
Date: Wednesday September 10, 2008
Time: 20:57:10 -0700
The earth is 5,000 years old. This chronology has others along with it that give more years than 5,000. Young Earth creationists believe the earth to be about 10-12 thousand years old.There is even evidence on the moon that gives this idea validity.
Name: Truth Seeker
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 16:50:58 -0700
"Are there any sweeties waiting in heaven for christians?" None whatsoever! Since they do not believe in the prophethood of Muhammad and take Christ to be a god, all the Christians will burn in the fire of hell, their status as the "People of the Book" and their good deeds on earh notwithstanding.
Name: No, no "sweeties" in heaven
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 20:40:10 -0700
Christ said that after the resurrection believers are like the angels in heaven which neither marry or are given in marriage. One day you will stand before the Lord Jesus Christ and you will realize that ol' mohammed was wrong!
Name: Moo-HAM-Mad the pig
Date: Sunday September 14, 2008
Time: 02:15:00 -0700
To : HS, "You should respect other peoples beliefs".That is a bit thick comming from a muslim pig like you.
Name: To SH
Date: Sunday September 14, 2008
Time: 06:11:59 -0700
Allah was the pagan moon god of Mecca before Islam! Mohammad's father was Abdullah meaning servant of Allah. So Muslims all over the world continue in the worship of Allah the pagan moon god! Today the symbol for Islam is the crescent moon! Mecca was the center of pagan pilgrimage. Today Muslims all over the world continue the pagan practice of pilgrimage to Mecca! Pagan Mecca had a white stone, a red stone, and a black stone. Mohammad kissed the black stone. Today Muslims all over the world continue their reverence to the black stone!
Name: a muslim
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 20:05:55 -0700
from no angle i can say that you are a for your question i would only say that agar allah samjh ajaye to wo allah hi kiya!!!!! above all i would suggest you to throw all such ghalazat from your mind, if u succees in doing so you yourself are going to get answers!!!! allah apko hidayat day
Name: lin
Date: Wednesday September 24, 2008
Time: 16:01:46 -0700
Jesus was a Eunuch so why not Allah?