Letter: Where is Mankind Headed?
24 Oct, 2007
- In your website there are many learned people who do good research and then justify their thoughts with proper references from religious scripts and books. A certain rage immures their writings which is may be due to the fact that they were good practitioners of their religion but didn’t get any positive response OR it were the happenings around them which socially suggested them to develop a deviation from their beliefs. Is religion something which is to be hated? Means… Is it worth hating?
Many authors of your site are EX-Muslims… have changed their religion… From one cage to another. Does change in belief can change the nature of a human being? Can a beast be tamed to become another one?
Three main religions which exist today (as per their appearances in the world) are Judaism, Christianity & Islam. After studying the books and history of these religions it seems like that in those days God was under going a constant evolution and hence kept on sending his messengers with each claiming to be the truest one than his successor. For example I write a book in the age of 25 and claim that the book is the best. Then at 35 I write another one, strongly deny the previously written and claim that the current work is true. Amazingly at 45 I pen down another script and tell everyone that my previous books were a piece of madness whereas the final work is a masterpiece and will stay for ever.
If we go in the roots of the religions we can see that the term MODERATE or LIBERALISM does not exist in the dictionary. From Crusades to Holocaust and to modern day Islamic terrorism, there is not even a single shadow of moderate and liberal Christianity, Judaism or Islam. Although Buddhism preaches peace and spirituality yet still it is a religion to follow, which again bars the thought to go before said boundaries.
Islam had been controversial since its birth. Its infra structure was made in a way so that it could be reshaped according to the will and likeness of those who lead its followers. A male oriented religion from a male oriented place (I think all religions are male oriented… as women are just for fill in the blanks). Muhammad as he was the messenger of God is like the most favorite messenger for whom God eases every law and restriction of His own book, The Quran. I would not go in the details as many aspects especially the sexual context have been discussed in detail on your site. It is strange for a Messenger to publicize such messages of God which were for him only but he thought to impose it on the public which later on caused major issues for many nations and countries. Moreover a god of any kind cannot give the lesson of hatred for others. The direct commands of Jihad are confused by the statement that the best Jihad is against ones own self… the terribly ignorant Muslims of modern world could never come out of this dilemma.
Religion is a major cause of ignorance. Millions have been murdered, raped, beheaded and it will not stop. Mind has created a shelter for itself in the shape of belief and religious codes. It’s a brain game… a very successful idea… both socially and commercially. The trio of religions is busy in an endless war which somehow slows itself due to huge economic interests. Otherwise the ingredients of this trio are like monsters which are always ready to kill and eliminate each other.
Whenever I see the videos of suicide bombers and people with Kalashnikovs in their hands screaming that the truth (Islam) will win… I imagine the long bearded mullahs sitting lavishly in huge mosques and promising heaven to the heads without brains. The poor bombers have no choice… it’s written in the book… martyrs never die… and heaven waits for them. For them leaders and people belonging or following the states (mainly) like America and Europe are like the followers of Satan… America and Europe think that they are the devils… thanks to the messengers of God.
Is there an end to all of this… logic says… YES… but apparently it is more or less like day dreaming. Instead there is a need of a thought which could become a legacy. It is not that bad to believe in a God because God does not mind it. Omitting the messengers and apostles gives a little ray of hope for the soul to fly free.
No one can deny the fact that the current human race will extinct one day. So if we are to be extricated then every thing is useless but the mind never dies and thoughts are regenerated. The first form of life on this earth was bacteria and that’s why we act like one. We destroy every other form of life which is against the thoughts plunged into us. A mindless journey towards our own end. All we must do is to think.
The first human of this earth obeyed natural evolution and same will be the fate of the last one. So can our minds reach to some thought(s) which could stay for ever or at least till the end of this world? If this is a forum of the people whose minds are alike then may be we can be closer to the very first step.
Dear Daani Ali,
We are delighted by your very thoughtful letter.
To the questions you ask us, we think you already have all the answers. Human being are just a part of the animal kingdom ― most intelligent but probably not as rational as the rest. At the end of life, human being will end up where every other animal will. Despite whatsoever silly rituals we perform for our dead, our dead body rots the same way as those of any other animal. There is no special soul for man. Their brain and mind are just more evolved and nothing else.
Having said that we encourage people to follow the natural path in life for living in harmony with the rest of nature. But human being are probably least rational who create all sorts of supernatural deities and superstitions, not seen anywhere in the animal kingdom. So, we see some people leaving Islam and joining another religion, while many are coming into the fold of Islam at this very time. Human beings are the only superstitious animal and they will probably remain so until the sun loses its strength to keep the earth's surface warm enough for our survival.
We can only change the degree of superstitiousness of mankind. The only way to do it is through forum like ours who make the efforts to criticize the utter naivety of otherwise intelligent human beings.
MA Khan (editor)
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Daani Ali can be contacted at orkeios@hotmail.com.
Name: vbv
Date: Tuesday October 23, 2007
Time: 21:47:11 -0700
It is one of the sanest article that I have read! Kudos to Mr. Daani for having a clear uncluttered mind to say that all religions are self-serving and the powerful mullahs/ preists/ padres/ godmen/ parishners/ clergies,etc know how to live lavishly contributing nothing economically to the society and living of the toils of others in the name of god/allah! As Christopher Hitchens would have agreed that religion poisons and destroys everything to sustain itself. May we see more of such articles!
Name: al kafiroon ei jannat
Date: Wednesday October 24, 2007
Time: 00:56:11 -0700
as the great rishi charavak [ india ] said 5-7 thousand years ago,and i repeat it : religion is a disease and truth is the cure. al-ham-dull-ill-aahhhh hahahahahaa if religion is not destroyed nuke world war 3 is certain.
Name: Godot
Date: Wednesday October 24, 2007
Time: 08:25:16 -0700
Excellent article. Concise yet impartial and comprehensive. Mr. Ali treated the three "divine" religions equally.
Name: Musa
Date: Wednesday October 24, 2007
Time: 11:21:15 -0700
Hinduism and Christianity have been proven to be two FALSE dogmas centuries ago! No logical and rational minded people believe in the stupidities and barbarism of Hinduism and Christianity. Both Hindu and Christian Trinity are BS – borrowed from paganism! God becomes human, animal, rat, donkey, monkey, insect, etc! That's BS - borrowed from paganism! God eats, drinks, pees, shits, have sex, get sick, and eventually die! Hindus have no more god! LOL! Hindus become rats, monkeys, donkeys, etc! That's BS too! One day all Hindus will be transformed into rats and donkeys! That's the stupid Hindu philosophy of reincarnation! LOL! Hindus are the only barbarous species who burn their widows! Hindus are the only species who have evil caste system. All Hindu gods/goddesses are blood thirsty and violent. And many more! Yet Hindus believe that Islam is evil and all Muslims are terrorists! If that was true then there won't be any Muslim on the face of the earth by now, according to their idiotic philosophy of reincarnation! But the fact is that Muslims surplus Hindus by more than 800 millions, although Islam started long after Hinduism! It proves with no doubt that Hindu philosophy is absolutely FALSE! It is only for donkeys! LOL! That's the reason why a group of idolatrous Hindus and Christians are spreading lie and hatred against Islam and Muslims all over the world to stop the march of Islam! But they can't do anything! In spite of their evil and rigorous efforts Islam is growing in America and Europe more than any other faith! Thousands of Americans and Europeans are converting to Islam every year. If idolatrous Hindus and Christians are jealous of the growth of Islam then they should convert to Islam immediately and repent to God for their sins that they have committed against Islam and Muslims. God may forgive their sins, as God is the Most Gracious, Most Merciful, Loving and Kindness (Qur'an 1:1-3; 85:14). Muslims are the True followers of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. Qur'an and intellect are our true Swords (Qur'an 16:125). America and Europe are converting to Islam within the next few decades. So, you guys should think about it! Islam is coming in America and Europe ... wake up!
Name: wally greeninker
Date: Wednesday October 24, 2007
Time: 15:45:28 -0700
This looks terribly like an 'all religions are equivalent' approach. The experience in a country like the UK, where most of the world's religions are represented, is that Islam is unique among them in many ways. Almost all of these are negative and are best characterised by the often quoted line by Anwar Sheikh: "Hatred of the non-Muslim is the pivot of Islamic existence." Personally I would replace the word hatred with a variety of things such: refusal to be honest with, avoidance of the company of, belittling of the values of, a desire to dominate, feeling there is nothing wrong with attempting to intimidate, being equivocal about violence by Muslims against and barely concealing contempt for the laws and customs of the non-believer. I think they have ample basis for behaving like this in the teachings and example of the founder of their religion which might have been a recipe for precipitating violence. I have a horrible feeling this will be the end result of the Muslim experience in Europe. Sorry to lower the tone but I notice that Musa does a lot of laughing at his own jokes: I suppose he has to since nobody else is going to - they are not even remotely funny.
Name: Bobby
Date: Wednesday October 24, 2007
Time: 20:11:40 -0700
Just because Islam is so demonic and other religions don't have it right either doesn't mean there isn't a higher being/s out there. The truth is out there for you to find on your own, not get a short cut to faith by reading some ancient nonsense.
Name: Kevin
Date: Thursday October 25, 2007
Time: 07:21:03 -0700
to Bobby: You "may" be right but could you keep your "truth" for yourself and don't impose it on others? I am doing just fine. Thank you.
Name: aja
Date: Thursday October 25, 2007
Time: 12:58:15 -0700
Name: nm
Date: Friday October 26, 2007
Time: 04:08:58 -0700
Mr. Musa, Please understand that what you say is not the truth and you know it. Any religion which believes in killing people cannot be a religion and far from truth.
Name: Shafee
Date: Friday October 26, 2007
Time: 06:39:08 -0700
Yes brain-dead Musa is correct. Radical Islam is the fastest growing sick ideology in the world - in the prison populations. These scumbags do not have to stop killing,stealing and raping, just as long as they do it in the name of Islam. All they have to do is scream "Allah Akbar" when they commit their vile deeds and as a bonus they have instant access to paradise. What a perversion of the love of God!
Name: >>Musa
Date: Thursday November 01, 2007
Time: 07:34:53 -0700
Your views are enough in what extent u r mad.. There is no need to explain for madness.
Name: dobropet
Date: Tuesday November 06, 2007
Time: 09:47:55 -0700
A couple of statments interest me, when you claim we are destroying the nature of Earth around us, and the belief that we are no more intelligent than animals. I don't believe in the major religions as some sort of basis for God, or god's, but I do believe that there was plenty of evidence for the worship of these deities as they were the providers of our extensive knowledge that drives us today, citing "When Wisdom Was Lowered from Heaven"(as follows)------"The Fruits Of Eden":What was the Garden of Edin, remembered in the Bible for its variety of vegetation and as the place where still unnamed animals were shown to Adam? Modern science teaches that Man's best friends, the crops and animals we husband, were domesticated soon after 10000 B.C. Wheat and barley, dogs and sheep(to cite some examples) in their domesticated and cultivated forms appeared, then, within no more than 2 thousand years. This, it is admitted, is a fraction of the time that natural selection alone would require. Sumerian texts offer an explaination. When the Anunnaki landed on Earth, they state, there were none of such "domesticated" crops and animals; it was the Anunnaki who brought them forth, in their "Creation Chamber." Together with LAHAR("wooley cattle") and ASHAN("grains") they also brought forth "vegetation that luxuriates and multiplies." It was all done in the EDIN; and after the ADAM was created, he was brought there to tend it all. The amazing Garden of Edin was thus the bio-genetic farm or enclave where "domesticated" crops, fruits, and animals were brought forth. After the Deluge(about thirteen thousand years ago) the Anunnaki provided Mankind with the crop and animal seeds, which they had preserved, to get started again. But this time, Man himself had to be the husbandman. It also states that the first cultivated food after the Deluge was the grape. Modern science confirms the grape's antiquity; science has also discovered that besides being a nourishing food, the grape's wine is a strong gastrointestinal medicine. So, when Noah drank the wine(in excess), he was, in a manner of speaking, taking his medicine.---- Your other statement regarding the bacteria we so resemble is near redundant when you consider that life on Earth, contains too little of the elements abound on this planet, and really almost no relation to any elements found here. Was this life imported from elsewhere?(citing "The Seed Of Life")--------Evolution theory explains how life on earth EVOLVED, all the way from the earliest, one-celled creatures to HOMO SAPIENS; it does not explain how life on Earth BEGAN. According to the Sumerians, life was brought into the Solar System by Nibiru; it was Nibiru that imparted the "seed of life" to Earth during the celestial battle with Tiamat. Modern science has come a long way towards the same conclusion. At present the Earth's dry air is made up of 79% nitrogen, 20% oxygen and 1% argon, plus traces of other elements(atmosphere contains water vapor in addition to the dry air). This does not reflect the abundance of elements in the universe, where 87% hydrogen and 12% helium make up 99% of all abundant elements. It is therefore believed that the present earthly atmosphere is not Earth's original one. Living cells, even the simplest ones, are made up of complex molecules of various organic compounds, notjust of separate chemical elements. Because many of these elements have been found elsewhere in the Solar System, it is assumed they formed naturally, given enough time. Even the biblical tale of Creation recognizes that when the most complex being on Earth, Man, was shaped out of "clay," divine intervention was needed to "breathe the spirit/breath of life" into him. Without that, no matter how ingeniously created, he was not yet animate, not yet living.------In 1985 the scientists of the Ames Research Center reported substantial advances in understanding the role of clay in the processes that led to life on Earth. Clay, they discovered, has 2 basic properties essential to life: the capacity to store and the ability to transfer energy. In the primordial conditions such energy might have come from radioactive decay. Using the stored energy, clays might have acted as chemical laboratories where inorganic raw materials were processed into more complex molecules. One scientist, Armin Weiss of the University of Munich, reported experiments in which clay crystals seemed to reproduce themselves from a "parent crystal" --a primitive replication phenomenon. From The New York Times, under the headline "Uncommon Clay" That the Bible's been saying so all along, clay being what Genesis meant by the "dust of the ground" that formed man, is obvious. What is not so obvious is how often we have been saying it to one another, and without knowing it.