5: Interpretation, Islam for Freethinkers,
Sympathetic Approach to Islam etc.
April, 2006
Let us start
with a response from one of our contributors, Mohammad Asghar, who
has forwarded his comments and questions in regard to this debate:
I have been
following your debate with Prof. Walter Lammi with a
keen interest. Though he has made it clear that he was not an
expert of Islam, yet he felt it was alright for him to assert
that the contents of the Quran are subject to [various]
I have been
alarmed by his statement. I think he needs to be told that he
should read and understand the Quran first, and then debate
whether or not its readers should interpret its contents
before submitting themselves to the instructions and commands
they contain.
I believe it
was Prof. Lammi's interaction with the Islamic Scholars of
Egypt that has convinced him to draw his conclusion on
the interpretational aspect of the Quran. Without writing a
long rebuttal to his statement, may I ask him the following
questions, so that we are able to understand him clearly:
Why he
thinks the Quran has different interpretations?
Do his
students interpret his lectures in their own ways and then
write their theses on the basis of what they believe are the
interpretations of his lectures?
If his
students write their theses on the basis of their own
interpretations of his lectures, would he accept them?
If the
Quran has various interpretations, then would the respected
Professor tell us why the Quran has made the following claim
about itself:
[These are
the verses of the Perspicuous Book. We have sent it down as an
Arabic Quran, in order that ye may learn wisdom] (12:1 & 2).
5. Can the
learned Professor also tell us what should be the
[interpretation] of the following verse:
[O ye who
believe! Truly the Pagans are unclean; so let
them not, after this year of theirs, approach the Sacred
Mosque, and if ye fear poverty, soon will Allah enrich you, if
He wills, out of His bounty, for Allah is All-Knowing,
All-Wise] (Quran; 9:28).
-Mohammad Asghar
Response of
the Editors Follows:
- So you're a
bold "freethinker" and I'm a miserable little "apologist." Oy
vey. Why can't I be the "freethinker" and you the "apologist"?
That sounds a lot nicer and I'm the guest here. After all, I'm
"thinking freely" about Islam while you're writing
"apologetics" for a radical critique. -.I'm not trying to
pulverize you, rhetorically speaking. I'm just offering
another way of looking at Islam, an Islam for
An Islam
for freethinkers? What is that? Have you received a revelation?
Are you talking to a freethinking Allah (different from Islam's
Allah)? Are you talking about a religion revealed by a
freethinking God different from Allah?
- We are not
looking for an "Islam for Freethinkers" from you or anybody else.
We are happy to live Godless. Our aim is to deal with the true
Islam, based on the Koran and Muhammad (Sunnah). This is stated
explicitly in our aims and objectives, and I have reiterated the
same in this debate previously. But perhaps my English seems
unintelligible to you! If you are not interested in the objectives
of this site, it was meaningless to start this discourse in the
first place. It is just a waste of our time.
- I would not
argue much about which one of us is the freethinker! Voltaire,
Russell, and Einstein were amongst the brightest of freethinkers,
and I have never seen any of them trying to sell a
Christianity for freethinkers. But they have done in-depth
investigations to trash the rubbish contained in the religious
books and doctrines with the razor sharp tools of logic and
- This other
way is indeed based on a different approach to the canonical
texts than the one upon which you insist. It seems to me that
you are defining Islam down to one interpretation-one
interpretation of the Quran, one interpretation of the Hadith,
and one interpretation of the religion. Then you destroy this
interpretation. For it is an interpretation!
This form of argumentation is called the "straw man" fallacy.
- We are
interested in the Canonical Islam - the pure, true
and unadulterated Islam - as dictated by Allah in the Koran and as
practiced and directed by the Prophet Muhammad.
- The Koran is
written in the clear and straight-forward language of which Allah
Himself has tried to sell repeatedly in the Koran in His own
words. I reiterate that nowhere in the Koran does it say, "The
literal interpretation must not be used." Prophet
Muhammad, who must have practiced Islam in the most ideal way,
only accedes to literal meaning, exactly as we
understand Islam.
- The concept of
loose or metaphorical interpretation is a late innovation, which
started trickling into the realm of theological doctrines (hardly
in any other) during the late Middle Ages. It has been extensively
used mainly in the reading of the Holy books only. The purpose is
to distort and twist unacceptable words and dicta of these
so-called Books of alleged gods, so as to accommodate the
barbarity and cruelty of these books in modern society. Making
"killing" into "kissing" and distortions like that have
been the aims of these interpretations.
- The concept of
loose interpretation is a dishonest and hypocritical innovation -
mainly to be applied in the realm of religious doctrines. There
were thousands of books coming from the age of these religious
books, that lost appeal due lack of compatibility of modern human
thought and knowledge. They disappeared or lost importance in the
sphere of modern human life. There weren't dishonest people to
apply their dishonest means of interpretation to make them viable
to modern times. Thanks to the dishonest means of interpretation,
books from the same age, containing much more rubbish, barbarity,
and cruelty, continue to dominate human society even today. Yet,
other books on social, ideological, and moral thoughts-namely
those of Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, Works of Buddha and Confucius
et al. dating further back in history as compared to interpretive
books Koran and Bible-never required any interpretation, but have
shaped our modern civilizations much more positively. Only God's
books need interpretation.
- [So
authoritative are you about the "real" religion that you do
not hesitate to write the whole Sufi tradition right out of
Islam! I don't know many actual Sufis but gosh, the
moderate Muslims of my acquaintance all
admit Sufism into the tent of Islam. It's a wide tent.]
- What is a
moderate Muslim? Is there a moderate Koran? Where is
that? Who was the prophet of the moderate Islam? Probably some
Sufis! But we are only interested in Islam that is based on the
Koran and Sunnah. We know there are a lot of hypocritical and
dishonest Muslims - calling themselves moderate, Sufi etc. We are
not interested in them. They do not cause trouble in the world.
Only interest is the true Muslims, those who model themselves by
the teachings of pure Islam based on the Koran and Sunnah.
- Sufism is a
rather obscure part of Islam. Probably most Muslims would not know
what Sufism is. Yet you have not given a single example of Sufi
interpretation of any verse that says "The Koran allows
Muslims to convert to other religions freely". We also
want to see proof that a majority of the Muslims clerics and
scholars have agreed to such an interpretation. I hope that you
will take the pain produce such text from a well-known Sufi's work
to convince us.
- Getting in
seems to have something to do with declaring the shehata
(along the lines of "there is no God but God and Mohamed is
his prophet") and considering oneself Muslim. It's not known
to be a difficult initiation procedure.
- You talk about
Shehata (Shahada) without grasping the essence of it. This Shehata
was the most damning and uncivilized verdict on the entire human
civilization and the collective living of humankind. And you call
this simple and "not a difficult initiation
procedure"? Shehata is complete denial or rejection of any other
theological doctrine and way of life other than Islam. No other
verdict, be it religious (Judaism/Christianity) or philosophical
(Buddhism/Confucianism) doctrine either before or after Islam, has
ever denied the truth, relevance and essence of other religions
and philosophical doctrines, as clearly as the Islamic Shehata.
Shehata demands complete denial, rejection, and destruction of any
other alternative theological, philosophical, and ideological
sphere, and calls for the establishment of the command of almighty
Allah as revealed in the Koran. The prophet Muhammad's life was a
struggle to achieve such a goal. His last wish, on his death-bed,
was: "There will be no other religion than Islam in
a command which his successors pursued immediately after his
death. One of our authors has described the essence of Islamic
Shehata in his latest
essay. I will quote a section from his article:
- The core theme
of Islam is contained in the Islamic Shahada which
reads "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his
Prophet." Explicit in this central creed of Islam is the
denial of all other Gods and all other ways of spiritual life.
Also implicit in the Shahada is the denial of the history,
cultural and traditional heritage prior to the Islamic revelation.
Islam in itself is the perfect and complete code of life, culture
and tradition thrust directly from the infallible master of the
universe. The history, culture and tradition, prior to Islam is
unworthy - an era known as the age of Jahiliya
(ignorance) in Islam. The civilized history of the world starts
with the perfection of the religion of Allah and the history,
culture, tradition and heritage within the fold of Islam are the
only civilized ones. The extra-Islam tradition, culture and ways
of life are the extension from the Jahilaya age and
contrary to the wishes of almighty creator, Allah. Shashi R Sharma
writes on the advent of Islamic theology in the 7th century
Arabia, "In one fell stroke of theology, the accumulated
vision of mankind in every other part of the globe - its most
cherished cultural and intellectual acquisition - are consigned to
a state of utterly forgettable decadence. Nothing was valuable
prior to Islam and nothing will be valuable for mankind in the
future unless the assignation of value corresponds to some element
of Islamic ethics." [Caliphs and Sultan, p38]. He
continued, "Rejection of every value contrary to Islamic precepts
is the sine quo non of a pure life of (Islamic) faith."
- Showing such
glowing respect to one of the most unacceptable verdicts on
collective human civilization is indicative of a sick mind - and
this is disturbing when it comes from a respected Professor.
- And then
you're a member, with all the rights and privileges thereunto.
Indeed, my critique would be that it is too wide a
tent, permitting the bin Ladens of this world to slither
their way inside and outstay their welcome by a long shot. I
speak here of Osama, not the whole bin Laden family, some of
whom I know and respect as moderate Muslims. We
must be careful not to tar the guilty and the innocent with
the same brush. The same goes for the family name of a
- There is a
problem again. Most Western Islamist apologists of the last 2
centuries, mostly from the political left background, have claimed
to have found great sense in Islam's simplicity - that is in the
Shehata: "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his
Prophet." Pure and simple! Your assertion in the above
section also points to such a view. Yet, in the next moment you
change your own words: Islam too wide a tent. Well,
which is it? We hope you are here for an honest and serious
- Bin Laden is
the mirror image of Prophet Muhammad. Bin Laden's actions are in
agreement with the edicts of the Koran and are closest to the
actions and deeds of Prophet Muhammad. He is just trying to match
the Prophet in every aspect of his life. And once again, we are
interested in true Islam based on Koran and Sunnah, not on the
undefined and apparently non-existent species (which holy book,
god and prophet they follow?) called moderate Muslims, Sufis etc.
- I'm not clear
about what makes you so sure of your own interpretive
authority. You do not seem to recognize the four schools of
Islam that most moderate Muslims respect. Yet even if you did
your authority would not be unassailable. Correct me if I am
wrong, but I am under the impression that Islam does not have
an established ecclesiastical authority like, say, the
Catholic Church that Voltaire so indignantly assailed. It
seems that authority comes easily to you because the Qur'an is
so easy to understand, according to your interpretation by way
of selected citations. Almost a millennium and a half of
interpretation has yielded continuous disputation, but all
that is over because now you understand it perfectly.
Is it then your ability to read the text literally combined
with simple logical prowess that gives you the interpretive
edge? That seems to be your claim. Please don't be angry when
I observe that this is not the only way to read and interpret
this (or any other) religious text.
- In answering
this section, let me start with your last "Please don't be angry
when I observe that this is not the only way to read and interpret
this (or any other) religious text." Which god or
prophet said that religious text needs to apply special tools like
interpretation? Human beings used religious scriptures for
centuries and millennium without bothering about interpretation.
All of a sudden, we needed interpretation. Or is it the case that
humanism has progressed to a great extent during last few
centuries? The burning of millions of women as witches, the
killing of numerous apostates both in Islam and Christianity, the
burning of the Satis (Hinduism) cannot stand in the face of the
modern human conscience. Apologists need to use the deceptive
tools of interpretation on the relevant verses to twist
"kill" into "kiss," such that those filthy
divine books show relevance to modern society. There are many
people willing to live by this deception and dishonesty. Others,
such as the great freethinkers of the last few centuries, don't.
- Having said
that, I have based what I have said on a straightforward reading
of the Koran. What we understand is explicit in the wording of the
Koran, which matches actions and deeds of Prophet Muhammad, who
was under constant guidance of Allah. An overwhelming majority of
the Muslims agree to the same. Nowhere in the Koran does it say
that it requires tongue-twisting interpretations of its verses,
but instead the Koran claims many times that its message is clear
and easy to understand.
- I agreed to an
interpretation that you gave to one of the Koranic verses that
concerns apostasy. You gave some vague explanation. I accepted
your interpretation and when I applied the same on you as father
and asked for your views on it, you simply avoided without
addressing the issue. You avoided it because you appeared to be a
barbaric father in your own interpretation of the
verse in question. You should have been honest in accepting your
wisdom. Instead you showed dishonesty. And again you are lecturing
so much about interpretation. Yes, there are four schools of
thoughts accepted in Sunni Islam (and four in Shia Islam). None
them says that Koran allows Muslims to renounce Islam freely.
- May I
suggest that you are missing something of the utmost
relevance here, something that the fundamentalists and
indeed many other interpreters likewise are missing? That is
the fact that we do not come to any interpretation as
perfectly dispassionate readers operating with some kind of
purely independent logical mechanism. We come
from where we come from, from our pre-existing perspectives,
our sum of life's experiences. We can call these
"prejudices," as long as we understand that such
pre-judgments are not a "bad" thing but rather belong to
being human. That's where all of us begin our study of
anything. If we are open to a discussion, a work of art, or
a text, we may be able to change our pre-judgments in light
of what we see and hear. That's what we call "learning." Our
ability to learn in any given situation is not simply a
matter of logical ability or IQ or education-whether too
much or too little. It is a matter of our openness to having
our pre-judgments corrected, to testing ourselves, to
overcoming our indignation at what we read or have read, see
or have seen, suffer or have suffered.
- I disagree
with you. Instead, the fact remains that those who stand the test
of purely independent logical mechanism are going to
survive as ultimate truth. History is the proof. The religious
sphere has always avoided such scrutiny by using the tools of
violence, intimidation, punishment, etc. When Copernicus, Bruno
and Galileo stood up for independent logical scientific means of
investigation vis--vis planetary movement, the religious
establishments punished them with the tools of barbarity and
cruelty. They burned Bruno alive and Galileo, the father modern
science, was terribly humiliated and he withdrew his findings to
escape sure death. Yet, others, such as Newton, also had the
courage to follow the purely independent logical mechanism,
and they stood victorious in the end. Human beings can be such a
foolish lot! Centuries have passed, but most people still have not
learned from such experiences.
- About your
lecturing on how to learn and on having our pre-judgments
corrected, and jargons like that, I wish Copernicus, Bruno and
Galileo and Newton et al. had it "corrected" for them, and we
could continue living in the age of darkness even today!
- "I'm not
clear about what makes you so sure of your own interpretive
authority. You do not seem to recognize the four schools of
Islam that most moderate Muslims respect."
- In regards to
the 4 schools, see above regarding the apostasy rulings; also see
rulings on jihad. Regarding moderate Muslims, I suggest you look
at polls that give some indication of what these moderate Muslims
actually believe. In Britain, approximately 40% of Muslims state
that they want Islamic law (sharia) imposed there. Overall, 58% of
British Muslims wanted the Danish cartoonists to be criminally
prosecuted and punished. Such percentages are likely to be much
higher in predominantly Muslim countries. It is likely, based on
reports that we have read, that most Afghans would like to see Mr.
Rahman executed.
- Regarding
interpretation, we do follow the mainstream interpretations of the
Islamists, but we also follow what is most obvious in the Koran.
You are arguing for a very loose type of interpretation, as in
one's reading of poetry, etc. That's fine if we are talking about
books intended to be, and taken primarily as, poetry or mythology.
But the Koran is not exactly that type of book; the Koran contains
self-referential (i.e., the text refers to itself) statements,
calling itself an admonition (76:29), a guide for the righteous in
which there can be no doubt (2:2), aggressively stating that those
who do not follow it are "wrong-doers" (5:45). Clearly, according
to the Koran, those who do not believe in its basic premises are
going to hell. The Koran calls for physical punishments for those
who do not follow it's rulings, and these punishments range from
wife-beating (4:34) to amputations and death (5:38; 5:33; 9:14;
33:57-62; etc.). The Koran is chiefly a book of social, political,
economic, and militaristic policy; it is essentially a very
badly-written book of law with some bits of poetry thrown in in
some places. Certainly, one of the main problems with the Koran is
that, although its principles are often clear, it is too imprecise
on its own to be a workable text of policy. Those to whom it was
revealed, at the time, in context-a revelation often came to
Mohammad in direct relevance to the situation or problem at
hand--understood it precisely or had it explained to them by the
prophet. Subsequently, after the death of the prophet, followers
did not have access to the exact circumstances and the prophet's
explanations. After the prophet died, the early caliphs relied on
their interpretation (which was shaped heavily by their
experiences with Mohammad), and those subsequent to them had the
Sira and hadith available to them to aid their understanding of
the Koran, in addition to existing practices that had been
- Regarding
interpretation, let's deal with an example:
- 98:6-7. "Lo!
those who disbelieve, among the People of the Scripture and the
idolaters, will abide in fire of hell. They are the worst of
created beings. (And) lo! those who believe and do good works are
the best of created beings."
- Also note:
Disbelievers who do good works do so in vain, because they are
going to hell anyway (5:5, 18:104-106, also 18:30, 33:19, 47:1,
- And note: The
Koran is clear in hundreds of verses throughout it, that
disbelievers are going to hell. There are no verses stating that
disbelievers will escape this fate. It does not matter whether
they do good works.
- Now, let's go
to interpretation. What does 98:6-7 say? Does it say disbelievers
are good? No. Does it say disbelievers are neutral, or neither
particularly good or bad? No. Does it say disbelievers are the bad
ones? Most emphatically! The worst kind! And this verse is
supported by dozens of other verses insulting the disbelievers in
the worst possible ways. Why? Note that the Koran is also clear
that even those disbelievers who do good works will not be spared
from Allah punishments. Those who deny Mohammad's revelations are
evil (7:177). It is disbelief, disobedience to Allah (i.e.,
Mohammad, Koran), that makes them the worst of created beings.
Disbelief is a major crime in the same category as murder of a
Muslim. Indeed, the Koran states that disbelief is the worst crime
(10:17, 11:18-19, 18:15, 18:57, 29:68, 32:22, 39:32, 61:7) and is
worse than killing (2:217, 2:191). Is there some hidden meaning to
"worst crime" that we are missing? Are there any verses that say
that disbelievers are not the worst, not guilty of the worst
crime, not going to hell? No. Then where is the difference in
interpretation? What in the text licences a reader to ignore this
material? (They may ignore it, as many moderates may, in fact,
ignore it, but what in the text licences an interpretation that
says disbelievers and disbelief are good or neutral?)
- The Koran's
rulings on disbelievers, with regard to Allah's (Mohammad's,
Koran's, Muslim authorities') view of them and their punishment,
and reasons for the punishment, are informed on such basic
premises. It is necessary to understand these basic premises, the
foundational issues, where the Koran is clear, in order to draw
inferences and interpretations of more complex and less literal
parts of the Koran. Koranic scholars do this. So does any reader
attempting to understand the moral perspective and intentions of
the Koran.
- "Almost a
millennium and a half of interpretation has yielded
continuous disputation, but all that is over because now you
understand it perfectly. Is it then your ability to read the
text literally combined with simple logical prowess that
gives you the interpretive edge?"
- 1. You seem to
imply that there has been nothing but disputation, and that no
interpretation has ever held sway. We are interested in attitudes
and policies insofar as these are reflected in actual behaviours
and beliefs in the minds of adherents. We are especially concerned
about the interpretations of those Muslims in positions of
power-clerics, jurists, leaders of Muslim organizations, teachers,
political leaders, etc. Those in positions of power are
predominantly Islamists, not moderate or socially-progressive
Muslims. The four major schools of Sunni Islam all call for the
killing of apostates and for Muslims to wage physical jihad
against non-Muslims who (a) refuse to become Muslims, or (b) are
not protected by temporary truce, or (c) unwilling to accept
dhimmitude status under the rules of the Islamic state. This
assumes Muslims have the physical force needed to wage physical
jihad. If they cannot wage a full physical jihad, they may use
other methods of striving in Allah's Cause (e.g., political,
social, economic, jihads; public-relations and dawa, taqiyah,
etc.; or else assassinations, terrorist attacks, etc, following
Mohammad's example).
- 2. If your
interpretation is more consistent with the Koran than is ours,
please, by all means, attempt to demonstrate this by citing the
text itself to support your case. We base our conclusions on a
thorough reading of the Koran and supportive texts, as well as on
expert "tafsir" (literally, unveiling; commentary, explanation)
such as that of Ibn Kathir, al-Jalalayn, etc., as well as on what
the Islamists themselves (e.g., the highly respected Qaradawi) say
today. We find that the Koran is predominantly a book of hate, a
book designed to promote hatred against the infidel. This hate
prepares the young mind for opposition and conflict of various
kinds against the infidel. The messages of hate are conveyed by
clerics every Friday, throughout the world.
- "May I
suggest that you are missing something of the utmost
relevance here, something that the fundamentalists and
indeed many other interpreters likewise are missing. That is
the fact that we do not come to any interpretation as
perfectly dispassionate readers operating with some kind of
purely independent logical mechanism. We come from where we
come from, from our pre-existing perspectives, our sum of
life's experiences. We can call these "prejudices," as long
as we understand that such pre-judgments are not a "bad"
thing but rather belong to being human. That's where all of
us begin our study of anything. If we are open to a
discussion, a work of art, or a text, we may be able to
change our pre-judgments in light of what we see and hear.
That's what we call "learning.""
- What about the
above-cited passage (98:6-7)? The most well-supported
interpretation is that disbelievers and disbelief are bad, the
worst. Does the fact that all readers come to a text with some
biases mean, at least in this case of the Koran, that such biases
would necessarily be reduced? Or could the biases simply be
reinforced by legitimate support? The human mind can become aware
of and test its own biases against facts and, as you say,
"learning" can occur. Our point is that such learning occurs when
one reads the full Koran. You have not yet been able to show that
our interpretation is somehow unfair (though you insist that it
is), and you have not been able to show that all interpretations
are equally well-supported by the text of the Koran itself.
- "However,
any religion including Islam also has a history, which
includes a history of textual interpretation. It has been
said that those who ignore history are condemned to repeat
it, and I would suggest that some knowledge of the history
of interpretations might be relevant to your own
- We don't
ignore the history of Islam, nor the history of interpretation.
The real Islam has been largely independent of historical changes
since the time of Muhammad and has been the cause of troubles for
14 centuries. Real Islam is unchangeable, the eternal words of
Allah. History, after Mohammad had completed his revelation, has
not changed canonical Islam.
- Our
civilization will indeed repeat all of the mistakes of the past,
in our dealings with Islam, if we do not take the time to learn
what the texts say and what has happened in Islamic history. The
Koran speaks for itself. It is a book of hatred, imperialism, and
intolerance. The history of Islam speaks for itself. It is
predominantly a history of imperialism, intolerance, violence,
misogyny, slavery and rape etc - the tone of which was set by
Prophet Muhammad himself.
- "You can't
just ignore or deny the authority of every commentary on the
Qur'an and Hadith except your own and thereby claim to have
"disproved" the religion. If you wish, I can suggest some
commentaries with which you can start. Even Seyyed Qutb, for
example, published a multi-volume exegesis of the Qur'an.
There's hard work to be done. Real scholarship is required."
- We've done
more scholarship than you realize. It may be worth your while to
read what Qutb actually said about the "no compulsion" statement.
A good thesis on Qutb can be found here
Typically, Islamic scholars must put themselves into contortions
to explain 2:256 in light of the fact that verses 9:5 and 9:29
assert that disbelievers must become Muslim or else (a) be killed,
or (b) accept subjugation (dhimmitude) or enslavement. Qutb argued
that there was no compulsion in religion for dhimmis because
dhimmitude simply imposed harsh external conditions; it did not
overtly compel dhimmis to truly become Muslims (internally,
privately). This is a weak argument, of course, because a dhimmi
could instantly alleviate his or her burden by declaring himself
or herself a Muslim and taking up Islamic worship. Some
conversions may be true, partial, or false, but, insofar as
Islamic law has been imposed on dhimmis, all such "conversions"
occur under coercive conditions. Simply because scholars have had
a lot to say about these issues does not mean that their views are
necessarily (a) coherent and (b) morally correct. It should also
be kept in mind that respectable scholarship also views verse
2:256 to have been abrogated by 9:5, 9:73, etc. These scholars'
views are discussed
- Mawdudi also argued that there was no compulsion in religion under
dhimmitude since the children of dhimmis would be raised as
Muslims under the Muslim state from birth and therefore, being
already Muslims by definition, would not be compelled to become
Muslims. Do you see how twisted this thinking must be? It simply
never occurs to Qutb, Mawdudi, or others-or at least they do not
acknowledge-that the punishing conditions of dhimmitude could
compel one to adopt the Islamic beliefs. In any case, one must
read statements such as "no compulsion" with a healthy skepticism.
One can not lose sight of the fact that the Koran orders worldly
punishment and threatens eternal punishment to non-Muslims,
whereas Muslims will be admitted to Paradise. Anyways, we put no
more stock in the "no compulsion" statement than the statements
about Allah being "merciful and forgiving". The claim that there
is no compulsion in religion (Islam) is no more credible than the
hyperbole of an advertisement--one must read the fine print, which
in this case is the entire remainder of the Koran, starting with
verse 2:257.
- "The fact
is that your interpretation, far from being the "only" one,
is extremely restrictive. Why, you are even more restrictive
than Qutb, who didn't claim that the statement "no coercion
in religion" is abrogated but who instead pointed to its
central importance and interpreted it in his own (very
peculiar) way. You're more radical than the
- This claim is
absurd; typical "blame the messenger" type of rhetoric. We simply
trace the fundamentalists' actions and words back to their
origins, i.e., Koran, hadith, Sira, fiqh, Islamic history. They
quote the scriptures readily. Why should we ignore what they say
about their beliefs and intentions? We find that there is a close
match between what they say and what the Koran says. If everyone
simply regarded the Koran as a bunch of arcane tales and "poetry"
as you call it, we could all forget about it and spend our time on
more pressing matters. We are chiefly concerned about human
rights, including safety, freedom of belief, freedom of
expression, equality, etc., and these are all violated
significantly and disturbingly by Islamists who follow the Koran.
- "Your cited
passages from the Qur'an, after all, do not say that this
statement is abrogated. That is your interpretation!"
- No, that's
what all Sunni and Shia schools assume; they apply the principle
of abrogation. As has already been pointed out to you, the
principle of abrogation is itself stated in the Koran (2:106,
16:101). Abrogation is rejected by a small percentage of reformers
who have little to no influence. Indeed, one scholar was killed in
the 1980s for daring to propose that the principle of abrogation
be discarded.
- "It may be
an excellent and deeply insightful interpretation, but
please, at least grant me that it is an interpretation! You
assume that all the "nice" stuff is abrogated and all the
"bloody" stuff remains. Moderate Muslims of my acquaintance
seem to think that the earlier passages set forth the basic
nature of the religion and later passages are oriented
toward practical matters, and some even go so far as to
suggest that the "bloody" parts were directed toward
specific foes in context of defensive war."
- Raiding
caravans was "defensive war"? Look, those who were massacred by
the early Muslims didn't get a chance to put their version of
events into the history books. All we have is the Muslim version,
and that clearly shows that what Mohammad called "defensive"
included such things as raiding caravans, killing critics (who had
"hurt Allah and his Apostle" with mere words), and killing those
who apostatized (who had, by rejecting Islam, "waged war" against
the prophet). And the military expeditions in Sura 9 were in no
way defensive. These were to be imperialistic expeditions to
conquer non-Muslim peoples to establish Islamic religion, law, and
to extract zakat and jizya.
- "Note that
you yourself make extra-textual reference here to the
history of Islam. You're breaking your own rules!"
- Not quite. The
Koran requires that Muslims follow Mohammad's example (33:21) and
this requires knowing his actions and deeds. To learn about those,
a strong case can be made that one must read the hadith and Sira,
because the Koran does not contain such information. Therefore the
Koran itself requires extra-textual reference. Indeed, the hadiths
are needed for interpreting the Koran. However, if one takes the
Koran-only approach, this does not remove the problems. Verse 4:89
still calls for killing apostates, Verse 33:60-62 call for the
killing of hypocrites, fornicators/adulterers, and those who
'spread false news'; and verse 4:34 still orders husbands to beat
their wives to quell disobedience. With or without extra-textual
references, the Koran remains a highly immoral text. According to
this respected Islamic studies site:
- "In Islam, the
Arabic word sunnah has come to denote the way Prophet Muhammad (saas),
the Messenger of Allah, lived his life. The Sunnah is the second
source of Islamic jurisprudence, the first being the Qur'an. Both
sources are indispensable; one cannot practice Islam without
consulting both of them. The Arabic word hadith (pl. ahadith) is
very similar to Sunnah, but not identical. A hadith is a narration
about the life of the Prophet (saas) or what he approved - as
opposed to his life itself, which is the Sunnah as already
mentioned." (Source:
- "My claim
was that on the face of it the Quranic verses appear to be
far less dogmatic (more "poetic") than the Hadith about
whose provenance I asked."
- What's less
dogmatic about it? Sometimes the Koran is more dogmatic,
sometimes the hadith are more dogmatic. But both the Koran and
hadith say kill apostates. And look at this verse regarding holy
8:35 "And
their worship at the (holy) House is naught but whistling and
hand-clapping. Therefore (it is said unto them): Taste of the doom
because ye disbelieve."
Isn't that a highly dogmatic statement?
- "Perhaps we
should try for a sympathetic interpretation-for according to
my thesis, some degree of sympathy is required for
interpretation. Maybe then we will see all those horrid
citations in a new light, and maybe we will learn to let go
of our righteous anger and find peace."
- You spoke
earlier about coming to a text with one's prejudices. And here you
are asking us to be sympathetic to Islam before investigating it.
What a contradiction. You want us to approach Islam with a
corrupted mind. There are thousands of sites on the internet doing
such things. Such things have been done for 14 centuries. Against
them, there are only a few of us subjecting Islam to the
razor-sharp tools of logic and reason. We are doing this on the
Internet because, otherwise, the Islamic thugs would definitely
kills us.
- Our verdict is
that Islam is barbaric cult. It has caused incalculable harm and
suffering to mankind, and it continues to cause such harm and
suffering today. Islam has turned its 1.4 billion followers into a
unproductive herd. We are only trying to expose the barbarity and
nonsense of Islam through razor-sharp logical analysis, so that
Muslims would leave this cruel and barbaric cult that has been
sold as a religion of peace for 14 centuries - despite of the
immense barbarity that has been the part of its entire history. An
accurate and logical analysis will only put things right. That is
what we're after; an accurate, fair reading. We criticize the
Islamists insofar as they believe and follow the Koran, and we
criticize the apologists because they try to hide and misrepresent
the contents of the Koran to the unsuspecting public.
- Why should we
be sympathetic to such a book? A good book does not require a
reading with a preconceived sympathy. We are just reading the
Koran from the impartial point of views. Here are some examples
from the Koran (the hadith are more graphic and provide concrete
examples of the Koranic principles).
The Koran tacitly approves of the institution of slavery; no
verses forbid slavery; although there are occasions when Muslim
slaves are to be set free, no verses call for the abolition of
the institution; several verses assume its acceptability as an
institution (2:221, 4:3, 4:36, 23:6, 24:58, 30:28, 33:50-52,
33:55, 70:30).
Women and
The Koran orders men to beat their wives from whom they merely
"fear" disobedience (4:34). The Koran assumes, in its divorce
rulings, the acceptability of the marriage to pre-pubescent
females (65:4). There are several other verses which treat women
badly or as inferior (2:228, 2:223, 4:3, 4:11, 4:14, 4:15, 4:19,
4:20, 4:24, *4:34, 4:176, 24:31, 63:9, 64:14-15, 70:29-30).
Non-Muslims, hypocrites, and apostates.
Disbelief is the worst crime and disbelievers are the worst
beings, etc. (see above); hypocrites may be executed (33:60-62),
apostates may be executed (4:89-91), and neither disbelievers
generally, nor apostates and hypocrites in particular, have any
protection (except for dhimmitude, but this is not available for
apostates and hypocrites). Muslims must adopt a general policy
of opposition to the non-Muslims, except in regards to inviting
them to Islam (see
scroll down to What Muslims Should Know About Disbelievers
[non-Muslims] and How they Should Regard/ Act Toward Them.).
Imperialism and Ethnic Cleansing.
Muslims must fight and subjugate the Jews, Christians, members
of other religions, and disbelievers generally (9:5, 9:29-33,
9:123). Muslims must conquer the whole world by force if
necessary (9:33, 48:28, 61:9; also see Mohammad's mission is to
all mankind, 7:157-158
and must fight the disbelievers until there is no more
disbelief, polytheism, and until there are no more wrong-doers
(8:39, 2:193), and note that wrong-doers are those who don't
follow the Koran (5:45). The Koran says that anyone who does not
want Mohammad to succeed in this mission should go hang
themselves (i.e., commit suicide, 22:15)
The Koran contains numerous scientific and historical
inaccuracies and absurdities, and contains contradictions
Why should we be sympathetic to the immorality, intolerance, and
absurdity of the Koran? One should do humanity a great service
by exposing the filthy truth by doing an honest and impartial
investigation. We have set out to do just that.
- Let us
conclude with this rather irrelevant section:
- But human
wisdom has "improved by thousands of folds" in the last 1400
years? Really? We are wiser now than, say, Socrates? Our
capacity to reason is better than, say, Ibn Rushd's? Is reason
then the same thing as modern natural science? Or do you mean
that the scientific methodology has somehow improved the
natural human capacity for reason, as it has improved
technology? How has it done that? What is your evidence? World
peace, perhaps? You go way beyond textual disputation with
this amazing claim, despite your own injunction, and you also
go way beyond my ability to grasp how you can possibly be
serious about this. I am willing to enter into this debate
over the nature of human wisdom.
- I wished you
hadn't taken it so quantitatively. I only wished to mean that
human wisdom, logic, knowledge, and capacity to reason have
improved much more than in the background in which Koran was
created. Such things are impossible to measure quantitatively.
What might appear to be a million-fold increase to me may just
appear a few-fold increase to you. Since, treading into this arena
is not our aim; we are not going into that debate. Yet before
finishing we can mathematically prove that human capacity to
reason has improved by infinite folds as compared to the
background in which Koran was allegedly revealed. I am giving the
example of same verses on apostasy:
Why should ye be divided into two parties about the Hypocrites?
Allah hath upset them for their (evil) deeds. Would ye guide those
whom Allah hath thrown out of the Way? For those whom Allah hath
thrown out of the Way, never shalt thou find the Way.
They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be
on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their
ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is
forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them
wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or
helpers from their ranks;-
- In 1st verse
Allah says: He Himself has kicked out some people out of the way.
In second verse, he urges his followers to seize and kill them,
not to associate with them etc, if they fail to come to the right
path.. He is even not denying help to guide them back to right
path [last sentence 4:88]. What kind of cruel game-playing is this
by Allah - the master of perfect wisdom and reason? Do you agree
to lead some of your children to wrong path intentionally and then
ask your other children other to kill them if they fail to come
back to the right path. Yet, such idiotic rubbish Muhammad could
sell as God's revelation to his people.
On a scale between 0 and 1:
The score for logic and reason in this single verse is '0'.
Today's reason and logic in such a case is 1.
- The fold
increase in human capacity to reason logically today is infinite
(1 / 0 = ∞).
Given that in no other aspect human ability to reason logically
has reduced since then, but only has increased, the total fold
increase (∞
+ X1 + X2 + --- + Xn) = ∞.
- This is just
an indisputable scientific derivation. But I am not going to
debate it further unless you can prove me wrong scientifically.
Bertrand Russell wrote somewhere (I couldn't locate it now) that
human knowledge has increased greater than a 100 folds
during the first 50 years of the 20th century. Many religious
zealots have called him an idiot, yet he did not only win the
Nobel Prize, but his writings have also changed modern human
thought and society like no others'. You may have you own verdict
on him.
The last words:
- It appears
that Prof. Lammi is not quite interested in the pure and
unadulterated Islam based on the Koran and Sunnah. His interest
appears in interpretation, moderate and Sufi Islam. The latter
topics are not our interest at all. There are many sites, paper
and publications probably doing that. Our interest is true Islam
which causing all the troubles.
- About
interpretations, we are willing to accede to interpretations on
the basis of the four schools of Sunni (and Shia) Islamic
jurisprudence. The first thing we demand here is this: Prof. Lammi
must produce texts from at least 2 of those accepted schools of
Islamic jurisprudence that say essentially that "Islam
allows Muslims to convert freely to another religion and it is not
a crime at all," with proper reference from the Koran.
Otherwise, we will conclude this discourse as it is only wasting a
good bit of our time.