With Prof Walter Lammi
Lammi: Islam-Watch is Irrelevant, Misdirected and has Misunderstood
by MA Khan
March, 2006
We are pleased that Prof. Walter Lammi from Egypt
has sent us some thoughtful comments on our website. His comments
have been somewhat critical of our aims and objectives. However,
he has also agreed to participate in a civil discussion/debate.
Editor, MA Khan will respond to his comments. Prof. Lammi's
comments are boxed followed by Editor's reply.
- Thank you for alerting me to
your website, which is a serious effort that deserves respect.
Certainly the freedom for apostasy is a fundamental human
freedom and should exist everywhere. Your effort is to that
extent worthwhile.
Welcome Prof Lammi. We are happy that you have found our website
worth commenting on. We appreciate your understanding that right
to apostasy is a fundamental human freedom. But we are dealing
with Islam. Islam and its holy book, the Koran, which you have
termed a "book of ultimate significance" (below)
does not recognize that right of man. Both Koran and Sunnah are
very categorical about apostasy from Islam as serious crime which
bears punishments ranging from "greatest punishment" (~death?) to
death. I am quoting a few relaxant sections from the Koran and
Hadith that deal with apostasy.
1. They desire
that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that you
might be (all) alike; therefore take not from among them friends
until they fly (their homes) in Allah's way; but if they turn
back, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and
take not from among them a friend or a helper [Q
- 2. Make ye no
excuses: ye have rejected Faith after ye had accepted it. If We
pardon some of you, We will punish others amongst you, for that
they are in sin [Q
- "Ali burnt some
people [hypocrites] and this news reached Ibn 'Abbas, who
said, "Had I been in his place I would not have burnt them, as the
Prophet said, 'Don't punish (anybody) with Allah's Punishment.' No
doubt, I would have killed them, for the Prophet said, 'If
somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.' " [Sahih
Bukhari 4.260]
Volume 9, Book
83, Number 17:
Narrated 'Abdullah: Allah's Apostle said, "The blood of a Muslim
who confesses that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah
and that I am His Apostle, cannot be shed except in three cases:
In Qisas for murder, a married person who commits illegal sexual
intercourse and the one who reverts from Islam (apostate)
and leaves the Muslims."
Volume 9, Book
89, Number 271:
Narrated Abu Musa: A man embraced Islam and then reverted back to
Judaism. Mu'adh bin Jabal came and saw the man with Abu Musa.
Mu'adh asked, "What is wrong with this (man)?" Abu Musa replied,
"He embraced Islam and then reverted back to Judaism." Mu'adh
said, "I will not sit down unless you kill him (as it is) the
verdict of Allah and His Apostle.
- You can refer to
latest article for further details and discussions.
- However, I must question the
political relevance of your work. To be anti-Muslim,
especially in a secularist direction, plays well in the West,
and the representatives of that decision, like Wafa Sultan,
are universally acclaimed not only for their courage - which
is indeed admirable - but also for their positions. However,
the real problem it seems to me is not Islam and not religion
in general, but religious fanaticism. This problem is simply
not addressed in wholesale rejectionism, for you are, so to
speak "throwing out the baby with the bathwater."
- In the Western
secular democracies, courageous people like Wafa Sultan's are
definitely valued. The reason is very simple: What Western secular
societies today and it's evolution from the very turbulent and
disturbing past to modern stage resulted from the courageous
stands of the people like Wafa Sultan. Since the beginning of
Enlightenment movement 4 centuries ago, people like her (who have
always been hated by the common people) stood up and spoke of the
tyranny and barbarity of religious or secular nature with
uninhibited conviction. There has been sacrifice on their part,
yet they helped transform the theocracy-driven barbaric Western
societies of the middle ages into modern secular democracies.
Muslim societies have failed to accommodate people like her. They
are not safe even under the protection of the Western countries.
- About throwing
baby with the bathwater, this is nonsensical analogy. That is a
matter between the baby and the mother. For the mother, the baby
is an investment - emotional, psychological and material. But for
an apostate, nurturing Islam is nurturing death, torture and
punishment for himself. How do you want me to regard Islam that
has no contribution to my life (other than 40 years of feeding
hatred against non-Muslim community when I was a Muslim), that
cripple my life in so many ways and of course, that orders it
followers to kill me? Of course, the tragic barbarity of Islam on
mankind since its inception and its continuance is needed to be
taken into account.
- Take for example an article
from your website, Ali Sina's "From Rags to Riches." This
purports to be a refutation of the Koran, accomplished by
juxtaposing quotations. As a hermeneutical exercise, however,
I am afraid that it is quite worthless. In reading, context is
everything, and a study of the Koran no less than the study of
any book that we take seriously cannot legitimately proceed by
lifting individual statements for polemical purposes. This
reflects exactly the same literalism as the fundamentalists!
- We agree that
there are chances of errors in analysis of isolated sections of
book and arriving conclusion. This chance of error is application
to any books. We do not know why and how you conclude that one is
more likely to commit such errors while studying the Koran (also
probably Bible/Torah?). Which universally accepted thesis has
established such a notion? Would you please give us the reference?
- In regard to Dr
Ali Sina's article, we have agreed that there are chances of
errors. But we need to point out to those errors. Such a thing has
not been done. There hasn't been any alternative explanation of
these verses of the Koran. All the Islamic Ulemas, legists and
jurisprudence seem to agree to such analysis, as to the
fundamentalists. And Prophet Muhammad himself explained those
verses of the Koran in exactly the same manner as Dr Ali Sina has
analyzed and so do the extremists. What we are waiting here for is
that someone come and give us (misunderstanders of Islam) and the
radicals a proper and convincing interpretation of those verses
(of course, for the first time) - so that they (fundamentalists)
can correct themselves. That will solve the terrible problem the
world faces today. We should be credited for creating an
opportunity and space for such a possibility. Our effort is not
worthless as you suggested.
- If we do not accord the
Muslim "book of ultimate significance" the same
respectful care with which we would approach any other book
anointed for its greatness by more than a millennium of study
by highly intelligent people, we render ourselves irrelevant
to serious discussion. If we do not respect religion, we
render ourselves irrelevant to serious dialogue and risk
descending into mere polemics.
- Why religion is
needed to be respected? One respects somebody or something when
the latter adds value to one's life. I respect democracy; I
respect secularism because it adds definite value to my life in
substantial measures. Islam did not and does not add any value to
my life but instead, it cripples my life in every step. Islam
might add value to the life of the Muslims and let them respect
their religion. I am at disadvantage in so many ways because of
Islam. I am not morally and logically obligated to respect Islam
and any such thing that has similar effect on my life.
- You have said
Islam is a "book of ultimate significance" to Muslims. Would you
please enumerate as to how Islam/Koran adds significance or value
to Muslims' life, in particular to those living in the West. How
is it helping them, enriching them and their neighbors?
- A more fruitful direction of
inquiry, it seems to me, is: how does religion, especially a
religion of law like Islam, come to conceptual language? How
is the traditional dialogue within Islam changed under the globalized influence of the
European Enlightenment? What is the relation of religious
"belief" and "theology"?
- This section of
your comment is a bit fuzzy. Would you please deliberate a bit
more in simpler language understandable by earthly human beings?
- To sum up, with particular
reference to Koranic interpretation: How and when did a rich
civilization give way to an impoverished ideology? That is the
question of Islamicist fundamentalism. Muslims used to study
the universe in order to understand the Koran; now, for the
most part, they ignore the universe and only read the sound of
- Who are those
Muslims? Prophet Muhammad? Or his immediate associates namely Abu
Bakr, Omar, Ali, Osman, ibn Walid? These are the finest heroes of
Islam and we have sufficient knowledge about their activities and
interests. But never such things came to our attention. Maybe we
have missed it! Or there may be other great heroes of Islam, who
might have done that. A bit detail would be helpful.
- However, your
assertion is flawed. Islam is the (only) perfect code of
life and Koran is the ultimate minefield of knowledge and wisdom.
Koran is complete. This is the fundamental doctrine of Islam. The
saying that one needs studying the universe (gaining knowledge
from other sources) to understand the Koran is contrary to the
basic thesis of Islam. It amounts to insult to the Koran and Islam
and should technically amount to blasphemy or heresy. Many of the
8th to the 14th century philosophers and scientists of Islam (not
theologians) tried to do that and they were termed heretics and
apostates and many of them had to pay the ultimate price for that.
Instead, it is the Koran that contains all the knowledge and
mysteries of the universe (ask Mourice
Bucaille &
Keith Moore
et al., who recently discovered all the minefield of science in
the Koran, which Muslims couldn't do in 14 centuries).
- Thank you Prof.
Lammi for your time and reading. We look forward to valuable
response from you.