Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

Islam's Lies, Damned Lies

In July of 2001, Dennis Moreno-Lacalle, a Filipino Christian residing in Saudi Arabia was arrested by the Muttaween. He was one of fourteen Christians caught praying or using his private residence for a prayer meeting. He was charged with engaging in ‘illegal Christian activities.’ He was told that if he converted to Islam he would be freed immediately. It was just a suggestion—there is no force in religion. But wouldn’t it be nicer to be a Muslim going about his normal routine than a Christian stuck in some God-forsaken jail cell for only Allah knew how long? Of course it would be nicer. But Moreno-Lacalle didn’t think so—he refused to convert. He spent six months in the slammer before he was finally released. During this period his family did not know where he was or what had happened to him. They were kept in the dark; the terror was complete.

In May of 2002, Jeddah police arrested ten Christians who had gathered for a weekly prayer meeting. It was a routine arrest. More Christians are jailed in Saudi Arabia for praying than for jaywalking, safecracking and armed robbery combined. And why not—in Saudi Arabia praying is a more serious crime.

In 2003, the Muttaween arrested four Pakistani Christians. No reason was given. Two were eventually released and expelled. The fate of the others remains unknown to this day.

In 2004, a religious policeman accosted Brian Savio O’Connor, a cargo agent for Saudi Airlines, near his home in Riyadh for ‘not attending prayer.’ A Catholic from Indian, O’Connor showed the officer his papers. He was a Christian—he did not need to attend prayer. Maybe Brian was too uppity. It was said he ‘resisted arrest.’ He was taken to a police station, hung upside down and beaten. He was told that if he did not convert to the Religion of Peace he would be killed.

Was it an isolated incident? Not at all! Saudi jails are full of Christians who have taken advantage of the Religion of Peace and Tolerance to engage in ‘illegal activities.’ These scofflaws are worse than the Jews that defiled the streets of Nazi Germany in the 1930s—so it is said.

On April 25, 2008, the Saudi Allah Squad made another routine neighborhood sweep. Joe Friday could have learned from these fellows. They had everything down to a T. If Eliot Ness had followed the Muttaween manual Al Capone would have lasted one day and Prohibition less than a week.

This is how it goes down: Step one: an operative breaks down the gate. (Ness used a truck as a battering ram. This is now thought to be amateurish.) Step two: the first operative inside the prayer room sticks a gun in the face of the nearest infidel and demands his residency permit and cell phone. This is done quickly and efficiently. Once the infidels have been subdued, the house is thoroughly searched. The Allah Squad haul on April 25 included 20 Bibles, some religious tracts and the money in the Collection Box (500 Saudi Riyals—about $130). The infidels are then exposed to the jeers and taunts of their neighbors before being dragged down to the police station.

Eliot Ness should have been so lucky. Capone’s lawyer was always at the police station waiting for Ness with a writ of habeas corpus. “It’s legal beer, Ness, it’s legal beer! If you don’t stop persecuting my clients I’ll report you to the Mayor.”

The Christians arrestees on April 25 were charged with singing and preaching. That’s right—singing and preaching! Well, they should have known better than to sing, “I got you, Babe,” in a Muslim neighborhood. Oh—it wasn’t “I got you, Babe,” it was “Rock of Ages” or something similar but just as offensive, and they were not singing, they were humming, and there was no preaching, they were whispering—or maybe mumbling. One of them might have been saying, “Let’s flush a Qur’an.” No one will ever know what was going on in their minds—what they were thinking. Thinking…there does not seem to be much thinking in the Muttaween—certainly no more than in Herr Hitler’s Gestapo. Whatever.

And just three weeks ago, George W. Bush’s great friend, King Abdullah, who had visited the Texas Gunslinger at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, and had been kissed on both cheeks, had addressed an Interfaith Conference in Madrid, Spain, and had called for reconciliation between Muslims, Christians and Jews! Lions and Tigers and Bears—it sounds familiar.

“The image of al-Andalus made us hold this conference in Spain,” said Abdullah al-Turki, Secretary General of the Muslim World League.

Ah, yes, the fabled al-Andalus, Islam’s Shangri-La, a land that would have delighted Mary Poppins and Morey Amsterdam, a land of peace and tolerance, of unrestricted joy, a paradise without the 72 virgins, where the devotees of the three great Abrahamic religions, lived side by side in an amity so precious and amazing as to be incomprehensible to the modern mind. So they say…

But there are doubters—those who say al-Andalus never was. There is Andrew Bostom. Listen to Bostom:

In 711 or 712 Islam ‘subdued’ Toledo. In 713 the conquered nobles of Toledo revolted. The Religion of Peace responded with a heavy hand. Toledo was pillaged, the ranks of the nobles were decimated, their throats were cut and their property seized. In 730 the Bishop of Cerdagne was buried alive. Christians and Jews were separated from the rest of the population. They were not allowed to build new churches and synagogues. If one should happen to be destroyed—burned to the ground by a ‘careless’ caretaker—it could not be replaced. Christian peasants were given a choice between serfdom and conversion to Islam. Those who desired neither and fled to the cities were hunted down and mutilated or crucified. There were mass murders in Toledo, in Cordoba, in Saragossa, in Merida.

Ah, yes, let us return to those thrilling days of yesteryear when the cry of “Allahu akbar” sent shivers up and down the spines of al-Andalus’ terrified non-Muslim inhabitants.

One does not want to accuse King Abdullah or al-Turki of lying. That would be too easy. It is entirely possible that they are totally unaware of lying. Islam has been falsifying its History for 1,400 years, perhaps to escape its sordid past, to cover its crimes, to make it feel good about itself.

One should pay attention to the words of Vaclav Havel. “He who fears facing his own past must necessarily fear what lies before him,” said Havel. “Lying can never save us from the lie. Falsifiers of History do not safeguard freedom, but imperil it.” Havel has read “1984,” King Abdullah hasn’t, and if he has, he has learned nothing from it. There is a difference between Spanky and Alfalfa telling their teacher Spuds MacKenzie ate their homework and what King Abdullah said at Madrid. There are lies, damned lies and Islam.

The charges lodged against the Christians arrested in the April 25 sweep were reduced to holding a dance party and collecting money for terrorism. By then the guilty parties had already signed confessions. So what if they were written in Arabic—a language none of them could read or write—they had signed of their own free will, hadn’t they? They were released within three days. On August 5 they were expelled. The promises Abdullah had made at Madrid were ignored or forgotten.

But don’t despair. Being expelled from a Muslim country cannot be the worst thing that can happen to a Christian in Islam’s Twilight Zone, there is death and worse yet, the ultimate ignominy—forced conversion.


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Denis Schulz was prospective convert to Islam (read his testimony: How I Almost Became a Muslim?) before changing his mind after the 9/11. He actively writes on the threats of Islam and terrorism.

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Date: Tuesday August 12, 2008
Time: 22:07:14 -0700


Super essay, Mr. Schulz. Keep up this fantastic work!

Name: Islam Answers Back
Date: Tuesday August 12, 2008
Time: 22:23:38 -0700


Religious freedom is the basic human right whose violation has caused conflicts, wars and bloodshed in both ancient and modern societies. The Quran, therefore, has declared for the first time in human history:‘there shall be no coercion in matters of religion.’ (2:256).In view of this prohibition of coercion (Ikrah), all Islamic jurists (Fuqaha) without any exception hold that forcible conversion is under all circumstances null and void. Any attempt to coerce a non-believer to accept Islam is a grievous sin, (Ahkam al-Quran, al-Jassas). According to this principle of ‘non-coercion’, it is not permissible to exploit or manipulate personal weaknesses or calamities (e.g. poverty, sickness, famine, etc.) for religious conversion. That is why old and downtrodden non-Muslims were exempted from taxes and given all monetary support by the Islamic state without ever being asked to embrace Islam just for the advantages it would give them. Once a Jewish widow came to the Caliph Umar asking for some financial aid. Umar tried to persuade her to accept Islam. He promised to take care of all her needs if she embraced Islam. But the lady refused. Umar then gave her more than she had asked for. When she departed, Umar raised his hands towards heaven and said:“O God, bear witness that I have not exercised any coercion on this lady.”(Tarikh Umar ibn Khattab, Ibn al-Jawzi)

Name: Islam Answers Back
Date: Tuesday August 12, 2008
Time: 22:30:44 -0700


U see these cases have to b investigated and cannot be relied upon for judging Islam. In trying to prove Islam false u can go to any extent, even lying and manipulating news. I have given u the basic principle of Islam. U cannot judge a mercedes car by its driver. U should change the name of this website from islam-watch to muslim-watch. If u r really interested in finding the truth about this topic go to the original sources of Islam and understand the wisdom of its teachings. For research on this aspect u can read an authoritative book by a geat scholar Dr. M. Hamidullah. Here is the link Please read this and then write with responsilbility

Name: Islam Answers Back
Date: Tuesday August 12, 2008
Time: 22:34:23 -0700


In the time of the caliph 'Umar, certain Muslims had usurped a piece of land belonging to a Jew, and had constructed a mosque on the site. Learning the news, the caliph ordered the demolition of the mosque and the restoration of the land to the Jews. Prof. Cardahi (a Christian of Lebanon, in a series of lectures on Private International Law of Islam, delivered at The Hague, 1933) writes, "this house of the to Bait al-Yahudi, still exists and is well-known."

Name: Barrie Quot'ot
Date: Tuesday August 12, 2008
Time: 22:34:26 -0700


Dear Mr Schulz, After a thorough reading of your above article, I now fully agree with the saying that "the only Good muslim is a DEAD MUSLIM".

Name: Islam Answers Back
Date: Tuesday August 12, 2008
Time: 22:35:59 -0700


Let us cite the circular of the caliph '''Umar ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz, (preserved by Ibn Sa'd, V. 280), which is eloquent testimony: "With the name of God, the Most Merciful, the All Merciful. From the Servant of God, Commander of the Faithful, 'Umar (ibn 'abd al-'Aziz) to (the governor) 'Adi ibn Artat and to the believing Muslims in his company: Peace be with you. Whereafter I send you praise of God, beside Whom there is no God. Thereafter: Pay attention to the condition of the Protected (non-Muslims), treat them tenderly. If any of them reaches old age and has no resources, it is you who should spend on him. If he has contractual brethren, demand these latter to spend on him. Apply retaliation if anybody commits tort against him. This is as if you have a slave, who reaches old age, you should spend on him tell his death or liberate him. I have learned that you accept tithe on the import of wine and make it enter the Treasury belonging to God. I warn you never to let it enter the Treasury belonging to God, however small the amount maybe, unless it be a legally pure property. Peace be with you."

Date: Tuesday August 12, 2008
Time: 23:21:08 -0700



Name: Gabrielle
Date: Wednesday August 13, 2008
Time: 01:56:51 -0700


Thanks, Mr Schultz -- as always -- a breath of fresh air. What a poison Islam is -- It is the scourge of our times. In dozens of places in the world, and now China, you see Islam creating havoc, misery and destruction. We have a very big fight ahead of us...

Name: Re: Islam Answers Back
Date: Wednesday August 13, 2008
Time: 02:10:02 -0700


Did you change your strategy? To present the sunny side of islam? But islam can´t hide it´s ugly face any more. Islam is over because it is so overdue. Islam has quite a record: War against non muslims, violence against women, religious apartheid, gender apartheid, ignorance, obscurantism, terrorism, backwardness, poverty, honour killings - we all know that not all muslims are that bad, however, islam is!

Name: Leigh answers back
Date: Wednesday August 13, 2008
Time: 02:54:32 -0700


To Islam answers back - feeble What of the mosque at Dhu Awan that Mohammad had burned down?You should know the historic Islamic source for this ..?! So much for Allah's tolerance as exhibited in surah X( you should know which sura it is in..?!. Destroying rival religious buildings is Allah's modus operandi for Muslims to follow(Mohammad the perfect role model!)despite the odd Muslim acting better than Allah! What a deity. Outdone by a human in decency!

Date: Wednesday August 13, 2008
Time: 02:57:25 -0700


No other religion in this world, teaches men to kill others, but Islam does. Proof? Read 4:89 in your Quran. Read 9:5 in your Quran. Still you have the guts to say that Islam is good??? Your writing in this website are of no-use for us. We know better than you. To worship a God or to change a religion he believes, is basic human right. Islam forbid all of them. So Islam is against human rights. Understand?

Name: caleb singh
Date: Wednesday August 13, 2008
Time: 03:44:29 -0700


you are a bloody liar-islam answers back look at decree of caliph umar to the christians of syria look at how great islamic scholars define the behavior of muslims supermacists to non muslims look at these scholars Al-Suyuti and Ibn Al-Jawzi as well as contemporary scholars like Subhi Al-Saleh and Abdullah Al-JudaiDr. Subhi Al-Saleh P. Newton & M. Rafiqul-Haqq , Dr. Sobhy as-Saleh as for the decree of caliph umar bin khattab here it is# shall not build, in our cities or in their neighborhood, new we repair, by day or by night, such of them as fall in ruins or are situated in the quarters of the Muslims. # We shall keep our gates wide open for passersby and travelers. # We shall give board and lodging to all Muslims who pass our way for three days. # We shall not give shelter in our churches or in our dwellings to any spy, nor hide him from the Muslims. # We shall not teach the Qur'an to our children. # We shall not manifest our religion publicly nor convert anyone to it. # We shall not prevent any of our kin from entering Islam if they wish it. # We shall show respect toward the Muslims, and we shall rise from our seats when they wish to sit. # We shall not seek to resemble the Muslims by imitating any of their garments, the qalansuwa, the turban, footwear, or the parting of the hair. # We shall not speak as they do, nor shall we adopt their kunyas (patronyms). # We shall not mount on saddles, nor shall we gird swords nor bear any kind of arms nor carry them on our persons. # We shall not engrave Arabic inscriptions on our seals. # We shall not sell fermented drinks. # We shall clip the fronts of our heads. # We shall always dress in the same way wherever we may be, and we shall bind the zunar round our waists. # We shall not display our crosses or our books in the roads or markets of the Muslims. # We shall use only clappers in our churches very softly. We shall not raise our voices when following our dead. We shall not show lights on any of the roads of the Muslims or in their markets. # We shall not bury our dead near the Muslims. # We shall not take slaves who have been allotted to Muslims. # We shall not build houses overtopping the houses of the Muslims. # (When I brought the letter to Umar, may God be pleased with him, he added, "We shall not strike a Muslim.")refferances

Name: To Pagal Singh check your foolishness out here before you !!
Date: Wednesday August 13, 2008
Time: 05:23:59 -0700


Name: caleb singh
Date: Wednesday August 13, 2008
Time: 06:38:14 -0700


foolish muslim i see no rebuttal bloody liar. your prophet was a paedophile just check these links and reply with logic not shit brained muslim circular logic. Check here.

Name: caleb singh
Date: Wednesday August 13, 2008
Time: 06:51:15 -0700


foolish muslim i see no rebuttal bloody liar. your prophet was a paedophile just check these links and reply with logic not shit brained muslim circular logic. Check these sites's_Pedophilia

Name: Ex-muslim
Date: Wednesday August 13, 2008
Time: 06:58:08 -0700


Bible: 1John2:22 - Who is the liar.........? this is the antichrist the one that denies the Father and the Son...... al-la-h ,islam, mohammad, muslims, quran are all liars and antichrist.

Name: Ananda
Date: Wednesday August 13, 2008
Time: 07:36:48 -0700


(To: Islam Answers Back) Either you have NO knowledge of Islam & its history OR you are deliberately lying about Islam forbidding forced conversions. A very well=known historical document clarifies this. ----- Text of the ultimatum from Omar Ibn-Khat'tab the Calif of Islam to the Iranina Sovereign, Yazdgerd III: Bism-ellah Ar'rahman Ar'rhim To the Shah of the Fars I do not foresee a good future for you and your nation save your acceptance of my terms and your submission to me. There was a time when your country ruled half the world, but see how now your sun has set. On all fronts your armies have been defeated and your nation is condemned to extinction. I point out to you the path whereby you might escape this fate. Namely, that you begin worshipping the one god, the unique deity, the only god who created all that is. I bring you his message. Order your nation to cease the false worship of fire and to join us, that they may join the truth. Worship Allah the creator of the world. Worship Allah and accept Islam as the path of salvation. End now your polytheistic ways and become Muslims that you may accept Allah-u-Akbar as your savior. This is the only way of securing your own survival and the peace of your Persians. You will do this if you know what is good for you and for your Persians. Submission is your only option. Allah u Akbar. The Calif of Muslims Omar Ibn-Khat'tab

Name: Fill in the space....
Date: Wednesday August 13, 2008
Time: 08:58:39 -0700


Religion of peace my .... Muslims denying how evil the Qur'an is, is like a pig eating his own... Islam's effect on human civilization is like a .... hitting the fan

Name: lw1
Date: Wednesday August 13, 2008
Time: 13:32:34 -0700


To Islam Answers Back--Can you explain why muslims in Pakistan cause explosions in mosques of a different brand?

Name: Ananda
Date: Wednesday August 13, 2008
Time: 14:02:23 -0700


To lwi, I think I can answer why Sunni's are bombing Shiite mosques & vice versa)--- *Ibn Hazm al-Andaloosee* One day during the period of Muslim rule in Spain, Imaam Abu Muhammad ibn Hazm was having a debate with some Spanish Catholic priests about their religious texts. He brought before them evidence of textual distortions in the Bible and the loss of original manuscripts. When they replied by pointing out to him Shi`ite claims also being distorted, Ibn Hazm informed them that "Shi`ite could not be used as evidence against the Quraan or against Muslims because they are not themselves Muslims." [Ibn Hazm, al-Fisaal fee al-Milal wa an-Nihal, 2/78 and 4/182]

Name: Good Work Mr. Schultz
Date: Wednesday August 13, 2008
Time: 16:35:35 -0700


Reports like this shed light on the evil practises in islamic societies. Very effective in throwing a spot light on modern islamic practises.

Date: Wednesday August 13, 2008
Time: 19:37:06 -0700



Name: why do they do that
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 00:56:47 -0700


Some Muslims are angry that the U.S. has not spoken out against human rights abuses by those Middle Eastern governments that America supports....

Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 01:02:23 -0700


I have heard your talk on Peace channel and comparing Islam to Mercedes and Muslims as bad drivers. It is the most foolish argument. Mercedes was never created by a Muslim. Mohammad created a vehicle of deception through stealing and creating an unreliable product called Islam. He was a perfect thief and robber. Mohammad was like a crow who stole the feathers of Peacocks and joined with the Peacocks to dance. When the peacocks started cooing, he got found out because he could only crow. Zakir Naik also shamelessly lies like his lying prophet. Unfortunately he does not even blush. The muslims are riding an unreliable Junk which will lead the muslims into oblivion. Mr. BUSH should lecture Saudis about religious freedom rather than the Chinese.It is most hypocritical of him. Petro dollar certainly talk. His claim to be a born again christian is nothing but Bullshit and history will not forgive him for that. If he were a true Christian, he could help his Christian brethren suffering in the muslim world. He is basically hypocrite.

Name: caleb singh
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 03:18:53 -0700


to islam answers back you are a damn liar the slavery of your soul to islam has freeze dried your brain making your statements a mockery of logics let us analyse your response in your first rebuttal you claim comparative morality of cultures prevailing in 630 ad a response to that is mohammed was no prophet because modern medical science has proved t beyond doubt the psychological ,physical and emotional trauma that a nine year old girl will encounter in sexual intercourse so god albeit your allah is a moron that he could not communicate these divine medical teachings to paedophile mo .your second rebuttal states aisha sister telling her age well when it is on record in the hadiths aisha states her age as seven when she married paedo mo and nine when they had intercourse a judge looking into this case will consider the the evidence of the person involved or some external source who is not mentioned in the story as the saying goes truth is only one falsehood has many responses the contradictions in your rebuttals is on account of falsity and you yourself are not convinced of an answer to the problem.idiots like you are the biggest disgrace to humanity even when comprehending mo paedophilia in your first rebuttal you are looking for some reason to justify it. as for your other posts regarding logical grammatical, manuscript,scientific and historical absurdities in the quran i see no worded rebuttal on your part dont reduce yourself to an idiot by posting stupid replies also it is on record abubakr was not entirely willing for mo marriage with aisha when paedo mo asked for aisha his first response was but i am your brother .it is because of stinking idiots like u a 50 year old man in saudi arabia wants to marry an eight year old girl i pity you if you have an eigth year old daughter you would willing give her hand to a 50 year old lecher

Name: lw1
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 09:57:33 -0700


Thank you,Ananda. I wanted an answer from Islam Answers Back, as I have a point to make, which I am sure you know.

Name: To why do they do that
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 13:07:42 -0700


If the US does not support muslim dictators in arab countries they know they will be replaced by islamic dictators like ayatollah khomeini, etc. Your islam does not belive in democracy. It believe in religious dictators. The caliphs were religious dictators. That would be worse than anything else. look at Iran today. The US and the wolrd are finding it hard to deal with such religious rulers who not only want to wage war on the world but also supress the aspirations and rights of their own people in the name of religion. That is why hosni mubarak is preferable to ayatollah khameini. Ayatollah khamenei is leading his country towards a war with the west, israel etc. A war in which his people will suffer the most.

Name: Re- If the US does not support muslim dictators in arab countries they know they will be replaced by islamic dictators like ayatollah khomeini, etc YOU ARE WRONG!
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 20:08:30 -0700


Whats wrong with the Ayatulla? Doesnt he have the right to protecthis people? Even the west has the right to protect its people from even terrorism/ Ok?: in that case we should ask why The so called terrorist hate us so much?' Proberbly if we look at our foreign policy that question is not too difficult to answer.The key grievance is hypocrisy. The U.S. has repeatedly sided with authoritarian regimes such as Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and Turkey. These are regimes that grant their citizens few human rights. They have no free press He further went on: "We [the U.S.] don't trust democracy there. We believe stability is better than democracy. But it's a false kind of stability." In recent past, the U.S. was involved in the Gulf to liberate the Iraqi people by the Plan hatched by the Zionist. It played a major role in engulfing the genocide against the Iraqis. Countering this is the great sympathy that many Muslims in the Middle East have for the Iraqi people who suffer under frequent Zionist road side bombings, and a U.S. invasion. In Bosnia and Kosovo mass crimes against humanity occurred, the US acted late as once again advised by Mosad. This has resulted in an Unfavorable attitude by Muslim countries towards the U.S and especially it’s Partner in crime, Israel. "Moderate Muslims are loath to criticize or debunk the fanaticism of the fundamentalists. Like the moderates in Northern Ireland, they are scared of what would happen to them if they speak their mind." As they are victims of the western backed fanatic regimes who are even more corrupt than they are, when the Moderate see the acts of tyranny by the so called western backed governments interfering with there countries political and economical progress any citizen who protest against these wrongs are a political prisoner or put to death. Most Citizens prefer prison, rather than dieing. In prison they tortured worst than in Gitmo. No access to Human rights watch. Those who live in these countries are not allowed to say anything about these regimes or other so called Democratic Parties as they risk being murdered by their own people backed by U.S government agencies and especially it’s Partner in crime, Israel. These corrupt regime leaders are profiteering by the aid given by the western backed institution and who in return the donors take most of the aid back. If Israel is pumped with millions of dollars and armed with sophisticated weapons by the US out of the US tax payers, and if Israelis neighbors protest regarding the aid given to the Israelis the rest of the middle east are made to keep their vocals shut or forced out of power where another stoop of the West will fill in the vacancy. Have you ever wondered, whether the total democracy in the Middle East will ever be a reality in near future?

Name: Re:islam answers back
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 23:15:56 -0700


i have studied islamic sources and i still have yet to find any wisdom, just an abundance of stupidity and lies

Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 01:07:40 -0700


Right now Muslims are selling Christians into slavery in Sudan. Right now a muslim newspaper in Karachi Pakistan shows the names and pictures of Christians so muslims can go to their homes and persecute them. Right now Saudi textbooks refer to Christians as "swine" and Jews as "condemnable." Right now churches are being torn down in Indonesia and the participants persecuted. Right now non-muslim's are having their daughters kidnapped in Lebannon, Egypt, and other countries. Look at ALL nations where islam dominates and you WILL NOT FIND freedom of religion or of the press. Sura 9:30:"Christians and Jews are perverts, Allah himself fights against them." MOHAMMED WAS THE PERVERT! To see more of islam's persecution of non-muslims you can go to GOOD ARTICLE MR. SCHULZ! HERE IS AN EXAMPLE OF SOMEONE WHO ALMOST TURNED ISLAMIST BUT SAW THE TRUTH OF WHAT WAS GOING ON! MUSLIM RESTAURANT OWNERS AND PASTRY OWNERS(confirmed by laboratory tests!)HAVE BEEN PUTTING POOP IN THEIR FOOD IN BOTH BRITAIN AND US. THE "INFIDEL"(to which, mullahs around the world have admitted the koran teaches to kill, etc)can be served this poop and the islamist thinks he is doing pagan allah a service! Again and again, islamists try to justify their terror attacks blaming Israel. Israel doesn't bomb anyone from another country unless they are bombed themselves! ALSO!:ISLAMISTS REFER TO THE KKK IN THE US TO TRY TO DIVERT ATTENTION TO THIER CRAP! BUT, WHAT ISLAMISTS DON'T WANT TO TELL YOU IS THAT(according to a news report I heard with my own ears!)one racist skinhead group accepted money from a muslim organization because of their mutual hatred for the Jews!

Name: vbv
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 04:30:57 -0700


To Islam answers back> Enough of your lying and obfuscating facts. If Islam is so noble , I do not see even a tinge of it in any islamic/muslims society , which is based on hate and only hate - can any non-muslim enjoy any freedom and self-expression in any 'muslim/islamic country'? None ,but you see muslims in nonislamic countries and how they enjoy liberty,freedom of expression, a better quality of life than any 'islamic' country, they can practice their faith without any fear unlike the case of nonmuslims in a muslim country, they get opportunities to pursue modern education and build fruitful careers in nonmuslim countries which they cannot even dream of in an islamic/muslim country, and many more facts . If islam is progressive why are muslims backward, uncultured ,uncivilised and barbaric ??? TheMullahs/Imams/Khomeinis encouraged backwardness, instigate violence and terrorism, oppress women to keep the masses under their thumb with false morality - like TV is haram, Music is Haram, Movies is Haram,good dresses are haram, sculpture is haram,art is haram,dancing is haram,painting is haram,drama is haram, literature is haram ...etc but what is Halal - Murdering Kaffirs ,making and planting bombs in crowded areas to kill innocent men,women and children, guns, weaponry,missiles, nuclear weapons, and all such intruments of destruction are HALAL to muslims. That is the most destructive and backward cult ever in the history of humankind - the most oppressive, repressive,despotic cult in the garb of "religion" , which you muslims claim! See any islamic country : their level of human development is pathetically low and they are having the worst record of human rights comparable only to Stalinist USSR ,or Mao's China' or PolPot's Cambodia - the living examples are Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq,Yemen,Libya, Sudan,Somalia, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Egypt, Palestine , Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia,etc... Islam and muslims have never set agood example of civilised and cultured living anywhere anytime! They have wrought only destruction of many civilisations to usher in arabian barbarism with their extreme intolerance, bigotry and hatred! Your obsfuscation of Truth will not wash the extreme misery and bloodshed in the muslim history of violence, massacres, rapes, butcheries, and misery!

Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 11:28:15 -0700



Name: To those who say,"It doesn't really say that..."
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 12:09:45 -0700



Name: Skinhead group/Islamist org.
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 16:43:52 -0700


Skinhead group accepted money from islamic organization because of their mutual hatred for Jewish people. So, islamists can no longer denounce the clan trying to divert attention to their violence and brutality.

Name: To Mr. Schultz
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 16:48:30 -0700


Thank you for your bravery once again! There are a lot of mohammedans out there who would want to kill you. It's a good thing you don't live in a muslim dominated country so you can write the truth about these things and not be killed! (and to vbv, good reply!)

Name: Torch
Date: Friday August 22, 2008
Time: 05:15:13 -0700


Lies lead us to distruction. Lies is anti progress. Lies is keep us stagnant. Lies is backward. Lies keep us in fear.

Name: True...
Date: Friday August 22, 2008
Time: 10:17:11 -0700


Lies do keep people in bondage to which islam has been keeping people for centuries. If mohammed was so good why kill people for "blashpeming" him when muslim scholars have had to admit these things. What makes you better than they are or the hadiths which prove these things as well?

Name: I hope there were many others...
Date: Friday August 22, 2008
Time: 10:20:57 -0700



Name: To Torch(from True...)
Date: Friday August 22, 2008
Time: 11:23:28 -0700


I MAY have misunderstood you. IF so, my apologies...:)(If you are agreeing to the article by Mr. Schultz).

Name: for christians and jews
Date: Wednesday August 27, 2008
Time: 11:16:11 -0700


ur just afraid that islam will take over you and scared but it will happen one day.there are lies about ur religion not ours. evil people who try to defame islam will pay the price.

Name: to- for christians and jews
Date: Wednesday August 27, 2008
Time: 12:05:54 -0700


It is you muslims who are paying the price for following islam. You cannot even defend yourself. You can only send suicide bombers who are killing themselves cheaply. If you had not followed islam you would not have been in such a weak postion.

Name: To: to christians and Jews
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 20:47:29 -0700


Were you born retarded? How can you threaten to take over the world (Real original)and then the next second call yourselves a religion of peace? Even if you didn't say it you obviously beleive that its a religion of peace and if you don't, then you might as well just go worship the devil it'll do you more good than worshipping some crazy old mans Thoughts. (I'm willing to bet that Muhammed just fell and hit his head in the cave where he was 'enlightened' and starting hearing voices)

Name: muslimlover
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 00:14:36 -0700


stupid people always think a stupid thing. Its not about religion, but the believer or the follower which cannot or misunderstood the true teaching was. I'm a born Muslim but the more i live, the more i love Allah and Muhammad. Should u understand what Allah say in his holy book, u will know why

Name: Jan Jaeger
Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 18:11:44 -0700


To: the followers of the truculent Cult of Islam." Take note of my words: not all of us in the West are as ignorant or naive as you perceive us to be. Your words convey that you are infected by the spirit of evil whether that be man-made or supernatural. Your contemptuous writings have reveled your pernicious plan of world-domination and show disrespect for those that disagree with your twisted ideology. I am a student of history, having received a B.A. in Public History, I have had the opportunity to study the progression of the Islamic religion throughout the ages. Islamic history is one that has been marked by a series of conquests and violence. Your so called “holy book” condones murder, supports and promulgates violence against non-believers and apostates, and sanctions rape. For the sake of humanity, spare me and the rest of the world your self-righteous drivel. There is no excuse that can be offered by the cretin that condones the abominable actions of an insidious religion. If one dares to offer any support or a denial of this type of inexcusable behavior than it is clear that their mind is nothing but a noxious soup of pig feces, for history has already proven their argument false. DO NOT challenge me on this for you will utterly fail. To be fair, all religions have committed unspeakable acts in the name of God or gods. A just and loving God (for this argument’s sake let us assume he is real) would never approve of killing in his name. Therefore, nearly all religion and its talks of peace (particularly Islam) could be abrogated by default. Christianity at least has acknowledged its violent past, has apologized in many cases, and condemns acts of murder against all humanity, whether they are followers of a faith or not. However, the basic message of Christianity is love for all, even your enemies. Has the Islamic religion done the same? An Islamic “peace” means that true peace is only obtained once Islam has subjugated all people of other faiths (or lack there of) and the people of nations that oppose or reject the will of Allah. If that is your definition of peace (which I know it is) then I have news for you: There can never be the peace you wish to obtain. I have observed your demographic invasions both in Europe and the United States I must say, it is an excellent plan, one that is working all too well; however, there is a silent majority in America that is observing your actions and taking note of your noxious words. It is unwise to reveal your strategy to your enemies, even if victory seems to be within your grasp. Here is a quote from the Bible you should take to heart: Proverbs 27:12 A wise man foresees evil and takes the necessary steps to deliver himself while fools will go naively on and are destroyed. (Once you have destroy those that have naively appeased you, only the wise will remain) Even if it takes 800 years to reclaim our nation like it did in medieval Spain, you will be defeated because we will never surrender or submit, even if you threaten US with death and destruction. The hearts of all true patriots of liberty can be surmised by this quote from a father of the American Revolution: Thomas Jefferson: "The law of self-preservation is higher than written law." Those that love freedom enough to die for it will preserver. Long live the memory of Don Pelayo, his brothers in arms, and those that have fought and fallen against the aggression and oppression of Islam. Their sacrifice will not be in vain. The Boy Scout motto is “be prepared” We will be ready for you. Do not underestimate the heart of a patriot. We will lay down our lives for the cause of Freedom which is greater than your twisted interpretation and belief in a murderous and despicable god. The cause of Freedom will be victorious. (If you accuse me of war mongering, it is because I have read the passages of your bellicose book the Quran. The book inspires fear and violence to whomever reads it)

Name: RealTruth
Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 21:20:28 -0700


Denis, Thank you, thank you. We need more people like you exposing the truth behind the lie that is Islam. The Koran is an obvious perversion of the Christian faith. The Koran is a text for steadfast radicalization, a standardized work intended to control the illiterate masses to do the bidding of whomsoever would come to power and have the strength to wield it in the evil ways that it was truly intended. The Koran was most likely written for the specific purpose of creating the types of homicidal maniacs we now see strapping themselves with explosives. The flowery language is a cover up for the deeper precepts of war, murder, and terror; control and power are the true bywords of this extensive training program. Some portions are clearly well crafted, but then there are also many places that scream cover up. It is plain to see that most of those that have been misguided to this epic of cloaked hatred have fallen victim to its subtle lies. The Koran encourages the most egregious type of sin, that secret sin that resides deep within every human heart; once this flame is lit by the artful subterfuge of the Mohammedan curse, that forked tongue that fell prey to Satan and penned so vile a tome, it eventually burns the heart out in with a great bonfire that replaces that empty shell with the acidic spit of the Muslim. Save yourself now and burn every copy of that book you can find. The Muslim sewage of Allah and his fake book, his false prophet, and the religious thievery of Islam should be ended the way it began, with a "great revelation".

Name: Kabul student sentenced to death for downloading internet article!
Date: Sunday September 14, 2008
Time: 06:59:35 -0700


A Kabul student was given a death sentence for downloading internet article! The article was about the right of Muslim husband to four wives not applicable to women to have four husbands. This proves the utter disregard for human life for the evil religion Islam. This perverted religion fears the TRUTH! It imposes the penalty of death for its followers to prevent them from exposing its true ugly and beastly nature.

Name: To Jan Jaeger
Date: Monday September 15, 2008
Time: 10:47:34 -0700


Well written comment! Kudos to you! That is their strategy nowadays, invasion of a host country through immigration! Using the womb of their women as their weapon. Increasing their numbers through high birth rate until they become a political force to reckon with! This is now happening in Europe, US, Australia, NZ, Canada. A good advise to non Muslim women: "Never marry a Muslim!" It is recorded in their perverted Koran, "Women are like toys!", "You can beat your wife!" Another good advise, never patronized Muslim-owned establishments selling food! It is reported they put crap in food they sell to non Muslims! We are thankful to the power of the Internet. It is now their worst unseen enemy! Their ultimate goal is total world domination! Their evil Koran describe the world as two camps: House of Islam and House of War. Those who belong to the House of War will be converted to Islam or be slaughtered! In Islamic countries following the teachings of the Koran to the letter there is no freedom of expression, no freedom of religion, no human rights! A preview of what is to come once they attain their ultimate objective! All freedom loving people should do whatever legal means to combat this evil!

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