Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

Islam in America: Lies and Deception Rules

A three-woman panel met at San Antonio College as part of a lecture series on Christianity and Islam. The object was to clear up some misconceptions about the role of women in Islam. Muslim women were not oppressed, that’s what the panelists told the kids. In fact, it was just the opposite—Islam teaches equality and respect for everyone, including women. Isn’t that what Ibrahim Hooper has been saying all these years? Or was it somebody else? Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? Jimmy Carter? Robert Edgar? Someone.

One of the panelists was Brenda Meneses. People often confuse cultural behavior with actual theology she said. Christians in the Western World have a difficult time understanding this because they have a different idea about the role religion plays in their lives. Well, sure, that’s possible. There are many interpretations of the Bible. What do the suras say about the role of women in Islam?

Tabari IX:113,

 “Treat women well for they are like domestic animals and they possess nothing in themselves.”

Bukhari V3B48N826:

“The Prophet said, ‘Isn’t the witness of a women equal to half of that of a man?’ The woman said, ‘Yes.’ He said, “This is because of the deficiency of a woman’s mind.”

Equality and respect for everyone, including women

Someone should have asked Brenda if she was familiar with the separate-but-equal clause of the US Constitution. Maybe the panel meant virtual equality not actual equality, a chimera glimpsed from afar; you will get your reward in Heaven; slavery is a positive good; what else is there for domestic animals and those with deficient minds other than lifting bales and toting barges? The slave master in the antebellum South insisted that slavery benefited both races. Rhett got his cotton planted, Scarlet her ball gowns, the cotton mills their cotton and the slaves were introduced to civilization and their souls were saved.

James H. Hammond, the Senator from South Carolina, was not one to mince words. When he addressed the US Senate on March 4, 1858, he laid bare the soul of the South. “In all social systems,” he said, “there must be a class to do the menial duties, to perform the drudgery of life. That is, a class requiring but a low order of intellect and but little skill. It’s requisites are vigor, docility, fidelity. Such a class you must have, or you would not have that other class which leads progress, civilization, and refinement. It constitutes the very mudsill of society and of political government; and you might as well attempt to build a house in the air, as to build either the one or the other, except on this mudsill. Fortunately for the South, she found a race adapted to that purpose to her hand. A race inferior to her own.”

Hmm…a class to do the menial duties…a low order of intellect…such a class it must have…fortunately it found a sex adapted to that purpose to hand…a sex inferior to their own…they are like domestic animals…the deficiency of a woman’s mind…

Hammond continued: “Our slaves are black, of another and inferior race. The status in which we have placed them is an elevation. They are elevated from the condition in which God first created them, by being made our slaves. None of that race on the whole face of the globe can be compared with the slaves of the South. They are happy, content, unaspiring, and utterly incapable, from intellectual weakness, ever to give us any trouble by their aspirations.” (He must have forgotten Nat Turner)

Had the Master of Silver Bluff referenced the Qur’an while writing his speech? Perhaps.

Hmm…an inferior sex…elevated from the condition in which first created… (Tabari I:280 “’I must also make Eve stupid, although I created her intelligent.’ Because Allah afflicted Eve, all of the women of this world menstruate and are stupid.”)…happy, content…utterly incapable from intellectual weakness…never to give us trouble…

Muslim women are unlike Western women says Meneses. Religion is integrated into every aspect of their lives. It affects how they dress, how they conduct their politics. Of course there are some disparities, some dislocations, some abominations—honor killings, female circumcisions, beatings—but Islam has pushed woman’s rights sooner and more significantly than Christianity.

Wow! That would be news to Gloria Steinem and the woman’s rights movement. Perhaps they should pay more attention to what is going on in the Muslim world. With the feminist movement supposedly dead in the water, they could pick up a few pointers from people like Brenda Meneses. Is she available? One would not want to impose but if Ms. Meneses could take a few minutes off from her studies and researches and the even more formidable task of enlightening the students at San Antonio College and help the underprivileged mass of American women, especially those stuck under the glass ceiling, with her vast store of knowledge it would be greatly appreciated.

No problem at all. Brenda is available. She has plenty of time. She is an administrative assistant to the Reverend Doctor David L. Semrad, director of the San Antonio United Methodist Campus Ministry. Really? Is that true? That’s what the Ministry says. She answers the telephone, welcomes visitors and arranges meals for Bible Study groups. She should have plenty of time.

Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Is it to be understood that Ms Meneses is not an expert on Islam but is a receptionist? There is no PH d tacked on the end of her name? No Doctor of Philosophy? No Doctor of Divinity? No endorsement from Robert Edgar or Ibrahim Hooper? Yes, that is correct.

Well, for Heavens sakes, what is a scarcely educated dhimmi woman doing trumpeting the wonders of Islam in a sanctioned lecture series on an American college campus to kids who are probably only a paragraph behind her in Indoctrination to Islam 101? It’s a good question—have we sunk that low in our spineless surrender to Islam?

When Opie Taylor was ten-years-old Sheriff Andy took him to see Rin-tin-tin, only it wasn’t Rin-tin-tin, it was Rin-tin-tin’s double and when Opie found out, he was disgusted. “What a gyp!” he said. Nonetheless, Opie got more for his money—it only cost a dime—than the students who attend lectures at San Antonio College get for their thousands.

Islam is on the march in the United States and no battle is too small not to be fought and no lies too outrageous not to be told.


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Denis Schulz was prospective convert to Islam (read his testimony: How I Almost Became a Muslim?) before changing his mind after the 9/11. He actively writes on the threats of Islam and terrorism.

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Name: nasty islam
Date: Monday April 28, 2008
Time: 04:41:00 -0700


nasty islam.Zakir is going mad on is constsntly tension feeling.because of fear

Name: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Monday April 28, 2008
Time: 09:23:51 -0700


And this is how we should not educate our college kids. It is easy: Just watch what San Antonio College did, then go the other way. Peace

Date: Monday April 28, 2008
Time: 10:09:49 -0700



Name: Aaron
Date: Monday April 28, 2008
Time: 10:24:06 -0700


Very soon we will all speaking Arabic and carpet kissing. Thankfully not in my lifetime. Disagree? Then mail

Name: Joe, from Liverpool England
Date: Monday April 28, 2008
Time: 11:55:12 -0700


Whoever wrote about Denis being the culpurit ,you may be right,the man clearly looks white, the natives never wear turbans like he is wearing,since there are plenty of Aercians and British in Afganistan,and after taking off their uniforms they dress as natives and do what they are good at , terrorise the poor females and children, typical whouldn,t you say so!

Name: What is the quran good for???
Date: Monday April 28, 2008
Time: 12:11:49 -0700


From an authors point of view I would say the quran is lengthy, swanky, affected, boring, rude and primitive. It praises violence against others, as well as arrogance. It teaches nothing useful at all. The only thing the quran can give to its followers is the FEELING to be superior to the infidels. But are they? And is it helpful to believe that you are superior while you are not? It is just the way tyrants think of themselves and that´s why democracy is struggling wherever islam is ruling.

Name: Allat
Date: Monday April 28, 2008
Time: 13:10:30 -0700


HANIF - waht an irony - and a disgrace you are to human women. While women in islamic countries struggle and suffer to be free - you come here, and use the Internet to promote female slavery. While islamic women- and little girls in the West, are killed by islamic men, you have nerve to come here and tout islamic slavery!__________

Name: To Mr. Hanif From: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Monday April 28, 2008
Time: 13:30:10 -0700


Dear Sir, So, you think that because some women convert to Islam, Islam an honorable religion and probably the true Path to the Almighty. This line of thinking is very bad brother. If I was teaching an intro to Logic class, and you write something like this, I would give you an "F". Brother, people convert to all kinds of belief systems. This has nothing to do with the Truth or Falsity of that belief system. So, what you just wrote was pure nonsense. Here are some things for you to ponder: An article just published in FaithFreedomInternational under the title "Three Shinning Stars in the Dark" talks about three Azhar professors who left Islam. Maybe, this will work for people with your mode of thinking to convince you to leave Islam. Better yet, read Ali Sina's and Mumin Salih's analysis of the "Miraculous" in the Qur'an. I am sure such readings will show you the sheet stupidity of muslim, so called, intellectuals. Also, it boggles my mind, can't you see how evil and primitive the Islamic teachings are? Beheadings, Cutting of body parts. If God's laws are the Sahri'a, then he is a barbarian like Muhammad. By the way, Muhammad was no more than a thief and assassin pedophile. Read Authentic Sahihs brother, and you will find that out yourself.

Name: Abu Taher
Date: Monday April 28, 2008
Time: 14:34:10 -0700


Islam gives enormous respect and dignity to women, among many, is by giving a dowry to a woman so that a man can have sex with the woman as he likes, and can beat her if he doubts her loyalty. Then, he can replace (divorce) the woman simply by saying a sentence three times, sending SMS will do too. Just to show how generous Islam is, the woman can be given some gift (tips) for her sex service at the divorce. The cost of the dowry is not supposed to be more than what the prophet has given to his wives, which is 400 dirhams. So I think, if a muslim keeps a wife for a certain period, let say a week, it is cheaper for him to have sex from his wife than from a profesional (I mean a prostitute). This shows how enormous the respect and dignity Islam has given to woman, now a muslimah can tag a price on her body. Is there any other religion that gives price to women?

Date: Monday April 28, 2008
Time: 22:52:38 -0700


Islam practices deceit- True ,It is Universally acknowledged that islam is based on lies. What about Christians? They also live by deceiving - take the WMD caper in Iraq just to swindle the Iraqi oil! They want to promote and spread "democracy" around the world - what about democracy in Saudi Arabia? Or in Somalia,Sudan,Ethiopia? No real oil-money tradeoff there ,is it? How about North Korea? Too frightened because of their proximity to the great USA and their having nuclear capable ballistic missiles. Brave cowboys these Americans are,heh? No principles or morals just political expediency and self-serving greed!

Name: Famous Philosopher about Quran
Date: Tuesday April 29, 2008
Time: 03:52:12 -0700


Quote from Schopenhauer: "The World as Will and Representation" First Book: "Consider, for example, the Koran. This wretched book was sufficient to found a religion of the world, to satisfy the metaphysical need of innumerable millions of men for twelve hundred years, to become the foundation of their morality, and of no small contempt for death, and also to inspire them to bloody wars and most extended conquests. We find in it the saddest and the poorest form of Theism. Much may be lost through the translations ; but I have not been able to discover one single valuable thought in it."

Name: agnostic
Date: Tuesday April 29, 2008
Time: 20:10:44 -0700


It is the West that is to blame for islamisation and increased intolerance on non muslims by muslim mass murderers. The failure to recognise every single muslim as a potential mass murderer - jihad sanctioned - is the crime against humanity that the West practises.---------------“It’s hard to deliver a wake-up call for a civilization so determined to smother the alarm clock in the soft fluffy pillow of multiculturalism and sleep in for another 10 years.” The West has developed an uncanny knack for being completely unalarmed by serious threats, says columnist Mark Steyn -----The disease of Political Correctness which is nothing more than No Intelligence Allowed, Thinking Not Allowed foisted with hammer blows on its citizens by the bovine faeces of politicians who are all traitors from within is the cause of treacherous betrayal of humanity to the perversities of satan's cult. It is up to common Americans to rise and stop being demopaths. "Storm the Bastille". Time for the average American to exert he is the employer and those he allowed the trust to govern, not rule, America, is merely the employee, to be dismissed by a vote. Stop being dumbed down.

Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Tuesday April 29, 2008
Time: 20:26:17 -0700


TO the imposter - who posted with false (faux )name - ALLAT and the other DUMMY IBN KAMANU !!! Oye ! imposter Moslimah - nice wishy washy , brain wash , prittle prattle !!! what do you mean in all that useless,stupid blabber. Tell us , point by point what is good as Moslimah living under your tent- BURQA , 24 hours in a dark room confined , permission to piss and pee, peep out . are you getting good satisfaction as a robot . Are you ready to be snuffed out like a dust particle by the utterence of TALAQ - 3X . How much did you get paid for your service as prostitute ? Actually as you found great light and peace in your darkness - we are supposed to recommend another BUR@A on the top of one BURQA you put on - as it will double the darkness !!!! The world has to learn a lot from the darkness, primitiveness,barbarism, cruelty,misogyny, suppression,oppression,hatred from you . keep up the good work. We wish you many more , many more ,many more MOSLIMAHS lives to enjoy . How about incest, sodomy and lesbianism under BURQA?

Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Tuesday April 29, 2008
Time: 21:52:36 -0700


To the imposter who recycled & posted with false name :........ALLAT, and the DUMMY IBN KAMUNA - you are not a Moslimah but a muslaman - However we like you to be a Moslimah and wish you full enjoyment in your darkness under your double BURQA and wallow in that stew of ISLAMIC poison. Hope you are enjoying your robotic sex life too.

Name: Ananda
Date: Tuesday April 29, 2008
Time: 23:21:04 -0700


This "ALLAT and other dummy IBN KAMANU!!!" author is definitely a man wearing a burqa. First they wear burqa to hide from law enforcers, and then they write messages saying how wonderful it is to wear burqa. In between they beat their females if they don't wear burqa. No wonder Islam is such an attraction.

Name: Fatima
Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 08:14:59 -0700


You quoted Tabari IX:113 and Bukhari V3B48N826 as Suras from the Qur'an. Those are not Sura's as you claim. Those are from false hadith, and are not true in Islam. You have no idea how ignorant and silly you sound.

Name: Hanif Peter and Akhter Jim Chandarkant are same person
Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 21:05:21 -0700


Akhter is a very sick man. He can never remember who he is. The ass up carpet kissing five times a day has screwed his head.

Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 22:58:59 -0700


wat fatima says is right Quran says no such thing read it for yourself hadiths are controvercial and most muslims regard QURAN as authentic not the hadiths! as for rights why do christian nuns dress the way they dress?? how did mary dress?? dressing as all ppl know it should be one as the same! infront of GOD ppl should cover up! even the christian women who wears reallly short and exposing clothes to work and does and occasional personal services to their bosses cover up good when they rarely go to the church or attends a furenal! so whos lieing really!

Name: h
Date: Friday May 02, 2008
Time: 09:48:03 -0700


And yet women who write tell the same story over and over and over again, about how intolerant this religion is. Perhaps it't time that read the koran in a language that you can understand and realize that these people are saying on this site and others are the truth. Those that "justify" this kind of garbage about how wrong they are and feel it necessary to write a "book".

Name: Remote Medic
Date: Thursday May 22, 2008
Time: 20:45:16 -0700


Having read all the posts I have come to the conclusion that anyone who depends on any religion written by man is an idiot. That does not mean you don't have believe in God. Your relationship with God is personal to you, and if you listen then he will guide you to true happiness, for me I have looked at all the worlds religions and seen how they are enacted upon mankind, how those who preach them use them for their own advancement, wealth and power. I have worked in Christian countries, Muslim countries in Israel and other major religions and its all the same, discrimination, intolerance, hypocrisy and sanctimonious bs... But as venal and self serving as they are, Christian, Buhhdist, Hindu, Jewish have nothing on Islam when it comes to complete and utter barbarism. I've watch Arab Muslims treat their Pakistani, Malayian, Indonesian 'Brothers' with utter contempt and brutallity, no better than a slave..I have watched bloated, rich, spoiled, uneducated and ignorant Arab Woman spit and slap Black Muslim immigrant shop assistants, watched them laugh and joke about how proud they are of this behaviour.. I have little regard for any organized religion but utter contempt for this most backward primevial hate mongering, soul destroying monstrosity foisted on mankind by an illerate racist murder... Find God you don't need a Priest, Mullah, Iman or Monk to do this, he's there just call his name and he will come.. Peace Be Upon You All...

Name: cool
Date: Wednesday September 10, 2008
Time: 11:38:33 -0700


muslim rule

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