Jihad with the Pen against Kafirs' Misinterpretation and Misunderstanding of Islam
16 May, 2008
- Of course! Out of context! He took them out of context! Who in all of Islam doesn’t know that—though few if any Muslims have seen the film; it is haram.
Dhimmis are always taking things pertaining to Islam out of context. Why only a few days ago, April 22, 2008, it was asserted in the dhimmi press that a group of Muslims attacked Christian worshippers leaving the Christian Orthodox Church of Abu Fana, Hor Palace in Upper Egypt. The attackers supposedly used sticks to beat the worshippers. Women were grabbed by the hair and pushed to the ground. Eyewitnesses (probably dhimmis) said some of the attackers feigned injuries to make it seem like it had been an altercation and not an unprovoked Muslim attack on Christians. There were cries of Allahu akbar, perhaps the only thing the press did not take out of context.
Meanwhile back in Indonesia, there were cries of Allahu akbar in front of the Dutch Embassy in Jakarta and more Allahu akbars as students attacked and damaged the Dutch consulate in Medan. Out of context…not at all. Shihab’s book is being distributed free of charge in mosques throughout Indonesia.
Shihab is not the only Muslim cleric to take up the pen. Sheikh Taj Din al-Hilali is also busy putting words to paper. Al-Hilali achieved worldwide notoriety two years ago when he compared Western women to uncovered meat. “Place it outside in the street,” he sermonized, “or in the garden or in the park, or in the backyard without a cover, and the cats will come and eat it…whose fault is it, the cats or the uncovered meat?”
Al-Hilali was lamenting the fate of a group of poor Lebanese immigrants who had been attracted by uncovered meat—Australian women that wore makeup and swayed suggestively. “Then you get a judge without mercy (rahma),” he said, “and get you 65 years.” And they didn’t need four eyewitnesses to get a conviction in Australia! What kind of justice was that? Women were weapons used by Satan to control men said the Sheikh.
Al-Hilali’s soon to be published book, The Legitimacy of the Veil for Women of the Scripture—Evidence of the Veil in the Bible, will raise awareness and understanding and eliminate apprehension and misunderstanding. It will also hit back at the critics of his uncovered meat comments, comments that were deliberately misinterpreted with the intention of slandering him. He had not intended “to denigrate immodestly dressed women,” he had meant “to denigrate those men who set aside their humanity and turn into predators.” One must not mistake him for Vladimir Nabokov.
Al-Hilali suggested Christian women should wear the veil. He did not suggest that Muslim men should wear chastity belts. Yet it might be an idea whose idea has come. They are not as cumbersome as they look and they don’t pinch—except on sexist chauvinist pig egos. No Lebanese immigrant to Australia should be without one. Besides, the Bible, according to al-Hilali, says you should dress appropriately.
Muslims must be more careful than Christians. The slightest lapse in behavior will be taken out of context like what happened in Kano in Northern Nigeria on April 20, 2008. My—April 20! These disturbances seem to happen every few days. Yes, it seems they do.
It was Sunday and thousands of Christians were at Church when hundreds of angry Muslims took to the streets, apparently for no reason. Christian shopkeepers were beaten, their stores were looted and burned and cars were torched. A regular reign of terror! Thousands of Christians cowered in their churches, afraid to show their faces in the streets. A few were rescued in a shopping mall and taken to a police station. A crowd of Muslims (Were they sure they weren’t Asians?) gathered in the street. They threatened to burn the station if the gendarmes didn’t release the Christians into their custody so they could be stoned to death as called for by Islamic Law. They had blasphemed the Prophet! Yes, blasphemed the Prophet! It was outrageous…inexcusable! So what appeared on the surface to be a riot was not actually a riot! It was a reaction—a justified reaction—to an insult! Once again a normal response to an insult by the religion of peace and toleration had been taken out of context! An unidentified Christian—yes, an unidentified Christian—had scribbled some words on a wall that had disparaged Mohammed! Mohammed PBUH! What else was a true believer to do? Wring his hands? Turn the other cheek? Play the spineless dhimmi? Blasphemy was blasphemy! To call a response to blasphemy a riot was absurd!
So the Quran was taken out of context in Fitna and al-Hilali’s uncovered meat comments were deliberately misunderstood and in Upper Egypt at Hor Palace the Christians had been as much responsible for the altercation as the Muslims and at Kano, there had been widespread blasphemy. Why are they always picking on Islam? Why is there so much misunderstanding, so much taken out of context?
Could there be something in the Quran? Sure, Surah 4:18 says, “For the disbeliever, We have prepared a painful doom.” And Surah 9:5 says, “Slay the idolater wherever you find them.” And Surah 9:73 says “Fight the disbelievers and hypocrites. Be harsh with them. They are going to hell anyway.”
These are troublesome words…perhaps Shihab and al-Hilali could put them in a context so simple even Robert Spencer and Serge Trifkovic could understand them. The only version the West has is the one written by Osama bin Laden on September 11. 2001.
The pen is mightier than the sword…it says to in the Quran. So get to work, boys, forget Fitna and the veil… get out the quill and the ink…you have work to do.
Wait a minute! Wait a minute! There is nothing in the Quran about the pen being mightier than the sword! That’s something George Costanza said on Seinfeld. The Prophet didn’t like writers and poets; he hated them; he ordered them—hopefully this is not out of context—he ordered them murdered! Yes, murdered! How do you explain that? Anyone care to ask Ibrahim Hooper?
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Denis Schulz was prospective convert to Islam (read his testimony: How I Almost Became a Muslim?) before changing his mind after the 9/11. He actively writes on the threats of Islam and terrorism.
Friday May 16, 2008
02:08:36 -0700
Islam is pigshit! It looks at women as just meatballs to be "eaten"- raped and ravished by oversexed muslims who are unable to wait till their pimp'Allah' provides them their 72 whores and 28 booboo boys in that whorehouse of islamic 'Jenna'. Muslims have only one track of mind and way of life laid out by their phoney 'prophet' plunder,sex and still plunder and sex! That is 'islamic' spirituality !
Ibn Kammuna
Friday May 16, 2008
03:43:18 -0700
This whole article is "out of context"..Ha Ha Ha. Great article brother Schulz. Thank you
Name: balam
Date: Friday May 16, 2008
Time: 08:38:46 -0700
A very thought provoking article by Mr.Shulz,But for mohammadans,it is like casting your pearls before muslim SWINES.I wonder how long it would take to react to the inflmatory speeches by people like Hillali.The best treatment he deserves is a hard kick on his back side which coulld land him back to the muslim country he came from.How long could you tolerate these filthy pigs like Hillali among civilized human beings.All the muslims belong to the same family of people.
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Friday May 16, 2008
Time: 08:45:55 -0700
The idea of reforming Islam is an act of futility because Islam, despite the denial of many,is intrinsicly a religon of violence. Furthermore, in the Bible it is written,"That which is crooked cannot be made straigth:and that which is wanting cannot be numbered." [KJV]
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Friday May 16, 2008
Time: 08:49:45 -0700
The last posting of mine i forgot to give were the verse was foundwhich is Ecclesiastes 1:15.
Name: Difference betwee Civilisation and Islam
Date: Friday May 16, 2008
Time: 09:04:01 -0700
Do you remember the nineties? Germany was united, Cechoslovakia was divided and the communist regimes collapsed everywhere. And now listen: There were almost no killings, no victims, no violence. In Poland, in GDR, Hungary and even in the Soviet Union revolutions took place without any violence and today we have democracies everywhere. Why? Because we have a civilisation! Now look what happens in Iraq, in Pakistan, in Yemen, in Somalia, Darfur and almost everywhere in the islamic world. Why is there so much violence? And why is there no change without violence possible? I think this has to do with the fact that islam is violent too and it can be easily used to justify violence.
Name: akhter
Date: Friday May 16, 2008
Time: 14:16:43 -0700
ibn kamanue is parroting again , nice article, very nice article.
Name: To: Akhter From: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Friday May 16, 2008
Time: 18:05:53 -0700
Greetings brother. Thank you for the "nice" note you left about me. You are "special" friend (remember "special Ed. Classes!"). Anyway, listen I've been thinking about the miraculous Qur'an lately. Tonight, I am going to write a special article dedicated to you (and many other Muslim brothers and sisters). I will email it to FFI for publication. The title will be "Sura Like It". I am sure you'll enjoy reading it. I will prove that the Qur'an is Miraculous indeed brother. So, hopefully you'll get to read it in a month or so. Who knows, maybe you'll finally learn something at those two sites you visit. Peace to you brother (I hope you can handle it).
Name: akhter
Date: Saturday May 17, 2008
Time: 05:45:16 -0700
ibn kamanu, many shaer dill came and roared, and met their fate , your fate was decided by you when you became a murtad ,please go on you might as well roar, you know i still notice a touch of Islam in you ,either come back,for your own sake,or get rid of that touch of Islam in you,e.g =peace brother, asolamo alykum.Not whether i but can you handle it?
Name: qwer
Date: Saturday May 17, 2008
Time: 06:19:51 -0700
Indonesian moslem prefer to watch “Ayat-ayat Cinta or Love Verses” the fiction movie, than watching “Fitna” the documenter film about their Islam. “Fitna” is the truth about their Mo, their peacefully religion, and their friendly social. They cried in the mosque: “Geertz Wilder must be treated as like as Theo Van Gogh” --- As like as Quraish Shibab (Indonesian Arab), Amin Rais (the Islam politician) make a hypocrite announcement: “Palestina is not conflict religion nor race. There are no conflict beetwen Islam against Jew religion. The main problem is about injustice, about the right of molested Palestina people. Don’t hate Jews”. If he right, why no moslem jihadits go to Cambodia / Panama / Haiti / Tibet / Irlandia / Timor etc? Amin … if you read and believe your quran and hadist, you should to hate Jews, Christians, pagan, idolator; and. KILL THEM! Follow anything what your Mo taught!
Name: qwer
Date: Saturday May 17, 2008
Time: 06:22:52 -0700
Dear EDITOR. You should to make ISLAM-WATCH in INDONESIA LANGUAGE. Indonesian moslem is the most density moslem in the world. And typical with others moslem in other world, they are very radical and intolerance. Their brain has washed by Arabian Mo.You can open their eyes and heart that all the verses in quran and hadist is full of hatred, violence and female abuse. So many Islam’s fall news here. On the first of 2002, the vice president Hamzah Haz (Islam party’s chairman) shouted: “Don’t make moslems angry!!” when foreign intelegence said that Indonesia is terrorist assylum. When Bali bombed on Oct 12th 2002 and hundreds were killed, Z.A. Maulani (Indonesian Chief Intelegence) said that the bomb is mini termo nuclear and the civilians can’t do this. He pointing USA is the actor behind the bombing. After police cought the bomber, Indonesian Arab spiritual leader Abu Bakar Baasyir and Imam Samudra (the bomber) yell: “Moslem against terrorist!”. Look who’s talking.
Name: qwer
Date: Saturday May 17, 2008
Time: 06:24:12 -0700
WHAT INDONESIAN MOSLEM TALK ABOUT 9/11 ? The day when WTC hitted by airplane, thousands of Jews who work in Manhattan was absence to work, avoid the impact. They pointing Jews is the actor behind. After the case disclosed, and the real actor is moslem from Arab, Indonesian still argue that all of them, the bombers, is CIA’s agent. Osama is not the actor, and American can’t prove it. Osama is the hero inside Indonesian moslem! Indonesia moslem’s brain has washed by satanic quran
Date: Saturday May 17, 2008
Time: 15:06:01 -0700
queer,who ever you are, get the fuck out of here,and get searching for hole somewhereelse.
Name: qwer
Date: Saturday May 17, 2008
Time: 17:42:49 -0700
Moslem, which side I made a wrong opinion about satanic islam and your Mo?
Name: Thomas Justin Kaze
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 22:21:25 -0700
Oh, you poor bugger, Sheikh Taj ad-Din al-Hilaly; what if I do not follow any scripture? As a matter of fact, I am in the process of writing my own shmoly scripture, according to which scum like you should be locked up in jail for incitement to sex jihad and placed with violent infidel criminals who would penetrate you anally every time you raised your pious derriere in your Satanic prayer, five times a day and then some. As-Shaitan'u aleikum, you (covered)pig meat!