Moderation in Everything but Religion
30 Mar, 2009
- Ever hear of hot pursuit? Like the Sheriff of Travis County
chasing a bad guy across the county line to make an arrest in
Jefferson County? Like the American Army pursuing Pancho Villa
deeper and deeper into Mexico in 1916? Like an American fighter
pilot chasing a Russian Mig across the Yalu in 1952 or ’53? Like a
Neanderthal pursuing a prospective mate into another tribe’s cave
and dragging her out by the hair?
It was like the last one. County Sheriffs don’t always get their
man and the American Army and American fighter pilots have never
been 100 percent successful but the Mutaween, Saudi Arabia’s caveman
Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice always
gets their woman, and a particularly fleet-footed member of Allah’s
patrol proved it the other day. He spotted two perps in a car—a man
perp and a woman perp—and they were perpetrating. He swooped down on
them like a hawk on a chicken coop but while he was arresting the
male perp the female perp decided to make a break for it. And away
she went with the Mutaween flatfoot in hot pursuit. The Yalu was too
far off, Mexico was in the next hemisphere and there were no caves
or county lines in easy reach but there was a woman’s Professional
Training Center only a huff and a puff away. So in she went. That
ought to hold the flatfoot—men weren’t allowed in the center. But
alas—it was not to be! It wasn’t Barney Fife hotfooting it after the
Muslima ingénue, it was Bull Connor—or to keep the allegory intact,
Ally Oop or Fred Flintstone.
To make a long story short, the Mutaween followed the perp into
the Training Center, grabbed her by the hair, and while a number of
women looked on in horror, dragged her out into the street.
“You have the right to remain silent, Ma’m.”
The outraged owner of the Center has filed a complaint against
the Commission. And the Commission—well, they have filed a complaint
against the Center.
It was a sign of moderation, right? The perp wasn’t beaten and
the Center wasn’t torched of closed down. Cooler heads had
prevailed. Saudi Arabia is in the hands of reformers. A new age is
dawning. Well, not so as one would notice.
Prince Khalid al-Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud is Governor of
Makkah Province in western Saudi Arabia. He is a leading ‘reformer.’
He has been on a speaking tour promoting moderate Islam. “Moderation
is the way of life of a progressive Arab Muslim society in this
country,” he told the students and faculty at King Abdulaziz
University. “(It) firmly and confidently says “no” to extremism and
westernization and “yes” to moderation in thinking, politics,
economics and culture.
March 9, 2009: A 75-year-old woman was sentenced to receive 40 lashes for hosting two unrelated men in her home. A few days previously, Halemah Mozaffer, a female writer was at the Riyadh International Book Fair for a book signing. The Mutaween was also there—the printed word could be as dangerous to a true believer’s virtue as a suicide bomber’s belt and just as explosive.
It wasn’t long before the Mutaween had detained two male
novelists who had approached Halemah for an autograph. Ms Mozaffar
was read the riot act. She was accused of immorality for not having
her face covered and for signing books given her by men. By men!
Reinforcements were called in and a human wall was formed to prevent
her from signing more books—two Mutaween, fives security guards and
six soldiers. Eliot Ness didn’t use that many Untouchables when he
raided one of Capone’s breweries.
Was this exercise a “no” to extremism or a “no” to
Dr. Abu Razaiz, a professor of Psychiatry at Umm al-Qra
University in Mecca, was sentenced to 180 lashes for having coffee
with a female student. Those in the know say he was framed for
irking the Commission.
Last year in Riyadh, a 37-year-old American businesswoman was
jailed for sitting in a Starbucks coffee shop with a male colleague.
She was strip-searched and forced to sign a false confession. Was
that a “yes” or a “no” to moderation in economics?
The Promoters of Virtue have banned walking pets in public because young men—forgetful of the 72 virgins awaiting them in Allah’s paradise—were using Fido and Snuggles to lure women into the streets.
It is the ability to interfere in the most trivial affairs of
both men and women that gives the Mutaween it’s power and makes it
so feared. Hitler’s Gestapo would have envied them. The Mutaween can
raid private homes in search of alcohol and illegal sexual
activities; they can arrest men and women unrelated by blood or
marriage for meeting in public places. If there is any need for
moderation in Saudi Arabia it is in the Commission for Promotion of
Virtue and Prevention of Vice.
Khalid al-Faisal may be a nice man, generous to a fault, kind to
animals and maybe even to Jews, but he ought to get out more. When
he says “no” to extremism he means Osama bin Laden and when he says
“no” to westernization he means “no” to a lot of things—to John
Wayne and Rooster Cogburn, to Britney Spears and Rosie O’Donnell, to
frat parties and church socials, to the US Constitution and the Bill
of Rights, to a mixed touch-football game in Polisher’s field and to
what goes on in American a hundred billion times every day.
But he is in favor of moderation—he says “yes” to moderation in
thinking, politics, economics and culture. But hasn’t he left
something out? Isn’t there something missing in all the moderation?
Thinking? Politics? Economics? Culture?
Why, yes! He forgot to mention religion! How could that be? Certainly a religion of peace and tolerance couldn’t be against moderation. Somebody should ask him the big question—about moderation in religion, and then head for the nearest cave; no one in Saudi Arabia has ever made it to the county line.
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Denis Schulz was prospective convert to Islam (read his testimony: How I Almost Became a Muslim?) before changing his mind after the 9/11. He actively writes on the threats of Islam and terrorism.
Name: jenn
Date: Monday March 30, 2009
Time: 00:56:15 -0500
Saudi men have itch on their balls. LOL
Name: prince1
Date: Monday March 30, 2009
Time: 01:47:11 -0500
islam is a backward and primitive cult
Name: Tony
Subject: well said!
Date: Monday March 30, 2009
Time: 01:56:18 -0500
to PRINCE1 you said "islam is a backward and primitive cult " - I didn't realise islam was THAT advanced!
Name: Anti Clot
Subject: Mutaween
Date: Monday March 30, 2009
Time: 02:34:00 -0500
These religious policemen are the scum of the scum. While people like them MUST exist, it is not necessary to pay them for living up their sadistic desires. To my knowledge, islam is the only religion that allows and encourages people to torture others in such a primitive manner. And while the saudi royals are all entitled to pimp as many women they want, common people are tyrannized by these perverted sheriffs.
Name: jenn
Date: Monday March 30, 2009
Time: 02:49:22 -0500
The muttawas in saudi arabia are child molesters and murderers just like their prophet Mohammad
Name: ARM
Date: Monday March 30, 2009
Time: 10:58:38 -0500
I hope that the Muslim World will be able grow up and allow "Freedom" of Choice for all equally. This is a God given right to all mankind. The process is slow and hard as Man wants to play God all the time
Name: Truth Detector
Subject: Islam More Than Backward
Date: Monday March 30, 2009
Time: 14:57:17 -0500
Islam is more than backward. First of all Islam isn't a religion. Islam is an ideology that has masqueraded as a religion. In reality, Islam is a brutal ideology very much like atheistic Nazism, or atheistic Communism. Islam was founded primarily to harass and destroy all human beings, including Muslims. To prove my point, allow me to quote a bit from The Islamic War Manual, sometimes called the Qur'an: "Fight them [yes, even Muslims] until all opposition ends, and all submit to Allah,"(Sura 8 Verse 39). "The infidels should not think that they can get away from us. Prepare against them whatever arms and weaponry you can muster so that you may terrorize them. They are your enemy, and Allah's enemy,"(Sura 8 Verse Verse89). Bear in mind that "infidels" can also be Muslims, for example that poor 75 year old woman that was condemned to 40 lashed for hosting two young males, friends, in her home. Even Muslims, in brutal Islamic cultures who "break" a trivial unjust Muslim law, are "infidels." Petty thieves, in Islamic countries, have their hands, feet cut off, and eyes gouged out for takeing a small item. Only backward? No, Islam is more than backward. Islam is very cruel, a brutal, satanic ideology that destroys human beings. The paedophile, child molester, inhumane murderer Muhammad was the founder and false prophet of Islam. And the followers of Muhammad are the worst scum of the earth. That's a proven fact that we can see every day.
Name: vbv
Date: Tuesday March 31, 2009
Time: 01:27:53 -0500
We must ask Indian muslim women who crow a lot about hindus' maltreatment of women and how islam "honours" women. Some "honour" indeed ,with muttawa police breathing down their necks, accusing them of "immorality" for a silly reason like a coffee with a male friend or colleague in a cafe ! Not only are they charged with imaginery crimes of "immorality" but are given the most barbaric 'punishment' , perhaps a rape by the same 'muttawa' "police" to lessen their guilt! The women members of AIMPLB and the likes of Zakir Naik are very proud of the treatment meted out to muslim women and the 'kaffir' women who can be raped and thrown at will as they are "worse than beasts" according to their bullshit book of horrors :Quran. This is 'pristine' islam , the arabian barbarianism disguised as "religion".
Name: Kmgy
Date: Tuesday March 31, 2009
Time: 01:49:43 -0500
Islam brings nothing to this world but misery, cruelty, death, destruction, and backwardness.
Name: PNUT
Date: Tuesday March 31, 2009
Time: 03:03:45 -0500
It's so sad thinking about how life must be in Muslim countries. The segregation of the sexes is so wonder that the people are such social retards.A Muslim has to wait to go to Paradise to even go on a date or have a coversation with a pretty girl. How sad and utterly pathetic. These people are enslaved by stupidity and illogic. Islam is terrible, the West needs politicians with the guts to stand up and call it what it is, a blight on humanity. Islam is the enemy of humanity,it is criminal. Do Muslims ever wonder: if sex is so bad, then why is it allowed in paradise ? Utter nonsense.
Name: prince 1
Subject: to truth detector
Date: Tuesday March 31, 2009
Time: 03:47:25 -0500
i cant agree more . you are absolutely right
Name: Archpagan
Date: Tuesday March 31, 2009
Time: 04:31:48 -0500
Europians got over the darkness of the mediaeval era by adopting the concepts of democracy, rule of law and rationalism, all of which were passed on by their Graco-Roman pagan ancestors. Similarly, Muslims of South and South West Asia can come out of the vicious cycle of Mullacracy and terrorism only by taking recourse to the wisdom of their Hindu/ buddhist ancestors.
Name: jenn
Date: Tuesday March 31, 2009
Time: 05:02:05 -0500
Saudi men rub pork fat on eachother's rectums before having anal sex inside their mosques after friday prayers.
Name: jenn
Date: Tuesday March 31, 2009
Time: 05:36:52 -0500
allah rubbed pork fat on his boyfriend Mohammad's ass before inserting his screwdriver in. LOL
Name: Muslim Responses
Subject: Jesus was a prophet of God, and not God himself!
Date: Tuesday March 31, 2009
Time: 13:45:06 -0500
In Islam, Jesus is a prophet of God, and not God or the Son of God. He was a human after all! He was born like a human. He looked like a human. He used to eat, sleep, urinate, and shit like a human. And so on. Therefore, he was a human! Unlike Christians, Muslims do not believe that a priest/pope can be infallible either!
Name: Secular responds
Date: Tuesday March 31, 2009
Time: 21:41:30 -0500
Yes, but according to islam, Mohammed was somehow beloved by everybody (more like feared) and he flew up to heaven and partied with god for several days.
Name: To stupid Muslim Responses
Date: Tuesday March 31, 2009
Time: 21:51:45 -0500
Do you know satan want you to do evil so he can bring you to hell.
Name: Anti Clot
Subject: Re: Muslim Responses
Date: Wednesday April 01, 2009
Time: 02:46:59 -0500
Everything about Jesus in quran and hadith is drawn from the bible and the apokryphal Infancy Gospel of Thomas. The fact that islam explicitely recognises that Jesus was the Messias (christ), The Word (logos), born by a virgin, raised to heaven, inspired by the holy spirit and that he created living bird from mud or clay (much like god created Adam according to both bible and quran!) contradicts stronly to the quranic view that jesus was only a human. It reveals that the authors of the quran had no idea about theology and christology. All the quotes drawn by the quran had been written to support the theory that jesus was god. While this is disputable the quran fails to show anything really different from the christian tradition. In short, I would say that the author of the quran did not understand what he was talking about. Perhaps he was, much like many muslims, only memorizing the texts without ever understanding it.
Name: Muslim Responses
Subject: Debunking some oft-repeated lies against the Qur'an
Date: Thursday April 02, 2009
Time: 07:30:08 -0500
Debunking some oft-repeated lies against the Qur'an:
Name: Ever ever infidel / neverever muzzie.
Subject: some basic maths about jennah, muhammad and allah
Date: Friday April 03, 2009
Time: 04:14:11 -0500
It is explained that muhammad will intercede in front of allah for all humanity on judgement day. Considering the population of human beings till judgement day as say 25 billion. ie 250000000000. you imagine one second will be taken to call the name of the dead man/woman. ie 250000000000 seconds. which is equal to 250000000000/60 minutes ie= 4166666667 minutes which means 69444444 hours which means 2893518 days which means 7927 years which means 80 human life time ( considering life of man being 100 years). Is it not the jennah unreal?
Name: zenner
Subject: religions
Date: Sunday April 05, 2009
Time: 21:26:12 -0400
all religions are nonesense...designed for fools..who are scared and confused and seek security. all holy books are written by men..not by god.. if god wanted to speak to me...I"m here..I don't have to dig in some book page , paragraph so and so...that is foolishness.but your upbringing(conditioning thru race /relgion culture lack of education )has turned you into a zombie ,a mindless follower,liberate your true self from foolishness. try to see things for yourself...not through the eyes of someone else...wake up !!!you are living in an dream and illusion for the sake of "false" comfort. I am not an atheist stance is "I do not know !!..neither does anybody else know. if there is a god (who knows) day he might reveal himself to the mean time I keep an open mind..neither for nor against god.
Name: Kmgy
Subject: God is Love
Date: Tuesday April 07, 2009
Time: 02:38:06 -0400
The person who does not love does not know God, because God is love.-1 John 4:8