OIC: Respect Our Religion and Pay Jizya, or See You in Court!
26 Mar, 2008
- What if the United Nations’ Human Rights Commission should find the gumption to issue a vigorous condemnation of some future terrorist act? The UN has made many allowances for over-zealousness on the part of Islam but there have been stirrings in the West of late. Theo van Gogh’s murder did not cow Rooster Cogburn or Tom Tancredo—it angered them. There has been talk in some circles of Thomas Jefferson and Richard the Lion-Heart, to stand up for the First Amendment, for freedom of the press, for freedom of expression. Scary. That is not on the OIC want list.
- “You shouldn’t be here. This should be a mosque.”
Mistakes have been made. Perhaps if the Mad Mullahs had kept quiet
during the Jyllands-Posten cartoon controversy instead of sending
thousands of crazies into the streets to burn and trash and to
scream ‘Allahu akbar’ things might have blown over in a few days and
been forgotten, but, no—and now tens of thousands of websites, from
one end of the world to the other, feature some, if not all, of the
cartoons and the Prophet PBUH will forever be known as a bearded man
with a bomb in his hat! For shame! For shame! Unless the Caliphate
can be achieved and soon, that cartoon appears to be Mohammed’s
Shroud of Turin, a sad fate—a crazy man with a bomb in his hat! What
is to be done?
Over the years, the Saudis have put thousands of dedicated Wahhibis through law school—have sent them to Harvard and Yale, to Oxford and Cambridge—why not put them to work, make them earn those petrodollars? They can sue the dhimmis, make Michael Savage pay for his insolence, make Robert Spencer rue his non-deference to Islam. Hit them where it hurts—in their pocketbooks!
The OIC has just concluded it’s latest meeting in Dakar and has come up with a new “A Ten-Year Programme of Action To Meet the Challenges Facing the Muslim Ummah in the 21st Century.” It is an ambitious project.
President Abdoulaye Wade of Senegal did not mince words. “I don’t think freedom of expression should mean freedom from blasphemy,” he said. “There can be no freedom without limits.” (It is like they say in America, one can’t shout ‘fire’ in a crowded theatre—or as they say in Riyadh, one can’t whisper the Lord’s Prayer in a crowd of two without coming in contact with the mutaween! PBUH)
Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, secretary general of the OIC was explicit. “Muslims are being targeted by a campaign of defamation, denigration, stereotyping and discrimination,” he said. The Jews suffered less under the Nazis in the 1930s!
Hemayet Uddin authored the OIC cultural affairs report. “This Islamophobia that we see in the world has gone far beyond a phobia,” he said. “It is now at the level of hatred, of xenophobia, and we need to act.” Yes, if the dhimmis don’t respect our religion and pay the jizya we will turn our lawyers loose and sue the pants off them.
The new OIC charter will “protect and defend the true image of Islam” and will “combat the defamation of Islam.” And George W. Bush has sent Sada Cumber, an Ismaili Muslim businessman from Austin, Texas, to Dakar as his special envoy to agree with them. Mr. Cumber was born in Pakistan and has a Batchelor’s degree in Commerce and a Master’s degree in History from the University of Karachi. That’s the University of Karachi, not Bob Jones University, not Oral Roberts, not Liberty Baptist College in Lynchburg, Virginia—the University of Karachi. The President might as well have sent Robert Edgar or John Esposito.
The OIC Ten-Year Program of Action calls on member states to spread the correct ideas about the Religion of Moderation and Tolerance, to combat all forms of terrorism, including invasion of countries, to consider terrorism a global phenomenon not connected with any religion; to call on the United Nations to combat Islamophobia, and to enact laws to counter the defamation, denigration and stereotyping of Islam, including the necessary deterrent penalties. No one will ever shout ‘Fire’ in a crowed mosque again! And, of course, the Ten-Year Program provides for a Final Solution to the Jewish Question as envisioned by Yasser Arafat, and before Arafat by Adolph Hitler.
Before embarking on his mission of peace and moderation, Sada Cumber addressed the Associated Press. “America has a deep respect for the religion of Islam,” he said. “The freedom of faith that we exercise, that we enjoy in America, that is also a very important aspect of the American core values. Anyone who wants to practice any faith is never stopped or discouraged.”
Perhaps not in America, but things are not that simple elsewhere—not in Saudi Arabia, not in Iran, not anywhere in the Middle East and not in Shadwell, England where two thugs, described as ‘Asians,’ recently attacked Michael Ainsworth, a 57-year-old priest, in the grounds of his own church, St. George-in-the-East, telling him, “You shouldn’t be here, this should be a mosque.” Scotland Yard described the encounter as a ‘faith hate crime.” No one said the attackers were Muslims—that would have been Islamophobic, maybe even defamatory. (How would the Ku Klux Klan like it if they were described as Christians?)
Unfortunately, the beating of Michael Ainsworth was not an isolated incident. According to a survey by National Churchwatch nearly half of London’s clergymen have been attacked and beaten during the last 12 months. Churchwatch suggested the clergymen should remove their ‘dog’ collars when they go out alone. Is there a better argument for a concealed gun permit? Oh, right! This is England! One must keep a stiff bloody upper lip.
The Rt. Rev. Stephen Locke, a former colleague of Ainsworth, said, “I would want to see a condemnation of this cowardly behavior by senior Muslims in the community and really hope there isn’t an over-reaction from the white community.” (Isn’t that what John Bull said after the Boston Massacre? And what did Patrick Henry say? But that was years ago, when men were men and Christians were Christians)
Multiply what happened to Ainsworth ten thousand times and one gets an idea of what is happening to non-Muslims in Muslim countries and what is increasingly happening to dhimmis, infidels, and kafirs in non-Muslim countries with growing Muslim populations. Scotland Yard needs Sherlock Holmes and 10 Downing Street needs Winston Churchill to inject some backbone and sanity into England’s sinking Ship of State. Stop with the ‘Asian’ nonsense. Call a Muslim a Muslim. Chicago couldn’t get rid of Al Capone until they were willing to call him a crook. And the next time the Texas Gunslinger sends an envoy to the OIC let it be Rooster Cogburn or Danny DeVito—but only if DeVito goes packing heat.
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Denis Schulz was prospective convert to Islam (read his testimony: How I Almost Became a Muslim?) before changing his mind after the 9/11. He actively writes on the threats of Islam and terrorism.
Name: Godot
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 06:27:58 -0700
I don't blame the Muslims any more. I blame the West for its complacensy. How long will it take the West wake up?
Name: Patrick Risk
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 08:32:38 -0700
A 10 year program of action? That's optimistic arrogance beyond belief. Islam will be nonexistent in the civilized world in half that time...The sum-total of Islam is INSANITY. Islam is ignorance personified. Islam is indefensible. With critical research, it's impossible to come up with any other conclusion...The OIC in reality is working on a 10 minute plan. How long are we going to sit on our hands and just let it happen? AGAIN! The message to the Muslim world is simple: WE KNOW...Have an epiphany or pack your bags...Patrick Risk.
Name: Allat
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 09:31:28 -0700
Hit them where it hurts...in the pocketbooks? _____That's EXACTLY what the arabs are doing, buying the world banks. THey also own the ports of the U.S. under frontmen.(We raised a big stink over that, remember? And were fooled into thinking, we, in the U.S. prevailed. And so the arab sheik scum said: "Boy, did we ever fool those ignorant, American peasants!" And rolled on the floor laughing, over our gullebility.
Name: Cynic
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 09:32:16 -0700
The baptism of Magdi Allam is a watershed event. The Islamists are red in the face. It is not a triumph for Christianity. But it is a small but epochmaking step for Muslims and the world. A person had the courage to publicly renounce Islam and make an example of it. Of course the Islamists would like to kill him. But the flood gates are going to be opened. Soon there will be too many people to be killed . Much more than any number of Islamists can handle. Heres hope, my friends, for a glorious world without Islam.
Name: Allat
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 09:35:00 -0700
"President Abdoulaye Wade of Senegal did not mince words. “I don’t think freedom of expression should mean freedom from blasphemy."____________________So why are the islamics going specifically for blasphemy, and not anything else? What does blasphemy cover?______Would it cover just about everything in sharia law?__________I suspect so.
Name: Re: Cynic
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 11:37:23 -0700
Magdi Allam was probably a Copt, not Muslim.
Name: Message to the people from the clot
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 13:01:00 -0700
You muslims believe that you are made from clot, don´t you? In the very oldest sura of the quran The Clot it is described how Allah made human beings from clot. That´s why you all behave like clot-zombies without any brain. Why are you are against civilisation? Because clots don´t have any idea of civilisation, science, arts and anything superior to islam.
Name: What else do muslims believe?
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 13:10:21 -0700
They believe that sperm comes from between the ribs and the backbone. Maybe they are feeling pain in this region any time they masturbate.
Name: What else do clotties believe?
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 13:25:01 -0700
The people from the clot also believe that Allah created the earth in six days or so, then he created heaven and then he sticked the stars to the sky. Did he use glue? Or did he use clot? No he used sperm from between his ribs and his backbone.
Name: Believers and Unbelievers
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 14:12:05 -0700
Everybody who does not believe that people are made from clot are unbelievers and infidels. This refers to how many of the whole population? And everybody who believes that sperm comes from his balls is also an unbeliever! Hey, does this mean that almost everybody is an unbeliever? Even Bin Laden? What does he believe that his sperm come from? From his brain?
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 15:43:58 -0700
[ Stop with the ‘Asian’ nonsense.] This is so typically British - they hide their naked cowardice by lumping all other Asians who are law abiding and contributing with the slime-ball muslims they grovel to. This is what happens to descendants of a nation that colonised with barbaric brutality - they become lily livered, lickspittles and work their ass off for the muslim minority in their wretched isles. Right this moment, Britainstani police are hamstrung by the leftist weapon of poltical correctness to prevent the kidnap of underage white girls into prostitution for fear of RACISM?????Go figure! ***The OIC tok the cue from UN's dhimmi pussy Ban ki-Moon who said: "....a UN-Islam partnership can help ease conflicts around the world. "The UN and the OIC stand side-by-side in rejecting forcefully and wholeheartedly any linkages between terrorism and Islam." And its equally filthy arm known as Human Rights voice concerns about the “defamation of Islam.” The UN responsible for the slaughter of millions has its dhimmi blast: "Israel is hurting innocent people and it must restrain itself." WHILE violations by Sudan, North Korea, Iran, Cuba , etc are being ignored.
Name: agnostic
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 16:19:19 -0700
And while I am at it, those who can should read Pedro Sanjuan's book on "The UN Gang" where he describes the genesis of an extremely anti-Semitic Arab state mafia blackmailing the "international community" to spend an enormous portion of its time on Israel and to vote for "just decisions" against the "terror state". Pretending to be a "secular institution", the UN administration offers a prayer facility to the believers in Islam - as the only religion. Already in 1974, against all written and unwritten rules, the UN gave standing ovations to Yassir Arafat, having spoken, armed with a Smith & Wesson revolver. So far for "unjust treatment" of Islamic and/or Palestinian interests in the UN. ****The UN is supposedly to: . 1) Eradicating global poverty 2. Providing universal primary education 3. Promoting gender equality 4. Reducing child mortality 5. Combating the spread of AIDS and other diseases 6. Promoting environmental sustainability 7. Promoting Human Rights 8. Addressing humanitarian issues 9. Fighting global terrorism 10. Peacekeeping and restoring security 11. Providing assistance to least developed nations 12. Promoting cultural collaboration. ITS ACHIEVEMENTS: the 1.5 million Armenians massacred by the Ottoman Turks; or the 6 million Ukrainians slaughtered by Stalin; or the tens of millions of other Soviet citizens killed by Stalin's Soviet Union; or the 6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis and their helpers throughout Europe; or the 60 million Chinese butchered by Mao; or the 2 million Cambodians murdered by Pol Pot; or the millions killed and enslaved in Sudan; or the Tutsis murdered in Rwanda's genocide; or the millions starved to death and enslaved in North Korea; or the million Tibetans killed by the Chinese. ASK Ask any of these poor souls, or the hundreds of millions of others slaughtered, tortured, raped and enslaved in the last 100 years, if "world opinion" (UN) did anything for them. On the other hand, we learn that "world opinion" is quite exercised over Israel's unintentional killing of a few hundred Lebanese in the UN favoured Hizbollah vs Israel; war, and now the thousands of rockets by Hamas and Fatah where Israel is not supposed to defend herself. This is what the UN does BEST: constantly berate Israel grovelling to Wahabbi lolly to enrich their fat bank accounts and remain SILENT about the world's cruellest countries as mentioned in an earlier post. WAR AGAINST TERROR? Not with the thugs, rapists, Islmofascists, fraudsters, plunders and accessories to Hizbollah, Hamas and every other terrorist organisation seeking first to destroy Israel, and then the West. A few more years and the UN will have millions of sheeple to hand over to Islamofascists for open slaughter. The stadiums will be turned into coliseums of beheading, stoning if we hide behind politcal correctness, diversity, multi-culti, and self-hatred. As I said, it will be up to REAL MEN of Russia and China together with Germany and East Europe led by the ONLY man in the western world, the POPE to cleanse the earth of this Ebola Virus called islam-muslims.
Name: akhter
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 16:28:08 -0700
Money is no problem Denis, as much you want,it will be there, and so will the Muslims, Who is going to look after the old of Europe in 30 years time when old natives will be the majority , while with the will of Allah, Muslim youth will in majority in the west, give them a chance, be kind and in turn, they will provide your pension, and be passionate to you.
Name: Kali Politeis
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 17:53:32 -0700
What's the Muslim spam here? And no, no matter your wishful thinking, Ali Sina has NOT been "dismantled." LOL - keep trying. Regardless of your Muslim spew, Islam will be shown to be the horrible enslaving rubbish that it is. Islam's dismantling is not up to Ali Sina alone - in fact, you demented Muslim fanatics are dismantling Islam by your own depraved and human-hating actions. Why don't you just snap out of it? You are brainwashed by a mind-control CULT OF DEATH. Is there any humanity within you, Musbot? See this site =>>>>>>>> http://islamwatchers.blogspot.com
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 19:32:39 -0700
It is typical of you Moslem to call anyone that doesn't go along with your religion, as SATAN. If we open our mind in reading the life story of your prophet, I think he is more like SATAN than all the people in the world. MO is the personification of SATAN in this our world. You cannot beat Mr. Sina ini debates, so you call him SATAN. It is SATAN who cannot defeat someone with true logic and good knowledge on how bad Islam is.
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 20:43:51 -0700
I feel sorry for muslims. How tenaciously they want to live in eternally dark age. They cannot prove allah dictated the quran, they cannot prove who was Adam's mother or eves father, or Gibraeil exists. They start quoting from other religions. Quran was written for a barbaric desert people by a man called Mohammed and then plagiarised from different religious texts at different times. It is a book full of contradictions. If it were to be written in India Allah would not have asked people to clean their asshole after defaecation with stones, he would have asked them to use water. Or if it were to be written in Europe Great Allah would have asked to use paper for the same job. So, leave the arabs to follow their book and not impose on others.If muslims of other countries insist on this book it will be better they seek asylum in Saudi arabia. This religion decimated great civilisations of Iran, Mesopotomia and Iran. What has that given in return. But for oil they would have become international beggers. Every dog has day. Islam had its, it is now for the other one. Just wait and see.
Name: ZuK to Akhter
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 20:59:12 -0700
In response to Akhter's concern, expressed in the rhetoric question: "Who is going to look after the old of Europe in 30 years time when old natives will be the majority , while with the will of Allah, Muslim youth will in majority in the west, give them a chance, be kind and in turn, they will provide your pension, and be passionate to you."? the answer is: hard working Latin American immigrants :)
Name: Quran on Jews
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 01:46:23 -0700
Quran is the only non-Jewish scripture in the world where Jews have been honored and protected [Quran 2:40; 2:47; 44:30-32; etc.] and they have also been offered salvation if they follow their own scriptures [Quran 2:62 and 5:69]. On the other hand, there is no salvation for Jews and Hindus in Christianity!!!
Name: Allat
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 08:31:31 -0700
"Stop with the ‘Asian’ nonsense.]..... lumping all other Asians who are law abiding and contributing with the slime-ball muslims they grovel to."_______________You know, that's what I said when I 1st heard that, that the true Asians, which are honest and law abiding, would be and SHOULD be insulted - so much that they SHOULD protest this.______________But remember, that one thing is the "commoners" of the UK...and the rest of EUR. and another is the government, general news media and clerics, which are ALL hand-in-glvoe with one another. People are aware of what is going on, and resentful, at the moment, they're holding back because they're decent people, but there will come a moment, when PUSH COMES TO SHOVE....!
Name: Quran on Jews and Christians
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 09:02:59 -0700
*Quran is the only non-Jewish scripture in the world where Jews have been honored and protected [Quran 2:40; 2:47; 10:93; 44:30-32; etc.], and they have also been offered salvation if they follow their own scriptures [Quran 2:62, 5:69 and 22:17]. *Quran is the only non-Christian scripture in the world where Jesus and Mary have been honored with very high regard [Chapter 19: Mary], and they (Christians) have also been offered salvation if they follow their own scriptures [Quran 2:62, 5:69 and 22:17]. #On the other hand, there is no salvation for non-Jews in Judaism! There is no salvation for non-Christians in Christianity either! According to Judaism, all non-Jews (Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Pagans, etc.) will go to hell! According to Christianity, all non-Christians (Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Pagans, etc.) will be burned in hell for eternity! ##Verse 3:28 and 5:51 address to terrorist/intolerant Jews and Christians, not ALL. See 5:57 and 60:8-9, for crystal clear clarification.
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 09:50:17 -0700
Name: Platypus
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 09:53:50 -0700
Geronimo’s recipe for getting rid of Muslims terrorists. Had a dream last night. Met the great Apache chief Geronimo in my dream. Told him about 10,000 plus acts of terrorisms by Muslims around the world since 9/11. -You not handling it right he said. -What’s your suggestion? -Them want to play hard ball? -Looks that way. -So let’s play hardball! Right? -Right. -Them allergic to pigs? -Yea? -Them like striking terror in the heart of people? -Yea? -So strike terror in their heart too! Fight fire with fire! -How -Well first you catch a dozen of them lizards, line them up against a wall and bring in firing squad. -I see what you mean... -You going too fast. -So what’s next? -You tell the boss to bring bucket of swine blood mixed with pigs’ urine in front of the firing squad. -Then? -Tell each shooter to dip his bullets in bucket. -Ahhh, smells good already... -Well this not exactly blood pudding. -What’s next? -After shooting only 6 of the bastards, strip them naked, slip dead ones in used pigskin body bag, spread some pig entrails over them, add salt and pepper, zip up the bag, bury in common grave under 4-5 feet of swine dung, empty the rest of the piss and blood recipe over the dung and let rot eternally. Grave should be far from town ‘cause that Muslim stew will smell very badly far and loud. -What about the other six? -Let them go tell the world how lucky they are to be dung free! -Allahu Akbar! Alleluia! Tora! Tora! -And send invoice to CAIR for bullets and body bags! -Roger!
Name: SomeOne
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 10:55:27 -0700
Endlich - der erste arabische hardcore Anti-Islam-Blog ist da. http://blog.unmasking-islam.net/ Endlich - der erste arabische hardcore Anti-Islam- Fotoalbum ist da. http://album.unmasking-islam.net/ --- At last - the first Arab hardcore anti-Islam blog is here. http://blog.unmasking-islam.net/ At last - the first Arab hardcore anti-Islam Photo Albums is here. http://album.unmasking-islam.net/ --- أخيرا أول مدونة تعري وتفضح الإسلام http://blog.unmasking-islam.net/ أخيرا أول البوم صور يعري ويفضح الإسلام http://blog.unmasking-islam.net/
Name: ZuK to poor Akhter
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 10:59:48 -0700
Akhter, dear: Dream on, my dear. These immigrants have their own form of institutionalized stupidity, called The Holy Catholic Church. They won't trade it for your opressive, sad Islam. Rather the other way around. I see more people speaking Spanish here in the US than Arabic or Pakistani :) And when I say hard working, I mean THAT: they just work, without any demands that the laws of the country they work be adjusted to fit the Mexican or Colombian commandments. Eventually, somebody in Europe will come to the same conclusion: "we need working hands - let's open to those eager to blend in." Your Muslim buddies are NOT part of that list.
Name: agnostic
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 14:52:30 -0700
Hamas MP, Fathi Hammad on February 29, 2008 and broadcast on the Al Aqsa television channel, is currently circulating on the Internet with English subtitles ( www.memritv.org/clip/en/1710.htm "We Used Women and Children as Human Shields"). "For the Palestinian people", Hammad boasts in Arabic, "death has become an industry at which women excel and so do all the people living on this land." Who says Islam does not practise child sacrifice? Where are the voices of condemnation , where are the rallies and marches against infanticide?
Name: Allat
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 18:10:55 -0700
"I see more people speaking Spanish here in the US than Arabic or Pakistani "_____________-I'm glad you noticed, because the illegal immigrants, even though they are illegal, have the ethics and values of the West, that islamics DON"T have._____________Not only that, there's a great deal of "campesinos" from the countryside, that are full blood Indians, Shamans and Healers/Curanderos, with the knowledge we, with high-tech have lost. They also have the ability to work with Nature- i.e. Vibrational Healing and Quantum Physics, which science has RE-discovered. They also may be able able to teach us Survial Skills - such as Grandfather, in Tom Brown (Tracker School). They are more valuable than you can imagine in the coming times. In fact, I truly believe in the syncronicity of these Illegal Mexicans being here at this point in time = having them here, will be our salvation. I
Name: ZuK to Allat
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 19:01:26 -0700
Yes, Allat, I agree - these Mexicans have much more to offer this (US) country than CAIR and the People of the Clot (I really liked that one). They are here to BE A PART of this thing called America, not to proselitize their quranic agenda or to bitch about the infidels.
Name: To Quran on Jews and Chrstian
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 20:08:40 -0700
This is the proof that Quran doesnot have any respect for other religion: from www.quranshareef.org, Surah 4:89: They wish that you reject Faith, as they have rejected (Faith), and thus that you all become equal (like one another). So take not Auliyâ’ (protectors or friends) from them, till they emigrate in the Way of Allâh (to Muhammad SAW). But if they turn back (from Islâm), take (hold) of them and kill them wherever you find them, and take neither Auliyâ’ (protectors or friends) nor helpers from them. Anybody leaving Islam, are permitted to be killed. Still you said about Islam's tolerancy? Bullshit!!
Name: Thomas Justin Kaze
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 22:19:37 -0700
Re: Platypus - I have used the phrase "Fight fire with fire" as a title of my comment to one of many blogs of Dr. Daniel Pipes a few years back; I think it can still be found in the archives. Regards and best wishes to all Islamophobes - TJK.
Name: In Indonesia
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 23:11:48 -0700
When the fasting month of Islam (Ramadhan) comes, then the Moslem will shout: "Respect us (moslem) who are fasting." Restaurants, small and big in certain area, cannot open until about 6:00 p.m., the time they break their fasting. In those area, even the local government, through their municipal police department, closed the (mostly) small restaurants who opened in daytime. How crazy are they for respect from other people!! All the imams, mullahs, and the MUI (Board of Ulamas) shouting the same: "Respect us Moslem who are fasting." The government officers, mostly Moslem, support this thing very much. Crazy !!! It is like you said to people around you to respect garbage which has no value for them.
Name: Muslims must believe that they are made from clot
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 01:15:11 -0700
Sura 96 (the clot) is the first of all Suras Mohammad revealed. There is clearly written that god produced humans from clot. Who does not believe this is no muslim any more. All muslims are the people made from clot. They are clotties, clot-people, clot-believers and clotmen. Islam means submission to the clot. This is clottish, isn´t it?
Name: How many muslim are there?
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 01:21:16 -0700
So it is possible that there are much less than 1.5 billion muslims on earth? Who of them believes that he is made from clot? And how many of them believe that sperm comes from the backbone as written in the quran? In the beginning was the clot! This was the very first message Mohammad revealed to the world. That humans are made from clot. It seems that at least the brains of some islamists are really made from clot.
Name: The quran will receive the nobel prize
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 01:30:54 -0700
for medicine. The quran is the first writing of mankind, eh sorry, from Allah, which clearly revealed that humans are being made from clot. If you keep in mind that this very fact has not been revealed by any scientist until today, this glorious achievement becomes even more exciting. Hey, people of the clot! Comfort ye! Islam will dominate the world very soon! And then the earth will become the planet of the clotmen with their superior clot-civilisation!
Date: Monday March 31, 2008
Time: 18:16:50 -0700
Gimme gimme never gets, Have you paid your jizya yet?
Name: MusickMan50s
Date: Wednesday April 02, 2008
Time: 11:49:29 -0700
..what is happening in Britain constitutes a national tragedy..SHAME on the authorities for their lack of backbone-it should be a law that any non-citizen of Britain should be immediately deported after imprisonment for these kinds of crimes..those who ARE citizens should be forced to make restitution to their victims..if these thugs want to commit mayhem and destruction in the name of THEIR God, "kaffir" Britons should be guaranteed the protection and safety of the law to worship THEIRS..!!..in the U.S., not long after 9/11, there was poll that was taken of Muslims living in America--a little over 66% stated that they considered Al-Qaeda a GOOD thing..!!.. looking at it from the infidel side, this poll indicated that 2 of 3 Muslims would either A)Stand by while I was beaten or killed, or B)Actually participate in the process..this sort of "babying" cannot be allowed to continue..!!