Ramadan Jihad: Wildcatting for Allah at US Meat Factory
21 Sep, 2008
George Meany was President of the AFL-CIO for years and years and never had a problem like the one at the JBS Swift Co. plant at North Greeley, Colorado—prayer! And neither did Sam Gompers or Walter Reuther. Yes, prayer! Who would have thought prayer would become a hot union issue? A pay raise, an increase in benefits, a longer lunch break, more vacation time, sure, but prayer? It took years of negotiations, a couple of strikes and dozens of busted heads to secure the first paid holiday. After Christmas and the 4th of July it became easier. In the end it was the consumer who paid for the extra holidays and the increased benefits with higher prices for the company’s goods and services. But prayer…
Prayer, until now, was never a serious cause for grievance; a Union member could pray on the job anytime he wanted—he could pray all day if he was up to it as long as he didn’t leave his punch press or the production line. A teamster could get behind the wheel of his rig and make with the hosannas all the way from Chicago to LA and if he had never had a squabble with Jimmy Hoffa the chances were his prayers would be answered. But what would George Meany or Walter Reuther have done had they been confronted by an unauthorized ‘wildcat’ strike like the one engineered by a group of Somali workers at the JBS Swift Co. plant at North Greeley, Colorado?
To be sure, the ‘wildcat’ strike didn’t last long. There were no pickets to amount to anything, no rock throwing, no cars a-burning. It was about prayer and that would have made it incongruous.
Swift employs a number of Somali Muslims and they had a complaint. “Mr. Swift, kind sir,” they said, “we are poor humble Muslims, we are peaceful and tolerant, we work hard but our religion says we must pray five times a day during Ramadan. If you are a culturally diverse person, you will have heard of Ramadan. President Bush has heard of Ramadan and speaks favorably of it. We would like to take our lunch break at an earlier time so as to be in compliance with the wishes of Allah. You would not mind, would you, kind sir?” (Union rules generally call for a lunch-break in the middle of a shift—the break the ‘wildcatters’ wanted did not come near the middle of their shift)
George Pullman would have doubled the guard and called out the Pinkertons. Swift said maybe we can work something out and called on Jack Shandley. Shandley is head of Global Human Resources for JBS Swift Co. So we have Pullman and the Pinkertons on one side of the response equation and Swift and Global Human Resources on the other. Times have changed. There is no company entity closely resembling the Pinkertons in today’s order of battle. It’s Global Human Resources and that’s it.
When the Rockefellers ran the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company they relied on brains and brawn—mostly brawn. They had trains and machine guns and the National Guard and when it came to intransigence they were more than a match for Jeff Davis. Henry Clay Frick was another. Frick was as tough as nails. There was not a politocally correct bone in his body and he had less respect for cultural diversity than Attila the Hun. He would have known how to handle the Somalis. “What are you rascals doing on Homestead Steel property?” he would have said. “You don’t work here anymore. Do I have to call the Pinkertons? Be-gone, now!” And he would have been after them with his walking stick.
When Global Human Resources didn’t respond as quickly as they should have a group of Somali Muslims gathered outside the gate to ‘work out a solution.’ They need not have bothered; Global Human Resources caved. The Somalis took their lunch break that night at 7:30 pm instead of the usual 9 pm—and so did everyone else.
It was a shock to some Union members. Joann Lopez, a Catholic and a Latino, was upset with the ‘new work rules.’ “They are working four to five hours without a break and that’s wrong,” she said. “This is hard work, and to go without a break, we feel it.”
Was this a case for Norma Rae? Where was the Union?
How would Shandley have handled the Branch Davidians…the
Dukhobors…the Rastifarians? Does he know what a sacrament is?
Suppose Swift had hired Cosmo Kramer and Kramer had insisted on
lighting a half dozen of candles at 8 o’clock every night to honor
Dianna the moon goddess? Would Shandley have caved? Would he have
told Kramer to wait until 9 o’clock? Would he have called Seinfeld?
Did Shandley consult with anyone aside from the Somalis when he made
his Ramadan decision? How about Ibrahim Hooper of CAIR or Muzammil
Siddiqi of the Fiqh Council of North America?
Mexicans have been migrating to the United States for more than a
150 years—Somalis for a decade or so. No one would accuse the
Mexicans of being ingrates, but that is the reputation Somali
Muslims have gained. They came to America as huddled masses. In no
time at all, Muslim cabdrivers were refusing to transport customers
accompanied by seeing-eye dogs because dogs are haram. Nor would
they convey persons carrying booze. They have insisted on the right
to wear special clothes on the job and they have importuned airports
and universities to install footbaths and prayer rooms. They have
been inordinately successful. The PC American bureaucrat is only a
step removed from dhimmitude.
Somali students at Tech High in St. Cloud, Minnesota, threatened
to kill a student teacher’s service dog because—all together
now—dogs are haram! African-American students at Tech High claim
Muslim students—Somalis—cause problems that are blamed on them.
Black and white students at Tech say the Somalis tell them, “We are
here to take over your school, and your country.” This sounds more
like an invasion than integrations—more like Hitler in
Bohemia-Moravia than Life with Luigi in the Windy City.
Brianna Castillo has been with Swift for four years. “Somalis are running our plant,” she says. “They are telling us what to do.”
Brianna joined a group of about 100 Swift employees—some of who
were supposed to be working—that had gathered in front of the Human
Resources office to give vent to their frustrations. It was a
Rainbow Coalition without Jesse Jackson and without the Somalis.
“They have no respect for the Spanish or white people,” said Ms
Castillo. “Many times we are forced to pull extra count…I don’t feel
that is right.”
Joann Lopez said a security guard told her she would lose her job
if she didn’t move on. When Somalis had gathered at the gate no
security guards had been in evidence. Local 7 of the United Food
Commercial Workers has filed a grievance.
It “is just a procedural issue,” said Shandley, “and we’ll work
it through. We, like any good employer, try to balance the needs of
all employees in respect to their religions…that’s what we are
trying to do.” Doesn’t anybody remember the time they held Holy
Communion in the lunchroom during the Feast of the Assumption?
Ramadan is a Muslim religious observance that takes place during
the ninth month of the Muslim calendar year. Believers are required
to fast from sunup to sundown. So far no request has been made for
non-Muslims to observe the fast. That was not the case in England
where Muslim members of
Towel Hamlets, London, banned eating at council meetings during
Ramadan because it would be offensive to Muslim members.
The fast lasts between sunup and sundown. Sunup and sundown—what kind of fast is that? The Jews fasted at Buchenwald and Treblinka; George Washington and the Continental Army fasted at Valley Forge; millions of North Koreans fast every day without end in sight. Those were and are fasts! But from sunup to sundown—that is not a real fast! A fast has to last at least 24 hours. Ask Franklin Graham. Bread and water for two or three days would be more like it. Forthose seriously intent upon fasting the place to go would be to the Land of the Midnight Sun. North of the Artic Circle ole Sol is visible from June 7 to July 8. That would be fasting.
It’s about time to put a stop this fasting nonsense at the workplace. No one does The Stations of the Cross in the factory cafeteria during Easter.
Ostentatious public fasting has more to do with mindless obedience and heel clicking than it has to do with religion and is one of the reasons why Islam is stuck in the 15th Century—the greatest economic and political failure of modern times.
The impromptu Union demonstration outside the Human Resources office was successful—it caused Shandley to have second thoughts and to take into consideration the feelings of employees other than the Somalis. As Paul Harvey would say—Page Two: The Dhimmis strikes back. (to be continued)
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Denis Schulz was prospective convert to Islam (read his testimony: How I Almost Became a Muslim?) before changing his mind after the 9/11. He actively writes on the threats of Islam and terrorism.
Name: Another informed Infidel
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 21:59:00 -0700
Denis, I always enjoy your articles. Your sense of humor and obscure (but completely relevant) references surely keep the zombies off-balance. Keep up your fine work.
Name: Ananda
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 22:59:41 -0700
Prayer is essential to be part of Allah's hive. Buzz buzz buzz - allahu allahu allahu. And after that the "Muslim-bees" goes all over lying, cheating, raping, murdering humans - whatever the hive wants. Have you noticed one thing. No Muslim-bee is ever critical of any other Muslim-bees, however horrid and rotten their action is. But they must do buzz buzz buzz allahu allahu allahu. And Quran and Sharia for developing the power to be a Muslim-bee.
Name: seeker
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 23:57:00 -0700
when praying to allah, muslims recite a sura not knowing that it is actually a curse to mohammeds uncle Abu Lahaf and his wife, long dead 1400 years ago!! Mohammed hated them with his guts. Some prayer to god.
Name: jOE
Date: Sunday September 21, 2008
Time: 09:06:27 -0700
Name: Pork Pie
Date: Sunday September 21, 2008
Time: 09:29:12 -0700
The Quran says pork meat is 'loathsome' (wonder where it got that idea from, er....Old Testament?). If its loathsome why have i been eating it for years with no ill effect? Alcohol too, i have be drinking it for 10+ years and i am still breathing. Muslims are so prudish and immature, as well as insecure and paranoid
Name: ha ha ha .....
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 02:14:17 -0700
Once I was driving my car near a mosque where some Moslem just finsihed their Friday prayer. I was driving very slowly, just at the speed of a man walking. Some of them started to hit my car with their bare hands. As I pass them, everybody hit my car at least once or twice. I think to myself, so this is the people who just came from praying to their god. It is a religion of hate. I tried to find some good about Islam, but couldn't find anything. So sad, ha ha ha .....
Name: Hate Frenzy after Muslim Religious Services
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 03:16:20 -0700
The moment the Muslim fanatics leave their mosques is the most dangerous time. What is propagated in their mosques (actually a command and control center) drives them to a HATE FRENZY. So non-Muslim people please take note! You might be a victim of stabbing!
Name: They aren't fasting.
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 14:37:12 -0700
The Lenten "fast" consisted of one full meal a day and no snacks between meals and no meat on Fridays, and it lasted for forty days. What Muslims call a "fast" is no such thing. They gorge before sunup and after sundown and convince themselves that not eating while the sun is shining makes them holy.
Name: Damn good liars !!!
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 19:03:24 -0700
First they say that they are humble, peaceful Moslem. Once they aquire certain numbers, they will show the true face of Islam. Full of hatred against others. Never once believe Moslem, or you will regret it for the rest of your life.
Name: The Muslim problem
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 19:09:37 -0700
To deal with Muslim terrorism, a country has to do is to assassinate the Islamic religious teachers, put away for good the devout Muslims. Strike terror within the Muslims. No use trying to use the judicial system and try to convict them in court of law. DO WHAT ISRAEL DOES. JUST SHOOT THEM QUIETLY. Next day it will be reported in the papers that radical IMAM so and so was killed.
Name: David
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 21:27:08 -0700
If Islam is so great go back to Somalia and work there. Why can't Allah help Somalia? America is the Great Satan why go to Great Satan land? You like Great Satan's money? Maybe Saudi Arabia can lend Somalia money for a meat packing plant there and you can pray all you want.
Name: David
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 21:39:16 -0700
One thing puzzles me and I would appreciate it very much if one your readers familiar with the situation could clarify it for me. I know that Swift has pork products. Do the Somalis there work with pork or are they exempt?
Name: Thank you, again, Mr. Schulz!
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 23:01:30 -0700
Name: Islamic PIGS on the run!!!
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 07:13:40 -0700
KHAR, Pakistan - Security forces backed by helicopter gunships and artillery killed more than 60 insurgents in northwest Pakistan in offensives aimed at denying al-Qaida and Taliban militants safe havens, officials said Tuesday. Take no prisoners!!! Send them all to Jannat!!!
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 08:25:53 -0700
False prophet, false fast
Name: To Muslim above
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 22:29:14 -0700
You are like a man looking at the wrong end of a telescope!!!
Date: Wednesday September 24, 2008
Time: 00:08:35 -0700
Your argument only proves your ignorance. Israel is not my master. I could insult them if I wanted to. I can also insult your master mohammed who married a 6 year old girl, tortured and kidnapped people and slaughtered people as well(Pee Be Upon Him!) and called women "a toy."
Name: Crazy Islam
Date: Wednesday September 24, 2008
Time: 05:26:57 -0700
"A Saudi cleric said Mickey Mouse was an agent of Satan who should die, local media reported on Wednesday." This proved how insane Islamic teaching is. Even a comic cartoon is targeted for execution!
Name: If your country...
Date: Wednesday September 24, 2008
Time: 23:00:37 -0700
was bombarded by suicide bombers from surrounding countries you would impose curfews also!
Name: Back to the subject...
Date: Wednesday September 24, 2008
Time: 23:03:41 -0700
If those samalis at that plant don't like it they can go back home!