The Disappearance of Matriarchal Society
15 Jan, 2009
(Translated from Bengali into English by Abul Kasem)
In the period 600 BCE
the human society did not even had the idea of proper body attire.
They looked at the huge trees and wondered how those trees grew so
gigantic. Men and women lived in small caves. During winter they
encountered severe snow that piled up as blocks. They lived a
communal life, moving in small groups. They covered their bodies
with ox skins, and hunted wild animals, birds, and fishes. A woman
used to be the leader of each group. She was the main hunter, the
other men and women were her accomplices. During a hunting outing,
if they were hungry, they consumed the raw meat of the prey. In this
manner they collected and stored food for the following bitter
winter. Society was matriarchal, but there was no impropriety or
discrimination. The mothers had the absolute control over all male
members of this ancient society. Without any qualm, everyone
accepted her leading role.
Slowly, the system started to change.
Around 85 CE, from the ruins of the hunter-gatherer, a new, more habitable society started to emerge. People started wearing loin cloths. This emergence of a civilized society took different forms in different locations. By this time humanity had learned the use of fire. Gradually, the system of agriculture flourished. This was the appearance of human civilization. Little by little, humanity realized the need of discipline for a secured livelihood. The inevitable result was the imposition of religious instructions and canons.
This was how the concept of religion was introduced.
In the annals of history, the middle-age stands out to be the
most terrible period. This was because of the introduction of bias
and favoritism by a certain group to establish absolute control over
the other groups. In course of time, this notion of bias proved to
be false. These barbaric traditions of the middle-age are seen as a
conflict in the cultural heritage of the Romans and the Germans. On
one side was the church, on the other side the state. One party
stood for religion and theosophy, the other stood for sensual
pleasure, indulgence in the realm of poetry, hope, imbecility,
despondency, and agitation. The situation in Rome was not the same
as it was during the time of Constantine or Justin. Even then
certain measures were necessary to control the restless situation.
Without such steps, it was not possible for the civilization to
re-emerge from the darkness of the middle-age. It was because people
were barbaric to the extent that the only means to control them were
the use of extreme, dreadful, and harsh measures. As long as the
authorities held power this terror tactic worked superbly to
establish full control. To illustrate such policy, it is worthwhile
to mention the popular practice of Death Dance. In this dance a
human skeleton danced with a live human. To elaborate further, Dr
Huygens mentions the presence of innocent Parisian crowd in the
compound of the church to savor such macabre ritual. He writes:
On the three sides of the monastery, the piles of skulls and bones were openly displayed, so that the thousands of onlookers could easily grasp the meaning of equality. Underneath the monastery were the display of poems and various idols depicting postures of Death Dance. What could be a better place to exhibit such a monkey-trick in the presence of the Pope, the Emperor, the ascetics, and the dullards? It is reported that the Duke of Berry, to fulfill his desire to be buried there, carved on the entry path of the church three statues of living persons and three statues of dead persons. A century later, a huge statute was erected there to symbolize death. This statue is now housed in the museum of Louvre. This is the only extant relic of the monastery. In 1780, imitating this grievous ritual of the fifteenth century, the people of Paris constructed the Palais Royale.
From the above example can we not conclude, that to establish the
so-called civilization the use of fear tactic in the name of
religion has only one objective—that is, to establish the
patriarchal society?
This revolution was a slow process. This movement got momentum
when the mystery of fatherhood was understood, and the men started
to deny the crucial role of women in procreation. Previously, women
were the masters of the households. With the destruction of the
matriarchal system, men became the masters of households. Slowly,
the system of polygamy took shape; men now possessed many wives.
While in the past women were the foremost principals of the society,
the men now replaced them. In the hands of men women were now
fettered, reduced to men’s servitude. Men treated them as
child-producing machines. It is interesting to note that in all
religions, including Islam, the system of polygamy is alive and
On the demise of matriarchal system Engels writes: “This defeat
of women is of historical proportion. The women are now the
sufferers of this defeat. What a wonderful golden age it was for
women. Now it is ruined with the ascent of men.”
According to Napoleon a woman is like a state. It is not enough
to defeat her; she must be crushed and trampled absolutely.
As per the monotheistic religions: Eve ate the fruit of the Tree
of Knowledge. God meted out punishment to her; it was a just
At one time the union of a man and a woman was viewed as a
spiritual fulfillment—an act of devotion. Later, with the emergence
of patriarchal system this sexual ecstasy became a shameful act. The
male ascetics, in order to meet God, indulged in sexual intercourse
with women. The art of sex was viewed as act godliness. Amazingly,
with the advent of patriarchal system these same men label and
propagate this natural urge for sex as the act of Satan.
In the beginning of the Christian era powerful rulers propagated
absolute lies about women. This created an atmosphere of misogyny
around the world. This was a clever ploy so that absolute power
flows to men. Truly, Constantine and his henchmen were successful in
establishing a firm foundation of the patriarchal society. It is no
denying that today’s churches are doing a yeomen job through
laudable social services. But how could one forget the despicable
acts of burning in stakes the witches.
The practice of burning witches has a doctrine behind it—the
belief that freethinking is dangerous for women. The priests were
instructed how to identify such dangerous women, torment them, and
obliterate them utterly. Even in Islam we note that there is no
place of imamhood (priesthood) for women.
This has been a brief history of progress of humanity from the sylvan stage to the civilized stage.
Questions have been raised concerning dating of some of the events in this article. I knew the dating was somewhat troublesome. The Egyptian civilization started 3000 BCE. Indian civilization is not much less younger. The Sumerian civilization, I believe, is the oldest.
Yet, it is also true that a great many people lived in caves, jungles, in wandering at the date mentioned in this article. Even today some communities live that kind of life in various parts of the world. Undoubtedly, the dating was troublesome but also partially correct.
I let the article go mostly because of its main emphasis—i.e., the undeniable truth that most modern religions were either responsible or have been the tool for the subjugation and enslavement of women to male domination. In prior societies, women exercised greater rights and the majority were indeed matriarchal.
We know the impact of modern religion-based societies on the women. Probably millions of Satis were burned in India; thousands of new-born females or their fetuses are still being killed every year. Millions of witches were burned at the stake in Europe. We know clearly well the sufferings of Muslim women till today.
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Eka is a progressive Muslim woman from Bangladesh.
Name: Review Ancient History
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 09:32:58 -0500
--"In the period 600 BCE the human society did not even had the idea of proper body attire."--The author should review history. Sumerian civilization existed in advanced state of civilization circa 3000 B.C. complete with writing, government administration, three-story villas, broad avenues, astronomy, temples, etc.
Name: mhw
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 09:42:01 -0500
There is no evidence that women led hunting parties in 600 BCE. In fact, the bone injuries in Neanderthals suggest that woman did hunt. However, the bone injuries in post Neanderthal remains suggest women didn't hunt.
Name: with the acception of the dates that are used
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 11:24:47 -0500
This is an excellent article.
Name: jackdiamond
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 11:53:55 -0500
Any class in Anthropology will tell you Matriarchy is in the realm of myth, there is no evidence of any such human society in history. There are Matrilineal societies, where the important descent is through the mother not the father, but not rule by women (officially--unofficially is another matter). Nor do I know where this pagan pre-patriarchal sexual paradise existed, but it must exist for the author because everything bad ("the Fall") came with patriarchy and it's instrument, religion. (In fact primitive societies were as full of restrictive "taboos" as later ones, the idea they weren't is a utopian myth). The mistreatment of women should always be condemned (and nowhere today are women more mistreated than under Islam) and our own history has been lamentable, but this summation falls into the category of ideology. The conflict between the sexes was not invented by The Church. And any married man knows who runs his household (not him).
Name: Charles Martel
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 12:59:54 -0500
What part of the old world (Eastern hemisphere) was still stone age in 600 BC, and hunter-gathering until 85 AD? Maybe sub-saharan Africa, but not South Asia surely? I'll use any tool against Islam, feminism included, but I am baffled where you got those dates.
Name: Wallabee
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 16:30:59 -0500
I don't give a flying fig about the assertions regarding matriarchal society here. But this is just plain silly and uneducated assertions. "Around 85 CE, ... People started wearing loin cloths...The inevitable result was the imposition of religious instructions and canons. This was how the concept of religion was introduced." People started wearing loin cloths and developing religions.. around >>> 85 CE <<< ????? hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. What drug are you on???? Let's see.. Buddha lived around 285 years earlier than this. Jesus lived 85 years before this. Moses, over 1,000 years earlier. I dont believe any of these individuals went around in loin cloths. Even if you really meant 85 BCE, the statement is still idiotic. Please tell me what drug you are taking!
Name: Unimpressed
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 19:44:48 -0500
Is this an expose on Islam or an attack on Christianity? If you read the Christian New Testamnet in the Bible you will never find any justification for any crime that was committed in the name of Jesus. This is where Islam and Christianity diverge. Mohammed DID justify his crimes by giving it a divine right from Allah. Rape, thievery, murder, ethnic cleansing, and the barbaric act of slavery were all instituionalized by the animal known as Mohammed. Jesus taught love, peace, and spiritual enlightenment. How about you stay focused on the threat of Islam, you'll accomplish much more positive results. Plus your dates are all off. The ancient Egyptians were far more sophisticated long before 600 BC then you give humanity credit for. Maybe you should get these other facts correct as well.
Name: RE:Wallabee
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 23:48:05 -0500
Moses is a figment of your imagination. There are no records to show that he actually existed apart from your fairy tale books written by tribal Jews, who were as stupid as any other Semitic people.
Name: vbv
Date: Friday January 16, 2009
Time: 03:07:33 -0500
The author is ignorant of ancient history. Indians weaved cotton and woollen cloths well before 600 BC in the Indus Valley civilization in the 5th millenium BCE. Matriarchal society flourished not only then but also today inthe nair coomunity in Kerala, or the adivasis etc. There is nothing unusual or surprising about it. It may be unusual in cultures following semetic monotheism which has a 'male' god , absolutuely chauvinistic , misogynistic and barbaric like Allah or Yahweh. Mother Goddesses are common in Hinduism from time immemorial ,even in prehistoric times ,or in ancient Indian civilisation. Women even today participate in important decision making ,unlike semetic cults which relegate women to cook for men, sleep with men and bear children for them. A typical examole is the news about Taliban burning girls' schools, or the condition of women in islamic countries like Saydi Arabia,Iran,etc.
Name: RE:RE:Wallabee
Date: Friday January 16, 2009
Time: 13:41:39 -0500
Again, exactly what drugs are you on????? The point wasn't whether or not any of these individuals "existed".. but whether or not Religion was around prior to 85BC, and whether or not people ran around in loincloths at that time. You can pretend Moses, Jesus, and Buddha never existed... along with Lao Tsu, Kung Fu Tse, et al. Given the level of anti-religious sentiment generally expressed on this web site, it does not surprise me. However, your rabid atheism caused you to totally miss the point that religion (whether you wish it or not) did not begin around 85BC, and the assertion regarding loin cloths is laughable.
Name: pls note that judaism was the world first patriacal rleigion and everything went DOWNHILL AFTER THAT
Date: Friday January 16, 2009
Time: 21:32:45 -0500
pls note that judaism was the world first patriacal rleigion and everything went DOWNHILL AFTER THAT.christianity/islam just copied it but root of islam is judaism and how it treats women.dont be folled by modern jews read their books torah/talmud
Name: Wagamama
Date: Friday January 16, 2009
Time: 22:40:08 -0500
I am sure the author of this article (Eka) is not familiar with history. How can she write that human beings started wearing clothes only from 85 BC onwards? Did Buddha, who according to current historians lived in the 5th Century BC, roamed hunting animals? I shall reveal why some people (especially Bengali Indians) masquarading as authors will write such rubbish things. When Europeans arrived in India they first established their kingdom in Bengal and Kerala. Since these Europeans believed that according to Bible the earth was created around 4000 BC (, the natives who were converted by them carried on the same idea and passed it on to succesive generation. These historian and authors, though say they have nothing to do with Xnity, the 4000 BC-biblical poppy syndrome influences them in one or the other way. Read Bible or Quran; it says Adam and Eve covered their body with leaves (in 4004 BC). So authors like Eka believe that mankind roamed naked and hunted animals for another 4000 yrs. See the writings of most of Western historians. They always say no civilization existed prior to 5000 yrs ago. This is called Biblical/Quranic-poppy syndrome. These authors may not believe in the Biblical/Quranic God anymore, but their ideas are influenced by the scriptures. Had Eka thought about the date of Buddha (currently 5th century BC, however Buddha actually lived in the 19th century BC), she would never have written such a crap in her article. At least the person who translated this article from Bengali to English should have given a thought. Alas, it is sad such stupid articles are appearing on such a great website. P.S: Moderator, please make sure such articles do not appear henceforth on your website.
Name: Aesha bibi.
Date: Saturday January 17, 2009
Time: 07:40:57 -0500
i think many ppl r dnt kno actual. what ever . i like this article .
Name: abul kasim, this is factless anthropology
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 02:10:02 -0500
abul kasim ,this is factless anthropology .Human socceity has well developed into organised society from 5000BC.You just know about Mesopotamian civilization.thye ahve built even community libraries and studies philosophy (study of existace and truth).Thales assumed to have learnt philosophy from them.THe origin of exact civilization still unknown.It is only Abrahamic religion myth that god created human creature 4000 years ago.
Name: Nuni
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 16:34:30 -0500
"In the period 600 BCE the human society did not even had the idea of proper body attire. They looked at the huge trees and wondered how those trees grew so gigantic. Men and women lived in small caves. During winter they encountered severe snow that piled up as blocks. They lived a communal life, moving in small groups. They covered their bodies with ox skins, and hunted wild animals, birds, and fishes. A woman used to be the leader of each group. She was the main hunter, the other men and women were her accomplices. During a hunting outing, if they were hungry, they consumed the raw meat of the prey. In this manner they collected and stored food for the following bitter winter. Society was matriarchal, but there was no impropriety or discrimination. The mothers had the absolute control over all male members of this ancient society. Without any qualm, everyone accepted her leading role." This article really made me laugh. The author really doesn't know her history. Please Eka do some reasearch before you write such a stupid article. To the people behind this website: If you post such a stupid article on your website it doesn't reflect well on you.
Name: Jagmohan Singh Khurmi
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 18:04:43 -0500
The article is not only ridiclous but clearly against facts...putting such bullshit will be fatal to the repuatation of this website
Name: deepak r.
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 18:30:03 -0500
The first 2 paragraphs of this article goes against every historical fact. I am wondering who is more stupid: Eka who wrote that nonsense, Abdul Kasem who blindly translated a article of which the first 2 paragraphs clearly goes against historical facts or the owner(s) of this website that decided to post this crap on Islam Watch. By maintaing this article on Islam Watch the owners of this site have made themselfs ridiculius. Congratulations for that. Now every muslim can point to this article and make a valid point that this site posts articles (at least one) of which the contend go against all historical facts. By maintaining this crappy article you have made all other articles on this website suspect.
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 15:54:28 -0500
This website prides itself on a FACTUAL CORRECT criticism of islam YET the 2 paragraphs of this article are clearly WRONG.How can one trust this website anymore with this clear BS article. No, This website is not to be trusted anymore.