Undignified Men are Not the Only Enemies of Women
27 Dec, 2008
(Translated from Bengali into English by Abul Kasem)
A deep conspiracy has been pitted women against women. A working woman is a rival to a housewife. Men can be in the workforce or not be in it. This does not set one group of men against another group. But the case of women is quite different. To create permanent discord among women, this is a ploy by some unscrupulous men to incite one group of women against another group.
- Readers must not misjudge me. Due to the liberal and progressive
ambience in our home, I was a non-conformist, not accepting things
at their face value. In our home we always valued one another’s
opinions, even when they were diametrically opposite. This created
an atmosphere of tolerance and acceptance of opposing views. I am a
product of such a milieu. Of course, this does not mean everyone was
happy with my unconventional views. To some people I was dear, to
others I was not. While many people just wanted to avoid discussing
contentious issues, I could not, even though I could have easily
followed the mainstream and avoid trouble.
On 21 June, the Prothom Alo, a Bangladesh daily, reported
that a girl of class two (grade 2, primary) of village Alamdanga is
being married. The atmosphere was one of grand celebration. To
solemnise such an occasion the mother of the child was busy
preparing delicious dishes. Along with the little girl and her
would-be husband, the father of the girl was on his way to the
marriage registry office. Learning about this, the enforcement
officers from the relevant government department arrested them. The
mother of the bride was utterly in grief, complaining why such a
marriage could not be allowed to proceed. Her logic was very simple.
The girl got to get married today or tomorrow. So what is the
problem if she wanted her to be married at such a tender age? The
mother is not concerned at all about the pitfall of underage
marriage. But the girl was happy when she learned that the marriage
will not proceed. Her first reaction was: “From tomorrow I shall
again go to school. I shall continue with my studies.”
The above example illustrates what damage could be done due to
the apathy of women on women’s affairs. To a certain extent, we
women are responsible for the degrading situation of women in our
The violence against women is nothing new. It has been
perpetrated from time immemorial. Even though, around many parts of
the world, significant improvements have been achieved vis-à-vis
women’s right, nothing much has changed about the low status of
women in our society. Women are still oppressed, in various ways.
Let me illustrate this with an incident.
On February 10, 2000, Ferdousi (a woman) declined the marriage proposal by her classmate (a man). Through the back door the jilted lover entered her house and threw acid on Ferdousi’s face. Her hands, face, and two eyes were severely acid-burnt. Even after the treatment for one-and-half month the Ferdousi could not regain her eyesight. Despite such handicap Ferdousi continued her studies through the Braille System, and passed her HSC examination in 2006. She is now a student (honours) of the at Dhaka University’s research Institute. On April 20, 2007 she appeared in a television interview. The camera attempted not to display her mutilated face. But this could not be avoided. When the microphone was brought near her the viewers had a partial view of her scarred, grotesque face. It was horrible. She was like a mobile coffin, laid on a white bed.
Let us witness another ghoulish incidence. A woman had failed to offer the dowry of fifty thousand taka (Bangladesh currency) to her husband. As a result she was doused with kerosene and burnt alive. At that time she was six-month pregnant. With her also died the foetus.
In Bangladesh there are many erudite people who often extol the
importance of improving the position of women. Despite so much
rhetoric, movements, meeting, processions, and seminars, what is the
result? In one word this can be summed up—zero, nothing, if we were
to take any lessons from the incidences cited above.
Let me be back to my main topic. Clearly, we note that one
section of women is against another section. Thus, women themselves,
to a large extent, must bear the responsibility for their
dishonoured standing. It will not be appropriate to always blame the
muscle power of men for the weak status of women. This muscle power
is purely biological; it has lost its importance in today’s world.
The principal reason of women’s subservient status is their
financial dependence on men. Because of this a woman can never take
for granted any relation with men; she is always, insecure,
restless, worrying about what might happen to her if her husband
abandons her. Even the wife of a billionaire could become a
destitute one day. She permanently becomes a parasite, living on
others. This renders her to be conservative, because she finds
security in conservatism—she does not want to rock the boat, lest
she loses the financial security provided by her husband. Just as a
slave considers his/her master’s richness, as his/her, so does a
woman. She considers the increase in wealth of her husband or son as
her own. In a patriarchal society, it is the norm that men prefer an
imbecile (read stupid, dumb) woman to an intelligent one. These men
often praise the imbecility of women as a virtue, the symbol of
If, by chance, this ‘stupid’ woman becomes aware of her rights
and status, and starts protesting the status quo, she undergoes
terrible suffering—acid attack, kerosene, sexual, physical, mental
abuse, just to name a few.
The most amazing aspect of such a sorry state of women is that it
is the women who blame the victims of such torment. Thus, we the
women, having divided ourselves are engaged in internecine. But we
forget that this internecine is the invention of the world ruled by
men. Having succeeded to pit women against women, from their secured
position, these men enjoy this infighting.
As said before, violence against women is nothing new; it has
been the practice for millennium, as can be illustrated through many
incidences. If a woman stays in a hostel, on her own, she is often
viewed with suspicion by her peer. In this peer group, the majority
are women. Let us cite the case of Mow (a pseudonym) who stays in a
hostel. Every week she might have three or more visitors from her
family. Still most women in her neighbourhood will not hesitate to
call her a prostitute. Mothers will not allow their daughters to mix
with Mow. In many families, the mother-in-law torments the
daughter-in-law or vice versa. But the mother-in-law forgets her
past, that once she was also a daughter-in-law. Ditto for the
daughter-in-law. Thus we note that nothing really has changed
regarding the internal hostility among women.
In conclusion, we must admit that the women’s enemy is not the undignified men alone. Their enemy also includes a group of women indoctrinated by men. These women act as sleuths of men.
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Eka is a progressive Muslim woman from Bangladesh.
Name: Ilham Abdullah
Date: Saturday December 27, 2008
Time: 00:26:20 -0500
Good article - Deep seeded pain is very common. I am an ex-muslim. Ilham Abdullah is an abbreviation of my ONCE islamic name. I am a non-religious person who happens to believe in god and has his own views on spirituality. The OLD SAYING most certainly applies to Mohammad and His Islam - They are the lions in the sheepskins..... Meaning : Though islam claims to be good and helpful to people and the world - It is in fact harmful to people and the world. The undeniable fact is - Islam is the worst and most dangerous of the worlds major religions. The worst and most dangerous of the worlds ideologies. Though it is very hard for muslims to accept --- because many muslims are such sincere, good, well-meaning people --- Mohammed and islam are the true "enemies" of those who call themselves muslims. Some pills of consciousness are very, very, hard to swallow.....
Name: RE Illhan Abdullah from Ibrahim
Date: Saturday December 27, 2008
Time: 01:20:11 -0500
I agree with you Abdullah, Islam created a creed of monsters. However I disagree with you when you call them lions in sheep skin. They are wolves or better hayenas who attack without any provocation. Islam has to be given the dicredit of destroying many a beautiful cultures. The so called achievements of Islam are merely the stolen works of the countries which they invaded. Islamic society never was and can never be productive in terms of research and growth. It is regressive in every sphere of life. Those who swear by Islam are the pooerest of the poor. The one who are rich, can only attain their riches either through inheritance, exploitation of natural resources, or eploitation of human resources. These rich men of Islam never follow Islam, they are the biggest hippocrites and yet the irony is that they are the biggest benificairies of the Islamic way of life. Truely one cannot be a good Muslim and progressive at the same time.
Name: eka....u mean 1 or unity !!! i am ex-muslim from india a man and agree with u fully !!!
Date: Saturday December 27, 2008
Time: 02:00:51 -0500
eka....u mean 1 or unity !!! i am ex-muslim from india a man and agree with u fully !!!
Name: islam intoxiactes and causes brain damage.
Date: Saturday December 27, 2008
Time: 03:22:21 -0500
islam intoxiactes and causes brain damage.THe only way to liberate muslim is to make him aware that mohammad suffered from schizophrenia and all Quron is his dilusion and hallucianation.
Name: dd
Date: Saturday December 27, 2008
Time: 04:24:31 -0500
I tried donating but that paypal payment screen is giving all sorts of problems. Since the donation page has no comment block I am commenting here. The paypal insists that my card number is already associated with some email or that the email is already used. Scratch head..... I am not able to pay.
Name: dd
Date: Saturday December 27, 2008
Time: 04:28:37 -0500
Thats what I said in a comment to your previous essay. Women are the worst persecutors of women. They act catty all the time. Religion is partly responsible for this condition. Like a domestic elephant will help man in capturing a wild elephant, religion uses the older females to tame the younger ones.
Name: RE:dd
Date: Saturday December 27, 2008
Time: 04:33:03 -0500
Pay directly through your Credit Card, i was facing the same problem with Pay Pal.
Name: Unnikrishnan
Date: Saturday December 27, 2008
Time: 08:08:55 -0500
"Eka is a progressive Muslim woman from Bangladesh." LOL I hope she is not the next Tasleema Nasrin.
Name: Editor to dd
Date: Saturday December 27, 2008
Time: 08:34:29 -0500
dd, check the donation page. we have added comments option.
Name: Ilham Abdullah
Date: Saturday December 27, 2008
Time: 18:26:20 -0500
Many civilizations thoughout history ( though not all ) have institutionalized the mistreatment of women and denied women equal legal rights. These practices always harm the civilizations on a whole. Islamic law, and islam in general practice, have a terrible history of treating women injustly. Those muslims who claim that islam in totality liberates women and treats them with respect are very naive and delude individuals.
Name: Alie Siraj
Date: Saturday December 27, 2008
Time: 21:09:32 -0500
May be the photograph given (Women enemies of women: British Muslim women protest in support of veils) is that of forced Ladies to show the placard or may be the young boys of Jihad dressed like girls. In islam anything is possible. (Taqqaiah)
Name: Alie Siraj
Date: Saturday December 27, 2008
Time: 21:10:39 -0500
May be the photograph given (Women enemies of women: British Muslim women protest in support of veils) is that of forced Ladies to show the placard or may be the young boys of Jihad dressed like girls. In islam anything is possible. (Taqqaiah)