The Status of Women in a Man-made Religious Society
29 Nov, 2008
(Translated from
Bengali into English by Abul Kasem)
We often hear about the freedom of
women from the ‘women’s right’ group. This appears as if a woman is
a separate species, not belonging to the human race. Surprisingly,
this idea emanates from none other than women themselves. To these
feminists women are just females, not humans. This is an affront to
the dignity of women by women—to say the least.
It is the perverse religions which are cleverly working to
establish such discord between men and women.
In ancient times there were slave-markets selling females for
sexual purposes. We still hear many such grotesque stories mainly
from the Islamic countries in the middle-east. It is amazing that a
woman is enticed to paradise only if she is totally devoted to her
husband just like a sex slave. A man need not fulfill such a duty to
enter paradise. This is true for all religion, be it Hinduism,
Christianity or Islam.
This despicable treatment of women is rooted in the canons of
perverse religions. How many of us know the fate of widows exiled to
live in Kanshi and Goya (two Hindu holy places in India) to live
there in subhuman conditions? The conditions of Muslim women are no
better than those widows of Kanshi and Goya. When a woman’s husband
dies she becomes a widow. Shockingly, in Bengali, there is no
vocabulary if the wife of a man dies (in English he is called the
To illustrate the callous treatment of women in Islam, here is
verse from the Qur’an (2:223):
Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will; but do some good act for your souls beforehand; and fear Allah. And know that ye are to meet Him (in the Hereafter), and give (these) good tidings to those who believe.
Many religious scriptures forbid women from having more than one
husband. This is grossly unfair when the same religion permits a man
to have many wives. To supplement, men have unimpeded access to
women in brothels. Regrettably, as per the Islamic religious view a
woman is just a sowing field, to rear crops, that is, children. A
man enjoys a woman in whatever manner he fancies, but a woman
cannot. Very little importance is attached to the likes and dislikes
of a woman. This apathy towards women is propagated in the name of
deities, Allah, God…and so on. To further insult her, a woman is
blamed to have enticed a man, and not the other way round. It is a
deceptively cunning move by the opportunists to achieve their goals.
In Islam Muslim men are tempted to enjoy plenty of women in Islamic
paradise. But no such hedonistic place is promised to the women, as
most of the women will be in Islamic hell (hadis).
Come to think of it, what a despicable game of deception is being
played here vis-à-vis women! These religious chronicles have
prevented women from using their own brain power. Women are treated
as imbecile, impure, unholy, and not capable of thinking for
themselves—to take charge of their lives on their own. Shockingly,
humanity treats such inventers of religions as great men.
Even today, when a woman declares her independence by being
educated, by exercising her intellect and aptitude, she is
penalized—society relegates her as a deviant. This is a total
affront to democratic principles; a woman is robbed of her
democratic right to choose her life according to her wishes.
I know a teacher, highly educated with foreign qualifications.
She is now teaching in Bangladesh. During a conversation she
informed me that not only in Bangladesh, but she also had faced
numerous hardships in the so-called developed countries. This was
because she is a woman.
In Islam, a woman must have a male guardian throughout her life.
Even a thirty-year-old woman might have, as her guardian, a boy of
twelve years of age. This is the right Islam has accorded to a
twelve-year-old boy to control the life of a mature-aged woman. What
an insult it is to a woman’s dignity and honor! To accentuate this
point: let a single, matured woman try (in Bangladesh) to rent a
place of abode by herself, without her guardian. She will have a
tough time, just because she is a woman.
For a new mother, the birth of a son is celebrated with fanfare.
However, if it is a daughter, she is booted, the blame is on her
(the mother). The medical truth, however, is quite the opposite. A
man has X, Y chromosome, whereas a woman has only X, X chromosome,
which means that the man’s sperm determines the sex of a child. So,
what is the problem with the woman? Who is responsible for the sex
of the child? To be fair, we must not blame anyone, it is the nature
that works in its own way. However, the reality is that to have a
son, the man is enticed to have another wife. This is usually done
by his mother or sisters. Mind you, they are also women. But they
have no empathy for another woman.
We can gather from various religious sources that it is not only
that a woman is inferior, but also that she has to face
insurmountable barriers and prohibitions throughout her life. Once I
visited a Buddhists temple. There, on the iron gate of entry, from
where various statues were visible, I noticed a sign which read: ‘No
entry for women and dogs’. For the intelligent readers I do not need
to elaborate the meaning of that signboard. If anyone has trouble,
then there is no point reading this essay. Some readers might be
annoyed for my audacity to describe the perilous condition in which
a woman in our society lives. These readers will point to the
uselessness of such writings, because it is not a new issue, nothing
can be done to change the current status in our society.
But I contend that we must repeatedly expose this low status of
woman in our community, largely due to religious perversity and its
ubiquitous presence in all spheres of our life. These Holy
Scriptures have codified the lowly status of women. On the surface,
it might appear that women do enjoy certain rights, but dig deeper,
and it is certain that not much has changed regarding women’s status
in our society. The real reason is that God (Allah) is a male. The
root causes of all the conflict, unrest, and dispute in the world
lay in religion, racism, private greed for power, and the clash
between sexes—between men and women. For a long time the greed for
power has resulted in the perversion of religion and to use it as a
weapon. A woman is denied her rightful place, whether in her
parental home, or in her matrimonial home, because she has very
little asset to be called her own. This unfair treatment of women is
prevalent even in the political arena.
Even with the current progress of humanity, we could not stem the
ghoulish incidences of rape on women. We learn from newspapers that
many adolescent girls commit suicide at home. This happens because
she wanted to avoid the shame of being raped, in many cases, by
close relatives, such as paternal or maternal uncles. There is no
denying that these young girls are very vulnerable to oppression,
one way or the other. Newspapers often expose such domestic
oppression. Underage girls dare not mention such incidences, lest
they become victims of shame. In our society such victims are
smeared with appellations such as: sinner, unchaste, spoilt,
disgraceful, …and so on. Amazingly, one might note that these words
do not have male genders (in Bengali). With such despicable
treatment of women it is a shame that we claim that the world is
progressing, and the women are being liberated. Curiously, it is her
parental home where a woman becomes the first victim of
To conclude: we must have trust in women’s talent. For a fair, balanced society, she must contribute her aptitude and ability. She must be an equal partner in the progress of civilization. She should never be a victim of sharia, the Islamic law.
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Name: Was this for real!!!!
Date: Friday November 28, 2008
Time: 21:23:18 -0500
This is unbelievable. How can one human being strip another human and a woman at that of all dignity. ISLAM respects women and their rights, my ass. This is really sick man. I know slavery existed in all societies, but this is gross and inhumane. Muslims especially the Arabs should apologize to the whole world for what their ancestors have done and they are still doing. Forgive my outrage, but these people are a bunch of low life, sleazy, immoral BASTARDS. With such mentality how can the Arab Muslims even think of going beyond the 6th century in terms of their mentality.Seriously the West and secular countries should make a real effort to wipe out the real threat to humanity........Islam. Let us forward these articles to as many people as we can so that every1 will know that Islam is the mother of all evils.
Name: vbv
Date: Friday November 28, 2008
Time: 22:34:37 -0500
As I have always been saying that islam is just arabian barbarism clothed in stories robbed and distorted from Judaism and Christianity to give it legitamacy and a "religious" colour ,which otherwise would have degenerated into a discredited ,criminal mafia cult of the worst kind. Let alone women ,there is no human dignity at all for anyone, any freethinking and self-respecting person. Muslims are just brain-dead zombies living under the fear of sword or thoroughly brainwashed to comply with arabian barbarisms. As for the non-muslims ,there is no hope, freedom, happiness ,but just misery and a terrible life under an immoral islamic flag of mafiadom. The world will not be at peace inless this crazed criminal, immoral, degenerate and intolerant ideology is absolutely destroyed!
Name: Fatwa-i-Alamgiri
Date: Friday November 28, 2008
Time: 22:40:01 -0500
Fatwa-i-Alamgiri, the great compendium of Islamic Hanafi laws, stipulate that a buyer can return a female slave if she has too big breasts, too wide vagina or not a virgin etc...
Date: Saturday November 29, 2008
Time: 01:46:23 -0500
Name: judaims-christianity is having all the brutality of islam pls study bible/torah
Date: Saturday November 29, 2008
Time: 01:48:04 -0500
judaims-christianity is having all the brutality of islam pls study bible/torah,u will see from where islam gets its ideas.
Name: alor pathajatri
Date: Saturday November 29, 2008
Time: 03:44:19 -0500
Its not the question of Islam only, but all religions. In fact, Hinduism is also not behind. hindu mythology is full of nudity, polygamy, incidents of rape and torture, etc. etc. I would not like to comment on Islam or any other religion, but the fact is this the history of medivel period says, there was no difference while it is the question of treating women, servents or lower echolon of the society. what angers me is religion tried to depict those sins as the act by the God's Grace and asked us to pray to God. I must congratulate EKA for such a bold piece
Name: if woman is treated equally men will loose monopoly over power and no one wants to give up power
Date: Saturday November 29, 2008
Time: 05:04:34 -0500
god/allah is man created imaginary being created by male prophets only so if woman is treated equally men will loose monopoly over power and no one wants to give up power,its that simple.why prophets ? simple : everyone loves power,and if weilded in name of an imaginary god/allah it sanctifyes all the evil and injustice the men do.just imagine if some guy 2 times his wife he maybe caught but if in older times so called self appointed spokesperson of imaginary god/allah did it its ok,and become hadith/sura and then all men can follow that example.
Name: Gehan
Date: Saturday November 29, 2008
Time: 09:35:13 -0500
Adam was made in the image of God, Eve was made out of that which was taken from Adam's side. Adam was no longer the image of God without Eve by his side as a help meet. When they became sinners, they were banned from the garden and approached Yahweh only through His terms. Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose from the grave and sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in both man and woman. In Christ their is no male nor female. We are both His temples. He would dwell in both and express Himself through both. His spirit witnesses with her spirit that they are both the adopted children of God.
Name: Western Woman dress like whores................
Date: Saturday November 29, 2008
Time: 09:48:04 -0500
Western Woman dress like whores................ Women must take responsibility for their dress standards. Dress like sluts, get treated like sluts. Its only natural. Western women wear pants so tight that reveal all their curves. Western women wear pantyhose, making them less accessible, but at the same time allowing their dresses to be shorter, the slits higher. Western women cloths designed to tease those who see them, to enhance their beauty even more, to lift their breasts, to allow their nipples to be seen through them, to ride high on their hips, to allow their pubic hair to poke through the tiny holes in the lacey fronts. ============================================== i am a radical muslim please read my blog, read how islam will win the clash of civilization.
Name: QWER to Western Woman dress like whores................
Date: Saturday November 29, 2008
Time: 10:47:33 -0500
I'm not westerner, but really I hate very much with you islam, allah and Mohammed. Don't forget Mohammed is the biggest paedofill ever known. Do you know Mo-Ham-Mad? You are a radical moslem? So tell me: why you always loss in the battle against Jews and US? Where is you allah and Gibrael?
Name: QWER to Western Woman dress like whores................
Date: Saturday November 29, 2008
Time: 10:55:20 -0500
Don't forget: your Mohammed was died poisoned by Jew woman in Khaybar. Don't you read it in your hadits? You Prophet beated by Jews!! Jews again and again and again!! Huh?!! Umm ... may be you don't know that your Mo-Ham-Mad now has been burned in the hell with his 13 concubines?
Name: To radical Muslim
Date: Saturday November 29, 2008
Time: 12:23:58 -0500
Muslims are sex-hungry people emulating Rapist, pedophile Mad Mo. That's the reason they have to cover their women from head to foot.Just the sight of women's hair turn these sex-maniacs on.
Name: RE: Western Woman dress like whores...............
Date: Saturday November 29, 2008
Time: 13:48:37 -0500
Just bcos Muslims women wear tents does not mean that women around the world should start doing that too. I guess you motherfuckers should be sent back to the shit holes where you are from. You motherfuckers don't even belong in the West or anywhere people don't live like pigs in pigsties. Muslims rape kids as young as 1, and they say that the girls are their wives. Shame on you Muslims, your religion is full of shit and soon we are gonna shove your own shit down your throat and you will be the fist one you sick son of a bitch.
Name: to radical idiot
Date: Saturday November 29, 2008
Time: 19:51:19 -0500
why don't you try reading all of this site (all the articles) and try to explain it all away using your "books"? Why don't you try to prove that "you're right" and this site is wrong? You can't, because you won't read this site or because you know that these people are telling the truth. And how a woman dresses shouldn't matter. I've seen men dress just as "whorish", and yet, no one says anything.
Name: Allah is also slave trader and owner
Date: Sunday November 30, 2008
Time: 07:34:11 -0500
Allah is also slave trader and owner.Mad mohammad lied that imaginery god allah had sent his slave mohammad to earth.Islam is HIV of humanity and more evil than Aids.
Name: Re: Western Woman dress like whores
Date: Sunday November 30, 2008
Time: 13:08:54 -0500
People like you should become treated like women under islamic law, get beaten by your husband, veiled and forced to have sex whenever your husband wants. It is still surprising to me how some people still believe that islam is good for something. Here, let us shed some light how muslim men harass women in Egypt:
Name: Anand
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 03:53:07 -0500
Dear Abu Kasem, Can you provide me the email id of the original author Eka or the website you took this from? She has references to Hinduism about the treatment of women and I want to write to refute her with facts.
Name: dd
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 03:49:56 -0500
"Many religious scriptures forbid women from having more than one husband." In Hinduisms greatest epic mahabharatha the heroine Draupadi has five legal husbands, and Hinduism is reviled for supporting polyandry. If we don't allow polyandry we get bitched, if do allow polyandry we get reviled. Women are the biggest persecutors of women. They act catty all the time. And don't forget Hinduism worships goddesses equal to gods. What better treatment of females than worshiping them as gods?
Name: dd
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 03:58:08 -0500
By the way the painting is excellent and lifelike, whose work is it?
Name: The true perspective from a Muslim woman
Date: Monday December 15, 2008
Time: 10:34:23 -0500
This is going to be hard to explain here. Islam makes no difference between men and women, but the Muslims might do, the Arabs, the Egyptians (they are out of their mind when it comes to practices). Really I wish to find one Muslim country worthy of spreading a true image of the religion itself.. kind of hard! Anyways, the Islam came at a time when slavery was practiced by everybody, it was the normal thing to do… so it doesn’t forbids it right away just because it’s the norm, it forbids it gradually, by encouraging people to free their slaves. Women can claim a divorce with no drastic conditions (starting from “I stopped loving my husband”), meaning that sticking with their husband is not gona take them to heaven. Now the law of Islam limited men to have 4 wives, if u wana compare that with Christianity. Polygamy was practiced in the Old Testament , when David committed adultery with Bathsheeba, God said, "Did I not give you your many wives, why have you done this thing with Bathsheeba", (2 Samuel 12:7-9 paraphrased). (the bible puts no restrictions on the number of wives, the church does later on). this is what is said in the Qur’an: "Marry women of your choice, two, or three, or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one." [Al-Qur'an 4:3]. The phrase marry “only one” only exists in the Qur’an. "Ye are never able to be fair and just as between women...." [Al-Qur'an 4:129] But why is it still permissible to marry 4 wives? Maybe because the average life span of females is more than that of males, and at any given time one finds more widows in the world than widowers. World female population is more than male population. Only in the USA, women outnumber men by 7.8 million. I see many reasonable explanations, I am a Muslim woman and I wouldn’t be if I felt that in my religion men are privileged over women.
Name: The true perspective from a Muslim woman
Date: Monday December 15, 2008
Time: 10:42:53 -0500
Islam makes no difference between men and women, but Muslims and Arabs do . Islam limited the number of wives.Polygamy was practiced in the Old Testament, when David committed adultery with Bathsheeba, God said, "Did I not give you your many wives, why have you done this thing with Bathsheeba", (2 Samuel 12:7-9 paraphrased). (the bible puts no restrictions on the number of wives, the church does later on).In the Qur’an: "Marry women of your choice, two, or three, or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one." [Al-Qur'an 4:3]. The phrase marry “only one” only exists in the Qur’an. "Ye are never able to be fair and just as between women...." [Al-Qur'an 4:129] but why is it still permissible? Some reasons might be that the average life span of females is more than that of males.World female population is more than male population. And only in the USA, women outnumber men by 7.8 million…
Name: The true perspective from a Muslim woman
Date: Monday December 15, 2008
Time: 10:48:05 -0500
Islam limited the number of wives.Polygamy was practiced in the Old Testament, when David committed adultery with Bathsheeba, God said, "Did I not give you your many wives, why have you done this thing with Bathsheeba", (2 Samuel 12:7-9 paraphrased). (the bible puts no restrictions on the number of wives, the church does later on).In the Qur’an: "Marry women of your choice, two, or three, or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one." [Al-Qur'an 4:3]. The phrase marry “only one” only exists in the Qur’an. and "Ye are never able to be fair and just as between women...." [Al-Qur'an 4:129] Resons for which its permissable are many, like mayb that the average life span of females is more than that of males. And only in the USA, women outnumber men by 7.8 million…
Name: dd
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 06:39:38 -0500
To above: Read: and
Name: dd
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 06:43:12 -0500
"And only in the USA, women outnumber men by 7.8 million… " The number is skewed towards the older women. At 60 women outnumber men 4 to 1. I don't see any queue to marry 60 year olds. For all other ages there is not much difference between men and women populations. Keep deceiving yourself after all I pity you because you women can't escape the clutches of Islam except by making these complicated arguments to fool yourself into thinking that you are treated well.