Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

India: Supreme Court Lawyer Needs Help to Lift Ban on His Book on Islam

Mr. M. R. Bhasin, a Supreme Court lawyer in India, has written a number of books on Islam and Hinduism. In the early part of 2007, he published a book entitled “Islam – a Concept of Political World Invasion by Muslims.” In March 2007, a group of 20 Muslims approached the Maharashtra government to ban the book. Immediately Maharashtra government banned the book denying the rights of a Hindu writer to express his view and document the atrocities of Muslim rule in India.

On April 5, 2007 police raided his residence at Colaba and have confiscated about 1,000 copies of the book which was published in English and Hindi. The raid was conducted by the Marine Drive Police Station and lasted for nearly four hours, from 11.00 am till 3.00 pm, when Mr. Bhasin was away attending some court cases. The police raid and the confiscation of the book are the gross violation of fundamental right as well as freedom of speech. The Maharashtra government's actions are nothing short of a totalitarian trampling of freedom of expression, nothing but the appeasement of Muslims for Vote bank politics, nothing but Congress government's anti-Hindu policies.

Being as courageous as he is, Mr. Bhasin decided to file a PIL in the Mumbai High Court challenging the legality of the ban order and confiscation of the book. The case is being heard in the Mumbai High Court. As you may guessed many newspapers totally ignored the news item and did not publish the story.

It is time that all the Hindus stand up, get united and rally behind Mr. Bhasin in his lonely fight against the well organized Muslim Community and the Maharashtra government.

On be half of Global Hindu Heritage Foundation, I spoke with Mr. Bhasin. He was very grateful for the call and appreciated the efforts of many Hindus who are calling him to give moral help. I also spoke to Mr. Eshwar Khandelwal of Right to Read Foundation (a sort of civil liberties union in India) who is helping him in the case before the Mumbai High Court.


Please send emails expressing your support to the case filed in the High Court demanding the Maharashtra government:

1) To lift the ban of Mr. Bhasin's book,

2) To return the confiscated books,

3) Demanding apology to Mr. Bhasin for trampling his freedom of speech

Also you can request Mr. Bhasin to send as many copies as you would like to distribute to all the Hindus and friends of freedom of speech. Every Hindu should read this book on "ISLAM - A Concept of Political World Invasion by Muslims". It describe nearly ten centuries of the atrocities of Muslim rule in India and the passages that support the terror and violence. Even the judges in High court are surprised at the extent of cruelty the Muslims caused to Hindus.

Further, encourage all your friends in Mumbai to assist Mr. Bhasin and show strength by their mere physical presence in the court.

The case number in High Court is "Criminal Application Number 1421 of 2007." The matter is before the full Bench of Mumbai High Court.

Please send your email to: as soon as possible. Your expression of outrage and demand for freedom of speech are crucial.

You may reach Eshwar Khandelwal of Right to Read Foundation (9820963189) or Mr. R. V. Bhasin (011-91-22- 22045054/ 22845004)

We all have the right to know what happened to our fore fathers during ten centuries of bloodiest, ruthless Muslim rule. We may be condemned to the similar atrocities if we do not learn from the history. All Hindu must wake up and defend Mr. Bhasin and the right to know the history of Muslim rule in India.

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation was started about two years ago to preserve, protect and advance Hinduism. In order to preserve Hindu culture, every Hindu has a birth right to know the history. Let us all support Mr. Bhasin to defend the case successfully in High court to lift ban of the book so that it will be freely available to every body to read and be equipped with knowledge of the gruesome history of India during Muslim period. We will be able to preserve and protect Hinduism only if we are not denied our right to know the history.

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  • Name: Nastu congress is playing voye bank politics
  • Date: Sunday November 09, 2008
  • Time: 01:22:23 -0500


Nastu congress is playing voye bank politics.LTTE should have eliminated the complete family to give gift by dy'nasty' free politics to indi.THe people who failed to acheive degree qualification have able to rule india as prime ministers.Another stupid with poor iq is on his way to politics with heridity card.Psychofant congress mental slaves can lick him

  • Name: dd
  • Date: Sunday November 09, 2008
  • Time: 02:33:27 -0500


The best way to help is to make the author realize that books are obsolete, let him put up a website and distribute his views freely or let him put it in a ebook format that we can download freely and forward to friends then he will get wide recognition. He could publish his book in, so we can all read it. Books belong to the last century.

  • Name: Hindu logic?
  • Date: Sunday November 09, 2008
  • Time: 02:58:54 -0500


Self-immolation to protect the plague-rats of humanity? The wrong side is laughing at this joke.

  • Name: From a die hard muslim to die-hard believer in karma < but never believing in any organised relegion any longer >
  • Date: Sunday November 09, 2008
  • Time: 06:30:37 -0500


Form Confirmation Thank you for submitting the following information: Name: To Nisar Ahmad Comment i was born, muslim raised muslim, and a professed muslim in the entire sence of words. After a manyfold inquisitions and having read and heard a huge material both against and for islam. On the totality of my findings i am of the view that islam is never a faith it is a mafia like death-cult and ultimaytely is evil and have enslaved large chunk of humanity as more cultist than the original cultist himself and muhammad himself was an Iblees, or shaitan enthroned as second-self of it and able to command his alter-ego in the both negative counterpart of evil as Ibless < to share all blame > AND positive counterpart unmistakably is none other than himself. he was possesed of most extreme strains of sorcery and pshychotic powers that some of his garbles are now proven to be scientific miraclesby by islamic zeolots. but many of them have diproven and one of them is this quranic myth of days period. if you have any grain of intelectual integrity left in you when casting critical eye on islam you cant help seeing through this shicanery of muslims. Just watch the vidio link below mentioned. but remeber i am never adovcate of any relegion . i have become a free soul without any mechanisam of brain disabling and brain washing. Return to the form.

  • Name: Ibn Kammuna
  • Date: Sunday November 09, 2008
  • Time: 06:31:47 -0500


I hope the book will be available on-line in a pdf format. Thank you

  • Name: Dr. Sami Alrabaa
  • Date: Sunday November 09, 2008
  • Time: 10:09:03 -0500


I wrote to the following email: As a former Muslim I want with this email to express my indignation and rejection of banning and confiscating the book “Islam – a Concept of Political World Invasion by Muslims.” of Mr. M. R. Bhasin by the Maharashtra government. Once again relativists and gutless authorities are intimidated by aggressive fanatic Islamists. Thanks to coward bodies like the Maharashtra government and self-censorship exercised by mainstream media and publishers worldwide the truth about Islam is suffocated and valiant people like Mr. Bhasin are forcefully muzzled. I demand from the Maharashtra government to lift the ban on Mr. Bhasin’s book, return the confiscated books, and apologize for its violation of a basic human right, i.e. freedom of speech. All democrats and peace-lovers across the globe must stand up and protest against Islamists wherever they are. I’m going to buy the book of Mr. Bhasin and ask all my university colleagues, students, and everybody to do so. Please let me know how I can procure the book. Unfortunately, it is not on sale on Prof. Dr. Sami Alrabaa (Bielefeld, Germany) PS: By the way, a German court here in Germany banned my book, “Saudi Arabien: Die Tyrannei der tausend Prinzen” (Saudi Arabia: the Tyranny of Thousand Princes) to please the fanatic Saudis. As numerous publishers here in the West turned down publishing an English version of the book under the title “Karin in Saudi Arabia” I’m going to self-publish it in the USA. It is forthcoming soon.

  • Name: ChrisLA
  • Date: Sunday November 09, 2008
  • Time: 11:49:53 -0500


Could someone please provide readers the names and email addresses of booksellers in India who are able to sell such books as Mr. Bhasin's book and the book by Sheshrao Moray, "Islam - Maker of Muslim Mind." These books in English could have wide readership in the U.S. if they could be purchased.

  • Name: Ibn Kammuna
  • Date: Sunday November 09, 2008
  • Time: 13:00:33 -0500


Yes I would like to know how to order Bhasin's and Sheshrao's books from India. Also, Dr. Sami Alrabaa, please let us know who and when your book is published in English. Peace

  • Name: put this book on net so anti himanity maharashtra govt can be outwitted
  • Date: Monday November 10, 2008
  • Time: 00:52:43 -0500


i am aghast what has happened first tasleema and now this.koran which says kill kafirs - sura-09-005 is sold freely then why this book is banned ?

  • Name: Yogesh
  • Date: Monday November 10, 2008
  • Time: 10:28:55 -0500


Friends, If you want to access the book online, it is available at I read the book online and it is a very well researched and written book. Thanks Yogesh

  • Name: Yogeshalingham
  • Date: Monday November 10, 2008
  • Time: 21:27:21 -0500


Adam and Eve`s NationalityAn Englishman, a Frenchman and a Indian Economist are viewing a paintingof Adam and Eve frolicking in the Garden of Eden.'Look at their reserve, their calm,' muses the Englishman. 'They must beEnglish!''Nonsense,' says the Frenchman. 'They are both naked and beautiful. Theymust be French!''You are both wrong,' says the Indian economist. 'They have no clothesand no shelter. They have only an apple to eat and they're being told they're in Paradise. Clearly, they are Indians!'

  • Name: Vipul Malhotra`
  • Date: Wednesday November 12, 2008
  • Time: 07:44:58 -0500


A few more banned books about islam are 'calcutta quran petition, understanding islam through hadis and what happened to the hindu temples. These are scholarly works are available on

  • Name: ZuK (after long recess!)
  • Date: Wednesday November 12, 2008
  • Time: 11:53:02 -0500


Hi y'all! Agree partially with dd - move around the ban and publish on the web. to: Yogesh - the internal links of the website don't seem to work. But I'd gladly read it once it's fixed.

  • Name: Alok Mishra, Advocate
  • Date: Sunday November 16, 2008
  • Time: 09:55:46 -0500


What are the grounds for confiscation...??? Has police registered any criminal case against Mr. Bhasin..???? Can I have the copy of the petition filed by Mr Bhasin..???

  • Name:
  • Date: Monday November 24, 2008
  • Time: 23:52:45 -0500

Comment Everything you need to understand the Danger of Islamic Domination Plan....

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