Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

Nation-wide Campaign for Veiling of Sculptures and Statues in Germany

On the 18 September 2007, several female statues and sculptures in the cities of Berlin, Braunschweig, Bremen, Hamburg, Cologne, Witten, and Wuppertal are veiled with a Burka and a headscarf.

The aim of this campaign is to point out that the European idea of „unity in variety“ is valid in Germany and that democratic and liberal as well as secular thinking is one of the most precious values that is to be protected and to be advocated for.

In a religious system that promotes totalitarian ideas and demands submission of individuals, such an achievement can easily get under pressure. Therefore, there should be a public discussion on whether the European vocabulary and the vocabulary of certain religious systems share a common basis. For instance, the „house of peace“ and the „house of war“ have a different meaning in Islam and in our understanding. According to the Islamic view, the „house of peace“ can only exist where Islam reigns.

CAMPAIN-PICTURES: Veiling of sculptures and statues in a Germany

To oppose these systems, we refer to the article of the German constitution (Grundgesetz, GG§I, art. 2.1) about the right of an individual to develop individual freedom without violating the freedom of others.
This is shown by printed signboard.

Even here in Europe, this value and other values of the German constitution are not accepted as the most precious value by certain continuously growing parallel societies.

With this campaign, we want to counter this development.

Anonymous group for democratic and free thinking

(links to pictures, locations and short descriptions of the veiled sculptures, see below)

Veiling of female sculptures and statues in following cities:

Berlin:           1. “Neptunbrunnen”; Spanndauerstraße, 10178 Berlin

                       2. ”Schiller´s Females”/ “Schillers Frauen”; Gendarmenmarkt, 10117 Berlin

                        3. “Female Caller”/ “Ruferin”; Straße des 17. Juni,  10785 Berlin

Braunschweig:   1. “Braunschweiger Venus”; Am Wendentor, near the Torhaus

Bremen:         1. “Lying female on an architrave block”/ “Liegende Frau auf einem Sockel”; in the “Wallanlagen”

Hamburg:      1. “Waiting Woman”/ “Wartende Frau”; in front of the district office of Elmsbüttel (service center)

                        2. female scupture at the “Mönckebergbrunnen”; Mönckebergstraße/ Spitalerstraße

                        3. “Female Postie”/ “Briefträgerin”; in front of the postoffice called Hoheluft

                       4. man & female; at  the Arno-Schmidt-Platz, in the front of central bank

                        5. “Hammonia” auf der Brooksbrücke/ on the Brooksbridge between the Old Town and Old Warehouse District

Köln:             1. “Curious Tailor´s Female”/ “Neugierige Schneidersfrau”;
                       Heinzelmänchenbrunnen, at the Roncalli-Platz

Witten:           Sculptures by Christel Lechner; in the urban area of Witten,
              the pedestrian area
              the registry office

Wuppertal:     1. “Mina Knallenfalls”;
                        Local famousness, pedestrian area, Poststraße


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