Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

Good bye to Apostasy , I am a Muslim again!!!!

Dear free thinkers and all those who have not submitted to the will of Allah,

I, Ibrahim Lone, hereby declare that I am reverting to Islam. I invite all of you to do the same. I have realized my folly in trying in leaving Islam, and to make up for my follies, I decided to grow a beard that would give Santa Claus a major inferiority complex. I have also begun saying prayers 5 times a day again. The fact that I have been kicked out of my job for cursing my Infidel Boss is hardly of any concern to me now, since I know that Allah will be giving me great rewards in the afterlife.

However, I realized that merely reverting back to Islam was not enough to wash my deadly sin of apostasy. No way guys does Allah forgive the sin of apostasy. Therefore, in my own best interests, I decided to do something that would really please Allah. Being jobless, I decided to get hold of as many infidels and do Da’wah to them. In case you Kafirs don’t know what Da’wah means, I will tell you a thing or two about it. The word Da’Wah means calling people to the great religion of Allah, Islam. Just yesterday, I did Da’wah to a very scholarly animal (Allah has said in Quran 8:22 'Lo! the worst of beasts in Allah's sight are the deaf, the dumb, who have no sense [Non-muslims]'); I am really sure that he was convinced by my answers. I knew that you stupid animals would not understand me; therefore, I decided to reproduce my conversation in this article.

(Therefore his likeness is as the likeness of a dog: if thou attackest him he panteth with his tongue out, and if thou leavest him he panteth with his tongue out. Such is the likeness of the people who deny Our revelations. 7:176)

My Rendezvous with an infidel

Me= Ibrahim Lone

K=The Infidel (Kafir)

Me: Asalamo Alykom Wa Rehamatullahi Wa Barakatuu

K: Wow! You have a very long name.

ME: Oh! No Sir, it is the Islamic greeting……..

K: (chuckling) Alright! So tell me what you do young man?

ME: I am the servant of Allah; I preach his words.

K: Servant of what? Okay whatever….

ME: Sir, I want to give you an opportunity to change your life.

K: Actually I am very happy the way I am, so thank you.

ME: No Sir, I am not going away; I am here to save you from Hell Fire.

K: Hell fire, what Hellfire?

ME: See how ignorant you are [laughing without showing my teeth, it was forbidden by the Prophet of Allah (PBUH)]

K: My dear, I have a PhD in Quantum Physics and I have written several books on Quantum Physics. I am not really as ignorant as you think I am.

ME: Yes, you are! I can prove it with my superior Islamic logic.

K: (now serious) Okay son, go ahead.

ME: It is my pleasure to give you the great news that Islam is here to save your soul from the  eternal torture in hell.

K: Really and how is that?

ME: Well all you have to do is to recite the Shahada and you will be saved.

K: Wow! Before I do that, why don’t you tell me a few things about your Islam.

ME: Sure sir. First of all Islam is the only true religion of Allah and Muhammad (PBUH) is his prophet.

K: Gee! I am ignorant; tell me about Allah and his Prophet.

ME: Well Allah is the only true God.

K: Is he? Now okay, can you show me Allah?

ME: Yes, after you die you will get to see him.

K: Is that an example of your superior Islamic logic.

ME: Yes sir, wonderful isn’t it. Wait Till I tell you more.

K: I am listening.

ME: Islam is a the most peaceful religion in this world……

K: Really.

ME: Yes and the Quran is the most scientific book in this world.

K: Wait a moment. I read that the Quran says that the earth is flat and that semen is produced from between the ribs and the backbone…

ME: Allahu Akbar, that is a lie. Who told you that?

K: I read it on websites called and

ME: Those murtads are liars. They have nothing else to do but lie. Believe me, there is no such thing. Quran is the most scientific book. In fact, if you read the Quran you can become a PhD of all sorts of sciences. There is a man called Dr. Zakir Naik. He also managed to become a doctor just by reading the Quran.

K: You mean that skinny guy who keeps on shouting and telling lies…

ME: Shut up you old fool. How you dare say that about Zakir Bhai? I will kill you.

K: Hey! You told me that Islam is the religion of peace and now you want to kill me for an off the cuff remark.

ME: Okay, alright, now listen to me: Islam teaches universal love peace and brotherhood.

K: Really? And how is that?

ME: Simple! All we Muslims have to do is either to kill or convert the unbelievers and there will be no more war. When every one will be Muslim, there will be peace and brotherhood all around.

K: (Muttering to himself) Some Peaceful religion, huh!

ME: What did you say?

K: Oh, no nothing, carry on.

ME: Well I would also like to tell you that in Islam you can marry four women and have an unlimited number of concubines. You can also divorce your wives whenever you like without having to worry about alimony. You can also beat her as much as like and you won't have worry about the cops.

K: (shivering now) Alright, go on…

ME: Do you know that Allah has promised 72 beautiful virgins for Muslim men who go to Paradise?

K: Son, I am sorry but I am gay.

ME: Hey! No problem sir, there will also be 28 pearly eyed boys…….

K: Your Allah sounds like some kind of Pimp, man….

ME: Allahu Akbar! I will kill you animal.

K: I am not an animal.

ME: Yes you are. Allah has said in the Quran that Lo! the worst of beasts in Allah's sight are the deaf, the dumb, who have no sense. [8:22]

K: Goodness, your Allah sounds like a psycho.

ME: Silence you old fool. Let me tell you more about Islam.

K: Silent

ME: Islam does not believe in terrorism actually Islam is against terrorism, the only religion to do so.

K: So what about Osama Bin Laden and the guys in Pakistan, Afghanistan Iraq, Libya, Algeria, Morocco?

ME: Oh no, they are not Muslims. Osama bin Laden is a Yemeni Jew; the Taliban and Pakistani terrorist are actually Hindus who want to disgrace Islam; and the rest of them in Libya, Morocco are Christians pretending to Muslim.

K: I have heard that there are Islamic terrorists in China too…

ME: Shut up or I will kill you for the glory of Allah…. Those Chinese terrorist are Buddhists who are pretending to be Muslims.

K: I really don’t think someone would take such pains to defame a religion.

ME: What pains?

K: You know like circumcision, bowing your body like 5 times a day, riding camels when you have cars available….

ME: I am telling you the truth, Muslims always tell the truth.

K: Really? Always?

ME: Yes, always except when we have to convert some one or get our job done; it is called Taqqiyyya….Oops did I say Taqqiyya!

K: I guess you did. Hey I have to leave now, I am getting late for dinner….

ME: Why?

K: I have to meet some Jewish friends for dinner.

ME: Oh no! Do you know that they are not human?

K: What?

ME: Yes they are apes and monkeys; Allah has said so in the Quran: And ye know of those of you who broke the Sabbath, how We said unto them: Be ye apes, despised and hated! [2:65]

The Jews that you see today are actually descendants of monkeys and apes.

K: It's surprising to see that descendants of Apes could achieve so much; I mean no one community of people has given the world so many scientists, tycoons, intellectuals, artists. I mean …

ME: Shut up and listen to my superior Islamic logic. All this is a myth of the Zionist media. Do you know that Einstein, Shakespeare, Eisenhower, Beethoven and even Jesus were all Muslims?

K: Now that is a bit too much of hot gas…

ME: No gas, it’s true. It has been written in a book written by a Muslim; so, it has to be true, because I told you before that Muslims don’t lie.

K: Okay do you at least believe that the Holocaust was true?

ME; No, it another myth of the Zionist media.

K: And you are the honest one?

ME: Yes!

K: I am sorry to say son, you are nothing but a lying hypocrite.

ME: No I am not a hypocrite, people who don’t believe in Islam are hypocrites.

K: I am not talking about Islam; I am talking about the general sense of the word.

ME: But Allah decides the general sense of the word, not you.

K: Hey listen, your Islam is the most discriminatory religion; you guys don’t even allow non-Muslims in your Mecca and Medina.

ME: Well Allah said that non–Muslims are unclean.

K: Do you sometimes use your brains or always follow what Allah tells you?

ME: No, I always follow Allah.

K: Great, you know what you really made my day buddy. Son you can be a great standup comedian. I mean seriously your superior Islamic logic is unbeatable.

ME: Thank you I knew that you would bow down to the superior Islamic logic. Do you want more?

K: Thanks son! I guess I’ve had enough for the rest of my life. I think, I'll go back home now and take a nap to get over with your logical Nuclear Bomb.

Did you guys see how I convinced this person with the help of my superior Islamic Logic? I am sure all of you must be convinced by now, including Ali Sina and MA Khan. So friends see you at the friendly neighborhood Mosque and listen to Khutba this Jummah and celebrate the greatness of Islam.

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Ibrahim Lone is Kashmir-born ex-Muslim. He can be contacted at

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Name: Tony
Date: Sunday December 14, 2008
Time: 03:06:32 -0500


Mr Lone is like 'the dog who returns to his vomit'. The tooth fairy Allah does not exist; nor does hell; nor does the soul. All his arguments are like the 'kings new clothes'. Those beliefs exist only because there are believers who can swallow this rubbish in a 100% gullible manner. The 'facts of life' are too hard for Mr Lone, so he must hide himself behind the 'myths of religion'.

Name: vbv
Date: Sunday December 14, 2008
Time: 03:07:48 -0500


Hahahahahahaha! Great, simply GREAT! I would certainly bow to your "superior sense of humour", a very droll one at that! Keep up the good work Mr.Ibrahim Lone. Hats off to you!

Name: Tony
Date: Sunday December 14, 2008
Time: 03:08:20 -0500


or was Mr Lone's article just tongue-in-cheek humour?

Name: continuum to Ibrahim Lone
Date: Sunday December 14, 2008
Time: 03:23:26 -0500


There is a much more superior logic from one of the hadiths I read, unfortunately I do not remember the reference. The logic was very simple and effective in the hadith. "Convert now or die", when Muhammad sends one of his stooges to a pagan Arab. Who can beat this logic ?

Name: RE:Tony from Ibrahim Lone
Date: Sunday December 14, 2008
Time: 04:03:23 -0500


Tony if you dint find this article humorous then I believe that it is my fault that I could not make the satire apparent. I guess I have have to work on my comic skills. Take care...

Name: GoodNewsForIslam
Date: Sunday December 14, 2008
Time: 05:53:16 -0500


Mr Lone is like 'the dog who returns to his vomit'. The tooth fairy Allah does not exist; nor does hell; nor does the soul. All his arguments are like the 'kings new clothes'. Those beliefs exist only because there are believers who can swallow this rubbish in a 100% gullible manner. The 'facts of life' are too hard for Mr Lone, so he must hide himself behind the 'myths of religion'.

Name: balam
Date: Sunday December 14, 2008
Time: 09:55:33 -0500


Mr.lone has exposed the fallacy of Islam in a very humorous way.Homour is the best way to expose the truth about allah,mohammad and Islam.well done mr.lone.

Name: To all
Date: Sunday December 14, 2008
Time: 10:40:33 -0500


Very humorous article! I was slightly shocked to know that Mr Lone was reverting to Islam:(.... Only after reading the entire article did i realize that he was kidding.

Name: very humorous article.Each line exposes the irrationality of islam
Date: Sunday December 14, 2008
Time: 10:54:25 -0500


very humorous article.Each line exposes the irrationality of islam .

Name: seeker
Date: Sunday December 14, 2008
Time: 11:01:26 -0500


A great article Ibhrahim.The title was not appropiate.It shocked me too.Dont blame Tony.He flew off the handle even before he could realise what the the article was all about.We infidels are an insecure lot after all.

Name: blagger
Date: Sunday December 14, 2008
Time: 11:45:36 -0500


Mr Ibrahim has a sound grasp of irony, which involves saying the opposite of what you seem to be saying. As a native of the British Isles I understood his ironic intent before I even read the article; but many nations and cultures do not embrace this branch of humour. Americans especially have trouble comprehending it.

Name: Az
Date: Sunday December 14, 2008
Time: 11:46:13 -0500


Name: RE: blagger
Date: Sunday December 14, 2008
Time: 12:30:12 -0500


Thank you blagger, like you I have spent some time in the UK. I guess that is where there irony in article comes from. I understand that not every one is familiar with this form of a write up, so I'll be a little careful the next time I happen to exercise my fingers on my keyboard...

Name: RE:GoodNewsForIslam
Date: Sunday December 14, 2008
Time: 12:32:08 -0500


Dear Muslim brother, at least try to keep your comments original.

Name: at first....
Date: Sunday December 14, 2008
Time: 15:44:19 -0500


I was shocked, then started to read. And started to laugh. I got it pretty quick, loved the irony. And the sad part is, if someone tried to do that in real life outside of a cult land, he/she would be laughed at and ridiculed as someone with a mental disorder. Oh wait, that is what religion is, isn't it? A mental disorder. :-)

Name: Tony
Date: Sunday December 14, 2008
Time: 16:08:23 -0500


it was tooooo early in the morning for my 68-year-old brain. But now the penny has dropped. THANK YOU MR LONE FOR YOUR CULT-RIPPING HUMOUR!!!!!! I am now wide-awake, appreciating your wit to the full!

Name: seeker to Tony
Date: Sunday December 14, 2008
Time: 19:35:35 -0500


Thanks uncle. We infidels are not an insecure lot after all.

Name: a freethinker
Date: Sunday December 14, 2008
Time: 22:37:45 -0500


I think that dialogue is very common in conversation when we have a debate with muslim mullahs/ulemas/preachers. they use the same words / sentences that Ibrahim Lone used

Name: to Ibrahim Lone
Date: Sunday December 14, 2008
Time: 23:26:07 -0500


Tubelight der se jali but Tony got it in the end.Thanks for the witty article anyway.

Name: duh_swami
Date: Monday December 15, 2008
Time: 19:03:36 -0500


Since 90% of what I write about Islam is couched in sarcastic humor, I recognized your use of humor to make serious points, right off. Laughing at Islam can be every bit as effective as shooting poison darts at it...Thanks for your articles...

Name: To Ibrahim from Rationalist
Date: Monday December 15, 2008
Time: 22:02:41 -0500


Hello Ibrahim, can u tell me what made you to give up Islam. How long were you a practising Muslim? Was your decision of giving up Islam a sudden one, or was it a gradual process? I tried telling my Muslim friends about the unholy nature of Islam, but very few are willing to listen.

Name: RE: Rationalist from Ibrahim
Date: Monday December 15, 2008
Time: 23:22:45 -0500


Dont waste your time trying explain things to all your Muslim friends. Believe me you will end up frustrated. Concentrate on those who you feel have the ability to think critically.

Name: zakir kaskar to ibrahim lone...mein to hans hans kar behal ho gaya !!!
Date: Tuesday December 16, 2008
Time: 05:34:22 -0500


zakir kaskar to ibrahim lone...mein to hans hans kar behal ho gaya !!! pls keep up the divine work,u r another divine prophet of truth !!! i laughed really well after so many days especially after what happened in mumbai.pls keep up yr divine work.

Date: Tuesday December 16, 2008
Time: 07:54:20 -0500



Name: yan
Date: Tuesday December 16, 2008
Time: 21:46:54 -0500


who gives a fuck if u believe in it or not!!! go eat ur chappatti

Name: RE:yan
Date: Wednesday December 17, 2008
Time: 00:06:08 -0500


Yes you give a fuck yan. That is why you come here to leave a comment.

Name: Prasad Rao
Date: Wednesday December 17, 2008
Time: 05:55:42 -0500


Yes, Islam teaches universal love peace and brotherhood. But Muslims should not either kill or forcefully convert unbelievers. If any wants to be a Muslim, he or she should do that voluntarily. Besides, Zakir Naik Never learned to become a Doctor by reading the Koraan. Can you also mention as to from where the Koraan says that Jews are from the descent of monkeys? Osama Bin Laden does not belong to Al Qaeda, and those people terrorizing the world are doing it because your governments are bias towards Muslims. We must congratulate Berney Madoff for denying all those Zionist charities the means of luxury, while the real charities that are doing a good job in eradicating human suffering are closing as the Zionist are pressurizing these charities and linking them to terror, So Mr. Loone Please get your facts right.

Name: RE:Prasad Rao
Date: Wednesday December 17, 2008
Time: 07:06:06 -0500


Dear,dear, you sound really angry Me. Rao. Relax. Let me answer you questions. Most of my article was a spoof on Islamic beliefs. You sound like an angry convert from the Indian subcontinent. I rea;;y dot know how long you have been Muslim, but my association with Islam goes back to a very long time. Can you tell us where the Quran promotes Universal brotherhood. I would love to know, where the Quran says that treat the Non-Muslims in the same vein as the Muslim. Please let me know of the verse. Why did my spoof on Zakir Naik anger you so much. He is just an MBBS doctor. There are plenty of them around. If he had been a really capable he would not have taken an admission in a private college. How do you know that Osama Bin Laden does not belong to Al Qaeda? Do you know him personally? You should forward this information to CIA, I am sure they will be happy to know. As for Jews being apes and monkeys, I have mentioned the verse and also provided the link. If you are so blind as to overlook it, there is nothing I can do about it. Now you seem to be so certain of the facts, wy do you give a glimpse of what you have been able to understand that we poor souls could not. Really we would love to know.

Date: Wednesday December 17, 2008
Time: 07:09:16 -0500


Here is a link for you dear Mr. Rao, you will find the apes part there, and I am sorry I forgot to add that the Quran does not call the Jews apes and monkeys but also pigs.

Name: i read koran-hot hot virgins,sweet sweet wine......mmmm.....i am going to jannat...just let me do jihad now
Date: Wednesday December 17, 2008
Time: 08:16:07 -0500


i have read al furqan,hot hot virgins,sweet sweet wine......mmmm.....i am going to jannat...just let me do jihad now,i will have 24x7 party with sex and wine...yeeehaaaa...aaalllhhhaammmddullilllaaahhhh

Name: Wiseman
Date: Wednesday December 17, 2008
Time: 17:05:29 -0500


Unbelievers As for the unbelievers, their deeds will disappear like a mirage in a sandy desert, which the thirsty traveller thinks to be water, but when he comes near, he finds it to be nothing, instead he finds Allah to settle his account - Allah is swift in settling accounts. Or another parable of unbelievers' efforts is that of person trying to swim in a bottomless ocean overwhelmed with billows, one over the other, overcast with dark clouds - layers of utter darkness one above another - so much so that if he stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it. The one to whom Allah does not give light, will have no light! 24:39-40 Parable of those who take protectors other than Allah The parable of those who take protectors other than Allah is that of a spider who builds for itself a dwelling, and surely the weakest of all dwellings is the dwelling of a spider, if they but knew it. 29:41 Parable of paradise and hell Here is the parable of the paradise which the righteous have been promised: it has rivers the water of which will never be stagnant, rivers of milk whose taste never changes, rivers of wine delicious to those who drink, and rivers of honey pure and clear. In it they will have all kinds of fruits, as well as forgiveness from their Rabb. Can such people be compared to those who shall dwell in hell forever, and they will be given scalding water which will cut their intestines into pieces? 47:15 Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth (Guidance to humankind) Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The parable of His Light is as if there were a Niche, in which there is a lamp, the lamp is enclosed in crystal, the crystal is of a starlike brilliance, it is lit with the olive oil from a blessed olive tree which is neither eastern nor western, its very oil would almost be luminous though no fire touched it - as though all the means of increasing Light upon Light are provided - Allah guides to His Light whom He pleases.Allah cites such parables to make His message clear to the people; and Allah has knowledge of everything. His Light is found in those houses which Allah has sanctioned to be built for the remembrance of His name; where His praise is sung, in the mornings and in the evenings again and again, 24:35-36 Those who profess the faith blindly When it is said to them: "Follow what Allah has revealed." They reply: "Nay! We will follow what our forefathers practiced." Well! Even if their forefathers had no sense at all and lacked guidance? The parable of those who reject faith is like the cattle which, call out to them as one may, hear nothing but a shout and a cry since they are unable to understand; they are deaf, dumb and blind, and understand nothing. 2:170-171 Similitude of worldly life and its relationship with the life of hereafter O Prophet! Give them the similitude of the life of this world. It is like the vegetation of the earth that flourishes with the rain from the sky, but afterwards the same vegetation turns into dry stubble which is blown away by the winds. Allah is the One Who has power over everything. 18:45 These are the parables that We cite for mankind; but none will grasp them except the wise. 29:43

Name: RE:Wiseman
Date: Wednesday December 17, 2008
Time: 21:00:00 -0500


You call yourself a wise man. What an irony. Are you sure you are not a brainwashed Zombie who believes that out of all humanity God choose a lecher and pedophile to be his messenger. What a shame people like are the majority who think they will get Houris after they die.

Name: Wiseman
Date: Wednesday December 17, 2008
Time: 23:21:49 -0500


May be we are all brainwashed somehow in this life! From reading through this website, almost all you guys argument come down mostly to name calling using the same words and phrases over and over. The point is, you seem to never get it. It is like telling a math teacher to go teach a sociology class for a day. By the way good luck to all you Ex-Muslims out there!!!

Name: to wiseman
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 03:02:29 -0500


I wonder how a wiseman could believe in a 'heaven' and 'hell'. How he could belive that there are are rivers of water,milk,wine,honey etc. Aboutt big boobied whores and pearly eyed boys. I there wisdom in delusion and dementia? Some wisdom ,heh? Absolute crap and rubbish!

Name: Way to go wiseman
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 03:40:52 -0500


THE Muttaqeen (WHO ARE THE DEVOTED BELIEVERS OF ALLAH). It goes on to say, “Those who expect not the meeting with Us, but desire the life of this world and feel secure therein, and those who are neglectful of our revelations are doomed people because of their negligence.” (10/7) These verses offer a cause for the cyclical rise and fall of nations. Those who are satisfied with the status quo and do not strive for improvement and a better future are devoid of thought and action; they fall from grace and are left far behind in the struggle of life. In contrast, those nations that work hard to develop new inventions and make new discoveries surge far ahead. Because of their initiative and well directioned hard work, nature rewards them by revealing its hidden treasures. “Those who disbelieve in Allah’s revelations and in their meeting with Him, such are deprived of the means of sustenance—an extreme penalty.” (29/23) In this verse, being deprived of the amenities of life is considered a great penalty. For example, rivers of petroleum flowed under the desserts of Arabia but the people were content with their meager existence. They did not have the will, desire, or the knowledge to find and utilize this hidden gift of nature. As a result they were dependant on others for even the most basic of necessities. Western nations made the effort to discover and start pumping the hidden petroleum, and as a result the people of the region benefited and became prosperous. Many countries have great potential, but their people are happy with the status quo and prefer whatever is easily available, so nothing motivates them to work harder. As a result they are always one step behind, and in many cases dependant on, other nations. On the other hand, there are European nations with very little land but with so much production capabilities that they not only provide for local needs but they even manage to export surplus food. This is due to the fact that they are perpetually laboring in accordance with the laws of nature in order to take advantage of its hidden treasures. It is a divine law that the livelihoods of those who eschew the laws of Allah continuously diminish (20/124). This law is universal and there are no exceptions. Muslims have been shunning this law for centuries; as if this were not enough, Muslims also have not put thier senses to proper use and have been thus divested of these faculties. Muslims have fallen into the category of those people whose “hearts, ears, and eyes have become useless, and they do not take heed.” (16/108) Some people think that “meeting Allah” means being accountable to Him for our deeds after our death. Though in the context of the above mentioned verses this meaning is not appropriate, the fact remains that in order to believe in a meeting with Allah, observation and study of natural phenomena is vital. Life after death and accountability for actions is an essential part of Muslims belief.

Name: Re RE:Prasad Rao
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 04:20:38 -0500


I aint angry unlike you who are, which i assume, if you are angry as I have metioned about the Zionist charitys, Then I think I have done a good job! My Countrymen are angry as you people want to us to be enemies with Pakistan so that your country can benefit with large arms sales. But turn a blind eye to all the suffering in the Mid East because of your support to the Evil Bush and his masters the Zionist.

Name: Re:Mr.Prasad Rao
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 05:04:31 -0500


It is surprising even after seeing what is happening in Islamic world, how people like Mr.Prasad Rao and music director Mr.A.R.Rahman are converting to islam.Thousands of muslims are converting to hinduism ad buddhism all over the world.

Name: Absolute crap and rubbish!
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 05:05:49 -0500


If you think it Absolute crap and rubbish! than believe what you believe and don't worry about my account! In this life we are all accountable for ourselves and I believe the same thing for the hereafter. That is the beauty of Islam. No one is accountable for some else. Thank you!

Name: Does the Quran Say that Non Believers are Apes and Monkeys?
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 05:18:36 -0500


Not True, The Quran mentions that those who are Jews, Christians or Sabiens who transgressed are only worst than Apes and Monkeys. Not those who worship the one God. ==See how people try to misrepresent the Quran?== Why not read this and prove me wrong?? 2.51- (Remember) when We appointed for Moses forty nights, and (in his absence) you took the calf (for worship), and you were polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.. 2.52- Then after that We forgave you so that you might be grateful. 2.53- And (remember) when We gave Moses the Scripture the Torah and the criterion (of right and wrong) so that you may be guided aright. 2.54- And (remember) when Moses said to his people: "O my people! Verily, you have wronged yourselves by worshipping the calf. So turn in repentance to your Creator and kill yourselves (the innocent kill the wrongdoers among you), that will be better for you with your Lord." Then He accepted your repentance. Truly, He is the One Who accepts repentance, the Most Merciful. 2.55- And (remember) when you said: "O Moses! We shall never believe in you till we see Allah plainly." But you were seized with a thunderbolt (lightning) while you were looking. 2.56- Then We raised you up after your death, so that you might be grateful. 2.57- And We shaded you with clouds and sent down on you Al-Manna and the quails, (saying): "Eat of the good lawful things We have provided for you," (but they rebelled). And they did not wrong Us but they wronged themselves. 2.58- And (remember) when We said: "Enter this town (Jerusalem) and eat bountifully therein with pleasure and delight wherever you wish, and enter the gate in prostration (or bowing with humility) and say: 'Forgive us,' and We shall forgive you your sins and shall increase (reward) for the good-doers." 2.59- But those who did wrong changed the word from that which had been told to them for another, so We sent upon the wrong-doers a punishment from the heaven because of their rebelling against Allah's Obedience. 2.60- And (remember) when Moses asked for water for his people, We said: "Strike the stone with your stick." Then gushed forth there from twelve springs. Each (group of) people knew its own place for water. "Eat and drink of that which Allah has provided and do not act corruptly, making mischief on the earth." 2.61- And (remember) when you said, "O Moses! We cannot endure one kind of food. So invoke your Lord for us to bring forth for us of what the earth grows, its herbs, its cucumbers, its Fum (wheat or garlic), its lentils and its onions." He said, "Would you exchange that which is better for that which is lower? Go you down to any town and you shall find what you want!" And they were covered with humiliation and misery, and they drew on themselves the Wrath of Allah. That was because they used to disbelieve the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allah and killed the Prophets wrongfully. That was because they disobeyed and used to transgress the bounds (in their disobedience to Allah, i.e. commit crimes and sins) 2.62- Verily! Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 2.63- And (O Children of Israel, remember) when We took your covenant and We raised above you the Mount (saying): "Hold fast to that which We have given you, and remember that which is therein so that you may become the pious . 2.64- Then after that you turned away. Had it not been for the Grace and Mercy of Allah upon you, indeed you would have been among the losers. 2.65- And indeed you knew those amongst you who transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath (i.e. Saturday). We said to them: "Be you monkeys, despised and rejected." 2.66 So We made this punishment an example to their own and to succeeding generations and a lesson to those who are the pious.

Name: saraswathipuram
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 09:14:07 -0500


in the aboe conversation the real dog is the one who is threatening the real believer of human, islam does not preach peace as we can see in the above converstion what he has told so many girls are waiting in heaven, we must remember islam was born in Desert and for them milk honey water cool breeze etc., are all sign of heaven and he has converted one more person only by fear and making him to salivate 72 virgins, how this article appeared in this web site??

Name: May be we are all brainwashed somehow in this life!
Date: Friday December 19, 2008
Time: 03:34:03 -0500


Brainwashing in Childhood In childhood I was indoctrinated (brainwashed) that Muslims are pagans. We believed that Muslims are warlike people, traitors, happy to kill non-Muslims, lawless, and all negative attributes of humanity are in the Muslims’ doctrines. Actually when I was a Christian, I did not know the difference between Islam, Muslim, and Moros—I believed they were all synonymous with paganism. What I knew about Muslims was that "they were pagans and idiots!"

Name: Islam teaches universal love peace and brothe-by Prasad Rao
Date: Friday December 19, 2008
Time: 03:39:11 -0500


"O Mankind, We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is he who is the most righteous of you" (Quran 49:13). Explanation: There are several principles, which this verse presents: This message is not just for Muslims only because God is addressing all of humanity. While Muslims are one brotherhood, this is part of a larger brotherhood of humanity. God is telling us that He has created us. Therefore He knows the best about us. He says that He created us from one man and one woman meaning then that we are all the same. It also means that all human beings are created through the same process, not in a manner in which some are created with a better mechanism than others. God is the One who made human beings into different groups and people. These differences are not wrong, rather a sign from God ("And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colors. Verily, in that are indeed signs for those who know" [Quran 30:22]). Note that no word equivalent to race is used in this ayah or any other verse of the Quran. Islam, however, limits the purpose of these distinctions to differentiation and knowing each other. This is not meant to be a source of beating each other down with an attitude of ‘my group is better than your group' or false pride as is the case with tribalism, nationalism, colonialism, and racism. The only source of preference or greatness among human beings is not on a national or group level, but it is at the individual level.

Name: RE: Islam teaches universal love peace and brothe-by Prasad Rao
Date: Friday December 19, 2008
Time: 04:34:14 -0500


" Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is he who is the most righteous of you" (Quran 49:13). " The most exalted is the one who is righteous, now who is a righteous MR. Rao, a muslims who follows the word of Allah. The first part of the verse is merely saying that according to the Quran, Allah made many Races and nationalities. Were is the peace and brotherhood in this is something that we fail to see. Kindly also tell us if Allah, has actually created everything in pairs. If he has then how do you account for the Bisexuals? And also let us know why freaks and hermaphrodites exist in nature. If God has planned things so well, then why the hell did he give men nipples. I fail to understand why some people just cannot see these things. Can a perfect God create such imperfections.

Name: More "superior islamic logic..."
Date: Friday December 19, 2008
Time: 23:31:51 -0500


1)Islamic cleric defends the gang rapes of non-muslim women by muslim men in Scandinavia saying it's the WOMEN'S fault because they are not wearing the burka. 2)Another islamic cleric says Mickey Mouse is the servant of Satan(oh no! And I work for Disney!) 3)Another muslim cleric goes on a arab talk show and explains "how to beat your wife." NOW, I COMMAND YOU IN THE NAME OF THE PAGAN MOON GOD ALLAH(pee be upon him!) TO EITHER BOW DOWN EMBRACE THIS ISLAMIC LOGIC OR I WILL KILL YOU! (oops! I forgot, islam is a religion of peace-that is, after you have blown yourself up and dozens of innocent civilians with you!).

Name: To Prasad Rao
Date: Saturday December 20, 2008
Time: 07:37:06 -0500


You must be aware that the Koran is grossly distorted copycat of Biblical stories in order to give Islam a sense of divinity and authenticity. Islam succeeded in deceiving more than 1 billion people. Just look upon your supposedly holy prophet Muhammad, he murdered 900 Jews in one day, raped female captives after beheading their husbands, plunder rich caravans, married 6-year old Aisha and other countless inhuman acts. To top it all, he promised an imaginary pornographic Jannat with big-bosom eternal virgins or Houris and rivers of wine of different flavors for devout martyrs. How could people be so foolish to believe such outrageous fantasy?

Name: TO RE: Islam teaches universal love peace and brothe-by Prasad Rao/More "superior islamic logic..."/ To Prasad Rao
Date: Monday December 22, 2008
Time: 06:29:21 -0500


Let me remind all Non-Muslims, that a true Muslim worships Allah, the One And only God of the galaxies. All worship is due to him alone. In the end we will return to him. To describe Muhammad as a murderer, rapist, plunderer, and pedophile is someone else’s Opinion although that person has the right to say what he wants to say but Muslims will not accept this statement. Muslims are not shy to wait for about the 72 big bosom houris or eternal virgins and rivers of wine of different flavors in jannat or paradise awaiting all devout Muslims.( a Muslim means he who adheres to and obeys the teaching of Allah, the one God ) If I live my life true, as how my creator wanted me, then I could substitute my own wife in this world who’s record I hope will be as good as mine as one of the 72 big bosom houris or eternal virgins in paradise. There will be Humans who will follow Islam and adhere to its teachings till the world ends or till they complete their term in this world, till our lord enters us to paradise, unlike most readers who are offended and blinded by the current atrocities committed by your people like in the 20th century, even after those unwanted wars and those fictional Gas chambers where 6million were supposed to have perished. The greatest menace started after 1948, when terrorist were given the power to rule a tiny created nation and now these people were able to dictate to the rest of the world about the lies of the past and how to rule by deception, and how to rule by invading and confiscating from the natives and raping and molesting the native who gave them temporary sanctuary when a fictional mad man wanted your people out of his country. These people are the Descendants who tried to confuse the God of Moses by erecting a Calf even after Moses saved them from the tyrant. These Line of Descendants are the same people who are responsible for the calling of death to the beloved prophet Jesus, but it was the creator who took him up and will send him back to mankind to warn them about the crimes that they have committed for not following the creators laws, but instead following man made laws which diverts them away from the creators path. So my dear you are the Descendants of those people who are the real murderers, rapist, plunderers, pedophiles. Beware your time is up. The world will put your crimes to the test. Its easy to say that the Quran is grossly distorted copycat of Biblical. That’s because all the Prophets were sent by the creator to warn mankind of the unjust doing and to encourage mankind to live as a community, by helping each other rather than fighting each other for personal gain. Who is the great? Is it the creator or the creations? Allah, has created everything in pairs. To account for bisexuals and Men having Nipples is like Questioning as to why there are believers and unbelievers of Allah and why people steal and like to grab from others in the name of God. Further you for got why certain animals like dogs can hear the so called dog whistle but humans cant? When God created man with a brain and some still with one who cannot use it? Its mankind’s duty to use it to Acquire knowledge for the benefits of the human race with his or her limited capacity, rather than been selfish and terminating the human race through deception. Now, I fail to understand why some people just cannot understand the above as I have come from an Unbeliever to believer of the God of Mohammad and I hope to Enter Janna by hoping to witness all these false acquisitions of Muslims labeled as terrorist and the real culprits brought to justice and the Islamic law used for there punishment so that all corruption in this world are eliminated.

Name: Beowulf
Date: Monday December 22, 2008
Time: 21:19:44 -0500


Very funny article! Good job!

Name: To devout Muslim
Date: Monday December 22, 2008
Time: 22:50:02 -0500


Allah was the pagan moon deity of pre-Islamic Meccans. Allah and the God that revealed Himself to Abraham are not one and the same.

Date: Monday December 22, 2008
Time: 23:17:36 -0500



Name: To Nadeemaslam36
Date: Tuesday December 23, 2008
Time: 03:11:03 -0500


What kind of people who follow a supposedly holy prophet that murdered 900 Jews in one day, rape female captives after beheading their husbands, plunder rich caravans, marrying 6-year old Aisha and countless inhuman acts? To top it all he promised devout Muslims an imaginary pornographic Jannat with eternal virgins or Houris and rivers of wine of different flavors. Only fools will believe such outrageous fantasy. 

Name: RE Nadeemaslam36
Date: Wednesday December 24, 2008
Time: 10:28:37 -0500


You are mentioning stuff out of Context. Do you need any clarified?

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