Islamic lust for Hindu Women: Psychological Warfare
12 Dec, 2007
- The Indian pseudo-secularist media that is always in search of such gems like Shah Rukh Khan, who can be put up in show-window as role-models with a hope to lure the Indian Muslims into mainstream. It is a common knowledge that the Hindu suffers from a deep-rooted phobia of being branded un-secular so once in the while goes to laughable extents in order to show the world India’s love for Muslims by giving high-sounding titles to actors like Shah Rukh Khan: “The King of Bollywood” as Anupam Chopra’s new book’s title goes. But ironically this book itself presents some inconvenient incidents: one of them is an angry and possessive call from the underworld don Abu Salem, who scolds Khan for not giving adequate preference to Muslim professional in the industry. Instead of confronting him, Shah Rukh meekly ensures him of his full support to Muslims and even provides the great goon numerous examples of his love for his co-religionists! And thus manages to satisfy his godfather, who in turn assures him of his safety! This explains the dominance of “Khans” in Indian film industry. It may be argued that the typical Hindi filmmaker uses Muslim youth to create market in neighboring countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh who can never provide enough entertainment content due to their Islamic straitjacketed culture. And the poster of a Shah Rukh Khan or a Salman Khan or an Aamir Khan may get some sympathy from the mullah for its undertone of machismo that fits his Jihadi mindset. And the half-naked women with beautifully built bodies can be watched without any guilt by devout momins since they are Hindu whores! To the twisted Muslim mindset, even the purely secular song and dance can be joyous instance of dominance of Islam over Hinduism! You may find this disgusting but then that is what Islam is.
One woman journalist Tavleen Singh, who was known for her pro-Islam stand, and at times, went as far as to justify terrorism, once got inside the Islamic mad-house of the fanatic Dar-ul-Uloom at Deobandi and for the first time in her life discovered real Islam for herself, which was light-years away from the rosy imagery secularists like Khushwant Singh and Romila Thapar had taught her. After a few minutes she came out stamping her feet in fury. She was so angry that she wrote her next article with title: “If this is what secularism means, give me Hindutva,” those who know her well would be shocked to find her even thinking so, let alone write such a phrase in the newspaper. What made her take such a u-turn in her ripe age? No one knows. Try to guess (hint: she is a woman).
“one of the most painful aspects of Muslim demographic warfare is the open attempt by Muslims to grab non-Muslim girls to use them for their own demographic ambitions, meanwhile also inflicting a good dose of humiliation on the accursed kafirs. In Bangladesh and in Muslim-majority areas inside India, this often takes the form of simply kidnapping girls, or of threatening their families to marry them out to Muslims? In the open market-place of the West and of westernized circles in India, it takes the form of normal courtship”- Mr. Elst
Still if these silly Hindu filmmakers think that they are actually building ‘secular bridges’ by giving Muslim man riding Hindu woman, (the Muslims, of course, won’t allow the reverse.) then they are in error. They fail to understand Islamic mindset. Even if you make all the Muslims in India superstars, in Pakistan this will not be accepted for as a sign of Hindu benevolence or even a gesture of genuine secularism but as an explicit evidence of Hindu inferiority and Islamic superiority! Such is their contempt for all things Hindu. And it does not stop there; Abu Salem (killed Gulshan Kumar, organized Bombay Bomb blasts on more than one occasions even opened gun-fire at the shooting of Hindu religious epic Mahabharta) has managed to get much for Islam.
The popularity of “khan” series of Bollywood masala flicks has led to a deadly trait of more and more Hindu girls in western countries (mostly U.K.), misusing the freedom their religion gives them, finding it ‘cool’ and ‘okay’ to marry a Muslim. This is also helped by the cultural vacuum left by Hindu parents who are so secular that they feel ashamed to give their child any knowledge about the great heritage of Hinduism. Zakat (petro-dollars) come all the way from rich Islamic states in gulf to reward the Muslim boys who bring more and more girls to the fold of Islam. Some Muslim boys have even made this “campus-jehad” a full time occupation! And of course for such gullible Hindu girls life is one-way street, once she enters Islam (hoping the warm embrace of her future in-laws who should be grateful to her for leaving her very own parents and religion) she discovers there is nothing warm in the embrace of Islam she embraced as promised in the film that inspired her for this foolish emotional death-dive, but by then it is too late. She is done for. She will probably spend the rest of her cursed life cooking stinking halaal meat and giving birth to a new generation of suicide bombers.
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Name: Muhammad That Prophet
Date: Tuesday December 11, 2007
Time: 21:53:22 -0700
Muhammad That Prophet:
Name: muhamed in kafir books...what a freakin joke !
Date: Tuesday December 11, 2007
Time: 22:15:17 -0700
mahamudh = mohamed = super stupid ! if muslims make false claim that muahmed was in hindu books it means they BELIEVE in hindu books,it instantly means they r no more muslims.bcoz if u dont believe then u cant give reference yrself can u ? the muslim guy who post the note is a true non muslim and sure to go to allah's hell. al ham dull illl aaahhhh
Name: vbv
Date: Tuesday December 11, 2007
Time: 22:26:01 -0700
Muslims in India are hypocrites and skunks. Shahrukh Khan is a typical example,getting all the benefits and oodles of pelf conning the laity and showing pan-islamic loyalties!They really stink with their immoral creed"islam"!
Name: vbv
Date: Tuesday December 11, 2007
Time: 22:38:14 -0700
All prophetic religions are fraudulent,since the so-called "god" communicated only with "his chosen messenger",while the rest of the populace is expected to follows these tricksters and conmen calling themselves "prophets" like dumb sheep unquestioningly bereft of commonsense or intelligence ,or simply face the wrath of these tricksters and conmen and be mercilessly slaughtered! There is so much discord and violence around the world and you can see very clearly that it emanates from the virulent zealots of Islam,Christianity and Judaism! The world would be a better and more peaceful place without these three rabid,intolerant and bigoted creeds!
Name: why only mahamudh = super stupid mohamed see gabriel...not anyone else ?
Date: Wednesday December 12, 2007
Time: 06:29:43 -0700
why only mahamudh = super stupid muhamed see gabriel but no one else ? the reason is simple : only muhamed knew he was defrauding the arabs and so he lied abt seeing and hearing gabriel. the truth is there is no god/allah and man is not created by any fake deity/allah but evolved by nature. hence worship truth,not any fake deity/allah.
Name: qwer
Date: Wednesday December 12, 2007
Time: 08:27:05 -0700
Hi moslem, see ... everybody hate with islam! Ask to your self: WHY EVERYBODY HATE WITH YOUR RELIGION?! The answer is islam and mo misleading you to the evil character. Read carefully again your quran & hadists, you will see many violence, intolerance and sex abuse to woman. ISLAM & MO IS THE SHORTEST WAY TO BE A TERRORIST!!
Name: imran
Date: Wednesday December 12, 2007
Time: 13:28:44 -0700
shahrukh khan is a great actor and indian hero.he married a hindu which shows he is secular.he lives wit her 24/7.
Name: The Author
Date: Wednesday December 12, 2007
Time: 15:26:44 -0700
There we are ! This is what I mean by "Psychological Warfare" in title of the article. By mentioning "hindu wife" you are sprinkling salt on hindu wounds ! Would you let a hindu become superstar in Pakistan and keep a muslima for a wife...?
Name: An Indian ex-muslim
Date: Wednesday December 12, 2007
Time: 15:55:13 -0700
Mr. Author: Although I agree with most of what you say in your article, but I am not convinced that Shahrukh is not a secular person. Acid test is whether he converted his wife to islam. If not then he is a secular person because islam considers him a person who has left islam by marrying a hindu girl without converting her. To a true muslim he is an apostate who must be beheaded.
Date: Wednesday December 12, 2007
Time: 16:56:37 -0700
Imran, If Shahrukh Khan's sister had married a Hindu, with his approval, it would have meant something - as it is, your statement is meaningless. There is a Muslim troll at the Jihadwatch site called Naseem who claims to be an Ahmadi widow living in Lahore - they're supposed to be the peaceful 'Muslims', disowned by the orthodox, but her 'all resistance is useless, Islam will triumph' attitude is extremely jarring. She once chuckled over stories told to her by her uncles about Hindu women kidnapped during partition - even though she knew it was really wrong to do so. Apparently if these girls were kept hungry and then only allowed to eat forbidden foods they soon caved in, ceased to see themselves as Hindus and converted. You can see the way the Muslim mind works: of course the Koran says there should be no compulsion in religion but what is a little kidnapping and torture compared to the benefits of turning a worthless kaffir into a slave of allah? If they had been Hindu men they would probably have been killed but women make useful handmaids and brood mares, not to mention the resultant feeling of superiority of Muslim over Hindu males brought about by being able to steal their women (their property, to Mohammedans) with impunity.
Date: Wednesday December 12, 2007
Time: 22:35:30 -0700
Interesting article like others on this great website, they forgot to mention what the Serbs did to Muslims women during the breakup of Yugoslavia. How about most recently the crimes committed by the great American liberators against Iraqi women.
Date: Thursday December 13, 2007
Time: 18:49:28 -0700
To the anonymous poster who talks of Serb atrocities against Muslim women and American behaviour in Iraq: The Serbs, under Milosecic, killed Croats and Bosnians with equal enthusiasm in the nineties - Balkan traditions of warfare were heavily influenced by 500 years of Ottoman occupation, malign habits which have persisted right up to the end of the 20thC. Massacre and mass rape were the preferred Turkish method of suppressing rebellious populations.Islam has contaminated military behaviour on its bloody borders by provoking retaliation in kind. British offices remarked on the good record of their Sikh, Rajput and Gurkha soldiers in not committing rapes during World War Two, yet they are on record as behaving badly in this way in Kashmir because that is the way the Muslims have already been acting. As for American acts against Iraqi women: they pale into almost invisible insignificance compared to the murders of Iraqi women by Muslims because they have not dressed or behaved in a sufficiently Islamic manner- or belonged to the wrong sect. As for Muslim rape of both Muslim and Christian and animist women in the Sudan; the figures are probably come to hundreds of thousands, as did West Pakistani actions in Bangladesh in 1971. the Pakistanis are not ashamed or apologetic, they just argue about the figures. German witnesses at the time remarked that nearly all female victims during the Armenia massacres were previously raped.Ultimately all this is derived from examples in Islamic sacred texts.
Name: Marie
Date: Friday December 14, 2007
Time: 11:11:09 -0700
The person forgot to mention that the KLA, The Kosovo Liberation army, has been by the U.S. Government as a terrorists groups. This person did not mention that the KLA brings about 2 billion dollars of illegal drugs into Europe each year. The person did not mention that before Miloseciv sent the army after the Muslims, the KLA had automatic weapons and artillary and used these weapons to target the police and innocent civilians. The person also did not mention during WWII, the Germans gave weapons to the Muslims in the Balkans and the Muslims used the weapons to terrorize the nonmuslim populace.
Name: Marie
Date: Friday December 14, 2007
Time: 11:13:41 -0700
The person did not mention the 70 Churches in Kosovo that were bombed or destroyed. The atrocities the Serbs committed against the Muslims in the Balkans was in excusable, but the atrocities the Muslims committed to the nonmuslim populace in the Balkans was in excusable and far outweighs the atrocities committed by the Serbs.
Date: Saturday December 15, 2007
Time: 12:14:17 -0700
Marie do u support actions of Slobodan Milosevic and the serbs in 90's?
Name: Shri Devi
Date: Monday December 17, 2007
Time: 17:29:27 -0700
It is not general to say to say that all Muslims are Sexually immoral against Hindu women, but the problem lies in the War Manual of Mohammed aka Quran. This war manual depicts particularly about women slaves (which your right hand possesses means who are enslavened) the circumcision which is nothing but related to sex, the depictions about heaven with 72 virgins, and pure boys, the sanctioning of polygamy to have indefinite sex ( when one is pregnant the man can sex with the other 3), the literal covering of the entire body of Muslima. These are the backgrounds which easily influences the normal man. For your information Kaaba in Mecca have nothing but an idol hidden which is vagina and during ancient times people used to encircle it with naked bodies and used to kiss the idol. Pls see the vagina yourself at
Name: Raj
Date: Thursday December 20, 2007
Time: 02:18:00 -0700
Today in india it became trend that muslim girls are eloping with hindu boys for marriage n for religious freedom. even married muslimahs enjoying sex drives with hindu men. in rapidly growing economy like india muslim girls cant stay at home just like previously they used to or forced to do and now they get discovered their paradise in hindu dicks like never before thus this made mullahs became restless and helpless.
Name: Abu Moosan
Date: Friday December 21, 2007
Time: 07:33:20 -0700
well yes to a certain extent......... no matter what hindus will do a hindu will always be a kafir to us. yes yes and yes to all the point u made but brother i am an educated person so your phobia that muslim will conquer india with marrying hindu no no.... we weren't able to conquer you fully in 1000 years of unopposed control of india..... there is jus too many damn hindus..... its impossible and also like the spanish drove us out of their country and converted all the muslims back to christians..... who knows a billion hindus can very well do that.
Name: The Author
Date: Saturday December 22, 2007
Time: 05:23:06 -0700
In that case we will set-up a "Hindu-Watch Org". Our sympathy with the Hindus is there as long as they are non-violent and tolerent. If Hindus will try to force their religion on others then Hindus will be our target. Islam is our target of criticism because it goes against Human values and Human rights. Muslims who think like you do are very very rare in Islamic society. Any brave muslim voice gets muffled by the mullahs before it can be heard ( example : Rushdie )
Name: The Author
Date: Saturday December 22, 2007
Time: 05:39:56 -0700
That is out of question. No matter what the muslim conqurers did to Hindus in the past, the modern muslim in India is as safe as a Hindu is. Imposing their religion on others is against the Indian values.
Name: vbv suxs
Date: Saturday December 22, 2007
Time: 17:51:01 -0700
we'd be better without athesim & is-lame...
Name: shaji
Date: Wednesday December 26, 2007
Time: 09:53:15 -0700
Islam is a religion of peace. Even after 9/11, atleast 1000 christians especially Catholics are embracing this religion. only Islam can bring peace to the world and not nuke armed US, Israel.
Name: The Author
Date: Thursday December 27, 2007
Time: 14:53:15 -0700
That depends upon your defination of peace. For a good muslim that is defeat of all the other religions
Name: skylark
Date: Sunday December 30, 2007
Time: 05:50:15 -0700
Shaji, Yeah nuke armed anarchy embroiled Pakistan is the leading light for Islamic Peace the world over, right?
Name: Hater of muslims
Date: Saturday January 12, 2008
Time: 18:46:58 -0700
All muslims should dieeeeeeeeeeeeeee...They are all demons.
Name: Alok
Date: Wednesday January 23, 2008
Time: 05:32:38 -0700
I am agreed to this in totality. I know some hindu girls who converted to islam for mariage with their muslim lovers. Why in bolly wood hindu females marry muslim boy. (except few cases of vice versa (sunil dutt - nargis, sunil sheety - mona kadri) Hindu need to be educated and be made fundamentalist in this way. parents msut not allow their daughter to go with muslim boy friends.
Name: testingauthorspshycology
Date: Friday January 25, 2008
Time: 16:01:29 -0700
This auther has great Psychiatric problem, he need a good mental doctor.
Name: Raj
Date: Saturday January 26, 2008
Time: 23:03:56 -0700
One of the best article I read. It talks 100% truth which I have seen in my life.
Name: Zoheb Hasan
Date: Tuesday February 05, 2008
Time: 00:57:39 -0700
The problem with the likes of Mr Jagmohan is that they see everything about islam and Muslims from the eyes of RSS and other blatant communal organizations. Islamic civilization gave a lot to the world and he should ask himself that India was enriched largely by the Muslims who carved the largest empire and gave it such majestic monuments that are world's envy. Muslims are not terrorizing hindus in such theocratic states as in the middle east and even in pakistan but right wing Hindu groups in India can do away with anything and so when u have announced punishments for perpetrators of Bombay blasts u have a different yardstick for the Mumbai rioters of 1992. Even madrassas which u consider to b hotbeds of terrorism, it must b giving u pain that not a single has been indicted for the same in india. as for Shahrukh marrying a hindu it was their mutual decision. Didn't Mumtaz married a Hindu or waheeda Rahman? U can come and see the ambience in Aligarh Muslim University (which u consider to b the birthplace of Pakistan)where Hindus n Muslims live happily together and engage in cultural and academic programmes with equal vigour. and i should less say about jehad which u people consider to b a holy war but in reality it means fight against injustice and the holy Quran says to exercise control over your temptations and desires is the greatest jihad ih the sight of Allah almighty. the right wing groups in the US and Europe fund Hindutva groups in India and Islamic oil rich countries fund Muslim organizations (they don't preach hatred) in India. 1000 GREAT LIVES (a famous book of biographies published by the Hamlyn)says on Prophet Muhammad (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him)that "The conquests carried out in his name saved many aspects of Greek and Roman civilization from extinction and they benefited the world to an inestimable degree." As for religion, Islam is based on certain cardinal principles and a true Muslim should abide by it that, "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Prophet." We cannot turn to other deities and certainly God is one who is omnipotent, mighty is beyond all comparisons and has the power to do anything and a good Muslim by praying 5 times a day shows his gratitude and reverence for Him. We believe that Allah sent messengers to all peoples and tribes and even Krishna and Buddha can also b Prophets and so no true Muslim can criticize other people's beliefs. From the same Indian history i can quote of numerous examples where Hindus and Muslims fought shoulder to shoulder against the British (as in the Revolt of 1857)or I didn't came across a single Hindu-Muslim riot in the so called muslim period (1206-1707). I hope I have given Mr Jagmohan some food for thought.
Name: Abdulrehman Ahmed
Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
Time: 19:50:34 -0700
hinduism duznt make any sense...if ur so stupid to be a hindu is the reason y u cant see the truth and understand such a perfect religion, islam. u worship frickin idols, damn seriously how the hell do u do that...u can break ur gods???
Name: Abdulrehman Ahmed
Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
Time: 19:54:57 -0700
btw, "author" muslim women cannot marry any nonmuslim men, rtard...though muslim men can marry nonmuslim women, it is only if he is teaching her islam so that she will eventually revert to islam (im saying revert b/c everyone was born muslim..but thats a different story)
Name: Deshbhakta
Date: Monday February 25, 2008
Time: 22:59:11 -0700
Muslims means terrorists! See how they destroyed Kashmir and Bharat Photo evidence of terrorism <a href=><b>Hindu Genocide in Kashmir</b></a> <a href=></b>Photo evidence of Muslim terrorism; Kashmir in Maharashtra</b></a>
Name: nos
Date: Sunday March 02, 2008
Time: 06:26:32 -0700
As Salaam allikum (May Allah bless u always) Dear Author, First and foremost thing which I want to inform you is that, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the messenger of allah and I think you should respect him as a neutral person. Please be respectful in the future communication. In addition he was the world best man born till date as per a jewish author (I hope u read or heard that). The article you have written is not with a neutral mind set, as you have tried to explain some points which are same at both side and vise versa. Any ways I start my comment with simple Arabic words which all of the Muslim brother and sisters use as a greeting (I hope you have heard). Our religion or the teaching of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) never told us not to think or even tell a other religion person “a non muslim” as we as human don’t know when he might revert back to his original religion. These are the teaching of given so how can you say that muslims are not good or secular. Learn the basic first of islam and then talk about it. Because, when u point finger on any one, the rest will focus you. Learn more about islam and then write a article. There are bad people in each community, you cannot quota them for very thing. In Hinduism, there is nothing called marriage (I bet that), it’s the Indian government who passed a act in 1956 for hindus to marry and you say that muslim can marry 4 women where as your lord kirshna married 10,806 women during his war. Take the fact read it and then talk to us before that just observe. I will give a link where u can find all answer to your questions please go there ask your question with a mind of learning. Thank you for your patience.
Name: Deepak
Date: Wednesday March 12, 2008
Time: 01:19:28 -0700
Hi to all Muslims.Let your girls free from there home imprisonment and see majority of them will opt to live with hindu men.
Date: Friday March 21, 2008
Time: 04:08:20 -0700
U all Hindues r fools.
Name: sandhya
Date: Sunday May 04, 2008
Time: 20:27:37 -0700
I am a Hindu by birth married to a religious muslim for last 13 years. I fell into this relationship against my family's wishes becuase I believed in secularism and strogly believed that whoever is opposing my idea is non-secular. It has taken me 13 years and 4 children after which I have actually realized the truth that the only reason my husband married me was the holy (stupid) cause of "Sabab". There was no love or affection or respect for me. I am an educated professional living abroad, still married, but thoroughly feel cheated. I make an honest and earnest request to all hindu girls who intend to marry a muslim boy. Doubt his sincerety, be skeptic about his well behaviour, don't get fooled by his sugar coated language- it is only a trap. A trap that you will realize when it will be too late. The muslim boys are not worth your life and happiness. The only thing that they see in you is a slave who will not only convert but also bear the unlimited children. All religious rituals become a litmus test for you. Firt you will do those, because you are curious, second, when your curiosity is over, you will have to do it for the family. Third, if you are still not convinced and they will be forced to do the namaz, and Hajj because that is the only way you can prove that you loved him. you left your family, your religion, had his children does not remain any testimony of the love because he chooses it not to be. Citing examples of film stars marrying the hindu or muslims is wrong. These people live life of high profile which is under media scrutiny 24/7. They eat, drink, speak, laugh, smile, cry,etc. as the audience dictates because they have to stay in their good books. HINDU GIRLS -DO NOT MARRY MUSLIMS. THEY ARE ONLY RESERVING THEIR PLACE IN JANNAT AND DOING SABAB. THAT IS WHY A MUSLIM MAN CAN MARRY A NON-MUSLIM GIRL. THIS IS ONE OF THEIR RELIGIOUS DUTIES TO SPREAD ISLAM. TRAPPING HINDU GIRL IS THE EASIEST WAY TO SPREAD ISLAM, SINCE WE HINDUS HAVE VERY LITTLE KNOWLEDGE OF OUR OWN RELIGION AND HERITAGE. WE ARE EASY PREY TO THEIR HONEY LADDENNED TALK. Thank you for hearing me out. I will keep posting my ideas and experiences here. I want to talk to any body who wants to speak to me.
Name: sandhya
Date: Sunday May 04, 2008
Time: 20:34:22 -0700
This is a question to all of you out there. Is ther any way I could communicate to young girls(hindu) who are in a relationship with a muslim? Let me know. I want to share my experiences and stronly advise against it.
Name: A Muslim
Date: Tuesday May 06, 2008
Time: 22:48:47 -0700
Hey sandhya' i seriously doubt whether u were married to a muslim or not but than if a sort of thing happened to u , u better not blame Muslims for that. There are good and bad people in every community and Islam is no excveption to that but yes its teachings are certainly and is a complete way of life ordaining a strict yet healthy concept only to preserve the goodness of human being and its conception of an everlasting life in the hereafter makes a man or woman's life purposeful and refrains him from doing the evils. I pray to allah that he gives guidance to your husband and must not let u down.
Name: tyu
Date: Wednesday May 07, 2008
Time: 02:59:28 -0700
hi qwer you look yourselfand your religion. narrowminded people like you hate other religion like jews ,islam,cristinity .can you look your own religion. i think u only know how to create hate in good environment peolpe like u are the real danger for any nation .
Name: sandhya
Date: Wednesday May 07, 2008
Time: 09:42:29 -0700
I am glad to see that people really read and visit this site. And thank you for replying. This is a very sad fact and it has taken me very long to draw this conclusion that there is nothing called communal harmony. It surprises me to see such a huge change of mind in myself. I stronly believed in secularism and advocated that there should be interfaith marraiges and that is the only way to ease the tension between two communities. I used to cite examples of Hindu-sikh marraiges which was the reason that in Punjab, the sikh terrorism couldnot harbor for long. What would have gone wrong in my marriage that I am totally against such marraiges now? One gentleman says, do not blame all muslims. I wish, I could do that. Yes, I could do that several years ago but not now. I am skeptic about each and every Muslim that will come my way.
Name: A, D Khan
Date: Thursday May 08, 2008
Time: 09:33:19 -0700
Fuck you you have written all the false information regarding Indian Muslims.
Name: Jagmohan Singh Khurmi
Date: Thursday June 05, 2008
Time: 22:59:44 -0700
Sandhya, You are doing the classic mistake : by giving example of Sikh-Hindu marrige you are putting the sikhs and muslims in same bracket, this is just what the islamists need ! This is how confusion is created and the demographic consipiracy of muslims in India remains hidden !
Name: Accept the Truth
Date: Friday June 06, 2008
Time: 22:21:57 -0700
Well Whatever Mr Jag Mohan has written above,we need to see around us.Is he wrong....? I don't think so,just look at the others,M.F Hussain, Javed Akhtar n a lot we can see verify and analyse their statements.How they match in support for the dominance of their sect.Support is not the problem but whats this when you sketch some vulgar figures intentionally to hit others. And what about if a hindu boy marriages a muslim girl.Any one accept them..... Shouldn't we love the truth and follow it. Why Muslims don't accept the truth.
Name: sandhya
Date: Saturday June 14, 2008
Time: 09:31:14 -0700
This is in response to Mr. Jagmohan. Yes, I agree that I was making a classic mistake of comparing Hindu-Sikh to Hindu-Muslim. Actually, the fact is that for a muslim, the concept of secularism does not exist. They only see and hope and pray that 100% of population of the world will be muslim one day. So, believing in harmony among different religions is totally out of question. This is in response to another gentleman who called himself "a Muslim". Who is a true Muslim?
Name: Jagmohan Singh Khurmi
Date: Monday June 16, 2008
Time: 16:17:24 -0700
Yes. But you will be amazed to learn that many people, including the Sikhs themseleves, fall into this trap ! This can lead to very dangerous situations. It is all handiwork of the secularist-marxist politicos who want to "protect" Indian muslims at any cost. The friction between Hindus and Sikhs in India was a handiwork of the Pakistani propogonda machine fueled with millions of dollars from filthy rich Islamic states. Actually muslims have done very serieous damage to Sikhs, so they are trying very hard to confuse them about history
Name: JR
Date: Thursday June 26, 2008
Time: 11:58:01 -0700
If only Islam and Hinduism became religions again and stopped thinking in numbers or identities. I am afraid that Muslims and Christians are consistently trained to not only preach the truth they know but also to denigrate the views of others. That's the problem. This is why religion itself will wither away someday (and good riddance)
Name: gaurav
Date: Thursday July 03, 2008
Time: 04:17:40 -0700
muslims in india must be ethnically cleansed.they are like virus.they pray fucking moon god son of a bitch prophet mohomad
Name: stranger
Date: Friday July 11, 2008
Time: 14:10:31 -0700
what an hypocrite this author is? He claims to be neutral and fighting for exposing truth and what a trivial issue he has brought like shah rukh and other bolly muslims marrying muslims for retain favor..blah blah blah..and that demographic warfare crap...He hates muslims by all means ..with every nerve. And there that "SANDHIYA" jumps in at precise time to support his theory with her "SAD STORY" of being cheated, converted and abandoned...what is this? NAUTANKI? RAMLEELA?? take a break man..stop such cheap propagenda trick to spread hatred against least don't call urself "NEUTRAL". You are all biased and even if anybody leaves Islam it is for worldly gains ..not for any spiritual freedom or searching of any right path...we have clear examples of glory and fame achieved by Salma Rushdie, Taslima Nasreen and other such opportunists.
Name: musalman
Date: Wednesday July 16, 2008
Time: 05:08:07 -0700
Can we compare a devil religion with Hinduism? Can we compare a child fucker prophet's religion with hinduism (Mohammed 52 fucked a 9 year old child Aisha just by saying that allah showed her in his dream and allah ordered him to fuck this small child? Can we compare a daughter inlaw fucker's religion with Hinduism? (Mohammed married his daughetr inlaw Zainab (Wife of Zaid) and fucked her. Because of this rhing Zainab gave Poison to Mohammed and he died) Can we compare a religion which is based on a book in which it is written that earth is flat, the moon is surrounded by stars ( all incorrect things), with Hinduism? Do we know that how Islam spread in Makkah? How Islam spread in Israil? How Islam spread in Syria? How Islam spread in Yemen? How Islam spread in Iran? How Islam spread in Lebnon? Do we know that what happened to more than 5 lakh innocent wives of innocent people of Irna, Israel, Lebnon, Syria and India who were disbelievers of Islam and still we believe in Islam? Do we read the personal life of Mohammed which is written in Bukhari Hadith(most authentic hadith of Islam and then we find that Mohammed was a good person? Is it not shame for humanity to marry his daughter inlaw and still nobody has guts to criticize it? Is it not shame for humanity to marry your own daughter in the name of Islam and still nobody is dare to criticize it?
Name: sandhya
Date: Thursday August 21, 2008
Time: 16:26:40 -0700
This is to the "stranger". Do you muslims even know what "neutral" means. I was a live example of being neutral. I turned deaf to everyone who said I was making a mistake by marrying a muslim. I considered them biased and only to find after several years of marriage that yes I should have been "biased" from the very beginnig so that I would not have made this mistake. My husband had told me long ago that the concept of "secularism" was nonexistent and I had shunned his idea from the very beginning. Now I do understand that for a muslim secularism means conversion of everyone to islam that comes their way. In the current times, Mr. Stranger, every muslim including you has to first prove his identity as a non-terrorist before he can be considered an innocent citizen of his country. Please, DO NOT CALL SOMEONE'S SUFFERRING NAUTANKI OR RAMLEELA. I am sure you do have sisters or daughters! pray that they must not suffer the way we suffer by marrying cheaters called muslims.
Name: sandhya
Date: Thursday August 21, 2008
Time: 18:56:19 -0700
And also, Mr. Stranger, why don't you come out with your complete identity as a muslim? Why do you stay anoymous? a stranger? Is that not hypocrisy? If you truly believed in the teachings of islam, you would come upfront with your name. You know what you need to do, check your conscience, and you will find that in your unconscious and subconscious, you do not believe in islam and its teachings and also all of you muslims lack guts to say so because of the fear of fatwas. The day when there will be more people like salman rushdie and tasleema nasreen, fatwas will be obtained against people like you. Go check yourself out first in the mirror and you will know who is the hypocrite?
Name: MA Khan (editor)
Date: Thursday August 21, 2008
Time: 18:56:19 -0700
Dear Sandhya, I am truly saddened by your tragic experience. If you write a (or a series of) detailed article on your marital experience, we could publish it in our website.
Name: azhar
Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 05:54:47 -0700
sandhya, if you marry same type of hindu men ! will you publish that in this page ? you just want to insult islam thats all! if a man/women believe in islam, allah will not benefited from that people who belived only benefitted.
Name: Shivshankar
Date: Monday August 25, 2008
Time: 07:05:32 -0700
RSS has turned ordinarily educated Hindus into psychos and perverts. Oh ! What a loss.
Name: sandhya
Date: Friday August 29, 2008
Time: 20:45:42 -0700
I am seeing plenty of responses to my story. I do not intend to gain sympathy for the mistakes I made. The life experiences can make or break our attitudes. I still believe in the existence of "God" -the creator. But religion is something else. Good and Bad exists across cultures, countries and religions. Mr. Azhar, If I had an unsuccessfull marriage to a hindu, I would not be writing about it here-You are right about that. But the issue is when a female goes out of her way, leaves her raising and values behind and molds into another culture, religion and her sacrifices are taken for granted, it comes to the female as a shock. That becomes the reason, why one writes here. Women,in our culture, are meant to adjust, adapt and sacrifice when they marry. No big deal about it. I crossed all limits. I am still married to my husband, trying to make him understand my stand. It is a gradual process but I do see some change in him. My overall perception of religion, at this time is , that it is an instrument, a weapon that can be used for anything you like. Like a knife that can be used to chisel, cut or craft or KILL SOMEONE. Opportunists use religion to their benefit claiming- my religion says that and will do anything wrong in the name of religion. Most of the outcome is unrest and violence. At this time, the question arises that does something good happen in the name of religion? In these times, probably not. I still do not want to be a Hindu fanatic like a RSS worker. RSS is a counter reaction to the Islamic fundamentalists. Anybody who becomes fanatic and fundamentalist in the name of religion- Hindu or MUslim is wrong and unacceptable. We forget God is one and HE CREATED ALL OF US EQUAL. WE FORGET WE ARE HUMANS ABOVE ALL. My only goal and dream is that no cross religion marriages should take place to avoid confusion and pain. We will be lucky enough if people from several religions could live in peace within one city. Cross religion marraige brings the pain home. we live in bad times. My goal in my marriage is to turn it into constructive one while maintaining my identity and individuality and I know I can achieve it. My children are being raised as muslims and I do not have problem with that as long as I can teach them that they are human being first and need to assess people around them as humans first rather than muslims or hindus. This is a change that needs to start from our homes first. And this needs to start from every hindu and muslim home. And in these times, it seems so hard, but we need to be brave and courageous and persist on educating our children. I believe I am preaching Secularism again and I strongly believe that when you give space to each other, and respect the other side, peace can prevail.
Name: AS
Date: Saturday September 13, 2008
Time: 11:22:26 -0700
One simple question to all the muslims out there: why is it that there is always a muslim who is at the face of a terror attack? why not someone from any other religion? why are all the terror attacks in the name of allah?? what crime have the other people committed who follow other religions? is not following islam a crime? muslims say that they are discriminated against all over the world. Well, its all thanks to the jehadis and terrorists who have bred this hatred for their religion, and the worst part is that other muslims show compassion and allegiance to these terrorists instead of condemning them.Then, why shouldn't they be hated? I have personally come across people, muslims, Indian muslims, born and brought up in India who support Pakistan.They dont wish to leave this country because they find all the comforts here but they hate this country because its not a muslim state.Isn't it right to hate such people? Nobody comes born with this hatred and i strongly believe it is the wrong doing of the muslims that has brought them this juncture where they are hated by one and all.People may not say it, but that is what the truth is. as for Zoheb Hasan's comments: i am an AMU alumnus and believe me the picture of AMU you are portraying isnt half true.there is animosity between hindus and muslims and i have been in the thick of it.i have openly heard muslim faculty members criticizing hindu students for taking admission into AMU. so tell me if even the educated class behaves in such a fashion what stand am i left to take? what would you do if you were in my situation?