Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

Beating Women: Putting Islamic Teaching into Practice

In a previous article, I showed to the reader that Dr. Jamal Badawi is just trying to conceal to Western audience that Islam approves of a “good beating” or “good flogging” of wives by their Muslim husbands. This matter is very clear when one looks at the Qur’anic verse 4:34, which clearly endorses beating a woman, whilst Hadith evidence only gives details of stories of how this was done.


The Qur’an does not endorse the same privilege to the woman for the same fault of her husband. I would like people who try to defend Islam to come out and tell us that Islam has a Qur’anic verse similar to 4:34, but the woman is the one who will be beating the man.

In life, there are many circumstances where women is stronger, smarter and has a better judgement than men. In such a case, shouldn’t Islam give her the right to give her husband a “good flogging” when he steps out of line? The fact of the matter is this: some of Islam’s teachings are barbaric. How can one in his right mind accept verse 4:34 in the Qur’an as divine? It is an evil verse that endorses beating women. Badawi tried to sugar-coat the verse to western audience. But that does not make that verse any less evil.

In this article, I introduce to the reader video clips showing that Muslim scholars do indeed believe in a good beating to the woman. Some try to make a it very simple and light, but it is still beating. The genuine Islamic teaching is to beat a woman “real good”. The hadiths I used in my previous article prove this very point. In addition, verse 4:34 in the Qur’an talks about “beating”. It does not talk about “gentle” beating by any means, if there is such a concept.

Case 1: Verse 4:34 in the Qur’an is, believe it or not, Miraculous, according to the idiot in this video. He even tries to show how miraculous this Qur’anic verse is by showing that there are three types of women who need a “good beating”. This Islamic Imam is unapologetic to the world about wife beating. He sees the Qur’an as his manual, an so, wife beating comes with the territory. This is actually true Islam. My previous article showed that.

Case 2: Here is another unapologetic Imam about beating women. The reader who read my previous article knows that beating a wife can be severe. The Hadiths just caution about not breaking bones. That’s all. Here is the video.

Case 3: Here is a “wise” Imam who clearly is against wife beating, and so he explains away the truth.

Case 4: Here is the truth about how Muslim women live in Islamic countries. I am sure any decent human being who tries to defend the Qur’an as exemplified in verse 4:34 will change his/her mind once this video is viewed.

Case 6: Beating as “Therapy” (and who said Muslim apologetics are not creative!!). Here is a video that proves that one can look as civil as the next guy on the street. It does not make him any less of an idiot. I am sorry I just can’t tolerate people who believe that a man can beat his wife. Sugar-coating Evil (i.e. verse 4:34) is Evil.

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Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 23:14:15 -0500


"MECCA CENTER OF the EARTH" - lies exposed-----

Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 00:17:33 -0500


Good video.... Muslims are similar to their illiterate stupid prophet

Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 01:59:11 -0500


For years I have written that Islam is the antithesis of Christianity. Islam is totally opposite of The Ten Commandments. That SOB (Son Of the Beast) Muhammad was breaking every commandment of the True God everyday, and he did it seemingly with a clear conscience. But how? Since Islam is totally opposed to Christianity, Islam is totally anti-Christ. So it follows that, as I have written many times, Islam is at least part of the anti-Christ. Although some Muslims are good, they are good not because they follow Islam; they are good because they follow their conscience. What really surprises me is that the evil Muslims can break every commandment of the True God without batting an eye. They do it with such ease just like their false prophet Muhammad. But how? Perhaps someone who knows more about Islamists can explain this to us someday.

Name: jenn
Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 03:31:04 -0500


As i always keep saying muslim women deserve beatings for selling their souls to this filthy cult islam

Name: To all Muslim Women
Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 04:41:20 -0500


Fight for right to become beaten by your husbands!

Name: Muslim Responses
Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 07:12:05 -0500


Name: To all Hindu Women
Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 07:38:05 -0500


Fight for right to be burned alive with your dead husbands!

Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 08:16:58 -0500


Stop making up stories of hindu wives burning. Find some examples of hindu wives buring in the recent past. Muslims still beat up wives, marry children, terrorise the world, engage in sexual intercourse with daughters, etc. Hindus don't justfy crimes with religion. No wife gets burned dead or alive due religious sanctioning. Hindus pray to female gods not burn them. Get the facts straight.

Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 10:13:24 -0500


A note to the person who thinks that Hindu women are burned alive. I am a Catholic. I know that Hindus do not burn the widows alive anymore. At one time they did. However, I do know that Islamists practice legal honor killings, polygamy, legal child rape, legal wife beating. In some Muslim countries where Muslims have complete control, old Muslim pig perverts are allowed to kidnap little girls as young as eight years old, "marry" them legally and then rape them with impunity on the child's "wedding" night. Muslims also chop off the clitoris of a child. That's not only frightening to the child, but very injurious, mentally and physically. Muslims are truly barbaric, and there will be no end to this Muslim barbarity until we destroy the evil Muslim ideology, which is far worse than Communism and Nazism. The true God endows a child with a clitoris for a purpose. The evil Muslim Imams and Satan/Allah destroy the clitoris. Islam is pure evil, has always been evil, and will remain evil until we destroy Satan/Allah's religion called Islam. To Jenn: Some Muslim women are caught in Islam's deadly tentacles. There are many Muslim women that protest Islam, although silently because of the danger. These Muslim women would leave the deadly, filthy animal called Islam, if they could.

Name: balam
Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 11:10:16 -0500


I have no sympathy for Muslim women.They deserve what they get.They are so brain washed,they accept every thing literally as written in the Quran.They never question but pass it on to their daughters to be subservient to their male masters.It happens every day in Muslim countries to Muslim women.Some are set alight but for the good name of Islam,no action is taken.It seems to be a curse of God to be a woman in Islam.This thinking will never ever change till eternity.SO SAD!!The Muslim will have to stand up to their bashing husbands and refuse SEX,the Muslim men can not live without or keep barbers razors under their pillows and chop their penis off if their men demand sex after beating them up.

Name: balam
Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 11:10:27 -0500


I have no sympathy for Muslim women.They deserve what they get.They are so brain washed,they accept every thing literally as written in the Quran.They never question but pass it on to their daughters to be subservient to their male masters.It happens every day in Muslim countries to Muslim women.Some are set alight but for the good name of Islam,no action is taken.It seems to be a curse of God to be a woman in Islam.This thinking will never ever change till eternity.SO SAD!!The Muslim will have to stand up to their bashing husbands and refuse SEX,the Muslim men can not live without or keep barbers razors under their pillows and chop their penis off if their men demand sex after beating them up.

Name: balam
Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 11:12:26 -0500


I have no sympathy for Muslim women.They deserve what they get.They are so brain washed,they accept every thing literally as written in the Quran.They never question but pass it on to their daughters to be subservient to their male masters.It happens every day in Muslim countries to Muslim women.Some are set alight but for the good name of Islam,no action is taken.It seems to be a curse of God to be a woman in Islam.This thinking will never ever change till eternity.SO SAD!!The Muslim women will have to stand up to their bashing husbands and refuse SEX,the Muslim men can not live without or keep barbers razors under their pillows and chop their penis off if their men demand sex after beating them up.

Name: Vp
Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 11:38:46 -0500


During the Muslim invasions many Hindu women would commit suicide to preserve their honor from the perverted Mohammedans. Mohammedans are sexual perverts like their pedophile prophet Mohammad. Their prophet would rape the women while their husbands watched and then he would kill the husband after he had raped his wife. This is how sick and disgusting Islam is and what Mohammedans worship. In Islamic society sodomizing young boys and young girls is a norm. Muslims men can rape women and be set free in Islamic societies. Mohammad their prophet even approves of having sex with infants. Islam is sick.

Name: An Investigation Into 9/11
Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 15:41:01 -0500


Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 16:15:10 -0500


"As long as men read and believe the Quran, women will be despised, second class citizens." [From the book THE POLITICALLY INCORRECT GUIDE TO ISLAM p.77 by Robert Spencer]

Name: Blackhawk
Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 16:19:28 -0500


The fires of hell await the Muslims of earth. The only ones who might escape are they who were born into it and could not escape and lived decent lives. You others prepare to meet mo in the afterlife and there ain't gonna be any 72 virgins. Muslims the anti-christ followers.

Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 18:26:36 -0500


Blackhawk, after reading your comment about the 72 virgins, a thought came to my mind. The evil Muslims will not get their seventy two virgins. Probably what will happen is that the evil Muslims will go to hell, and instead of 72 virgins, they will have 72 demons taunting, and punishing them without ceasing. I believe in hell for a very good reason. It's something that is very physical and real that is still there. I will not say at present just exactly what it is, but it's something that converted thousands of people who did not believe in hell. Of course, they now believe that hell exists. It's something that "outsiders" like yourself will hear about sooner or later. I don't think the world, i.e., outsiders are ready for this at this time.

Name: Morris
Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 19:31:51 -0500


I just do not understand how Islam could have emerged as the second largest religion in the world. Perhaps there is something very good about this religion that we are missing. May be some one can help. Otherwise, who says you cannot fool all the people all the time. Mohmad did it in the seventh century and still going strong.

Name: To Morris From IK
Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 19:39:55 -0500


Brother, thank you for your comment. M A Khan's book on Jihad is advertised on this site. I encourage you to get a copy and read it. Muhammad did not fool all people. He just massacred all those peaceful people around who knew he was a liar, and just kept his evil gangsters who believed he is "It". That is how his imperialistic system survived. He was lucky because he was born at an age where physical force was all that is needed to win at life. If he was born in our days, he would be hunted down like the lowly criminal and thug he was. Peace

Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 19:45:10 -0500


with the help from satan

Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 19:49:51 -0500


what 72 virgins + 300 boy boy, heaven is very holy places. only evil persons come out this stupid ideals.

Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 20:05:23 -0500


Jerusalam is the center of the earth

Name: jenn
Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 20:59:25 -0500


Burning Hindu widows carries the death penalty in india. Honor killing of muslim women in islamic countries is considered the duty of good muslim men .

Name: jenn
Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 21:04:15 -0500


The only way to save muslim women from facing honor killings is to defecate on the koran 5 times a day. I encourage every muslim woman to defecate and urinate on the koran while chanting 'piss hullah, piss rahaman piss rahim'. LOL

Name: Wagamama to Jen
Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 22:25:56 -0500


Here is God's commandment from Old Testicles: Deutoronomy (25:11-12) ¶ When men strive together one with another, and the wife of the one draweth near for to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that smiteth him, and putteth forth her hand, and taketh him by the secrets: Then thou shalt cut off her hand, thine eye shall not pity her. The Muslims follow the same Sharia law that ur God provided.

Name: Non-Delusionist
Date: Friday February 27, 2009
Time: 23:44:21 -0500


Zakir Lies: Says muslim woman will receive 72 Houris in Paradise. See YOUTUBE link below

Name: To anybody
Date: Saturday February 28, 2009
Time: 00:05:35 -0500


Moses was not a Chirstian. Moses never went to Church or Worship Jesus, GOD THE WORD. Only stupid idol shows Deutoronomy here.

Name: To anybody
Date: Saturday February 28, 2009
Time: 00:13:59 -0500


Why told us about old law or Moses's law. It useless after Jesus. GOD at that time cannot forgive sins.

Name: To anybody
Date: Saturday February 28, 2009
Time: 00:28:00 -0500


Adam, Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, King David and all good people of GOD of old went to Hell first after they died. Because GOD cannot take away their sins.

Name: To: To anybody
Date: Saturday February 28, 2009
Time: 00:57:34 -0500


Remember that Jesus came to fulfil what had been said in the Old Testicles. Deutoronomy (25:11-12) ¶ When men strive together one with another, and the wife of the one draweth near for to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that smiteth him, and putteth forth her hand, and taketh him by the testicles: Then thou shalt cut off her hand, thine eye shall not pity her. (SMILE)

Name: Leigh to "anybody" another no namer
Date: Saturday February 28, 2009
Time: 01:25:58 -0500


” To anybody" If you have any understanding of the Bible you will know that Jesus said heaven and earth may pass away but my (Jesus’) words are eternal and Jesus reinterprets p the Law in radical way. Look at Matthew 5 and 6. Note in John stoning is condemned (yet Mohammed practiced it) Jesus gave a new commandment (John 14) to love one another has he loved/ to love enemies and to pray for those who persecute (Matthew) and mercy not punishment is the fulfillment of the Law. Meanwhile Mohammed was ignorant of Jesus teachings ands adopted the harsh penalties with little or no mercy. You quote from the Bible, a book you are taught is corrupted, (you on that basis are clearly a hypocrite) but have no understanding of the Bible. And of his fullness have we all we received, and grace for grace. For the law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.”

Name: Lazarus
Date: Saturday February 28, 2009
Time: 03:31:50 -0500


And more to the point, while these things may have been written into the laws they are barbaric and not STILL PRACTICED TO THIS DAY.

Name: ibn kamuna u r diverting islim minds from hot sexy houries
Date: Saturday February 28, 2009
Time: 04:28:47 -0500


ibn kamuna u r diverting islim minds from hot sexy houries

Name: hour hourie whore...similar words
Date: Saturday February 28, 2009
Time: 04:52:53 -0500


Name: why whore is a bad word ? she is doing public service not instrumental in killing kafirs
Date: Saturday February 28, 2009
Time: 06:04:56 -0500


whore is better than houres ??? why whore is a bad word ? she is doing public service not instrumental in killing kafirs,so what is the fact ?

Date: Saturday February 28, 2009
Time: 08:43:23 -0500


"During the Muslim invasions many Hindu women would commit suicide to preserve their honor from the perverted Mohammedans." ---- so, all hindus are a bunch of bastard children of some perverted Mohammedans, right? that's good! and that's what can be seen here too.

Name: Jeruslem is the Center of earth
Date: Saturday February 28, 2009
Time: 09:23:34 -0500



Date: Saturday February 28, 2009
Time: 09:29:09 -0500


it seems poor hindus are jealous of 72 virgin myth! their poor and impotent gods could not offer anything to them in their paradise! lolz

Name: Vp
Date: Saturday February 28, 2009
Time: 09:37:01 -0500


"During the Muslim invasions many Hindu women would commit suicide to preserve their honor from the perverted Mohammedans." ---- so, all hindus are a bunch of bastard children of some perverted Mohammedans, right? that's good! and that's what can be seen here too." Put your name you Mohammedan coward! No they are born bastard, perverted Mohammedans. All the Mohammedans are born bastards, the progeny of bastard Mohammedans are the dumb idiots who are the Islamic terrorist and murderers of Modern day, like their prophet Mohammad who was a child molester and pervert.

Name: VP
Date: Saturday February 28, 2009
Time: 09:44:37 -0500


"it seems poor hindus are jealous of 72 virgin myth! their poor and impotent gods could not offer anything to them in their paradise! lolz" I know it takes a lot of impotence for your child Molesting prophet Mohammad he could not even get a grown woman he had to band a six year old child. Not only that he sexual fondles young boys and infants. That is how sick and disgusting Mohammedans are. Revolting. LOL No women loved him so he had to rape other men's wives and by the way there are no 72 virgins, there are only 72 boys waiting for you sick Mohammedan.

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