Breaking the Cultist Bondage of Islam
19 Feb, 2009
I had always had objections to Islam, even at a young age. I thought it was just “stupid” of a god to allow men to have many wives, to make “Wudu” etc. To believe that the almighty, the creator of the universe, is worried when you passed gas or did not pass gas. It is just ludicrous. Then what about the “battles” of the Prophet. They were not battles. They were more like “looting campaigns”. The Arabs called them “Ghazwas”. Do you know what a Ghazwa is? It is no more than a group of thugs attacking some innocent people to get some booty. And a lot of booty Muhammad and his gang gained. They usually killed the adult men, raped and enslaved the women, and enslaved the children. Some stories tell us that Muhammad sold some of the women captives to buy more weapons. That way, he had enough supplies to make more Ghazwas and get more booty. The cycle continues in that way. You see, when you gain power in few Ghazwas, you accumulate more fortune, and so, you will be likely to succeed in future Ghazwas. It is an “exponential” trend as mathematicians call it.
- Have you ever played chess? What happens in a chess-game is very interesting. When you lose a piece, you will be more likely to lose another piece, then another, then another. That's how it was with Muhammad, except he was on the winning side. It is a cyclical trend. He was the “King” on the chess board of life. Omar was the Queen, an arrogant ruthless man indeed. The other Sahabas were the Bishops, Knights and Rooks. What about the Pawns. Well there are eight of them on the board. Those are the Jihadis. They don’t have much value. They can be sacrificed easily. For a gain or a misjudgment, they can be sacrificed. Not too much of a loss. Muhammad sacrificed thousands of them. All he had to do is tell them things they liked; that Sex, Wine, beautiful women called Houris, are all were waiting for them in the whore house/Brothel called Islamic heaven. They believed Muhammad. He was one of the greatest con artists of their time, yet, they believed him. But why? Why would any human being believe lies? Well, to them there was no lies for the most part. But, it is still not an easy question for me to ponder.. Why? Why, in God’s name, Why? Why would someone believe a lie? Are we humans not rational enough to know better?
I got a letter from a young lady, barely twenty years of age. She accused me of lying about Islam. According to her, I distorted the facts. She told me that Islam is true no matter what, that she will always be a Muslimah. I do not know why she told me that. I never asked her to leave the faith. But she insisted that Islam is the true faith, that she will never leave it, that I am lying about Islam. I told her that I do not lie, but rather research the Qur’an, the Hadith, and the Sirat. But she insisted that I distort facts.
I tried to narrow things down. I told her that Muhammad was an assassin. He sent his henchmen to kill a very old man called Abu Afak, and a mother of five, Asma bint Marwan. I gave her the book’s title and the author’s name, so that she can find it in her public library. That way she can go and check out my story. Maybe I was lying. She deserves to know. All she needed to so is go to the public library, and check out my story. Well, she did not do that. Instead, she emailed me and told me that Islam is correct, that I tell lies, and that she won’t be writing to me anymore. That is fine. But why not go to the library and find out herself whether I distorted facts. Doesn’t she deserve to know?
This brings me to the title of this article “Releasing the Bond”. When one has a cult mentality, truth is immaterial. It is not important. What is important is to keep the belief system, indoctrinated by the leader, intact. In cults, there is an unquestioning loyalty to the leader. This is what the young lady is doing. In cults, the member has a polarized mentality of “us” against “them”. In cults, critical voices are silenced. This young lady wanted me to “stop” lying. But all I do is research issues and report them. This is lying according to a good Muslimah, because it does not agree with her cultic picture of the universe. She could not take any criticism of Muhammad.
I wanted her to find out herself the truth with she disagrees with. But, alas, she would not even do that. She could not handle the thought that her cult leader was an assassin. To her mind, he was her idol, her Prophet, her ideal love. The sad part is how difficult it is to discuss matters in a rational way with a dogmatic Muslim, only twenty years old. In a cult, members rationalize the actions of their leader. If that lady went to the public library and found out that Muhammad was in fact an assassin, do you think the story would end here and she would leave Islam? I wish the answer was “yes”, but it will, most likely, not. Cult members learn to rationalize the conduct of their leader no matter how evil it is. No action by the leader is condemned. He is the authority, an epitome of legitimacy. Whatever he says, members follow like a herd. But why can’t they just leave the cult? Well, it is not as easy as we think. When humans are in a cult mentality/community, things are not so simple as to pick up and leave.
Doris Lessing writes:
"Leaving such a group was a flight because the group’s reaction was known to be severe and punitive. Apostates were excommunicated. It was not uncommon for ex-converts to fear that they had been damned or had lost their souls as a consequence of leaving the group. (In some cases, former members were convinced the group would hunt them down and kill them.) Many went through months of struggle to re-establish their lives, wrestling with the questions How could I have been involved in such a thing? How could I have done what I did to other members of the group?
Were my spiritual longings all false? Who and what can I trust? At the same time, the closeness the group offered was often sorely missed, and until the ex-member’s life was reconstituted, he or she wondered at times if leaving the group had been a mistake. This turmoil gradually diminished, but for many a sense of shame for having participated in the cult and a frustrated rage at having been betrayed lingered for a long time."
How can they leave then?
I wish I have a simple answer. People are different. They are not a “production line”. As for the cult of Islam, it is even more difficult. The cult has spread out so much, and a system of a major religion, that makes it so hard to even criticize such a cult. But people can leave, and do leave. The movements of ex-Muslims are emerging everywhere. They need the fullness of our support. They are the wall that will stand up to the cult itself: shake its founder and its foundation. They need our love and support. They are the sunshine I see and touch. They are the sunrise from the west, the north, the south, and the east. They are the best thing that the world has seen since the invention of sliced bread.
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Name: RE:ibn kamuna
Date: Wednesday February 18, 2009
Time: 23:50:42 -0500
i curse you that you will not get 72 booby virgins in heaven.
Name: David M
Date: Thursday February 19, 2009
Time: 00:19:19 -0500
At one time I thought that Muslims were monolithic and incapable of thinking for themselves. However as time went on I found articles like this that take a realistic view of life, and Islam, and have come to the conclusion that this isn't always the case. I thought this would be a good place to provide a link to a discussion of the arab poet Adonis (the pen-name of Ali Ahmad Said), Are the Arabs Already Extinct?
Name: jenn
Date: Thursday February 19, 2009
Time: 01:31:52 -0500
Allah And Mohammad have bribed muslim men by promising them women when they die. What a useless cult. LOL
Name: to : jenn...pls read koran these r not women but sex slaves=houries=brainless robots
Date: Thursday February 19, 2009
Time: 02:09:53 -0500
jenn : yr study of koran is not good.the men r supposed to get 72 hot big breasted houries not women,who please the man 24x7,these r robots who only perform 1 task - please the these r not free willed woman but robot sex slaves.but women who go to jannat get only same old guy,bnnot 72 hot hunks for elertnal men have all the fun and women what a pissful relgiion.piss on koran,rabs and their follwoers.
Name: there is no jehova/allah and no jannat nor 72big boob babes for sex,its a myth
Date: Thursday February 19, 2009
Time: 02:12:34 -0500
there is no jehova/allah and no jannat nor 72big boob babes for sex,its a myth to attract brain dead arab men to do war on intelligent people who reject the falsehood of islam specifically and religion in general.but worst part even women remain muslim despite known what they get = hell.or just same old guy as husband not a hot sexy hunk for women r more brain dead to follow islam.
Name: bps
Date: Thursday February 19, 2009
Time: 02:39:19 -0500
Very well written and thoughtful article! We have seen in Texas and elsewhere, people dying with the cult leader. Thus the task is indeed herculean. But as a chinese proverb says,' a journey of thousand miles start with a small step' your steps are worth appaluding. Also as you have rightly noted, love and affection are a must for apostate as their crisis is truly unmanageble. for them.Thanks.
Name: jenn
Date: Thursday February 19, 2009
Time: 03:30:35 -0500
Any god that bribes his men followers with women has to be a pimp . And the muslim god is a pimp. What do you think? LOL
Name: jenn simply bcoz u dont get to be a hourie dont spoil muslim men's party
Date: Thursday February 19, 2009
Time: 06:20:01 -0500
jenn simply bcoz u dont get to be a hourie dont spoil muslim men's party let them be in denial of truth that there is no jehova/allah,so they dont get any houries,but still let them dream.
Name: balam
Date: Thursday February 19, 2009
Time: 08:00:59 -0500
It is a very truthful article by I.K. No wonder it burns the pubic hair of both Muslim Men and women.The Horny Prophet promised 72 black eyed eternal virgins for Muslim men but the poor Muslim women will not get 72 STUDS with permanent erection. What a shame!! Poor Musilmah.My heart bleeds for them.I agree with Jenn,that ,Allah is a pimp of highest order who knows that his followers can not manage any thing properly, so he has kept the Islamic Brothal under his own cotrol.Certainly , Islam is only suitable for IDIOTS.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Thursday February 19, 2009
Time: 08:47:09 -0500
Thank you Ibn Kammuna. You wonder what it is that keeps some people from facing the truth. It is pride, the downfall of many. I believe people should pray for humility. But another problem arises here. Some people don't believe in a Supreme Being. I do believe in the Cause of all causes for two reasons: One, reason tells me that matter isn't eternal, that is was put there by an Eternal Being. Secondly, I have been very lucky. I have experienced much of the supernatural. At first, it was faith in a Supreme Being. Now, it is reality. Perhaps it was the True God Who rewarded me because of my faith. Probably that's what it was. By Supernatural, I mean exactly that. But I will not go into the many experiences. Through my intercession there is "something" in existence at this very hour, in another country, that has converted many thousands of people. I hope and pray that God will extend this "something" so that many unbelievers will also believe that God of the Christians and Jews truly exists. It is very important to believe in the True God, the God of THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. In case you're wondering about my religion. I am a Catholic.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Thursday February 19, 2009
Time: 08:58:09 -0500
I've noticed in different blogs that more and more Muslims refer to God and not to Allah. Let's not allow them that their god Allah is the Muslim god. Allah and the real God are not the same. Allah is the god of cruelty, the god of deception, the god of untimely deaths and destruction, the god of whore houses, the god of 28 little queers, with pearly eyes and all that other Muslim pig shit, waiting for the Muslim queers, the god of 72 hot virgins waiting for Muslim sex maniacs, the god of female genital mutilation, the god of severe punishments, i.e. cutting off limbs, gouging out eyes for minor infractions, the god of stupid Muslims. On the other hand, The True God is the God of the Christians and Jews, the God of THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. So it's Satan/Allah versus THE TRUE GOD.
Name: to : Philip Saenz yr is fake deity jeohva just like imaginary allah
Date: Thursday February 19, 2009
Time: 09:01:16 -0500
to : Philip Saenz , yr imaginary deity is fake deity like imaginary allah.he is a killer and genocidal and ask his followers especially jews to kill pagans.for more facts pls visit these sites by EX-CHRISTIANS and see how wrong u r abt the 10 commandments most of which r TAKEN FROM PAGAN RELIGIONS. , ,
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Thursday February 19, 2009
Time: 09:24:39 -0500
To the silly person who answered me and said that my Creator is a "fake deity." Friend, some day you will die whether you believe that or not. And you will be very surprised when you croak because you will be judged, and you will not enter your Creator's abode. Just being disconnected from your Supreme Being, perfect Love, will be pure hell for you. I can assure you that. I know this as well as I know that I exist at this very moment. Like I said in my above letter: PRIDE IS THE DOWNFALL OF MANY. Friend, I am not asking you to believe. I lose nothing or gain nothing if you disbelieve. May the Cause of all causes bless you even if you don't believe. It's somewhat ironic that you think of God every day. Why do you suppose that is? It is God Who put Himself in your conscience. Something else is ironic. You think that you gave yourself that conscience. Silly, it was God that put it there. But if you want to reject God every day, it's your decision. He loses nothing, whereas you have everything to gain if you assent to the dictates of your conscience. But like I said: PRIDE IS THE DOWNFALL OF MANY. Bye. P.S. God is a Gentleman. He doesn't force anyone. You have a free will.
Name: Islam is bad for woman's Health
Date: Thursday February 19, 2009
Time: 10:31:37 -0500
According to this medical study women wearing a veil suffer from Vitamin D insufficiency because theirs skins do not receive enough sun light which in return is necessary for the Vitamin D production. Didn´t Allah know that when he wrote the quran??? Nowadays millions of muslim women are suffering from osteoporosis and other deseases caused by the hijab.
Islamic women have two choices: Take their pills every day or get broken legs. Or should hijab become an option?
Name: Vp
Date: Thursday February 19, 2009
Time: 11:27:38 -0500
Ex Muslims throughout the world need to get together or begin to communicate with each other. There are groups of Ex Muslims in Europe that have organized and began to spread the barbaric nature of Islam.
Name: To Philip Saenz
Date: Thursday February 19, 2009
Time: 13:11:48 -0500
No one knows what will happen until they die. Period. Any religion that says "you're going to heave for doing such and such", or "you're going to hell because of such and such" is WRONG. Period. No one knows. Period. When one dies, then the truth is known if there is anything more.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Thursday February 19, 2009
Time: 14:06:25 -0500
To the person who took me to task about how God will judge a person when he croaks: Friend, I don't know exactly how God will judge you. I'm not God. However, I do know that if you reject God, God has no choice but to allow you to remain disconnected, or separated, if you die in that state. So why take the chance? Remember that God is a gentleman. He will not force you to accept Him. However, He will wait for you until you croak. Something to think about: "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God,'"(Psalm 14:1). To me that is a good indication that if you remain separated from God, you will not be with God when you die. If you choose to remain a "fool" until death, then, you will be "a fool" forever. Also: "Seeing they do not see and hearing they do not hear, neither do they understand....For the hearts of this people has been hardened....Lest at any time they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and undersand with their mind, and be converted, I heal them," (Matthew 13;13-15). What is Jesus saying? Jesus is talking about a person who doesn't believe in God. So what happens if the person dies in that state? How can these persons be "healed" if, a big IF, they refuse to believe in God? What happens if they are not "converted" and be "healed"? Then, God has no choice but to allow them to perish since they rejected "conversion," "healing," and God. Remember, only if they reject God to the end.
Name: G.Ryan
Date: Thursday February 19, 2009
Time: 14:52:50 -0500
to philip saenz,what makes you any different from a muslim?let me tell you,nothing.christianity was fitted around traditions of the pagans.this site is not here to promote your faith,indeed any keep reading your good book,but don't inflict it on us(same goes for you hindu fanatics),belive what you want,and good luck to you!i say again,this site is about islam not christians or hindu's.start your own site and leave us alone!!!!!!!!!
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Thursday February 19, 2009
Time: 15:12:43 -0500
Ryan, maybe you mean well, but when this site allows someone to chanllenge me, I have no choice but to answer. You, too, have spewed garbage about your faith, or lack of faith, as some evil Muslims. So why don't you stick to attacking only Islam? I attack Islam much more than you and much more intelligently. You're still angry with me because I said you weren't too bright. Why don't you ask your Creator for guidance?
Name: G.Ryan
Date: Thursday February 19, 2009
Time: 15:57:48 -0500
to philip saenz, i attack islam more than you! are you for real, are you going to tell your parents that the nasty man is being horrid to you. if you think that you are intelligent then (god help us all) you are wrong. your posts are pathetic, your history is based on the bible and i think that you may well be a member of the westboro baptist church, you sound stupid enough. i don't need your opinion on my grey matter, your a fool.keep posting, kiddie!
Name: G.Ryan
Date: Thursday February 19, 2009
Time: 16:04:09 -0500
to saenz, god made the oceans,god made the lakes, your god made you,....but hey, we all make mistakes! keep replying saenz, you make me laugh with your interlect.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Thursday February 19, 2009
Time: 17:04:50 -0500
G. Ryan, what's an interlect? Is that a new animal that you are breeding? I might as well attack Islam again. That's the reason I have joined this site as well as many others. Since you think you're so good in attacking Islam, why don't you join For the benefit of those who are interested in the USA Muslims: Muzzammil Hassan, who founded the Bridges TV network to improve the images of Muslims in the USA, is still in jail in Buffalo, New York for beheading his pretty wife Aasiva Hassan. Muzzammil featured Wahhabe anti-Christian and anti-Jewish sermons from Saudi TV broadcasts. Bridges TV was founded to change America. Sorry to say, but beheading people and spewing Islamic hatred on TV isn't a good way to change America. Thanks, Muzzammil, but I'd rather keep my head. I hope you rot in jail, you Muslim jerk. If you, Muzzammil, had beheaded your wife in my state, you would have gotten the death penalty. You're lucky that it happened in the liberal state of New York. Yes, according to the media, both mainstream and talk radio, it was an "honor killing" by Muzzammil The Beheader. So little by little, the Muslims are showing their true colors in my country.
Name: G.Ryan
Date: Thursday February 19, 2009
Time: 17:23:40 -0500
to saenz,one spelling mistake and you have created a new animal, well done! you still can't refute any facts that i have posted, and just because you look at jihad watch don't make you an joined this site to talk about your god and nothing else. my dad is an irish catholic and my mum is CofE. keep trying, if nothing else,your funny. get educated, then talk to me again.kiddie!
Name: jenn
Date: Thursday February 19, 2009
Time: 19:39:39 -0500
The muslim god and the Hindu god both are pimps. The reason is because both these god's have naked women stored in heaven for muslim and hindu men. LOOOOL
Name: Beowulf
Date: Thursday February 19, 2009
Time: 19:46:36 -0500
Wow! I really like what you wrote about ex-muslims who are helping to expose the sadistic nature of islam: "They are the wall that will stand up to the cult itself: shake its founder and its foundation. They need our love and support. They are the sunshine I see and touch. They are the sunrise from the west, the north, the south, and the east. They are the best thing that the world has seen since the invention of sliced bread." These couragous ex-muslims really are better than sliced bread! Good luck to them. I'll help. And in fact I am doing my part everyday by speaking out against this psychotic religion!
Name: RE: jenn (christian pervert)
Date: Thursday February 19, 2009
Time: 22:51:05 -0500
hi jenn which hindu scripture says "heaven has naked women". go have sex with your father, he waiting in your bedroom.this is what christians do all around the world.christian incest commiting bitch.
Name: RE: Philip Sanez
Date: Friday February 20, 2009
Time: 00:53:20 -0500
Are you from Mexico or tijuana? Did you come to US on a raft, lol.. Fucking immigrant, atleast the muslims get a visa when they they go USA.
Name: Let piss be up on him
Date: Friday February 20, 2009
Time: 01:30:37 -0500
Let piss be up on him.Mohammad the worst beast in the entire history of earth.
Name: Re:Jenn
Date: Friday February 20, 2009
Time: 02:00:12 -0500
Please igore Jenn who keeps on shifting focus away from main topic.
Name: G.Ryan
Date: Friday February 20, 2009
Time: 12:13:03 -0500
jenn you are a fool but i feel that the idiot who keeps on about incest and scat,needs a good fucking kicking!he has not made one comment of subject matter we are here to discuss,just insults.this site is being wrecked by christian and hindu fanatics,they make a joke of fighting islam.why don't you all fuck off and die,leave us adult's to what we belive in.fighting islam!!!
Name: Archpagan to jenn
Date: Friday February 20, 2009
Time: 23:45:25 -0500
Christians has no Goddess. So they must have been born through masturbation or sodomy.What is your case?
Name: To Archpagan
Date: Saturday February 21, 2009
Time: 08:47:42 -0500
That is a malicious lie. You are surely an agent of Satan, the Father of lies.
Name: G.Ryan
Date: Saturday February 21, 2009
Time: 15:40:47 -0500
to archpagan,what a dirty little prick you are!jenn is a fool but you are worse.i give up,this site was once good,but people like jenn and you (sick idiot that you are)spoil it for all of us.fuck off you filthy hindu and christian nutters.THIS WAS ABOUT ISLAM and you are trying to spoil that,WE WON'T LET YOU!!!!
Name: Muriel Sweets 100's Little Cigars
Date: Monday April 13, 2009
Time: 19:56:50 -0400
There is ERROR in ALL RELIGION! So why even bother? An Atheist want to make the most out their life while they are here on earth. A believer spend his whole life worshipping which allows them to waste their only real life.
Name: kenmirzz
Date: Wednesday April 29, 2009
Time: 03:10:34 -0400
yes, Ms Ibnu Kammuna, what you are telling is the bitter facts. for a dogmatic muslims, emotions are more appealed to them than plain truth. as an ex muslim, i used to shudder at the thought of doubting islam. thanks to my reading hobby, i discover the falsehood of this cult early enough.