Islam: A River of Blood Runs Through It
30 Apr, 2008
Jihad in Islam is defending the Islamic nation and Islam against the attacks of its enemies. Islam is a religion of peace and only will fight against one who fights it….
When he was done preaching, he had to resort to the Qur’an to
drive his point home. He quoted the verse 17:33:
And do not kill anyone whose killing Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause
Talk about out of context! I am used to Muslims throwing that accusation right in our face every time we said something “inappropriate” about the Qur’an or even a story of bad taste that Muhammad was engaged in. Does looting and raping ring a bell? In any case, Mark was a fresh graduate from the Azhar. He tells us that Al-Azhar focuses on politically correct Islam, and avoids teachings that conflict with the political authority.
During that time, the Jihad movement in Egypt was very active in attacking Christians and their churches via violence and bombs. Mark had a friend who was active in the Jihad movement, so he asked him: “Why are you killing our neighbors and countrymen whom we grew up with?” His friend was astonished at such a question and told him that Christians did not accept the call of Islam and are not willing to pay the Jizyah (infidel-only tax) to have the right to practice their beliefs. Hence, the only option is the sword of Islamic law.
Such is the logic of Islam. Islam is correct whether you like it or not. You either become a Muslim or pay up while in submission, just to allow you to live and practice your own beliefs. It boggles my mind how a group of people, Muslims in this case, can believe in the absolute truth in what they believe in, without extending the same right to other groups of people (i.e. Christians, Hindus, Buddhists). Such an extension will be a definite threat to Islam. It allows equality of peoples and equality of beliefs, something the ideology of Islam cannot condone, not ever. Islam anywhere is to be superior to anyone else. When I think about Islam, I think about a primitive barbarian religion that came out of Arabia 1400 years ago, through a maniac who committed so much evil through terror. In many Islamic and non Islamic countries, this drama about Islam keeps unfolding. Muslims in Egypt are no less evil than Muhammad, or Mahomet as Schulz would call that crazy man. Egyptian Muslims are on a dark mission of trying to annihilate the original natives of Egypt; Coptic Christians.
Going back to our topic of discussion about Mark Gabriel, he was honest to his intellect and realized that he had two choices as a Muslim: to follow political “Christianized” Islam and please the government and the Azhar, or go the Jihadi route of violence, which is the true face of Islam.
Make no mistake about it: Islam is a religion of hate, prejudice
and violence. Here is what Mark Gabriel; an Azhar scholar, who
specialized in Islamic history, writes about it:
Islam is full of discrimination-against women, against non-Muslims, against Christians and most especially against Jews. Hatred is built into the religion.
The history of Islam, which was my special area of study, could only be characterized as a river of blood. (P5)
It is at that point in his intellectual journey that Mark Gabriel rejected the basic tenets of Islam; a fascistic ideology indeed, and embraced humanity. He could not say that the Qur’an came directly from the great creator of this universe. For that, he was fired from the Azhar after taking some abuse by the Azhar’s great minds who resorted to their best methods of intellectual pursuits by spitting on Dr. Gabriel’s face, cursing him and calling him a bastard.
Mark had a critical mind and an honest heart. He could not stay silent in the face of the truth. However, for that, he lost his job as an Azhar professor, the Egyptian police took him and tortured him to a point where he thought he would surely die. After he was out, he stayed a year without any religious belief system at all. After that he became a Christian.
Another sad part in Mark’s life is that some devout Muslims attempted to stab him and finish him for good. When his father learned that he became a Christian, he, the father, took a loaded gun and came after his son. How evil can a religion be that forces a loving father to get a loaded gun and come after his son with the intent of killing him? Can such a religion be divine? In any case, Gariel had to flee the country and ended up in South Africa.
This article about Mark Gabriel’s story stops here. However, I plan a future writing on the roots of terrorism in Islam based on the same book I relied on in writing this article. After all, Mark is an authority on Islamic history in all of its horrors that only a blind in heart can’t see.
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Date: Wednesday April 30, 2008
Time: 07:07:17 -0700
Name: Aaron
Date: Wednesday April 30, 2008
Time: 08:28:44 -0700
Islam means: I Sincerely Love A Massacre. It is the ultimate falsity has it cant stand up to criticism. It jealously kills apostates, and how Muslims beam about how more are joining this death cult! What about those 6 million who leave it each year? What about those who's life it has made a utter misery?! Islam cannot be reformed, yet Judaism & Christianity, which r much older, can.
Name: balam
Date: Wednesday April 30, 2008
Time: 09:34:45 -0700
Thank you Ibn Kumuna for letting the world know about Mark Gabriel.He suffered a lot for the accident of nature to have been born in a muslim home,but the LIVING and LOVING GOD had HIS own plans for his soul.Thank God for that.One consolation:allah wont have to worry for 72 virgins and 28 young pearly boys for an extra soul.Can any muslim produce any video evidence of this Islamic paradise?They certainy have built places like that as replicas.Islam is all about sex and savagery for metally insane.The muslims have been made to believe that they are perfect in every way like the song I once heard.Hence they do not strive to improve.No wonder,they are the most backward people on the face of this world.In the years to come,all the nations would progress ,prosper and have peace except the followers of Mohammad because he came as curse for humanity rather than Blessing.
Date: Wednesday April 30, 2008
Time: 09:45:43 -0700
The worst societies in the world are all muslim. That says it all.
Name: More Evidence that Islam is wrong
Date: Wednesday April 30, 2008
Time: 10:54:23 -0700
Without violence Mohammad did not succeed at all and only a few people embraced islam. Why? Because the people realized that there was nothing valuable.
Name: Kamunu , this would have been a better story1
Date: Wednesday April 30, 2008
Time: 13:31:59 -0700
Name: Christians in South Afercia reverting to mighty Islam.
Date: Wednesday April 30, 2008
Time: 13:35:17 -0700
Name: Check your stastics you liers [ ibn kammanu is a parrot]
Date: Wednesday April 30, 2008
Time: 13:37:50 -0700
Statistics on Islam in selected African nations
Total Population
(in millions)
Percent that is Muslim
Muslim Population
(in millions)
Algeria 31.1 99 % 30.79
Benin 6.3 15 % 0.95
Burkina Faso 11.57 50 % 5.79
Chad 7.56 50 % 3.78
Congo 50.48 10 % 5.05
Cote d’Ivoire 15.8 60 % 9.48
Djibouti 0.45 94 % 0.42
Egypt 67.27 94 % 63.23
Ethiopia 59.68 47 % 28.05
Ghana 18.88 30 % 5.66
Kenya 28.8 7 % 2.0
Libya 4.99 97 % 4.84
Malawi 10 20 % 2.00
Mali 10.43 90 % 9.39
Mauritania 2.58 100 % 2.58
Mozambique 19.1 20 % 3.82
Niger 9.96 80 % 7.97
Nigeria 113.83 50 % 56.92
Senegal 10 92 % 9.20
Somalia 7.1 100 % 7.10
Sudan 34.47 70 % 24.13
Tanzania 31.27 35 % 10.94
Tunisia 9.5 98 % 9.31
Uganda 22.8 16 % 3.65
Total 583.92 53 % 307.06
Source: CIA World Fact book 1999 (Washington, DC: CIA, 1999)
Iqbal Jhazbhay teaches at the University of South Africa and serves on the ANC’s Commission for Religious Affairs. This article has appeared in the South African Encyclopedia. He can be contacted at
Date: Wednesday April 30, 2008
Time: 13:59:20 -0700
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Date: Wednesday April 30, 2008
Time: 14:05:07 -0700
Pilgrim_at_Masjid_Al_Haram - wikipedia image (This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.5 License.) According to statistics from the U.N., Islam is now the worlds second largest religion after Christianity. The U.N. statistics state that the Islam annual growth rate of Islam is around 6.40% compared to 1.46% during the same time period for Christianity. Also according to these statistics, one in five people on the planet are Muslim (by birth or geographical reference). Other statistics from the U.N.: Islam in North America since 1989 increased 25% Islam in Africa since 1989 increased 2.15% Islam in Asia since 1989 increased 12.57% Islam in Europe since 1989 increased 142.35% Islam in Latin America since 1989 decreased -4.73% and Islam in Australia since 1989 increased 257.01%
Name: Jorge
Date: Wednesday April 30, 2008
Time: 14:59:56 -0700
I am not confused at all but one going through the article written by Ibn Kamanu, who is an ex Muslim and this website does not represent the Muslim point view,there for we know where Ibn kamanu stands with his statistics, while there are statistics put forward ,i presume by a Muslim or Muslims, where as the statistics are taken from western based organisations , such as , BBC, CNN and the UN, this is why i am not going to be confused by you Mr kamanu,please show some sense and authenticity in your writings .
Name: Ibn Kammuna To: Akhter, Noor and ONEGOD
Date: Wednesday April 30, 2008
Time: 15:50:31 -0700
Greetings brothers. I would like to thank you all for the kind words of accusation you wrote about me. This really thrills my heart, and made my day. This means my article had your blood boiling. That is the intent my friends. I am an honest researcher, at least I try to be, and try to convey accurately to the reader. Of course, you all, being good muslims, will naturally have a dark heart, just like your pedophile prophet. In any case, I don't want to write much here. I just want to thank you on your compliments. Any hate words from you is a compliment to me. This means you have seen at least part of the truth through my article. That is all I can hope for. I do have one request though brothers. My accurate name is IBN KAMMUNA. It is not Kamunu or Kammanu or Kamunu. The accurate spelling is Kammuna. Do you know why I chose this name? It is in honor of a great thinker in the history of Islam. He was a Jewish person who lived in what is now modern day Iraq. Because of his writings, a muslim mob, who I am sure did not even read what he wrote, came after him wanting to kill him. He had to flee to another city and lived there till he died. It was all because of those muslim lowly thugs and criminals. Does that remind you of yourselves by any chance? Well, I'd wish you "PEACE", but I am afraid you wouldn't know what to do with it.
Name: To : Ibn Kammuna: it is hurt to know the truth
Date: Wednesday April 30, 2008
Time: 20:43:33 -0700
And old saying says; It is hurt to know the truth. yes, it is hurt the Moslem to know the truth about Islam itself. It is hurt to know the truth that Mo was a f*cking prophet. It is hurt to know that Mo was a pedophile. It is hurt to know that Mo, after his marriage to Zainab, actually did something terrible even to the Arabian Culture at that time. It is hurt to know that Mo actually was a warlord, not a real prophet. it is hurt to know the truth that no one ever saw the Grabiel Mo always hallucinating. It is hurt to know the truth that Islam is not a peaceful religion, but a religion of terrorism and killing. I can only wonder, when will the Moslem realize, that Sharia Laws was only applicable to people of 14 centuries ago? When will they open their eyes? As the song of Simon and Garfunkel says (Sound of Silence) : People (Moslem) hearing without listening, people (Moslem) talking without speaking. They donot use their ears, mouths etc., even their own brains (logic). All their use is a blind faith to Mo, the warlord of f*cking.
Name: US Patriot
Date: Wednesday April 30, 2008
Time: 21:16:45 -0700
Clearly its not the muslims who put this country into debt, its not the muslims who fatened all of americans, its not the muslims who dumbed down this country, and it certaintly is not the muslims who caused 1 in every 4 women in this country to be STD positive. Now you ask yourself is it them who we should be attacking, or is it the bastards back at the white house who not only caused the country to be in a 10 trillion dolar debt, but tax the SHIT out of us. Not only that but the jews, mainly the ones behind it all; also recieve the most anual foriegn aid, sit back and watch as our boys in the middle east and the muslim families kill each other off for there own sake of plesure. Going back to what I said previously, lets fix our own GODDAM problems before fixing other's!
Name: Real American
Date: Wednesday April 30, 2008
Time: 21:55:32 -0700
The truth in your account is evident if in nothing else then the muslim propagandist comments which it has attracted. Thank you for providing this important information. I'm confident that it will reach the people that need it. I'm one of them.
Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 00:39:06 -0700
What does converting to islam mean? Submission to Arab hegemony,submission to arabic barbarianism and converting to backwardness,brain-dead clots calling themselves 'muslims'.It is a licence to oppress,plunder,rape and murder non-muslims!For a man ,it gives him the absolute right to marry four women at atime and demand gratification even on a camel back ,or else Allah's 'angels' would be cursing the women ,right to commit pedophile,marry a girl as young as 6 years while you are old enough to be her 'grandfather' or maybe even a'great grandfather'.Can any decent person embrace this filthy cult? Only the perverted,mentally deficient,lunatic,evil or wicked ,a psychopath or a hard boiled criminal can find solace in such a creed/cult!
Name: jim
Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 05:42:42 -0700
Ibn Kamanu [fake name] your writings or actions are not strong enough, since the advent of Islam, many have come and gone, surly yours will be the same fate, if you want more attention, you need to be more vulgar ,dishonest and above all shameless, i can not advise you to be a liar, because you are doing a good job of that,be a bit more like ayshia [ another fake name who happens to be a Hindu bitch],who is currently writing for a porno magazine, So you think you are having an effect ,well that is definitely showing in your and the rest of your co writers articles ,which are repeated ,misquoted ,boring ,unattractive, barely managing on average a 400 + reads most of those are a bunch of fanatics .So your my friend bubble has burst,it is now time for you to commit suicide,[it is a sin if you are a Muslim],but for Godless people like you i suppose it is OK.
Name: pmk
Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 08:57:27 -0700
"Christianized" Islam? What is that?
Name: Re: jim
Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 10:36:07 -0700
Why are you so vulgar to others? Do you know why? Do you know where it comes from? It comes from the quran which is vulgar too and so mean. All your thoughts are poisened by this "holy" book the great german philosopher Schopenhauer described as "wrecked book" "without any valuable thought in it". You should try to read other books. But wait, are there any bookstores where you live? But how can you judge others without knowing and understanding them?
Name: Ibn Kammuna To: Akhter aka jim
Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 12:52:50 -0700
Peace brother. So Good to see you are stil well and kicking, and still hateful too. I wish the editors at FFI allow you back. I really do. We don't have as many clowns since you left.
Name: mhw
Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 14:57:37 -0700
Since so much of your article is devoted to Mark Gabriel, it would be nice to have an addendum giving links to articles on and books by this person. I found there is a wikipedia entry on Mr. Gabriel: and sites with books by Mr. Gabriel, for example: Also, apparently Mark Gabriel (like some other ex-Muslims) writes under a pseudonym, apparently because of fear of being murdered for his beliefs.
Name: Vijay to Kammuna
Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 16:29:57 -0700
Kammuna: I dont think this guy Akhter/one god reads any thing at all on this site.. That is why he never responds to any thing. He just pastes unrelated junk. Besides he can never hide under names of Jim, Jorge etc because he uses filthy language. You cant blame him, he is the follower of a terrorist murderer and rapist. On the other hand you use civilized language clearly showing that you are not the follower of the criminal throat cutter.
Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 22:49:29 -0700
havent the cristians killed enough in this world when will it end??? iraq afganistan palestian next in line iran syria pakistan
Name: ha ha ha ....
Date: Friday May 02, 2008
Time: 01:10:37 -0700
What the Moslem don't want to know is why the author of uran, Mo, had so much hatred towards the Jews and the Christian. When Mo claimed himself as a prophet, Jews and Christian, according to their scriptures, rejected him. It made him so angry, so he began cursing them, and make this curse as if came from God. Logically speaking, how come a Creator cursed its creation? Only illogical people would believe such nonsense. Consider you are making something. When it is different from what you have thought and planned, you simply repair it. Cursing it? Why? It is your own creation. So, all that stupid Quran telling God cursing Jews and Christian, simply the nature of Mohammed, who was very angry because of them both rejected him as the prophet of God. Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. So the Christian, with referring to Gospel of Matthew, consider Mo was just a false prophet (indeed it was true!!!), who come to them in sheep's clothing, but inwardly he was a ravening wolves. His marriage with Ayesha showed that he was not a prophet of God, but showed that he was a sex-starved warlord only, who brought a new religion to have support from people around him. And this false religion is Islam.
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Friday May 02, 2008
Time: 10:26:45 -0700
Mark Gabriel has written a number of books. Two of them I have read and found them to be excellent. They are ISLAM AND TERRORISM: WHAT THE QURAN REALLY TEACHES ABOUT CHRISTIANITY, VIOLENCE JIHAD and also JOURNEY INTO THE MIND OF AN ISLAMIC TERRORIST.
Name: Ibn Kammuna to : Vijay
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 11:27:32 -0700
Thank you brother. I appreciate your feedback. Peace
Name: Challenge to all infidels from Akhter
Date: Saturday May 03, 2008
Time: 12:47:55 -0700
I challenge you to write even one verse like Quran. For example you can try writing one like aya 33.50 which says, "Mohammed you are allowed to have sex with your wives, your slave girls, your captured women, your first cousins and any woman who offers herself to you".
Date: Sunday May 04, 2008
Time: 14:16:28 -0700
Every muslim worldwide bears responsibility for the blood soaked atrocities of islam
Name: to: challenge to all infidels from akhter
Date: Monday May 05, 2008
Time: 03:41:52 -0700
I am an infidel. To make a verse like that, just watch an xxx movie. Many sentences can be made in such a movie. I can think of one sentence: "Akhter, you can f*ck your own mother, your sisters, your daughters in laws, nine year old girls who is still playing with their dolls, and with any women who offer herself to you. You can have it a twosome way, threesome way, and foursome way, anytime that suits best to you. You can also play with them missionary style, doggy style, or any style that comes to your mind." I think the sentence is far more better than your verse.
Name: J.A. Singh
Date: Friday May 09, 2008
Time: 14:46:49 -0700
During the Moghal rule in India, the Muslims raped, tortured, kidnapped, murdered, and arrested non-Muslims and forced Islam. If none accepted the ultimate price would be death.
Name: kmgy
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 02:20:30 -0700
Islam feeds on violence. Without violence Islam will die.