Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

Prophet of Justice and Fairness

Omar, the second Caliph, who ruled after Abu Bakr, was a typical Muslim idiot of his time. He burned Alexandria library when the Muslims invaded Egypt. At the time, that library contained human accumulated knowledge of literature and science through the ages. This is why I call him an idiot. Omar was the reason, I believe, for Muhammad claiming the revelation that ordered veiling of women. This is why I feel justified in calling him an idiot. Believe me; I do not call people idiots lightly. I am a soft spoken person in general. There has to be a very good reason for calling a person an idiot, and Omar proved to be worthy of the title. Omar was an irrational man, and was a hard core thug and criminal. However, he was very close to the prophet. He was one of his right hands (i.e. looting generals). He was clearly in that position in the early medina days of Muhammad. This article deals with a vicious crime that Omar did in cold blood, and with the “Just” and “Fair” punishment by the prophet of Justice and Fairness Muhammad, Allah’s gift to humanity.

The story goes as follows:

During the early medina days, a Muslim man needed someone to judge on a matter between him and a Jewish man. The Jewish man was nice and told the Muslim man that they should go to Prophet Muhammad to make a decision. The Muslim man refused and told him that they should go to Omar for a decision on the matter. The Muslim man knew that Omar had a particular dislike to the Jews. The Jewish man was nice again and agreed to go to Omar. Both went to Omar’s house, and Omar told them something like:” Folks, don’t come to me. Go to Prophet Muhammad to decide”. The Muslim man did not like that and told Omar:” No, I want you to decide”. Omar told him to wait. He went inside and came back with his sword and sliced the Muslim man’s neck and killed him.

I leave it to the reader to decide what kind of punishment Omar should get for what he did. Remember, this event took place 1400 years ago in barbaric Arabia.

Now, let us follow how the events unfolded after Omar’s crime. Muhammad was sad to hear of what happened. However, Omar was one of the most faithful and most loyal to the prophet. It wouldn’t be right to put him to death because of his crime. True, a life for a life was the rule. But hey, we are talking about Omar. His life is worth quite a bit more than other men. And so, leave it to Mo, and he’ll find a way. What is better than a divine revelation to settle matters! So, Muhammad tells the people: “Rejoice! Allah came to me with verses that set Al-Khattab (that is Omar) free.” Here are the Qur’anic Jewels:

O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those charged with authority among you. If ye differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if ye do believe in Allah and the Last Day: That is best, and most suitable for final determination. [4.59 YUSUFALI]

But no, by the Lord, they can have no (real) Faith, until they make thee judge in all disputes between them, and find in their souls no resistance against Thy decisions, but accept them with the fullest conviction. [4.65 YUSUFALI]

In other words, Muhammad is saying:” Look, the man who Omar killed is not a Muslim after all. If he had real faith, he would have come to me for a decision to start with. Instead he went to Omar and showed that he is a man of no faith. He is not a Muslim folks.” Because he was not a Muslim, it was okay for Omar to kill him. Such is the logic of the man who is supposed to be an example (Qudwa) to mankind. Such is the justice exemplified through Allah’s best creation, Muhammad. True Muslims keep telling us that one cannot understand the Qur’an without looking at the context and the reasons behind the revelation (Asbab Alnizool). Well, I have introduced to the reader the reasons behind the above so-called revelations. To summarize and clarify matters, I’d like to put down the five reasons that, in my view, establish Omar and Muhammad as true criminals in the above story:

  1. Omar did commit the crime in cold blood.
  2. The man who was killed was a Muslim.
  3. Muhammad claimed that the murdered man was not a Muslim after all. This is a lie. Even in modern day Arabia, people go to respected people for mediations in conflicts. I am confident that this was done during the time of Muhammad. People would go to Muhammad, Omar, Abu Bakr,..etc. to settle disputes. It is not unusual to have multiplicity of “respected” men who can settle disputes. I know that such events of settling disputes still occur in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria and Jordan. This is a custom that Arabs still practice. It would be an overwhelming job to do for one person alone. Actually, I suspect that people everywhere go to some “leaders” they respect to make some decisions about specific conflicts.
  4. Muhammad’s judgment against Omar was no more than a joke. Omar went scot-free after murdering a man in cold blood.
  5. Muhammad sanctioned Omar’s crime through a Qur’anic revelation. How low can the Prophet go on the moral ladder of ethical standards is beyond me.

The above story is a clear condemnation of Omar, Muhammad’s teachings and revelations. Omar went scot-free after murdering a man in cold blood. Muhammad put a stamp of approval on the incident. Both Muhammad and Omar sunk very low from a moral point of view. Both are flat out criminals. I just can’t see it any other way. Any decent human being should have the same view about this incident. Also, history tells us that when the Muslims in medina heard of this revelation, they danced and rejoiced. Does that remind you of the Muslim street mobs behavior nowadays after awful and horrific events like 9/11? My friend, the chain extends back to the early thugs and what they did after their horrific crimes of murders and genocides.


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Name: so
Date: Tuesday June 17, 2008
Time: 06:59:25 -0700


because the "muslim man" decided to go to Omar for a decision because of his "hatred for the jews" believing that he would get his way. And it turned out that Omar couldn't and wouldn't be bothered and settled it, though he was muslim. And then mo decided that he really wasn't a muslim after all and that's okay. Just goes to show that muslim on muslim crimes happened even then. Just exactly who decides who is islamic enough?

Name: Solving the problems caused by ISLAM
Date: Tuesday June 17, 2008
Time: 09:44:57 -0700


Let's start burning the Koran, all the books in mosques, Al-Ahzar Islamic university. Kill the imams and behead all Talibans caught. We kafirs have to be more brutal than the jhadists. This is the only way these idiots understand.

Name: Ibn Kamuna
Date: Tuesday June 17, 2008
Time: 11:48:56 -0700


I don't know whether you can blame Omar for burning the Library at Alexanderia. He is one of the suspects, but the jury is still out. He is responsible for the "Pact of Omar" which sets the conditions for dhimmis living under Islam. Not a very nice man.

Name: To : Ibn Kammuna
Date: Tuesday June 17, 2008
Time: 20:20:24 -0700


Now there's another proof of the wickedness of Mo and his followers. As a ruling warlord, why shouldn't he help and protect his right hand Omar? A living Omar had more value to Mo than his death. Mo's teaching is full of wickedness. I am very surprised knowing there are still many people blinded and believe the polished story of Mo's life. He is the devil in disguise.

Name: same thing happened to Nalanda University.
Date: Tuesday June 17, 2008
Time: 20:34:26 -0700


same thing happened to Nalanda University. Muslims butcers burn't 9 storied Library of Nalanda university. Desrtoyed the entire university .Beheaded the innocent and help less monk prophessors and students. Nalanda univeraity perhaps the first university of the world teaching philosphy, mathematics, medicine, astronomy ,economics and many other importnat subjects besides yoga nad meditation. It is this university students who escaped from from muslim invaders and started Oxford university and many other accross the wrold. The education is free to all irrespective of nationality. It spread the light of education to far east,west nad to far south like indonesia and malasia. University had both stuents and prophessors belonging to all religions prevailed then except illogical and unscientific islam. Professors from hinudism used teach mathematics, astrology nad medine (ayurveda) and buddist and chrisian prophesors remaining subjects. After the destruction of The great Nalanda University the world ,especially india suffered a lot .

Name: :to aktar ,islmaists &co
Date: Tuesday June 17, 2008
Time: 21:08:43 -0700


I pity you all.You are just attcking ramayana and mahabharatha and its characters which is beyond your perception and not available to present history as they happened millions of years ago.Don't waste your time here .Nobody cares those.discuss the hisorically recorded facts of islam and other religious figures known to hisory.Hindus don't want any of you or anyother religions to join their faith.Hindus are most tolerant people otherwise these many religions would not have existed.They love entire humnaty and serve all with out expecting anything in return nad not even heaven or paradise.You and Zakir naik(stupid ) who claims to himself great like mohammad are most welcome to to challenge and discuss what here you mentioned with sanyasi(saint).Caste sytem is social organisation to assaigning various works to every one.This is to be done on personnel Efficiency but not on birth based.It was frist implemented on talent basis alone and not by birth but later diverted to birth bais by some selfish people.But other things you mentioned here are not present in any of the hindu compulsory scriptures(Vedas,Upanshads,Gita) unlike your Quron in which many evils are prent.Use brains not penises alone.Nobody is hating you.IF you can not change your evil faith atlest rationalise youself and reform your Quron nad islam just like What jews had done and became prosperous after reforms.But many say islam can not be reformed but can be eradicated.Cowards are muslims alone beacuse they can not dare to think rationally,digest truths.They kill innocnets ,raid and loot in nights hide themselves in caes and mosques.They are parasites living on the others earning .Hindus and other religions invented almost all scientific discovories and created wealth and advancement by technology and industrialisation.They pay tax and you get social welfare from thier tax and econoimic development.You get subsidised food,subsidised HAJ travel and all subsidies and scholarships from their wealth and tax.Think and analyse your self What is your contribution to science and technology in the present days and even from days of science grooming

Name: :Fake Zakir naik
Date: Tuesday June 17, 2008
Time: 21:16:00 -0700


:Fake Zakir naik.He is all fake.He is most welcome to debate.He should prove himself.But muslims alone are fear of their belief exctision and attcking other religions nad makinf false and supid blames.I Thank you all for keeping tis website in touch.From now onworld all readers will receive the true attrociies of islam(not blames and legends) and muslim butchers.Thnak you islamists.HAHAHAHA! These muslims are coword maniac donkeys;

Name: see clearly islamists shouts and hallucinations here
Date: Tuesday June 17, 2008
Time: 21:22:28 -0700


see clearly islamists shouts and hallucinations here.They are caught in fear of extinction of faith.They are hallucinating here.Let us enjoy ther crying and mental instabilty.I am just saning thier weeping comments to show to all my friends.

Name: Attacking hinduims with false and stupid blames will not help
Date: Tuesday June 17, 2008
Time: 21:25:16 -0700


Attacking hindus with false and stupid blames will not help muslim to save thier faith.They are now caught in fear and anxiety

Name: hatred ,stupidness,intolernce ,slavery are all offsprings of islam.
Date: Tuesday June 17, 2008
Time: 21:29:14 -0700


hatred ,stupidness,intolernce ,slavery are all offsprings of islam.They alone spread these worldide.Now time has come fro change.

Name: Amrin Shaikh
Date: Tuesday June 17, 2008
Time: 23:04:21 -0700


Truly idots..

Name: Ananda
Date: Tuesday June 17, 2008
Time: 23:11:59 -0700


I have lot of respects for countries not backing down from this evil cult, and bravely accepting the reality of terrorism from resident Muslims. Denmark & Australia are such countries, England & India are not. Of course India is surrounded by Pakistan & Bangladesh which makes her much more vulnerable than England. England has absolutely no excuse for being so cowardly. This Malay guy Badawi gave a big lecture to the British about how great Sharia is and how it will improve the British society. Isn't this disgusting? Not Badawi the cult-member, but the British the multi-cultural stupids.

Date: Wednesday June 18, 2008
Time: 02:57:16 -0700


True , if the muslims feel they are superior why do they accept bounties from the government of India , which is after all a "Kaffir" dispensation to go for haj or the pilgrimage to Mecca! So Hindu money is being wasted on a muslim stupidity of going round in circles around a black stone they call "Kaaba" and pelting some stones at another stone ,an imaginary "Shaitaan" - if this is not idolatry , I don't know what else can it be?!!! Yet these Zombies take pride in deriding Hindus as idolators and polytheists! Islam is raw paganism wearing the garb of 'monotheism' , because Allah was the favourite "god" of Muhamad among a hoard of other pagan gods of Arabia. Allah and Muhamad should be ashamed of themselves when Kaffirs' hardearned money is used to subsidize the "pilgrimage" of their faithfuls to Mecca, the shit of a city which they call 'holy'.

Name: balam to Ibn Kammuna
Date: Wednesday June 18, 2008
Time: 03:46:10 -0700


Thank you for letting the world know the real character of Mohammad as Insan=e=Kamal and his friend and father-in-law.Fornicators are always coward and Mohammad was one as well.Umer had a very volatile temper and Mohammad was scared of him.Mohammad even put down verses about hijab on the insistance of Umer,who had a strong personality.I would be grateful,if you could please research about the verses of quran written on the palm leaves which were eaten by Mohammads goat and were turned into goat droppings.Has Allah been able to de-cipher them from the goats dropping and add into the quran to make it complete and perfect.

Name: Matthew
Date: Thursday June 19, 2008
Time: 13:26:46 -0700


According to muslims on this site people in the west have loose morals and the west is depraved and decadent. Why then do muslims still arrive in these countries in large numbers. Are they not afraid of being corrupted? Why do muslims not stay back in their islamic countries which have islamic sharia law? They way they are defending islamic religion I should think they would be comfortable and feel safe in a islamic country. But yet they wish to go to the west. Any explanations? Why has islamic religion not made any islamic countries prosperous, progressive and among the best in the world? The most prosperous and powerful countries are non muslim. How come following islam has not made any islamic nation among the top countries in the world? Any explanations?

Name: to Matthew
Date: Thursday June 19, 2008
Time: 20:36:21 -0700


"Why are islamic countries underdeveloped?y They spent too much time in prayers. 5 times a day, with washing, takes about one to two hours a day. Islam doesnot take science as a priority, their priority is only praying and praying. The west has a motto of "Ora et Labora, pray and work", while theirs is pray only. Mo brought stupidity to his followers.

Name: to: same thing happened to Nalanda University.
Date: Friday June 20, 2008
Time: 02:05:43 -0700


All Moslems can do is only to destroy other culture and civilization, like the destroying of Buddha statues in Afghanistan by the Taliban, etc. And what do they give in exchange to the world? Only terrorism, hatred and bad things for humankind. This religion was founded by the devilish Mohammed, a personification of Satan himself. Other name of Mohammed is Lucifer.

Name: to Matthew
Date: Friday June 20, 2008
Time: 02:25:42 -0700


"According to muslims on this site people in the west have loose morals and the west is depraved and decadent. Why then do muslims still arrive in these countries in large numbers. Are they not afraid of being corrupted?" Because most Moslem countries are poor, and they need to survive. Besides, in moslem countries with sharia laws, they cannot have the freedom like that in the west. It is a shameful act of those moslems.

Name: islamic contradictions
Date: Friday June 20, 2008
Time: 15:27:35 -0700


The quran is so full of contadictions that anyone who reads it completelt willrealise the hotch potch it is. One verse asks people to shaow compassion. Other verses call for slaughter and massacre of people who oppose islam. Thre is no logical consistency in that book. So muslims show a part of the quran to impress people but use other parts of the book which encourage murder, theivery and rapaciousness when they wish to justify their crimes. Enough of this deception. Those who are decieved are those who cannot think for themselves. If they cannot think for themselve let them at least listen to arguments from both sides before they make a informed decision. And last of all look at the condition of islamis societies. Educationally, technologically, industrially, socially, culturally backward. The end product is proof of the falsehood that is islam. If a religion mirrors the truth it will allow its adherents to progress and flourish. Islam has kept its followers backward and brought them into conflict with others. If they persist in murdering and creating strife they will reap the consequences of their actions. Muslims turn away from this vile faith before it is too late. It has robbed millions of the joy of living by putting so many strictures on them. The muslims with common sense survive by quietly by ignoring most of the tenets of their faith. Or else every islamis country will start resembling afghanistan under taliban or some fourtennrh century islamic kingdom.

Name: u all are stupid who wrote this cmments
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 10:30:46 -0700


u all are stupid who wrote this cmments i only have to say just wait for the DAY OF JUDGEMENT

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