9/11 is Enactment of Quran 9:111
01 Jun, 2008
- The Islamic paradise is filled with full-breasted, lustrous-eyed virgins who regenerate as virgins after each sex act. Those Muslims, who gain access into Allah's paradise, can sexually enjoy those virgins for all eternity. About the sensual attractions of Islamic paradise, aka Allah's whorehouse, says the Quran:
"As for the righteous (Muslims)... We (Allah) shall wed them to beautiful virgins with lustrous eyes" [Q 44:51-54]
The righteous (Muslims) they shall triumph... Theirs shall be voluptuous women" [Q 78:31-33]
Muslim men are promised 72 young virgins for perpetual enjoyment. For the sake of propriety, I will not include the quotes, but this all is right there in the Qur'an, in Surat 37:40-48, 44:51-55, 52:17-20, 55:56-58, 70-77, 56:7-40, and 78:31.
Additionally, sodomy with young boys (Surat 52:24, 56:17, and 76:19), who are described in much the same language used for describing the virgins, adds to the sensuality of the Muslim paradise. Of course, Islam's paradise has plenty of wine, wealth, and food for the enjoyment of the blessed believers. Muhammad was a man for whom the fulfillment of bodily pleasures was of paramount importance; the Islamic paradise is a reflection of that.
Estimates vary as to the number of virgins (2 to 72) to be allocated to each male Muslim who enters the Islamic paradise (Sahih Bukhari 4:54:476, Al-Tirmidhi 2562).
The Tirmidhi Hadith states that 72 wives is the minimum:
Mohammed said: "The least reward for the people of paradise is 80,000 servants and 72 wives" [Al-Tirmidhi 2562, 2687]
Prophet Muhammad and Islamic martyrs, such as the suicide bombers, who occupy the high rung in Islam's paradise may be rewarded with higher number of virgins. To maximize Muslim men's enjoyment of these numerous wives, they will be endowed with superb sexual power in the heaven:
The Holy Prophet (Mohammed) said: "The believer will be given tremendous strength in Paradise for sexual intercourse." It was questioned: "O prophet of Allah! can he do that?" He said: "He will be given the strength of one hundred persons.'" (Mishkat al-Masabih 4:42:24; Sunan al-Tirmidhi 2536).
When asked, "Do we have sex in Paradise?" Ibn Kathir, the renowned Islamic scholar explained: 'Yes, by him who holds my soul in his hand, and it will be done... and when the sex is finished she will return pure and virgin again.' [Tafsir Ibn Kathir]
Al-Suyuti (15th century) another famous Islamic theologian and Quranic commentator adds:
"Each time we sleep with a houri (heavenly virgins) we find her virgin. Besides, the penis of the Elected (Muslims in heaven) never softens. The erection is eternal; the sensation that you feel each time you make love is utterly delicious and out of this world ...Each chosen Muslim will marry seventy houris, besides the women he married on earth, and all will have appetizing vaginas."
This pre-occupation with sex in heaven is consistent with the Islamic view of women as sex-objects for gratifying the sexual desire of Muslim men:
"Women are your fields, go (men) into your fields as you please" [Quran 2:223]
In 1992, Islamic militants assassinated Egyptian freethinking intellectual, Farag Foda. Among his "offences" was his criticism of the Islamic debate of perpetual erection in heaven.
"Egypt's most popular Islamic preacher, Abdel Hamid Kishk...had been telling his audience that Muslims who entered paradise would enjoy eternal erections and the company of young boys draped in earrings and necklaces...
"Some of the ulama (Islamic clerics), the religious scholars at al-Azhar University, the governments seat of Islamic learning, had disagreed. Yes, they said, men in paradise would have erections, but merely protracted, not perpetual. Other Islamic experts disputed the possibility of pederasty in paradise.
"Is this what concerns Muslims at the end of the 20th century?" Farag Foda asked in a column in October magazine. "The world around us is busy with the conquest of space, genetic engineering and the wonders of the computer, while Muslim scholars... were worried about sex in paradise." Excerpts from Judith Miller's book; God Has Ninety-Nine Names. [Published by Simon & Schuster, 1997, pp. 26-27]
For Muslims, the whole focus of the life on earth must be directed at securing a place to this Islamic heaven, full of sexual indulgence. And the way of securing a ticket to Allah's whoredom is outlined in Quran 9:111, which says:
“Lo! Allah hath bought from the believers their lives and their wealth because the Garden (Paradise) will be theirs: they shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slain”
Verse 9:111 means what it means. A Muslim who is killed or who kills fulfilling teachings of 9:5, 9:29 and all the other verses of the Quran exhorting murder, rape, terror, and torture are guaranteed accession to Allah's paradise.
Allah takes away from Muslims all rights and ownership of their life. Muslims will blindly engage themselves in Allah's stratagems of wars without any questions asked; and kill and get killed in the process. This is the only mode of actions that will earn them Paradise. Allah is the peerless master of incitement of violence and bloodbath.
A true Muslim mind therefore will be infatuated with the prospect of eternal erections and ceaseless sexual copulation with numerous heavenly virgins. Achieving martyrdom, while fighting Jihad or holy war as outlined in verse 9:111 to kill the infidels/enemies of Islam, is the surest of way of ensuring a straight landing in the Paradise of Allah.
It is little wonder then that Islamic martyrdom-seekers, such as the Muslim terrorists, and suicide bombers etc., are in a hurry to enter Islam's brothel paradise. The dastardly attacks of 9/11 in the United States was just an example of the enactment of Allah's instruction in Quran 9:111 by those 19 Arab Muslims for securing a entry into the sensual Islamic paradise by embracing martyrdom.
Quran verse 9:111 is the most depraved, diabolical, immoral
teaching in Islam. It turns God into a diabolical
whoremaster, who inspires havoc against the humankind. The road to
Allah's whorehouse, as outlined in Quran 9:111, has inspired
millions of Islamic martyrdom-seekers over the last 1400 years to
murder up to 270 million people or more.
The Quran 9:5 says, “When the sacred months have passed away, THEN SLAY THE IDOLATERS WHEREVER YOU FIND THEM, AND TAKE THEM CAPTIVES AND BESIEGE THEM AND LIE IN WAIT FOR THEM IN EVERY AMBUSH, then if they repent and keep up prayer [become believers] and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them.” In Islam, it is a holy religious duty to murder infidels. The 9/11 Jihadists died in the fulfillment of such commands of Allah to murder the infidels in the cause of Islam.
The horrid reality of 9/11 is that if these Islamic Jihadists had possessed nuclear weapons, they would have few scruples to detonate them for indiscriminate killing of the infidels in the fulfillment of Allah's divine commands.
The Quran is written in the language of terrorism. It is filled with numerous verses urging Muslims to terrorize the non-Muslims, kill them, rape their women and take possession of their lands and properties. The important points to remember is that whatever Muhammad did to terrorize the infidels was actually the actions of God. Among the many verses which exhort Islamist terrorism, the following verses stand out as naked aggression of Allah/Muhammad on the unbelievers: 2:63, 3:151, 8:12, 8:60, 8:59, 9:5, 9:29, 9:55, 11:102, and 17:59 etc. These are the Eternal Laws of Allah authoring murder and extermination of infidels as a holy duty. The lives of infidels are totally worthless in the book of Islam.
The Quranic laws and commands are valid for eternity and binding upon all Muslims. The barbarous attacks of 9/11 are just one incident inspired by Quranic verses like 9:111 over the last 14 centuries. As Islamic martyrdom-seekers around the world are constantly seeking to unleash Jihadi acts like the 9/11, the cruelty inspired by the depraved sensual paradise of Allah will continue to afflict the humankind for a long time to come.
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Name: A Christian
Date: Saturday May 31, 2008
Time: 21:49:48 -0700
If you have been told since childhood that the Koran is "the most positive, progressive, logical and rational book in the world" you may think it is. If you come to it cold, it just looks like a wild threatening rant and rave, mixed with bits of the Bible and old arab baloney. After reading some Koran and hadiths I was astonished that so many paid homage to this bandit and tried to live in the 7th century. My ancestors had valhalla, paid blood money, and raided Europe, but no one tries to live like Vikings now.
Name: islamic paradise is fornaimals not for humans
Date: Saturday May 31, 2008
Time: 23:35:55 -0700
islamic paradise is fornaimals not for humans. Save muslims from islam. Let us help them to get out of islam.
Name: Gabrielle
Date: Saturday May 31, 2008
Time: 23:36:17 -0700
Good point, Christian. As a scholar of Norse and Anglo-Saxon poetry and sagas, etc, where QUr'anic and hadithic-like stories abound, it's plain to me that the ethos of these times was heavy slaughter, plunder and raiding, followed by rape and drinking and the boastful recounting of how many human beings one had slain. But that was in the 7th century. The world has moved on since then, except for the barbarism of Islam.
Name: xpto
Date: Sunday June 01, 2008
Time: 04:33:08 -0700
material for another fitna http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dfcst2cq_1fz6jzvgx
Name: hell
Date: Sunday June 01, 2008
Time: 14:26:08 -0700
let me tell u. all this he's saying constitute rubbish full of lies. he has turned every thruth into lies, and every value into disvalue. be carefull when reading. who is he to translate and comment on the quran he knew not? how far has he known as far as islam is concerned? let me tell u this guy is ignorant and illiterate, he is only trying to potray his fellings as a jew or a christian.
Name: d
Date: Monday June 02, 2008
Time: 10:25:58 -0700
The only "peace" there is, is towards male arab muslims. If you truly had read the koran like you said you have islam vs izlam, then you would know that it is the most contradictory piece of work there is.
Name: clayton Shaeffer
Date: Monday June 02, 2008
Time: 11:19:10 -0700
AS a believer in the Bible, we believers shoulld study our holy book and really look hard into it to see that sometimes we do not turn the other cheek at all.
Name: Robert
Date: Monday June 02, 2008
Time: 18:17:26 -0700
Where to begin? Terrorism by Islamic groups;1400 years ago, Munich, Khartoum, Yasser Arafat, the World Trade Center, Lockabee, bin Laden, an ongoing epidemic. In recent times, most of the citizens of the either world, non-Muslim, had little interest in, nor cared about Islam. When it began, one could believe that this was the actions of a few extremist. In those dark days one could believe the words of the leaders that Islam was a religion of peace; but as time has moved forward, so has the understanding of Islam, and now one gags on the words. You, be you imam, mullah, statesman of Islam, or leader of your community, can no longer stand on the platform of victim hood, we now know better. You cannot declare Islam is a religion of peace, the peace you have demonstrated over and over again is not acceptable. You no longer can state half truths, lies and slander to protect your precious cult of power. If you as Muslim living in the land on non-Islamic law cannot accept the laws and customs of that land, go back to the Hell were you came from. And as for Europe and the Americas, if an immigrant of Islam who has never worked, never contributed a dime to his welfare, and lays claim to the benefits of their host country; send them back to their country of origin. Hell, you can lead the way.
Name: Thomas Justin Kaze
Date: Tuesday June 03, 2008
Time: 00:48:44 -0700
Ah, shut up you Mohammedans; everybody knows you are the greatest Taqiyya masters in the wirld. It makes me physically sick reading messages from Muslims trying to covince us us that the cursed Qur'an is anything but incitement to murder - I, for one, will never believe that the God Almighty is the god of throat-cutting. Death to Islam, shame on the Mohammedans. Shame, shame, shame. Your Enemy Forever, Thomas Justin Kazer.
Name: El'iasha
Date: Tuesday June 03, 2008
Time: 23:18:30 -0700
This article reflects the truth about Islam.
Name: Muhammad Iftikhar Alam
Date: Wednesday June 04, 2008
Time: 05:43:28 -0700
I want to fuck the mother sister and wife of laury houle you son of a bitch you dont know what Islam is . I want to drill your sister and even if I found you I will fuck you u son of a bitch.
Name: 4EE
Date: Wednesday June 04, 2008
Time: 10:00:40 -0700
To vbv. With all due respect if you look into the Islamic history, islam was not preached by the swords rather the prophet (PBUH) preached for 13 years maintaing peace. This article talks about Allah's whorehouse. How nice of the writer to totally expell the reality of the western society,in which the western womens are calerly the sex objects.Pole dancers, actrsses of erotic movies, ponography, prostitues! How are they looked at through the eyes of western men? Does a man in the west see the womens metioned above with dignity and respect? Also 9/11 was done truly on the basis, because our Muslim lands were terrorised by the UN forces over mass amount of years,when they were told to withdraw their troops as they weren't doing any good to the lands. They failed to obide, moreover cuased more bloodshed of the innocent residence, rape, more orphans were born, more wombs were split open, more houses were set up on fire, more men were electricuted in the jails of Abu gharib. What was the reason?For which crime were they being punsihed? Truly it was cruelity for merly being a Muslim. And such will not be tollearated. Nobody ever looks at the condtion in Palestine, afgghanistan, chechniya, Iraq etc etc,for who the terrorisers are in their lands, why the entire lands are suffering? Who the causers were to end them up in darm missery? Seriously think before you come up with such articles.
Name: vbv
Date: Thursday June 05, 2008
Time: 02:32:39 -0700
To 4EE :- I am not defending the attrocities of the West on the muslims . We in India have been at the receiving end from both muslims and the British , more so from the muslims who committed untold attrocities on hindus,budhists or jains for 700 years . They destroyed all the temples in the North India. You know that Delhi could see a Temple only after the British rule was established - The LakshmiNarayan Temple built by the Birlas in the early 20th century. Looting ,raping, iconoclasm and temple-destruction was a regular feature under the muslim rule ,barring a few exceptions when the muslim rulers had to depend on hindu ministers for administration. Rather the Indian rennaisance took place in the British rule and it was the European indologists who dug out and brought to light many great classical works of sanskrit in literature,philosophy,including Vedas and others like mathematics,etc. - all of which were lost during the terrible rule under the muslims. Ofcourse any student in Indian History would be aware of these facts. You may not be aware that Dara Shiko , the first son of Shah Jahan was brutally murdered , alongwith his other brothers by the barbaric and notorious Aurengzeb , who also incrcerated his own father for life to usrp the throne to rule. In this he was helped by mullahs and imams because he was considered a very devout muslim! He even implemented the 'jizzya' tax on hindus and forcibly converted millions to islam - the end result is we have Pakistan!. This man is a great hero in Pakistan. Need I say more ,why we have bitter memories about muslims. You say that your prophet was a peaceful man for 13 years. Then why did he become so barbaric later on? In the initial stages when he was in Mecca , Muhamad was in a minority. It is only after he migrated to Yathrib(or Medina) and he started his campaign of plunder and grew in numbers and also ill-gotten wealth that he showed his true colours.He preached hatred of all disbelievers ,especially jews and 'idolators' and advocated killing them and taking their women and children as slaves.The way Iran was conquered by the sword and forcibly converted to 'islam' has been witnessed by Parsees who fled their motherland centuries ago to come to India and they are still practicing Zoroastrian religion in India without fear.These are historical facts. You cannot deny on its face when it is staring hard at you. With the rise in radical islam and terrorism , it is natural for the civilised world to feel the concern , since the arabic wahabic cult is spreading like wild fire and the so-called 'moderate' muslims seem a silent spectator to this , while lending tacit support,one cannot but be concerned about peace,harmony and progress.I hope you see and appreciate my perspective.
Date: Thursday June 05, 2008
Time: 13:13:39 -0700
Cow Dung worship I assure you read that title right, this is exactly what the ladies of the house in DH’s community do the morning after Diwali to ensure wealth and prosperity in the household for the year to come. Since I had no idea how things worked I let my sister in law do the preparation, which actually meant using fresh cow dung to draw a symbolic representation of a village complete with 3D little cow dung people (all this made with bare hands and on the ground in the court yard). I myself took the less smelly job of putting various types of lentils and grains in designated area on the pattern to mimic granaries and mangers. We then went back to the kitchen to make little birds out of rice floor dough for the female only ritual. Once MIL was ready we headed back outside, lit oil lamps in the dung village, and had our feet painted with some magenta tainted water and proceed to bless the village with the usual water sprinkling, grain throwing and red powder applying all the various elements and then conclude by eating one of the rice flour birds each before call it quit and head to the kitchen for breakfast. While the whole ritual may sound gross (after all this is cow dung we are talking about). What fascinates me is how Hinduism has remained an earthy religion close to its people and the farming roots of India, with all the rural symbols and wish of prosperity linked to grain, food and by default wealth. And somehow it is not so odd that the Goddess of wealth is a woman, and that the rituals closely associated to fertile matters are conducted by the women of the household using earth symbols, which are by default symbols of life and fertility as well (the men have another ritual the next day involving fire). The rest of the day is generally spent lazing around as everything is anyway closed. That part was actually tougher on me than being around smelly dung and a swarm of flies.
Name: virgin
Date: Thursday June 05, 2008
Time: 13:13:39 -0700
It seems those who want to achieve eternal bliss in Islamic paradise have no idea about real sex. They just want to rape virgins, rather than enjoy sex with a woman who knows what to do.
Name: vbv
Date: Friday June 06, 2008
Time: 02:51:48 -0700
To "cowdung worship" :- You are obsessed with cowdung that you relate a strange ritual that I have not come across anywhere. Some story you have made up to denigrate hinduism! Hinduism is not cowdung and just worship. It goes far above all this - it has deep philosophy , if you read the Upanishads and the Vedanta. It is intellectually strong and not a mad cult like islam promising 72 regenerating virgins and 28 little boys for sex eternally. That seems to be the ultimate objective of islam and zombies who call themselves muslims. You are basically dirty in body ( for youwash only every friday) and dirty in mind (you are obsessed with sex that you denigrate your women putting them in black sacks called 'burkah') Tell me then why all islamic countries are so miserable ,backward , prone to violence , treacherous ,ignorant, superstitious and wallowing in filth - youcan see it everywhere in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Nigeria, etc. All living "hells", cesspools of corruption, lack of human rights and only spreading misery, ignorance and superstition! So much for camel urine drinkers, camel shit eaters, arab arse lickers!
Date: Friday June 06, 2008
Time: 08:08:21 -0700
so this deep philasophy starts with the worship of cow dung. aah aah haa!
Name: vbv
Date: Friday June 06, 2008
Time: 09:16:06 -0700
hahahahah- camel shit ! Cow dung is in your head. In India cowdung is used a fuel. No Indian scripture prescribes cowdung like your prophet Muhamad feeding on camel shit,drinking camel urine and licking the camel-teats - all stinking like the ugly animal camel itself. Anyway you wouldn't know anything about art, culture,philosophy or spirituality come as you are from the arid Arabian desert or a Pakistani/Bangladeshi zombie given arab-arse licking! After all your so-called 'prophet was nothing but an illiterate savage,a barbarian ,a filthy sex-maniac,pedophile, arsonist,rapist, plunderer and murderer all rolled into one .
Name: Wes
Date: Friday June 06, 2008
Time: 10:20:44 -0700
Quranic verse 9:111 --- 9-11-01 --- ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Is this a coincident --- or --- planned to coincide ? ? If planned --- what's next ? verses: 9:29 - Date: 9-02-09 This could be ridiculous thinking or redundant activity ! Islamic Law requires that they warn their enemy beforehand. We have been warned several times already. I am sure our Intelligence Agencies are smarter than I am. This is by all accounts, a very sick society of 14th century Satanic Pagan rights, beliefs and traditions resulting in a culture of extreme sadistic rituals.
Name: Wes
Date: Friday June 06, 2008
Time: 10:28:25 -0700
Chronology of Muhammad’s Life Founder of the World’s Most Intolerant Religion 570…Muhammad, is born in Mecca, on April the 20th. 595…Muhammad, marries Khadija, who later becomes the first Muslim. 610…Muhammad, receives what he comes to believe is his first visitation from the Angel Gabriel and his first revelation from Allah. 613…Muhammad, begins preaching Islam publicly in Mecca. 615…Friction with the Quraysh, { The Pagan Arabs of Mecca } causes some Muslims to leave Arabia for Abyssina, Muhammad belonged to this tribe of Pagan’s, but they rejected him because of his Prophet Messages. 619…Khadija, { his first wife and the first Muslim } dies. 619…The Satanic verses incident, according to Islamic history, “ Satan ” not “ Allah ” once actually “ Spoke through Muhammad’s Mouth.” The verses that the “ Devil ” gave to him as “ The Prophet of Islam ” have been known thereafter as “ The Satanic Verses ” 619…Muhammad, { at 49 years-of-age, Marries a SIX-YEAR-OLD-GIRL named, Aisha. 620…The Night Journey…..Muhammad claims he was carried off to Paradise and has meet the other Prophets. 622…The Hijra, Muhammad and his band of Muslims flee to Media. 622…Muhammad, “consummates” his marriage, to the then, NINE-YEAR-OLD GIRL…..Aisha. 624…The Nakhla Raid, { an Arabian town } was where Muhammad and his band of Muslims carried out their first military raid against the Quraysh. This was the beginning of the “Violence” carried out and executed in the name of “ Islam ”. 624…The Battle of Badr. { an Arabian town about 80 miles fro Mecca } Muhammad and his band of Muslim overcame great odds to defeat the “ Pagan Meccans “. 624…Muhammad and his band of Muslims, besieged the Jewish Qaynuqa Tribe and exiled them from Medina. { this was the “ First ” major attack by Muslims on the Jewish people, 1,383 years-ago } 625…The Battle of Uhud, The Pagan Meccans defeated Muhammad and his Muslims. { he escaped } 625…The Siege and Exile of the Jewish Nadir Tribe from Medina, by Muhammad and his band of Muslims. { this was the “ Second ” major attack by Muslims on the Jewish people, 1,382 year-ago } 626…The Battle of the Trench, “ The Jewish Qaynuqa Tribe ” betrays Muhammad. 627…Muhammad get “ revenge ” for the betrayal of the Jewish Qaynuqa Tribe and beheads the males and enslaves the women and children. 628…Muhammad, concludes the Treaty of Hudaybiyya with the Pagan Meccans. 629…Muhammad and his band of Muslims, besiege the Khaybar Oasis and “ Exiles ” the Jews. 629…Muhammad, is poisoned at Khaybar by the wife of a man he beheaded. 630…Muhammad and the Muslims, conquer Mecca. 630…Muhammad and the Muslims, prevail in the Battle of Hunayn and conquer Ta’if, Muhammad becomes the “ Master of Arabia ”. 631…The remaining Arabian Tribes outside of Islamic Rule ….. accept Islam. 631…Warfare against the Christians begins, The expedition to Tabuk, an Arabian city that Muhammad led a war against the Byzantines. 632…Muhammad ….. dies in Medina on June the 8th { he was 62 years-old }
Date: Friday June 06, 2008
Time: 13:23:25 -0700
You have nuclear bomb, you have power, you have technology, you have media.. you misquoting, misrepresenting Islam, but yet Islam is fastest growing religion. Why? Allah says """They plot and plan, and Allah too plans; but the best of planners is Allah.""" An article in Reader’s Digest ‘Almanac’, year book 1986, gave the statistics of the increase of percentage of the major religions of the world in half a century from 1934 to 1984. This article also appeared in ‘The Plain Truth’ magazine. At the top was Islam, which increased by 235%, and Christianity had increased only by 47%..... Visit Why Are So Many People Entering Islam-Even After Sept.11?".. Why Are So Many Priests & Preachers Entering ISLAM? http://www.islamtomorrow.com/converts/
Name: Observer
Date: Friday June 13, 2008
Time: 21:42:50 -0700
The angry Islamists who write here are comforted by the fact they don't know their own religion. If they read the Hadiths and the Koran in their own language, they would wake up to sadistic violence and cruelty of this immoral desert bandit who tricked and threatened others to join his cult. Without the fact that Islam's enslaved women can't read, they would be having as few children as any other group in the world. When most Muslim women are educated, Islam will become the world's fastest disappearing religion. The truth has been hidden till now by the fact that over 80% of Muslims are illiterate. (Shameful.)The Internet holds the keys to Islam's demise. When it comes, it will be with a great crash. It is quietly happening in websites like this one. It is only beginning.
Name: to observer
Date: Saturday June 14, 2008
Time: 12:49:07 -0700
well said
Name: babcha
Date: Wednesday June 18, 2008
Time: 17:13:32 -0700
when do we get to the part where killing is unacceptable and we look at each other as brothers not enemies. What we do to eachother we do to ourselves. Look at our devolution in the 21st century-we are regressing and taking the planet with us. PLEASE WAKE UP- THE CREATOR IS WATCHING.
Date: Saturday June 28, 2008
Time: 22:22:42 -0700
dont judge Islam by the people.people do not define Islam.
Name: Regarding the coment above.
Date: Sunday June 29, 2008
Time: 10:19:24 -0700
Your comment "dont judge Islam by the people.people do not define Islam", is a logical statement, so lets judge Islam by it's teachings and not by those who commit crimes in the name of Islam. FIRST AND FOREMOST; any good belief/faith can be distorted by actions that are not supported by a that belief/faith. But here is where Islam fails utterly. The crimes committed in the name of Islam are committed because Islam encourages them: Sura 9-123, 9-111, 9-29, 5-52, 8-40, 7-5, 8-23, 9-5 and many more. In other words, when Muslims rape, murder, steal (plunder), and oppress in the name of Islam (or encourage others to do it), they are not guilty of hypocracy, or misrepresneting Islam, they are guilty of following Islams exact teachings. I'm not even half way thru reading the Quran and I'm already repulsed by it's malicious evil! Additionally, I have made a very obvious observation whenever I read a response written by an angry Muslim who has read one of these articles. I have never seen a Muslim successfuly defend, justify, or refute the violent and cruel Quranic versus and Hadiths many of us use to prove that Islam is an evil ideology. All they do is accuse others of misquoting the verse and then they attack the religious beliefs of others, they don't even try to defend the Quranic verse in question...why??? I believe this is because the ideology of Islam is illogical and completly undefendable using intelligent, honest, rationale thought. Has anyone else noticed this? Has anyone else noticed that during a debate a Muslim will attempt to justify their religion by verbaly attacking the religion of others? You can not prove your beliefs when all you do is attack the beliefs of others, your beliefs/faith must stand on their own merit...if they have any merit, and this is another major failure of Islam!
Name: in the name of ALLAH
Date: Tuesday July 08, 2008
Time: 16:31:59 -0700
used 2 be a confused muslim growing up___A NON-ARAB one___ i never heard of the virgin pleasures until after 9/11. i found the harem whore factory odd enough. But this thing is outrageous/perverted. __and its mainstream arab thought__^^they make better and believable porn comics these days^^