Book Excerpt: 'Escape! From An Arab Marriage' [Author: Cassandra] [20 Dec, 2006]
Challenge to Muslims: Answer These Questions or I Will Apostatize - Potential Apostate [06 May, 2009]
Finding the Courage: Heart-breaking Tale of an American Woman's Encounter with Islam - Free Spirit [03 Apr, 2009]
How an Iraqi Muslimah Left Islam and Embraced Buddhism! - Helen
[03 Apr, 2009]
An Ex-convert's Ordeal: Islam's False Sense of Peace - Almost
Aisha [13 Mar, 2009]
How a Christian Became a Jihadi-minded Muslimah before Seeing the Truth - Jane [13 Mar, 2009]
North Indian Muslimah Leaves Islam and Marries a Jew - Rohana [08 Mar, 2009]
Young Indian Muslimah Leaves Islam for Her Ancestral Faith - Aasma Riaz/Ali Sina [26 Feb, 2009]
Pious Muslima Turns Apostate, Thanks to Ali Sina - Rayhana [16 Feb, 2009]
Pakistani Girl: Ashamed of Ever Being a Muslim - Komal [21 Jan, 2009]
The Evolution of a Muslim Mind - Dr Omar Zia [15 Jan, 2009]
Islam Simplified: A Pile of Stinking Garbage - Dr Omar Zia [02 Jan, 2009]
Articles 2008
Former Catholic Convert to Islam: Study Islam and Leave It - J. J. [21 Nov, 2008]
They Left Islam: Leaving Islam Report, Sept 2008 [09 Sep, 2008]
How a Fanatic Middle-East Muslimah Left the Genocidal Cult of Islam - Pink Angel [17 Aug, 2008]
Leaving the Hate Cult of Islam, Thanks to Tolerant Hinduism, ExMuslim Website - Zainal [14 Aug, 2008]
A Truth That Set Me Free from Islam - Zander [11 Aug, 2008]
Leaving Islam: Questions Never Answered - Amarkhan [26 Jul, 2008]
They Left Islam: Leaving Islam Report, July 2008 [09 Jul, 2008]
A Few Recent Testimonies of Leaving Islam [21 Jun 2008]
Standing up for My 'True Love' for a non-Muslim Man - Sissi Dolls [27 Mar 2008]
Why Muslims suffer in non-Muslim countries? - Fox [21 Mar 2008]
A Muslim’s Way Out of Islam - Hossain Salahuddin/Jamie Glazov [04 Mar 2008]
The Silent Seismic Revolution: Muslims Leaving Islam - Ali [24 Feb 2008]
Articles 2007
My Reasons Why I Quit Islam Forever - Abdullah Qasim [31 Aug, 2007]
My Testimony of Leaving Islam - Shara [09 June, 2007]
My Proud Departure from Islam.. - Yarkii Svet [07 June, 2007]
I Missed a Prayer but Was Not Turned into Stone - Espahani [05 June, 2007]
Devout Muslim Leaves Islam in Weeks - Mr. I [04 June, 2007]
A S Leaves Islam [27 April, 2007]
Bitter and Frustrating Experience with Islam - Hamida [23 May, 2007]
Journey Through Islam: Testimony of Leaving Islam of a Former Convert - Abdul Quddus Shaikh [20 Mar, 2007]
From Islam to Humanism - A New Birth for Me - Raza Pehlavi [16 Mar, 2007]
From Jew-hater to a Jew-lover - Alamgir Hussain [13 Feb, 2007]
How to talk to your family about your apostasy - Ali Sina [13 Feb, 2007]
From Islam-lover to Islamophobe-lover - Dee Anna [07 Feb, 2007]
Apostasy from Islam: The Barak Obama case - Thomas Lifson [19 Jan, 2007]
Ex-Muslim Survey: Why did we leave Islam? - Ex-Muslims [08 Jan, 2007]
Millions of Muslims Converting to Christianity - Salem Voice [05 Jan, 2007]
Articles 2006
Rebirth for me: Story of Leaving Islam of a Saudi Muslim - Saudi Apostate [08 Dec, 2006]
Dr. Yunus is My Messenger, too - Ys. Akram Hosain [03 Nov, 2006]
Dr Yunus' Nobel Prize Win and the Birth of a New Kolema - Abdus Salam [03 Nov, 2006]
To Non Arab Muslims: Islam is a Monkey on Your Back - Newman [31/10/2006]
Islam Made Fool of Us - Omair [17/10/2006]
Flora del Mindanao Left Islam [12/07/2006]
Better late then never ─ An apostate speaks out - Crossedhat [07 July, 2006]
My Experience With Islam - Jahed Ahmed [2003/06/16]
Making of an Unbeliever - Abul Kasem
My Journey to Freedom - Meher Khan [2006/02/25]
This is what made me a freethinker - Imran Hossein
Bewildered to Ali Sina: Thank you for taking me out of the illusion of Islam - Bewildered [2006/05/17]
Why I Left Islam - Khaled Batarfi [2006/04/07]
Unlightened [2006/04/03]
Ex-Muslim preaches "dangers" of Islam Daniel Shayesteh - M. Ferguson Tinsley [2006/04/02]
The Awakening of Saira [2006/03/31]
Would-Be Suicide Bomber Leaves Islam - Mahmood [2006/03/29]
My Testimony of Leaving Islam - Diane [2006/02/14]
My Testimony - Khaled Waleed [ 2006/01/13]
Articles 2005 and before
My Journey to Enlightenment - Asad [2005/12/31]
Musings of a Murtad - Isaac Schrödinger [2005/11/02]
My Apostasy from Islam - Mullah Rock n Roll [2005/10/30]
Jessica's Testimony [2005/10/28]
I Found My Freedom - Hamid [2005/09/15]
Lonely Apostate - Tanjung [2005/09/11]
The Lonely Sobbing of a 16 Year Old Girl - Sweet Sunshine [2005/09/10]
My Awakening ...... - Andrea [2005/07/16]
Confessions of a Former Islamist - Ahmed Awny Shalakamy [2005/05/21]
A Truth Seeker Who Found the Truth [2005/05/10]
Why I Don't Emulate Islam's Prophet Anymore - Divyan [2005/05/03]
Islam Was My Nightmare - Jutta [2005/04/26]
An Untold Love Story - Yagmur Dursun [2005/03/13]
Sabrina's Story - Sabrina Mohammed [2005/03/10]
A Sudanese Apostate - Mohammed Islam [2005/03/03]
My Apostasy - Aisha R.A. [ 2005/03/01]
Young Apostate - Mehdi M. [2005/02/27]
Free At Last - Apostate Success [2005/02/26]
I Think I Left Islam - Latifa R. [2005/02/23]
My Boyfriend Left Islam - Hanna [2005/02/22]
A Jobless Apostate - Hamidah [2005/02/18]
Almost An Apostate - The Agnostic [2005/02/16]
Latifa's Story [2005/01/23]
Apostate - Munira [2005/01/10]
I am a Saudi ex-Muslim - Sahid [2005/01/08]
Why I Became an Apostate - Rasheeda [2005/01/07]
Feeling the Birth Throe - Windfall [2005/01/01]
I Left Islam Too - Syed Ebrahim [2004/12/27]
I am an Apostate Too - Fatik [2004/12/24]
Awakening at Last - M.L. [2004/12/23]
Comment From an Old Apostate - Ali [2004/12/22]
New Apostate - Ilhan [2004/12/22]
From a Dutch Moroccan Apostate - A.H.K. [2004/12/20]
I Decided to Leave Islam - K. K. [2004/12/09]
Fatima's Story [2004/12/06]
Why I Chose a Normal Life - Alkaliel [2004/11/19]
Good-Bye to Islam! - Never a Dhimmi [2004/10/22]
K.A.S. [2004/09/03]
Why I Left Islam - Asif Raza [2004/01/31]
Ahboo [2003/12/04]
Rebecca [2003/11/03]
Logically Knowing Islam - Zaa Brifd [2003/10/27]
Former Muslim [2003/09/15]
Saeed [2003/09/07]
Ampbreia [2003/08/04]
Soy Yo [2003/08/02]
Ben Rukhsana [2003/05/17]
Ismahan Levi [2003/03/17]
Abu Lahab [2003/01/16]
Malaysian Ex-Muslim [2003/01/06]
Aisha S [2003/01/06]
My Release - Simplejoe [2002/10/31]
Ismael [2002/10/31]
My Testimony, Why I am not a Muslim - Parvin Darabi [2002/09/12]
How I Lost My Faith - Fariel [2002/08/23]
American Ex Muslim [2002/08/04]
Got Rid of Islam [2002/06/26]
I Wanted To Believe - Mahavira [2002/06/02]
Z. Ali [2002/05/29]
Say Proudly, "I'm a Kafir" - Shafi H. [2002/05/27]
How I Left Islam - D. [2001/05/22]
Viking Kafira [2001/04/28]
Why I Left Islam - Free Man [2001/04/25]
Why Islam Broke My Heart :-( - Ahmed K. [2001/03/18]
Raza [2001/03/17]
My View of Islam and Why I Left It - Ali Z. [2001/02/08]
Roza [2000/11/23]
A. E. [2000/10/14]
Ex-Muslim Meetups around the world
Testimonies of over 100 ex-Muslims who became Christians
Testimony of a Non-Muslim American - Kit
Why I Remain an Atheist - Shabnam Nadiya
Malaysian Muslim applies to renounce faith
He was born a Malay, carries a Malay name and is registered in his identity card as a Muslim.
Muslims are leaving Islam in Droves
Thousands of Kashmiri Muslims leave Islam.. 200,000 UK Muslims Left Islam...