From Islam-lover to Islamophobe-lover
07 Feb, 2007
- Islam critics of Faithfreedom and like-minded sites have been demonized as racist Islamophobes by Muslims and non-Muslim Islam-sympathizers alike. Here is what one such Islam-sympathizer now says of the Islamophobes:
- I started off full of love and eager to embrace Islam and be embraced by it, I defended it I told the lies it had trained me to tell, I proclaimed Islam is about peace,...
- But I thank you faithfreedom for daring to stand because you are the true heroes of the land!
- Ok, you guys were right all along, I was one of those people, Who really wanted Islam to be good.....I thought you guys at faithfreedom were just hate mongers, Although I recognized you had some valid points, Still I wanted so much for Islam to be good that I fell into its trap and tried to make it good. And yet I noticed my brothers and sisters in Islam, who praised me when I praised Islam, Just as quickly and readily demonized me when I began to question all the lies I was told about Islam...Because you see I knew nothing of Islam nothing at all, Sep 11 was my first introduction to Islam, But I was so eager to love the world right into a better world that when Muslims began telling me Osama was to Islam as the anti-Christ was to Christianity they told me Islam was all about peace and love and that Muhammad was some great prophet of peace. they praised him as though he were pro women, They basically made him into a god......But they did not tell me about his evil actions and when I began to learn of them and wanted to discuss them because I still wanted to believe Islam was good and perhaps there was some good explanation for why Muhammad would commit such evils but I quickly learned that to dare question Muhammad is to be demonized threatened abused etc. And they will see them selves as doing good and so I began to study and learn all the more, after 5 or 6 years of research and trying so hard to prove you all wrong all I have found is that you were right all along.
- I put some of your challenges before my Islamic friends as though they were my own challenges. They could not dispute them. They merely attacked and demonized me instead. The very people I worked so hard to defend became my enemies. As they demonized me, more and more I began to get angry and the more I saw the truth about Islam the angrier I became. I was hurt very, very hurt, afraid, shocked, humiliated.
On one hand they tried to convert people to Islam - tried to convince people that Islam is about love and peace, but never did they show me this alleged love and peace nor did they show this love and peace to anyone else who did not glorify Islam as they did. I started off full of love and eager to embrace Islam and be embraced by it, I defended it I told the lies it had trained me to tell, I proclaimed Islam is about peace, because that’s what they told me, They told me the very word Islam was peace, But they lied. Now I know it means submission, which is the opposite of peace. I did the world no justice when I helped to glorify Islam then. And now because I know the truth the whole truth about Islam and because of all that it has done to me and because of what it has done to believers and disbelievers alike, I hate Islam. By saying this I am often demonized and they see me only with hatred. But they do not understand. I hate Islam because I love humanity. I love the believers and the disbelievers alike and I hate what Islam has done to them, For what it has done to humanity I hate Islam and never again will I defend it never will I submit, I will not bow nor will I submit!
But I thank you faithfreedom for daring to stand because you are the true heroes of the land!
Dear Dee Anna
You are lucky that you do not live in an Islamic country or you would not have had the chance to leave Islam. Millions of the so called Muslims are desperate to leave this cult but they know that they can’t or they would pay with their lives.
Wish you all the best
Ali Sina
>> Continued in Part 2: Why I should hate the atheists, you are the best of people.