Dear Ali Sina (FFI),
I don't know if you will end up
posting my opinion on this forum due to my ethnic origin, but I
will still write to you. I don't know whether to love you or hate
you; on the one hand you've confirmed all my feelings, attitudes,
and suspicions about my own religion. On the other hand I have
been losing a lot of sleep and dazing off a lot. Withdrawal is not
easy and that is what's happening to me.
I was born in a Muslim family; we are
considered moderate, laid back Muslims. I had many things that
happened in my life that have caused me to question my faith, but
I would choose what I thought was right, and moral based on my
humanistic side. As a little girl, I questioned many issues in
regards to my faith, it was my mother who I idolized and believed
almost every word that came out of her mouth (I even believed that
there was no such thing as sex! LOL! Simply because when I
approached her she said the girls talking about it during recess
were liars. By the way I was around 8yrs old when that happened.
I can only say that innocence and
ignorance are bliss for children, and I was one of them. Anyway,
while growing up in the
, I was living a normal life, going to school, playing with
friends, etc. But my mother was always unhappy due to marital
issues. I did not know what was going on at the time and continued
in my childhood ways. Close to that time, my father decided to go
back to our country of origin. I grew up part of my life in the
states and partly in the
West Bank . Now, I don't know if
your going to discriminate against me because of that, but, I
really need to let you and others know about my story, since I
hear a lot of negative comments about Palestinians on this forum,
and that's who I am I can't change it.
I had a wonderful time growing up
there, up until the first uprising or Intifadah. I went to a
Christian private school and had both Christian and Muslim
friends. The school I went to was American, so we had an American
education, and were split up once a week for religion class.
Muslims were taught Islam and Christians, Christianity. I thought
that was good, but having a religious mother, she complained about
having religion class once a week.
My mother decided to cover her hair
when we went back, even though Palestinians at the time were not
too "religious". Many young women did not cover, and no one
bothered them, but as usual you had to follow what your fathers
and brothers said. I thought my mom was beautiful before and after
she covered, she had long straight dark hair and had light
complexion with features prettier than models in the latest
fashion magazines. Even till this day we show her old pictures of
her in the states and she says "Allah has guided me to the right
path" (by covering up is what she means for people who are not
accustomed to hearing this phrase). My mom also became a devout
Muslim. She hardly listened to music, and constantly listened to
sermons on TV and radio. She would invite me to listen and I did
sometimes. I don't remember the parts about killing or any of that
violence, the issues that were really focused on were following
the five pillars, and wearing hijab.
When I was around 14 years, hell broke
loose in Palestine and the first uprising happened. Now, that I
will never forget because being Palestinian in an Israeli state
meant that you were second hand citizen. I am not saying this
because I hate Jews, but because I seen it first hand. The first
uprising happened because the Palestinians revolted against an
unjust and inhumane killing of several Palestinian workers waiting
for transportation home to the West Bank. These men were simply
waiting for a ride home when several Israeli soldiers decided to
literally blow their brains out, just for fun. You know that we
are considered less than human in their eyes, therefore killing us
is justified in their belief. The men who were killed were unarmed
civilians, and I want you to keep it in mind, since I have read
many negative things about my people. Teenagers and young people
took out to the streets to demonstrate the brutality of the
incident and of the Israeli occupation. It is not a walk in the
park to be discriminated against, humiliated, and to live in fear.
This is how we lived being Palestinian, the only difference, of
shall say preferential treatment we got was when we showed our
American passport. Now what do you call that? I am not writing to
tell you that I support the suicide killings that go on there, but
when people are in a constant state of mind trying to survive in
an extremely terrified state; their psychological state is not
good or stable. So who comes in preying on their vulnerable state
of mind,... you guessed it, the radicals. The argument here is
that they, the Israelis are killing us with sophisticated weapons
and we only have stones and man made bombs, and people who are
willing to die for the cause of freedom.
I know that you understand how it
feels to walk down a street and not know whether you will get shot
or kidnapped, but that is how I and many young people felt while
we were just trying to get a decent education, and by the way, we
missed out on many school days because the Israelis imposed
curfews on us and beat our students senselessly in the streets.
The Israelis have a great democracy indeed, but only if you are
Jewish. So please don't tell me that the Israelis are all
innocent. Did you know that radical Jews call for the expulsion
and mass killing of all Arabs and Muslims? What do you think of
This to you Ali Sina may not be
important, but we all as human beings deserve to have rights. All
I'm trying to let you know is that don't say that the Israelis are
completely innocent. There are good and bad people everywhere you
Enough of politics and on with the
religion part. By now you may not want to read on any more since
you found out my place of origin, even though I am very proud to
be American.
My mother used to lecture me about
being a good Muslim girl and covering my hair. I was shocked when
she yelled at me for not covering my hair, just out of the
nowhere. The thing that shocked me was that I was already planning
on doing that without the yelling, just when I was a little bit
older, say 15 years. Well it did not take me long to put it on
after that incident because my Mom was my idol, my god, but I did
not know at the time because being a real Muslim you should submit
only to God and not idolize any one but Him. I was delusionally
happy doing the hijab thing because I was following what God
commanded me to do. My friends asked me if my father forced me to
wear it and it upset me every time someone did because he did not.
I was close to 16 years when my dad
was not permitted entrance back to the West Bank because he was
American. Being Palestinian is the reason why he was not allowed
back. "It is not your country," when in fact he was born in
Jerusalem and he paid a lot of money to try getting the Israeli
citizenship, but always was denied by the Israeli authorities. My
father is not a man to resort to violence in any way against the
Israelis and my grandfather always hopes for peace one day in the
When this happened, we went back to
the states, the only place right now I feel at home, since I was
devastated as a teenager to be kicked out of my beloved Palestine.
I was enrolled in an all girls school, which I was grateful was
Islamic because I had hijab on and did not want to be made fun of
in a public school. Prejudice and acts of violence by Americans,
yes, Americans during the first Gulf war, and Arab students were
the targets in the public schools in this major city we lived in.
We heard everything from racial slurs to "go back to your country
you fudging Arabs" to women with hijab on getting attacked. This
filled my heart with fear and made me angry at these acts of
violence in a country where rights are supposed to be protected
and religious freedom is permitted.
While getting my high school education
at this Islamic school, we were never taught that killing was
right and all the sorts of violence you brought up, except for the
usual historical battles that the prophet fought against the
kuffar, the teachers mainly enforced the concept of modesty and
covering, which I many times got fed up with but followed because
I wanted to please God.
I got married to my fianc" at the
time, straight out of high school; he was a couple of years older
than me and had a business degree. I came from a big family and
wanted to be on my own too soon. The good part was that I was in
love with the man, if that is what you call it because now I feel
that I was not prepared for the responsibilities of marriage at
such a young age. He was not a good Muslim because he did not pray
five times a day and that I was taught is the back bone to being
I started to question a lot of things
about my faith, yet my belief in God was strong. I did not like my
hijab. I got lots of compliments on how beautiful my face was
almost all the time. I even had non-Muslim guys ask me out, but I
would just laugh about it and tell them I was married. I voiced my
disapproval of hijab to my mother many times, and she would tell
me that life is a test and that Muslims are not on this earth
to be happy. On the contrary, we should be miserable because
hell is a reality, and we are sinners and should watch our every
action in order to please God. This notion saddened me many times,
if not on a daily basis. I did not want to wear my hijab and I had
many issues with hadiths which sickened me to my stomach, so I put
the hadith books away never to look at them again. Now, I still
had the Quran, which is the "truth", so I would read it, and when
there were parts about cutting people's hands off and other acts
of violence, I would think of them as non-standard for our times
but acceptable back then. I still think rapists and murderers
should be killed, but not without a trial.
As the years went by, my questioning
of my faith and its teachings grew more intense, and I fell into a
depression, finally I took off my head scarf and knew that my good
Muslimah image was shattered because that is the only reason why I
kept it on. Yes people, I did not want to face criticism from
loved ones, as well as other Muslims I'd known. I knew how harsh
they were when judging women who did that. I finally came to the
conclusion that I don't need to impress anyone but myself, and
that you don't need a head scarf to be a good Muslim. My
depression intensified after I took it off and I needed to see a
psychiatrist, but I could not tell her why I felt the way I did
because I did not want the image of Islam to be tarnished. I did
not go back to her. That was very naive of me. If I did the same
thing as you did Ali Sina, I would have seen the truth. Your long
version of your story about being Muslim made me relate
tremendously to you. That ideal Islam was all that I was aiming
for. Many people I met when I was in college as well as professors
were impressed and charmed by my attitude and "stylish" clothing
even though I had a scarf on my head. I voiced my opinions openly,
when the stereotype was that Muslim women are not to be heard or
speak. I was proud of myself for being verbally expressive, but at
the same time I was eating myself up inside because I did not
believe in what I was wearing over my quite attractive hair. I
truly believe in being a good person and doing to others as you
would like done to yourself. This is one of the teachings we are
taught to do as Muslims, but I see nothing but hypocrisy from us
to each other. I also found out that non-Muslims do the same
thing, example-back biting, and I concluded it is human nature to
be like that.
The first time I heard that Muhammed
married a nine year old girl when he was an old man, I questioned
that, I asked my mom-idol, and she said that the prophet is like
no other man and that he could do that because he was different, "special". This was when I was a little girl, my young mind still
could not accept it, but because the prophet is the prophet, you
just nod your head, since you will get criticized if you question
his actions. You are only taught about his kindness to people, in
particular women. But when I questioned why we had to be so
obedient to men, I would get different answers.
-You only should be obedient when he
is asking you for something that God asked you to do. For Example-
there's a hadeeth that says if a woman withholds sex from her
husband that the angels will curse her until morning. This hadeeth
enraged me! I would call my mom and tell her that it is definitely
a fake hadeeth because the prophet would never say such a thing.
My mom would dismiss my feelings and ask for forgiveness for me,
which made me even angrier. I was outright enraged when I went to
one of the Friday sermons and heard the imam talk about this sort
of non-sense. I called him all sorts of names and my friends said
that he was not that bad. What a stupid excuse!
I do not believe these are the teachings of God!
Several days ago I was just searching
online, since I am always trying to find answers, and I ran across
your website. I read your story and I was touched. I even cried,
all the symptoms of withdrawal from Islam are showing up in me. I
feel numb and yet at times I don't know what to do. I have a son,
and his name is Jihad, I don't even know if I want you to post
this piece of information about me, because it is so sensitive to
me. I named him simply because I thought the name was strong, "striving to do what is right and not doing what's wrong". I was
taught that when I was growing up. It did not mean violence to me,
not at all. Keep in mind I had my son as a teenager, and did not
think the name out enough, but was convinced that this should be
my baby's name. My son likes his name, I ask him if he would like
to change it, and he refuses. I don't know what to do.
I don't want to follow the wrong
teachings of Islam, but I have not told anyone about this except
to you. This could kill my dear mom and dad. I am their oldest
child, their pride and joy. They tell me how proud they are of me.
That brings me joy, so I will not let them know. If you ask me to
let them know I can not do that because I will not crush them. I
will simply lead a secular life, and not raise my children
according to the teachings I was taught as a moderate Muslim. To
be honest with you I don't know how that is going to go along, but
I will take it one step at a time.
I can go on and on about many things
that I want to talk to you about, but in conclusion, I want to
thank you and the others for taking me out of the illusion of
Islam that I was living.
- Bewildered
See Ali Sina's comments
Used with permission from Faith Freedom