First of all, is it necessary to say something
about me? I don't like to remember my bitter past when I
was a prestigious Muslim.
Like any typical ignorant Muslim, I was very much Islam-oriented.
... A man who couldn't tolerate any brickbat on his beliefs
and learned to be suspicious and prejudicial on critics and criticism.
. I suspended all allegations brought by critics with much contempt
and disdain. I too believed Islam's prophet is a man of
exalted morals, I am taught to live like him, to love him., to
walk on this earth like he did. All those were acceptable until
I learned to doubt and began to look upon things differently.
I learned history from an Islamic perspective,
but after the completion, a simple thought provoked me to see,
how could this same story be if I rewrite it in a lost pagan's
I think it was the beginning of my enlightenment. I refused to
play the part of a victim any more and a lot of courage was needed
for the purpose.
I don't exactly remember what wrote
doubt in my mind. May be it is Lord Buddha and his teachings or
a glance at Jesus and his sufferings.
I learned look unto my own inner self through
Buddha. Then quite shockingly I realized my beloved prophet is
a misfit. He failed to show me anything other than the dark side
of human nature.
Those who trumpet the greatness of Islam's prophet have
a responsibility to prove it by referring him and his life. Is
there any lesson of mercy in Islam's prophet that can be
compared with what Jesus showed to his executioners even in excruciating
pain of crucifixion? Where is the moral of renunciation in him
when we have Lord Buddha as a role model of ultimate renunciation?
Muslims are quite eloquent on familial values and keen to find
fault with others especially west. I challenge any Muslim to show
me any virtue in their prophet's familial life that can
be blindly followed!
I left this prophet and his teachings, but this is not a praiseworthy
act, when in fact I should be ashamed of being a part of this
cult at least for quite some period of my life in the past. A
repentance and apology is due. So let me try my best. I will be
an active member of this forum and contribute what I can to end
this stupidity.
I dedicate this testimony to the whole of
suffering humanity; I dedicate this to those innocent kids massacred
in Beslan. Shame on you Muslim, you still taste their blood sweet.!
Used with
permission from Faith