How a Fanatic Middle-East Muslimah Left the Genocidal Cult of Islam
17 Aug, 2008
I am a 20 year old female from a country in the Gulf. My journey of discovery began when I was 18 and a 1/2. I used to be very religious, extremely fanatic about Islam, even hating Jews to the core. I was someone whom if I looked at Today, I would be disgusted from. This all changed when I first took my philosophy class. I was the youngest in the class, the rest were all seniors and I amazed my professor with my ability to question and criticize dogmatic beliefs that I’ve been induced to believe since I hit puberty, perhaps before.
- I began to question. I began to open my eyes slowly. But, before I finally freed myself from these prisoning beliefs, I had a very hard time. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I thought I was doing something very haram. I thought I purchased a straight-path ticket to hell. It was very hard and difficult for me. More so with my age.
I came up with this conclusion. That Islam is not faith. Islam is an organized religion. An ages-old institution that has become so deeply rooted in our daily lives that we dare not question that institution. We took many things for granted. A certain man called Mohammed, whom I used to love very deeply, is this perfect, infallible, unimpeachable man. The Koran is this unquestioning source of true authority, the authority of "Allah". Really? My belief is that the Koran was written by people, namely, men. Its tone is weirdly and coincidently patriarchal, genocidal, always inviting people to avenge and revenge, and contains some, if not many misogynistic verses. I really do not know what to say.
There are a lot of words that I would like to tell people who might read faithfreedom, but sometimes, experiences, especially life-changing ones cannot be written in a single e-mail, perhaps not in a million e-mails. It is something so strong. So strong that you get destroyed when you find out that 18 years of your life has been based on a big lie. You have to get destroyed before you finally feel free. And I feel free today. I don't have to believe in stupid and foolish beliefs like Satan, Angels, heaven and hell. I believed them so long.
Lastly, I would like to say that Islam is not a religion of peace. Take these words from an ex-Muslim who used to be an avid Muslim. Islam and Muslims are trying to put on a facade of peace. But deep down, it is a hateful religion. Just like Christianity. Didn't Christians burn heretics at the stake? Don't they believe that they are the chosen people of God, like the Jews? Well the same goes to Muslims. They believe they are god's chosen people. They feel that anybody who doesn't convert to their religion, or die a "kaffir" is going straight to hell. It’s just the same 'ole game that the Three Abrahamic religions have been playing. They all play the same tune.
Today I am a secular humanist, a freethinker. I don't drink, I don't have pre-marital sex, I am quite conservative, but not in the Islamic way. I just like to be a clean person who is not religious. A person who questions and thinks critically. Its hard being me, because I am in a society where foolish beliefs are the norm, but I’d rather be me than be a religious person. That is final.
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Name: Married to a Muslim
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 19:40:50 -0700
I have been reading essays on this site for a couple of weeks. I am hoping that one day my husband will be an author here as well. I am a Christian and I disagree that Christianity also throws a wool over the eyes of christians. I've questioned and researched the divinity of Jesus and an open-minded to thoeries - this is notthe case in Islam. Christians are freethinkers. Any way, when I met my husband he told me that his foster parents were Muslims and they would take him to the mosque to pray. When he left their house and joined the armed forces he stopped practicing. He painted the picture of him not being a Muslim and told me his real family are catholics. When I became pregnant I found out that he was a Muslim because he was secretly practicing. I questioned him about it and he admitted that he was and said that he told me but I wasn't listening. I wanted to break things off but I was in love and two months pregnant. I told him we can be together so long as I raise our child as a christain. He agreed and we married four months later. It's been a year now and before be was off and on with the practice which only consisted of praying whenever he remembered and every now and then went to the mosque. For the past two months he has taken up the practice on a whole new level.He stated growing a beard, he has beenspending more time with his muslim "foster father" - the man who indoctrinated him. He has muslim books and cd's spread out all over the house, he wants to go to hajj which we cannot afford but made the decision to close out saving accounts and make reservations to go without even discussing it with me first. He discussed it with his foster father first. Our marriage is experiencing a low point and he has told me that he loves me but is not in love with me. I told him that I don't want to give up on our marriage so easily especial for the sake of our child. He told me that if I were a Muslim it would make things easier. He has taken me to a Muslim question and answer session - he wants me to convert but denies that he is trying to do that. No man will ever separate me from the love of Jesus. He was suppose to finish school and earn his bachlors, now he's telling me instead he wants to take some Islam course. I asked him about the BA he wanted so badly and he said it won't be of much use to him career wise anyway. I've been reading a lot on Islam and I want to understand it so that I can free him from it but he doesn't want to entertain any negative things I have to say about Mohammed or the religion as a whole. He hangs on the words of the foster father and a particular iman. I am open to any suggestions that anyone might have to help me save my husband and marriage. I guess I was nieve in thinking that an Christian-Muslim marriage could work.
Name: DEV: Disclaimer: It’s just a view, I am not claiming anything, people decide by themselves!
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 20:06:52 -0700
Before I used to believe that all people got same world view but after coming in contact with Muslims and christens I found that everyone is at different level of conscious and our horizon keep on increasing as we go higher with our knowledge and understanding. It is something like a rat in the jungle may think that world ends at the river because he is always on the ground and cannot see the other end of river, a monkey who jumps up and down the trees can see significantly long distances in every direction and may conclude that world in every direction goes to infinity. An eagle that flies to great heights can observe the curvature of earth and may conclude that earth is spherical. This may lead to fight in case when these animals want to prove who is right because everybody has seen the believable reality from his perspective.
Name: DEV
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 20:07:15 -0700
Many times I have dreams about my future which came true, so the question came to my mind is how this can happen? How can I see things which haven’t happened yet? I believe in science and logic because I think no game is possible without rules, so their must be some underline science or reason working on it. After lot of thinking the only conclusion which I can come up with was that, may be I have lived this life before and the phenomenon may be like watching a movie after many years, you don’t remember every scene but as you are watching suddenly you know what’s going to happen next. Similarly God may be playing a movie of evolution, which may not be going straight as scientist thinks but in fact going like a coil in solenoid, in which turning events in human history are almost parallel to last cycle but each loop is so long that when these events happen again, there is no physical or intelligent evidence left that these happened before. When man dies the hard memory of brain is destroyed, but some emotional evidence of what the person been through, may survive as emotional memory of sprit. Something like when you rub of the blackboard, some words which were hard pressed may still be readable as impressions left on the blackboard. When the sprit again gains body, sometimes the brain may be able to read in reverse from these left over impressions on the sprit and causes us to know some events in advance.
Name: DEV
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 20:07:45 -0700
By following the coil like approach to evolution, God can stay conservative, because in each new cycle he is free to make almost negligible changes, where as if its going straight and shit happens, then there is no way to reverse it, have to again start from scratch. Also by keeping one loop too long, God can give the impression to people as if new things are happening, because people will be bored to watch the same movie again and again. God save the seed for people like Allah, because to be fair, God has to give lower life forms an opportunity to exist as human when its due, because they also needed to be rewarded for their efforts as animals and thus be given an opportunity to go higher in ladder of evolution. This also tests the stability of human conscious and the ways in which a Satan can manipulate it and bring a monster out of people. This help God find ways to improve on human programming and evolution but God is not all about testing, and providing opportunity to lower life forms it’s also about saving and protecting the higher sprits as well. So God also saves the seed for people like Jesus, who will act as antivirus and minimize the damage to system, and to be a good antivirus, Christianity should share some characteristics with virus.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 21:35:27 -0700
Welcome to the former moslimah to the loving,caring,humanistic,liberal,progressive, thinking world based on reason,kindness and compassion. i have a definite feeling, despite you disown and renounce the satanic, brutal,cruel,evil ,hatefilled cult called ISLAM, still you did not have the real magnitude or depth understanding to know how cruel, how savage, how bloodthirsty, how fascist, how much hate, poison ISLAM has, how dark ISLAM is - this is perhaps you learned to live with this POISON called ISLAM for 20 yrs. A simple reading of QQURRAN , ISLAMIC books, behaviour of Moslem men/women, and study of the ISLAMIC societies , regimes, observation of ISLAMIC customs,traditions, will make any civilized person - young and old- sick to the stomach. It is really a blot on human civilization that ISLAM still exists and rules over vast population in 21 st century !!!!!!! Let every civilized person do their bit to eradicate this extremely hateful and poisonous cult ISLAM.
Name: Bob Richardson
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 23:19:55 -0700
I agree that One who preaches to kill others for not believing is definitely wrong 100%, he is not a follower of God. To, let the person decide whether they want to follow a religion is left to him/her to decide that. Islam does not entertain gay Marriages as God forbided it. The punishment for that is Aids. However you can transmit the deadly decease without been Gay too. Sadly some who are not gay also have suffered because of the existence of this dreadful disease. The Revelation of the Quran was in stages. Why should a Muslim worry if anyone does not follow his religion as a Muslim knows that if any follows his religion he benefits while any who doesn’t has to deal with his/her destiny. Tell me where in the Quran does it say that all mankind MUST follow Islam? The Quran states if you follow Islam you are in the right track. During the time when the Church were dominating Europe, Great scientist were killed for there research in to science.. If Jesus preached non violence then why did the church kill great scientist at that time. Islam encouraged learning. The prophet Mohammad stated” the ink of a scholar is mightier than the sword of a mitr” So why make a big cry that Islam spread by Killing. How many times, it has to be reminded that killing is permitted only in self defense and/or for rooting out oppression. Who were those followers who wanted Jesus christ Dead? Why did they want him dead? You think you can blame Islam and get away. If so, you all are sadly mistaken. Just because some nut who doesn’t not believe in god, kills people in the name of his religion can you blame his religion for that? You forgot people have admitted that, they no longer visit church's, they only do that to to attend a Wedding or Get married.Most replies from Islam watch use the covert of immigration to make every attempt possible in distorting the Quran. But remember that, in the past too people tried in distorting God message, in the end they were the losers.
Name: TSammen
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 23:40:18 -0700
Pink Angel wrote that Christianity is a "hateful" religion. She also wrote: "Didn't Christians burn heretics at the stake? Don't they believe that they are the chosen people of God, like the Jews? Well the same goes to Muslims." Pink Angel is confusing Catholicism from the Middle Ages with Christianity. Roman Catholicism was and is not necessarily Christian because of idol worship and other problems. Roman Catholics burned some people at the stake, including Christians who disagreed with the tenets of Catholicism. There are some Roman Catholics who have studied the Bible for themselves and accepted Jesus as their Savior and have stayed in the church to pray for others....The Bible actually says that the Jews are God's chosen people, and Christians are grafted into that spiritual vine. The Bible is also very clear that hatred is not acceptable, especially in the New Testament. "You shall know [Christians] by their love," reads one Bible verse. Jesus himself said, the night before he was arrested, "I give you a new commandment: love one another."....Pink Angel, please read a Bible--start with the book of John in the New Testament--instead of quoting lies by people filled with hatred for a religion they know nothing about. The truth is, you still sound filled with hatred yourself. Or maybe it's disillusionment mixed with a sense of powerlessness since you may be surrounded by militant Islamists in your daily life. You didn't say.
Name: TSammen
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 23:58:34 -0700
Pink Angel, please read a Bible--start with the book of John in the New Testament--instead of quoting lies by people filled with hatred for a religion (Christianity) they know nothing about. You still don't sound as if you've found peace....You're confusing Roman Catholicism from the Middle Ages with Christianity. Roman Catholicism is not necessarily Christian because of idol worship and other problems. Roman Catholics did burn people at the stake, including Christians who disagreed with their religion. Some Roman Catholics who have studied the Bible for themselves and accepted Jesus as their Savior have stayed in the church to pray for others....The Bible is very clear that hatred is not acceptable, especially in the New Testament. "They shall know [Christians] by their love," reads one Bible verse. Jesus himself said "I give you a new commandment: love one another." Previously, revenge was a big factor in people's tribal lives (read the Old Testament). However, since Jesus, loving one's enemy is preached; but that doesn't take away the right to protect one's family and friends from invaders.
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 01:21:08 -0700
YOU WOULD BE DOING YOURSELF AND YOUR LITTLE CHILD A FAVOR BY LEAVING THIS MAN BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE. MANY WOMEN WHO HAVE MARRIED MUSLIMS HAVE FOUND THEMSELVES TRAPPED IN A NIGHTMARE THEY CANNOT LEAVE.(ever see the movie:"Not Without my daughter?"That is NOT an isolated case! Even in the movie they tell of thousands of women who have married muslims who make their way to the mid-east and become trapped and unable to escape in a man's sadistic world. You mentioned that your husband says he is not in love with you: do you really want to live the rest of your life with someone who is not in love with you? And, do you want your child raised with that as well? No, get away from this man while you can and find a non-muslim man who will respect you and be in love with who you are! Remember, in islam the husband can beat his wife if "he fears rebellion in her"(sura 4:34) and also be made to be confined to her room as long as he thinks she should be! Mohammed himself called a woman "a toy." Don't be treated like one! Get away from this man while you still can! Otherwise, when it is too late, you WILL be sorry you didn't!
Name: Hahaha indian mujahudeen (Fake face of SIMI ) is out. They have got trapped themselves
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 01:28:09 -0700
Hahaha indian mujahudeen (Fake face of SIMI ) is out.They have got trapped themselves. Hatsafs to Gujarat police. Now hang the culprits of ahmedabad blasts publickly.Islamists(let piss and cum of all humanity on them) are running fast to dead end. Hahahaha.....
Name: To the woman who asked what she should do
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 01:31:49 -0700
The Bible calls this being "unequally yoked." The tragic mistake many western women have made is marrying a muslim man. Whatever you decide to do,NEVER let him take you back to an islamist country!!! There you will be TRAPPED for the rest of your life!If you value your child, you will get away from this man. Pray for him to accept Christ as Savior. Stay unmarried unless he gets involved with someone else but if he doesn't sincerely convert to Christ, then remain being away from him.
Name: Abrahamic Religions
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 01:38:31 -0700
It is true that the god of the Old Testament is similar to Allah of the Quran. Jahwe as well as Allah are indeed very jealous. But can a god of wisdom be jealous? This sounds very contradictious to me too and I would like to refer to the gnostic branch of early christianity which rejected the Old Testament in general. Gnostics regarded Jahwe as the jealous and hateful Demiurg, who created the world but failed to make his work perfect. In stark contrast to Jahwe, Christ is supposed to be the incarnation of the true but invisible God who does not feel any hate at all and who is calling us to join him. Of course this is an ancient view of all things, however, I am impressed that some ancient people were indeed able to understand that the OT God is too intolerant and cannot be regarded as wise. It is also very interesting that the gnostics had their own interpretation about stories told by OT (and Quran), such as the expulsion from paradise for eating the fruit from the tree of GNOSIS. Btw, today it is still disputed which kind of christianity was the earlier one.
Name: Alfred MacLoghlin
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 03:30:18 -0700
To “Abrahamic Religions”... I don't pretend to have all the answers, but just would like to say three things: 1) the gnosticism is a complex movement that started long before the birth of Christianity but the NT authors who wrote about the life, actions and words of Jesus were very keen to avoid any influx of it’s influence, because in the core they were totally contrary to the nucleus of Jesus revelation; saying this, there’s no doubt that since the moment that the gnosticism became decadent it absorbed some of the emergent Christianity to gain adepts. In fact, the difference in the teachings between the oldest books of the Gnostic movement (prior to the Christian faith) and the newest ones (after to the Christian faith) is amazing and clear, with the last ones clearly testifying the presence of Christians teachings that were absent in the first ones; 2) about the question of God’s jealousy and it’s apparent contradiction with is perfection and wisdom… God, we Christians believe, is essentially love: the one who loves want the object of his love only to him; the One who loves in totally perfection wants that the object of his amazing love turn is heart only to Him. That’s why He is jealous, not because He needs something that He lacks (that would be “envy” –which is never applied to God in the Bible– and not “jealousy”), but because since God, being the perfect wisdom, knows that men’s happiness is only achieved with an honest and effective relation of love and responsibility with him, He doesn’t want that is creature would live an imperfect life putting his heart in other “gods” (money, success, sex, drugs,…): God, Who is love, is only jealous in Love: what is an imperfection for an human, is the most grandiloquent expression of God’s perfection: He is not envy of anything he lacks, but is jealous of men’s love because He wants our happiness which He knows, being the perfect wisdom, that we only can achieve directing our life in His hands… 3) Is the God of the OT different of the one in the NT? Well lets see… is anyone’s father different when one is a child and the prior needs to educate his son sometimes using some physical persuasion to correct some bad behaviour and when one is already a youth and can learn by logical and reasonable explanations? No: the father is the same; his love and desire to explain who he is, is the same; but the way he does so must be adequate to the capacities of learning of his son. It’s the same with God’s pedagogy through the Bible: he accommodates Himself to the abilities of his interlocutors until He could reveal himself is plenitude in Jesus… the problem would be if, afterwards (alter in time), He would need, once again, to limit is revelation to the capacity of someone that didn’t already know about Jesus perfect revelation of Him…
Name: To Married to a muslim
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 05:22:05 -0700
You must ask your husband to have a conversation with someone who understands the difference between islam and christianity and who can show him the difference. Look on the web or go to the evangelicals or someone who knows and recognises the evil that is in islam and who can show the advantages of being a christian. You must reach out to the broader christian community and get their help. There are many knowledgeable people who can help you out but you have to go in search of them. If you dont ask for help and find it your marriage will fail. This man wants you to give up your love for Jesus and become a worshipper of the pagan moon god allah. HE will try to deceive you and maybe even force you and your child to become muslim. He may even abduct the child and run back to an islamic country. You have to pray for guidance. In the US and europe there are great preachers like Joel Osteen, Pat robertson, etc. You must get in touch with them and get their advice. On your own you will be fighting a loosing battle. My best advice is to go to a good pastor and ask him for his help. Pray to Jesus and you will get the guidance and strenghth to see this through. The fact that your husband denied his muslim background is not a good sign. You will see this through only if you keep praying to Jesus and stick close to a devout christian community.
Name: To Married to a muslim
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 05:36:11 -0700
You do not have to look any further sister. Find out about a preacher named Ahmad Didat, he has conducted many debates with Christian scholars and everything you could think of has been discussed in these debated. You can find lots of this material on the web for downloads. It is amazing how this man proved that Islam respects and honors Jesses more than any religion including Christianity.
Name: To Pink Angel
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 05:40:42 -0700
Congratulations on leaving islam. However your dissapointment and bitterness about islam has clouded your thinking against all religions including christianity. I can assure that Jesus unlike muhamed never preached hatred of anyone. Here is one of his sayings Matthew 5:43"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor[h] and hate your enemy.' 44But I tell you: Love your enemies[i] and pray for those who persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." BUT i cannot deny that you have shown courage in renouncing islam. You must be careful because if you live in a muslim community youe life is in danger if they find you have renounced islam. I hope and pray that you will have the best which life has to offer. Wish you all happiness and peace. (P.S if things dont worl out for you in your present location, see if you can settle in a non muslim country)
Name: Ian
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 05:59:16 -0700
I would just like to comment on: 'I don't drink, I don't have pre-marital sex, I am quite conservative, but not in the Islamic way. ' Like you I was brought up with a religion, in my case Catholism. I also abandoned it when I was about your age . However, I remained anti-abortion even though I had completely abandoned Catholism and Christianity. It wasn't until I was 22 that I came to realise that it is the woman who is best suited to make the decision and believed in a woman's right to chose. I am not saying that drinking etc is right, but rather that it is common for conservative ideas to remain for some time after leaving a conservative religion. This upholding of conservative ideas is the great 'gift' that religion gives to the powerful and rich in society. Freethinking humanists often find themselves opposing such conservatism.
Name: To the Christian wife married to Muslim from a Hindu friend.
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 07:05:28 -0700
Islam dictates full submission of the follwers viz Muslims. I think your Husband is in the process of making a die-hard Muslim. They cant be argued and won. Because they think that Islam is the only true religion in the world and the whole humanity has to submit their false-God Allah and fake messenger Mohammed. You have to revolt., Think your brains and resources to convert him out of this Islam fold., You separate from him annd even try to divorce and pursue vigorously to your religion. Muslims do not know the power of love. But they understand the power of force. You pressurise him, eveb blackmail him telling that if he want to live with you he has to convert to Christianity. No discussion, no theories. No lecturing, nothing doing. Of he wants you and your child the fisrt condition is that he has to leave Islam. Be bold. If yoyr God is real He will find you the way. You knock and the doors shall be opened. Wish you all the best, and happy future., from a Hindu friend.
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 11:24:43 -0700
Name: To: married to a Muslim From: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 11:39:44 -0700
Greetings sister.. Just buy him for a birthday gift brother Ali Sina'a book about Muhammad. Its a great book and his style of writing is wonderful. You can get the book if you go to :Faith Freedom International" web site: Peace to all
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 12:08:03 -0700
Name: Ananda
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 12:22:17 -0700
Comment --- SAUDI ARABIA: FATHER KILLS CHRISTIAN CONVERT DAUGHTER --- (ANSAmed) - DUBAI, AUGUST 13 - A Saudi man, member of the Commission for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, has killed his daughter for converting to Christianity, the Gulf News daily reported, without providing details on the identity of the main characters in the case. Sources close to the victim said that the man had cut the tongue of his daughter and set her on fire following a heated debate on religion, the newspaper published in Dubai writes. The brother of the victim found in the woman's computer some articles on Christianity she had written on various blogs and regional websites under a nickname and the symbol of the cross. That discovery made her family life unbearable, the woman wrote on the 'Al Ukdoud' website a few days before her death. According to a testimony of a friend of the victim reported by the 'Free Copts' website, the father is arrested by the police and investigation has started against him for an "honour crime". The honour crimes, perpetrated by a male member of the family against a woman of the same clan to "wipe out the shame of the dishonour" from her indecorous behaviour, are generally punished with mild sentences ranging between six months and three years in jail. (ANSAmed).
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 16:35:11 -0700
Name: About gnostics
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 17:39:20 -0700
Gnostics tried to appropriate Jesus teaching for their own agenda. They were the ones who created a lot of false gospels and spread stories about Christ. They are not to be believed. They beplieved in sexual permissiveness and they tried to show that JEsus approved of such things. Nothing is further from the truth. These are wolves in sheeps clothing. Deceivers who tried to hijack christianity for their own wicked purposes.
Name: Re: About gnostics
Date: Monday August 18, 2008
Time: 00:12:56 -0700
Your allegations are proved untrue. The gnostics were strongly against any kind of sexual permissivity, they were just the opposite. Gnostics were ascets, many of them monks. No, you are only reproducing the stupid propaganda by the mainstream church. Moreover, the question to whom christ belongs is not easy to answer. Everybody tries to make use of him, christians, gnostics, muslims and even hindus. There are even buddhists in Japan who claim that Maria was similar to Canon - but this is a different story.
Name: Hore from Nigeria
Date: Monday August 18, 2008
Time: 01:32:01 -0700
I say congratulation my dear young girl from the Gulf Stat for freeing yourself from the cult religion called Islam. There is though truth in the true Abhamic Faith which you need to know to really be freed to serve the true and the Living God. Pharaoh King of Egypt testified that He was the True God, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon testified that there was no God like the God of the Jews , 400 prophets of baar could not bring down the fire of sacrifice from heaven, but a single true of the God of Abraham did. He is the true God Almighty and He wants to save you so will not only be a humanist but have a true faith that will take you to Heaven I if you want to know that God truly email me on
Name: Repeat
Date: Monday August 18, 2008
Time: 04:11:13 -0700
In short, Islam is intolerant of false ideas, however it is tolerant of the people who hold to those ideas. One historical example of Muslims living up to the standard of Islam can be found from the time of the Spanish Inquisition. During that disaster sprung by misguided Catholics, some Spanish Jews fled to Muslim Turkey and to this day, there is a community of Spanish-speaking Jews in Turkey. Another example may be found during one of the Crusader invasions from Western Europe. Some of the the Catholic Western European knights were so likely to rape, murder, and pillage the Jews and Orthodox Christians, that when the Muslims won, they were treated as a liberating force by those non-Muslims. [2:136] Say (O Muslims): We believe in Allah and that which is revealed to us and that which was revealed to Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we have surrendered. " I can totally see this happening in my country Malaysia. Malaysia has touted itself as a model of progressive Islamic success when in fact it's economic strength is largely built on the backs of its non-Muslim population where by equal opportunities exist to all races. "Over time, however, as discrimination and persecution resulted to Muslims and the influence of Islam decreased as the percentage of Muslims in the society were forceibily converted or exterminated, the Islamic world declined" That's happening in North Africa too! Most countries who kept religious books as their sole guide normally kept women in much lesser positions and rampant abuses of peoples occured. Gaining education and updating continually is integral. Human rights issues are world over, especially for women and children. Even in America and other places this is still an issue regarding abuses of women and children. Islam should not feel targeted when people noted that they were having severe problems.
Name: caleb singh
Date: Monday August 18, 2008
Time: 05:38:07 -0700
the root of the problem lies in islamic intolerance of other cultures and civilization to a mohemmedan islam stands first and all other identities are secondary .truth be told it is not only palestine see the problems in kashmir, checnya phillipnes, nigeria, china and thailand. even if palestine is handed back to the mohammedans they will not stop their goal is world domination their philosophy is murder ,pillage,and plunder what more can you expect when their satanic prophets philosophy is i was made victorious by terror the mohammedans have lot to learn to be civilised and tolerant of others cultures and religions
Name: Married to a Muslim
Date: Monday August 18, 2008
Time: 09:47:21 -0700
Leave the stupid basterd. You are now a domestic animal to him. He will be just as happy to have sex with sheep or young boys. With luck one of his whacked out friends will see him married to an infidel and kill him.
Name: tanstaafl
Date: Monday August 18, 2008
Time: 12:07:16 -0700
Welcome! The reward of enlightenment is enlightenment.
Name: imran haider
Date: Tuesday August 19, 2008
Time: 01:40:51 -0700
if this story of yours is true and you realy hail from some islamic gulf country and belong to mainstream islamic family, its just incredible.i myself am a young guy belonging to a very relegious family and have had a same sceptic mind about islam through a long and intimate exposure to it on my own merits.but equally i would say all ibrahamic relegions are the false ego alters.i am studing hindu metaphysics very profoundly and i beleive, that hinduisam despite some of its share of blameworthiness, is by far the better script of life,provided it is purged of some anomilies.but if it is reformed it is the real answer to all questions of life and deathe and is a wonderfull blueprint for the whole mankind. but if i profess it in my environs i would be put to death without any second thought.anyway i congratulate you on your liberation, but remember one thing, never fall into anything hedlong, even in islam there are many good traits of life but evil traits and psychotic and pathological ignorance and ignomity outweight its beatitudes and wholistically it is a debilitating doctrine. intolerence, hatered, narrow-mindedness, and viceral gut feling get the upper hand and there is great hypocracy underfoot as well.if you reform islam and quran then whole doctrine of islam as handed down by muhammad collapse and if you follow it blindly then if one day some iqusitivenes and independant quest for truth is awakened in your soul, you are bound to lose your faith or else be a genetic hypocrate.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Tuesday August 19, 2008
Time: 14:54:05 -0700
To Imaran Haider : i dont know why you express still some doubt about the nobility, greatness , magnanimity of HINDU DHARMA !!!! It is surprising . That is you are not putting the whole history of religious invasions, expansions, imperialism of ISLAM, enslavement and forcible conversions by ISLAM and christianity. You study the basic values,principles, ethos, philosophy and humanism in HINDU dharma - combine this with the last 1200 yr history of ISLAM and christianity . Then you will find truth. More over you need to live in HINDU culture to understand the nobility of HINDU DHARMA . As long as you observe HINDU dharma with ISLAMIC, CHristian artificial,fake eyes - you will find some doubt or limitation. Actually there is no limitation - Hinduism is not dogmatic. Hinduism is not fascist. Hinduism is most tolerant. Hinduism is not an organized religion. There is no heirarchy and central authority in HINDUISM. Hinduism does not believe in that GOD favoured some people or some religion . The idea of revelation is itself a repugnant and self serving idea to subjugate ,enslave others. Hinduism doesnot depend on one book . Hinduism doesnot believe in superiority of their God - as do the Moslems and christians believe . Hinduism believe in divinity of every living being that deserve your respect and equality. This most natural idea itself is abominable for ISLAMISTS and christians as they believe nonmoslems-nonchristians are sinners and hell bound and only they have the reservation in heaven as their God reserved it for them !!!!!! In Hinduism spirituality and goodness, belief springs from one's heart and not imposed and dictated or coerced by God as they do in ISLAM and christianity. ISLAMIC God is a terrorist,vengeful and instills fear and enjoys putting people in fire !!!!!!!!!! forever !! so is christianity. In truth - Hinduism is supremely noble and diametrically opposite of artificial,concocted religions - ISLAM and Christianity.
Name: To Kafir - Matthew
Date: Wednesday August 20, 2008
Time: 10:09:30 -0700
That which is evil never progresses. The definition of evil is something which harms. Islam has harmed the whole world, muslims included. It has harmed muslims the most because they are the most backward of all societies. If christianity was evil it would have harmed its followers. But all around you see that the christian countries have progressed much more than other countries. Can you deny that? There is no question of christianity having reformed itself, because the message of jesus is the most peace loving and progressive mesaage ever. The folowers of christ may have to reform themselves but that should be the goal of all religions. To reform, enlighten and correct all humanity.
Name: ananau
Date: Friday August 22, 2008
Time: 15:11:14 -0700
Pinkangel. Muslims never spell the Quran with a K. It is always, always spelled with a Q. Are you sure you were a Muslim?