Leaving the Hate Cult of Islam, Thanks to Tolerant Hinduism, ExMuslim Website
14 Aug, 2008
From faithfreedom.org (FFI)
Hello Dr. Sina (Editor, FFI)
- I am Zainal, a 25 yr old software developer from India. After debating with my conscience for a long time, I finally mustered enough courage to renounce the treacherous path of Islam and live life in a free and fair way. All this was possible thanks to your website and the convincing content.
I realized that Islam is like a fruit which looks round and yummy from outside but when you crack it open, it is simply a hollow circle. That is why no one is permitted to question and debate on some ridiculous practices in Islam.
Actually Islam only thrives on comparison... obsessive comparison... and that is precisely what makes it dangerous. Obsessive comparison, in other words to be constantly involved in superseding someone simply bears more jealousy, hatred, anger and scope for boundless revenge. I realized in Islam it is always us versus them... the believers versus non believers. Initially I thought the difference was between the believers in one Supreme God versus those who believe in multiple Gods. But that is not the case. It’s simply those who believe in only Allah versus those who do not believe in Allah.
My Muslim relatives and friends used to always belittle and insult our Hindu neighbors and kin at large poking fun at their absurd noisy customs/rituals, their various Gods and their "indiscipline" (Hindu religion allows Hindus to lead their life as per what they think is logical). I was always puzzled because I found Hindus more civilized, patient, lovable and truly forgiving than most Muslims. More importantly, most of my Hindu friends and neighbors lived peacefully and happily. Their homes were usually filled with laughter. In contrast, most Muslim families quarreled amongst themselves. Most families have 5-6 children who seldom complete high school and therefore end up doing menial jobs or small street side businesses while the Hindu parents who have 1 or 2 kids almost always send their kids for English education and ensure they complete their post graduation or professional course. I also found Hindus more hygienic and well dressed. They love our country India while most Muslims who stay here favour Pakistan over their own country; especially if there is a contest between the 2 countries. I find that really absurd and repulsive.
As I grew up and started doing my engineering, I found myself more tilted towards my Hindu friends and accepting their customs, mannerisms and more importantly their ideology to be practical, loving and generous with others. Once when I debated with my intellectual Hindu friend, I found that Hinduism also professes the claim of One Supreme Divine Force (God). Their idols are simply to depict thye many qualities/characteristics of God. That is when I learnt about the false propaganda of Indian Mullahs to create misunderstanding about Hindus and Hinduism.
I gradually realized the flaws in Islam and the tremendous negative impact it has on the Muslim world. Till Islam does not perish, Muslims will continue to live in stone age while their neighbours will prosper simply because they use their mind. And Muslims will continue to hate them and always plan to destroy them. Finally the last turning point in my life came when I fell in love with a beautiful Hindu girl. She was much better looking, well settled and more qualified than me. We fell in love and decided to get married.
Initially I was skeptical about her parents accepting me because I was Muslim. (Most Hindus and Sikhs in India dislike Muslims because of their jealous and dangerous nature). Instead, they wholeheartedly welcomed me within their family. I though just like Muslims convert non-Muslim spouses to Islam; these folks are going to convert me into Hinduism. Again I misunderstood their religion. Not once did they ask me to give up Islam. All they requested is not to force their daughter to eat beef. (Most Hindus do not eat beef).
When I used to visit my fiancée's house, I chanced upon Hindu texts like Bhagwad Gita and Rig Veda and happened to read it. That was the final straw. I realized how it would be to live life on my own terms, to use my own intelligence and have a flexible attitude. And then just after we got engaged I decided to renounce Islam. I did not disclose it to my parents but shared this decision with my fiancée.
Today we are happily married. I consider myself a free thinker...not Muslim...not Hindu...not linked to any religion. i.e. I respect all religious customs/traditions/beliefs but choose to follow what I like and don't make fun of any ridiculous tradition. Thankfully my marriage has been saved from the venomous fangs of Islam. In contrast my Muslim friend who married a Muslim girl is considering divorce.
I feel fortunate that I chanced upon your website at the right time. This website gave me the courage to follow my conscience and be a free bird who can soar high up with the others and not sit by the roadside cursing those who fly and plotting revenge!
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Name: An Englishman who has read the Q'uran
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 07:51:27 -0700
I felt compelled to make my first posting on this site after reading your heart-warming and heart-rending story. Ignorance and hatred in Muslim society seems to be the major driving force with almost all Muslims relying on the 'interpretation' given to the Q'uran by their Immans etc. Very few seem to have read/understood the actual words and most just shrug their shoulders when I ask them what they make of some of the more ludicrous texts. Ignorance is very, very dangerous especially when the ignorant are led by intelligent but manipulative people who themselves very seldom practice what they preach. I understand, for instance, that prostitution thrives in Pakistan - how can that be so?
Name: antimod
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 08:54:47 -0700
Anyone whether a muslim, christian or of any other religion, though believes in one God, needs a symbol without which he or she cannot pray or concentrate. The muslims go round and round the kaba seven times and hoist the crescent moon on top of all masjids and rever the moon that was called Allah by idolators of preislamic Arabia. The Christians need a cross and the Roman Catholics need all icons of Jesus , Mary and many of the messiahs of the Old Testament. I have visited many Catholic churches and have registered what I am writing. Coming to hindus muslims and christians hardly know anything about the religion. They keep harpinng on superficial social system and idol wprship. They hardly know that we dont worship idols but so as to concentrate in our first steps towards salvation invite God Supreme to come and reside in the idol so that we may worship him. mant idols are designed on the basis of innumerable attributes of God. Since man is considered as the most perfect of all His creations all idols are designed in human form. Cow worship and worship of trees etc. has a scientific bearing related to conserve nature and such species that are beneficial to human welfare. Those who have any knowledge of biophotonics will appreciate that all organisma have their own aura and trees like the peepul, banyan etc. have a high energy level and a greater aura than others. Therefore, meditating under these trees will help one to achieve a higher spiritual status by way of deriving energy from the trees. Lod Buddha meditated under the Bodhi tree which is nothing but the peepul tree. Monotheosts believe that God and the human soul are individual entities. A hindu believes in oneness of God and believes God is the driving force of all organisms and even inanimate objects. May I suggest anyone interested in hiduism to read the Bhagwatgita and try to contemplate on what is said in those verses. Or one can read "An Autobiography of a Yogi" by Swami Yoganandji Maharaj of Munger. All who have gone deep in quest of searching hinduism have written volumes. The list is too long to give an inventory of these publications. They have all become yogis.
Name: Let us appreciate him.I am not a hindu.But i appreciate your raltive thinking
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 09:16:13 -0700
Let us appreciate him. I am not a hindu.But i appreciate your raltive thinking. i think the hindu wisdom and religion may the last and only surviving ancient religion unlike the great grekk ,roman, mesopotamian idol and free thinking religions. Any religion should start and end with with love. Except stupid islam almost every religion follow this.
Name: The world greatest dnager is islam and its ignorence .
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 09:18:10 -0700
The world greatest dnager is islam and its ignorence.unfortunately billons of muslims are helplessly trapped in it.
Name: Congratulations!
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 11:01:00 -0700
For your marriage and for leaving Islam!
Name: This proves that love and common sense can prevail - Mathew
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 12:26:20 -0700
Heart warming anecdote. Hope to see more of such events in the world.
Name: lw1
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 13:04:32 -0700
Have a good life and take care.
Name: ali khan
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 13:14:04 -0700
you have made a wise move, Islam is not peaceful as it followers claim.
Name: Akhter
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 13:17:40 -0700
Leave Islam, the fastest growing faith on planet,despite your bold brave,efforts, and follow the piss drinkers and worshippers of cow dung, rats,monkies , donkies etc. Wishful thinking, for all the cultists, pale face Hindus, a cult NOT a religion, they the cultists claim to be the oldest faith , if true and if there was any thing good in it you the Hindu cultists should be the no one faith in the world and not be situated in a remote corner of the world, the rate you the daal eaters are going at you in another 50 years or so will be the faith of the museums, so good riddance,and stop having dreams!!!
Name: Leave Islam for this Rubbish, you can f ------ OFF
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 13:20:03 -0700
How Rishis were Created? According to the Hindu Holy books, God Brahma arranged the marriage of god Shiva to goddess Parvathi. When they went around the fire as per Hindu religious ritual, god Shiva looked at the thighs of goddess parvathi and ejaculated his semen into the fire and they became Rishis (priests). According to the Hindu Puranas this "god" can do such a filthy act! Sex with Cows
Name: Akhter is back!
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 13:25:38 -0700
Hey, clot believer! How are you!? I already believed that you´d become a suicide bomber and would´nt come back anymore! So there is still some hope left and maybe you´ll leave islam too and become a recognised member of mankind! Believe me: Even you are not made from clot!
Name: Filthy , Dirty , pale face, ugly Basket balls
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 13:29:43 -0700
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojIzkNa5tMM Cow Dung worship I assure you read that title right, this is exactly what the ladies of the house in DH’s community do the morning after Diwali to ensure wealth and prosperity in the household for the year to come. Since I had no idea how things worked I let my sister in law do the preparation, which actually meant using fresh cow dung to draw a symbolic representation of a village complete with 3D little cow dung people (all this made with bare hands and on the ground in the court yard). I myself took the less smelly job of putting various types of lentils and grains in designated area on the pattern to mimic granaries and mangers. We then went back to the kitchen to make little birds out of rice floor dough for the female only ritual. Once MIL was ready we headed back outside, lit oil lamps in the dung village, and had our feet painted with some magenta tainted water and proceed to bless the village with the usual water sprinkling, grain throwing and red powder applying all the various elements and then conclude by eating one of the rice flour birds each before call it quit and head to the kitchen for breakfast. While the whole ritual may sound gross (after all this is cow dung we are talking about). What fascinates me is how Hinduism has remained an earthy religion close to its people and the farming roots of India, with all the rural symbols and wish of prosperity linked to grain, food and by default wealth. And somehow it is not so odd that the Goddess of wealth is a woman, and that the rituals closely associated to fertile matters are conducted by the women of the household using earth symbols, which are by default symbols of life and fertility as well (the men have another ritual the next day involving fire). The rest of the day is generally spent lazing around as everything is anyway closed. That part was actually tougher on me than being around smelly dung and a swarm of flies.
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 13:43:02 -0700
Why is it we the Hindus are loosing so many of our beloved daughters to these Muslims?, some one said it because they the Muslims are a very hygienic people in the world, they wash themselves 5 times a day, they trim their beards, shave their arm pits and pubic hair, cut their nails and the men are circumcised. Now compare a typical Hindu man , washes maybe once a week, does not trim mustache never shave armpits, and forget about pubic hair, and there is no need to look for any thing circumcised in the hairy jungle down there, now consider your self with a Hindu man who had to run for ten minutes in the summer heat, MAY BE THAT IS WHY YOUR BABIES ARE GOING TOWARD THE DYNAMIC AND PURE MUSLIMS!!!
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 13:45:23 -0700
To all visitors of this web site and this topic/thread. First it is heartening to read that ZAINAL left ISLAM . But at the same time his understanding Of Hinduism is very incomplete or at the best very superfluous . Hinduism is very complex and takes real effort to understand - as it is highly spiritual ( no other religion can even come close ) , highly metaphysical, with highest human values, philosophical principles , ethos and morals. It takes long time to understand. Hinduism is scientifically sound compared to other religions, logical, open, nondogmatic, most tolerant , most universal in content . Hinduism is also most secular - even though this term originated in EUROPE and not strictly applicable to INDIA and HINDUS. Hinduism was , is and will be secular always - as it's philosophy is all encompassing. Hinduism is the supremely noble, most generous ,most freedom loving, most democratic. In the entire human civilization, Hinduism is the only religion that worships Woman as Goddess . Hinduism is the only religion that accepted, recognized and worshipped feminine aspect of divinity. No where else on this planet this is possible.
Name: Ian
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 13:53:17 -0700
I must say this Mr Muslim has said correctly, while i was travelling through subcontinent the men in India did look weak, and filthy, mostly wearing coloured clothing, most were unshaven and the older men had their forehead painted, which were disgusting, while in Pakistan most men were healthier and wore white clothing called shavar and kameez, mostly clean shave or bearded, while there were too many dogs and cows in the cities, they were hardly to be seen in Pakistan.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 14:06:05 -0700
As one goes through this web site and FFI 's Faithfreedom.org web site - it is amazing and at the same time saddened and bewildered to note that we have to use so much time and effort ,intellectual thought ,discussion ,analysis, debates, to bring out the truth that ISLAM is false , MO/ AL-LA are fake , that ISLAM is most cruel, most primitive, that ISLAM is uncivilized, that ISLAM is fascism, that ISLAM is slavery, that there is no spirituality in ISLAM at all, that ISLAM is filled with hate and vengence that ISLAM appeals to the baser, mean, narrow, dark instincts of humans, that ISLAM is really, really most intolerant , that ISLAM is most dogmatic . There is a mountain, a sea , a world of evidence to prove all this from the ISLAMIC unholy books QQURRAN, SIRA, HADITHS , from the history of ISLAM of 1400 yrs and from the present history, contemporary ISLAMIC societies, from the oppressive, suppressive, repressive , theocratic fundamentalist ISLAMIC uncivilized Governments . You just recall the TALIBAN / AL QAEDA regime in AFGHANISTAN, in SAUDI ARABIA , in SUDAN , in PAKISATAN , in IRAN . Do one civilized ,good hearted, honest, decent human being willing voluntarily to live in these countries ? ........... At the end I want to ask one question . What is there in QQURRAN to argue, discuss , or debate - that helps to uplift or enlighten individual or society ? Answer is clearly - none , absolutely ZERO . on the contrary , it is on the negative side - a society, people, individual who follows the pedo, rapist, robber, deceiver, killer MO will surely be a monster. No doubt in this.
Name: Re : Akhter
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 15:07:08 -0700
Akhter, you have often mentioned that Islam is the fastest growing religion on the planet. Please tell me what this is supposed to prove.
Name: Big numbers? Big deal.
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 17:22:56 -0700
Muslims like to brag that Islam is the fastest growing religion, as if might makes right. Muslims also claim to believe in Jesus as a great prophet. Well, perhaps Muslims who believe that might makes right should listen to Jesus' words in Matthew 7:13, 14 : "Go in through the narrow gate because broad and spacious is the road leading to destruction and many are those going in through it, whereas narrow is the gate and cramped is the road leading to life and few are the ones finding it". Jesus, whom Muslims believe to be a great prophet, did not share their opinion that big numbers mean the true religion.
Name: Freethinker
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 18:42:08 -0700
Ian, you don't need to go to India and Pakistan to find out the relative cleanliness of Muslims and Hindus. If you are truly as Westerner as your name suggest, you should drop by a Muslim and Hindu dominated area or business establishments, say in UK or USA, to find it out.
Name: to: Akhter
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 18:58:43 -0700
Ha ha ha ..... you say the Hindus are cow dung worshipper. What about Islam? You bow to your Kaaba several times a day, which was made partially from camel's dung. If there's five prayers a day, then 17 times bow to Kaaba and 34 times kneeling to Kaaba. It means 17 times bow to camel's dung a day and kneeling 34 times to camel's dung a day. It makes Islam are far more worse than the Hindus, ha ha ha ....
Name: An Infidel and Proud of it!f
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 20:20:22 -0700
I spent many years living and traveling in Indisa Nepal, Afghanistan, and Sri Lanka and found the Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Jains, and Buddhists of the sub-continet culturally, intellectualy, socailly and economically far more advanced compared to Muslims. One can in India immediately identify when one passed from a Muslim to a non-Muslim neighborhood. Muslim quarters are far dirtier and heaped with garbage than thos that are Hindu or Sikh. This infidel foreigner very soon figured out that Muslim quarters and the children from them in any Indian city or town were far dirtier and vermin infested than those of other religions and was certainly the result of muslims confining, oppressing and more commonly keeping their women-folk illiterate and ignorant.
Name: The Truth
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 21:50:59 -0700
Most of Holy books, telling the truth about mankind. Not a polished one as Quran. The Old Testament of the Bible, still telling that a prophet, because of their nature as a human, still have weaknesses. There's many perfect example too, like Jesus in New Testaments or like Buddha, etc. Only Islam believe in the polished story of their prophet Mohammad. He used to be a gangster, a rapist, a phaedopilist, a sex maniac, but polished as if he is the most perfect human on the world. Compared to Jesus and Buddha, he is nothing at all. To any Hindu's deity? At least the Hindus are still honest, they didn't cheat people like Mohammad and his followers. After Mohammad died, how come his close followers, Ali, Fatimah, Aisha, were fighting each other? Even Uthman was killed. Since the beginning, Islam meant conflicts. No peace at all.
Name: The Truth
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 22:24:34 -0700
Conflict between Ali ibn Abu Thalib and Aisha was a conflict between two nearest people to the Islam prophet Mohammad. The most perfect man in the world couldn't teach his own wife and his own general to live in peace. It made him, Mohammad, not a perfect man. Even his own daughter, Fatima, had a conflict with Uthman. These are proofs that Islam equals conflicts. How come close followers of Mohammad were fighting each other? How come his grandsons were killed? It is also a proof that Mohammad was not respected at all at that time. His teachings caused conflicts even between his close followers. Only dead-brained people will believe in Islam.
Name: Concerned
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 23:24:26 -0700
Muslims defending their faith are irked that other faiths do not worship Allah. Tell me how does it matter whom or what you worship? Is there any concrete proof that one is wrong and the other right? You can worship cows or animals or stones as long as you don’t force your beliefs on others and block the path of justice and fairness. What you worship is no matter to be proud of or ashamed of. As for hygiene the more backward you are financially and educationally chances are that the filthier and dirtier you will be. In our place Muslims are considered less physically clean because they do not take the ritual bath that most Hindus take in the morning. Muslims mostly use perfumes to make themselves attractive. But this is not a matter of superiority or inferiority. Muslims make a fuss about washing before their prayers. But you can see them spitting into the very tanks that they take water from for washing. Being clean and hygienic is more a matter of culture, upbringing, education and prosperity. The less you relate this to religion the better.
Name: To Akhter and other Pakis
Date: Thursday August 14, 2008
Time: 23:56:52 -0700
No Hindu scripture recommends worsip of cowdung- so you are a LIAR! While you can read in Hadiths Muhamad recommending "camel Urine" as an elixir of life , and he himself used to drink camel urine ,eat camel shit , if a filthy fly fall in his drink he would dip it again for ,according to him, it will cure diseases! Your Kaaba house a black stone and a lot of camel shit ,which all you muslims bow in abject slavery 5 times a day. Basically you are dirty, unhygenic and barbaric!
Name: Ian
Date: Friday August 15, 2008
Time: 01:13:37 -0700
Just an wonderful account of leaving Islam
Name: DH
Date: Friday August 15, 2008
Time: 05:55:14 -0700
Well done rediscovering your true self so long buried under the identity imposed on you by the Arabian imperialists and their lackeys!
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Friday August 15, 2008
Time: 11:39:05 -0700
TO all visitors of this site and this thread : When we talk of Hinduism,christianity and the primitive ISLAM - we have to keep the history,historical perspective ,historical truths and facts in view of the analysis. Eventhough , ZAINAL did the right thing in leaving this hate,vengeful ,bloodthirsty called ISLAM - ZAINAL's knowledge of Hinduism is very meagre - as he is talking some social aspects,customs and living in Hindus.This is very superficial. The spiritual knowledge,wisdom,light , philosophy ,ethos,morals, principles are much vast and metaphysical too. It takes long time to acquire knowledge of Hinduism. Hinduism is the oldest DHARMA known to mankind . SANSKRIT is the oldest language in the world . MAHABHARATA and RAMAYANA are the greatest epics of humanity . Hinduism is the dharma heritage, legacy handed down to the humanity from the ancestors,sages,RISHIS, saints in INDIA's ancient history. Just look at YOGA , PRANAYAMA and MEDITATION , which are 100% scientific and gifts to the world and it's people from HINDUS. Yet INDIA was enslaved for 1000 yrs under ISLAMIC (800 yrs) and British christian rulers (200 yrs). During this 1000 yrs ISLAM and christianity went on rampage of invasions,conquest, exapnsionism, imperialism,colonialism ,enslavement,imposed their faith, their rule , their theology, their evil ways on other peoples . Just look at the worls map. 1/2 the world was conquered by ISLAM and enslaved,ruled. The other 1/2 by christianity and colonized. ISLAM has JIHADS. Christianity has crusades. For 1000 yrs INDIA/HINDUS suffered ,made victims of untold, unspeakble destructions,death ,first by ISLAM and then to a lesser extent by British. SO, for 1000 yrs Hindus/INDIA was made irrelevant ,suppressed,oppressed. I am sure - that IF HINDUS were in control, deciding their own fate - INDIA's /HINDU history would be much different , much civilized, people more rich in all spheres of life and without doubt. Still , even now - the world and it's people has to be open and willing to know what is HINDU DHARMA in depth . Then they will be automatically drawn towards HINDU DHARMA .
Name: Ananda
Date: Friday August 15, 2008
Time: 12:30:57 -0700
(((A new approach to appreciating Islam - read hadiths)))--(((A really good one from muhammad)))---Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52, Number 53: ^^^Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet said, "Nobody who dies and finds good from Allah (in the Hereafter) would wish to come back to this world even if he were given the whole world and whatever is in it, except the martyr who, on seeing the superiority of martyrdom, would like to come back to the world and get killed again (in Allah's Cause)."^^^ Volume 4, Book 52, Number 54: Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "By Him in Whose Hands my life is! Were it not for some men amongst the believers who dislike to be left behind me and whom I cannot provide with means of conveyance, I would certainly never remain behind any Sariya' (army-unit) setting out in Allah's Cause. By Him in Whose Hands my life is! I would love to be martyred in Al1ah's Cause and then get resurrected and then get martyred, and then get resurrected again and then get martyred and then get resurrected again and then get martyred.
Name: Atlantean: Secret Revealed “How Koran & Mohammed foretold in every thing that can be written”
Date: Friday August 15, 2008
Time: 18:28:59 -0700
I found a website, which instructs Muslims about how to convert people and I think I got the idea. Its like doesn't matter you do not know nothing about a subject but even at a slightest hint of relating to Islam any holy book or science or words just make a story, either its mentioned in Koran or these words pointing to Mohammad or Koran. I think Muslims are clearly instructed to lie as much as possible to suit growth of Islam. Now I trust christens, there God is not related to Islam and neither God of other religions, Muslims are desperate to relate themselves with anything sane and logical. Hey I recently discovered a very old Book from lost land of Atlantis which clearly states about a prophecy that a guy named Maha Madarchod (Big Mother F*cker) will appear in the end times and he will be the last prophet and only hope for humanity. Muslims it could help convert Atlantis believers, you see if you replace first ‘a’ from Maha and replace it with ‘u’ and remove words after Mad and put first and last name together it becomes ‘MuhaMad’. See even Atlantean have foretold about MuhaMad before getting under Sea bed.
Name: Atlantean
Date: Friday August 15, 2008
Time: 20:18:36 -0700
My apologies to holy Muslims for offending their religious feelings but guys I got obsessive compulsive disorder to make fun of Mohammad. I hope you can understand my mental diseases as you are also suffering from the same diseases, i.e. obsessive compulsive disorder to respect and blow yourself for Mohammad. I think if human lives are not lost than Mohammad could take the award of best comedian ever, both in Hollywood and Bollywood and you guys could be side kicks clapping and bending at award functions.
Name: I Syeda Nureen,the best creation,producing the best Sura:
Date: Friday August 15, 2008
Time: 21:44:15 -0700
There is no allah but DOG and muhammad is his poopoo.Pee Be Upon Him.
Name: Ian
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 02:34:30 -0700
Why is a Hindu, Sikh the most filthy , disgusting person in the world, washes may be once a week , long mustache ,always falls in his mouth and in the way,arm pits not shaved pubic hair nearly knee length, painted forehead ,not circumcised, children and ladies love to avoid them , no wonder they are loosing one lakh of their women to the Muslims in India according to to Sujjas. now compare the Muslim man , strong , washes himself 5 times a day, beard and mustache trimmed, finger and feet nails cut weekly, arm pits and pubic hair shaved, mostly dress in white, uses attir [ deoderent] every day, circumsized, kind and is always loved by women and children.
Name: Ali Khan.
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 03:41:43 -0700
I agree, Muslim keep themself clean but for one reason, to have sex all time long, that's why they keep them clean, I have been to Malaysia and Indonesia, Muslim women loves men like me from Pakistan, just recite some holy versus from the stanic versus and their panties comes straight down but they have a kind of pungent stench in their private part, I had sexs with more than 40 of these women in a year, I lived in these countries, but I tried my stunt with Chinese women who are mostly Buddhist, they never gave a shit to me, In Malaysia, it is worst, just say your Muslim, your can get these Muslim girls to sleep with you even those who married too and one thing for them,Islam allows them to do commit sin and later just ask forgiveness and the door of heaven is opened even if you commit adultery, funny is is. I don't about Hindus or Buddhist but they are not hypocrites, eventhough they use cowdung or whatever, they still kind, caring and peace loving and through my exprience travelling to Asian, South America, Japan, I never came across other rligions harbouring some much of hatred against another religion, Muslims ( I dont intend to condemn Islam) feels tehir only right but without realising they are commting more sins than others, they came to peace but when they are majority Muslims tends to discriminate others, tell one thing my beloved freinds, would Arab nation allow you to build churches ortemples in their land, but there are mosques in every Westeren countries and still go on demanding for their rights by intilling fear and terrorism. Islam is not growing, many are forced to be struck in it, give a chance and many would leave.
Name: Ali Khan
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 03:48:46 -0700
Muslims claims to be peaceful religion, but when they are majority in any nation, why they tend to bully others, when they are minorty. they claim to be surpressed, they claim to be hygenic but their heart?.
Name: is islam the fastest growing religon
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 04:08:21 -0700
check these links http://news.aol.com/newsbloggers/2007/10/29/is-islam-the-fastest-growing-religion-guess-again/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFXOhSCliFc http://www.bloggernews.net/111590
Name: To Ian the pakistani/indian muslim
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 07:21:33 -0700
Ian you are a pakistani or indian muslim posing as an englishman. The Hindus have a daily bath unlike muslims who only wash their hands and feet before namaaz. So dont try to peddle this nonsense to people on this site.
Name: ian
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 07:31:54 -0700
To Hindus ,you are filthy and you do not have bath every day , the paint you put on your forehead has to kept for weeks, until it wears off that means nearly two weeks without bath on top you beasts never shave, do not cut nails, are weak, by eating daals too much, and you wear silly colour clothing and you always look a right site, we wash every time we use toilet, while you lemons do not and never shave, your arm pits and hair down there and on top of that you are not circumcised so compare that?
Name: To Bob Richardson
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 08:31:50 -0700
You said "The individual freedom or freedom of opinion are essential preconditions for the exercise of democracy. However an Islamist would understand Freedom of Opinion, to mean the right to think what you like but only within the boundaries of what is permitted in Islam." You admit that it is islam which puts boundaries on freedom of expression. Boundaries and restrictions which have made islamic societies some of the most backward in the world. While the rest of the world has moved forward, islamic societies lag behind. Since the US and europe have far higher standards of living than islamic societies, Muslims are therefore trying to get to the US and europe by all possible means even at risk to their lives.
Name: seeker
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 08:48:06 -0700
Congratulation. Your testimonial really moved me. You need not embrace Hinduism nor get into its philosophy. Just be a good human being. THAT'S IT. you should read The monk who sold his ferari, and Conversations with god, if you need spiritual guidance. Best of luck. Take care.
Name: To Ian
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 11:19:28 -0700
Your Prophet urged his followers to drink camel urine for good health. So since alcoholic drinks are not allowed for muslims , I suppose you muslims will be drinking camel urine more often.
Name: ali khan
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 11:57:22 -0700
My dear brothers, there are claims Islam is fastest growing religion in the World. Let me state some of the reasons why the religion is said to be fastest growing religion in the World. -In certain nations like Malaysia, Somalia, Brunei and Maldives, you have to embrace Islam, if in an event you fall in love with a Muslim girl. -Many of those seeking greener pasture in Muslim nations are in some way pressured to embrace Islam for survival or else they may probably fall out of favor from the authorities or their employers, in many ARABIC nations, building of other places of worships are prohibited or limited. -Muslims are allowed to practice polygamy where they could have four wives at one time, some of my friends who are below 50’s had married 12 times and divorced their earlier wives to maintain four (according to Syariah law), take for instance that one wife conceive two babies minimum so 2X4=8, some don’t believe in family planning so the figure could exceed two folds. -born Muslims are not allowed to read other Holy scriptures, so if your are Muslim by birth, your are there forever although there are many Muslims who wants to renounce their religion after reading certain confusing versus from their Holy book , in certain areas like Southern Thailand, Southern Philippine, Bangladesh, do not dream or ever talk or think of learning about any other religions, it is anarchic set of law in these countries. The bottom line is this: When Islam is not embraced, voluntarily and freely and intelligently by so many, but instead they are born into it, and FORCED and COERCED to remain in it until death. A religion that forces and coerces a man to remain in the religion he does not really practices, makes a real mockery of that religion. I have also talk to my moderate Muslim friends who felt that Islam should be spread through peace, tolerance and without running down others as infidels. Try this. You will see what I meant, for instance a Islamic cleric from Indonesia, showed me a picture of ``Buraq’’ (half woman and half horse like) holy angel that brought Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to visit seven layer of heaven on Iskraj and Mikraj. I was shocked to see a figure similar to a Hindu deity but the cleric told me that there is similarity between this ancient religion and Islam. The morale of the story is, if we explain in right manner without condemning others’ believe, Islam could be spread without force and Muslim should also know they actual history without being ignorant about others and just labeling them as infidels while condemning their culture like calling them ``cowdungs’’ and so on. There were other religion before Islam, and if God was so powerful, the Almighty could just with his fingertips convert everyone to one true religion, there is no need of ``Jihad’’ or other violence.
Name: Ali khan read the quran
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 13:04:29 -0700
Muslim (1:33) - the Messenger of Allah said: I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah Muslim (1:149) - "Abu Dharr reported: I said: Messenger of Allah, which of the deeds is the best? He (the Holy Prophet) replied: Belief in Allah and Jihad in His cause..."Bukhari (52:220) - Allah's Apostle said... 'I have been made victorious with terror'Sura (9:123) - "O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness." This is the example set by your murderous prophet Muhamed.
Name: To Zainal
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 16:50:54 -0700
Dear Zainal, Thank you for the nice article. Humanity is all that matters. If people respect each other and love one another, then it will be a peaceful world. Sanatan Dharma says "if we serve mankind we serve God". Good luck to your future. Thanks, Dr.DM
Name: To ian the paki/indian muslim
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 21:15:08 -0700
India is a land abounding in bounteous nature ,many great rivers ,streams,lakes and ponds - not like Arabian peninsula filled with desolate sands ,hardly any vegetation, or water. Your filthy 'prophet' never took a decent bath in his life, neither did any of those filthy arabs. So we don't need any lectures from the followers of such a dirty , fithy and nauseating and barbaric cult called islam! Islam the cult of camel piss drinkers, looters,rapists,brigands ,pedophilists ,who never contributed anything to human civilisation except misery and backwardness. You islamists are barbarians, filthy cultists, who have only destroyed civilisations to impose your filthy,immoral and barbaric cult. Cleanliness is not in your cult ,just filth - for how can you take a bath in the midst of just filthy sand and excrements of humans,camels,sheep,goats etc??? Not only you are filthy externally but also have the filthiest mind and mentality. So keep your filthy and profane mouth shut and we are not interested in your hypocritical and lying lectures!!!
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 21:49:11 -0700
ZAINAL - your renouncing,denouncing ISLAM is heartening and we are sure this will provide the needed boost in catalyzing the fence sitters , people who are afraid of their coislamists , people who think but waiting to follow the lead shown by others to leave ISLAM, will act now and find goodness in truly noble ,magnanimous faith like HINDU DHARMA. I am sure lot of younger generation ,educated moslems both girls and boys will follow the path of light shown by you and will break the shackles of ISLAM and become freedom,peace loving ,democracy,equality supporting protagonists. Now ISLAM is dieing and make the exit faster.
Name: Bob Richardson - From UK
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 23:17:40 -0700
I agree that One who preaches to kill others for not believing is definitely wrong 100%, he is not a follower of God. To, let the person decide whether they want to follow a religion is left to him/her to decide that. Islam does not entertain gay Marriages as God forbided it. The punishment for that is Aids. However you can transmit the deadly decease without been Gay too. Sadly some who are not gay also have suffered because of the existence of this dreadful disease. The Revelation of the Quran was in stages. Why should a Muslim worry if anyone does not follow his religion as a Muslim knows that if any follows his religion he benefits while any who doesn’t has to deal with his/her destiny. Tell me where in the Quran does it say that all mankind MUST follow Islam? The Quran states if you follow Islam you are in the right track. During the time when the Church were dominating Europe, Great scientist were killed for there research in to science.. If Jesus preached non violence then why did the church kill great scientist at that time. Islam encouraged learning. The prophet Mohammad stated” the ink of a scholar is mightier than the sword of a mitr” So why make a big cry that Islam spread by Killing. How many times, it has to be reminded that killing is permitted only in self defense and/or for rooting out oppression. Who were those followers who wanted Jesus christ Dead? Why did they want him dead? You think you can blame Islam and get away. If so, you all are sadly mistaken. Just because some nut who doesn’t not believe in god, kills people in the name of his religion can you blame his religion for that? You forgot people have admitted that, they no longer visit church's, they only do that to to attend a Wedding or Get married.Most replies from Islam watch use the covert of immigration to make every attempt possible in distorting the Quran. But remember that, in the past too people tried in distorting God message, in the end they were the losers.
Name: Carol
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 00:56:38 -0700
I understand that Muhammad said those Muslims who leave Islam are to be killed. Do you ever worry about that and does your family know you don't accept the teachings of Islam any more?
Name: To ian the Paki
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 03:13:10 -0700
You say that you muslims are hygenic. You know your fake 'prophet' used to clean his arse with pebbles/sand after defecating ! Some hygene and some cleanliness! HAhahahahahahahhahahaha! He used the same hand to eat his grubby food that is the camel Shit and drink camel urine! We hindus wash and bath everyday with soap and water - which you muslims had never even heard of till you came in contact with other civilised and cultured people. I cannot imagine the stench reeking from the unwashed arab bedouins of which your fake 'prophet' was one!Islam wants muslims to be unshaven ,unkempt ,filthy with lice running all over their face and head - and you call this fetid cult a "religion". Yecchh! It is a cult of filthiness of body,mind and soul!
Name: Re : To ian the Paki
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 05:16:06 -0700
Legitamate criticism of Islam should not equal the vile hatred you are spewing. There are plenty of inconsistencies in the Koran, and no shortage of evil behavior in Muhammad's life with which to criticize Islam without having to resort to your extremely childish insults.
Name: To The sikh Lady who converted to islam
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 17:52:23 -0700
You have joined an evil religion whose prophet was a murderer, thif, liar, enslaver and rapist. Here are some of his divine revelations from quran and hadith. Sura (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them" Sura (9:5) - "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them."Bukhari (52:220) - Allah's Apostle said... 'I have been made victorious with terror' Muslim (1:33) - the Messenger of Allah said: I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah" This is the founder of islam. A murdering scoundrel. Unfortunately many people have been fooled by his message and your husband is one of them. You also have walked into the devils abode. You and your children will inherit the curse.
Name: Islam
Date: Wednesday August 20, 2008
Time: 06:52:05 -0700
You have courage. Any religion that promotes violence is evil and shouldn't be called a religion. Islam does that. What Muslims don't realize that praying to God won't bring us eternal life, but treating another human with kindness will. I'm Buddhist because I love the philosophy and spirituality in Buddhism.
Name: Another English speaker who has read the koran...
Date: Friday August 22, 2008
Time: 11:20:17 -0700
Whenever confronted with the many passages in the koran that incite violence the muslim will oftentimes try to put a "special circumstance" there and try to dilute what the koran says whenever it clearly incites violence. Or, they will say one thing to one country and then turn around and incite violence when they get back to their own countries. A muslim leader was caught doing this! Or, whenever one brings out the truth against mohammed, which, mullahs have done successfully throughout the centuries, they threaten to kill them. Christ did not force His disciples at the end of a sword. If people wanted to follow Him, that was their choice(John 6:63). Wherever you see islam dominate in the world, the results are disasterous for the non-muslims as well as for the women! The man mentioned about muslim women having sex even if you say you are a muslim. From birth they are taught that they are the sexual servants of muslims and if they are good muslim women then MAYBE they can get into paradise! MAYBE. Although hadiths tell us that the women far outnumber men in hell. I am thankful for this website which we all have the right to say what we want. We wouldn't be having this right in any country where islam dominates. I must even bring out that Christians in India are sometimes persecuted. Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord(talking of Christ) shall be saved."(Romans 10:13). I leave this there but won't kill anyone who refuses to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Name: St. Peter
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 13:29:39 -0700
You cant declare something so fast about muslims. They are the fastest growing religion and lets accept it. We shall ammend some customs of west so that there be no war of religions. Lets teach peace and not the hatred. Please try to think upon this carefully. Remember they are rising and most important they are getting west under there influence. I think the way they are spreading,half of west will be Muslim by 2050. May God show mercy on its followers. Amen.
Name: jayessaar
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 12:03:43 -0700
So Zinal, Will your son be circumcised? The Hindus are indeed better people than the Muslims. You will agree that India is a poor country. It is also one of the most corrupt countries.In Hinduism there are 33 crores of gods and goddesses. Hindus worship cow, monkey, elephant, snake, rat, human beings, stone, wood, trees, sun, moon etc. Besides Hinduism like Islam, is filled with witchcraft, black magic/white magic etc. Simalarly you will find many witchdoctors in India are either Muslims or Hindus. There are Dargahs of the Muslims which are actually graveyards where many muslims go and pray. These dargahs are actually demon infested places. JESUS IS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. He said "I am the light of the world: he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life". Please read the New Testament once.
Name: humanist
Date: Friday September 12, 2008
Time: 17:50:04 -0700
To Zainal:Wish you a happy married life.You are a born Muslim. For Muslims marriage is only a contract.Not so in Hinduism.99% Hindu marriages are not registered either with Goverment authourities,or with Hindu temples.There is no arrangement in Hinduism (which is not an organised religion) for creating any record for marriage.Marriage, child birth etc., involve lots of legal matters regarding property rights.There is no legal procedure to convert you to Hinduism.It is only in the minds of Hindus that they keep their faith.Unlike in Islam and Christianity,Hindus do not have any particular temple where their record of identity is kept.My concern is for the innocent girl who had married you out of love(or infatuation). I do not know what rites were followed in your marriage.What ever it may be, get your marriage legally registered with Govrnment authorities and give your wife a legal status. Do it with out any postponement.And another request. Let not your muslim birth make you harbour the thought of 4 marriages.After the honeymoon is over, you may have to face the hard facts of life.You may see the the other side of your present beloved wife and the love may fade away. The practical life is harsher unlike the romantic moments.Familiarity may breed contempt. So lead a practical life and take care of your innocent lover who sacrificed her secure home, parents,her right to inheritance of property etc., just to marry you. Let not that girl suffer because of her hasty decision. It is in your hands to give her a happy home and fulfillment. Feel your responsibility and be loyal to her with out any vascilation.This is the request of an old man, born Hindu, prefer to call his religion as Humanism.THANK YOU!!!
Name: London
Date: Sunday September 14, 2008
Time: 15:26:33 -0700
"Initially I thought the difference was between the believers in one Supreme God versus those who believe in multiple Gods. But that is not the case. It’s simply those who believe in only Allah versus those who do not believe in Allah. " err that what initially you thought and what you initially found out cuz thats what you typed. Theres one god and there people who worship multiple gods. Allah = 1 God and the people who dont beileve in Allah which is who beileve in loads or other gods. For the Muslims its one god and to bring all other religions to pray to one god same as it is with the christians apart from the fact that they beileve in two gods. It also seems that you left islam due to you being scared of your families reaction to the marriage that you have had ("Thankfully my marriage has been saved from the venomous fangs of Islam.") ("Finally the last turning point in my life came when I fell in love with a beautiful Hindu girl. She was much better looking, well settled and more qualified than me. We fell in love and decided to get married.") ("I did not disclose it to my parents but shared this decision with my fiancée.") Well if you considered yourself "intelligence" and "flexible attitude" you would have told your parents you wanted to get married and whatever they said would not have stopped you simple as. Still there nothing wrong with being scared of your parents. The Prophet of Islam has said that paradise lies at the feet of your mother 3 times more then your father so always respect them however diffcult your decision.
Name: Allah is the pagan moon god of Mecca!
Date: Monday September 15, 2008
Time: 01:31:05 -0700
Allah is the pagan moon god of Mecca! Symbol of Islam is the crescent moon! Mohammad's father is Abdullah which means servant of Allah. Mecca is the center of pagan pilgrimage. Today Muslims around the world continue the pagan tradition of pilgrimage to Mecca! In pagan Mecca there was a white stone, a red stone, and a black stone. Mohammad kissed the black stone. Today Muslims all over the world revered the black stone!
Name: Muslims wake!
Date: Tuesday September 16, 2008
Time: 23:23:13 -0700
Muslims wake up! You are a deceived people. Look behind the mask of Islam and see its true ugly nature: PURE EVIL!!!
Name: Jon
Date: Sunday September 21, 2008
Time: 06:27:25 -0700
to Ian: you are a half breed paki moslem (half hindu and half moslem). know your hindu anscestors. they are famous for their cleanliness and comprable next to christians. where ever you pakis go, the myriads of dirty ghettoes spring out. your mohammed preached the "the camel urine" holy and divine. today in most arab countries you can find the bottled camel urine in stores.