They Left Islam: Leaving Islam Report, July 2008
09 Jul, 2008
I am 19 yrs old I am an ex-Muslim. I just left Islam.
I living in Muslim country and I am very worried.
I think if my family figures out that I left Islam I may be killed.
Dear anonymous ex-Muslim,
Thank you for letting us know of your story.
We can relate to your difficult situation.
The best thing for you now is to try to keep it to yourself. It is tough, I know. But practising taqiya has been the only way for saving lives of Muslim dissidents during all of Islam's history.
You are young. Maybe you should try to find some opportunity to study overseas in a non-Muslim country. This will give you freedom to live life the way you want.
MA Khan
- 07 July 2008
Dear Editor,
I left Islam a long time back in high school after studying philosophy, introduced to us by our Islamic Studies teacher. Ironic isn't it? He had actually thought that learning philosophy and the Morris Bucaille's pronouncements about how scientific the Quran would strengthen our belief in Allah. They must have done for some students. But why hadn't Mr. Bucaille converted? So he didn't believe what he had said? Why? That got me thinking. Obviously, he must have lied in that book. Besides, there was another more important matter. I just couldn't understand why there had to be God. I still don't. So, Allah doesn't exist and the Quran must have been made up by Mohamed. If one reads it, one would see very clearly that it must have been made up by someone -- maybe Mohamed, maybe someone else. But it must have been made up. The incoherence, repetition, violence, hatred, threats, cursing, and swearing. The list goes on and on.- I live in Muslim country where everyone is supposed to be a
Muslim. But I am not but I cannot say it in public for fear of
persecution and I do not want to leave my country. I am so tired
of the whole religion: there is so much violence and hatred in it.
It's intolerant of anything besides itself. It's agenda is nothing
short of world domination and when that happens we will have no
freedom, no liberty. I do not believe that the Quran is the word
of God; it is obvious that Mohamed had made it up. A good tenth
grader could write a more coherent book.
I agree with you entirely. Islam is not a religion of peace. It has no respect for anything else besides itself. It is the most dangerous disease that we will ever encounter. It must be exterminated! - There are many like me here, voiceless and afraid. I have been thinking for many months now about making a website in our local language about the evil nature of Islam and the Quran.
Best regards.
X- Muslim (on the forum 02 July 2008)
I became an apostate of Islam about an year ago. If any educated muslim reads this article, I am sure he/she will know that Mohammed was a hard-core lier. It is essential to expose more and more of his character to defeat Islam. Muslims are the victims of Islam. I have convinced many of my cousins abt this.
Anonymous (on the forum 01 July 2008)
i am an ex-mulsim from 1992 in india and this article is good. pls do more to expose islam and liberate the world from judeo christianity islam.
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Name: Make muslims to think and reason
Date: Wednesday July 09, 2008
Time: 08:30:58 -0700
Make muslims to think and reasoning. If muslims were made to question rationally sure they will leave islam. Because thinking rationally and reasoning can create any one and evry one to change. This is true right from buddha, Socrates,... Newton, Carl marx,....... Einstein,.... Taslima Nasrin (the Greatest courageous and stubborn women presently on the earth)
Name: Please give Ex-muslims moral and psychological support.
Date: Wednesday July 09, 2008
Time: 08:34:01 -0700
Please give Ex-muslims moral and psychological support.They have to survive first.Sure the world will get rid of islam ,but it should be made smoothly with non-voilence.It is only done with international support
Name: Re: Please give Ex-muslims moral and psychological support.
Date: Wednesday July 09, 2008
Time: 13:19:24 -0700
It is moral and psychological support to any non-muslim too, to read that not all born muslims are too stupid to leave that primitive cult. I feel very released when reading accounts of ex-muslims. It makes me optimistic that the future of our planet will not become ruled by gangsters who believe in discriminating and terrorizing others. Our planet will have a better future than that! Mankind deserves something better than a non-civilisation represented by the muslim world. Let??s look forward - not backwards! Please consider it: Is there any forward-looking in islam?! Islam is backward-looking by definition!
Name: Backwardness of Islam
Date: Wednesday July 09, 2008
Time: 14:50:22 -0700
Is there any Innovation coming from the muslim world? How many Noble Prize winners are muslims? Is there any muslim country that leads in terms of science and technology? And how about arts? Do the most worldwide recommended artists come from muslim countries? Consider a world in the future with people still believing that they are made from clot! We deserve something better! Anything different from islam will do! It can be atheism, agnosticism, christianity, buddhism or any other religion except islam. Because it is the only religion which divides the world in believers and infidels. It is the only religion of hate against believers in other religions. And it is the only religion which comits the blasphemy to say: We are the only religion in world, and only we have a book written by god himself! It is an insult against god and anybody who believes in true values!
Name: How they came to islam: coming to islam Report!
Date: Wednesday July 09, 2008
Time: 14:51:09 -0700
Embracing Islam Why do they choose Islam
Name: Islam and Humanity
Date: Wednesday July 09, 2008
Time: 15:08:43 -0700
Is there any other religion forcing its followers to become suicide bombers? Any other religion that encourages honour killings? Islam has no respect against any human beings - why? Because Islam means submissions and anybody has to submit under this evil cult like a slave! Islam is about enslaving it??s own believers! But humans deserve something better than this. We deserve to be creative, something that is almost forbidden according to islam.
Name: suicide bomber
Date: Wednesday July 09, 2008
Time: 19:55:47 -0700
suicide bombers Not Islamic? Islam does not encourages honour killings If you observe the facts then you will soon discover that reactions from the oppressed peoples of the Islamic world. When you look at what "Israel" has done to the Muslims and Arab Christians you WILL change your thinking. I urge you to go do some research on the subject. I urge you to stop shooting from the hip. Think that maybe you are not told the truth and start from there. I promise you will find the truth. I mean it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out who's occupying who! And that my friend is a reason to attept to stop the oppressor by all the means you may have. sentiment instead of exploiting and worsening the friction between the communities because of the religious issues, Terrorism for political gain well there is no religion that speaks for voilance and we must understand that all those religions created by God were aimed to protect people, help understand the code of life and to let people realize that God is one & he must be worshiped only. See all the holy books handed over to the messengers of the ages. Islam,Buddhism, vedhas & Christianity do not preach any thing wrong , Prophet Muhammad said: "Do not kill the women, children, aged or the ill." He also prohibited Muslims from harming monks in their monasteries or hermits in their caves. Cutting down trees, destroying livestock, wells, homes or land of the enemy is likewise forbidden. Upon seeing the corpse of a woman in a battlefield, Prophet Muhammad Islam makes a clear distinction between combatants and noncombatants, forbidding soldiers to harm defenseless civilian in any way. Islam never teaches to kill the nonmuslim. The only times in which believers are allowed to take up arms are when they are defending their own lives and the lives of their people, when they see the weak being oppressed in acts of tyranny, and when they are prohibited from practicing their religion.There is no excuse for any expedition or attack resulting in the killing of civilians, no one has the right to take innocent lives.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Wednesday July 09, 2008
Time: 21:14:32 -0700
It is heartening to see so many Moslems are leaving the death,hate,terror,fascist cult called ISLAM and seeing the light and peace in their lives. I applaud their courage and enlightenment. Ofcourse we would like to see more INDIAN ,PAKI,Bdesh moslems to denounce,renounce and reject the deadly cult ISLAM to become pure hearted, freedom,democracy,loving,equality seeking men and women from amongst Moslems. The key is modern education,science. once the moslems start using their brains then they will renounce ISLAM immediately. Wellcome to all those who open their eyes and want to be liberated from the fascist ,totalitarian, intolerant cult ISLAM.
Name: Muslims of Britain
Date: Thursday July 10, 2008
Time: 05:26:52 -0700
Join Ex muslims of Britain at to show your solidarity.
Date: Thursday July 10, 2008
Time: 11:00:12 -0700
This shows muhamed is a terrorist. Evidence from the hadith Bukhari (52:256) - The Prophet... was asked whether it was permissible to attack the pagan warriors at night with the probability of exposing their women and children to danger. The Prophet replied, "They (i.e. women and children) are from them (i.e. pagans)." In this command, Muhammad establishes that it is permissible to kill non-combatants in the process of killing a perceived enemy. This provides justification for the many Islamic terror bombings. Bukhari (52:220) - Allah's Apostle said... 'I have been made victorious with terror' Muhamed admits he is a terrorist
Name: whats the deal???
Date: Friday July 11, 2008
Time: 14:18:41 -0700
I can also write a post by myself declaring I have left Islam and mentioning some pop-head reason for it.. then call that I am not giving my true identity as I am afraid the muslims around will kill me..BULL*SHIT... Any kid can understand these are fake posts just created to promote this website. and even if by chance there are any true cases..then the world is full of extra smart lunatics, opportunists and be it.
Name: Reply : for whats the deal
Date: Friday July 11, 2008
Time: 16:30:46 -0700
Try posting an anti Islamic comment on any of the Islamic website and see if it gets published. If we were liars, your comments would certainly NOT appear here.
Name: Re : whats the deal???
Date: Saturday July 12, 2008
Time: 11:11:14 -0700
The fact that other religions cannot operate anywhere near as freely (if at all) in most Islamic countries as Muslims are allowed to in the West, says it all.
Date: Saturday July 12, 2008
Time: 12:19:05 -0700
This is the evidence that muhamed justifies terrorism Sura (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them" Sura (9:5) - "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them." Sura (9:14) - "Fight them, Allah will punish them by your hands and bring them to disgrace..." This is evidence that muhamed encourages terrorism
Name: hantu tetek
Date: Sunday July 13, 2008
Time: 04:08:12 -0700
l left islam a very long time ago becouse l realise its not so much a religion but a mental disorder.simple as that.lm now enjoying the rest of my life as a free and sane individual..peace to all..
Name: Re : whats the deal???
Date: Monday July 14, 2008
Time: 17:18:43 -0700
So what are you saying? That there's no such thing as an ex-Muslim?
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Monday July 14, 2008
Time: 20:19:09 -0700
TO Whats the deal ??? and How they came to ISLAM ( =barbarism, brutality,bloodthirsty, fascism ,cruelty,killing ) . Instead of discussing and posting the basic tenets,values,principles & philosophy of ISLAM - you hard core ISLAMIC jihadists divert attention by posting inanities and useless writings. For example how do the Moslems treat legally, morally,ethically - other nonmoslems - particularly in the so called Moslem countries? Do they ( nonmoslems ) have equal rights. Are the nonmoslems treated with respect, as equal citizens in social,e ducational,job, religious ,cultural spheres. In Moslem countries - moslems have rules,laws, governance which make them superior,dominant and as oppressors, suppressors of nonmoslems. One law for Moslems which gives moslems upperhand and special status, privileges over nonmoslems in the name of religion- ISLAM . In th ename of religion - ISLAM - moslems have been conferred special powers and aggression to be unleashed and overpowered on nonmoslems . This effectively makes nonmoslems as silent spectators and keep mum for fear and terror stalks them from Moslem thugs and monsters. This happens in all moslem countries. Ruling government gives them special powers to moslems to terrorize nonmoslems in the name of religion- ISLAM. ............. consider the nonmoslem countries .Kafir countries, like INDIA,UK, USA, CANADA and Europe. In these countries the governance is so liberal, so progressive, so open, so driven to accept every ( even terrorist moslems ) as equal to the citizens and where the ruling liberal,freedom,peace loving democratic parties try to ignore the real danger and death from ISLAMIC terrorism, the politicians go out of the way to appease, to reason ,to be friendly , to be meek with all ISLAMIC terrorists even after the bombings, terrorist attacks, killings of thousands of INDIANS, AMERICANS< Britishers, canadians, Europeans by ISLAMIC JIHADISTS like AL QAEDA, HAMAS, Hezbolla, Let, jamat , SIMI, and hundreds of other ISLAMIC terrorist groups, countries !!!!!!!!!!!. Kafir,infidel countries ,people, political parties and media are so generous, so forgiving,so magnanimous ,so humane to wards ISLAMIC terrorists - it is mind boggling to see what these kafir people are doing - are they not destroying their own countries, people, human civilization and making this world real hellish by accomodating ISLAMIC JIHADISTS< Terrorists ?........................ The other point to whats the deal ISLAMIC fundamentalist, ISLAMIC terrorist .................. the deal that you resolve and firmly decide in your mind, in your heart, in your soul ,in your own conscience that you will be a good person,loving,caring person, filled with kindness, compassion twards all human beings, that you will not treat any nonmoslem with ill will or with the intention of inequality, that you will be a good,decent human being, abiding by all good behaviour, no ill will or nomalice towards any kafir,infidel or nonmoslem, that you will speak truth,see truth, behave truthfully even if it is against ISLAM . You must decide for yourself that you will be the good citizen ,civilized person and killing any nonmoslem is not acceptable ,hurting any nonmoslem is also not acceptable and that you will not deceive,that you will not be dishonest , that you will think positive towards all nonmoslems - this is the deal. When you decide like this - then you will find immediately that you cant be a good ,decent human being filled with kindness,compassion ,equality to all humanity as long as you remain a Moslem and hence you must leave islam and renounce the darkness,backward thing,negative thinking of ISLAM, animosity,ill will towards kafirs,infidels ,nonbelievers, women etc that is preached,propagated in ISLAM.
Name: Re kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).Monday July 14, 2008-20:19:09 -0700
Date: Tuesday July 15, 2008
Time: 07:28:48 -0700
Just b"coz certain so called Moslems treat legally, morally, ethically - other nonmoslems - Can u blame Islam. Just b"coz george Bush misled the his people and attacked Iraq can u blame his religion?? Wake up kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ). "While the Islamic world simply made new discoveries at its prime while there were Total ignorance and barbarism of other cultures during the Middle Ages. In short, Islam is intolerant of false ideas, however it is tolerant of the people who hold to those ideas. One historical example of Muslims living up to the standard of Islam can be found from the time of the Spanish Inquisition. During that disaster sprung by misguided Catholics, some Spanish Jews fled to Muslim Turkey and to this day, there is a community of Spanish-speaking Jews in Turkey. Another example may be found during one of the Crusader invasions from Western Europe. Some of the the Catholic Western European knights were so likely to rape, murder, and pillage the Jews and Orthodox Christians, that when the Muslims won, they were treated as a liberating force by those non-Muslims. [2:136] Say (O Muslims): We believe in Allah and that which is revealed to us and that which was revealed to Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we have surrendered. . "Over time, however, as discrimination and persecution resulted to Muslims and the influence of Islam decreased as the percentage of Muslims in the society were forceibily converted or exterminated, the Islamic world declined" That's happening in North Africa too! Most countries who kept religious books as their sole guide normally kept women in much lesser positions and rampant abuses of peoples occured. Gaining education and updating continually is integral. Human rights issues are world over, especially for women and children. Even in America and other places this is still an issue regarding abuses of women and children. Islam should not feel targeted when people noted that they were having severe problems. The rise of Gasoline. Is that also the fault of muslims??? Grow up kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist )!!!!! Suicide bombers Not Islamic? Islam does not encourages honour killings If you observe the facts then you will soon discover that reactions from the oppressed peoples of the Islamic world.
Date: Tuesday July 15, 2008
Time: 10:02:52 -0700
Muslims conquered the most advanced civilisations of persia and byzantium and used the intellect of the conquered people and claimed it as an example of islamic greatness. Once these conquered civilisations had been converted to islam they became backward societies. Where are the great islamic societies now? Most muslims are trying to use all means to get to europe and US. Islamic countries are backward because of islam. Dont say it is because of the non muslim world. Japan and germany which were completely destroyed after the second world war 2 regained and surpassed their past propsperoty in 30 years. Islam has only one way of regaining its "past glory" and that is by conquering and looting the non muslim countries as they did earlier. That seems to be highly unlikely because to fight and win modern wars technological advancement is necessary. To be technologicall advanced the freedom to use ones intellect is required not blind obedience as islam requires. Get the point.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Tuesday July 15, 2008
Time: 11:43:05 -0700
TO whats the deal??? to how they came to ISLAM ( =barbarism,cruelty, killing,slavery, fascism,bloodthirstyness, discrimination, inequality,injustice ) &to suicide bomber Is ISLAM . ..Again you are posting, in response to my posting - all imaginations, untruth ,falsehoods, deception &dishonesty. You have a lot of work to do-infact revolution in your thinking.Right now under the influence of ISLAM you see things exactly opposite. cruelty is kindness for you.Torture, discrimination,slavery is love for you. Killing is compassion for you. Take the case of any Moslem country - example SAUDI ARABIA the birth place of this evil,slavery, cruel,killing cult called ISLAM . DO you want to live in SAUDI ARABIA ? SAUDIS are using all this ill gotten petroDOLLARS for ISLAMIC terrorism. You know ISLAM is copied version of christianity by adding fatwas,jihads, DARUL harb,DHIMMI, MUrtad,JANNATH, Houris,Mushrikeens ,Infidels,kafirs ,nonbelievers & making ISLAM the worst religion - so primitive,so cruel. You are welcome to tell us what is good in the basic tenets,principles, philosophy of ISLAM that makes it good,acceptable, enriching, enlightening experience. Infact, ISLAM which came just 1450 yrs back took the world civilization backwards and into darkness. DO you have equal rights in SAUDI ARABIA ? Do all the citizens - nonmoslems ,kafirs,infidels ,nonmoslems are treated equally and provided constitutional guarantees ? DO Women are equal in all aspects of life in ISLAM and in SAUDI ARABIA ? DO nonmoslems, kafirs,infidels ,women have civil rights , equal employment opportunities in any Moslem country and in saudi ARABIA ? What is the constitution of SAUDI ARABIA saya about all of this? IS there freedom of speech,freedom of thought,freedom of worship in ANY ISLAMIC country and in SAUDI ARABIA ? You can build a mosque in USA,UK ,INDIA - but do you allow other religions to build temple,church, synagogue in SAUDI ARABIA ? Do the SAUDI ARABIA makes law to treat all religions equal and freedom of religions to choose and propagate ? Do SAUDI ARABIA allow freedom and democracy, equality of women, secularism ,to be part of all Moslem countries. The fact that Every Moslem country declares as ISLAMIC country makes them discriminatory, bigots, fascists - becoz ISLAM failes in accepting progressive, liberal values,open society. ISLAM is a closed,ruthless, cruel,fascist, poisonous theology with no mercy,no kindness,no compassion in it. ISLAM is slavery - QQURRAN is replete with slavery, sex, killings, discrimination, totalitarian and extreme darkness. So please go to Moslem countries and fight for the modern,liberal, progressive, secular, equality laws, civil liberties ,individual freedoms, individual choice as basic values ,kindness, compassion, open society ,democracy as motto which are totally opposed by ISLAM . The fact is that all moslems including the terrorists long for , yearn for to live in western countries, INDIA etc. Everybody hates to live in any MOSLEM country. I certainly hate to live in any MOSLEM country and do not want my children to live in a moslem country of darkness, primitiveness, evil,cruel ,fascist ,totalitarian, slavery,inequality and unjust, discrimination. i tell you go to any Moslem country and demand ,fight for equality,equal laws, equality of women, civil liberties, freedom of thought, freedom of expression, freedom of religion,democracy, nondiscrimination, minority rights, equal opportunities to all kafirs,infidels, equal citizenship laws most liberal,progressive,laws, open society etc. Here you are proving yourself as a liar,deceiver,dishonest ,backward, evil ,cruel follower of MO,ISLAM. ISLAM must be eradicated, becoz ISLAM is evil & extreme darkness,cruelty. Right now ISLAM & Moslems are getting away with murder,deception. Moslems have special privileges not only in Moslem countries - but also in nonmoslem ,kafir,infidel countries !!!!!!!!!!!!This is truth. how long the world, the people, the progressives, liberals keep their eyes closed ,buried their heads in sand . It is an extraordinary situation that the civilized ,freedom,peace loving open socities with kindness ,compassion are tolerating this extreme intolerant,evil, wicked,cruel, bigoted,fascist, totalitarian,religion of slavery, inequality,discrimination, unjust - called theology - cult ISLAM !!! But now the internet will see the burial of ISLAM . MANY many good Moslems are leaving ISLAM and will renounce ISLAM as evidenced here .
Date: Tuesday July 15, 2008
Time: 19:44:55 -0700
At the height of European colonial expansion in the 19th century, most of the Islamic world was under colonial rule with the exception of a few regions such as the heart of the Ottoman empire, Persia, Afghanistan, Yemen and certain parts of Arabia. But even these areas were under foreign influence or, in the case of the Ottomans, under constant threat. After the First World War with the breakup of the Ottoman empire, a number of Arab states such as Iraq became independent, others like Jordan were created as a new entity and yet others like Palestine, Syria and Lebanon were either mandated or turned into French colonies. As for Arabia, it was at this time that Saudi Arabia became finally consolidated. As for other parts of the Islamic world, Egypt which had been ruled by the descendents of Muhammad Ali since the l9th century became more independent as a result of the fall of the Ottomans, Turkey was turned into a secular republic by Ataturk, and the Pahlavi dynasty began a new chapter in Persia where its name reverted to its eastern traditional form of Iran. But most of the rest of the Islamic world remained under colonial rule.
Date: Tuesday July 15, 2008
Time: 20:03:05 -0700
You are definately correct on all points except one. They are only interested in intellect when it comes to increasing their knowledge in sophisticated weaponry to kill all who disagree.
Name: musalman
Date: Wednesday July 16, 2008
Time: 05:12:28 -0700
Can we compare a devil religion with Hinduism? Can we compare a child rapist prophet's religion with hinduism (Mohammed 52 fucked a 9 year old child Aisha just by saying that allah showed her in his dream and allah ordered him to fuck this small child? Can we compare a daughter inlaw fucker's religion with Hinduism? (Mohammed married his daughetr inlaw Zainab (Wife of Zaid) and fucked her. Because of this rhing Zainab gave Poison to Mohammed and he died) Can we compare a religion which is based on a book in which it is written that earth is flat, the moon is surrounded by stars ( all incorrect things), with Hinduism? Do we know that how Islam spread in Makkah? How Islam spread in Israil? How Islam spread in Syria? How Islam spread in Yemen? How Islam spread in Iran? How Islam spread in Lebnon? Do we know that what happened to more than 5 lakh innocent wives of innocent people of Irna, Israel, Lebnon, Syria and India who were disbelievers of Islam and still we believe in Islam? Do we read the personal life of Mohammed which is written in Bukhari Hadith(most authentic hadith of Islam and then we find that Mohammed was a good person? Is it not shame for humanity to marry his daughter inlaw and still nobody has guts to criticize it? Is it not shame for humanity to marry your own daughter in the name of Islam and still nobody is dare to criticize it?
Name: Colonialism is not to blame for islamic backwardness.
Date: Wednesday July 16, 2008
Time: 17:00:43 -0700
What are you saying that the all muslim countries were under western colonialism? Not true. The first colonisers were arabs and look at what happened to the countries they colonised and converted to islam. Persia, syria, lebanon, turkey, north africa, central asia, malaysia, indonesia . Look at some of the countries the arabs and muslims colonised but could not convert to islam. Even after 500 years of brutal muslim rule spain threw off muslim rule and once again became a advanced nation. Same with bulgaria, yugoslavia, greece which have all regained their high living stangards in spite of ottoman rule. These countries regained their prosperity because they did not convert to islam. Look at india. Inspite of british colonialism and sometimes because of it they are begining to prosper. SO dont blame colonialism. The truth is that whoever has embraced islam has ended up more often than not, poor and backward. China pulled itself out of poverty in twenty years. Japan and germany came back from total ruin to be the best in the world after thirty years.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Thursday July 17, 2008
Time: 07:23:17 -0700
ISLAM itself is an imperialist, expansionist, colonialist theology . ISLAM is SLAVERY . QQURRAN is replete with references to slavery and the worst of all is there for all to see- making women sex slaves, capturing women and raping them is part of ISLAMIC basic tenet . Mo referred this at amny places in QQURRAN and sanctioned the capture of women as booty and distribute them for sex purposes. CAN there be more demonism, more evil, more cruelty ,more wickedness than this? Even today ISLAM is a colonialist ,imperialist cult - not accepting any other religion, making moslem majority places , declaring them as ISLAMIC republics !!!!!!!!!!!! ISLAM expanded by wars, going out and invading and conquering other's lands - which has clear reference in QQURRAN - Darul Harb vs Darul islam !!!!!!!!!!!! The world became so backward,so poor, so evil, so cruel by the presence of ISLAM .This can be clearly seen in INDIA - where the ISLAMISTS are so bloodthirsty and cruel, so poisonous, so filled with ill will and hatred against Hindus that it is a great tragedy - the greatest ,noblest religion Hindu and HINDUS are still slaves to ISLAMISTS there in INDIA and still ISLAMISTS are killing,attacking on daily basis on HINDUS !!!But the government is appeasing the EVIL MOSLEMS.
Name: You don't hear of the thousands who are leaving Islam...
Date: Thursday July 17, 2008
Time: 21:38:36 -0700
To him who posted the utube about people joining islam, why don't you also post the reports of the thousands of people who are leaving islam each year. Why don't you report the muslim scholar who defends muslim gang rapes of non muslim women in Sweden and Norway. Why don't you report on the sura that condones wife beatings(4:34) to which one commentator said that a man is not to be asked why he beat his wife. Why don't you report that many in muslim coutries don't publicly admit to turning from islam because they know they will be either put in jail or killed! Why don't you report of the many kidnappings of non muslim women in muslim countries? Why don't you report that about 25% of all muslims polled agreed with suicide bombings? You are proud of all those who joined islam but in the end, you and all of them will wind up in hell!
Name: Anti feces in my food!
Date: Friday July 18, 2008
Time: 16:47:34 -0700
Muslim pastry owners and restaurant owners have been caught putting feces in pastries and food in both England and US. The koran says that Jews and Christians are "filth" and not to be friends with them. So, this gives them the "right" to try to make the "infidels" sick! I say anyone who is caught doing this should be forced to eat his own crap and be deported! As to those who have left the cult of Islam, more power to you folks! Hang in there! You have done the right thing! And, to those muslims who still try to deny the koran incites violence, read other articles on this website which quote the MANY koranic passages that incite violence! Also, read the booklet: Women in Islam c/o VOM PO Box 443 Bartlesville, OK 74005. -the cost is about 11 bucks plus postage. This booklet quotes many koranic passages against women, hadiths, muslim scholars and commentators who also belittle women. When more people become aware of these things, islam will not grow in the US like it has been.
Name: Re : Anti feces in my food!
Date: Saturday July 19, 2008
Time: 12:44:01 -0700
I TOTALLY and VEHEMENTLY disagree with Islam. However, the feces story is a bit too much to believe, quite frankly. I am no fan of Islam, but I sure would like to see some sort of reliable documentation of this story.
Name: Re : Colonialism is not to blame for islamic backwardness
Date: Saturday July 19, 2008
Time: 12:45:42 -0700
That's just Muslims playing the blame game as they love to do.
Name: Malak Shabaab
Date: Sunday July 20, 2008
Time: 05:20:10 -0700
I am from North Nigeria and I have just left Islam because I am a homosexual and the sharia government will kill you for it. I don't know why I prefer women rather then men, that's just the way God made me. I have just been gratned asylum in a place called California in the USA and I am now living with foster parents. I will soon be starting high school and I hpoe I never have to be so afraid again.
Name: reply to islamic golden age (ISLAMIC COUNTRIES ARE HELL HOLES)
Date: Sunday July 20, 2008
Time: 14:20:03 -0700
The reason why the islamic empire shone briefly after islamic conquests was because the arab muslims conquered larger parts of the non muslim world which was very advanced and had the best knowledge and technology of those times. Like the byzantines and the north africans. So the brief glory was due to the advanced non muslim cultures. After these cultures and people were fully islamised all progress died out. Where is the great islamic civilisation now? All countries which converted to islam are backward. No wonder so many muslims are flooding europe and US. Facing all type of danger to get to these kafir lands. Dont you muslims like to live under sharia in muslim countries rather than risking your lives to get to kafir countries which you hate so much?
Name: Pls Read
Date: Sunday July 20, 2008
Time: 19:55:27 -0700
The Islamic Golden Age, also sometimes known as the Islamic Renaissance,] is traditionally dated from the 8th century to the 13th century,[ though some have extended it to the 15th or 16th] centuries. During this period, engineers, scholars and traders in the Islamic world contributed to the arts, agriculture, economics, industry, law, literature, navigation, philosophy, sciences, and technology, both by preserving and building upon earlier traditions and by adding inventions and innovations of their own.]....
Date: Monday July 21, 2008
Time: 07:03:23 -0700
Muslims like to say that they had a golden age. What about islamic nations in the 21st century? why are they backward?
Name: Re : Pls Read
Date: Monday July 21, 2008
Time: 19:38:21 -0700
You are merely repeating a worn out cliche regarding Islamic cultural contributions. What is this "Islamic Art" you're talking about? Not to be a name dropper, but where are their equivalents to DaVinci, Rembrandt, Goya, Renoir, Picasso, Michaelangelo, Dali, Matisse, and literally dozens of creative visionaries? Islamic "art" consists merely of intricate geometric lattice-type designs that adorn some religious buildings. Interesting to look at, but hardly the stuff of museums.
Date: Monday July 21, 2008
Time: 19:49:06 -0700
Well the reason why all of the islamic countrys are backward are because in recent history and come to modern day. You will find that the Muslim world has been under oppression by the western governments under the cover of modernization and secular states. discrimination and persecution resulted to the Muslims and the influence of Islam deccreased as the percentage of Muslims in the society forceibily converted or exterminated, the Islamic world declined" Even after the 2nd WW Turkey was established as a secular state by its conqurers.Hitler never slaughtered jews in the name of christianity. Hitler was championing the cause of germans as a superior race which goes against christianity which declares God loves everyone. Then did muslims invade countries to get fuel! did muslims occupy some ones country in pretext that that it was the gods chosen Land! Yes if Hitler didnt kill jews in the name of christianity! he was mentally ill!!.If Hitler waz mentally ill why not you apply the same rule for those "Muslim" terrorists who killing innocent people??? The koran DOES NOT say that Jews and Christians are "filth" and not to be friends with them.
Name: Islamic Imperialism
Date: Tuesday July 22, 2008
Time: 07:57:16 -0700
In typical Islamic fashion you play the blame game. You say Muslims never invaded other countries using the excuse of God's chosen land. But actually they did if you consider that Islam is to be "spread by the sword". That is not a Western expression. After Muhammad's death Islam spread very quickly...not by preaching word-of-mouth, but indeed by the sword. Madrid is a long way from Mecca. The West has certainly used Arab countries for decades, long before Iraq, to buy oil. That is called business. But what were Muslims doing across North Africa and into Spain? Not to do business, but to enforce Islam by violence. Imperialism was practiced by Islam long before there was a Britain, France, or United States.
Name: Paul R.
Date: Tuesday July 22, 2008
Time: 08:25:03 -0700
Kudos to all declared ex-Muslims. Even in a liberal non-Muslim-country like Holland it's hard to openly say that you're no longer a Muslim. According to surveys about 6% of Dutch Muhammadans think that violence against such persons is justified and a good 30%, while condemning violence, advocate social ostracism in such cases.
Name: Re : Islamic Imperialism
Date: Wednesday July 23, 2008
Time: 02:03:20 -0700
How many Islams are there? You have to judge Islam by the PRESENT results, not rely on the past. You can rant all you want about supposed (and unproven) past glories of Islam. Two facts still remain. First, in imperialist fashion, they invaded other countries long before there was a France, Britain, or United States. So Muslims accusing the West is hypocritical. Second, even if Islam was some kind of great civilizer, why is it Europeans and North Americans do not emigrate to Islamic lands in search of security and a promising future for their families? Only the opposite is true....Muslims in huge numbers emigrate to the West. The intolerance towards other religions in Muslim lands, the widespread poverty, the subjugation of women, the high illiteracy rates, are all common knowledge and a matter of record. This shows Islam's MONUMENTAL failure.
Name: jim
Date: Wednesday July 23, 2008
Time: 02:29:36 -0700
run as far and as fast as you can
Name: Re : Islamic Imperialism
Date: Wednesday July 23, 2008
Time: 03:39:10 -0700
People from some parts of Africa and the mid east are defending their own lives and trying to defend the lives of their people as they are been victims of the western backed regimes, when they see the acts of tyranny by the so called western backed governments interfering with there countries progress any citizen who protest against these wrongs are a political prisoner or put to death. We all know the Israeli hatched CIA who put in regimes in Syria, Egypt, Jordon, Morocco, Algeria, and Turkey and so on to destabilize the mid East. This is of course to make your enemies weak while making Israel strong. Why cannot the west encourage Turkey to reform and elect a democratic government rather than a secular government. Where is the hoo and cry for that? These corrupt regime leaders are profiteering by the aid given by the western backed institution and who in return take back most of these aid back. If Israel is pumped millions of dollars and armed with sophisticated weapons the rest of the midd east are made to keep there vocals down of forced out of power where another stoop will fill in the vacancy. Have you ever wondered where is the democracy? So when people who oppressed due to the cause of these so called western backed regimes you tend wonder where is democracy? These countries should be governed under sharia if they do the western media highlights them as a sponsor to terrorism. If you want oil and if you do no want the western governments sponsored firm to drill you are considered a Terrorist or a sponsor of terrorism. Funny you did not figure it out, while the west boast of it so called discipline and democracy most of the educated in this countries who do not have access to free media try to go back to western countries to avoid been harassed. Since it???s difficult to torture them in the west, the west have found a new weapon which is terrorism. All you need is to offend the Muslims and you see wide spread violence which the media thrives. When Iraq and Afghan civilians are brutally murdered on a daily basis it???s blamed on some unknown terrorist who do not even exist.
Name: Oh Puh-leeease!!!
Date: Wednesday July 23, 2008
Time: 13:09:02 -0700
When you say : "....Iraq and Afghan civilians are brutally murdered on a daily basis it???s blamed on some unknown terrorist who do not even exist", you are really stretching credulity. You are either in total denial or you think the readers here are gullible and stupid. It is not Westerners who are the suicide bombers, is it? It is Muslims killing other Muslims in public places in the most cowardly way possible. Nor are the terrorists unknown. El-zarkawi bragged about his brutal methods on video and on the internet, deliberately targetting fellow Muslims.
Name: TO ; Oh Puh-leeease
Date: Wednesday July 23, 2008
Time: 20:08:50 -0700
Bin Laden was born in Saudi Arabia 1955. He was trained by the CIA and actively fought the Soviets in Afghanistan. He has since concentrated his rage against the U.S. for not supporting Afghanistan after the return of the Soviets. The US promised to build a better country governed with sharia if the Soviets were defeated. Now what are the US forces doing??
Name: Shakaib
Date: Thursday July 24, 2008
Time: 05:47:44 -0700
DARE WOULD I EVER LEAVE ISLAM. THE REAL TRUTH ABOUT ISLAM IS THAT IT ISN'T A TERROR FAITH BUT A PEACEFUL DEEN. WHERE DOES ISLAM COME FROM? ISLAM MEANS PEACE AND SUBMISSION! you dirty bugger! Muhammad (PBUH) is the most influenced man in histroy (first rank out of 100). So writing such things about Muhammad just shows how ignorent you are. I have books of Hindu's, Christians, Buddhists who write such positive things about Muhammad. And there, I see you ali sina, writing such dirty and ignorent things about Muhammad. You're own BLOOD Prophet! B-L-O-O-D Prophet. Being born Muslim is the biggest gift. I love Islam. You haven't "unconvert" many Muslims, you are just winding them up which is very ignorently disgusting. You are supporting all the non-muslims so they can love you and suck to you forever. If you remove this site, Allah will be pleased along with many other Muslims. I believe you are a rich spoilt man who has everything in his life and the brain you have, it can either lead you astray or lead you to the write path. Your brain and knowledge is used in a wrong way and your brain has lead you astray. SHAITAN HAS GOTTEN TO YOU THE MOST HE EVER COULD. HE SMILES AT YOU AND THANKS YOU FOR BEING SO AGAINST ALLAH. REMEMBER SHAITAN LOVES YOU. HE HAS BEEN AT YOUR FEET ALL YOUR LIFE. HE HAS DISTRACT YOU. ALL THESE ARTICLES YOU ARE WRITING ABOUT ISLAM, THEY ARE NOT YOUR WORDS, BUT THEY ARE SHAITAN'S WORDS! Islam is the world's fastest growing Deen (not religion). D-E-E-N, Way OF LIFE. Islam rules, you suck!. Why do you hide yourself, why don't you appear and give a speech in any Islamic events?? why not?? I ask you to do that. I'm so saddened at what the OWN Muslim Ummah is doing these days. OF how disrespectful they are to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) of whom I give so much love to and respect. And there comes you, an ex-muslim. Oh please keep in mind that it is VERY RARE that Muslims convert out of Islam. You are clearly blinded. You need to wake up. You will never win. Muslims will always continue to fllow this deen. And you will be left alone on day. I promise you. I promise you.
Name: Re : Shakaib
Date: Thursday July 24, 2008
Time: 14:45:05 -0700
Not very nice to call a person with whom you disagree, a "dirty bugger". This belies your claim that you belong to a "religion of peace".
Name: Re : Shakaib
Date: Thursday July 24, 2008
Time: 14:56:06 -0700
Jihadist actions speak louder than your words. Merely repeating that Islam is a religion of peace does not prove that it is so. You can train a parrot to say that. You didn't address any of the issues raised by the various writers here. Your insults clearly demonstrate your inability to defend your religion in the face of the mountain of evidence against it, and shows everyone that deep inside you know the accusations are true since they come from none other than the Islamic written records themselves, as well as current events. Learn to think with your brain not with your heart.
Name: Re : Shakaib
Date: Thursday July 24, 2008
Time: 20:00:55 -0700
Yes not very nice to call a person with whom you disagree, a "dirty bugger". Then, what religion do you all belong to? Insulting Islam. Is it fair to insult Islam in this manner? When it is the 2nd largest religion in the world. These are all so called western propaganda. By the west not understanding Islam will only be the beginning of its down fall, Instead the west should reform and do away with corruption, profiteering, speculation which are all harmful to society
Date: Friday July 25, 2008
Time: 07:22:56 -0700
am from Nigeria a Muslim brother, you really go astray you do it to your self remember the God that created you he brought you to this world to worship him alone, what reason make you to change? and why are you running away from your family? if what you do is right than screaface your life go to them with one mine.
Name: Re : Shakaib
Date: Friday July 25, 2008
Time: 17:16:27 -0700
I did not set out to insult Islam. But if someone tells me Islam is God's truth, am I supposed to leave my brain in another room? If you feel uncomfortable with my questions and my observations, then your discomfort says more about Islam and your blind acceptance of it than it does about me. If a religion has a strong foundation based on truth, then there should be no fear of examination. The large Muslim population proves nothing. For example, for many centuries the vast majority of people believed the earth was flat. Did majority belief make that true? No. Does the large population of Muslims mean that Islam is truth? No. A different set of criteria is required to determine truth. The unquestioning acceptance and blind faith of a large Islamic population does not prove Islam is the truth. Further, at no time did I defend the West and its greed and corruption (things that Islam is equally guilty of). All I said was 2 things...that Islam has no right to make self-righteous accusations, and that the huge immigration of Muslims to the West is proof of Islam's big failure.
Date: Sunday July 27, 2008
Time: 16:38:28 -0700
hey i am a converted muslimah who then left islam again.i lived under the rules of islam strictly and never questioned anything.till i saw the real beauty of islam,how i got treated in my marriage then got taken my child away. today i lost everything,tell me where is allah?and where are the laws in the western country that protects me and would not decide in the favour of muslims. i can not stand this stupidy anymore,woman behaving like sheeps,needing to make themself small(and looks like they enjoy it soemtimes)and muslim man who feel strong and the king of the family. however if somebody reads this and is muslim,but few things he is doubting about this religion,but trying to hide and ignore it,i tell you you are doing a mistake.just follow your heart and IT will guide u the right way,not allah.
Name: Prasad
Date: Sunday July 27, 2008
Time: 19:32:14 -0700
The Last Prophet is really the first Terrorist Leader. As posted on this site he is man in eternal hallucination and other psychological and mental illnesses. Islam will vanish before the end of 21st century. I hope this process can be done peacefully, but ignoramus muslims are unecessarily dying in the name of Jihad. The number of Jihadhi/Muslim deaths happenning in world is more than the number of unfortunated forced conversions. So the equation is in favour of destruction of Islam. I never wish for destruction of innocent muslims, I am only wishing and forseeing for destruction of this terrorist cult. My sympathies are with innocent lives that are being lost in this war with this cult.
Name: Aysha
Date: Thursday July 31, 2008
Time: 02:13:18 -0700
I am an ex-Moslem and I would like to encourage all the ex-moslems to save the the rest of the moslems from this disease of cult by exposing the truth that we found. We can not see a brother or a sister drowning on the sae and not do anything about it. This cult is a poisonous disease and it is our duty to save the rest of the moslems from it. NO one else will give a dam thing about them if it will not be us because we are the once living it not the non-moslems who are living in a democratic country.
Name: Mary
Date: Thursday July 31, 2008
Time: 02:27:38 -0700
My due respect to all the ex-moslems that are trying to enlighten the rest of their dear moslems from this hell of religon secretly and peacfuly by reasong too and not violence. This was how christianity spread, freely and smoothly. Although in the ancient history the moslems suffered a lot from persecution but that was against the teaching of the bible and those poeple would have answered God by now. Jesus condems the killing and never wanted anybody to follow him aginst his of her will but through faith. One of our ten commandments in the old testement is not to kill. We are ashamed of what happened in Bosnia our tears run down and we pray for these victims.
Name: John
Date: Thursday July 31, 2008
Time: 03:06:41 -0700
You moslems die to defend a peace of land that belonged to your ancectors and save it from the enemies and yet you find it diffiult to save your generation from a man made religion that does not lead to God. I kow it is dangerous but there is always a big reliable and Godly help which is bigger than whole international one. You lit a candle averyday kneel down pray to God even cryingly and ask for His mercy and help to save humanity from this cult. If litting the candle is going to expose you do not do it God will still hear your prayer.He will never let you down. I am speaking out of experience especially with the help of Jesus who apeared to many moslems maybe more than the chritians. Call Him and talk to Him with your own words as if you are talking to a freind but with faith.
Name: John
Date: Thursday July 31, 2008
Time: 03:26:31 -0700
In reply to the sucide bomber 09.07.2008 escuse me Your Mohammed killed jews of a whole village because they did not want to follow islam. he killed Safia's husband in front of her then raped her she was a teenage. The poor Coptic Miriam had to follow him too by the sword. What are you talking about??mohammed spread islam by the sword as a matter of fact the Saoudi flag has the emblem of the 2 swords so proud of how their prophet succeeded. Jesus did not touch the hair of any human being even those that hurt Him He on the cross asked God to forgive them.
Name: Patric
Date: Thursday July 31, 2008
Time: 16:47:14 -0700
Ex-Moslems and others that want to leave islam, where is the roman empire today? fell within itself and went into ash they tortured the christians and gave them to the lions. God wiped them with their power too off the plannet. So will islam vanish and the moslems themselves will work hard on that and not even any other supper nation will be able to do that,Look around and see how many millions of moslems in Africa converted to christianity and still going on every day. Islam is dimminishing by the millions yearly because the found the true and peacful religion full of love and mercy and hope .This is found only in the bible a loving and meciful God that accepts you as you are sinner who asks for forgivnes and looking for Him through Jesus Christ.
Name: Breaking the 10 commandments
Date: Saturday August 02, 2008
Time: 12:26:43 -0700
You are correct in saying that peace could be gained in the Middle East if both sides applied the 10 commandments. Don't expect that from Islam though. Even though Muhammad taught that Moses was God's prophet, he nevertheless proceeded to break most of those same commandments including theft, murder, covetousness, the sabbath, and bowing to Mecca 5 times a day and kissing the black stone as required by the pilgrimage ritual surely constitutes idolatry.