Standing up for My 'True Love' for a non-Muslim Man
27 Mar, 2008
Sissi Dolls's letter to Dr. Ali Sina (FFI):
I have found your site by chance, while I was looking for Islam
- I would like to congratulate you about this site and about your bravery, also I'd like to tell you about my story, I will be very grateful if you publish it as a testimony.
INHERITED IT .. I was born in a moslim family and moslim country, my
parents were and are practicing moslims but not fanatic (they are
against war & jihad)...
I lived with them abroad of our country of origin, I had too many
Christian friends, and neighbours which were nice persons...after
some years, I returned with my family to our country of origin.
My parents became repressive above all during my puberty (for moslims a girl is like a bomb that can be exploded at any time, because a girl must stay virgin till the marriage, and if she loose his virginity, she don't worth anything, SO it is like an exploded bomb that don't serve anymore ) I just want to precise that I stayed virgin till the marriage, but not because of laws of religion, but because I wanted to offer it to the man that I love.
Since my childhood I started to ask myself ''strange'' questions (LIKE: if god prohibit marriage between sisters and brothers, how the son and daughter of Adam and Eva had procreate us??? they were the only human being on the earth ..Are we we the fruit of a relation between brothers? how can it be? if god himself prohibit it???) ..and I couldn't ask some of questions to my entourage, in their opinion the fact of making these kind of questions was a blasphemy. I have always believed that we have a mind and we must think about it is not true to accept a fact without asking questions and understanding it well.
Well, I have never felt that I am moslim ...there were too many thinks which didn't pleased me in my religion, like women's position, jihad, polygamy, laws of heritage in favour of men and male chauvinism etc.
In 2006 I met a non-practicing Christian European man, he was the most honest and kind man that I had ever known, I felt in love with him, he asked me for marriage and here began our sufferance. We have suffered too much, we couldn't get married because he was Christian, we cried all the time, I didn't knew how to tell it to my family, also the law in my country don't allow me to get married with a non-moslim man.. until he converts into Islam and hand on a conversion certificate (as if a sheet of paper was enough to prove the faith of a man) he loved me so much and he started to study Islam. Moslims had explain him Islam and show him only positive face, so he convert to Islam, I told my family about the story, they were against this idea, they didn't accept even when he was converted ...after to many disputes.
I have convinced them to meet him and talk to him ...and I have threatened them to escape with him if they do not... finally they accepted and after that the authorities of my county has conclude a investigation about him and about his conversion they gave us the ''AUTHORIZATION TO GET MARRIED'.'
Now we are married, we are happy together, my husband is no longer moslim because he makes researches and discovered that there are too many think in Koran that are not clear and not fair. so he leave it. Even, I HAVE the same idea.
I have an advice to all moslim girls who are in love with a non moslim man and want to marry him
DON'T GIVE UP !! you have to fight for your Love!
Love is the most important thing in the word, so it is worth to fight for, don't be afraid it is Absurd that a country or another person prohibit us to share our life with the person that we LOVE..
thank you & good luck.
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Name: cp
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 19:56:30 -0700
there are so many instances of love between a muslim and non-muslim that end up separating because Islam prohibits such marriages. Islam is truly a curse on humanity.
Name: al ham dull ill aaahhhh a victor for truth
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 22:55:02 -0700
al ham dull illl aaahhhhh a victory for truth
Name: Cougar
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 23:13:10 -0700
I salute you for your bravery. Not every muslimah can do what you've done. Welcome to the fold of humanity. Like Ali Sina says "It is impossible to be a good muslim and a good human being at the same time" You decided to be a good human and not a muslimah. Good luck to you, your husband and your marriage.
Name: Quran on Jews
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 01:45:32 -0700
Quran is the only non-Jewish scripture in the world where Jews have been honored and protected [Quran 2:40; 2:47; 44:30-32; etc.] and they have also been offered salvation if they follow their own scriptures [Quran 2:62 and 5:69]. On the other hand, there is no salvation for Jews and Hindus in Christianity!!!
Name: Godot
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 07:11:02 -0700
All humans don't chose their religion, they just inherit it. What's wrong when some chose to change their religion or simply leave it forever? I don't know why religious people of all faiths feel threatened every time they witness that.
Name: Malfean
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 07:29:56 -0700
Hey Quran on Jews....LOL!!!!!! Are you kidding? You must be. Last time I checked, Christians weren't the ones shelling and bombing jews. You were. Last I checked, Christians weren't beheading people and shrieking like a pack of thugs. You were. Last I checked, Christians weren't walking into heavily populated buildings of jews and blowing themselves were. So how are you in any remote way going to say with a straight face that Christians have no place for Jews, that Jews are venerated in the Qur'an...yet, every single media outlet on Planet Earth reports that YOU, not Christians, are slaughtering Jews? Man, you need to get out more, start reading a book without Quranic scripts, grow an IQ over 5, get real, get a life, get unbrainwashed, grow up, and go back to your 7th century backwater where you can congradulate yourself on being master of the universe with your sheep-like domesticated women under a tarp. Let real men worry about ruling the world and you can sleep soundly on your sand dune.
Name: Allat
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 08:23:43 -0700
"Quran is the only non-Jewish scripture in the world where Jews have been honored and protected."___________You lie through your teeth!_________In case you don't know, the koran was taken STRAIGHT from jewish scriptures. Not only that, but every other word in the koran shows outright HATRED towards the well as others.
Name: SomeOne
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 10:54:37 -0700
Endlich - der erste arabische hardcore Anti-Islam-Blog ist da. Endlich - der erste arabische hardcore Anti-Islam- Fotoalbum ist da. --- At last - the first Arab hardcore anti-Islam blog is here. At last - the first Arab hardcore anti-Islam Photo Albums is here. --- أخيرا أول مدونة تعري وتفضح الإسلام أخيرا أول البوم صور يعري ويفضح الإسلام
Name: Re : Quran on Jews
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 11:13:31 -0700
The local Arabian Jews and Christians had to pay a "tax" (i.e. a fine) if they did not accept Muhammad as a prophet. How is that giving them honor? And how do you explain the 800 Jews of Beni-Qurayza who were beheaded in Mecca and their wives raped and taken as slaves? Jews honored in the Koran? You're kidding, right? Or do you really think the bloggers here are that stupid?
Name: Tony
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 11:36:25 -0700
well said, Dear Lady! You have left Islam' and joined the human race!
Name: Re: Murtado
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 11:53:38 -0700
I can see Hindus, Christians and Jews hate Muslims, not the other way round. Are you blind?
Name: Hey, Ulema People!
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 12:55:17 -0700
Hey, you people who believe that you are made of clot! I am in a desperate need for some fatwas which allow me to beat my wife, kill infidels and keep some slaves. Any offerings? Isn??t this how Islam really works?
Name: agnostic
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 14:23:18 -0700
This is the PROBLEM with monotheistic "religion". Long before Judaism, Christianity and the cult of murder, rape and plunder called islam , the Sanatan Dharma and Buddhism were flourishing. Both are still not dead. The very ugly truth is: No Christian will ever concede that all religins are similar and no muslim will declare that all religions are equal. The Christian will say: "I will die for my faith..." the filthy muslim will say "you will die for what I believe in" History has ample empirical evidence of the blood and gore and crimes against humanity of both these "religions"
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 14:57:44 -0700
TO Sissi Dolls : By leaving ISLAM - you became pure, loving, caring, nondiscriminatory, freedom-peace loving, democratic, with equality of all human race ,equality of women - in one word you have become "GOOD" HUMAN being". You can live with harmony, peace and free from fear ,terror of ISLAM. ISLAM is fascism. ISLAM is intolerant. ISLAM is hate, inequality,terror, slavery,killing, loot,murder. ISLAM is like plague and must be eradicated. ISLAM is oppressive, suppressive. Human civilization has no place for this evil cult extremely terrible, backward, uncivilized, misogynist cult.
Name: Re: agnostic
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 15:35:36 -0700
I agree. Polytheistic religions are more tolerant because they already accepted that there are many gods and maybe many ways to god. Interestingly, sometimes different polytheistic religions share some gods. For example, the egyptian Isis was also very popular in rome and some people identified her with venus or whatever. Intolerance has indeed much to do with monotheism. On the other hand, pantheistic views are not strange to polytheistic religions. There is the Logos in the greek and roman philosophy, the brahman in hinduism and Li in the chinese religions. Islam has no real idea of other religions. It believes that all is idolatry like the old arab religion. The quran gives even wrong statements about other religions. Quran writes that the trinity consists of Jesus, God and Maria but this is wrong. The Trinity consists of The Father, the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Ghost. And the quran also writes that the Jews believed that Esra is a son of god. This is also wrong. The jews believed never in such things. This clearly shows that the quran was written by a scharlatan.
Name: Saul Wall
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 17:25:32 -0700
By choosing love and life over fear and hate you have chosen well. By not submitting to the will of others you have shown great strength and have helped the cause of freedom. Laws and sanctions can be supportive of, or can undermine liberty and human rights but in the end we have to choose freedom for ourselves and others.
Name: Mo's hatred to Jews and Christian
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 19:59:55 -0700
In Medina, Mo claimed himself as the last prophet of Allah, but Jews were hold their Torah tightly, and Christian, believing no prophet after Jesus Christ, based on the Gosples, refused to accept Mo as a prophet. It was a hard struck to Mo's ego, so he cursed the Jews and the Christian, and he taught his followers to curse all the Jews and The Christian. He said bad things about Jews and Christian. In fact, they did not accept him as a true prophet, but as false prophet. I think the way he treated poor Ayesha (consuming the marriage when the girl was 9 years old), proof him not a prophet of God, but a prophet of Satan.
Name: Islamic Know How to destroy the world (Sura 96)
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 02:05:09 -0700
Bin Laden will create clottish clot-clones in his labs and then billions of clot-hungry clot-zombies will conquer the world. There will be clotshed and clotbaths! The western countries will have no answer to this clottish threat because their scientist are still believing that humans derive from cells! What a mistake! The people of the clot will reign - because of their superior clot-science!
Name: Clot?
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 06:13:48 -0700
I know what a blood clot is, but what exactly does the Koran mean when it mentions a "clot"? Can someone, Muslim or otherwise, please explain?
Name: Allat
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 06:23:09 -0700
"Polytheistic religions are more tolerant because they already accepted that there are many gods."_______________The truth is that the Ancient People had the GNOSIS that the All That Is, is ALL That Is. THere's NOTHING else. Everything you see, rocks, the earth, the Moon, the Sun, clay, fire, smoke, the electromagnetic spectrum, sand, sound, dogs, cats, bears and lions, plants/trees, water only exist because they're from the Great Mind ( I say again, you didn't think it was an old mand with a long, white robe, did ya?)_________________________When Yeshua ben Joseph said "Don't you know you are ALL Gods?" that was correct. And the Tribals of Australia have said it, "We are in the Dreamtime." ______________And Quantum Physics has validated it. Scientists accept it.______________The word "Polytheism" is the Monotheists (Pharisees/Jew & Paulist Christianity's name for us, as well as, Pagan, Heathen and Animist and Cathars. But who cares__:)__?_______________ The point is that we're baaaack. We're NOT a religion, we're a Philosophy, a Way of Life.To paraphrase it: "Live and Let Live." _____________A Wild, Amazon Polytheist
Name: re: Clot?
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 07:52:00 -0700
Since it was the very first revealation of the quran, Allah must have had something very important in mind. He told us that he made us all from clot. But where did he get the clot from? Did he created the clot before? Or did it already existed? But if so, how did the clot emerge then? Does even god did not know? Maybe even Allah is made from clot? May the clot be with you! Believe it or believe it not, we all are made by god from clot!
Name: re: Allat
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 07:57:14 -0700
You know exactly where the hammer hangs! It was the monotheistic god who did not accept others. Don??t have any other god! This was said by Jahwe/Jehova. Now the islamic Allah is even worse! He is exactly the intolerant and stupid demiurg the gnosis is talking about.
Name: David
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 11:04:17 -0700
Many thanks to Sissi for her heart wrenching but very common story. As a European man that also married a Muslim women, I can testify to the fact that our stories are almost identical. After reading countless of books on Islam and studying the history of Islam, I too left Islam (after converting in order to marry my wife) in short order. Like Sissi, my wife, who now lives in the states with me, is able to see the horrors of Islam everyday through the imagines on TV or through all the Internet outlets but like Sissi, she is too afraid to leave Islam due to the fact that her father would disown her if she did. I truly feel for Sissi but it is stories like this that help me keep the faith that sooner or later, once people understand the facts albout the Islamic faith, other Muslim followers will gather the strength and courage like Sissi and leave the Religion of hate.
Name: The Prophet Mohammed
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 14:58:05 -0700
I wish you happiness. As for Adamah it means earth and Chavah (Eva) mother of all living things. Follow your heart and to question is a gift not a curse. As for Jews being respected in the Quran and this Madam is regarding a comment I have just read, is rediculous. Non mohammedans were not even allowed to ride horses or donkeys because no one was allowed to be higher than a mohammedan. Plus all you here in the mosque is how the Jews rejected the word of G-d and thus should be punished! The funny thing is that Mohammed stole a lot of his teachings from Judaism hoping that they would accept him as their messiah however when they politly told him no thank you he developed an inferiority complex and started acussing the Jews of being infidels. Why? because they saw straight threw him. However if I am mistaken could someone tell the Mohamedans that in Israel there are not only respected Jews but also Christians and theur own so called brothers - oh, and sisters.
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 16:59:25 -0700
Good job young lady. I wish that I had a daughter like you.
Name: Re : Clot?
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 18:48:55 -0700
Whether you believe in Adam and Eve is not the point here, but the Bible teaches that they (or all humans anyway) were taken from the ground. From dust we are taken and to dust we return. This is certainly true when you consider that all the elements in the human body, iron, potassium, sodium, whatever, you name it, is found in dirt. No mention of anyone created from a "clot" in the Bible. A clot of what? Blood? If so, then whose blood? At least the Bible is scientifically accurate on that one, when it says we are dust. The Koran however (yet again) raises more baffling questions than it answers when it makes illogical statements like humans created from a clot.
Name: From Mohammad to the author of this piece
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 22:02:22 -0700
Islam never forces a woman not to marry a non-believer. If a woman is a believer, she will herself not feel comfortable to bear the children of a non-believer. If she is not truly a believer (which is the case with you), then how would the Islamic laws apply to her? The Islamic law is for Muslims who want and love to follow it. It's as simple as that. And I also feel sorry for a man who played a hypocrite by converting and now leaving the religion. I wish he was man enough to stand by his own true beliefs and I wish you were woman enough to face the reality and run away with him (if you truly loved him) instead of making the religion look bad on a forum like this.
Name: Re : From Mohammad to the author of this piece
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 05:15:39 -0700
Of course Islam never forces a woman to marry a non-believer. What's so revealing about that? No religion ever does. Islam however does force women to marry believers when they do marry, often through parental pre-arrangement. Your criticisms should be aimed at this woman's parents if it's a simple matter of Islamic law only applying to believers. That is where Muslim women all over the world will disagree with you. Incidentally, Muslims who perpetrated the 9/11 horrors also put on another face posing as friends. Same with the cowards who blow themselves up along with Muslim fellow-believers in public places. What this man whom you call a hypocrite did is nothing in comparison. The courageous woman who wrote this piece did nothing to make Islam "look bad", as you have accused. Islam has very effectively made itself look bad without any help from her.
Name: Infinite Indian Infidel
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 10:52:33 -0700
Is the religion to supplement human lives or the Human lives are here to supplement the religion. For Islam it is the second one. So the natural human emotions like Love, Compassion Sense of Humour, Reasoning Logic disappears in Islam and what is left is the cruelty, atrocities, the cultist behaviour and the inverse of Humanity. That is what Islam is. I think the death nails for Islam are being prepared in the world. Down with Islam and Islamists.
Name: Allat
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 19:19:16 -0700
There are a billion tragedies in the religion.---- Read the following. Set aside the references there about metaphysics- that's beside the point and not important, rather, concentrate and focus on the day-to-day life of this girl. Focus on the way the parents treat a female child:______________Emel:.....
Name: Allat
Date: Saturday March 29, 2008
Time: 19:24:42 -0700
Afterword: The reason I included the story of Emel is for people to see an islamic woman's experience, i.e. a person that has an overview of both cultures.---I found it interesting.
Date: Monday March 31, 2008
Time: 11:18:10 -0700
Catholicism overtaken by Islam: Vatican VATICAN CITY, March 30: Islam has overtaken Roman Catholicism as the biggest single religious denomination in the world, the Vatican said on Sunday. Monsignor Vittorio Formenti, who compiled the Vatican???s newly-released 2008 yearbook of statistics, said Muslims made up 19.2 per cent of the world???s population and Catholics 17.4 per cent.???Reuters
Date: Monday March 31, 2008
Time: 13:12:14 -0700
I guess polygamy helps.
Name: mona
Date: Thursday April 03, 2008
Time: 04:07:04 -0700
i realy like your story so much and i want to tell you i have the same story and i would like to be like you and get marry with the man who i love because he is not a muslim yet but all his behaves like a good muslims i wish i could write my story one day like you,,,,,,god with you
Name: mona mohammad
Date: Thursday April 03, 2008
Time: 13:43:34 -0700
sorry for what i wrote in the frist but i had mis understant in your story all i want to say islam is the best releigion it make us believe in all relegion so i am so proud for being a muslim and any way i full in love with non muslim man but i wish he could be muslim more than muslim and i will live with him all my life if he respect my relgeion because if he respect it he will respect me too ,,,,,,,,,,,,,you are the loosers not islam
Name: Chinky
Date: Wednesday April 09, 2008
Time: 03:11:48 -0700
I salute you bravery my dear. But don't you think it is important for you & your husband to accept Jesus in your lives if both of you wants to be happy forever. Jesus said, I am the Way, the Truth & the Life". What if you die tonight, are you 100 percent sure that you will be in heaven? And your husband will be there with you? Think about it. Jesus is the ONLY way to eternal life in heaven.
Name: Fendi
Date: Monday April 14, 2008
Time: 09:01:56 -0700
I think you have made bad decision by leaving Islam. I hope one day you n your husband will discover the meaning of true love. One day may you get the hidayah from Allah open up your heart to accept Islam. Since you dont believe it anymore there's no point try to explain it anymore but i pray one day if it is not you hope your children will become good muslim or muslimah. Insya Allah.
Name: Re : Fendi
Date: Monday April 14, 2008
Time: 15:39:45 -0700
At least you don't sound like you want to chop off her head.
Name: Mary Anne
Date: Monday April 21, 2008
Time: 01:53:09 -0700
Awwww... I really liked your story and I have the same problem as you did. I'm dating a Pakistani man who is Muslim. The problem is that I'm not Muslim. Sometimes it gets frustrating because I feel like we are restricted and our relationship is forbidden. But, we are still trying to make it work. And I think your story has given me hope for my relationship. Thanks.
Name: yusuf
Date: Monday May 12, 2008
Time: 08:31:08 -0700
i think that islam is the right religion in world .email +22796380877
Name: yusuf
Date: Monday May 12, 2008
Time: 08:43:45 -0700
why the europeens country do not like islam i told for theme that islam is the true religion cell:+22796380877
Name: Hari Maike
Date: Friday May 16, 2008
Time: 15:35:45 -0700
Alhamdolillah that Allah mikes me muslim! I m muslim and islam it is only the religion who can protect and safe you. (Ali Sina)islam it self is love BOG LOVE in donja and janna for all muslim woman`s and man`s assalamoalaikom!
Name: Re : Hari Maike
Date: Friday May 16, 2008
Time: 17:35:29 -0700
How can Islam be the only religion that can protect and save me? From what? Being killed by other Muslims? Is that what you're trying to say? Well more Muslims have been killed by other Muslims in sectarian fighting than have ever been killed by the U.S. and Israel combined. It is a religion of thugs and cutthroats. When Bin Laden tells Americans that they should embrace Islam, I wish he could hear me laugh as I ask: "Which version?"
Name: haya
Date: Saturday May 17, 2008
Time: 17:04:04 -0700
Sorry to know about ur destruction in the Hereafter. May u get punishment for each and every single word u and other sick non-muslims hv typed here. YOur hearts are sealed...Good for nothing people. And yes lady sissi or watever, I m happy tht Islam rejected hypocrite like u, u dint reject islam. May u stay sick like this forever.ameen.
Name: Answer: friday may 16.2008 17:35:39-0700
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 13:47:57 -0700
Everybody has born and will die. My religion teaches me how to save me after death which will be eternity. And by the way, there are different views in ever?? religion, also in christianity. They have dilemmas but also the western politics wish to turn muslims against each other. And for what? For oil and money and this is the truth. but god will pay for evrybody.
Name: Re : Answer: friday may 16.2008 17:35:39-0700
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 15:52:28 -0700
You are presenting the typical Islamic arguement of playing the blame game. To blame Islamic problems on the West is ridiculous. What does the West have to do with Sunni and Shiiaa killing each other? They were enemies long before crude oil had any use. If anything, the West would benefit greatly from peace in Islam and the Middle East.
Name: Re : Haya
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 15:59:10 -0700
Like the saying goes: "You can't handle the truth". If you had any valid points you would have addressed the issues instead of resorting to bitter insults. Think with your brain, not with your heart.
Name: Quran gives the answers
Date: Monday May 19, 2008
Time: 12:35:31 -0700
AL-IKHLAS IN THE NAME OF ALLAH,THE BENEFICENT, THE MERCIFUL Say: He is Allah, the One!(1)Allah, the eternally besought of all!(2)He begetteth not nor was begotten.(3)and there is none comparable in unto Him.(4)
Name: Re : Quran gives the answers
Date: Monday May 19, 2008
Time: 14:27:50 -0700
NO...the Quran does NOT give the answers. Merely reciting Quranic verses to bolster your own blind faith does not make Islam a message from God. If anything, rather than giving answers, the Quran raises a ton of questions about Muhammad's credibility. If a religion is sincere, and based on fact, it should be able to stand up to scrutiny but it does not. It is for this reason that Muslims, by and large, continue to hide their heads in the sand because they are afraid of what they might see. Deep down they know that Islam does not stand up to scrutiny which is why questions are greatly discouraged and those who are openly doubtful are punished severely, often with death.
Name: Re : Quran gives the answers
Date: Tuesday May 20, 2008
Time: 02:57:20 -0700
You are correct in saying that if a religion is sincere, and based on fact, it should be able to stand up to scrutiny. Why are Muslims afraid of such scrutiny? They act like a nerve has been touched when confronted by questions.
Date: Tuesday May 20, 2008
Time: 05:09:01 -0700
I wonder which is your own religion or maybe you have no faith at all because you stand so strongly against Islam. Why you really are afraid of Islam? ALLAHOAKBAR
Date: Tuesday May 20, 2008
Time: 12:57:12 -0700
The real question which you sidestepped is why Muslims are afraid of scrutiny of the Koran and are so easily offended by challenges to Islam. But you want a truthful answer to your question? I feel threatened by Islam because of Muhammad's track record of mysogyny, pedophilia, rape, and murder. His followers have learned their lessons very well from his behaviour as we see Islamic countries mistreating their own women by denying them (or at least greatly limiting) their rights in courts of law and with inheritance issues. Higher criticism and open discussion is greatly discouraged. Freedom of speech and of the press are practically non-existent. Is it any coincidence that Islamic countries have the highest illiteracy rates in the world? Islam is the only religion in the world whose members were dancing in the streets of many Middle-Eastern cities on Sept. 11th. It is true that some people calling themselves "Christian" have done some horrible things, but they cannot point to the Bible for justification of their actions. However, Muslims committing horrendous acts in the name of Allah have all the permission they need from the Koran. This is the "religion of peace"? No, I do not apologize for having no faith in Islam since I would be expected to leave my brain in another room everytime I open the Koran.
Date: Wednesday May 21, 2008
Time: 16:56:10 -0700
Im not arabic! Im europian muslim. ALHAMDULLLAH today I have no a time to write you more. if you can send to me your e-mail so I can send to you some pic about Israel against Palistene so you can see wath happen in the world.
Date: Wednesday May 21, 2008
Time: 19:32:22 -0700
Thanks for trying to "enlighten" me. Tell you what...Instead of offering to send me pictures of what you say Israel is doing to Palestinians, you should instead send pictures and news footage of the 1935-1945 Nazi holocaust that resulted in the systematic murder of six million Jews, to Iranian Imams and Ayatollahs who teach their ignorant masses that the whole thing never happened.
Name: self-confident girl
Date: Tuesday May 27, 2008
Time: 10:13:51 -0700
i would say to you, that you don't know all things about islam. You must to know everything about islam. In my opinion, you are not right, in islam you can choose your religion, you don't have to choose islam, you are free!!! and the best definition of islam is PEACE!!! not WAR, damn!!! you have so much prejudices about islam, don't be so silly please!! i'm so sorry but, you are a big BITCH, yo know;-)
Name: Re : self-confident girl
Date: Tuesday May 27, 2008
Time: 13:10:49 -0700
I am not prejudiced against Islam. All my comments are based on what I have seen with my own eyes in the Middle-East for many years. As for Islam meaning "peace", that is just a word. So what? Are the Sunni and Shiiaa practicing peace? Does Osama Bin Laden believe in peace? Were the Muslim subway bombers in London practicing peace? Do Imams who constantly preach hatred of the West believe in peace? Were the Muslims dancing in the street on 9/11 believing in peace? Yes, the word "Islam" is based on peace in Arabic, but the religion itself is about non-stop revenge for every offense, real or imagined (mostly imagined). You have given yourself the wrong name, self-confident girl. You should call yourself "naive".
Name: Re : self-confident girl
Date: Tuesday May 27, 2008
Time: 14:01:23 -0700
How can you say that you can choose your religion in Islam? That does not even make sense. Those who even dare to question Islam are considered apostates and in some Islamic countries that means a death sentence.
Name: dust
Date: Thursday May 29, 2008
Time: 10:52:11 -0700
im glad that you are loud and proud but i dont think you have the authority to tell others to leave islam and do as you did. Im sure if you were Hindu, you would question why you have so many gods and I would like to see how much christianity has answered your faith and life questions - im sure you will come up with more doubt in them than anything else
Name: re : dust
Date: Thursday May 29, 2008
Time: 13:06:11 -0700
No one is exercising "authority" by "telling" anyone to leave Islam. But when a person raised as a Muslim feels that the Koran has lied to them and that Muhammad's behavior makes his crediblity as a so-called "prophet" a big fat zero, and Islamic religious leaders have accurately used the Koran to encourage hatred of others (Israel and the West), then that person has every right to question matters. Islamic countries are well known for their lack of freedom of speech and the press, so allow me please to turn your own question around : By what authority do Islamic religious leaders bully people to STAY in Islam? By what authority do Islamic religious leaders greatly discourage open discussion and criticism of Islam for its deficiencies? A religion that is from God should stand on its own without fear of questions.
Name: AN
Date: Thursday May 29, 2008
Time: 20:41:54 -0700
I'll bet anything this girl's relashionship is going to end. Foolish girl.
Name: Re : AN
Date: Friday May 30, 2008
Time: 02:54:46 -0700
It might end it might not. Relationships end for all sorts of reasons. It is true that in Islam there are much lower divorce rates, but that does not mean it's because they have happier marriages by any stretch of the imagination. At least this girl wants to choose her own husband rather than have one chosen for her. Nothing foolish about that.
Date: Sunday June 15, 2008
Time: 19:53:19 -0700
"In case you don't know, the koran was taken STRAIGHT from jewish scriptures. Not only that, but every other word in the koran shows outright HATRED towards the well as others." It only takes 2 times to read your comment to realize you are a damned liar from Hell. If the Quran was taken from Jewish scriptures, how can there be "outright HATRED" towards jews?? Were the Jews writing a book of HATRED for themselves? You are a MORON and anyone with half a brain can tell. Allah is the Light of the world and you cannot put out His Light with your big mouth. May Allah forgive you for forging lies and may He save you from the punishment of the grave and from the torment of Hell Fire. Amen.
Name: Re : MUSLIM
Date: Tuesday June 17, 2008
Time: 15:28:20 -0700
Whoever said the Koran was taken from the Jewish scriptures does not know anything about either book. However, the fact remains that Muhammad used certain characters from the Jewish scriptures in a way that clearly shows that the Koran cannot be from God. Muhammad confuses Miriam the sister of Moses, with Mary the mother of Jesus....many hundreds of years apart. He also calls Haman (in the Jewish scriptures, the advisor to Persian King Xerxes) the advisor to Pharoah (again many hundreds of years apart as well as thousands of miles separating 2 different empires). He says Nimrod threw Abraham (again many hundreds of years apart) into a fiery furnace which he survived with not even the smell of burning flesh (obviously confusing the Bible story of Daniel's 3 friends, Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego, thrown into a furnace by Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar with the same detail of no burning smell). Since Muhammad was illiterate, he could not have read the Jewish scriptures....the very same book he encouraged Muslims to read. Relating Jewish stories in such a confusing manner could only be the result of repeating campfire gossip. Not only did Muhammad not read the Jewish scriptures, but his followers who compiled the Koran after his death could not have read them either.
Name: yallah
Date: Tuesday June 24, 2008
Time: 18:19:10 -0700
i love your story. i am in the same situation. you gave me confident about my situation. thank you
Name: yusuf
Date: Friday July 11, 2008
Time: 09:54:15 -0700
islam did not associe to other god and he did not tell that god has a son
Name: Molk-e-Divan
Date: Sunday July 13, 2008
Time: 12:23:32 -0700
So considering the "goals" of this website, is the usage of this letter trying to tell us that Muslims should not marry other Muslims? Muslims and non-Muslims getting married happens frequently, and sure, people go through challenges, but so do marriages WITHIN the Muslim community, believe it or not. Have you heard of inter-cultural Muslim marriages and how there are huge problems there too? By using this letter for the purpose of this website is to create a generalization about all Muslims, and it excludes the fact that there are many romantic Muslims out there who have found their Soul Mates in other Muslims. Everyone has their own Love story, just like this woman. But posting this letter on this website cares more about "exposing" Islam as "intolerant," rather than appreciating the beauty of this marriage.
Name: Re : Molk-e-Divan
Date: Monday July 14, 2008
Time: 17:41:31 -0700
You are not in a position to call it a "beautiful marriage". How would you possibly know? If one of the spouces is unhappy with the way the marriage has gone, abd the way her husband has treated her, then there is nothing beautiful about the marriage. Nor is there anything beautiful about a religion that allows polygamy. Even the Koran itself shows that Allah gave one woman (Eve) to Adam, not four. All Muhammad did was continue the pagan marriage customs of Pre-Islamic Arabia. Nor is there anything beautiful about a religion whose founder married a six-year girl (consummating the marriage at her age nine). Nor is there anything beautiful about a religion whose founder is attracted to his son's wife, and arranges for their divorce so he could marry her himself.
Name: dolittle
Date: Thursday July 17, 2008
Time: 15:12:00 -0700
this is very offensive to a true muslim
Name: Re : dolittle
Date: Tuesday July 22, 2008
Time: 09:59:56 -0700
You mean it's very offensive to a non-thinker.
Name: manzoor
Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 07:52:06 -0700
ur foolish girl and u have no idea of aides u never sucesses ur life
Name: Jay
Date: Saturday September 13, 2008
Time: 04:57:57 -0700
Islam is demonic. It is filled with evil spiri
Name: Susan
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 07:28:45 -0700
Hey Sissi, I just want to say (as a woman) I am very proud of you and the way you have stood up to your family, your culture, your religion for true love. Your husband proved that he loved you totally by doing absolutely everything in his power to have you. He not only wanted to please you but your family and culture as well. What a worthy man. Not everyone meets their soulmate - so you are very lucky - thank goodness neither of you gave up - you both found your soulmate and you didn't give up. True love is everything. I am an Australian woman who has not yet found my soulmate - but when I do - I wont let anything or person stand in our way. I wish you both a joyous union. I admire you both.
Name: trishna
Date: Sunday October 12, 2008
Time: 14:15:50 -0700
well that doesn't sound good should marry someone or love someone and wanted to convert into other religion for some reaons it should be for your own sake u are leaving islam because he is living or you have decided to leave already by yourself i think he just loved u ....and there should be nothing ....what if the relationship breakes u will come back to islam again or not?? dont do it for some reasons do it for your own self ...??
Name: thank you
Date: Sunday November 16, 2008
Time: 13:14:09 -0500
I am 19, at school and living in a Muslim parents just found out about a Christian boy I have fallen for...its been more than a year that I had it under wraps to be with this special person in my life, and now that they found out...they are forcing me to marriage. I had no choice but to admit I was wrong, or my family would disown me. I am too scared to loose my family.
I had always been and still have been quite about my feelings towards Islam. My mom was born christian, and I told my parents that I do not feel Muslim a year ago, they threatened to kick me out of my house. My mom converted to Islam, she should be understanding but for the most part of why I am do not feel Muslim is how woman are treated...its horrible. My mom doesn't have a voice anymore, she is brain washed.
Reading this made me feel a lot better! I hope and pray to God that my parents understand how and why I did what I did. My silence is hitting my heart again, but is something I believe I will over come. "God would not put me in situation I cannot handle"
Name: something
Date: Tuesday December 30, 2008
Time: 23:14:59 -0500
If islam God is the ultimate one, why He cant kill christian, hindhu, budhist and Jews etc by himself. God gave everyman right to decide, but you muslim decide to kill everyone else that different from you. Btw, are we call Mohammed as moo from right now?. hehehehe, just kidding. Every country that have mosleem in large number will be experience islamic independent movement, islamic fundamentalist terror and islamic shit sometime, and it mean in longtime. prepare your throat please, will be said in sometime. Beware
Name: Former Soldier
Date: Tuesday January 06, 2009
Time: 10:45:42 -0500
You are not alone. My wife is Muslim too. I met her when I was a soldier in Iraq. You would be surprised how many soldiers have married Iraqi women. In my division alone, there were 70 requests for marriage during the summer of 2003. Though I am an atheist, I signed those conversion papers and said that Arabic nonsense too. It wasn't because I had to for American marriage laws, as religion doesn't matter in American marriages, I signed them to make her family happy. Anyway, I don't see how signing a piece of paper implies belief. I think a marriage is easier if a non-Muslim man marries Muslim woman, than the other way around. I don't have a psychological need to put her under my thumb or impose my beliefs on her. We are raising our children to have free minds. We tell them, "This is mommy's belief and this is daddy's belief. When you grow up, you can choose one of those or another belief system altogether."
Name: mujahediiiin
Date: Friday February 06, 2009
Time: 19:21:40 -0500
u racist sik loserz! cnt wait till u all burn in hell! BRAAAAPP! ur truly a waste of life. sad polygamists, we'l c who has the last laugh...heheee! and as for u sissy bitch u realy think that pathetic bloke ur with is going to respect u, wen u left ur religion (the only thng that gave u respct and dignity) will stay with u! wat a joke! u cruel whore by postin ur ridiculous childish story uv given muslims a bad name. Jus wana big up my !!MUSLIM!! broz n sisz who tryd to brng sense to the dumb jokes here!
Date: Friday February 06, 2009
Time: 19:26:08 -0500
u truly ludicrous ppl... soo racist 2 muslims. dnt hate us if u aint us !
Name: r.e (soldier boy)
Date: Friday February 06, 2009
Time: 19:35:52 -0500
ur wife is an absurd bitch who will rot in hell for marrying a KAFIR in other words U. u must be a complete bastard to think its a joke to recite those words basically for a laf. ur so called marriage isnt even valid. oh n b4 i go feel Xtremely sory 4 those kids!
Date: Friday February 06, 2009
Time: 19:38:34 -0500
u truly ludicrous ppl... soo racist 2 muslims. dnt hate us if u aint us !
Name: sarah
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 17:56:36 -0500
Laugh out loud , this is a really funny story, the woman obviously has no religious knowledge what so ever its actually embarrassing to read.