The Silent Seismic Revolution: Muslims Leaving Islam
24 Feb, 2008
Muslims in the West are uncritically taken by Islam. Yet, those who have firsthand experience of living with the sharia, think differently.
- For 5 years now, I helped maintain a website for Indonesian Muslims leaving Islam by translating articles critical of Islam in English into Bahasa Indonesia. Thanks to the internet, these articles made this ‘fastest growing religion’ look more like the ‘fastest sinking religion.’ By only shedding light on the real Islam, the Islam that Muslims in the West are able to conceal, the seeds of doubt in the minds of (Indonesian) Muslims have been planted.
Those who left Islam due to our site was after having read that, amongst others:
- Muhammad at 53 consummated his marriage to a 9 year old,
- Muhammad did NOT change women’s lives for the better,
- Muhammad ordered to kill those who have left Islam, his critics & 800 unarmed Medinan Jews, involved in raids & demanded his share of the booty: and that his version of heaven would make any Amsterdam whorehouse madam blush.
The most effective clinch was when one of our contributors highlighted books written by prominent (so-called 'moderate') Muslims proving exactly our points : that Aisha WAS 9 years old when she was deflowered, that Islam's heaven WAS about the promise of sex, that Jihad WAS about killing infidels & that prominent Muslims themselves are confused about which is the real Islam [and that from a religion which, above all, claims to be 'clear & concise'].
We survived despite several threats by Muslims to hack/destroy our site/ destroy internet cafes which do not censor our site. We have had special hate-sites set up to encounter us. Our readers were several times intimidated by email or telephone. Yet our readership has increased steadily.
In August 2007, we achieved our highest readership from 1,500 a day to 5,000 a day with an average of 2,500/day. That is no mean feat in a country where the internet is still a luxury. Going online in an internet cafe can cost some of our regulars their weekly salary (or physical harassment when you are unlucky enough to have been caught reading our site by a pious Muslim).
We must be doing something right.
A precise total of how many people leave Islam due to our site is difficult to obtain, yet one look at Google and one can see that within 5 years, our site has gained prominence and is frequently quoted by Indonesian Islamic sites. An article about how Allah's inheritance law did not add up, for instance, was frequently quoted.
Muslims are also not in a hurry to announce their apostasy for fear of being terrorized by the state, anti-apostasy movements, family and community. One girl claimed that she had to move house when the whole family decided to leave Islam. Taking off her hijab was done as inconspicuous as possible, lest it would attract bad publicity. In our site, there were at least two accounts of child kidnapping by grandparents whose daughter-in-laws have left Islam. We had a report of a whole village leaving Islam, yet the reporter refused to announce the name for fear of repercussions.
OF course we have Muslims on our site too, condemning these apostasy stories as 'Islamophobic,' 'fake, clobberdash', ‘part of a Zionist/Christian conspiracy’ and that these ex-muslims ‘do not understand Islam fully in the first place,’ BUT in the biggest Muslim populated country like Indonesia, the proof is all around you. In a country with first hand experience of living with Islam, it is EASIER to convince Muslims in Muslim countries than non-Muslims in non-Muslims countries that Islam has failed miserably on its promises throughout its existence.
Islam is strong on myths and weak on proof, if one only has the eyes to see it.
Promises of ‘a religion of peace,’ ‘tolerant’ & ‘pro-women’ conflict with daily reality. One quick look and Muslims see clearly with their own eyes that without the participation of the hated pig-eating-unhijabed-immoral infidels, the country would be nowhere. This is especially true in case of natural disasters of which Indonesia has aplenty. It is widely believed that the biggest natural disaster happened for some divine reason in North Sumatera, the first province which introduced the sharia law.
AS one of the biggest exporters of workers to the Middle East, more and more cases highlighting the abuse of, especially, our female workers, also invited grave doubts about the 'Islamic brotherhood.' Physically and mentally abused, pregnant and even DEAD female workers returning from Saudi are not an unfamiliar sight. In fact, racism and discrimination towards workers not of Arabian descent (let alone non-Muslim) in the Middle East are far, far worse than ever encountered by Muslim workers in the 'evil infidel immoral West.' Conduct a poll and I bet you that these workers would rather be employed by kafirs !
We heard of cases of non-Muslims being asked not to join their Muslim relatives praying for their dead; of Muslims calling their non-Muslim friends 'najis', i.e. 'morally dirty' and refusing to receive food from a non-Muslim household etc. raised more and more questions about Islam. Phrases from Muslims like : 'The feet of a Muslim is cleaner than the head of a non-Muslim', speak for themselves.
So are Indonesian-Muslims' obsession with Jews & Palestine. Islam made Indonesian Muslims born out of Hindu/Buddhist ancestors with a 4000 year culture feel more Arab than the Arabs themselves. Our last most civilised 16 century Hindu kingdom was destroyed by the crown prince who became a jihadi and called his own father, the tolerant and most revered Brawijaya, a 'Budha kafir kufur'. Yet this part of our history had been completely concealed from the classrooms for fear of upsetting Muslims.
The country once world famous for its Hindu and animist culture is now slowly becoming Arabized. Mecca has replaced our ancestors' Hindu temples. Headscarves replaced flowers in women's traditional 'kondes' (hair in buns). Even hair is now condemned as 'jahiliyah', ie from the pre-islamic 'ignorant' age ! The warm smiles, touch, flirtatious but harmless chats by women street sellers are now considered 'immoral.' Waiting for a bus at 7pm with a red lipstick in your handbag can invite accusation of prostitution by the Indramayu sharia moral police.
In Indonesia currently, we have 41 church leaders jailed, merely for praying aloud that 'Muslims may come to Christ.' 3 Sunday-teachers were released from a THREE year JAIL sentence for giving Bibles to Muslim pupils (on the agreement of their parents). Promises of the sharia law only applying to Muslims in North Sumatera also proved to be a lie when non-Muslim pupils were also obliged by decree to wear the hijab.
The proof is all around you.
Many letters we received were also from ex-Muslims who left Islam before they even encountered our site.
One ex-Muslim said that he cannot accept the Muslim theory that Mother Teresa will not go into heaven, merely due to the fact that she was an infidel. A woman left Islam after seeing her friend's heartache and dilemma when her husband took another wife; objecting to this second marriage will only cause her husband to Islamically divorce her too easily without any Islamic obligation to maintaining her welfare (like 'democracy, 'alimony' was invented by the West). For another ex-Muslim, the last nail in the Islamic coffin came after her own family member was killed in the Bali bombing.
Maybe that is why our site became so successful, it merely articulated systematically what has been there all along. We did not present anything new, we only repeated this simple rule : the more Islamic a country becomes, the more intolerant it will be. The proof is around you if only one has the eyes to see.
That is why our readers also expressed disbelief by the West's ignorance in allowing Muslims to proselytise their religion, including the right to apply to sound their loudspeakers for the call of prayers (see: Oxford), when churches are NEVER allowed to sound their bells in ANY Muslim country.
Muslims in Muslim countries do not have time for political correctness either. Many have the courage to sue their countries to allow them to leave Islam. See recent cases of Lina Joy in Malaysia and Ahmed Hegazy in Egypt. Their loss in court should show us all the same that in a Muslim country, Islamic law will never allow Muslims the right to freedom of religion.
See also cases of Muslims in Muslim countries who have ended up dead or jailed for criticizing Islam or carrying out their right to choose a religion of their choice. The most recent case I can think of is that of the young Egyptian, Abdel Kareem Nabil Sulaiman.
See a recent list :
These apostasy cases are but small steps for ex-Muslims and a giant leap for mankind. They reflect a seismic movement in Islam's 1,400 years of unchallenged history.
Yet extraordinarily, the Western media (except for Channel 4) have neglected to report this phenomenon. Even the BBC (with plenty of stringers in the Middle East & the Far East) looked the other way! I wonder why!
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Name: Terry
Date: Saturday February 23, 2008
Time: 18:16:45 -0700
Before the advent of Islam, Mohammed was employed by a very successful businesswoman whom he later married. One cannot imagine a Muslim woman operating a business under the Taliban theocracy. So how can it be claimed that Islam has improved the quality of life for women? This is utter nonsense. Sounds like they had it better before Mohammed.
Name: Mohammed
Date: Saturday February 23, 2008
Time: 19:59:28 -0700
To Terry, You are proof that ignorance has no limits. Islam is not responsible for the mistakes and misunderstanding of the people who follow the religion; in such excessive case, this Taliban you love so much. It is no different in the U.S. during the 1950's. If religion was the cause, then I should say "look how Christiany influenced the Nazis to wage 2 World Wars" this is just as lame as your comment.
Name: malay murtad
Date: Saturday February 23, 2008
Time: 20:01:29 -0700
The reason why the ruling party , its hijack of the judiciary and setting up of sharia courts is to ensure that malays do not leave islam. If the civil court allows apostasy according to the Constitution Malaysia 90% of malays would shed the deceitful religion pronto. So as islam plays taqiyyah we play hide and seek with it - we curse it daily and put up a false front that we are still muslims -for our own safety. Tell the truth, many of us love pork bacon, ham, sausages which we go on a binge when overseas. We consider this less harmful than the rampant corruption of the ruling elites, the cruelties in various forms inflicted on the non- muslims in the country, the hypocrisy that brings bile to the back of our throats,and deep shame. Many an imam has been found guilty of zina, taking bribes, and sex frolics. After all, malay muslims indulge in idolatory, they worship the Batu (the kaaba)
Name: ZuK
Date: Saturday February 23, 2008
Time: 20:05:44 -0700
To: Mohammed. -- As Ali Sina pointed in an old article, there is a difference between claiming to do something in the name of XYZ religion, and doing something that is MANDATED by XYZ religion. Islam MANDATES an inferior status of women, lesser inheritance rights, lesser weight of their testimony, etc. etc. etc. and of course, Jihad. Christianity does NOT mandate any of the atrocities of the Nazis. It is still another stupid religion IMHO, but it does not mandate that. In fact, Nazis very clearly stated their intention to abolish Christianity. So, Mohammed, you better take care of your own ignorance firts.
Name: Saul
Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
Time: 01:41:33 -0700
Mohammed: Terry raised a good point and immediately you are resorting to insults. Then you move on to fallacies - Nazis were a politically fascist group whose closest approach to religion was a personality cult with a little occult mumbo jumbo thrown in (sounds kind of like a movement that came out of Saudi Arabia 14 centuries ago). It is true that a religion is not necessarily responsible for the acts of its members but when every culture it touches turns demented, violent, repressive and poor you have to wonder if the religion is not causing the problems. Ali: I hope you are right about the silent seismic movement. It is hard to find any real information about conversions and adherence trends, both in Western and Islamic nations. I have noticed that demographic totals, fertility rates and immigration stats tend to be weighted to make Islam look far stronger than it is. The fertility rates are high in Islamic populations but seem to be falling fast in response to rising literacy rates. The real total Islamic populations in Europe, Israel/Palestinian territories, America and Russia are often half of the figures that are quoted by Islamists, apologists and even the foes of Islam. The big wave of immigration which resulted in the expanding European Muslim population of the second generation ended in the 1980s and the fertility rates of their children can not support the "Islamization" of Europe. Politics might but demographics won't. The only information I have heard about Islamic apostate rates is a figure quoted in the Arab media from a cleric who could have been trying to scare Muslims into donating to his cause. He claimed that every year there were 6 million converts to Christianity from Islam. I wish he had mentioned how he had determined that figure. I hope that Christian groups in Islamic nations work together with secular apostate groups so that the mutual goal of establishing freedom of conscience is supported. Mutual oppression is more important than ideological differences.
Name: gilito
Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
Time: 02:12:42 -0700
Mohammed, please show me how Christianity is responsible for 2 world wars. In fact you can't, because there is no connection. Hitler committed atrocities despite of his religion, the taliban and alQaida because for their religion. Are you so blind that you cannt even see that?
Name: Does Islam make stupid?
Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
Time: 02:44:52 -0700
I hope that our muslim readers are intelligent enough to understand what the link suggests:
Name: EA
Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
Time: 02:48:14 -0700
Dear Mohammed Hitler called himself a catholic defender of christianity but i have serious questions about these claims that he was truly a christian. My 1st problem is that i cant think of hitler believing a jew is the son of god. Mysecond problem is his praise of Martin Luther for his anti-semitism... no self respecting catholic would ever praise the leader of the protestant reformation. my 3rd problem is that its a historical fact that the nazis burnt down and vandelized churches. They imprisioned, tortured and even killed many christians who did not agree with their regime and simply used the church as a state apuratus to reinforce nazi doctrines. My fourth problem with hitler being a christian is the fact that hitler was into a lot of nordic religions which were used to glorify their aryan ancestors. These were religions which were seen as pagan by the church centuries before but were revived by hitler.
Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
Time: 07:11:32 -0700
To Mohamed - Islam treats women nothing more than sex slaves. You can see muslim men in orthodox islamic community having harems - old,50 yrs and above marrying / keeping teenage girls old enough to be their daughters/grand-daughters in slaughter- these petrified girls helplessly succumbing to the lechery of the immoral muslim men! It is not just taliban /Afghanistan, but also the entire Arabian peninsula, North Africa,Sotheast Asia,etc. you will find this evil practice of sex-slavery.You cannot say the same of the followers of any other religion,even pagans/voodoo worshipers - they are no match for the savagery,immorality and barbarianism which islam sanctions to its followers.
Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
Time: 07:15:43 -0700
There is nothing holy about marriage in islam like in christianity where it is asserted that marriages are ordained in heaven - unlike in islam it is just a contract to have sex with awoman and 'nikah' in arabic means "FUCK".
Name: smaf
Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
Time: 07:24:56 -0700
Dear Mr.Mohammed I have seen many muslims, If you ask them did Quran is allowing the killing of non-musilims they will never say Yes or no. Istead they ask another question (if that man who asked the question is christian ) that why it is written like this in Bible. This is the way muslims speak. Mr.Muhammed i am sorry about your ignorance first try to understand what is a political issue and what is a religious issue. Christians those who are not Germans always says Hitler did bad to the whole world and they say he killed humans (they never say Hitler killed Christians) At the same time Hitler is also clear in his view he wants to capture the world. Irrespective of religion he will kill every body who is stoping him. This is called political Issue. Ok Mr.Mohammed you just sit and think why they say bad to Islam. Just come out from your prayer hall and think in a different way then you will realise what is right. Where it is wrong. Your propet know this well in advance so he said to you do not think. So you are following him. Best of luck to you
Name: Patrick Risk
Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
Time: 07:59:28 -0700
Leaving Islam for any other religion is a side-step. Trading one bad habit for another. Paradise for heaven. One horrendous lie for another sugar coated lie...Faith is self-deception! Religion is a business that's headed for bankruptcy. A bad investment of your time and MONEY...The end of the story is that there is NO GOD! Understanding and accepting this reality is part of evolution...Humankind has no control over evolution. There will be no divine intervention. Islam has brought the lies of all religion to the forefront..It will be the first domino to fall...Patrick Risk
Name: Terry
Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
Time: 09:43:11 -0700
To Mohammed....Please understand that I was born and raised in Egypt to a Muslim father and a Christian mother. My school curriculum included Islamic instruction. All the friends from my youth were Muslims, so I think I speak with more than just a casual knowledge of Islam having experienced it first-hand. The tragedy of both World Wars 1 and 2 took place mostly in "Christian" lands, and yes, the church does bear some responsibility for this (e.g. the Vatican Concordat of 1936). However your "bait & switch" arguement is a red herring that does not address the issue of the quality of life for women in Islam. War and violence go against the Christianity of the Bible no matter the degree of church responsibility. However, the Islamic WRITTEN RECORD of both the Koran and Hadith regarding women's inheritance issues, their voices in courts of law, their rights in marriage, their rights as singles, requirements that make it almost impossible to prove rape, etc. is testimony to their inferior status. You say I am ignorant yet these are the official written records of Islam. You objected to my using the Taliban as examples of Islamic life, but even in moderate Islamic countries it is still the same Koran and Hadith. Arab countries improving the situation for women are accused by religious leaders of being too secular. How can it be said that Muhammad improved the quality of life for women if he was of the "spiritual" and psychological bent to marry a girl of 6 years of age (He consummated the union when she was 9)? In another case he arranged the divorce of his daughter-in-law to marry her himself. Such behaviour speaks volumes of his misogyny and that he, at the very least, maintained the pagan status quo of pre-Islamic Arabia. The Ayatollah Khomeini, a mentor to millions of Muslims, in his writings, has also used Muhammad's shining example to sanction the marriage of pre-pubescent girls. At that age they are still playing with their dolls. I do not hear the howls of protest against such behaviour from the Islamic masses. Granted, the moderates are probably just too embarrassed (or intimidated) to speak. Any decent person, whether born in Islam or not, would shun Muhammad's disgusting example.
Name: rangeet singh
Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
Time: 09:58:17 -0700
The likes of ali sana, salmon rushdi, ali harsi etc etc , the so called ex Muslims, infact 99% of ex Muslims do not turn to any other faith, thus confirming the upper hand of Islam compare to any other faith, so what do the humanists have to offer to man kind? It has to be something new, and who is going to present it? , and are all the humanists going to follow it,what happens to any one who dis agrees? the fact is very simple, tried and failed time and time. so stick to what there is , and the best out there happens to be Islam, and Quran. if you disagree then stop getting rabbits out hat and bring a religion and the book which are better than Islam, and Quran.
Name: ALI [ a funny name for a cow worshipper]
Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
Time: 10:06:02 -0700
ISLAM SHRINKING?? WAKE UP PISS HEAD!!!! Islam the Fastest Growing Religion 50,000 French Accepted Islam In 50 Years: Intelligence - IOL Thousands Of British Elite Embrace Islam: Study America: Islam is finding a niche in the West Islam spreading in Christian South Africa Islam Attracting Many Survivors of Rwanda Genocide - Washington Post Mohammed's religion finds a place in Haiti Islam fastest growing faith in Australia Where the Moors Held Sway, Allah Is Praised Again - NY Times Seattle Times: Muslim in America Rwanda: Islam blooms in genocide's wake Rwanda Turns to Islam After Genocide Muslims in Western Europe - Newsweek Newsminer: Islam in Fairbanks Refugees attracting Americans to Islam CNN: Fastest growing Religion Islam Cached [10Kb] BIC News: Fastest and Misunderstood religion Washington Report: Muslims in America Islam Luring More Latinos - Washington Post Islam to become 2nd largest faith practised in US - Times Of India Islam is fastest-growing religion in U.S - The Sacramento Bee Islam Offers Identity For Some Blacks - The Tampa Tribune Do Muslims not belong in this Christian Europe? - Independent, UK Making do without the mainstream - Guardian, UK Islam 'will be dominant UK religion' Militant Aborigines embrace Islam to seek empowerment America Free but Immoral Comprehensive Survey of US Muslims Faith: Islam's third run for Europe See Also: Converts to Islam Homepage Latin American Muslims Islamic Articles in Newspapers The Many Faces of Islam - Time Magazine Islam The Fastest Growing Religion
Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
Time: 10:12:19 -0700
Baby Ali , how dearly you wish,and you can keep on wishing, the truth is you gain 6 and loose 12. I am the living proof of that,from a non believer to a true believer after visiting your site, so thank you for your help.
Name: Islam is the religion with the biggest share of illiterate followers
Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
Time: 10:32:46 -0700
Comment Congratulations! Almost half of the people in Afghanistan, Bangla Desh, Pakistan and many other muslim countries can´t read the quran. Do these people have any choice?
Name: Does Islam make stupid?
Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
Time: 11:03:01 -0700
Comment According to this image, Egypt and Mesopotamia were leading literate countries before the arrival of islam. Today the literacy rates in Egypt, Iraq and other arab and muslim countries is way lower than in any western, far eastern and even most south-american countries.
Name: Islam in Malaysia
Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
Time: 13:06:51 -0700
Many Malay Muslims keep their religion because they are preferred over chinese and indian minorities concerning jobs, scholarships and places at universities. But while muslims have much easier conditions than non-muslims, there are still not enough muslims to meet the minimum standards. That´s why there are many places at universities vacant, because they are still reserved to muslims. However, many muslims with better education leave their countries for the west where they find freedom and where they can leave islam.
Name: Islam and Science??? A myth!
Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
Time: 13:50:58 -0700
Can ants talk as suggested in the quran? Does semen come from the backbone? And would you expect the almighty allah to insult people as pigs, monkeys and even sobs??? By the way, during the so-called golden age of early islam the quran was not regarded as the word of Allah. It was regarded as written by men. And it was regarded as revelation with only limited life-span. And the Islam of the Mutazilites were promoting a hellenistic philosophy and hellenistic tehology, both coming from the west. However, this progress imposed a real threat to islam because there are so many contradictions in the quran. Thus, orthodox no-thinkers such as Ibn Taimiyya refuted Philosophy and Theology in favour for the extremely anti-intellectual Fiqh-jurisprudence which means that the whole life of todays muslims consists of nothing but Sharia and Fatwas about almost everything. Today´s Islam is about the querstion wether you are allowed to fart duing prayer. It is nothing but casting terror with extreme punishments and boring people with stupid fatwas. It is totally against logic, freedom of thinking and any progress.
Name: cjk
Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
Time: 14:21:04 -0700
What an evil satanic curse Islam is upon mankind and especially upon it's adherents. It's telling and sad to see so many defend the indefensible. The darkness within a large portion of humanity is depressing to me. This evil doctrine can only be defended by resorting to lies,half-truths,and coverups. It is the responsibility of one born into this wicked system to reject it, not defend the indefensible.God is holy as are his phrophets! Mohammed was a bloody,thieving,envious,lustful,murdering,P*E*D*O*P*H*I*L*E....!
Name: Saul
Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
Time: 19:11:45 -0700
Patrick Risk said: "Leaving Islam for any other religion is a side-step." I used to feel that way. But other religions do not promote a death sentence for apostasy. While many religions discourage or sidestep critical evaluation to some degree, Islam is directly opposed to it. Frankly, I would rather see the whole world convert to a really stupid religion which did not use threats and intimidation to maintain adherence. Leaving Islam is a step forward. Even if the personal choice was not part of the equation, the use of violence to solve problems with unbelievers is a major security threat to the world. Islam's promotion of misogyny and antisemitism is several orders of magnitude greater than any other world religion. I don't think that having a bad sinus infection is a good thing but it is better than having necrotizing fasciitis.
Name: bobby
Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
Time: 21:04:55 -0700
Any sensible rational person would know Islam is nothing but an pack of lies and ugly evil one at that. Even if most people in Indonesia would like to get rid of it, there are the aggressive minorities lacking brains but willing to put themselves in streets and die for the islamic cause. when there are no one to oppose them, it becomes difficult to eradicate this cult.
Name: Islam is Hocus Pocus to me
Date: Monday February 25, 2008
Time: 03:53:57 -0700
It is really perplexing that the so-called islamic-scientists don´t even achieve fun fair level. is this a world religion? No, it is world hocus pocus! Allah built the earth in a week and then he screwed some stars onto the heaven. It´s pathetic. Some very mighty guys must be very desperate. Where does the money come from to spread all this islamic science hype over the world?
Name: Islamic science
Date: Monday February 25, 2008
Time: 04:23:54 -0700
If I'm not mistaken, Islam teaches that Allah built the earth in 1 day and was the FIRST creation of all the heavenly bodies. The question is this...If the earth was THE FIRST of all the heavenly bodies, then how could it be said it was created in 1 day when there not yet the moon or the sun by which to measure the time it took? One day how?
Name: ZuK
Date: Monday February 25, 2008
Time: 09:22:13 -0700
...please check THIS: [.............] [...............] Pakistan blocks 'objectionable' YouTube -------------- Pakistan has become the latest country to block access to the video-sharing Web site YouTube on the grounds that one or more videos on the site offend Islam, authorities said Monday. ----------------- Protests burn a Danish flag in Karachi over the publication of drawings depicting the Prophet Mohammed. -------------------- The Pakistani government is also asking YouTube to remove "objectionable content," said Nabiha Mehmood, a spokeswoman for the Pakistani Telecommunications Authority.
Name: Re: Jorge
Date: Monday February 25, 2008
Time: 09:39:39 -0700
Let me try it this way: If you think that you are performing a great job for Islam than you are definetely wrong. Everybody with an elementary education and not brainwashed like you will laugh about what you call Islam and Science. He or she will think that people like you are not only naive and stupid, but also brainwashed and lunatic. How many hours a day do you spend memorizing and reciting quran? How many time did you ever spend with science? You don´t realize what you are talking about! And this here is for people who have basic knowledges at least. This here is not for illiterates! So you should better give up your dumb job. Believe me, Islam will fare better without people like you!
Name: Another apostate
Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
Time: 07:36:08 -0700
You are right Ali. Many many muslims are leaving Islam, they just do it silently for fear of retribution. I believe Islam is dying.
Name: truth
Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
Time: 09:01:09 -0700
yes islam is falling appart. and soon lets all hope it will disappear. its a cult to the devil, bad, wrong and all disgusting things. i have no idea how these so called muslims show their heads 2 the world. they should be so embarassed from their cult and the pedophile who created it. its and idiotic religion or whatever its is.I AM NOT JUsT TALKING...I READ THE QURAN. its made from stupid for stupids. the words themselves inside make u feel like u wanna vomit. well i can only be sorry 4 those people really.and if we r dirty infidels why they come 2 our countries and they use our inventions. let them stay in the pure islamic countries EAT GRASS, OR SAND, BEND 5 TIMES A DAY. USE FIRE 4 LIGHT AND CAMELS FOR MOVING. LET US ALL WEST AND AMERICA AND THE REST OF CIVILIZED COUNTRIES BAN THOSE MUSLIMS OF COMING HERE
Name: Re: truth
Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
Time: 12:24:34 -0700
It may fell apart, but there is also some kind of islamic nationalism keeping it together. Many muslims dont really believe in islam, but they stay in islam because of political reasons, nationalism and not to forget for family reasons.
Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
Time: 15:26:59 -0700
them bloody Muslims declining, you must be joking, come and look in Yorkshire England, there are more than 90 mosques in Bradford alone, and on Fridays they come out of them like herds,there is quite a few of the indigenous people now converting,as well as the african ,caribbeans .
Name: Al_Murtad
Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
Time: 18:26:07 -0700
It would be nice to know just how many people are leaving Islam. I find it difficult to sift through all the hype. Are there anymore brave apostate who are tired of hiding and want to stand up and take the liberty that you were born with? It's time world-wide for people to stand and let the chips fall where they may. They can't kill you all!
Name: Islam, literacy, and knowledge
Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
Time: 19:27:07 -0700
Since Islamic religious leaders love to play the blame game, pointing their finger at the West for all its woes, how does it account for its high illiteracy rate? Is that the West's fault too? It has been said that the Arabs took the lead in mathematics and science in the 10th and 11th centuries, paving the way for the European Renaissance. Given the fact that a few Arabic words like "algebra", "alchemy", and "alcohol" found their way into the sciences, there might be a little bit of truth in this....but if so, not much. WHY DID ISLAM STOP BEING THE LEADER IN THESE FIELDS.....if it ever was a leader at all? The fact is, Arab advents in these fields were made IN SPITE of Islam, NOT BECAUSE of it....otherwise the advents would have continued, but they did not. European advances in math, science, and art were built on a Greek foundation, not an Arabic one. Whatever Arab advancements were in place were soon overshadowed by the West as Islam's iron-fisted influence put an end to whatever progress they saw as too secular. How many Islamic parallels are there to Archimedes and Pythagoras? Later in history, what Islamic parallels are there to Gallileo, Copernicus, and one of the greatest, Isaac Newton? Where is their Lavoisier, Louis Pasteur, and Madame Curie? In the one Islamic parallel to Bach, Mozart, or Beethoven. Yes, of course there is Arabic folk music and popular songs, but in Islamic theocracies music is kept at an absolute minimum, if it all, because Muhammad did not like music. Name one Islamic parallel to Da Vinci, Michaelangelo, or Rembrandt. There are none as we see Islamic art consisting mainly of intricate geometric designs. Very interesting to look at, but not the stuff of museums. Islam in its truest application has been a stifling force in the advancement of knowledge. The high rate of illiteracy in Muslim countries, which is certainly not a recent development, and especially among females, is proof of this. This is Islam's legacy.
Name: vbv
Date: Wednesday February 27, 2008
Time: 00:57:18 -0700
Somebody said 'islam is the fastest growing religion'. Well ,if it is so, it is expediting human extinction very fast indeed defeating natural evolution. After all when the muslims have no more kafirs to conquer,they will decimate each other in the fervour of being more puritanical islamist than the other and create the most miserable and squalid existence on the face of earth with sheer ignorance, fear ,distrust and hatred everywhere!Well evolution may be speeded up brining in better evolved species than humans.
Name: Re: Islam, literacy, and knowledge
Date: Wednesday February 27, 2008
Time: 01:44:23 -0700
You are absolutely right! Not to forget that the Arabs had the advantage of being located almost in the center of the eurasian continent. They had access to knowledge from europe, persia, india and even china. For example, the arabs learned to make paper much earlier than the europeans. However, Ibn Taimiyya, who discovered that science and logic is dangerous to islam and quran, paved the way for the islamic obscuratism, which keeps the islamic world in ignorance even in modern times.
Name: Re: Islam, literacy, and knowledge
Date: Wednesday February 27, 2008
Time: 03:54:13 -0700
You can also ask : where is the Islamic equivalent of Shakespeare? Where is their Charles Dickens? Their Goethe? Their Tolstoy? To be sure, there were some Arab and Persian thinkers and writers, such as Al-Maari, but their work was soon obscured by Islamic religious leaders. Also, Al-Akhtal, one of the greatest poets of the Ummayad period, was a Christian.
Name: Islam is against progress
Date: Wednesday February 27, 2008
Time: 06:08:38 -0700
No critical questions, no entertainment, no theaters, no modern music, no painting of humans and animals. Muslims are supposed to believe anything from the quran without questioning, not allowed to be creative because it could insult the only creator. Many muslims regard themselves as "Slaves of Allah" and this is true. Muslims are not supposed to act freely and under own responsibility. Many things are forbidden without reason such as interest financing. The results are devastating. There is a lack of entrepreneurship in islamic countries and a lack of medium sized companies. Are there any world leading companies in the islamic world except in the oil sector? Islamic Economy is not competitive. There are not enough entrepreneurs and they dont get their businesses financed without interest banking. By the way, to forbid interest is nothing but nonsense. But I dont have the time and space to explain it here and now.
Date: Wednesday February 27, 2008
Time: 15:11:43 -0700
If Islam is the "religion of peace" that they claim it is, then Muslim religious leaders...the custodians of the faith...should be prime examples of peace and goodwill and should be condemning the terrorists. But they don't. Instead they use their mosques as places to spew out more anti-West and anti-Israeli hatred. Islam has 5 "corners"...prayer, ritual washing, giving to the poor, pilgrimage to Mecca, and fasting at Ramadan. But it sure sounds like a sixth requirement is now expected of all worshippers....hatred of the West. This seems to be a non-written addition to the doctrine. Inhabitants of the West do not celebrate when their armies accidentally kill Arab civilians. But I know of no other religion whose adherents dance in the street at the news of stolen planes deliberately flown into buildings and deliberately targetting innocent civilians by means of suicide bombers. Yes, sadly, innocent civilians die in times of war....when one ARMY FACES ANOTHER ARMY. But Muslim extremists DELIBERATELY target those civilians who are the most defenseless...people minding their own business in public places, including women, children, and the elderly. Terrorists are also known to use their own defenseless Muslim "fellow worshippers" as shields when the fighting gets a little too close....apparantly with the blessings of the Mullahs and Imams. Where is their collective voice of outrage???? Their silence is deafening. And the parents of these murderous thugs who are killed in action are actually proud of them and view them as martyrs. Other parents want the same for their children when they get older. The "religion of peace"???
Name: Terry
Date: Wednesday February 27, 2008
Time: 20:06:05 -0700
Look at the flag of Saudi Arabia. It has the Islamic saying written on it : "There is no god except Allah and Muhammad is his prophet". With this saying is a sword. How can a religion of peace be pictured by a sword? If Islam was a religion of peace, wouldn't the saying be accompanied by an olive branch, or a dove, or something along those lines that is internationally recognized as a symbol of peace? Muhammad instructed his disciples to spread Islam by the sword and I guess this is what the Saudi flag is about. A religion of peace? I don't think so.
Name: ali5196
Date: Thursday February 28, 2008
Time: 01:18:08 -0700
Hi, I wrote the article above. One Correction : our site at this moment (Febr 2008) has now reached 3,400 visitors a day.
Name: Cynic
Date: Thursday February 28, 2008
Time: 03:31:26 -0700
Westerners converting to Islam might be under the impression that it is like going to a church of a different denomination. Only later they realise that Islam is a pack of lies and a oneway street. In the West it doesnt really matter if you later silently drop out of the cult. Of course, the Islamic propagandists will for all time to come be trumpeting your name from the rooftop as a Western convert. With all its irrationalities I am happy that I am a Christian. After all nobody pays much attention to the abominations of the Old Testament. The sublime message of Christ about compassion and forgiveness is practical enough to take care of a persons spiritual and temporal needs. And what is more important, nobody will behead you for leaving Christianity.
Name: Ali Khalaf
Date: Thursday February 28, 2008
Time: 15:28:47 -0700
Ali: You are doing a great job. Exposing islam is the best way to fight islamism. When you inform the ill informed muslims of the contradictions, violence, ridiculous fairy tales ,permission to rob and rape in Quran and the fact that Mohammed raided and robbed for living and acquiring women, killed and terrorized to spread islam many of them start doubting Quran and prophethood. Once a potential suicide bomber doubts Quran and he wouldnt be getting virgins , he will back off.Also once the moderate muslims realize that islam is a hoax they will stop giving generous donation to muslim groups who send that to terrorists.
Name: jorge
Date: Thursday February 28, 2008
Time: 16:01:57 -0700
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. This is not fiction but reality. This is not Muslim bias but based on hard-core evidence. Check out the amazing facts and figures and see for yourself why Islam is the fastest growing faith on the planet: World Almanac and Book of facts 1935 and Readers Digest Almanac and Yearbook 1983. "Among every four humans in the world, one of them is Muslim. Muslims have increased by over 235 percent in the last fifty years up to nearly 1.6 billion. By comparison, Christians have increased by only 47 percent and Jews have decreased by 4%. In the West, Islam is the second largest religious group in France, Great Britain and USA." The CIA World's Facts Book "The total number of Muslims in 1996 was 1.4 billion which was 26% of the world population. According to UN statistics Islam's annual growth in 1994-1995 was 6.40% compared to only 1.46% of Christianity. The total number of Muslims in the world in 1998 was 1.6 billion (1, 678, 442,000)." Friday, 14 September, 2001, 11:17 GMT 12:17 UK 'Islam: Faith under fire' by BBC correspondent Mike Wooldridge Islam is the world's fastest growing faith, a faith that abuts a number of the world's political fault lines and a faith that does not draw a distinction between the religious life and the political life. Islam: Misunderstood Throughout The World By: James A. Bill (professor of government and director of the Reves Center for International Studies at the College of William and Mary in Virginia) '..By the turn of the century, for the first time in history, the number of Muslims (those who practice Islam) will have surpassed the number of Christians in the world. Islam is a monotheistic religion, civilization and way of life now practiced by 1.5 billion people. Easily the world's fastest growing religion, Islam is not confined to the Middle East. It is a truly universal force. More Muslims live in America today than all the Presbyterians and Episcopalians put together. There are more than 1,200 mosques in the United States and 1000 mosques in England, where the Muslim community has established its own national parliament. There are more Muslims in Indonesia than in Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Saudi Arabia put together. More live in Malaysia than in Jordan, Lebanon and Kuwait combined. Nearly 20 million Muslims live in China. ' Author Samuel Huntington predicts that Islam will overtake Christianity early in the 21st century. By the year 2025, Islam will have 5% more adherents than will Christianity. The U.S. Center for World Mission estimated in 1997 that Christianity's total number of adherents is growing at about 2.3% annually. This is approximately equal to the growth rate of the world's population. Islam is growing faster: about 2.9% and is thus increasing its market share. At this rate, Islam would surpass Christianity as the world's main religion by 2023 CE. MIKE WALLACE, 60 MINUTES "The religion of Islam is growing faster than any other religion in the world." USA TODAY, The population reference bureau, Feb. 17,1989, p.4A "Moslems are the world's fastest-growing group..." ABC 'Already more than a billion-people strong, Islam is the world's fastest-growing religion.' The Junior Encyclopedia of Canada. Hurting Publishers. 1990. Vol 2 . p396 "Islam is the fastest growing faith in the world" CAIRO (CNN) April 14, 1997. From Correspondent Gayle Young Fast-growing Islam winning converts in Western world "..The second-largest religion in the world after Christianity, Islam is also the fastest-growing religion. In the United States, for example, nearly 80 percent of the more than 1,200 mosques have been built in the past 12 years." THE TIMES Tuesday, 9th November 1993 'The rate of conversions has prompted predictions that Islam will rapidly become an important religious force in the UK. Islam is also spreading fast on the continent and in America.' A muslim-christian debate website. "There are now over a billion Muslims in the world, a majority in 50 nations. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today....conversion growth is also a reality, particularly in Africa where many nominal Christians are being won to Islam. In the UK, Islam is the fastest growing religion among the Afro-Caribbean community. There are perhaps 10,000 British converts to Islam, predominantly white, middle-class women." Conversions in United States NEWSDAY, March 7, 1989, p.4 "Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the country." NEW YORK TIMES, Feb 21, 1989, p.1 "Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the United States..." Dan Rathers, CBS NEWS "There are more Muslims in North America then Jews now." CNN, December 15, 1995 "Islam continues to grow in America, and no one can doubt that!" HILLARY RODMAN CLINTON, Los Angeles Times, May 31, 1996, p.3 "Islam is the fastest-growing religion in America, a guide and pillar of stability for many of our people..." President Clinton, White House Eid ul-Fitr presentation, Jan. 10, 2000. "...there is much that the world can learn from Islam. It is now practiced by one of every four people on Earth." ABC News Broadcasted on BIC News 13 December 1997 Fastest-Growing Religion Often Misunderstood By Barr Seitz "Experts agree Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in America. As many as five million Muslims live in the United States and in the last five years, the number of mosques in this country has increased from 843 to about 1,300. Most of the growth has come from immigration, but much of it is homegrown. For many black Americans, Islam has become the religion of choice and some one million have converted. "It is an American phenomenon, which started in the ghettoes of the north," says Yvonne Haedad, a professor of history of Islam and of Christian-Muslim Relations at Georgetown University. "It is a response to is seen as the religion of liberation." Times of India Thursday 12 July 2001 WASHINGTON: 'Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in the United States, and by 2010 it is expected to become the second largest faith practiced in the country after Christianity, the State Department's international information programs has said.' Ohio News, Monday, November 27, 2000 Influx of Muslim immigrants, refugees attracting Americans to Islam BY JASON KEYSER .Associated Press Writer "There are about 25,000 Muslims in Columbus. Nationwide there are from 6 to 8 million Muslims. Based on anecdotal accounts and interviews, the refugee service estimates that nationwide there could be as many as 18,000 converts a year or one convert per mosque per month." Seattle Times 'Muslim in America': by Marc Ramirez staff reporter 'With some 6 million U.S. followers, Islam is one of the nation's fastest-growing faiths.' CONVERSIONS IN BRITAIN Sunday Times (London, U.K.) Rajeev Syal and Christopher Morgan "The nation's claim to be a Christian country is about to meet its first challenge: the number of practicing Muslims is set to overtake Anglican Christians.... There have also been a number of high-profile conversions to Islam from Christianity. These include the British middleweight boxing champion, who has changed his name to Hamdan; and Cat Stevens, the pop musician, who calls himself Yusuf Islam.... Prince Charles courted controversy when he reaffirmed his claim that when he succeeds the throne, he does not wish to be the defender of only the Christian faith." THE TIMES Tuesday, 9th November 1993 'Why Are British Women Turning To Islam' by Lucy Berrington 'Unprecedented numbers of British people, nearly all of them women, are converting to Islam at a time of deep divisions within the Anglican and Catholic churches. The rate of conversions has prompted predictions that Islam will rapidly become an important religious force in this country. "Within the next 20 years the number of British converts will equal or overtake the immigrant Muslim community that brought the faith here", says Rose Kendrick, a religious education teacher at a Hull comprehensive and the author of a textbook guide to the Koran. She says: "Islam is as much a world faith as is Roman Catholicism. No one nationality claims it as its own". Islam is also spreading fast on the continent and in America. In the United States, women converts outnumber men by four to one, and in Britain make up the bulk of the estimated 10, 000 to 20, 000 converts, forming part of a Muslim community of 1.5 million. Many of Britain's "New Muslims" are from middle-class backgrounds. Some say the conversions are prompted by the rise of comparative religious education. The British media, offering what Muslims describe as a relentless bad press on all things Islamic, is also said to have helped. Westerners despairing of their own society - rising in crime, family breakdown, drugs and alcoholism- have come to admire the discipline and security of Islam. Many converts are former Christians disillusioned by the uncertainty of the church and unhappy with the concept of the Trinity and deification of Jesus.' Conclusion You wanted evidence, you got it. It should now be clear as light that Islam is the fastest growing religion on the planet. Islam is growing at an incredible speed because it is the religion of truth which offers you the answers to the questions of life and gives you a complete code of life. Don't just be amazes at the growth of Islam; study it, accept it and practice it.
Date: Thursday February 28, 2008
Time: 19:47:30 -0700
Might does not prove right. All that is proven by the growth rate of Islam (assuming the numbers are to be believed) are 2 things : One...Too many blind and ignorant converts have been duped, and 2...Contraception is not popular among illiterate polygamists.
Name: Igor
Date: Friday February 29, 2008
Time: 06:52:00 -0700
Wisdom to live by: Farting is problematic in Islam. During prayer, a worshipper must not fart. Sahih Bukhari (1.4.137) writes that Allah will not accept a Muslim’s prayer if he/she passes wind during the ritual. The exception occurs if the worshipper farts silently, or the fart does not smell. In such a case, he/she may continue with the prayer (ibid, 1.4.139). Only an apostate or infidel would fart loudly during prayer and believe that Allah accepts it.
Name: Jm Goldberg
Date: Friday February 29, 2008
Time: 08:38:56 -0700
Name: GT
Date: Friday February 29, 2008
Time: 16:01:15 -0700
Any religion that feels the need to tell its followers how to poop, well, that religion is aimed at idiots. Animals know how to poop, but Muslims have to be taught by a child molesting sex freak thief. Just wow. I notice that the Muslims here don't understand what "keep comments short means" Thanks to the webmasters of this site
Date: Friday February 29, 2008
Time: 17:20:36 -0700
When Muslims are confronted with facts that would cause any sincere, rational, thinking person to at least question, if not absolutely frown, on the behavior of Muhammad, they sidestep the issues and go straight to irrelevant rhetoric about rapid Islamic population growth, horrible Israel, the evil West....yadda yadda. The following are my questions for Muslims.....Do they HONESTLY see nothing wrong with Muhammad, a man in his 40s (or 50s) marrying a 6-year old, and consummating the union at age 9? Do they HONESTLY see nothing wrong with his other marriage to his ex-daughter-in-law (his stepson divorced his wife so that Muhammad could marry her)? Do they not see a hypocritical double standard with Muhammad limiting his followers to a maximum of 4 wives when he himself had at least twelve? Those are the facts. Will any Muslim reading this please answer the above questions....No red herrings please. Stick to the subject.
Name: Lakshman
Date: Saturday March 01, 2008
Time: 07:57:01 -0700
Sir, It is my wish that your contribution to humanism is recognized and acclaimed internationally within your life. Please keep writing against any injustice you find worth talking. May God give you healthy life sharper mind. Lakshman India
Name: Terry
Date: Saturday March 01, 2008
Time: 11:42:28 -0700
Muslims were quick to respond to other posts deemed critical of their faith but when asked to comment on Muhammad's scandalous marriages (the six year old and the daughter in law) with the request that they stay on topic, as they were invited to directly above, they go quiet. Interesting.
Name: Semantics
Date: Saturday March 01, 2008
Time: 15:30:50 -0700
Muslims object to the use of the outdated term "Mohammedan" instead of "Muslim" to describe their adherence to their faith because, they say, the word "Mohammedan" gives the impression that they give their devotion to a man. Well, you could've fooled me!!!!
Name: Re : The USA should destroy the Kaaba.
Date: Saturday March 01, 2008
Time: 15:53:10 -0700
As tempting as that may be in response to the destruction of the WTC twin towers, I do not believe the USA should destroy the Kaaba. In time, when the vast majority of Muslims finally wake up to their ignorance, the Kaaba will one day be an archeological curiosity with a MacDonald's (serving MacFalafils, of course) and a Holiday Inn standing right next to it. That would be a much stronger message.
Name: Cynix
Date: Sunday March 02, 2008
Time: 07:25:02 -0700
Our friends Rangeeth Singh and Jorge somehow prefer kafir pseudonyms to their Allah given names. Why, I wonder. Come on folks, it is unIslamic to shy away from your Islamic identity. Dont you wear your religion all over the body ? Jorge, kindly keep your entries (which look like cut and paste items) short. More chances that somebody would actually read them.
Date: Sunday March 02, 2008
Time: 13:23:17 -0700
Jorge's long rants are mere propaganda, but Rangeet Singh's posts, as lengthy as they may be, are at least informative. Nor do I think Mr. Singh is pro-Islamic. But I would love to hear Jorge's thoughts on Muhammad as the loving husband of a 9-year old girl. Also, one has to wonder about the dysfunctional relationship Muhammad had with his son after arranging for his divorce in order to marry the ex-wife himself. Muhammad claimed to acknowledge Moses as a prophet of Allah. So how do Muslims feel about Moses' words in Leviticus 18:6-23 with its list of sexual perversions? Muhammad went against verse 15 regarding his daughter-in-law. Muhammad also claimed to believe in Jesus. So, didn't Muhammad, with his sexual predelictions, also go against Jesus' words in Matthew 5:28? For a guy who claimed to believe in the prophets of the Bible, Muhammad sure had no problem redefining Biblical morality when it was convenient for him. Still out there, Jorge?
Name: Galambo
Date: Sunday March 09, 2008
Time: 20:06:23 -0700
There is a site managed by Coptic highly knowledgeable scholars on Islam, that reveal excellent information and truth about islam and Mohammad. Their articles and posting are republished by many anti islam sites including faith freedom. The Copts are expert on islam for living with it 1400 years. the site is
Name: Veritas
Date: Tuesday March 11, 2008
Time: 05:09:08 -0700
Islam like all other organized religions is a method to control the masses. Islam is however brutal, it uses violence to control its subjects, as well as threats of eternal damnation. People cannot speak freely because of violent retaliation and I'm sure the clerics know Islam is evil - but they are in control, they have power. Why would they allow free speech which would threaten their control over thousands of lives? The prophet mohammed was a pedophile and a thief. I doubt if any God (should there be one) would chose a person like Mohammed to spread his word. Mohammed controlled his followers with the sword, with booty, and with the promise of gratuitous sex. He used bait to lure in the masses. Once lured, the bait was threatened with death if he/she doubted the word of God as told by Mohammed. Females were controlled by the Patriarchy and males were controlled by fear and greed. I hope that more Muslims are able to escape from their chains and realize that they are being controlled. Not by God, but by fellow humans who are in a position to weld power over them. Good luck everyone. May your passage to freedom be safe.
Name: Rudy
Date: Monday March 17, 2008
Time: 18:37:34 -0700
Zuk, You forget one simple truth, the name mohammed, when translated to modern English, literally means, inbred moron. Thus his ignorance can be excused, as it is likely the result of his mother also being his sister.
Name: Re : Rudy
Date: Tuesday March 18, 2008
Time: 02:56:32 -0700
Not sure about the mother also being the sister. There's gotta be a riddle in there somewhere. Fact is though, incest was not unfamiliar to Mohammed since he did take a shine to his daughter in law before his son divorced her and married her himself. Her name was Zanab. Nice family. Thing is though, Mohammed preached that Moses was one of God's prophets to be taken seriously, but then broke the law of Moses in Leviticus regarding incest. Go figure. But then I guess the law of Moses (or any laws for that matter) don't apply when you're illiterate.
Name: Constantine the Great
Date: Tuesday March 18, 2008
Time: 14:43:35 -0700
I'm still trying to figure out which of the Ten Commandments Mohammed didn't break! Perhaps the one about honoring father and mother as he was an orphan, all the others he broke - adultery, murder, thieving, worshipping the God of Israel (Mohammed preferred the moon god of the Arabs), taking the name of the Lord in vain, violating the sabbath, coveting his neighbours wife and ass. Of course there's a get out clause in the Koran as Al-Lah allows Mohammed to do what is forbidden to lesser mortals because of his status as a "prophet"!
Name: Re : Constantine the Great
Date: Wednesday March 19, 2008
Time: 13:24:00 -0700
You are absolutely correct. Yet Muhammad pointed to Moses as a prophet of God and told his Muslim followers to recognize Moses as such. But isn't a prophet, of all people, expected to take the lead as an example to follow? How come it doesn't occurr to Muslims that Muhammad hypocritically didn't follow the laws of the very prophets he claimed to recognize even though the same Biblical prophets followed those same laws themselves?
Name: To all Moslem
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 02:20:36 -0700
What do you say about: Ayesha was married in the age of 6, and was consummated in the age of 9 by a 53 years old sex maniac? Phaedophilia? Zainab was married by a man who was his father in law. Incest? Legal? Or Allah was very supported to his prophet to follow his lust? Please answer me, especially the first one, phaedophilia. That's why he banned the killing of baby-girl in Arabia. To have sex with them once they reach the age of nine. Ha ha ha ha ......
Name: Allat- Happy Polytheist
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 10:49:03 -0700
rangeet singh: Just came across your Feb. posting - sound interesting - but it's too long - people are not going to read it, unless you divide it up somehow. So if you want people to READ something - shorten it. Bye.
Name: Paul
Date: Monday April 07, 2008
Time: 22:26:21 -0700
I believe that Islam is destined to fail, ultimately. The reason: inflexibility in the face of modernity; while most religious persons share one thing - the lack of choice as each is indoctrinated from early childhood into holding the views of his / her parents, the difference between Islam and other major religions is that, normally, one is free to leave the other religions without fear of retribution or intimidation. Muslims understand that the Internet, and Western radio and T.V. present threats to their beliefs and practices. When people realize they are 'prisoners' of their faith, they tend to experience varying levels of resentment; thus it is no mystery that in the most restrictive Muslim countries access to Western messages is banned or severly censored. Al Jazeera is Liberal by Islamic standards, but wholly conservative by Western. Imans on the internet speak of the numbers flocking to Islam while ignoring the fact that 50 leave for every 1 new "true believer".
Name: Re : Paul
Date: Tuesday April 08, 2008
Time: 13:02:59 -0700
Correct. While being aware of internet dangers and using good judgement in avoiding money scams, child porn, etc., only makes sense, Islamic theocracies see it as a threat for an entirely different reason....much the same reason as other totalitarian regimes such as China, and North Korea see it as a threat. If viewers become more enlightened, the more the regime, Islamic or otherwise, would lose its grip. Maintaining mass ignorance keeps the authorities in power. Regarding your last point, one also has to wonder how many "true believing" Islamic converts actually stay Muslims once the novelty and thrill of the newfound faith wears off and reality sets in.
Name: tanya
Date: Tuesday April 08, 2008
Time: 13:57:01 -0700
Name: Spiritual Agnostic
Date: Friday April 25, 2008
Time: 14:38:22 -0700
Just a quick thank you, Ali, from a Westerner who once had some respect for Islam, for your brave spirit. I hope to make your site even better known. I used to wonder why liberal Muslims all over the world didn't speak out against the atrocities. Now I see that they are probably too afraid to speak out.
Name: aniket
Date: Saturday April 26, 2008
Time: 18:07:52 -0700
hi i m an indian hindu i heard recently that many indeonesians r leaving islam n converting to hinduism is this true? i dont think it is true wat do u think about hinduism n its future in indonesia. criticism about hindiusm is most welcomed. please do reply thanks please reply
Name: mudad
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 08:33:29 -0700
My father was beating me because I slept with a christian man, he threatened to kill me, one day he got extremely violent, I was in the toilet doing my thing, and suddenly this light came from the ceiling, I saw blinding white light, and I saw the image of jesus descend up on me. After I was done in the toilet I headed to the church of lord, I ma now worshipping the son of high. :) true story.
Name: Re: mudad
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 16:17:46 -0700
Things don't add up. If your Muslim father beat you it was because of premarital sex. The beating had nothing to do with your partner being a so-called "Christian". He would have still beat you if you had slept with a Muslim, a Hindu, or an atheist. Good thing he wasn't a Jew or you'd be dead. Further, expecting people to believe that you "found Christianity" while attending to bodily functions in the toilet is asking too much of the readers here. Your story is bogus.