A Truth That Set Me Free from Islam
11 Aug, 2008
From Faithfreedom.org (FFI)
Dear Ali Sina (editor, FFI),
One of my favorite quotes ever is "truth shall set you
free" and you are the one that awakened me a while ago
although I never sent you a thank you letter. So I guess I owe a
HUGE thank you because you are one of the rare people that helped me
confirm that the world I lived in was a big fat lie and nobody even
dared to wonder "what if all this is wrong."
I'm young, a 16 year old boy and for 15 years I've been raised as a
Muslim. I followed my religions beliefs as if I had no other choice.
If I was born a Muslim that was the way I ought to spend my life
never asking too much questions because questions would lead me
astray. I prayed a lot and was a really devoted Muslim. I even read
Qur'an as the word of God. Everyone in my country was doing so, why
wouldn't I?
my 15th birthday I wanted to pray 5 times a day and devote my self
to Allah. This may sound irrelevant but my birthday wish was "to
make all the right decisions”. It really came true. I never thought
my life would change in this way. Exactly one week later I had a
beautiful day, and for some reason I started collecting small rocks
from my favorite places , listening to music and on the eve of the
same day I for some unknown reason I goggled "spells", that's
probably because I got bored and after such a beautiful day, the
evening seemed dull.
That word changed my life forever, but it wasn't just the word, but
Life had prepared me to react differently to the information I had
just found. As a child, I always used to watch Charmed, a TV-show
about magic, spells, potions, demons, long story short it was a
fairy-tale life but I always used to see myself as a warlock or a
witch having wonderful powers and stuff but even as a child I knew
that it was just my over active imagination after all Allah is One
and Our life purpose was to Pray and bla bla bla. You get the point.
The search in Google about the word "spells" had a lot of results to
my surprise so because I had nothing to do I decided to click over
them and see what crap there is, but what I found out was more
incredible than I ever imagined. It wasn't the fairytale world of
Charmed, that's for sure but it was a whole different world. In this
website it was written that witchcraft was not the work of Devil, 'cuz
devil never existed anyway, but rather was a chant to a Loving God
to grant a desire. It spoke about Astral world as a chance to do the
things we always dreamed, because it was actually the place we went
when we slept. It spoke about love, a topic Islam never touched, as
the source of all, it spoke about Karma which at the time was an
unfamiliar concept to me, it spoke about humanity's evolution, a
topic I had always fought against, it spoke that the reason why
spells came true was because there was a field, universe itself that
granted our grandest desire.
Long story short it introduced a WHOLE NEW WORLD
for me. I didn't immediately accept it. It was all Satan's work and
this was the way for him to lead my astray from my Islamic Path. It
was just too good to be true and it was the opposite of everything
my family, my mosque, my friends and teachers had taught me, but I
couldn't help wondering What if, What if, everything I took for
granted was not right? What if, I've been laid all my life? And so
on so I started doubting my religion, Allah and Quran.
guess I started to ask questions, something Allah really didn't want
me to do, because I had to believe the Unknown, and Qur'an had all
the answers anyway. But something inside of me was restless .I was
introduced to a world of choice where I could research about all the
religions and the one that was the rightest to me was the one I'd
choose. For the first time in my life I had the option of having a
choice, not a religion which was forced from family and even
didn't leave Islam immediately because it would destroy my comfort
zone. After all I had been a devoted Muslim for a long while and
fear of hell always wins. Fear. That's how Islam and other organized
religion have survived. So I decided to do research about Islam and
many of the results were "Allah is one - fear him and he will grant
you hereafter (Heaven)". After all what I always wanted to do after
I reached adulthood was to become a shehid - to die in the name of
Allah, probably taking many innocent people with me. I wanted that
because that's what Friday mosque speech told us. It was a fool-
proof plan. We would die in the name of God and we could choose 70
people to take with us in heaven. I even was making the list in my
mind. Who should I pick?
Thinking about it now, I was so naive, incredibly naive, and that was so because I had a lack of information. I saw the world as a test ground where I had to deny myself pleasure, give money to the church, pray 5 times a day in Arabic (thing we had memorized and we didn't even know their meaning). If it is written in the Quran, it had to be so. Also I had to read Quran, most of which was filled with hadith, something I never understood. Why does God's word need texts from other people? Anyway, I also had to fast Ramadan and so on so I could have a chance to be on Allah's good list.
I researched more and more and the results I found were incredibly
shocking. They were totally blasphemy, or so I thought and among
those results were information of Quran contradictions and error. I
WAS SHOCKED. How could a religion with so many believers have errors
and contradictions??? Something was wrong. I had my doubts but never
thought that the truth was so hurtful but it wasn't the truth that
hurt, it was the lies that I had lived my life doing and believing.
That's where you got in.
I found you website, not easily I might add. It was so shocking. You
totally opened my eyes about the reality that I considered true. You
actually had the courage to give answers that everybody avoided. You
helped me more than you could ever imagine. You gave me the truth. A
truth I didn't accept that easily was a truth that was so
undeniable. A truth that set me free.
now I was free but so confused. Everything I'd ever know was
crushed. I didn't know what to do. Everyone around me was Muslim. No
one would understand and even though I was so incredibly lost I felt
happy because I knew I had broken away from a life full of hate.
The fact that I had become familiar with witchcraft helped me a lot
because it was a religion which said "we are not the only way, we
are merely one.” That saying just warmed my heart because my life
wasn't filled with fear anymore. I had love in my heart, something I
wasn't learned through Islam.
was introduced to a life where love dominated, peace was the primal
goal, and the only rule/law was DO NO HARM. What
more could I want. I had spells which would help my life improve. I
had it all but still I had many questions. Why did my spells came
true, what was the field, what was really god, why is the world as
it is, what was life's purpose, who we are, where do we come from.
These were questions Witchcraft failed to answer.
I decided to leave Witchcraft for a while so I could seek the truth.
For some reason I became interested in Hinduism. It was really
interesting and the concept of karma and reincarnation really got my
attention. So I got into it and read a lot of its literature. As
interesting as it was I had to move one and learn about other
religions also. So I became acquainted with Christianity. It was a
joke. It was full of fear and couldn't be a Christian for more than
a week. So then I became interested with Buddhism. I loved it, the
meditation, Buddha, Enlightenment. I loved the idea of not wanting
anything, because I already had it all. For many reasons that didn't
fulfill me. So I found Theosophy and till now, it's the only
rational religion, if it even was one. It gave me so many answers,
intellectual ones but the reason d'etre I got apart from it
was the over abstractness. I didn't quite understand Life.
So I decided to follow a life living the combo of all religions. Well at least till I found something else. The combo was a pile of ideas that made all religions great. I was happy but I really wanted to find the truth, the ultimate one. That wasn't hard. All I had to do was look for it, something other people don't do. I read the book "The Celestine Prophecy”. A beautiful book. The first one I read where the concept of God was as a source of energy, not a white bearded man standing in the sky judging people and acting through miracles and bla bla bla, an image I'd left when I left Islam. This book was about awakening of humanity, seeing the world through different eyes, talked about the connectedness with everyone.
It was just the first book with many to follow. I read probably all Deepak Chopras books, where he explained life, universe, good as a single principle, life after death, answering millions of my questions, Echart Tolle who explained Ego and consciousness. Then came Wayne Dyer teaching me to be a Non Limit Person. Also read "Peaceful Warrior" by Dan Millman a book that changes lives.
The biggest shock of all was the Law of Attraction.
That seemed the bottom. The secret of Life was revealed and all I
ever wanted I could have. It may have seemed suspicious but every
time I'd try it, it would work. Somehow the universe was taking care
of me. I read "the teachings of Abraham," not the prophet but an
extraterrestrial being. What ??? Another Shock. So there is life on
other planets. That just was the bottom. I searched for
Extraterrestrials, not the UFO attack crap, but other being in other
dimensions, spiritual beings, beings of love, beings that have
already evolved in the stages we are. Wow! Shocking! "The
pleadings, the ashtar command.” I wasn't sure I could take
it. This just raised more questions. Why wasn't I aware that there
was life on other planet? Who were they? What did they want? Where
did they come from? And so on.
I managed to answer all those questions by time. They were usually being who have lived on earth and have evolved going on higher realities, and they wanted to help us because the time we are living is a time of shift, change. Not the Armageddon, not Apocalypse, not the end of the world, but a new beginning, a new start, the Age of Aquarius. Wasn’t that something? The Mayan prophecy of 2012.I guess I was just amazed. I began watching incredible documentaries such as "What the bleep do we know "Spiritual Reality" "Earthlings" "The 11th Hour" all a great work of people who wanted to evolve the world.
The greatest shock of all was "Conversations with God" by Donald Neal Walsch a man who really talked with God, a unconditionally loving God, A God you can fall in love with, a God who gave all the answers, a God that we can contact every second , we could talk to God on our own. We didn't need a middle man. God was always there. And now he wanted to tell us the secrets of life. A God you can laugh with, a God that Is Everything. No wonder his name is I Am That, I Am because she is every that there is. He is all there is .Now I have such a beautiful relationship with God.
I was living peacefully but everywhere I looked I saw violence, people that had stopped the connection to God and were hanging on to some Allah, Jesus or whatever. People were suffering and I couldn't stop wondering why? Why was Life so Hard for others? Why didn't people seek the truth as I did and find out the joy of life? What was stopping people? Who was the person behind the curtain that was letting this happen? It certainly wasn't God who was responsible for this. God has granted us free will and would never take that away. It was we, humans that had created this reality.
I realize that I'm 16 but was does that mean. That just shows that if a person is devoted to find answers, no matter what his or her age is, can find them. The truth Is right in front of our eyes. We just need to look closely.
know now that I have a Grand part in the changes to come and I
intent to read books, help people, and reach the Utopia we always
I am forever grateful for helping me realize how shallow Islam was, without you I wouldn't have gone through this journey of finding the truth. You were the one that helped me realize I have a bigger life purpose or even that I have one. I haven't reached The Ultimate Truth but I am quite close.
I'd like to end this letter with my favorite quote ever:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
I hope I haven't
bored you. I hope you edit this story of mine in your website so it
can inspire others to go and seek their part of the truth. We all
have a purpose. It’s like Gandhi said: "Be the change you want to
see in the world”.
Please, please contact me at
Gratefully yours,
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Name: Mr. Zander- Congratulations
Date: Monday August 11, 2008
Time: 02:23:14 -0700
You have saved your life because of this courageous decision. I am only curious to know if you live in a islamic country or a non islamic country? Islamic societies make it harder for a person to break out of Islam. All the same. Congratulations.
Name: caleb singh
Date: Monday August 11, 2008
Time: 03:13:28 -0700
can you show me where is context in quran surely the claim that the quran is the work of god stands belied if it requires other secondary support to reinterpret it .the hadiths and sunna are all fogeries created 300 years after the death of muhammed. when muslims claim the chain of isnads they produce a list of peoples names with no independent corroboration whether such people existed . also if the quran was really the work of a supernatural source the muslims would a quranic manuscript carbon dated to the 640 ad alas no such manuscript evidence is available on the evidence of the oldest manuscript of the quran that is that yemen verses,the samarkand index and the topkapi index have variations with the present day quran also there is evidence of the first 2 caliphate eras have scant regard for the quran ,umar used to practise his archery skills on it and he burnt many divergent readings of the quran and wine was overflowing in the islamic lands so there is historical evidence that the early muslims did not consider the quran to be of divine inspiration also in the quran it mentions three prayers to god but the hadiths give five so muslims are contradicting the supposed work of god these and many other factors enable us to believe that the quran is not of divine originfor further refferances http://debate.org.uk/topics/history/bib-qur/contents.htm ,http://debate.org.uk/topics/history/uncomfrt.htm
Name: DEV: To muslim commenting about Oness God in Vedas
Date: Monday August 11, 2008
Time: 03:16:49 -0700
Yes, you are correct God is one, your Allah is zero, if everything is created by one God then all people whether they are Hindu, Christians, Sikhs or whatever they are his children. Only enemy of God can asked people to slaughter his children on his name. Just like your shadow falling on ground, Satan is the shadowy of God come into existence while interacting with manifested Universe. It looks like him but its just darkness, absence of right knowledge, which comes into existence due to confusion while interacting with female energies. God just rain knowledge and thoughts, but just like water drops in rain, knowledge also have same feat, when it falls in river like Ganges it become holy water and when it fall in a drain it becomes gutter water. God always give the right knowledge it’s just the receivers who make mistakes and some time interpret the knowledge in line with their animal cravings. Anyway we take food by choice but shit happens, it’s just the natural metabolism of every living system and religion. Once Allah was also preached by Dev so that he may improve his spiritual existence but he chooses to exploit that knowledge, to have selfish gains. Allah is like the Villain of matrix, who creates his own clones by messing up people brain; proof is 90% of Muslim are Mohammad XYZ, they cannot even have their own name, so forget about any independent thoughts.
Name: jahid army
Date: Monday August 11, 2008
Time: 03:48:44 -0700
oh..... i'm very surprised not because your story because i saw people that will burned in the bottom of hell, u forget or stupid (jahil) and prepare yourself for god's fury and punishment,and for people who read this article i suggest to back to ALLAH' WAY.ALLAHUAKBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRR. hope Allah forgive your naif,sin and bad intention of islam. back to the right way
Name: vbv
Date: Monday August 11, 2008
Time: 03:52:13 -0700
Leaving islam is indeed a good decision. But you seem to have gone through more than what your age permits - at 16 years of age you seem to have read what most 25 years would not have! However , congratulation for coming out of a stifling,dogmatic cult to a free world and also for being an intelligent person as well as a non-conformist ,not a prisoner to any idealogy or dogma. The world , especially the muslim world , needs more persons like you!
Name: DEV
Date: Monday August 11, 2008
Time: 03:56:42 -0700
Hindus don’t need to hate christens, I understand how it happens, we are only taught about the bad treatment of Indians by British in our history books and we grow up thinking Christens as natural enemies. But think the other way too, we new about what bad British did to India because they have allowed us to look into all bad and good they have done and make our judgment. Don’t forget that India colonised by British was Muslim kingdom, not Hindu Kingdom, try writing something bad about Muslims in your history books which may be a 100% historical fact and see how they will burn every school in the country.
Date: Monday August 11, 2008
Time: 03:56:43 -0700
Name: DEV
Date: Monday August 11, 2008
Time: 04:01:17 -0700
Just like we love our parents but choose different ways to express that love, similarly all of us are following one religion that is humanity. Being Christen or Hindu or Sikh or Buddhist are just different ways of showing that humanity and kindness to our follow humans irrespective of their religion. On the other hand Islam just offers one thing that is unlimited hate and aggression. If we hear some good science it stimulates brain, good religious discussion stimulates conscious, but Islam stimulates fear to non believers and stimulates d*cks of Muslims by telling them stories of unlimited lustful virgins. I think its religion for d*ckheads.
Name: jihad army,u r going to hell for sure
Date: Monday August 11, 2008
Time: 04:27:02 -0700
jihad army,u r going to hell for sure....here is why : if u believe in jesus,allah will put u in hell,and if u believe in allah,jesus will put u in hell.but if u believe in truth and not in galsehood of judeo-chrtsinaity/islam,then u r free.so believe in truth bible tells us : truth shall set us free...koran tells us truth shall stand out from erre.its proven koran/bible is not really 100% true and r both contradictory,so believe in any of them u r hell bound,believe in truth and u r free.
Name: Iman Naji /Mecca SA.
Date: Monday August 11, 2008
Time: 06:57:42 -0700
HEAR THIS ISLAM WE HAVE FALLEN FROM GRACE! READ YOUR HOLY QURAN FROM FRONT TO BACK! PAY ATTENTION TO SURA 17, 104 to 110. And you will recognize that the Islamic world is only speaking falsely of what the holy Quran really says! Beware of reprinted Quran's that serve the purpose of murderers (AL QUIDA ETC) and some governments bigotry! ***** "The Holy Quran" As written about Israel and her security??? Reference: http://www.islamicity.com/mosque/QURAN/17.htm (Chapter 17) ***** Surah 17. Isra', The Night Journey, Children Of Israel 104. And We said thereafter to the Children of Israel, "Dwell securely in the land (of promise)": but when the second of the warnings came to pass, We gathered you together in a mingled crowd. 105. We sent down the (Qur'an) in Truth, and in Truth has it descended: and We sent thee but to give Glad Tidings and to warn (sinners). 106. (It is) a Qur'an which We have divided (into parts from time to time), in order that thou mightest recite it to men at intervals: We have revealed it by stages. 107. Say: "Whether ye believe in it or not, it is true that those who were given knowledge beforehand, when it is recited to them, fall down on their faces in humble prostration, 108. "And they say: 'Glory to our Lord! Truly has the promise of our Lord been fulfilled!'" 109. They fall down on their faces in tears, and it increases their (earnest) humility. 110. Say: "Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman: by whatever name ye call upon Him, (it is well): for to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. Neither speak thy Prayer aloud, nor speak it in a low tone, but seek a middle course between."
Date: Monday August 11, 2008
Time: 08:39:32 -0700
Name: To Iman Naji- Mecca SA- john
Date: Monday August 11, 2008
Time: 16:59:30 -0700
We do not believe in your murdering prophet who encouraged his followers to kill non muslims and force them into converting to islam. He is a thief and a liar. A man who robbed the caravans of the meccans, murdered his opponents and enslaved women and encouraged his followers to rape them. You are worshiipers of a false god - the moon god of the kaaba. Your country is a backward place which exists by selling oil. When that oil gets over you will be back to looking after camels and eating their meat and drinking their milk and sometimes their drinking their urine when you fall sick as your prophet advised.
Name: I don't understand Muslim "logic"
Date: Monday August 11, 2008
Time: 18:28:26 -0700
In Christianity, the apostle Paul commended the Bereans for their initial skepticism. He encouraged openness and did not sidestep their questions. How different this is from Islam where red herrings are constantly thrown into any discussion by Muslims when faced with having to explain their prophet's behaviour, or the Koran's inconsistencies, both doctrinal and scientific. Finally they resort to insulting those asking the questions, or resort to judgemental threats of a burning hellfire, or a combination of both. This kind of blind acceptance of the Koran and their prophet goes well beyond having faith. There is nothing wrong with having faith based on a solid foundation. For example, scientists having faith in proven physics and mathematical formulas are what landed man on the moon. Astronauts did not get there using blind credulity. Based on the kind of non-answers we get from Muslims however, Islam seems to expect such blindness from its adherents.
Name: ha ha ha .....
Date: Monday August 11, 2008
Time: 18:50:22 -0700
For everyone who seeks answers, and open his eyes and mind, Islam is nothing. There is no truth in Islam. Moslem can say that Quran has all the answers, but actually there is nothing in Quran. I'd rather say it is a scrap book of a cult. No God or deity, teach people to kill other people as islamic Allah does. So this islamic Allah was nothing other than Mohammad himself, and only dumb people will believe in him, ha ha ha ......
Name: DEV
Date: Monday August 11, 2008
Time: 21:56:40 -0700
Many holy Muslims keep telling me that just like “people beat their children so that they can be good person in future, similarly we are bombing the crap out of people, because we love them as children and want them to follow right path”. So Child my answer to you is that “Just like you think other people are kids and you have to discipline them by any means, similarly other people also think you are children and they are dropping Five kiloton bomb on your head for your own good only, so don’t cry, say thanks for caring for you !” Otherwise don’t annoy me with this twisted logic, its time which will tell who was child and who was father!
Name: My Reply to Zander
Date: Monday August 11, 2008
Time: 22:51:36 -0700
God the creator of the Heaven and Earth, loves all human beings. That’s why he gave them KNOWLEDGE of all things especially the KNOWLEDGE of distinguishing right from wrong. He also commanded mankind to lead a righteous life, and laid downs laws so that if mankind errs, then mankind has to sincerely repent to God and not willfully repeat the same error. He also mentions if you continuously lead a righteous life your reward is Heaven, and if you continuously lead a sinful life you end up in Hell. Then the question arises as to what is Right and What is wrong. As Zander mentioned that Zander was raised as a muslim, it’s strange that Zanders parents or tutors didn’t teach him Heaven and Hell or the deceiver of mankind the Devil. Zander you also mentioned that Islam does not teach love? For 15 or 18 year old, I think love for you must be SEX? Well for sex in Islam is like sex in the Animal world. That is reproduction. Then again you must be so frustrated that you can not indulge in sex as your Parents would have cautioned you that Sex for a kid like you, comes only after marriage. Generally Sex can be indulged by muslim only after marriage. Most muslims marry one partner from the opposite sex., although provisions are given for males to Marry up to Four only. But most Men confine themselves to One partner of the opposite sex. The reason for marrying more than one I will touch on that when it is needed by the readers. What love is in a general sense? What do you mean show love? How do you show love to some one you want to get married to? Well if you will trust that person, you will try to be honest to that person, you will want to spend your rest of your life with that person…Then what do you mean by loving god? Well to love God is that you will not do anything to offend his teachings, Right. But Zander , when we say love thy neighbor that doesn’t mean you should “make love” to your neighbor (forgive me as I am only trying make sense to this kid). You also mentioned that by Just fearing Allah, as he is one will take you to Heaven is not true. You have to earn it. By Loving Allah you will avoid doing all those shameful and horrible deeds.( hey kid, do you know what are shameful and horrible deeds are?) Just to remind you that all your devotion and learning of the Quran did not reach your upstairs. Allah does not want you to die in his name. He only wants you to lead your life in this world as a responsible Individual by following and putting to practice his revelation. In case you make mistakes there are ways to repent and ask forgiveness to to God. Do you think that God judges a Pious person or a wrong doer the same way? No way! Don’t forget, God has always sent messengers to mankind, and what were the results? Those messengers were always rejected by mankind. The prophet has also mentioned that “the ink of a scholar is better than the sword of the Warrior”. The best part of your Essay is that you did pray five times a day before you became familiar with witch craft. As a muslim you went to church all your life and prayed five times. Was it in church you were taught about the contradictions in Islam? Anyway good luck with your new found religion. For a school going kid your IQ level is excellent, certainly you had a lot of time to read and acquire knowledge from those mature Authors. What’s your secret to continue your school curriculum along with reading all those advanced books? Sad that you didn’t have any friends to hang out or play soccer or baseball or take up Squash for your past time. Its strange that you didn’t read any Nobel winning books from Authors like Salman Rusdy or Fame in a flash books Authored by Taslima Nasrin or Ayan Etc… You would have converted away from Islam along time back. Too bad you didn’t get informed from your own kit and kin regarding your own people in Kashmir who are still suppressed with there freedom of struggle against the harsh Indian rule or the Continued suffering from those refugees in Palestine who were kicked out by the Occupied forces which makes them refugees in there own land. May be you were willfully forced to be blind by your conscious. You half heartedly praised God in the start of your essay and you are half heartedly praising him in the end of your essay, then again who are your people or who do you belong to Now? My Answer - - You are nothing but a Salaried Hypocrite :)
Name: DEV
Date: Tuesday August 12, 2008
Time: 02:49:07 -0700
About Right Vs Wrong, one who preaches to kill others for not believing his crap is definitely wrong 100%, he is not God just a demon jealous of God. For d*ckhead religion and its followers love only means sex, where as for true God, love means everything, sex is just one dimension of it. Love can be caring about nature, and being kind to fellow humans and animals irrespective of what you going to get in return, let the person or creature getting the affection decide whether they want to give you something in return. I am with West because although they may believe in Gay marriage or whatever but they are giving choice to me, not to be gay or live my life as a like it. Where as Islam is about no option, everyone has to present his ass to Allah, so I will do whatever to save my ass, and Dev has blown many big Assholes from time to time in self defence because self defence is the right of every creature.
Name: Naji Bennaji
Date: Tuesday August 12, 2008
Time: 06:19:20 -0700
Reference: http://www.islamicity.com/mosque/QURAN/17.htm "The Holy Quran" As written about Israel and her security??? Reference: http://www.islamicity.com/mosque/QURAN/17.htm (Chapter 17) Surah 17. Isra', The Night Journey, Children Of Israel 104. And We said thereafter to the Children of Israel, "Dwell securely in the land (of promise)": but when the second of the warnings came to pass, We gathered you together in a mingled crowd. 105. We sent down the (Qur'an) in Truth, and in Truth has it descended: and We sent thee but to give Glad Tidings and to warn (sinners). 106. (It is) a Qur'an which We have divided (into parts from time to time), in order that thou mightest recite it to men at intervals: We have revealed it by stages. 107. Say: "Whether ye believe in it or not, it is true that those who were given knowledge beforehand, when it is recited to them, fall down on their faces in humble prostration, 108. "And they say: 'Glory to our Lord! Truly has the promise of our Lord been fulfilled!'" 109. They fall down on their faces in tears, and it increases their (earnest) humility. 110. Say: "Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman: by whatever name ye call upon Him, (it is well): for to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. Neither speak thy Prayer aloud, nor speak it in a low tone, but seek a middle course between."
Name: PFFT
Date: Tuesday August 12, 2008
Time: 07:44:04 -0700
haha this is the funniest i thing i ever read! honestly i think you people have nothing better to do and make up stories about supposedly "muslim converts" I dont understand how a 16 year old could write such a letter.. honestly keep trying to make Islam look bad.. and the way I knew this letter was all bull crap is when I read about the Imam saying to kill people and take 70 with them to heaven.. because Islam is all about love and it does not say to harm any human or living creature. its even forbidden to harm an ant.. so get a life u people..
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Tuesday August 12, 2008
Time: 07:57:41 -0700
The Greek philosopher Plato is one of the contributors to Western Civilization. He may shed some light into the subject of those people who are shackled in the chains and darkness of Islamic thought. In Plato’s REPUBLIC he gave an allegory of a cave where “the condition of men living in a sort of cavernous chamber…Here they have been from childhood, chained by leg and also by the neck, so that they cannot move and see only what is in front of them.” This can fit into what the Imams do in the mosques and how they brainwash the young people in the madrassa’s by always programming Islamic doctrine into their victims and not exposing them to other worldviews. Furthermore, even in Islamic tradition when Muslims have their newborn child the father whispers words of the Quran into the infants ear so that that Quran verses are the first thing the newborn person hears. This programming process takes place all their lives. These are some of the chains that keep them bound in a mosque [cave]. The chains do not let them reach out for dialectic reasoning and let them examine the evidence both for as well as against, or even question whether Muhammad was a true prophet of God or not, and if the Quran is a hoax or not. As the chains and darkness of the cave blinds and holds the prisoners back from reality, so Islamic propaganda holds back the cognition to reason with the question if Islam is true or not. They are forbidden from even thinking to question Islam. Furthermore, if a Muslim by some miracle wakes up to the truth about Islam, it would be like the man in Plato’s cave allegory who was released from his chains and taken outside to the real world. At first direct light would be painful and disorienting, it would take some time for him to understand what the truth is all about, he even might cling to the shadows and still for a time believe some of the illusions to be real. But he would finally come to know “what he had formerly seen was meaningless illusion.” And that was “what passed for wisdom in his former dewelling-place.”And that the other cave prisoners also needed to see the light [the truth] for he “was sorry for them.” and he would re-enter the cave just to rescue them. Nevertheless, the cave prisoners wouldn’t understand and “if they could lay hand on the man who was trying to set them free.” And if they could “they would kill him.” Likewise, when someone escapes from the shackles of Islam, those still in the darkness of this religion would not understand and if possible kill him for leaving Islam, and even more so if he were to try to enlighten them about the truth about Islam. For these people in Islam are chained to an empty imitation of truth and godliness.
Name: Claude
Date: Tuesday August 12, 2008
Time: 08:06:40 -0700
Dear Zander, Reading the above commentaries from hateful,fearfull and bounded person like Iman Naji is a startling exemple of how Islam can misguide and disfigure a mind and a heart. There is no love in his heart but fear and anger. He is mad with rage because you escaped the psychological servitude he tries to lay on you. He wants you to fear and hate like he does. He himself does not know and does not understand in which abyss of distress and spiritual misery he is. You do understand. You have great aspirations for true love and kindness. He has none. He is the slave of his fear. You are no more. I admire you. Be carefull because guys lime Iman Naji is anxious to make you taste Allah's love and goodness.
Name: Ex-muslim
Date: Tuesday August 12, 2008
Time: 08:18:46 -0700
Al-la-h is false,mohammad is false,islam is false,quran is false,muslim's beliefs are false..........ignorant muslims believe that people spoke arabic before even arabs existed.
Name: Re : Ex-muslim
Date: Tuesday August 12, 2008
Time: 12:13:53 -0700
The Koran states that the Arabic of the Koran is the purest language and is the language spoken in heaven. Of course it does not explain how this "pure language" was the everyday Arabian vernacular. Like any other language, the Arabic of the Koran (which was the everyday spoken Arabic of Muhammad's time) had some influence of other languages. This cross-pollination is a normal development in any language around the world where there is contact with other cultures and nationalities. Mecca in Muhammad's day was at the intersection of many trade routes, and was in fact a major center of trade and commerce with many cultures and nationalities coming and going. There was also a large Jewish population in Arabia with its various Hebrew dialects. How can a Muslim deny that there would be at least some Hebrew influence in the Arabic of Muhammad's time just as there would have been some Arabic influence in the Hebrew spoken among Arabian Jews? Other influences in Koranic Arabic are the Parsi and the Hindi of that time.
Name: To PFFT
Date: Tuesday August 12, 2008
Time: 20:12:32 -0700
If islam is a "religion of peace" then explain how 99% of the world's terrorists are muslims? Also explain how mosque mullahs around the world even admit that islam calls for the destruction of the "infidel?" What makes you more knowledgable than they are? Also, explain how muslim leaders will condemn the 9-11 attacks to our faces and then incite it when they get back overseas? And, explain how muslim restaurant owners and pastry owners have been caught putting poop in their food when serving it to the "infidels?"
Name: Stupid!
Date: Tuesday August 12, 2008
Time: 22:37:10 -0700
Wow, you people are so stupid! This letter is incoherent at best. First of all, this crap about taking 70 people to Heaven is stupid, as it is something the writer pulled out of his rear-end. Just the same as the stuff about Hadith being in the Quran. Those are two separate texts. If you had ever been a Muslim, you would know that Hadith is not in the Quran. Anyway, someone explain how 100% of the Oklahoma City bombers were Christians. Or how all those abortion center bombers were Christians. Or how all those pedophile priests were Christians. Or how all those murderous Israeli Defense Forces who shoot children are Jewish. Let me ask you, does the Bible say that non-believers are going to heaven? According to the Bible, which is supposedly so kind and so pure, what is going to happen to me as a Muslim? Also, this Bible that you think is so kind to women: have you ever read the Old Testament? Give me a freaking break! You people on here are the most ignorant hate-mongerers I've encountered!
Name: Mahdi
Date: Wednesday August 13, 2008
Time: 14:51:17 -0700
I await the day when the ultimate truth shall prevail, because let this be known to all that read this...no one can claim any freedom without being free in the first place. If your truly free then why do you die like any other human? If your free then...use your powers to create life out of a drop of blood...if your free then do as you wish, because true freedom comes from true beliefs. You maybe surprised true belief is something one must find from within his soul. Even three is not free like it should be, you have to pay three to talk for free, wheres the freedom in that now. Seriously your only free in your minds, but in reality your a slave and when your number is up then your gone for free. To be or not to be? milk wont turn black if nine out of ten say its black.
Name: Par par Allah & his Step son Muhammad( the Rapist)
Date: Saturday August 30, 2008
Time: 18:40:41 -0700
There is no Allah but Dog & Muhammad is his Poo poo .Muhammad is ( Pee be upon him or Penis be upon him) forever in eternal hell.