Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

Ordeal of an American Woman, Married to a Muslim

It is true Muslims do beat their wives, if not with their hand, its with there strict ways and controlling habits.

I know for a fact that it is true because I am a young American woman and I am married to a Muslim man. I have two kids from the past that is not his but he loves them as if they were his. But the problem is that we have no life.

Ever since we got married, he is very controlling. In 5 years, he has hit me 4 times.

Once we have got married, everything changed. I no longer have a car because he thinks I do not need one. I am not allowed to work. He dose not won't me to have anything to do with my family, see them or phone them unless it is my mother.

Me and my kids stay in the house all the time. We never get to go any where unless it is to shop for food at the store.

He is very strict. He checks my phone call records to make sure that I am not taking to anyone that I am not suppose to be talking to.

He tells me when to cook, when to wash, when to sleep, and what to wear. I have to wear long skirts. I am not allowed to wear pants.

My husband works 15 hours a day, while me and the kids are stuck in the house because he demands I must obey him. I am not allowed to have any friends.

No matter what I say or do he never trusts me. And I am below him. No matter what I say it is not important; no matter what I need, it is not Important to him. But everything he need or wants he gets and everything must be about him.

I am a good American women. His food is cooked everyday when he gets home, the house is cleaned very well everyday. I am a good house wife and I obey his every command.

I am crying as I write this e-mail because I am being abused by strictness and there is nothing I feel that I can do because I no longer have a job to support my kids. I have no family that will take me and my kids in if I leave.

I have no car. Before marriage, I had a job, I had a car and I supported my kids. He has taken everything away from me including my self-confidence.

I feel useless to myself and my kids. I have no outside life, friends, family, support, or help. I am always depressed and crying, never happy always sad.

Before I was a person who always smiled; no matter what, I could over come it. I was a happy person and loving no matter what. I'm still loving; I will help anyone, give them my last penny and the shirt off my back. I have a good heart and I am a good wife. I do not drink, club or ever done drugs because I came from a good family. He has taken everything from me and still demands more, I have nothing more to give and I feel so sad and useless because I can't help myself.

I cry day and night asking god why me. I am a good person what have I done to be punished like this. All I want to do is take my kids to the park, out to eat, to the beach, have family, friends or just some one to make me feel like I am needed other than cooking and cleaning.

Can some one please help me. I am to young for this and the outside world is passing by while me and my kids life is inside the house only. I am drowning in my own tears with no way out and I can't take it anymore. I want my kids to have a life while they are young.


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Name: Barry Kendall
Date: Tuesday May 06, 2008
Time: 18:23:51 -0700


When he is at work take the children and get to an abused women's shelter. If you do not know where one is go to a phone booth and look one up in the yellow pages or go to the public library. The reference department there should be able to help you locate one.

Name: Christian
Date: Tuesday May 06, 2008
Time: 19:57:25 -0700


A church, any church, will also help you. They have contacts with shelters and help.

Date: Tuesday May 06, 2008
Time: 20:13:29 -0700


More proof that muslims never contribute anything positive wherever they go, only hatred, evil and death

Name: To: Unknow From: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Tuesday May 06, 2008
Time: 20:16:19 -0700


Dear Sister, your relationship with this man is unhealthy. He is taking advantage of you. You need to leave for your own sake as well as your children's sake. Many of the readers left and will leave suggestions to help you make a decision on what to do. I wish you and your children the best. Peace

Name: Christian Man
Date: Tuesday May 06, 2008
Time: 21:15:18 -0700


When he leaves for work, leave with your children and go to a church or a police station. And get a lawyer right away. Have the police contact your family. Do not be afraid for your economic situation. You have to start somewhere if you want to be free and it starts now. Once you are free, you can start working on your other problems. A lawyer should be able to help you request a court order to prevent him from even approaching you. Then file a divorce case and child support. If you keep being afraid of the economic consequences of your intended action, your will be remain in that situation forever.

Name: vbv
Date: Tuesday May 06, 2008
Time: 23:14:57 -0700


Let her tell Bush about it ,who proclaims from his 'pulpit' "Islam is a peaceful religion" and ask him not to spread such bullshit propoganda eyeing 'oil-money' to be had for the American companies in which he has substatial financial interests.Tear down the mask of hypocrisy "spreading democracy and freedom".Expose the duplicity and amorality of the American politicians who pontificate on 'human rights ,while they practice none with their smart bombs , against 'war crimes' while they try to hide their 'guantanamo bay' ,their POW conditions in the war-zone! They gave life and sustenance to the islamic fanatics in the name of defeating the soviets in Afghanistan ,now it is in the worst possible condition with war lords waiting to lay their hands on each other , waiting to butcher their puppet Hamid Karzai and his cohorts once the foreign troops leave Afghanistan! Some democracy and peace they have achieved,heh? They are stuck in Iraq and Afghanistan with their hands full with islamic fundamentalists having a field day ,while the common citizens are still in misery - they cannot find a dignified way out. It is going to be another defeat ,like in Vietnam, and this time they are going to be bruised really bad! Just what the arrogant and selfish Americans deserve- somebody should wake the king to tell him 'you are naked!'.

Name: Mohammad
Date: Tuesday May 06, 2008
Time: 23:19:46 -0700


If you have two children from a previous marriage, you had a car and a job, then you are not too young to know how to get rid of a husband (probably you have done it before). I honestly don't know why this story is on ''. Really guys, this is the best you can do to defame Islam? To publish an email from a women whose husband works 15 hours a day and doesn't allow his wife to wear short skirts? Amusing indeed!

Name: To: Muhammad (aka Akhter)
Date: Wednesday May 07, 2008
Time: 01:58:06 -0700


We are trying to help a lady in distress, and all you can do is bad mouth Islam Watch. Have some heart toward other human beings man.

Name: Observer
Date: Wednesday May 07, 2008
Time: 04:49:48 -0700


This story should be on Islam Watch to make other women aware of the dangers of marrying muslim men. My advice to this lady is to leave him a.s.a.p before he inflicts physical harm to her and her children. Muslim men can get very violent. Just leave without any warning and take advice never to return as he might try to get you back with lies. Never trust a muslim man. Mo has done a good job on them.

Name: Tanstaafl
Date: Wednesday May 07, 2008
Time: 07:37:02 -0700


Get out now. Take the kids and walk away. Relocate as far away from this 7th century monster as you can. Don't worry about anything but saving your children and yourself. "Free your mind and the rest will follow"

Name: Me
Date: Wednesday May 07, 2008
Time: 09:49:27 -0700


Get out as fast as you can. Did you convert to Islam? Have you learnt a lesson that do not trust a muslim man? Spread the word.

Name: To Mohammad
Date: Wednesday May 07, 2008
Time: 11:35:33 -0700


Your shameful, ignorant and heartless comment is typical of someone who follows islam. You muslims may find the situation of an abused woman 'amusing indeed' but us non-muslims do not. This woman's story is very important and should serve as a warning to all women. The non-islamic free world does not dismiss, treat with disdain or mock any person who is in such a distressing situation.

Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).- says ISLAM is plague and EBOLA virus of HUmanity
Date: Wednesday May 07, 2008
Time: 12:19:37 -0700


This is a tragic story- the young American woman falling prey to an ISLAMIC predator and vulture. The moslem guy did this with great plan. The Moslem guy wants to convert the American woman and the two kids slowly into ISLAM - the work for ALLA , he is doing. First of all , each and every American girl must know that ISLAM is antichristian . ISLAM is copied from christianity, judaism and preislamic arab traditions. As such ISLAM is staunch enemy of christianity. vast majority of Americans and Europeans do not understand this simple fact. Not only christian woman, but each and every nonmoslem woman must look down all unholy ISLAMIC men with contempt and derision as warranted by their evil practices - discrimination, treating nonmoslems as sex objects and killing nonmoslems as kafirs and infidels , as dictated by their evil ,cruel unholy book QQURRAN. Now , the American young woman must try, using all her power to convert or change her ISLAMIC husband to leave ISLAM and join the civilized world.

Name: Joe Kaffir
Date: Wednesday May 07, 2008
Time: 13:07:45 -0700


Learning izlam 101 the hard way. Unfortunately Western and all "dar al harb" societies shoude mandate teaching the horror's of the three global domination pretenders: nazism, communism and izlam.

Name: you should be ashamed of your so called perfect society!!!
Date: Wednesday May 07, 2008
Time: 15:58:30 -0700


Living Together (a.k.a. cohabitation, or unmarried partner households): According to the 2000 Census, there are currently about 11 million people living with an unmarried partner in the U.S. This includes both same-sex and different-sex couples. - U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 (If this number doesn't match the number you found from another source, read How We Get Our Numbers, below). There are 9.7 million Americans living with an unmarried different-sex partner and 1.2 million American living with a same-sex partner. 11% of unmarried partners are same-sex couples. - U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 41% of American women ages 15-44 have cohabited (lived with an unmarried different-sex partner) at some point. This includes 9% of women ages 15-19, 38% of women ages 20-24, 49% of women ages 25-29, 51% of women ages 30-34, 50% of women ages 35-39, and 43% of women ages 40-44. - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Cohabitation, Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage in the United States." Vital Health and Statistics Series 23, Number 22, Department of Health and Human Services, 2002. The number of unmarried couples living together increased 72% between 1990 and 2000. - U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 The number of unmarried couples living together has increased tenfold between 1960 and 2000. - U.S. Census Bureau, 2000. Living Alone As of 2000, the most common household type in the U.S. is people living alone. 27 million American households consist of a person living alone, compared to 25 million households with a husband, wife, and child. - Hobbs, Frank. "Examining American Household Composition: 1990 and 2000." U.S. Census Bureau, 2005. More than one in four American households consist of an adult living alone (25.8%). - Hobbs, Frank. "Examining American Household Composition: 1990 and 2000." U.S. Census Bureau, 2005. Unmarried childbearing and parenting: 41% of unmarried partner households have children under 18 living in them. - U.S. Census Bureau, America's Families and Living Arrangements 2000 33% of all births are to unmarried women. - National Center for Health Statistics, 2000 data (report released 2002) 41% of first births to unmarried women are actually babies born to cohabiting couples, not "single" women. - Bumpass, Larry and Lu, Hsien-Hen(2000). "Trends in Cohabitation and Implications for Children's Family Contexts in the United States." Population Studies, 54: 29-41. About two-fifths of children are expected to live in a cohabiting household at some point. - U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 More about unmarried different-sex couples: 55% of different-sex cohabitors get married within 5 years of moving in together. 40% break up within that same time period. About 10% remain in an unmarried relationship five years or longer. - Smock, Pamela (2000). "Cohabitation in the United States." Annual Review of Sociology. About 20% of all male-female cohabitors, or 1.6 million people, have been living together for more than five years. There is little known about these long-term unmarrieds because no research has focused on this subgroup. - Bumpass, Larry; Sweet, James; and Cherlin, Andrew (1991). "The Role of Cohabitation in Declining Rates of Marriage." Journal of Marriage and the Family. 53:913-27. - Calculation by the Alternatives to Marriage Project About 75% of cohabitors say they plan to marry their partners (about 6.2 million people). - Smock, Pamela (2000). "Cohabitation in the United States." Annual Review of Sociology. The majority of couples marrying today have lived together first (53% of women's first marriages are preceded by cohabitation). - Bumpass, Larry and Lu, Hsien-Hen (2000). "Trends in Cohabitation and Implications for Children's Family Contexts in the United States." Population Studies, 54: 29-41. In 1995, 24% of women ages 25-34 were cohabiting, compared to 22% of women ages 35-39, and 15% for women 40-44. In every age category, the percentages have increased since 1987. - Bumpass, Larry and Lu, Hsien-Hen (2000). "Trends in Cohabitation and Implications for Children's Family Contexts in the United States." Population Studies, 54: 29-

Date: Wednesday May 07, 2008
Time: 16:16:16 -0700



Name: To 'the one' ashamed of American society...
Date: Wednesday May 07, 2008
Time: 20:42:45 -0700


You are advocating barbarity (as committed in Islamic countries) to people, who want to live their life as they want without harming or bothering others. Yet, howsoever imperfect American society may be, undoubtedly 99% Muslims from most Islamic countries will be on a 'mad rush' towards America, if opened borders to them. On the contrary, very few will take it up, if Islamic countries opens their borders to Americans.

Date: Wednesday May 07, 2008
Time: 21:45:25 -0700


If you are still in America, you can get out - and you'd better do it now, because these evil bastards are trying to make the whole world into Saudi Arabia. And then EVERYONE will be enslaved under Islam. Do as these folks have suggested. Get yourself to a domestic violence center and start the divorce proceedings. Call your family, get some financial help. Move away and hide, start self-defense classes. Get a restraining order against him. Whatever it takes. And to the rest of the women of the world - DO NOT MARRY A MUSLIM MAN! DO NOT EVEN DATE A MUSLIM MAN! That will be one way to stop this disease from spreading!

Name: Sanjay
Date: Wednesday May 07, 2008
Time: 21:58:01 -0700


Hindu girl married to muslim , though her family was against it. After 2 years muslim husband remarries to his attractive cousin. Leaving his first wife as destitute. She narrates her plight to her brother , he takes away his sister secretly when her husband is away to distance city , gets her house on rent & job to sustain her & kids.She along with kids re-convert herself to Hindusim.

Name: DH
Date: Thursday May 08, 2008
Time: 03:57:41 -0700


Perhaps this woman would not now be in this situation if she had thought with her head rather than further down her anatomy!

Name: balam
Date: Thursday May 08, 2008
Time: 04:01:48 -0700


It was heartbreaking to read the misfortune of this non-muslim American woman.She is a mature woman,and would have been well aware of help she could have sought.The muslim criminal so called husband should be made to pay for mental and physical cruelty and deported out of U.S.A.This should be an eye opener for other non-muslim women that the could trust the most poisonous SNAKE in their bed-room,but not a mohammadan,who are nothing but snakes full of deadly venom.One should have no pity or compassion for these reptiles in human form.The non-muslims who live among the muslims know them better and never trust them.This american lady should get rid of this despicable Pagan muslim for good. i hope this story opens the eyes of other non-muslim women before they they fall into the trap of Islam.These rabied dogs in the form of mohammad and Akhter should only be despised for their lack of humainty,which their prophet also lacked.

Name: AL Khadir
Date: Thursday May 08, 2008
Time: 10:52:30 -0700


I am a Muslim married to a non-muslim. Not only does my wife work (Teacher) but she also drives and has total freedom she would have with any civil man. Frankly thew ingorance of this website is appartent to any free-thinking human being Muslim or non-Muslim. You people need to get an education.

Name: To : AL Khadir From: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Thursday May 08, 2008
Time: 13:45:38 -0700


Dear Sir, Greetings Many of the editors and writers here have graduate degrees (PhDs..and other). From what you wrote, it is apparent that you do not know what true Islam is. There are researchers in this site and on the other Website "FaithFreedomInternational" who spend hundreds of hours researching the Qur'an, the Hadith and the history of Islam. Here are a couple of names. Check out their work: Ali Sina, Abul Kasem, M A Khan, Mumin Saleh. There are many good researchers here. Those are just few. Check them out brother. You'll be glad you did. Peace

Name: Al i agree with you, look what they do to their women, heartless Bastards!!!!
Date: Thursday May 08, 2008
Time: 13:50:43 -0700


Wife Beating: There is nothing new about wife beating. It has always happened, everywhere. Often it is accepted as a natural if regrettable part of woman's status as her husband's property. Throughout history unlucky women have been subjected to the whims and brutality of their husbands. The colloquial phrase "rule of thumb" is supposedly derived from the ancient right of a husband to discipline his wife with a rod "no thicker than his thumb." In the U.S. the statistics reflect no unprecedented epidemic of domestic violence, but only a quite recent effort to collect figures???often inexact, but startling even when allowances are made for error???on what has always existed: ??Nearly 6 million wives will be abused* by their husbands in any one year. ?? Some 2,000 to 4,000 women are beaten to death annually. ?? The nation's police spend one-third of their time responding to domestic-violence calls. ?? Battery is the single major cause of injury to women, more significant than auto accidents, rapes or muggings. What is new is that in the U.S. wife beating is no longer widely accepted as an inevitable and private matter. The change in attitude, while far from complete, has come about in the past ten to 15 years as part of the profound transformation of ideas about the roles and rights of women in society. In cities and states scattered across the country, legal structures and social service networks, prompted by grass-roots women's organizations, have begun to redefine spouse abuse as a violation of the victim's civil rights and a criminal act of assault subject to the same punishments as other acts of violence. Marital abuse has been called "the silent crime." Bringing it out into the open by talking about it is the first step toward a solution. But for most people, including even the victim and the abuser, the almost reflex-like response to the subject is to deny that such abuse exists. In fact, however, a 1979 FBI report stated that 40% of women killed were murdered by their partners, and 10% of men by theirs. (Many of the women acted in self-defense.) When it comes to squabbling around the house, women give as good as they get. But a domestic spat is not battering, which involves a pattern of escalating abuse in a situation from which the victim feels she cannot escape. Because they are usually physically stronger than their wives, men are less likely to be battered; for reasons of pride, they are also far less likely to report it. Sociologist Murray Straus, an expert on family violence, nonetheless estimates that each year 282,000 men are beaten by their wives.

Name: fatma
Date: Thursday May 08, 2008
Time: 13:58:11 -0700


i am a married muslim woman, and i have a total feedom my husband(muslim man) respecs me and we both listen to each other. i have friends and family also my job, just like a reglare person. So people don't blame an unsuccessful relationship on all muslim man. Some muslim man are amazing. But just like all humans their are some bad and some good. and i hope this lady finds some help quick!!!!!

Name: Mohammad
Date: Thursday May 08, 2008
Time: 15:32:10 -0700


Why don't you guys cool down. I am not being insensitive to this woman's story. I just don't see the reason for it being published here. It is absurd to suggest that all Muslim women are being treated like her or that Islam suggests such treatments. Why are you all now so worried about wives of Muslims while many women in the US are suffering worse than this by your own people. Apparantly this lady herself was married before and was left by her husband with two children. Do you know how many working single moms are out there? And you dare to criticize Muslims for how they treat their women? Take the case of wives of men in the military who are fighting in Iraq. Muslims 1400 years ago had a limit for serving in the army for married men: 3 months. And after that they would return to their families to take a break. This is how Islam cares about women and this is how you treat the best of your women that is the wives of your soldiers.

Name: balam to Al Khadir
Date: Thursday May 08, 2008
Time: 18:29:18 -0700


Why dont you let your non-muslim wife write on this web site how wonderful Islam was and how humanely she was being treated.Let us hear from the horses mouth.You are a typical Muslim whose word can never be trusted.Mohammad described the place of a woman quite vividly in the Quran.He never suckled the breast of his mother,but given away to be brought up by a beduine woman,so that she could carry on her business what ever it was.Mohammad never forgave her for that and had a very low opinion for women.Saudi-Arabia is the heart and shining example of Islam.Look at the human rights of Muslim women there.Mohaammad called women as VIGINA ,only good for one thing day and night,these poor walking VIGINAS.How do these shameless muslims tolerate their mothers,sisters and daughters called Viginas and deficient in intellect beside other things in Mohammadanism.Wake up you Mohammadans and try to open your blind eyes.

Name: Abdul Darwish
Date: Thursday May 08, 2008
Time: 19:30:52 -0700


The women is married to a muslim man. She herself does not say that she is muslim. The children are not his. She can leave on her own accord. i myself am muslim. My wife has a car which she can use anytime. She chooses not to work however has in the past and may again (if she chooses) in the future. We have a social life in between praying 5 times a day. This is not a "islam" issue. Society is full of people who abuse others. Look at the catholic church for instance. Need I say more?

Date: Friday May 09, 2008
Time: 07:10:07 -0700


dear, sister,fatma,and Al, there is no need to explain about the rights and wrongs, this website and ffi have but one track mind,and that is to redicules muslims,and islam no matter what,so please let them bark.

Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).- says ISLAM is plague and EBOLA virus of HUmanity
Date: Friday May 09, 2008
Time: 12:16:32 -0700


To MO_HAM_MAD, Fatma, AL Khadir, Abdul Darwish and other Jihadists/ISLAMISTS slavery perpetrators . How can you be so cruel, heartless, evil? It is all dictated by your QQURRAN . You ask for it . Your ISLAM/ISLAMIC societies are closed, primitive, barbaric ,cruel, evil and bloodthirsty killing type. We dont need your religion or ISLAMIC societies . Becoz they are dark and extremely evil. what is not understandable to you? You say you are different , your religion is different, your culture (ISLAMIC which is demonic ,selfish, extremely evil, taking only never giving or doing anything good to nonmoslems. Look at your ISLAMIC countries - blood suckers. ISLAMIC societies( ISLAMIC countries = terror, hatefilled, discriminatory, killing nonmoslems, persecution of nonmoslems . ) Tell us what is good about QQURRAN or your ISLAM/ISLAMIC society. We are building most progressive, liberal, humanistic,open, inclusive, freedom, peace loving , societies with equality, equal laws, eqaulity of women, equality of all humans, respect to children , equality of all religions . But where as the Moslems/ISLAMISTS /ISLAMIC societies are making this world a hell hole, with cruelty,terror, discrimination, inequality,fear, inequality of women ,exclusivist, hatred for all nonmoslems. ISLAM/ISLAMISTS/ QQURRAN/ MO promote slavery, treating woman as sex robots . ISLAM and ISLAMIC societies are breeding grounds for terror, hatred, fear, killings, fascism, utter discrimination, extreme cruelty. ISLAM/ISLAMISTS /Mujahideens want to take all into darkness, kill all nonbelievers. Where as we are building a world with peace, democracy, freedom, progress and prosperity. We want to liberate you also from the shackles, slavery, darkness that ISLAM/ QQURRAN made you. We want to flush ISLAM/QQURRAN/ MO into sewage .

Name: Aisha
Date: Friday May 09, 2008
Time: 16:34:14 -0700


your hubby:controller/manipulator/brain washed.his religion:the fuel to add insult to injuries..these are deadly combinations w..get hold of a sleeping tablet and put it in his coffee...when he deeply sleeps run away..

Name: Salma
Date: Saturday May 10, 2008
Time: 12:23:11 -0700


This sounds too fake, why dont you go to a shelter or something. why do u take it. this story ia all but familiar to me, this is just some story to make Muslims look bad. I am a Muslim and no Muslim man i have ever known in my family beat his wife. wife beating has nothing to do with Islam. The guy has problems and was probably brought up that way. Didn't something go through ur head before you married this idiot, didn't something feel wrong. I pity you, but i feel esp. sorry for the children. Dont blame Islam for your wrong decisions in life. Islam forbids beating woman and demands her rights, your husband is just ignorant and so are you for marring him. He didnt make you walk down the Isle. This realy has nothing to do with Islam . How have you been quite for so long, your not alone...please get the kids away, but i think your just enjoying the attention.

Name: not an american
Date: Sunday May 11, 2008
Time: 04:02:42 -0700


why did you marry this man??? why????

Name: kamal
Date: Monday May 12, 2008
Time: 11:31:21 -0700


leave go back to your familey

Name: to:get the hell out!
Date: Tuesday May 13, 2008
Time: 10:28:15 -0700


islam will never enslave the whole world, if need be G-D will once again raise a Crusade to defend Christendom, i can tell you right now just as my ancestors faught in the Crusades I will give my life in defense of Christendom...may we pray for the comming of Christs' Kingdom on Earth...

Name: L Green
Date: Tuesday May 13, 2008
Time: 18:34:46 -0700


Get out while he is away from the house. Local church will have shelter information. Make sure it is a real church and not a mosque. File divorce but don't try to get alimony or child support. This only allows him to know your location, and he will come after you to kill you. Go somewhere else and change your identity and appearance.

Name: American Woman
Date: Wednesday May 14, 2008
Time: 14:13:27 -0700


While abuse happens in the US it is not accepted by our culture. We have laws to protect women and children from abuse, we build and donate to shelters to protect women, we have strict laws against rape and accept the woman's word (No need of 4 Muslim men to testify), a woman's testimony is equal to a man, etc. Please compare our treatment of women to the Saudi's treatment of women. Please compare our treatment of women to Sharia. Finally, someone posted a bunch of info on people who live together, what was the point? I know lots of women who opt to live with a man before they marry. So what? Marriage is not the end all be all of womanhood.

Name: Dee
Date: Thursday May 15, 2008
Time: 10:47:33 -0700


I am so depressed reading this type of story. As i have said over and over again to many women not to fall for Muslims propaganda about womens has rights . Its total lie and the only thing Muslims are doing here is Jihad in every way the can , such as marrying Infidels and have as many kids then divorce them after every five kids and every fives years to spread and bread as many muslims in the west. This Lady needs to use her brain now and leave as soon as possible before she gets herself killed and the kids. There will be no help for this Lady unless she help herself soon and find kafirs shelters or go to the nearest church and tell them her situations . I get very very upset when American female just dont get it with Muslims. Muslims are conniving liars and will just use and abuse any americans who falls in their lies. Get out now while you can Lady , i known a few person that was taken in Saudi and south pakistan and they are put in the closet while their husbands goes out the house. Please Please never believe this Muslims of their propaganda , its a myth .

Name: muneer
Date: Friday May 16, 2008
Time: 19:35:06 -0700


hi, thanks for your message, but you totally mis-understood your husband, your a Muslim too. so save your life and kids with your husband, you can have friend, family but in a Islamic way. do not be pessimistic please. compare your life before Islam and after Islam. i think you noticed which life is better!!!

Name: maggie
Date: Saturday May 17, 2008
Time: 20:13:59 -0700


I really feel sorry for you. Those men have a way of taking over their women lives. Just be strong and leave if you are not happy. Church is the answer. Go to any church you can find!

Name: aleczendria
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 15:31:38 -0700


It is this kind of story that makes me so afraid to marry my moroccon boyfriend.I dont want it to be like this......but a comment for you......this is not your fault and f*** everyone on here that blames you....ok hun, its hard when you are depressed and scared to even want to give the effort to better yourelf and situation...but please get the strength to do may take time and alot of preperation but you can do it! You can..remember that at one time you were a strong woman, find her again, and leave. Alittle strength can go a long way, continue to seek help, dont blame yourself and try to stay positive and seek courage to stand up to him....from what I know about Islam, doesnt say that whats hurts you hurts him.....or is that a lie like everything else Islam stands for. Dont blame yourself and gain the courage to leave. Now I am feeling empowered and I think I may NOT get into a situation similair and marry my mulim boyfriend....if only you read something like this before you married. Us women need to look out and help each other.....only in Islam do we not matter...remember this Islam is still ONLY #2 biggest religion.....christianity is #1 by over 12% seek help in true GOD that values all people, all his children and does not view woman as means of pleasure and servant only! Good luck to you!!

Name: A Freethinker
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 17:10:44 -0700


Dear American Woman I am a Chinese Malaysian, I fully emphathise with your plight. Most muslims cannot be trusted. They always lie. They always pretend to be nice to you - telling about the greatness of their Quran. Let it be a warning to those young and innocent white American women regarding getting married to muslims. I can definitely it will be a living hell. If you all young maidens want to know about our muslim government of Malaysia and how they treat the non muslims go into our websites "MALAYSIAKINI" and "MALAYSIA INSIDER" To American Woman "GET THE BLOODY HELL OUT OF YOUR MUSLIM HUSBAND OR ONE OF THESE DAYS HE`LL BEAT YOU TO DEATH"

Name: A Freethinker
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 17:38:01 -0700


Dear American Woman, I am a Chinese Malaysian living in Malaysia. Indeed I fully empathize with your plight. Your life is a living hell! Most Muslims cannot be trusted. They always lie because it is not a wrong to lie to achieve their motive - it is clearly stated in the Quran. Let it be a warning to all young and innocent american girls - think not twice or thrice but 10 times if you want to get attached to a Muslim man. Once you are married to these muslims you will be automatically cut off your ties with your parents, siblings, relatives, etc. If you want to know more about the Muslims in my country, go into these websites :, www.malaysia insider. These Muslims will go to your homes during the funeral wake/funeral and snatch your loved ones away and then buried them in Muslim graveyard. Please don't think I am joking here! It is a well-known fact in Malaysia. They are known as the "BODY-SNATCHERS'. If you don't believe me, you can write to our Prime Minister, Ahmad Badawi, ok! ADVICE TO AMERICAN WOMAN : GET THE HELL OUT OFF YOUR MUSLIM HUSBAND'S LIFE, IF YOU DON'T HEED MY ADVICE, YOU'LL BE SORRY! BECAUSE ONE OF THESE DAYS YOUR MUSLIM HUSBAND WILL BEAT YOU TO DEATH !!!

Name: M
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 20:15:25 -0700


You're not the first and won't be the last woman to make a mistake, you're obliviously a mismatch. What is keeping you there? You say you have two children from another marriage and you are forcing them to live that way. It's not like he kidnapped you and you're living in another country. You live in the United State so leave!!

Name: lana
Date: Wednesday May 21, 2008
Time: 02:19:31 -0700


most of Muslim women lived normally with the husband back in my country, Lebanon. And I am half Iraqi too. Now i live with my American Muslim husband and he is very strict. He does check my phone he likes to know to whom am talking to,, he likes to know every thing going on in his house,, tell me which guy would not like to know every thing about his family and number one his wife!!!!

I had a lots of fight with him end it up he did hit me so bad i did not talk to him for so long,,, I do have kids from him he didn't want to let me go to work because he want me to take care my kids, he do not let me go out by myself when he comes home we will go all of us to have fun,, remember he is a strict man before he become a Muslim and he is American and foud Islam not strict,, but he still doing the same and i still love him ,,all what i went through its close to your problem, you telling people thats all what you want to be happy person again, which is you are not happy that you have been told you should to wear a long skirts,, which is as Muslim woman you suppose to know what to wear honey, to me your husband asking you to cook or to wash or to sleep ,,thats mean you are not organized woman and that poor husband had to tell you if he did hit you i think as woman we all know how to make are men so upset which is you don't do things in time,, to me i read a lots of peoples comments,, but the funny part every one helps telling you how to call the police or talk about how bad person he is and plaim his islam,, i brought the idea that my husband Muslim American and your husband muslim arabic,, but back to the top part people comments to get yellow page, or church or tell George bush about her story,, this is not for you miss American Muslim woman,, this is for the peoples comments,, do think she know how to write her story on a web, where she can not find a yellow page or send Email to the police even online while she have internet access to talk to people or her kids are stuck at home but she don't know how to send letter with her kids to get help from school ,,,i don't think so ,,that women missing a lot of thing in her story ,,plus the people look at the story through her bad Muslim husband or just because he is a Muslim ,,again i don't think so,, think of this when ever you see a drugs, dirty, bad, good, stars, singer, doctors, teachers, hair stylist,, employee, animals,, or people we hate!!! we all have red blood color,, hope you all understand god bless you.

Name: lana
Date: Wednesday May 21, 2008
Time: 02:33:12 -0700


i would like to say nothing will explain Islam to all of you ,,not a ward,,and i feel so sorry for all of you eat or share america or this world ,,or any where you are and at the same time you all what you do write a comments about the islam ,,,and i would like to share this with you guys,,you can fight or write or comment behinde a muslim BUT no one will win with any muslim

Name: lana
Date: Wednesday May 21, 2008
Time: 02:40:12 -0700


I forgat to say that american woman could write her phone number then she could get help from all if she is really crying day and night,, i will be the first one to do it,,but who did the story!!!!he or she hate the islam,,thats why this story in this web ,,be open and smart people

Name: M
Date: Friday May 23, 2008
Time: 21:54:32 -0700


Islam is not the problem he is. He may call himself a Muslim, but In the eyes of Allah he is not a servant of him. What he is doing, goes against the teachings of Islam. Islam teaches that a husband should treat his wife with respect. His behaviors shame all true Muslims, servants of God. People often forget that Islam is a religion, not a CULTURE. Often peoples cultures, especially men who call themselves Muslims, promote the unfortunate ill treated behaviors that you are enduring. May Allah guide him and you. Islam permits divorce based on four justifed reasons. He is guilty of 3 of the 4. I am a social worker and an American Muslim. I advice you to try to talk to your husband. If he does not change his ways and does not want to seek professional counseling. I suggest you leave. It is not a good environment for you and your children, and the way you are being treated is wrong. If you choose to leave, which i think is best, if he does not seek help and change, locate your local social service resources in your area. Look in the phone book, the internet. You have to be proactive. You obviously were capable of taking care of yourself before this marriage, and you will definitley be able to again. YOu have to feel empowered. Beleive in yourself. A woman's shelter will help you get on your feet again. They will provide you with a place to live for you and your children, job training, protection, and so many other wonderful resources. Try to reconnect with your family also when you get yourself established in the shelter. Old friends perhaps. Being often have a change of heart, if indeed they have compassion. I wish you the best. Remember you want what's best for your children, and you have to start by making this step. Prepare. Make a plan. Plan before you leave. Call all the resources. They will find you a good caseworker or social worker. Talk to your school district. Often times the schools have school social workers who can help you access resources and point you in the right direction. En sha allah (God Willing) you will do what's best for you and your children. Remember God gives of free will. You sound like a wonderful, caring, loving, and hardworking mother and wife. Remember you deserve to be loved and respected. Beleive in yourself. GOOD LUCK! May God be with you and your family.

Name: Lil Ole Muslim Me
Date: Saturday May 24, 2008
Time: 01:33:55 -0700


There are many crimes here.. The shame of this is that an innocent women and her children are suffering...they need to be safe and start a new life somewhere and time needs to be given for this woman to heal through support of her family local church masjid whatever...I am sure that many are aware that domestic violence as ugly as it is does one thing better than all those who wrote on this board...IT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE.. unfortunately it exists in every walk of life every social cultural setting...surely in this day and age people are aware enough to know that the actions of a few are not representative of a whole they muslim christian jew hindu etc...there are billions of people in this world no two humans are the same regardless of what there ethnic cultural geographical religious how can some Muslim people who are not right by anyones standard represent more than 10 million people.. common sense must prevail stop hating...Good luck to this victima dn er family to find safety and happiness

Name: hassan
Date: Monday May 26, 2008
Time: 23:18:24 -0700


never thought Americans are that much uneducated....

Date: Wednesday May 28, 2008
Time: 21:36:59 -0700


I agree with Mohammad. There's no point suggesting all Muslim women are being treated this way. I know the Quran is unfair to women and this kind of thing is prevalent in Muslim society. However, judging by the comments, a lot of people are assumming ALL Muslim men are heartless abusers and demonising them as such. That's unfair as there are a lot of good Muslim men as well. I notice there are no criticism of DH's even more insensitive remark. That is the prejudicial aspect of this site I'm uncomfortable with. If you want to criticise Islam, do it with sound judgement using facts. Don't let your hate get the better of you.

Name: Salman Farsi
Date: Saturday June 07, 2008
Time: 12:34:05 -0700


It is really a bad behave, Islam is not allowed to behave like this, Islam give the equality for man and woman. Even husband and wife both have the rights to each other. I'm living in Pakistan and my wife is living in USA, but I allowed her for the job and what ever she likes. But one thing is that we both have strong trust to each other. In your case I feel that your husband is not trust you. Try to talk with him and try to build a good relation with him. Leaving home is not a solution to this problem. I think there are some lacks among both of you. Try to remove this and see you will start to live a good, happy and prosperous life. My prays with you that ALLAH gives you a better life.

Name: Micheal
Date: Wednesday June 11, 2008
Time: 09:36:12 -0700


The Quran allows wife beating, believes that women's witness is half that of a women, Muhammad said most people in hell are women etc. All this will lead to the situation described in the article. No surprise.

Name: Yanina
Date: Monday June 23, 2008
Time: 13:11:53 -0700


Get over it, get some balls and leave if you are unhappy. Allah never changes a person's state unless the person takes steps to change their own situation.

Name: Ifti
Date: Wednesday June 25, 2008
Time: 13:45:44 -0700


I appreciate this women may have difficult circumstances but this is by no way to do with Islam as a religion. Islam teaches peace and wants us all to live in harmony. Unfortunatly a few bad eggs spoil it for the general population of good honest muslims. My advice would be to talk to someone close and ask them for their point of view and if it is really as bad as you are saying then by all means inform the authorities and let them deal with your husband. Their is no space for Muslims who hurt women or anyone else for that matter, our religion is a peaceful one and when the world realises that Governments are the ones manipulating tragedies and focusing on oil rich countries for their revenget it will unfortunatly be too late. I wish you all the best in the future and pray for a positive outcome to your situation.

Name: Patrick
Date: Sunday July 06, 2008
Time: 13:14:45 -0700


The people who still believe that islam is a religion of peace have not read this web site or have suspended their logical faculties. Quran openly calls for murder of non muslims.

Name: What ever religion I shall want to be
Date: Sunday July 06, 2008
Time: 19:28:23 -0700


As a American woman we are free to do as we please. Either stay in the relationship or get out. We are to beautiful to sit around and get abused by who ever your with regardless what religion they are. I love a Muslim man but ill be damned if you think I'm sit around and think someone is going to abuse me. your body can only take so much and I would not sit around to let someone kill me. He don't even have to put his on you. Dealing with something like that can only brake you down. Ask a doctor. If the man Works 15 hours a day you have time to get away. Its a WIN or LOSE situation. You just accidently picked the wrong man. Do it for yourself and children, if you don't do something quick it will reflect on your children if not already.

Name: i feel u
Date: Monday July 07, 2008
Time: 20:27:13 -0700


hi sweetie. ur story is so very sad. i feel for u. i was on-line browsing muslim-christian marriages b/c i am about to embark upon one. i don't have much to offer u in the way of advice but i did not notice any communication in ur essay. Have u talked to him? How old are ur children? Children do need fresh air and exercise. If nothing else, is it possible for u and ur husband to bring the park to u since u can't go to the park? No not literally. But get a swing set and sandbox for the kids maybe. And one good thing for u would be to get some knowledge on early childhood education. A lot of activities that develop their cognitive and gross/fine motor skills can be a lot of fun. U can do that research on-line. and perhaps the best advice i can offer u is to stop crying to god and pray to God! good luck sweetie. u r not alone.

Name: ameena
Date: Monday July 14, 2008
Time: 23:19:41 -0700


I am amuslim i read this story and i want to tell you that not all human do good deeds and may if you said that all people think that just muslim do this. However i want to tell you that there are many women in islam have husband, kids ,family and they work, go out and they are good wife and many of them not work ,but they live a wonderful life with their husband ,they can go out with them where ever they want. So, I want to advise you to be so closed to your husband , open and the most important thing to be honest ,may your husband has good salary and he want you to stay with out work and may you dont know how to undrstand him so, try to chane the routine at home .In Islam women as a queen. Try to understand your husband ,tell him that you want to go out ,but at first tell him that you want to go out to the place which he want. May when he come he became very tired, so try to write what you want to say in the latter and in the vocation try to be clase to him ,change thing at home. (there are many women not arabic ,they marrige muslims and they stay in arab country and they are as a queen). Good lucke

Name: Ameena
Date: Tuesday July 15, 2008
Time: 22:25:28 -0700


you are right lana. she wrote this story to give a bad story about islam. look to the change before you marriage this man .I AM SURE that you observed the change. We all Muslims and nonMuslims know that this is not truth story!!!!.yes there are many bad stories happened and the most in your country because they dont respect women until today ,also old women live in bad situation in ur country ,no bady car about them .Before u marriage u move from friend to friend and those men can go away from u if they look other girls, they will not care about u any more. but thats not happen in islam. islam for all human, islam is a peaceful religion .

Name: Michelle
Date: Wednesday July 16, 2008
Time: 17:33:48 -0700



Name: Cheryl
Date: Thursday July 17, 2008
Time: 16:05:25 -0700


I am a American women like you who has gone through the same ordeal. I feel hopeless and trapped at times. cheryl

Date: Tuesday July 22, 2008
Time: 00:02:08 -0700


This is a story of a woman that is being "abused" it has nothing to do with the fact that he is Muslim. I am American and have been married to a Muslim man for thirty years. I LOVE the Muslim people, they are friendly, warm, caring and very family oriented. We have three children and have adopted a fourth child that happens to come from an AMERICAN MAN THAT ABUSED HIS WIFE AND CHILDREN and she was put in foster care. It is abuse no matter what the religion, there are controlling abusive men of all cultures including AMERICAN. I say, IF you don't have any children with this man AND you have no blood ties. LEAVE HIM go to a shelter, welfare offices will direct you to women shelters. If he is at work 15 hrs day you have time to plan things.....GET AWAY FROM THIS ABUSIVE MAN.

Name: gloria
Date: Monday July 28, 2008
Time: 16:52:35 -0700


who ever wrote this I was in a similar situation. I am married to a Muslim man. we are currently separated. he is in prison for domestic abuse. i also have no one to talk to. comment back and maybe we can talk.

Name: kay
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 03:14:12 -0700


Do u have refuges in the US? I've found in my time of need...its always been other women who have been there for me, I also had an abusive husband, and was involved with a Muslim. Refuges in Australia pick us up from our homes, with the police, and take us to a safe location, I'm sure u would have a similar system there in the US, get out NOW its not going to get any easier, I pray things work out for you, my thought and prayers are with you. good luck

Name: talale
Date: Saturday August 02, 2008
Time: 16:02:15 -0700


i am an arabic singel man i live with my muslim parants in algeria...first when i read this this storie i was very sad and i want to help this woman. but but when ithink carefuly i know that big problem is if this woman follow this stupied person who are afraid from islam because they know nothing..try to understan that your husban love you that is why he don't want that you wear a clothes that atract other man to abuse you...try to understand that 15 hours in the day is much big and when he will back he is very tired.. and for your husband i tell hime that he must be kind with you because the massenger of islam tell us that the best man is the best with his family...sory for my mistake because i just speak a litle english

Name: bob
Date: Sunday August 03, 2008
Time: 23:21:18 -0700


The women had two kids she knows how to leave a man and wear to go. Where is the father of the kids he maybe an option. If he is (my message to him) Take her out of that situation as quick as possible and the kids. Next she should have known better than to get involved with one of those men. So take her to a private room secure her hands and give her 50 stokes of the cane for her being such a dumb ass and exposing her kids to that. She will thank you for it later.

Name: to: mohammad
Date: Tuesday August 05, 2008
Time: 17:28:10 -0700


let's just say you are a non-islam person and this situation happen to you and you were "ABUSED" very badly. You need revenge right. My point is if I am the one who abused u what would u do? r we clear now? be careful i'm watching! i can see u my friend. later

Name: Mindy Jenkins
Date: Friday August 08, 2008
Time: 21:03:24 -0700


Your first priority is to your children. You must get them away from him if there is any abuse. You must understand this behavior is his Muslim way of life. This is how the men treat their wives. Christianity (Christ followers) displays love to each other. If you would accept Christ as your Saviour, study the Word of God, he would see your life as desirable and perhaps he would want to change. I will be praying for you, dear one.

Name: J Duquette
Date: Monday August 18, 2008
Time: 14:41:43 -0700


Try being an American woman married to a Muslim and living in his country. The man I married in the US became a selfish and cruel person in his own, Pakistan. I barely recognized him. Did anyone care to help me with the language though I begged, cried? No, so I became isolated. I was put to work in an American org, a job which had been arranged beforehand and which I began five days after entering the country, with a two-month-old son I might add. My baby and I spent our first Christmas in Pakistan in a trench in Peshawar. Where was my husband? Back in Lahore. He was a member of the then Prime Minister senior staff working in Islamabad. We lived in Rawalpindi, only 11 miles away from Islamabad. Was I ever taken to Islamabad? I was virtually in "purdah." I wore Western clothes on occasion but the traditional clothing in bazaars because men would keep coming up to touch my arms or face. I was a "Memsahib," the White Wife of the Master. Yes, I was beaten and when I begged to leave the country I was told by my husband I could go but I had to leave my son behind. I am near tears now and do not want to go on. You cannot imagine how much I regret marrying this man and still being married to him, though at last in the United States, my own country. Now he wouldn't dare touch me because being back in my own country after 20 years enabled me to return to a near likeness of my former self, despite a bitter souvenir of a severe incurable lung problems which began when I contracted TB in Pakistan. Enough said even though there is more.

Name: American Woman Who Dates An Arabic Man And Submits To His Every Command.
Date: Tuesday August 19, 2008
Time: 18:06:57 -0700


Girl,I can releate to a certain extent about the life that you live. Here is my advice. Sometimes women need a man to control her or she needs to be controlled. Sometimes we need to control our man or he needs to be controlled. Don't blame yourxself for being controlled by your husband. That is his job, he feels you are his and he DOES NOT want to loose you. But with all that being said. You need to work to contribute to the house. Talk to him tell him this. Continue to tell him this and talk to him about your self and your need to work. This way he will start to understand and allow you to work to work even if you start out working about 5 hours a week. Start small he will listen. Remember we need to be patient with our husbands, boyfriends, compromise with them and they shall give us what we want. Be patient and talk to him.

Name: ex-Muslim
Date: Friday August 29, 2008
Time: 05:40:28 -0700


"American Woman Who Dates An Arabic Man And Submits To His Every Command." --- So you have turned a slave to your Arabic boyfriend. When is your boyfriend going to submit to your every command. You say, 'Remember we need to be patient with our husbands, boyfriends, compromise with them.' When is your husband, boyfriend going to do likewise and be patient with you and compromise.

Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 11:57:24 -0700


I am so sorry for you

Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 11:57:28 -0700


I am so sorry for you

Name: Concerned friend of yours
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 17:05:43 -0700


I am in a similiar situation but I am very lucky I still work. Unfortunately you and your husband are both victims of islam. He is so deceived.My homework for you is for you to start watching Creflo Dollar, Joyce Meyer, and Joel Osteen when hes not there Do you have Dish network change from cable and get it, and girl pray I have made major breakthroughs with my husband. Dont mind Mohammed's comments what does he know see muslims know no other life accept islam so they are closed minded and totally ignorant. If Mohammed studies Christianity he would convert in 1 minute but hes too closed and stupid

Name: Concerned friend of yours
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 17:19:30 -0700


I wish muslims would get a life but they dont know love faith or hope and Mr Mohammed you are such a holy man to make fun of a girl in crisis Let me ask you a question since you know so much about islam What are the spiritual laws of islam and where can you find them in the Quran

Name: Concerned friend of yours
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 17:26:17 -0700


As the quran itself states test Surah 10 94 Thou when in doubt go the book before you for they have indeed been told the truth and the book before you taught the spiritual laws and sine Mohammed brought everything togther come on Mr Holier than thou tell me what they are but it proves ny point your closed mind wouldnt allow you to look

Name: i feel for u
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 17:33:25 -0700


Dont marry him get out now or you will end up like me and her and please dont fall for islam Know your bible read J Vernon Mcgee before you convert you wont be decieved if you do KNOW YOUR BIBLE They know the bible better than us to tear it apart but they dont understand it at all watch Perry Stone Voice of evangelsim dont get caught up in that deceit be careful I feel for u or you will be feeling for yourself very soon be smart

Name: Melody U.
Date: Sunday September 07, 2008
Time: 10:01:42 -0700


This is a tradgic situation for this girl indeed. No doubt her husband has several problems, and she does need to get help for herself and her children, and I hope she does. But I do think it is wrong to stereotype an entire religion becasue of certain "bad people". What I am trying to explain here is that anyone who sterotypes an entire religion or group of people is uneducated, and ignorant. It is indeed true there are violent and bad islamic men. It is also true there are violent and bad chritian men, jewish men, buddist men, american men....etc......THere is good and bad everywhere it doesnt' matter the culture of religon. GEt off of it. All I see everywhere is bashing the islamic religion. Why dont some of you people try to get educated??? I have a girlfriend who has an american husband who is violent, and controlling. I know lots of american women who divorced american men who were violent, or controlling. By the way I am a christian girl who is married to an islamic man. He respects my religon and I respect his. I never cook, he cooks everything for me, and does most of the cleaning. He works hard, and encourages me to have friends, independence, and "do my own thing."...So guess its not all about the religion huh?.........

Name: ur not alone
Date: Sunday September 07, 2008
Time: 12:13:34 -0700


to all of you whom use thes stories to defame islam,you are mistaken,because i am in such situation sister,living in another(european) country(without rights) i am also emotionally,metally,physically abused and trying to find a way out safely with my children(4)I married him with face of a sheik and wanting to increase my love of islam,and dicovered the real face latter.And to you my sister,this isnt islam,and all of you whom use this as a excuse to degrade islam,your punishments are severe.these men are acting according to how their culture and great,great grandfathers acted,this isnt what islam is teaching or allows.this what keeps me muslims or i would have left islam,i am also a revert but i know what quran and prophet said and it not according to these kind of action of boys.Men like this are self centered and selffish,and only out for self satifaction and the need to be in control.Please sister dont forget your islam never leave it

Name: walid ibrahim
Date: Friday September 12, 2008
Time: 16:26:41 -0700


At the outset I would like to know all about myself my name is walid ibrahim iam 28 yd ..... I want to get serious and different relationship and marriage in the ends...I want to identify and link the serious girl who appreciates married life....i hope to find my women and get marred soon if my god want (in sha allah) To continue to talk please send a letter to my email (

Date: Friday September 12, 2008
Time: 16:31:28 -0700


look the all muslim not like this man i think he is mareed just for pepper

Name: Pete Meredith
Date: Sunday September 14, 2008
Time: 14:22:15 -0700


You marry a follower of the Anti Christ, so what does she expect ?

Name: habibiprincess
Date: Monday September 15, 2008
Time: 23:13:49 -0700


i'm sorry you are having to deal with this,but not all muslim men are bad.i honestly don't think this has anything to do with the muslim religion,it has to do with him as a person,he is not the whole muslim,i suggest you get away from him,take your children,and get far away from him.this type of behavior can can come from any religion,race,etc..i myself am an american,married to a muslim,and he is the greatest person i know.good luck habibi.

Name: habibiprincess
Date: Monday September 15, 2008
Time: 23:37:42 -0700


its soooooo amazing of the lack of uneducated people on this site.some of those comments are just utterly always hear the bad things on the the people that crashed into the world trade center was muslim arabs,so what.what about our own terrorists in our country,the "white terrorists"that blew up the oklahoma city building.what about them?islam is a religion,just like christianity,catholism,and so on.stop blaming the muslims for everything bad that happens.i was married before to a white man,and he was the worst person ever to me,there are good and bad in everyone,and everywhere.get educated people.

Name: An Anonymous Friend
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 11:38:03 -0700


Shame on your `husband'! Islam preaches the liberalization of women, and all he does is disgrace the religion! Get, friends, any welfare or social organization will surely take you in. The man is a stupid, weak excuse for a Muslim.

Name: Sherri
Date: Sunday September 28, 2008
Time: 07:46:39 -0700


It sounds like you are in a very abusive relationship in any culture. I am also married to a Muslim man with two children from a previous marriage. My husband has never treated us like that. I have a car, I don't work because I don't want to, but he respects my choice if I choose to go back to work. Don't get me wrong we do have challanges because we have diffrent back grounds, but we try to understand where each is coming from. He does not force me to do anything and vise versa. It sounds like you need to find a way to get out. God bless and good luck

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