Threatened by Teen Muslima, Islam-watch Closes Down
18 Dec, 2008
Dear readers,
We have recently been pounded with all kinds of threatening emails. One amongst them is from a 15-year-old German-born Muslima, living in London. She has given us a 24-hour ultimatum to close down the site. We have taken her threat seriously and decided close down the site. We are sorry that we will not be catering to our dedicated supporters any further.
Here is the letter from our nemesis:
Dear people that run this website,
I as a young muslim teen, aged 15, came across this sde looking for guidance. Instead I find something possibly illegal, religious discrimination, I am contacting you before I report you to the BBC and Aljazeera. You obviously know this is illegal as you state "We will criticize and expose the "real" truth about Islam without minding about any political correctness whatsoever". The real reason you people have probably created this site is because of your corrupt childhood. Bring forward 10 of your family members and tell me they are still in contact with you. Exactly, my point proven. I will win in this case trust me I have dealt with the legal system before and I will succeed. So you have 24 hours to get remove the content made because off absolute spite and make sure you notify me off this when done.
Yours Sincerely,
MA Khan responds:
Dear Ikran,
We are really threatened by your terrorist-style ultimatum. And we have decided to shut down our Website.
If it does not go off net within 24 hours from now, you are free to take your actions.
We appreciate your warning ahead of taking any actions. We will not hold it out against you for whatsoever actions you take.
Below is another letter from Muslima, go by the name, "Saint Perfect". I hope the readers will be able grasp what a Islamic "Saint Perfect" stands for from the language of her letter:
This is a personal message from one of your article readers. I am 16 years old and I have NEVER seen such limited knowledge on Islam in my life! How could you take a beautiful religion such as this and turn it into something that looks worse than cow shit!? If you want to be convincing, I suggest you shut the fuck up! Yes, ok, I’ll be honest—I haven’t been a good muslim; I don’t pray, wear a hijab or fast properly—but I am at least trying my best to become of god’s standards so I can BE a good person! Unfortunately, I had my disadvantages—my father never taught me well about Islam, but doesn’t that prove something? Doesn’t that show that anyone—even someone who wasn’t brought up properly in Islam—can be convinced that Islam is the true path to god? Ok, if you call yourself an “ex-muslim” and spit on God’s last religion, then you’re practically dissing every OTHER religion like Christianity and Judaism; because Islam is created by God, who created Christianity and Judaism…overall, you’re dissing God! So if you’re not a muslim, what do you call yourself? Because you can’t call yourself a Christian OR Jew…you’d be a disgrace to ALL religions! Oh, and you mention that the Quran emphasizes hatred on non-believers and that? Well guess what, SO DOES THE BIBLE AND TORAH, DUMBASSES!! My mom’s a Christian so I should know! And if you’re so clever, you should know that OBVIOUSLY God would hate anyone who disbelieves him—just like he should hate you! COMMON SENSE!! Wouldn’t you dislike someone and possibly hate them if they didn’t believe what you said? Well, here’s the deal, you’re just being hypocrites—because at the same time YOUR trying to prove your stupid theory on “false Islam”, God is trying to prove the world that HE exists and that this is what we should do to prove our love to him! You’re so clever, your actually using the nature of God’s gift to SPEAK and EXPRESS OURSELVES to prove HE’S wrong?! BULLSHIT!! God has never mentioned that it was “halal” to kill or “halal” to enslave people…if you’re so intelligent and ALL WISE, then show us the proof that it mentions ANYTHING like that in the Quran—quote by quote. Don’t rely on other people’s texts because they will ALWAYS come out wrong because they didn’t create the Quran nor are they God. Your ignorance have resulted in you to being mislead out of the true religion—the right wayWhy are you so proud to call yourselves “ex-muslims”? Gosh, you must be more retarded then someone suffering from autism! I’m not here to WARN you; because that’s up to God—I’m only here to let my anger out—it’s part of my therapy session. BETTER OUT THAN IN, ASSHOLES!! I mean, that’s what you do, right? Reveal your stupidity to the world? And guess what? From today, I’ll be using your email address to corrupt your little website pixel by pixel! I’m not saying shut it down—oh no, let it stand with ignorance! Let your site be a test to the world’s faith so God can see how many of his worshippers are actually the believers they say they are! YOU’VE SHOWN A GOOD EXAMPLE ON PROVING THE IGNORANCE AND STUPIDITY LEFT IN THIS WORLD!! WELL DONE!! You even said it yourself, your dumbass site is politically incorrect!! THAT SPEAKS FOR ALL OF US!!
Dear Saint Perfect,
You accuse us: "I have NEVER seen such limited knowledge on Islam in my life!" Could you please tell us why do you think you have better knowledge of Islam than us. Would you please pick our articles one by one and prove that they are completely wrong? If you can prove even 5% of our materials are wrong, we will close this site.
MA Khan
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Name: Is this some kind of joke?
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 09:49:14 -0500
What is this, some kind of joke? I was expecting a threatening letter or something....
Name: Good Muslima
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 09:55:09 -0500
I think she should be given the Kaaba medal for threatening Kafirs. Another of those brain dead Zombies. And yes she certainly does not sound like a 15 year old. I don't know any 15 year olds who have ever seen what a court looks from inside. Poor girl, must be high when she wrote this Email, or maybe she is recovering from the shock of a recent breakup from her boyfriend or something. Nice way to laugh though!!!!!!!!!
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 10:16:26 -0500
Kafir = Good People , Muslims = Bad People , Radical Muslims are the Terrorists Suicide Bombers, Moderate Muslims are the Supporters of Extremist Terrorists by Money and who encourage Radical Muslims, Islam is the Religion created by Satan Himself, We all have to fight against Evil Islam, The Root of Terrorism is Islam, All we need to do is to Wide out Islam Religion.
Name: These are shock symptoms.If she ihas a nano inch of rationality she will soon become an ex-muslim
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 10:30:32 -0500
These are shock symptoms.If she ihas a nano inch of rationality she will soon become an ex-muslim and a free thinker.Every one first will get angry like this only.Let her introspect.
Name: Ibn Kammuna to M A Khan and all readers
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 10:31:22 -0500
Hello Brothers: Please take it easy on those kids. They are young teens at an age where they think they know it all when in fact they know.. well, pretty much nothing. Peace
Name: To MA Khan from Ibrahim Lone
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 10:40:39 -0500
Dear Khan Saahib I earnestly request you to be a little easy on the small ones. Poor kids don't even know that all sorts of researches are available on the internet and that there is no case at all here. I wonder if these girls have ever seen a courtroom. Poor souls, really believe that they are following a true religion. It is not their age to be to learn the truth about the fake ideology called Islam. It might disturb them psychologically and leave them scarred for the rest of their lives. There are approximately
Name: Goodnews ...
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 11:17:07 -0500
... that young Muslimas are capable to discuss their own religion. It is probably still much to early for them to realise the whole fake of islam and most young women won´t break all ties to her families and her civilisation soon. However, after some years in touch with unbiased information, they will understand more and more until many young women like her will finally decide to leave islam.
Name: al ham dull ill aahhhh....its working muslimas r bigening to think abt islam,its victory for isw !!! hip hip hurray !!!!!
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 11:24:45 -0500
al ham dull ill aahhhh....its working muslimas r bigening to think abt islam,its victory for isw !!! hip hip hurray !!!!! THE victory of truth is when muslims feel agitated and question and finally READ KORAN/HADITH and leave it.i was also agiteated when i was young,i read koran/hadith and left islam.this is great news,now muslims will ACTUALLY read koran and the mroe they read it the faster they will leave it.especially young muslim women.victory is in sight finally.great going ffi and isw !!! hip hip hurray !!!! hip hip hurray !!!!!!! hip hip hurray !!!!!!!!!!
Name: why wud a loving god hate u if u did not listen to him...he wud be a hateful demon,not loving god !!!!
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 11:33:15 -0500
if a god a loving god,and u did not listen to him he wud still love u,that is really god.but if u did not listen to him and he hates u,he is just a gangster and a demon.he cant be true god.the deity of jews-chriostians-islamists is a demon and not a real godhe hates all,for no reason.he is not real god,and judeo-christianity islam is hate based idelogy not religion.its truth.
Name: Tony
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 11:45:49 -0500
when a rat (even a female rat) is cornered, it lashes out and bites! one more rat seems to have surfaced!
Name: tanstaafl
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 15:16:11 -0500
Maybe if we all wrote "We will not question Islam" on the chalkboard 100 hundred times, it would make it alright.
Name: children always.....
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 17:42:03 -0500
believe that the know better than the adults. Then real life hits them. If they live in a western country, then they should count themselves lucky. I'm surprised that their fathers haven't already selected unknown husbands for them and have them married off in a country that they have never been in before. It will happen, and then both of these young "ladies" will finally know that you and others, have expressed the truth because their husbands will beat out of them the "westernization" that they had growing up.
Name: Andrew Stunich
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 18:36:15 -0500
I hope you are joking Mr. Khan. Your work is too important to let some Muslima's threat thwart your work.
Name: Snake Oil Baron
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 18:42:42 -0500
As others have mentioned, Saint Perfect is responding classically to the unwelcome and unanticipated reality of criticism of Islam from those who actually know about it. Dismissing Kafirs as all being ignorant is easy and would probably not shock her as this site has. Name calling and logical fallacies about family relations help insulate her from having to examine and evaluate beliefs which she is unready to even acknowledge exist. I agree that she could very well come to the truth about Islam in time. One thing she said requires some specific criticism since it illustrates the kind of logic which religion can encourage: "Ok, if you call yourself an “ex-muslim” and spit on God’s last religion, then you’re practically dissing every OTHER religion like Christianity and Judaism; because Islam is created by God, who created Christianity and Judaism…overall, you’re dissing God!" Young lady, if one is not a Muslim one doesn't believe that Islam is God's last religion or even created by God so one is not dissing anything. The Mormons believe they are God's last religion. One of the greatest challenges for Muslims seems to be understanding where their views end and others' begin. Just because believers in Islam believe something about the views of Christians, Jews or agnostics/atheists does not mean that that is really what their views are.
Name: To Mr M A Khan & others from scrutator in London
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 19:34:35 -0500
Please do not be cowed by the young muslima's email, after all your site deals with the actual 'truth' about Islam ! What's wrong in revealing this 'truth' ? I agree with Mr Andrew Stunich, your work and this site is too important to everyone in dar-ul-harb to be ditched by a youngster's threat ! I BESEECH YOU, PLEASE DO NOT CLOSE THIS SITE ! If you are based in the UK, we, your supporters, will rally around to defend you against any action against this site. The publicity which will be generated by any such case w.r.t. and would be worth millions of pounds ! Besides, this publicity will expose the actual 'truth' about Islam in the minutest detail ! Surely, that is what you and we want, don't we ? If you are based outside the UK, then the latter's laws do not concern you ! EITHER WAY, YOU WILL WIN, MR KHAN !
Name: continuum to Ibn Kamuna and M.A. Khan
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 21:21:40 -0500
"Hello Brothers: Please take it easy on those kids. They are young teens at an age where they think they know it all when in fact they know.. well, pretty much nothing. Peace" I was thinking the same. These are kids who are shocked by the content of this website and therefore are reacting. If I were in their place, I would probably do the same thing. M.A. Khan, I know you have an excellent grasp on Islamic teachings and you are very very good in analyzing Islamic scriptures when compared to others. I have read your explanation on "There is no compulsion in religion" and I was/am very impressed. Please educate the youth logically. There is no higher service than this for the good of future society, especially those coming from Islamic society.
Name: duh_swami
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 21:33:47 -0500
From the 15 year old: The real reason you people have probably created this site is because of your corrupt childhood. So this 15 year old knows about Mr Khan's corrupt childhood...Amazing...How so? Astral projection? Is astral projection halal or haram? I doubt the Schools of Islamic jurisprudence have ever taken up that question. Maybe Mr Khan knows differently. Otherwise this teen must be using some kind of haram magic to determine Me Khans corrupt childhood. Or this could be just a childish remark, spoken for effect only, and carries no validity of it's own...I vote for childish...After all, this is a child...
Name: Ramesh
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 21:35:12 -0500
Who Ever wrote this threatening letter: Instead of cusring the content on the web site it would be useful to be objective and prove them wrong. There are lots of quotes that are picked by the authors and in Quran and Hadith. Why don't you pick on theose and tell us why they're wrong. If you keep scolding them without any objectivity then it will make their point stronger.
Name: Robert Alpy
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 22:09:50 -0500
Are we to believe that the faith of Muhhamed is beautiful as the girl says when she states herself that God "Hates" unbelievers?I am a Roman Catholic and I was raised to believe that God has no room in his house for hatred.Indeed we are taught not to fault those who have never heard his message and therefore don't believe.Furthermore we are encourged to study other faiths and our priests and bishops do not fear that we will convert to Islam by reading the Koran.I can't help but wonder why Muslim preachers fear to let thier faithful read the gospels if the Koran is the true word of God.What do they have to fear,unless they doubt themselves? To suggest that God has ever entertained "Hate" is the most despicable of blasphemies.The fact that the Koran suggests this leads me to believe that allah is not the God of Issac and Abraham at all,but a malevolence that has long been known to mankind.He goes by many names...Beelzebub...The Prince of lies...The Prince of The Power of Air...Satan. Judge a tree by it's fruit.
Name: Qwer to Nice Moslem
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 22:38:53 -0500
Ikran & Saint Perfect, one man can split the moon into two (2) part. INCREDICLE! This is only a bullshit story? Read to your hadis and you'll find your Lovely Prophet Mo did it!
Name: Qwer to MA Khan & Editor
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 22:41:30 -0500
"I have NEVER seen such limited knowledge on Islam in my life! How could you take a beautiful religion such as this and turn it into something that looks worse than cow shit" ................................................................ That is the typical moslem's mind. But you blame me to call "xxx Moslems"
Name: Qwer to MA Khan & Editor
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 22:47:20 -0500
NOW IS YOUR TURN TO ASKING ME FOR AN APOLOGIZE. I WIN. LOOK AT THEIR STATEMENT: ..............."How could you take a beautiful religion such as this and turn it into something that looks worse than cow shit!?"
Name: God hates disbelievers?
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 22:59:11 -0500
I wonder where she got this from? The God of Islam is no better than an ordinary Human being, who is ruled by the same stupid emotions. God is beyong emotions. Love, fear hatred, These are Human emotions. Inorder that God be divine, I guess his or her qualities should be very different from that of his creation.
Name: Qwer to Saint Perfect & Ikran
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 23:02:20 -0500
"Because you can’t call yourself a Christian OR Jew…you’d be a disgrace to ALL religions!" .......... THAT IS NO TRUE!! WE ONLY DISGRACE TO ISLAM & YOUR MOHHAMED
Name: Cow shit is better than islam., At least it is a good fertlizer to agriculture.
Date: Thursday December 18, 2008
Time: 23:46:57 -0500
allah only dictates to kill and be killed., but cow shit may be used to agriculture to produce grains that may be fed to thousands.
Name: Spiritualism
Date: Friday December 19, 2008
Time: 00:12:48 -0500
Send these kids to some system of meditation so that they can feel god inside their hearts in stead of hatred which is the hallmark of Islam.This will relieve their stress also.
Name: these gals r ignorant of REAL TRUE ISLAM
Date: Friday December 19, 2008
Time: 01:58:11 -0500
these gals r ignorant of REAL TRUE ISLAM,bcoz they dont know SLAVE STAtus of woman in islam.if she offend her husband even 1 time she will go to imaginary hell forever. let us take a situation : this gal is married to some TRUE MUSLIM and he wants 2nd wife or sex svale-and he tells her i want to remarry,if she protest she is displeasing her husband which means she goes to imaginary eternal hell.but if she says yes,her life on earth cud be in in either case she is the such a great religion is islam.only MALE HAS RIGHTS.woman has no rights other than fear imaginary allah and her husband. i think thes egals shud be taught real islam,sent to tribal area in pakista/sudan etc made to taste real islam and then they will realise how dangerous their imaginary deity arab terrorist allah/mughamed is.the they will leave islam in no time !!!
Name: why these girls want to live in kafir country,why not go to real islamic countries ???
Date: Friday December 19, 2008
Time: 02:08:27 -0500
why these girls want to live in kafir country,why not go to real islamic countries ??? just think,if this girls r raped by some guy in non jihadi country,then the dna sample will be taken and culprit will be punsihed.but if in islamic country,she will be asked to get 4 male witness and no dna test.if she cant get the witness she is adultress and must be stoned to,she shud return to islamic paradise immediately don a burka and dont speak to any men.alhamdullillaaahhhh.
Name: cow is better than imaginary allah
Date: Friday December 19, 2008
Time: 02:11:39 -0500
cow is better than imaginary allah.cow is real,allah is imaginary.cow eat an agricultural by product-grass and give milk,butter eat.and also she gives cowdung and urine,which is fertilizer for land.when cow die its
body when buried in the earth will fertilize the earth so even in life or death cow is most useful animal,better than imaginary allah.ALSO,COW DOES NOT ASK U TO KILL ANYONE NOW IT ASK U TO MAKE WOMAN AS SECOND GRADE PEOPLE.COW A GOOD ANIMAL IS BETTER THAN IMAGINARY GOD ALLAH.
Name: To the lunatic above
Date: Friday December 19, 2008
Time: 04:19:59 -0500
This is not an Islamic site. So kindly refrain from consuming this sacred space and dirtying it with the verses from your terror manual. You have been posting these stinking Verses again and again, it shows that you have nothing to say, you are just another crazy guy who cant do better than posting a few stupid verses.
Name: Mahathma Gandhi
Date: Friday December 19, 2008
Time: 05:33:14 -0500
Mahathma Gandhi said"First they ignore you.Then they laugh at you.Then they fight you and you win."The said girls are at the third stage as there used to be one Mr.Akhtar earlier.Now he has joined you with jokes like "intellectual jihadis". I think very soon these girls who are with their limited knowledge will increase their knowledge and find the real truth.
Name: Az
Date: Friday December 19, 2008
Time: 06:33:58 -0500
She is a true Muslim. All good Muslims are terrorists
Name: seeker
Date: Friday December 19, 2008
Time: 07:19:52 -0500
Shock,disbelief,anger,denial and finally acceptance of the truth.These are the stages one passes through.I dont blame these good muslimas.One day the stark truth will stare at them in the face.Its fortunate for them that they are living in kafir land.One of them says, Obviously God would hate anybone who disbelieves him.- Just like he should hate you!The Lord of the world getting offended because of us mere mortals for not worshipping him.My my.What kind of God is this for hating his own creation.I mean even if God exists.Keep up the good work Mr.Khan.The internet is a very powerful medium and your site is making its presence felt.I foresee many many good people coming out of this hole of a religion in the future.
Date: Friday December 19, 2008
Time: 07:50:05 -0500
Name: SGW
Date: Friday December 19, 2008
Time: 08:07:37 -0500
The psyche of this saint perfect proves your point if teenagers can use language, We can see the corruption of these young minds and the violence hidden in Muslims because of Islam.If a harmless child can be influenced to write a threating mail and name sake follower by his own admission can vent out such hot air you case about islam being clear and present danger for mankind is already proved "so keep up the good work"
Name: QWER to AZ
Date: Friday December 19, 2008
Time: 08:25:44 -0500
"She is a true Muslim. All good Muslims are terrorists" ... You are correct, but because the comment like this Mr MA KHAN & EDITOR seriuosly warning me. Not fair enough.
Name: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Friday December 19, 2008
Time: 08:52:50 -0500
Hello everyone, I decided to read the above again. I laughed my heart out. Brother Khan should have have labeled this as Satire. It has close resemblance to what my five year old daughter. Sometimes she says things claiming adamantly that its true, when in fact she knows nothing about. I usually laugh and give my little girl a kiss and a big hug. its futile to try to reason with a teen-ager folks. HeHeHeHe.. Anyway, I had a good laugh with this read. Peace to all, including teen-age Muslims out there.
Name: Living the Right Path
Date: Friday December 19, 2008
Time: 09:51:51 -0500
I admire this young lady's devotion to Islam. Masha Allah. It is admirable. There should certainly be more young adults like her in the Muslim community. She stood up for what she knew was right, and succeeded too. All of you who are so annoyed with this need to tke a looka t your lives. Bring me a Christian kid and tell me if he would defend Christianity like that. He probably wouldn't even know a thing about it. You all are jeolous by the fact that we have prepared our youth and enlightened them and given them a future to look forward to. All you all do is intensify their love for sex and drugs. Have you noticed how we're confident in who we are and have so much faith in God. It's because our people are united not seperated by 5 million different bibles. This young lady is a strong Muslim and I wholeheartedly support her stance on this subject.
Name: RE:Living the Right Path
Date: Friday December 19, 2008
Time: 10:04:50 -0500
According to the wise guy above, threatening others like terrorists is being on right path. Do you know that this woman would have never been able to write this Email had she been born in an Islamic Paradise. By the way drug usage in Islamic paradise like Saudi Arabia, Porkistan, Afghanistan, Palestine is rampant. Forget about the Islamic African nations where people live on drugs and by the way most of the drug dealers in India are Muslims from East Africans countries......
Name: evelyn
Date: Friday December 19, 2008
Time: 11:15:55 -0500
You are total cowards to close your site because of threats from a 15-year-old child. You should be ashamed of yourselves. The lies of Islam will continue to ruin lives so long as people like you are too afraid to keep telling the truth, NO MATTER WHAT THE COST. Please get back online as soon as you find your testicles.
Date: Friday December 19, 2008
Time: 13:35:03 -0500
"Living The Right Path" says the child is right to pour out hate on those who differ.Are we to presume that this is the right path he speaks of?Who amoung you can find even a spark of righteousness in the rancid flesh of hate?I've had my own struggles with hatred stemming from Sept.11th and the vile verses I later found in the Koran.In reading the testimonies on this site I have come full circle,back to the teachings of Holy Mother Church.Where once I hated muslims and viewed them as animals to be destroyed,I can now say that my anger corrupted me and cut Christ from my heart.Perhaps the only way to wipe the message of this evil book from mankind is to take Jesus' example to heart and touch thier hearts by his example.Mighty Rome poured it's hate and violence on the christian community and in time became consumed by the nonviolent example of that community.We have the power to wage nearly endless war against Islam,but will that prove the fallicy of thier evil god or merely confirm his hateful verses?Perhaps when they have exhausted themselves beating out thier anger on our bodies,they will at long last have room in thier hearts for love.For over an eons our people have struggled against thiers in war and even when victorious it has only served to increase thier hate.Perhaps when they are knee deep in our blood and we've not raised a hand against them,they will finaly come to understand.How many of us must die before they realise that we are thier brothers and sisters under God and are equaly deserving of life and liberty.As abhorant as thier primative culture is to us we would be happy to leave them to it if they would leave us to ours.I suspect that they are well aware of the primacy of western live and let live attitudes and seek to destroy us only because thier own people see it and desire it.Name a single Muslim nation(other than Turkey) that could build a factory to succesfully manufacture a #2 pencil.I believe that the source of thier anger stems from the fact that thier koran tells them they should be our betters but every advance in science and industry in the west makes apparent this lie...they feel that if they can not be our betters that they need to destroy us or at least bring us down to thier primative level.
Name: Duard Hamm
Date: Friday December 19, 2008
Time: 13:41:49 -0500
Ok, I know that it is here somewhere I just can't find it. You know what I'm tslking don't you? It's that disclaimer you put on your articles when you are writing satirically. I know that it has to be here somewhere, because you guys could not be so cowardly to let a child threaten you off the internet. Come on give me a clue. I am good at cryptology. Is it hidden in the text? Just one clue please.
Name: IK
Date: Friday December 19, 2008
Time: 17:19:30 -0500
What are you people saying..IW is not closing down. Please read the article and think a little bit. Khan put the title to get a smile on your face. On another note, this 15 year old is no 15 year old. I read her comment above, and her language indicates she is much older. I'll be very surprised if she is younger than 26 years old, maybe even much older.
Name: pass away
Date: Friday December 19, 2008
Time: 22:11:34 -0500
The authors of this site has taken a English course or something. They have started giving titles that shock with irony. A few more such shocks and I will pass away for good.
Name: seeker
Date: Friday December 19, 2008
Time: 22:37:34 -0500
Come on guys. Don't be so serious. People have forgotten to smile in these gloomy times. The editors are just having fun. Some readers post without even reading the sarcastic laden articles.
Name: Teenies viewpoint
Date: Saturday December 20, 2008
Time: 02:57:19 -0500
There are many young muslims in western countries who have no idea how crazy islam really is. They wear a headscarve and think it is cool.
Name: Why is Islam so behind?
Date: Saturday December 20, 2008
Time: 03:20:39 -0500
I think because of the islamic scribes. In stark contrast to other cvilisations the islamc "intellectuals" are against any progress. They don´t educate the illiterates and keep them stupid, selling them fatwas and all this stupid s**t. This is what Islam is about and nothing else. Then they are backing corrupt regimes and fighting against democracy, teaching that all they need is to pray five times a day and not to s**t in the direction of Mecca. How intelligent!
Date: Saturday December 20, 2008
Time: 03:49:56 -0500
Islam, Qur'an should be reformed. Remove all of the Qur'anic Verses which Encourage Killing, Terrorism, Beheading, eg. Kill non-Islam People and you will enter Paradise and you will have 24 hours Heterosexual and Homosexual Sodomy Fucking. Remove Child abuse, Child Rape, Wife Beating, Women Abuse , Female Clitoris Cutting. Remove All of Qur'an Verse which allowed Muslims to Beat Their Wives, To have Animals Sex 4 by 1 legal animals sex. Remove all of Qua'ran verse which Fucking Allah said, Islam will dominate the world by Sexual Over Reproduction rate. All of Muslims can worship their Fucking Allah without killing Kaffir , without child rape, women abuse, animal sex, Beheading, and never try to dominate the world by means or Sword or by Means of Animal Reproduction Rate, and stay peacefully with all other religions on earth, never try to destroy others Religions such as Buddhist, Hindus, Jews , Christians...Never Insult others Religion in your Mosque or In your Terrorist Camp, Then we all accept Islam is the awesome Religion...All of Qur'an Verses which encourage All kinds of Criminals in the Name of Satan Allah must be Deleted or Eradicated. but Islam Quran is based on Killing, Murdering , child rape, women abuse, beheading, looting, animals sex...these such Extreme Criminals are the Main Stream of Islam Qur'an . without These Mohammed Favorite Criminals are the Main Stream of Islam Qur'an.. Islam Qur'an Allah Can not Survive without these Criminals....I would like to ask you Muslims about 1 question, If Allah is Almighty , let him come to earth and kill all Kaffirs by Himself, why didn't he kill kaffirs by himself and using Muslims to kill Kaffirs, because God will never command you to kill people in order to spread religion, God is Indeed Almighty and his religion will spread all over the Earth by Using Power of Love , not the Power of Hatred Killings which is the only Method of Satan Himself , Thank you..
Name: DH
Date: Saturday December 20, 2008
Time: 05:18:16 -0500
"Unfortunately, I had my disadvantages—my father never taught me well about Islam, but doesn’t that prove something? Doesn’t that show that anyone—even someone who wasn’t brought up properly in Islam—can be convinced that Islam is the true path to god?"....A perfect example of why religiously cynical nominally Muslim parents must NOT imbue their kids with the merest hint of a Muslim identity.
Name: nadeemaslam36
Date: Sunday December 21, 2008
Time: 04:18:41 -0500
Name: nadeemaslam36
Date: Sunday December 21, 2008
Time: 04:26:58 -0500
Name: nadeem might be fond animal sex of paradise or allah whore house.He will be fortunate if he realises that is imaginary
Date: Sunday December 21, 2008
Time: 10:15:35 -0500
nadeem might be fond animal sex of paradise or allah whore house.He will be fortunate if he realises that is imaginary even at the time of death.or just pity him.Let him live like an animal in cave with schizo phrenia.
Date: Sunday December 21, 2008
Time: 13:03:37 -0500
God, the creator of all there is, all that ever has been, and all that ever will be. The most loving, beneficent power in the universe, all seeing, omnipotent. Why does he need humans to kill unbelievers? Why doesn't he just strike them down dead himself, if that was his wish? Surely that would make believers out of everyone?
Name: islam=darkness
Date: Monday December 22, 2008
Time: 18:22:05 -0500
i am a ax muslim convert to christianity living in saudi arabia. i cant represent my convert to christ bcz muslims behead me.i know islam=darkness christianity= light muhammad=fiend christ=saint
Name: Hmmm.
Date: Tuesday December 23, 2008
Time: 01:59:38 -0500
What is the reason for hosting this site ?
Name: PUGO
Date: Tuesday December 23, 2008
Time: 10:43:51 -0500
When will we see the end of islam?????
Name: Raised eyebrow
Date: Wednesday December 24, 2008
Time: 00:04:48 -0500
Such a stinging barrage of ignorance! Jeez. I can't remember where I left my whiskey either...
Name: Billy Bob from Texas
Date: Saturday December 27, 2008
Time: 08:11:39 -0500
I ran over Allah in my pickup truck last night. He was taking a piss on the wall of the Quickee Mart and I splattered the bastard.
Name: anonymous
Date: Saturday December 27, 2008
Time: 19:19:58 -0500
It seems to me that this young lady seems to be a little 'mixed -up'! Is she criticizing your site or is she criticizing Islam? She seems to be very angry with herself & her religion...otherwise why the anger therapy? Who could have made her SO ANGRY? Certainly not your site...perhaps she is desperately SEEKING HELP? I wonder. fiorcet controlled substance
Name: your leader is satan, he is the only one that is happy with your deeds, so its about time you change sides and choose the real master
Date: Saturday December 27, 2008
Time: 21:41:31 -0500
lol feel sorry for you people, may God help you, and if you say no to his help, may his punnishment decend upon all of you, at the end of the day my guess is over 99% of the ex muslims were obviously never muslims, anyways i want to know what is the actual thing that drives you guys in inputting so much passion into a develish act such as this. lol anyways i give you guys credit for having the energy and motivation and the time to produce hi quality proofless info, well done, may you try your best to feel good about your self and sleep easy at night, good luck
Name: looooooooooool
Date: Saturday December 27, 2008
Time: 21:54:24 -0500
islam watch is a joke, good luck ask satan for regular check ups, otherwise you might flop more than you already are, anyways serious question though, how many of you smart asses are behind this booming operation. lol one of the funny things is that the ones that comment really get a kick out of taking the piss out of little kids, lol damnnnnn damnnnnn im waiting to see how many of you smart assess are going to try and take the piss out of my comment, lolllll and then feel good about it lollllllllll, and then think you have achieved something in your life, lolllllllll anyways another question jokes aside, erm do you guys get paid for this or are you doing this for the sake of satan, did he promise you the gold later, do you guys work on this site on your free time or for a living, please answer ye. im kinda blabin on but you know i find you guys funny, anyways remember to be extra enthusiastic in your approach to take the piss and make me feel bad, na im kidding you lot can say anything, i prob wont check this site anymore
Name: To hardcore Islamist above
Date: Sunday December 28, 2008
Time: 00:52:38 -0500
You are displaying symptoms of a psychologically disturbed mind, the result of daily brainwashing of hate book Koran.ol
Date: Sunday December 28, 2008
Time: 05:13:27 -0500
come on mr psycologist, what are my symptoms, cant you add a paragraph or two, or you lot can only waste energy on little kids, reply back to my last 4 comments, there all mine man, hurry up
Name: What a laugh!
Date: Sunday December 28, 2008
Time: 05:47:43 -0500
At first when I saw the heading, it sounded pretty scary, but once I read the article it sound like some dumb stupid Muslim try to talk BIG without any backing like the usual. haaaaaaaaaaaaaa! :)
Name: To psychologically disturb Muslim fanatic
Date: Sunday December 28, 2008
Time: 06:27:25 -0500
Normal minds will not used repetitive and unnecessary letters to a word.
Name: To highly agitated hardcore Islamist
Date: Sunday December 28, 2008
Time: 07:28:05 -0500
Refute the allegation against your evil political-religious ideology using the civil rules of argumentation and not just display your highly agitated state of mind.
Name: Jones
Date: Sunday December 28, 2008
Time: 13:43:10 -0500
"am contacting you before I report you to the BBC and Aljazeera" - Aren't BBC and Aljazeera TV-Channels/News Agencys?... Is this some sort of a saracastic joke?