Britain’s Ignorant & Dangerous Policy toward Somalian Pirates: Don’t Do a Medina!
16 Apr, 2009
Somalian Islamic pirates have, in recent years, steadily
increased their attacks on merchant-ships in the busy Gulf of Aden
and Indian Ocean, which has reached critical level in recent months,
making the smooth operation of international trades difficult.
Although American cargo-ships spared until recently, the pirates,
increasingly emboldened as they have become, dared raiding an
American cargo-ship, capturing its captain, Richard Phillips, on
Wednesday (April 8, 2009). He was, however, freed on Sunday in a
dramatic rescue operation by the U.S. navy, in which three
pirates, holding him hostage at gun-point, were shot dead in
precision-targeting. While this news has roused relief and joy in
the U.S., the pirates have
vowed revenge, declaring: “In the Future, America Will Be the
One Mourning”. Indeed, they have already made good of their promise
by capturing six more ships over the next two days and also
unsuccessfully trying to capture an American ship.
A similar
rescue bid of a captured yacht by French navy commandos,
however, turned fatal as one hostage, the owner, also died alongside
two pirates.
Meanwhile, the U.K. Foreign Office,
according to Times, has instructed the Royal Navy “not to detain
pirates because doing so may breach their human rights.” The U.K.
government fears that “pirates sent back to Somalia could have their
human rights breached because, under Islamic law, they face
beheading for murder or having a hand chopped off for theft.” It
also pointed out that “the captured pirates could claim asylum in
Firstly, it is utterly ignorant for the U.K. Foreign Office to say
that that the captured pirates, under Islamic law, face beheading or
amputation for engaging in piracy.
In fact, piracy is not at all a punishable, instead a divinely
sanctioned, profession for earning livelihood in Islam. Prophet
Muhammad himself—after becoming powerful and secure upon relocating
to Medina from Mecca in 622—responding to Allah’s commands for
Jihad, started raiding trade-caravans and taking hostages for
extracting ransom. In December 623, Muhammad’s brigands made the
first successful raid of a Meccan caravan at Nakhla, killing an
attendant, taking two captive, and acquiring the caravan as “sacred”
booty. The captives were ransomed to generate further revenue. Later
on, Muhammad expanded this mode of Jihad to raiding non-Muslim
communities around Arabia—for capturing their homes, properties and
livestock, capturing their women and children as slaves often for
ransoming and selling, and imposing extortional taxes—which
sometimes involved mass-slaughter of the attacked victims.
This ideal model of Jihad, including the Prophet’s attack of
trade-caravans and taking hostages—ideally, in Islamic doctrines, to
be emulated by Muslims at all time—continued throughout the ages of
Islamic domination until Western powers put an end to it in the 19th
century. And the British, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italians and
even American merchant-ships suffered horrible depredations between
1530s and 1820s by Islamic pirates in Barbary North Africa.
Thousands of trade-ships were captured and plundered, and their
crews—up to 1.5 million in all (including those taken from European
coastal villages and islands)—were taken captives and sold as
highly-priced white slaves. These captives, who generally suffered
harrowing treatment and brutalities, were sometimes released by
European governments by paying exorbitant ransoms, detail in my
book, Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion,
Imperialism and Slavery).
These attacks were never considered unlawful in Islam. Instead, they
were carried out on the ground of their Jihadi right, and were
patronized by Islamic regimes of Tripoli, Algiers and Morocco. These
attacks were also fully supported, and generally led, by Islamic
clerics or Sufi masters. In explaining the Islamic pirates’ right to
raid foreign ships and to enslave their crews, Tripoli’s ambassador
to London, Abd al-Rahman, told Thomas Jefferson and John Adams in
1785 that,
“…it was written in the Quran that all Nations who should not have acknowledged their (Islamic) authority were sinners; that it was their right and duty to make war upon whoever they could find and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners; and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.”
Most importantly, all Schools of Islamic law are unanimous to
Muslims’ divine right to aggressive attack of non-Muslim territories
or establishments to kill the men, confiscate all the assets and
properties as sacred booty and subject the women and children into
slavery, including sex-slavery. The Quran explicitly sanctions these
acts [Quran 33:26-27 etc.] and Prophet Muhammad himself had engaged
in them. Islamic armies from Arabia traveled thousands of miles
across the continents to attack foreign lands in order to fulfill
their divine right with full support and inspiration of Islamic
authorities. When this is lawful, attacking foreign caravans or
merchant-ships, passing through/by Muslim territories, obviously
become even more lawful.
It is, therefore, utterly ignorant—nay a perversion of Islamic
law—to say that the Jihadi pirates of Somalia face punishment at
all, let alone beheading or amputation, under Islamic law for doing
a divinely sanctioned duty. Instead, saying so amount to blasphemy:
for, such statement spells an indictment of Prophet Muhammad’s
actions, Quranic commands, and sacred Islamic laws.
Secondly, it is dangerous to advise the Royal Navy not to capture
the pirates for whatsoever human rights concern and to egg the
pirates on by offering possibilities of asylum in the U.K. The fact
is that the payment of ransom regularly by various governments in
recent years has obviously emboldening these illegal marauders,
rendering operation of trade through this important sea-route
increasing impossible. Moreover, hostage taking for ransom by Jihadi
groups is also increasing around the world. The latest British
policy will only embolden pirates and aggravate the situation.
A review of the U.S. experience of dealing with piracy in North
Africa between 1780s and 1810s may be instructive as to how British
policy may encourage the piracy in Somalia as well as how the crisis
might be solved.
U.S. ships started falling victim to Barbary corsair depredations in
the 1640s. Until 1776, American victims were negotiated by the
British. After the independence, America had to negotiate the
problem by itself.
After meeting with the Tripolian ambassador (cited above), shocked
and enraged Thomas Jefferson, sought to put an end to this barbaric
practice through military actions. As early as in 1784, he had told
Congressman James Monroe (later U.S. President, 1817–25): “Would
it not be better to offer then an equal treaty? If they refuse, why
not go to war with them… We ought to begin a naval power if we mean
to carry on our own commerce.”
He unsuccessfully tried to build a coalition of Euro-American naval
powers for military actions against Barbary States. But most
politicians at home, even John Adams, opposed his idea. Adams,
worried of losing a military confrontation with a doggedly warrior
people, wrote in response to Jefferson’s “bold and wholly honorable”
proposal that “We ought not to fight them at all unless we
determine to fight them forever.”
Through the subsequent period, including John Adams’ presidency
(17947–1801), America continued paying humiliating tribute to North
African Islamic regimes, which gradually reached as high as 10
percent of the national budget.
When Jefferson became the President in 1801, the Pasha of Tripoli,
Yusuf Qaramanli, citing late payment of tribute, declared war on the
United States, seized two American brigs and demanded additional
tributes. This followed demands for larger tributes from other
Barbary States.
Jefferson—always against the humiliating exercise of paying tribute
and, undoubtedly, not forgotten his encounter with the Tripolian
ambassador—sent forth a naval fleet to North Africa for military
actions without informing the Congress. In retaliation, Tripoli
declared war on the United States in May 1801 and Morocco the next
year. America soon suffered a setback when Tripoli captured the U.S.
frigate Philadelphia, but Edward Preble and Stephen Decatur soon
mounted a heroic raid on the Tripolian harbor, destroying the
captured ship and inflicting heavy damage on the city’s defence. A
new power had arrived on the world-stage to stand up to the savage
terror in North Africa!
Nonetheless, the problem continued. Meanwhile, American consul in
Tunis, William Eaton, defying disapproval at home, allied with Hamid—the
exiled brother Tripolian pasha, offering him to make the American
nominee for Tripoli’s crown—for land-attack on Tripoli. In 1805, he
made a daring journey with a small detachment of marines and a force
of irregulars across the desert from Egypt to Tripoli and made a
surprise attack on the garrison-city of Darna, which surrendered.
While Eaton was engaging pasha’s forces, Jefferson and Karamanli
reached a truce for ending the war. The terms of truce included the
release of the Philadelphia crew upon payment of a tribute, but
America would pay no more tributes in future. In this, stressed
Jefferson, Eaton’s derring-do had played a part. Daring and
uncompromising, Eaton denounced the deal as a sellout.
When America got distracted as new Anglo-American hostility broke
out in 1812, Algiers’ new pasha, Hajji Ali, demanding larger
tribute, let the corsairs resumed attack on American ships. Once the
Anglo-American war ended, President James Madison, with approval of
the Congress, declared war on Algiers on 3 March 1815 and dispatched
the battle-hardened naval force under Decatur to North Africa again,
to put a complete end to the piracy problem.
The U.S. navy destroyed the fleets of reigning Dey Omar Pasha,
filled his grand harbor with heavily armed American ships and took
hundreds prisoner. The Dey capitulated and reluctantly accepted the
treaty dictated by Decatur, pledging never to capture trade-ships
and demand tribute. Decatur sailed to Tunis and Tripoli forcing the
rulers to signing of similar treaties.
President Madison’s words on this occasion, which inaugurated a new
U.S. foreign policy paradigm, were: “It is a settled policy of
America, that as peace is better than war, war is better than
tribute; the United States, while they wish for war with no nation,
will buy peace with none.” The rescue of Captain Phillips without
paying ransom shows that the U.S. foreign policy, declared by
President Madison two centuries ago, still holds.
The U.S. policy of appeasement, namely payment of tribute, clearly
shows that demands would continue to rise and the pirates would be
embolden, which has been the case of dealing with Somalian piracy in
recent years.
Therefore, Britain’s soft-approach policy by advising the Royal Navy
not to capture the pirates, and rather its encouragement by offering
possibilities of asylum to pirates would only aggravate this
unacceptable, inhuman and uncivilized activity. Only a decisive,
strong measure can solve the problem. History is there to learn
from. The Royal Navy, which played a crucial role, acting as terror
of the pirates in the 19th century, to put an end to piracy and
slave-trade, can learn even more from its own history.
Moreover, Britain has her hands full with thousands of silent
Jihadis roaming her streets ready to strike to cause mayhem and
chaos at any given opportunity. Inviting these battle-hardened
Jihadi pirates from Somalia may spell disaster for her.
Britain should study what happened to Medina that had invited and
let Muhammad’s Jihadi brigands settle down. Those, refused to submit
to Islam, were exterminated by Muhammad one tribe after another.
Britain, a beacon of freedom, liberty and humanity, should try not
to be the Medina of the 620s, which will be great loss for civilized
MA Khan is the editor of and the author of Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism and Slavery.
Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism and Slavery -- by MA Khan | |
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Name: life long infidel
Date: Thursday April 16, 2009
Time: 12:55:06 -0400
in islam what ever you do without allah name is sin. and do anything in allahs name you will enter paradise. this was how mahumamad lived and still the peace loving people of islam are living. they hate pigs but when it comes to receiving money from pig eating country they have no problem.
Name: Kmgy
Subject: Back to the Future
Date: Thursday April 16, 2009
Time: 12:58:22 -0400
After the Middle East oil is depleted, Islamists will go full time with their ancient trade: kidnap for ransom.
Name: SS
Date: Friday April 17, 2009
Time: 05:15:41 -0400
The forefathers of Emirs of almost all Arab states were also pirates, so thats what they can do best. May be any one of them can become the emir of somalia after a few years.
Date: Friday April 17, 2009
Time: 05:18:34 -0400
Slay the pirates wherever you catch them, this "holding them for prosecution" or "granting them asylum" doesn't appeal to me in the least. Would you take a lizard or serpent and put it in your pajamas in order to respect its "human(serpent) rights"?
Name: yhfr
Date: Friday April 17, 2009
Time: 20:17:12 -0400
They are thief.
Name: Muhamed
Subject: Dear Ma Khan,
Date: Friday April 17, 2009
Time: 21:34:13 -0400
Why do you always have to be so ignorant and manipulative in associating bad acts to Islam? Prophet Mohamed raids on caravans were totally for a different cause and circumstances. Prophet Mohamed raided the caravans of people he was at war with and was away to weaken his enemy economically. It worked and he was able to conquer Mecca and destroy all idols that were surrounding the Kaaba. Now this is the question to you sir. What do you call the freezing of assets of the Iranian government by the US government post the Islamic revolution? What do you call the withholding of the money that the Israeli government collects on behalf of the Palestinian authority after the election of Hamas? What about the crusader war against Muslims whereby whole nations were destroyed?
Date: Saturday April 18, 2009
Time: 07:01:02 -0400
"It worked and he was able to conquer Mecca and destroy all idols that were surrounding the Kaaba." And why didn't he smash kaaba? Why leave it as your IDOL? If it is not your idol now lets see you smash it -
Name: MA Khan
Subject: to Muhamed
Date: Saturday April 18, 2009
Time: 07:20:53 -0400
Dear Muhamed, yes I agree with you that there was a war--"Jihad" or "holy war" to be precise--and it was declared by Muhamed/Allah on those who would not accept Islam. The verse 2:217, which justified Muhamed caravan-plundering and hostage-taking act of Nakhla clearly says that "graver is it in the sight of Allah to prevent access to the path of Allah, to deny Him, to prevent access to the Sacred Mosque, and drive out its members." In otherwise, the plunder was justified, because the Meccans did not accept Islam and did not handover the guardianship of their idol temple, the Ka'ba, to Muhammad, which he had claimed to be the "sanctuary of Allah". Otherwise, there was no war declared by the Meccans on Muhammad. Else, they could have taken him down when he lived in Mecca for 13 years as a prophet, never facing any injury. In that consideration, the present kafir-world has committed greater sin by daring reject Islam for 14 centuries. There is no indication that they are at all going to embrace Islam; instead, they are creating all kinds of stratagems to undermine Islam. Therefore Jihad, the plundering/piracy Jihad in the high seas, against those nation is most halal. It was halal until the mid-19th century; there is no reason that the status quo has changed, except the balance of power.
Name: Archpagan to Mohamed
Date: Saturday April 18, 2009
Time: 12:07:29 -0400
You seem to take pride in Muhammad's breaking of 'idols'. Then what wrong we Hindus have committed by breaking Babri mosque?
Name: Mr. Balyare
Subject: Piracy and Somalia
Date: Tuesday April 21, 2009
Time: 19:41:06 -0400
Sometime ago i wrote comment to person called Ali Sina, i think i made a mistake, Ali Sina is not an ARAB, but i found he is PAKI like you, M.A.Khan. The lowest of low in this world are Pakis and Afganis. Say how much they give you to run this website? I agree what you said, Britain is in danger, because of the Muslims walking the streets of the major cities in Britian, do your know who are these Muslims Mr.Khan? 97% of these Muslims are from your country of Paki land. They are not true Muslims, just they are like you double standard, who used to be Muslim and now claiming to be as a christian. True Muslims don't harme anybody you know that. Inhumand Pakis kill innocent people in the name of Islam, yor know that and they did it in July 2005. Somali pirates are defending their costal sea. Why not, you are a good christian write something about the toxic chimicals and nuclear waste dumped Somali costal areas in the last 19 years by small eyes people of far east...China, Taiwan, South Korea,...ect, Thanks, Mr.Balyare, London, England.
Date: Tuesday April 21, 2009
Time: 23:24:27 -0400
"Somali pirates are defending their costal sea." I remember a time when somalia was starving from famine many years ago and countries from all over the world including USA and India were sending ship loads of food grains to help the somalis. The dirty scumbags are now threatening our ships the same ships which once ferried food stuffs to them. We should have let them starve to death then, the dirty muslim scumbags. You can't help a muslim and expect him to remember the help the next day. Now you claim they are "defending their coastal area". Well I have news for you, they have absolutely nothing worth stealing for us to attack their coasts.
Date: Tuesday April 21, 2009
Time: 23:30:40 -0400
"Britain is in danger, because of the Muslims walking the streets of the major cities in Britian" "True Muslims don't harme anybody you know that." You prove yourself a muslim scumbag by talking and contradicting yourself like that.
Name: MA Khan
Subject: to Mr. Balyare
Date: Sunday April 26, 2009
Time: 00:06:35 -0400
I have made it clear that what Somali pirates are doing, Muhammad definitely approved and started it with Allah's sanction; and he committed worse barbarity. Concerning spoiling the Somali coast with waste disposal, the pirates never seems to make the same claim for their piracy. They justify it in the name of Allah, Jihad; they do it for plundering ships and taking hostage for extracting ransom as did Muhammad. And none of the money, they are getting from various countries as ransom, is invested in cleaning up the mess/spoilage, whatever it may be, left by foreign ships. The money is definitely funding Al-Shabab's Jihad against the kafirs and kafir-allied Somali govt, just how Muhammad funded his Jihad with his plunder and ransom.