Dialogue with a Deluded, Deceptive Muslimah
23 Dec, 2008
Noorunnisa Kutty wrote:
I happened to chance upon your site, and am amused to see that the same hatred you claim is inherent in Islam is still the main characteristic of all your writings. Maybe it is not the religion that was at fault, but something inside you. I have been a Muslim for over three decades and apart from the inner peace that worshipping The Most Compassionate has given me, it has been my guide, God be praised, in living in peace with my non-Muslim neighbours, who include Catholics, Protestants, Hindus, Buddhists and Taoists. It is sad that your experience has not been the same ... I pray that with genuine introspection, one day Allah will guide you all and maybe even some of your readers back to the fold of Islam. After all, He has said that He guides only those who wish to be guided. There is truly no compulsion in religion, and to you is your way of life, and to me mine :-).
MA Khan's reply:
Thank your for the comment.
We do not have any religion. We are former Muslims, now consider
ourselves freethinkers, humanists.
We have promised to tell the truth about Islam and we just do
that. If you think our venture is full of hatred, then blame our
telling the truth about Islam and nothing else.
We know that most Muslims, who know little about the contents of
the Quran, Sunnah and Prophetic Sira, or ignore them, are good
people. (My family people, parents, brothers, sisters and their
children are Muslims and good people. But a couple of my nephews
fume over my freethinking stand. If they would know that I criticize
Islam too, they might even kill me.) The ones, who take up the
teaching of Allah---theoretically binding on them---are causing all
the terrorism in the world.
BTW, you are changing Allah's words in saying: "He has said that He guides only those who wish to be guided." The correct verse is: "Allah guides him whom He wills."
Muslims are masters of deception; you are no exception. However,
be aware of the consequence of changing Allah's words.
We assert that Islam encourages terrorism; the Quran is a manual
of terror. We have challenged Muslims to debate on this. If we are
proven otherwise, we have promised to close this site. Here is a
latest debate; the Muslim guy, who wanted to close our site by
proving us wrong, left conceding the violent nature of Islam:
Challenge to Close Down Islam-watch - MA Khan & Ahmed
Noorunnisa Kutty:
You are wrong on many accounts, I am happy to say. Those who know Islam well, the Qur'an well and the life of the Prophet well have no difficulty condemning terrorism, and to live in peace with others. We know the verses in the Qur'an that specifically condemn the destruction synagogues and temples, or any house in which God is worshipped. We know of the duty to spread the wisdom of submission through beautiful language. We know that we should not mock other religions. We know that kindness and compassion is not due only to those who believe but to all, except those who actively seek to put our own lives in danger, in other words, self-defence is the only reason to resort to arms, and even then excess is prohibited. If you deny that right, then you would not have the right to call yourself humanists, for you would be aligning yourself with terrorists then.
Apostacy per se was never a crime in Islam, as the Prophet (pbuh) taught. We know that the Prophet (pbuh) even had a son-in-law who had apostated, and that he was never killed. In fact he was allowed to visit his children and continue to conduct business with the Muslims in Madinah because he did not commit any aggression against the Muslims.
You accuse me of deception. But the interpretation that I gave to the verse we dispute is just one example of the fact that the language of the Qur'an is open to many meanings. The interpretation I gave to the verse (which repeats itself in many parts of the Qur'an) is neither my own nor a new politically correct one. It is an interpretation given in some of the oldest Arabic commentaries of the Qur'an, and if you search with the correct intentions, God willing, you will easily find the sources I use. On the other hand, if you prefer the interpretation of the devil, that is your choice, and it is for God to decide what your ultimate destiny is.
But yes, many ignorant people have been brainwashed into committing atrocities in the name of Islam by people who have interpreted the Book of God wrongly, whatever their reason. But please don't accuse every Muslim who is good of being a fool, it just doesn't reflect very well on you.
Btw, I just had a look at the comments section of your website, and have received enough proof of your malicious intent. The only two comments you have included there against your site are by ranting Muslims (of course I now have reason to believe these are fabricated :-), while the 'voice of calm reason' emanates from those for your site.
Why have my comments not been posted?
If your intent is honourable, then I invite you to post this whole correspondence on your comment page, and allow every visitor to your site to decide for themselves whether it might be worth to learn more about Islam before indulging in hate. You may save the lives of a few Muslims who may be in danger because of the extreme hatred propagated on your site, and you may even be the way for some to Islam in the process :-).
MA Khan: I am interested in publishing your nice comments as
an article in our site. Would you please include the verses, you
say, you know about the claims you have made? Without those verse,
our readers would be confused; every one should.
Ms. Kutty: Gladly, if you would guarantee that the article I write will be published, and without any censorship at all.
MA Khan: Yes. I intend to publish it as an exchange between us. We never do censorship. We are not a Muslim site, where Kafirs will never see their works, even a censored one. When we publish anything from Muslims, we publish it 100% original.
Ms. Kutty: I am afraid I cannot agree to that; what I agreed to is to write an article substantiating my claim (which you will publish as such in your website).
MA Khan:
There, I ended the communication not to waste my time.
It seems like Islamic Websites would publish our articles. We can't even expect to see them publish our articles with their refutations. Having said that, let me conclude this post by making a some comments on the many high-flying claims Ms. Kutty has made; Muslims always do. Not to make it too long, I will comment on only two of her deceptive claims:
1. Ms. Kutty claims: "We know the verses in the Qur'an that specifically condemn the destruction synagogues and temples, or any house in which God is worshipped."
I have come across no verses in the Quran, but I acknowledge that it may be because of my lack of thorough knowledge of the Quran. However, if such verses are there in the Quran, then Prophet Muhammad had obviously violated them time and again.
What happened to the Synagogues of Jewish tribes of Banu Qainuqa and Banu Nadir, whom Muhammad had exiled en masse, and of Banu Quraiza, whom he had slaughtered? Muhammad violated Allah's commands three times here.
Ms. Kutty should know that the Ka'ba was a polytheistic temples; Muhammad destroyed that idol-temple and converted into an Islamic mosque. He disregarded Allah again.
Having destroyed the Ka'ba, Muhammad sent Khalid al-Walid to destroy the temple of al-Uzza at Nakhla [Ibn Ishaq, Karachi, p565]. When the Taifites made their submission to avoid decimation by Muhammad, they pleaded with him to spare their temple of al-Lat. Muhammad disregarded their pleas and Allah's command, sent his armed brigands to destroy it.
These are but a few examples of Muhammad's destruction of religious places of non-Muslims. If Ms Kutty is correct that Allah commanded to respect places of worship of non-Muslims, then Muhammad disregarded impotent Allah with utter disdain.
Muhammad's destruction of non-Muslim places of worship was just the beginning; tens of thousands of Hindu temples were destroyed by Muslim invaders and rulers of India. Most of the 30,000 churches that stood at the beginning of the Abbasid rule (750 CE) in the Muslim empire were destroyed by the time the dynasty ended (1250 CE).
2. Ms. Kutty, obviously out of her utter ignorance, claim that apostasy is allowed in Islam, when apostates have suffered harrowing punishments ever since Islam's birth. I hope, Ms. Kutty is aware of Abu Bakr's Battle of Apostasy (ridda), which he won at spilling a great quantity of blood.
She says, "Prophet (pbuh) even had a son-in-law who had apostated, and that he was never killed."
Which son-in-law is she talking about? Muhammad only had two sons-in-law: Ali and Othman, neither of them ever apostatized.
During Muhammad's life, we come across one case of apostasy. One of his secretary, whom he had employed for writing down his revelations. He was discovered to have to modifying Muhammad's verses inserting his own words. Muhammad ordered his murder but the guy was able to flee with his life to Mecca and return to paganism.
This should make it clear to readers the kind of lies and deception the most educated Muslims take recourse of.
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MA Khan is the editor of islam-watch.org website.
Name: What about Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, Al-Mannat
Date: Tuesday December 23, 2008
Time: 09:42:50 -0500
Mrs Kutty, can you tell us why your Prophet choose to break the idols of Al-Lat, Uzza, mannat and a host of other idols, which the pagan abrabs believed to be their deities. I am not even going into what happened in your own country India. That came much later. If Islam teaches you to not commit aggression against the Dhimmies places of worship why did Omar the unguided and unprincipled Caliph, put the no repair of old Churches and Synagogues and a full stop on future construction of these places of worship on list when he asked the Christians to surrender. Or was Oman not familiar with the teachings of the Qu'ran that supposedly you are? Please open pur eyes Mrs. Kutty we would love to know. And yes at least we are giving you the chance to publish your work. Islamic sites would never extend the same favor to us.... Seems right from the Prophet to everyone Mir Kasim were misguided. If you think so then kindly let your Imam know of this and please tell us what he told you.... It would be nice to hear something from a person who is really learned in Islam.
Name: Apostacy in Islam
Date: Tuesday December 23, 2008
Time: 09:57:40 -0500
Dear Mrs. Kutty , You are definitely a Malyali Muslim judging from your name. I am pretty sure that you are not a Moplah as you still retain your native Hindu surname. You said that Apostasy is not punishable in Islam. I wonder where you got this from, an Ahmediyya website? Surely if you are a Sunni you must be believing in the Hadiths, let me show you a few Adathidth which clearly show how Apostates must be dealt with. Muslim 623 The Prophet said: "It is not permissible to take the life of a Muslim except in one of the three cases: the married adulterer, a life for a life (if the person is Muslim), and the deserter of Islam." Bukhari 9:89:271 A man embraced Islam and then reverted back to Judaism Mu'adh said: "I will not sit down unless you kill him as it is the verdict of Allah and His Apostle" Bukhari 4:52:260 Ali burnt some people (Zanadiqa, apostates 9:84:57) although the Prophet had said, "Don?t punish anybody with Allah's punishment (Fire)" if a Muslim discards his religion, kill him"
Name: Kutty please read Quron line by line and intropsect
Date: Tuesday December 23, 2008
Time: 11:24:45 -0500
Kutty please read Quron line by line and intropsect.Quron is the dilusion manifesto of mohammad and his hate mind. He assumed the hallucinations of schizophrenia as gods revelations.He was not prophet at all.There is no satan whose only job is to harass humans (just as mad terrorists) which is once agian created by god himself.Mo just twisted the bible stories and old testoment about god and satan(devil).In Quronic paradise is like paradise of dogs and rats with only sex and sense pleasure.In Quron Mo says Women are property of men like animals and only men can order them what to or any thing else.Women are objects of sex alone.Only desert date trees are described in Quronic paradise.all Quronic paradise is imagination of desert man who also lazy.(you need not bath too) Islam is just a hybrid form of christianity and judaism plus hate and superstitions
Date: Tuesday December 23, 2008
Time: 11:25:21 -0500
TO : KUTTY woman-U DONT GET TO ENJOY THE SEXY VIRGINS AS U R A WOMAN,SO GET LOST,i am willing to kill innocent hindu christian jew kids men and women and enjoy the sex slaves as per holy book,u just shut up.THE MULLA HIMSELF PROMISED ME THIS DESPITE THE STRANGE THING THAT HE DOES NOT WANT TO JOIN ME FOR THE WINE-VIRGINS HUNGAMA.i am getting ready for jihad now,my suicide vest is ready,the explosives r ready,i have done all this just to get the wine and virgins if i kill kafirs...hey what is this loose wire in the jacket,let me cheack......uh ohhh...oh no.....BBOOOOMMMMMMM !!!! [ HAHAHA JUST A SATIRE ]
Name: islam starts with blood shed and ends with even more and more blood shed
Date: Tuesday December 23, 2008
Time: 11:27:49 -0500
if u want to join islam, be prepared for small blood shed : cutting of penis-circumcision.if u want to leave islam,be prepared for loads of blood shed when they slit yr throat as a halal ka bakra.islam starts and ends with blood shed.HARKAT UL JIHAD EI KAFIROON.
Name: duh_swami
Date: Tuesday December 23, 2008
Time: 11:29:08 -0500
MR Khan..."He was discovered to have to modifying Muhammad's verses inserting his own words. Muhammad ordered his murder but the guy was able to flee with his life to Mecca and return to paganism"........I read somewhere that when Mohammad 'took' Mecca, he ordered ten people killed, this secretary was one of them. If this is the case, the secretary would have been better off calling in sick, and staying home that day. Ms Kutty is obviously looking at Islam with rose colored glasses. This distorts reality and the 'truth' is hidden...
Name: dear kerala kutty see this blog
Date: Tuesday December 23, 2008
Time: 11:31:15 -0500
dear kerala kutty see this blog.This show and gves direct link to soudi arabia's website showing (in arabic) that mohammad rapes ,lootings, murders, cheats ...//democraticegypt.blogspot.com//
Name: qwer to Mr. MA KHAN
Date: Tuesday December 23, 2008
Time: 13:29:42 -0500
I've told you Mr. Khan, moslem is xxx people. But you don't believe in me, unless you make a discussion with them directly.
Name: To Ms Kutty
Date: Tuesday December 23, 2008
Time: 15:23:36 -0500
Debating with ignorant muslims like you who are ignorant of quran, hadiths and sira is a waste of time. You moderate types are more dangerous than the militant ones. You guys hold the feet down while militants cut the throats. You present islam as a lamb either by design or ignorance, while in truth it is killer wolf. You do the real disservice to humanity. Remember true muslims like Bin Laden/Khoemieni types cut your throat first for lying about islam.
Name: muslim-anti christ
Date: Tuesday December 23, 2008
Time: 15:28:09 -0500
muslims only understand force language. no need to dialogue. we must do this actions against them 1:in first step we must mobilize all of our media supplies and strongly inform all globe about islam we must have programs in tv globaly in 24 housr of day in satellite 2: we must revision in emigration laws and prevent muslims that resist to assimilate in our culture. only after precise examinations and their apostacy from islam under view of specioalist they will be allowed and after they must be under control for some years 3: we must inform our people that the most serious threat to our civilization is not global warming but islamization of europe and convince them that they must be ready to action and as a whole all of us must be ready to sacrifice all of our interest(such as mork wife girl friend luxury things rich life and etc) to save our civilization 3: now this is time for form a savior army against muslims in this army we must employ strong and intelligent people to fight against muslims(we need to persuade our people to bring more and more infants to life) 4: now this is time to destroy all of islam land first saudi arabia and mecca withe powerfull h bombs and we must have allies such as china . other actions that will complete this action will be appended as secondary soon
Name: Apostacy allowed in Islam?
Date: Tuesday December 23, 2008
Time: 15:38:14 -0500
That is the biggest laugh I got today.Mr Khan why a well read scholar like you are you even talking to this naive ignorant barinwashed person. She doesnt know that Allah and Mohammed hated apostates more than kuffars. Hasnt she read aya 4.89 (kill the renegades)Doesnt she know that the so called hippocrites whom the quran badmouthed throughout, were actually closet apostates.Hasnt she read that the first person Mo ordered killed when he conquered Mecca was the apostate Abdullah Bin Sarh ,the ex-quran scribe. Hasnt she read the famous haith " kill any one who leaves islam". Doesnt she know that killing apsotates is a sharia law practised in all sharia following countries like Pakistan, Afganistan, Somalia, Iran, BanglaDesh Saudi Arabia, etc.
Name: qzy
Date: Tuesday December 23, 2008
Time: 16:06:55 -0500
Did that secretary really modify the verses ? Or is it possible Muhammad just accused him of modifying the verses to cover Muhammad's own ass ?
Name: Tony
Date: Tuesday December 23, 2008
Time: 17:30:07 -0500
Mrs Kutty said: "On the other hand, if you prefer the interpretation of the devil, that is your choice, and it is for God to decide what your ultimate destiny is". WHAT KIND OF GOD/ALLAH/TOOTH-FAIRY IS SO OUT OF CONTROL OF HIS OWN BOOK, THAT HE PERMITS THE DEVIL TO GIVE INTERPRETATIONS? She is so dumb, so gullible, so warped! - in other words just a typical moslem.
Name: Thanks to Allah
Date: Tuesday December 23, 2008
Time: 17:49:35 -0500
I know the Quran and the hadeath yet when I hear something about a verse that someone claim to incite violence I go and look it up. The reference to Apostasy allowed in Islam in 4.89 actually states ???[4:89] They wish that you disbelieve as they have disbelieved, then you become equal. Do not consider them friends, unless they mobilize along with you in the cause of GOD. If they turn against you, you shall fight them, and you may kill them when you encounter them in war. You shall not accept them as friends, or allies. [4:90] Exempted are those who join people with whom you have signed a peace treaty, and those who come to you wishing not to fight you, nor fight their relatives. Had GOD willed, He could have permitted them to fight against you. Therefore, if they leave you alone, refrain from fighting you, and offer you peace, then GOD gives you no excuse to fight them. [4:91] You will find others who wish to make peace with you, and also with their people. However, as soon as war erupts, they fight against you. Unless these people leave you alone, offer you peace, and stop fighting you, you may fight them when you encounter them. Against these, we give you a clear authorization.???* http://www.quran-islam.org/97.html
Name: Joe
Date: Tuesday December 23, 2008
Time: 18:13:42 -0500
That Muslims accept the belief in Satan, a supernatural power that rivals God, shows that in Islamic cosmology there are in fact more than one god. After all, if they truly believed God were omnipotent then he would have no rival. Now Muslims admit you are polythesists like Hindus or that you are even too dumb to count to two.
Name: To" Thanks to Allah"
Date: Tuesday December 23, 2008
Time: 18:23:03 -0500
It seems that you are Allah yourself changing the verse itself. Like Allah kept chaging and contradicting himself and saying I bring a better verse (16.101)The correct translation of the verse is: 4.89(Hilali and Khan)"They wish that you reject Faith, as they have rejected (Faith), and thus that you all become equal (like one another). So take not Auliya' (protectors or friends) from them, till they emigrate in the Way of Allah (to Muhammad SAW). But if they turn back (from Islam), take (hold) of them and kill them wherever you find them, and take neither Auliya' (protectors or friends) nor helpers from them" DIOD YOU READ?IT SAYS IF THEY TURN BACK FROM ISLAMKILL THEM WHEREVER YOU FIND THEM.WHY DO YOU MUSLIMS LIE THRU THE TEETH? DID I HEAR YOU SAY BECAUSE IT IS SUNNA?.
Name: To Mr Muslim Liar"Thanks to Allah"
Date: Tuesday December 23, 2008
Time: 18:32:36 -0500
Where did you find "and you may kill them when you encounter them in war" in 4.89. Are you also schyzophrenic like your prophet who see and hear things or are you epilepltic like him nd go in fits and wake up ranting or are you under black magic like your prophet and talk crazy like like your prophet did? Read on :Abu Dawood Book 1, Number 0066: Narrated AbuSa'id al-Khudri: The people asked the Messenger of Allah (peace_be_upon_him): "Can we perform ablution out of the well of Buda'ah, which is a well into which menstrual clothes, dead dogs and stinking things were thrown? He replied:Yes, water is pure and is not defiled by anything". Dont argue because it is a sahih hadith with witnesses not like quranic stories without witnesses, just one man's rants..
Name: from muslim-anti christ to islam is growing
Date: Tuesday December 23, 2008
Time: 18:33:23 -0500
your statements is not new for me. these days every muslim boast about growing of this cult. it is ridiclus. in contrast many many muslims leave this develish religion. ihave much friends from iran that have left islam.but i assume your statements are true then it is not a glourios to islam and muslims. it shows that west ideology let freedom of religion. in contrast in muslim countries apostacy will punish hardly. islamic countriies are big violators of human rights. apostacy in islam will punish with death. and this devilish act resembels to maphia rules. in gang groups if yoy leave gang you will punish with bullet!!!! and islam axactly this action. how despectibale are people such as yoy that confirm this devilish religion. and i must persuade you islam will vanish soon!!! bcz it is based of superstition and unreasonable claims in addition based on ruthless laws such as ghisas stoning (singsar) and violance against women. every ordinary one can find islam is full of absurdities. only people that are in low position of mind and or criminal peoples or those that have mental disorders such as sadism pedophilia (dont forgot muhammad was a big pedophile when he screwed aysha in 6 or 9 age piss be upon your holy prophet) and obsessive people or very very stupid people will accept islam. and in contrast yoy must know that christianity is growing in midlle east and other countries rapidly. you are a big liar about facts . piss be upon your holy prophet ha haha . my penis between aysha legs . my excrement into muhammad mouth. and your god allah is a demon in maximum. and in minimum allah is a pagan moon god worshiped by ancient arabs. ha ha ha islam fast growing ha ha ha you prove to me that muslims are so stupid or so liar.
Name: Muslims Growing?
Date: Tuesday December 23, 2008
Time: 18:36:07 -0500
Yes by procreating because they know only three things, eating, killing and f------ like wild beasts.
Name: MA Khan ----->> duh_swami
Date: Tuesday December 23, 2008
Time: 20:26:50 -0500
Yes! He was condemned to death upon Muhammad's capture of Mecca. But he was probably spared---thanks to intervention by his infuential family members, who had embraced Islam.
Name: hey hey
Date: Tuesday December 23, 2008
Time: 21:09:26 -0500
I find it absolutely appalling that anyone would hold up the life of a warlord as an ideal.
Name: Is anyone suprised?
Date: Wednesday December 24, 2008
Time: 00:09:15 -0500
Here we have a wonderful example of taqiyya. It is the most common tool in the average muslim's mental possession. No flash photography please...
Name: RE:MA Khan ----->> duh_swami
Date: Wednesday December 24, 2008
Time: 02:43:22 -0500
I think it was Othman or Omar who interceded on behaf of this man.
Name: Truth Serum
Date: Wednesday December 24, 2008
Time: 02:59:41 -0500
Dear Kutty, I find your letter to MA Khan very simplistic. I don't blame you for that. You have been fed with lies by your family members or the neighbouring Mullah which you seem to have blindly accepted. From the tone of your letter you appear to be decent and genuinely appaer to have been lisled by the religion of your birth. Have you read Quran in its entirety and understood it fully? Your understanding is very simplistic. I find you quite simple and let me say dignified. Your convictions are based on totally incorrect understanding. The fact that you have logged onto this site proves that your inquistive mind will get the better of the Islamic deception thrusted upon you by an accident of birth. My advice to you. MA Khan, Abul Kasem et al are very knowledgeable people and you cannot win any argument with them. These gentlemen / humanists have thoroughly seen through the books and meanings and because of their intrinsic honesty have exposed Islam. This is thier own unique way contribution to lessen humanity's problems imposed by this false credo. Please go through the articles, convince yourself on the truth and free yourself from falsehood. The early the better. Good luck
Name: dd
Date: Wednesday December 24, 2008
Time: 04:11:57 -0500
To MA Khan: I find it sad to hear that your relatives are still muslim and are a danger to you. Such is Islam it turns relatives into enemies.
Name: To Ms.MalayaliKutty,
Date: Wednesday December 24, 2008
Time: 12:48:17 -0500
I am a hindu and was till recently not interested in Islams and Muslims since they were a different lot altogether. Kerala muslims are well cultured and educated that they do not show the true islam. Now true Islam is seeping kerala from saudi arabia and Pakistan and you can see the difference in Kerala. True Islam is all anti-humanity, It denies the natural language, It denies the natural culture, it denies the nation, it denies the equality of sex, equality of colour and creeds., It denies nations and nationality that Muslims cannot be believed in the defence and critical startegic posts. They may treason with allah to destruct their host nations. Mappila Lahala is nothing but a forcible conversions of the Hindu populations of Malappuram with the Sword of allah. You can extract Hindu evidences from most of the houses in Malappuram. It was cold blooded killings of the native Nairs and Hindus by the Muslims most brutally. You study the history of malappuram and conclude yourself.
Name: To Chechi(sister) kutty
Date: Wednesday December 24, 2008
Time: 16:01:36 -0500
Miss Kutty. Dont you know that two militants recently killed by the Indian army in Kashmir were from Kerela.It was the most disgraceful thing.Even their families were shocked.The news was in the major new channels for many days.How did you miss this?Malyalis of all faiths are a very decent people.The Wahabi petrodollars and ideology are too blame for the current mess.
Name: RE:To Chechi(sister) kutty
Date: Wednesday December 24, 2008
Time: 22:36:09 -0500
Really if that was so true, how do you account for the Moplah attacks on the Hindus?
Name: justinjos123
Date: Saturday December 27, 2008
Time: 04:02:12 -0500
Ms. Noorunnisa Kutty appears to be a peace loving Muslim. Her surname suggests that she hails from Kerala, the southern most state of India. Well, if she thinks that Islam is a religion of peace and Muslims are peace-loving, let me ask her a small question. Babari Masjid was a thorn in the Hindu ??? Muslim relations in India for a very long time. Hindus believe that the site of the Masjid is the birth place of their god Rama and therefore they requested the Muslim community to leave the place to construct a temple in Rama???s name there. The Hindus offered to construct a new Masjid at a convenient site in the same town to the satisfaction of Muslims as compensation or they even offered to shift the old Masjid brick by brick to a new site. They also offered whatever the Muslims ask for as compensation. But the Muslims never agreed and steadfastly stuck to the stand that they will not hand over the site, come what may. Considering the fact that the Masjid was closed for a very long time and no namaz was said there for decades following a dispute over the property from British days, Muslims could have taken a reconciliatory stand which they did not. Instead, they let passions sway over and much bad blood was created. In Islamic countries, day in and day out mosques are demolished for widening highways, roads etc. It is a fact that mosques are often seen on the sides of main roads, highways etc. Some of these mosques are reconstructed and some are even not. But the Muslims there have no problems. In India Muslims are building up hundreds of palatial mosques with large minarets in every nook and corner of the country. Along a highway you will see many new ones coming up every now and then. In fact, no restrictions are imposed upon them for any normal activity and they enjoy the fruits of democracy like any other community in India. Yet , when it came to vacating a small piece of land which the Hindus keep close to their heart as birth place of Lord Rama, what was the need for such obduracy on the part of Indian Muslims? Why they could not show a little compassion and a sense of accommodation ? Will the peace loving Ms. Kutty make an introspection ? She must ask herself why the followers of the so ??? called peace loving religion always indulge in hate- mongering. If she opens her eyes and looks around she can see so many instances. If she non- passionately analyses it, I am sure, she will find out that it stems from Quran which advocates the animosity towards other religionists.
Name: to ALL from Ibn Kammuna
Date: Saturday December 27, 2008
Time: 17:05:43 -0500
Regarding Abdullah the scribe who Muhammad ordered to be killed in Mecca. I have published an article telling his story on FFI. The title of the article is "Lucky Abdullah". Just wanted to mention that in case people wanted to read how the events went with him. Merry Christmas everyone.