Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

Encounter with a Hiz-ut Tahrir Ideologue

Hizb-ut Tahrir, which has its organizational outfits all over the world and aims to create a global imperialistic Islamic caliphate, will likely emerge as the be biggest Islamic challenge to the free world in a few decades. Recently Khandaker Golam Mowla wrote to us complaining about an article of Andrew Morgan, in which the author mistakenly portrayed him as Dr Syed Golam Mowla, the founding leader of the Hizb-ut Tahrir Bangladesh.

While Khandaker Golam Mowla and Syed Golam Mowla appears to be different persons, ideologically they a mirror image of each other. Khandaker Mowla has written a number of book in his emphatic support for the establishment of Islamic caliphate. His books would of immense value to Hizb-ut Tahrir for its ideological propaganda. I, therefore, call him a Hizb-ut Tahrir ideologue, since he claims he has no connection with Hizb-ut Tahrir organization.

In the introduction of his book, The Judgment Against Imperialism, Fascism and Racism Against Caliphate and Islam (title is very confusing to me), he writes:

This book is all about Caliphate and Islam which was destroyed in 1914 through first illegal invasion of Iraq and Caliphate was abolished on 29th October, 1923 by Ataturk, a secret Jew according to Joachim Prinz as he mentioned in his famous book, The Secret Jews (pg 122). Largest Muslims which more than total Arab Muslims live in Indonesia and Malaysia and part of Philippine where no Muslim or Arab invader invaded and the fact is Europeans and USA invaded this countries. Sufis from Iran and Arab world spread Islam in these countries.

What attracted my attention is Mr. Mowla's claims concerning the spread of Islam in Indonesia and Malaysia and part of Philippine without the aid of any Islamic military invasion and that Sufis helped the propagation of Islam through peaceful missionary activity, not only in Southeast Asia, but also in rest of the Muslim world as it stands today. Indeed, this paradigm of Islam's propagation has become an accepted wisdom amongst scholars of Islam of all backgrounds.

I have done some serious research into these two popular claims, which I have presented in my book, Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism, and Slavery. And the outcome of my investigation points to a very contrary pictures. I, therefore, wrote to him:

Your books looks quite interest. Your style is forceful. I will definitely get hold of your book at some point as I have keen interest in the area of research.

Nonetheless, I just published a book: Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism and Slavery. My research outcome as recounted in this book disputes some of your assertions, such as concerning the spread of Islam in Southeast Asia as well as its peaceful propagation by humanist Sufis. The real picture, if investigated properly, turns out far from your views.

I am attaching the PDF version of my book in this email for your consultation. I will be pleased if you return me your feedback, and possibly, correct me where I may have been wrong.

In response, Mr. Mowla called me misguided and wrote:

I am very sorry for you that you were misguided. You know nothing about Islam.


Legend has is that a group of Punjabi Khatris from Bhera was going to Haridwar for a holy dip in Ganga. On the way, they met Sufi Shamsuddin Tabrez who asked where were they going. When he was told by the Khatris about their plan, the saint reportedly asked whether they would become Muslim if he brought the Ganga right there. The Hindu Khatris accepted his offer and the saint literally brought the Ganga there and then the awe-struck Hindus as promised converted to Islam.

He also sent me other unnecessary links. The point is that he never bothered to read the relevant section of my book. If he did, he is obviously not willing to engage in a debate on the claims he make so forcefully in his book. Nonetheless, I wrote back:

You say: "I am very sorry for you that you were misguided. You know nothing about Islam."

It would sound silly to the highest degree, particularly from a scholar like you, to say that MA Khan know nothing about Islam, especially after reading this book. I definitely know about Islam, probably no less than you do, although my understanding could be different or incorrect. We can have a discussion/debate on that in my Website as well as yours.

I also urge you to read at least the section on Sufis' role in the propagation of Islam and on Islam's propagation in Southeast Asia in my book, on which you have a particular view. We can have an honest debate on this in my Website or in another as you may wish.

Mr. Mowla's reply was:

Mr., MA Khan

Again I am sorry for you as your parents are and I am over 62.

I have sent links on greatest saint of Islam and several of my family members are murids (disciple) of his descendants in Calcutta/Medinipur/Mongalkot sharif. So I and my ancestors saw hidden knowledge from them.

To me they are alive. Allah may guide you for your parents and grandparent if you are really a Khan from India.

MA Khan is the editor of and the author of  Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism and Slavery.

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Name: Jay
Subject: India needs a shivaji
Date: Monday April 06, 2009
Time: 11:33:53 -0400


India needs a chatrapati shivaji to wipe out idiots like these. The greatest danger to the indian civilization has been the converts than even the islamic invaders. The sooner islam is uprooted, south asia will see peace. Hinduism/Buddhism/sikhism should all establish missionaries and get into conversion through reasoning and if needed enticement. I dont see anything wrong as muslims will do anything to convert someone to islam. Non-muslims should use the same strategy to reconvert poor muslims to hinduism/buddhism/sikhism etc..

Name: Truth Detector
Subject: Answer To Mr. Mowla
Date: Monday April 06, 2009
Time: 14:29:51 -0400


Mr. Mowla, we know plenty about Islam. We know that Islam is divided into dozens of contradictory sects. It follows that Islam teaches contradictions. We know that all these Islamic sects are belligerent so much so that they murder people of different Islamic sects. For example, the Sunni Muslims Murder Shiite Muslims daily and vice versa. Why? According to Sunnis, the Shiites are "infidels." According to Shiites, the Sunnis are "infidels." We know that the false prophet Muhammad was one sick pig pervert who had perverted designs on a little girl named Aisha when the child was only six years old. In a civilized world we call that sick. Muhammad was a paedophile and child molester. Muhammad married Aisha when the child was six years old, and then raped the child when Aisha was only nine years old. We know that Muhammad was a murderer, a polygamist, a rapist, an adulterer, a slave owner. There are many old sex pig pervert Muslim males that legally kidnap little girls as young as eight years old, then legally force these little girls into a sham marriage, against the child's will, then legally rape them. Mr. Mowla, are you that way? If you are, then you're as sick and depraved as the rapist Muhammad. We know that Islam allows HONOR KILLINGS. We know that Islam relegates women to second class status. We know that Islam allows the animal male Muslim to beat their wives until they are black and blue. We know that in Islam the petty thieves have their hands and feet cut off, and their eyes gouged out. We know that women are stoned to death according to the unfair Islamic Law. We know that women can be flogged even if they are 75 years old. We know that your brute Allah teaches that Jews are pigs and apes. We know that Islam is very evil, unjust, perverted. We know that no civilized person will become an Islamist.

Name: Rick
Date: Monday April 06, 2009
Time: 21:10:39 -0400


In the banned book but available online "Serat Darmogandhul" written in classical Javanese language by a pseudonym Ki Kalam Wadi (The Secret Words), one can read this heartbreaking story. This telling us how Islam spread in Indonesia. I write here very briefly. The latest king of Hindu Kingdom Majapahit Prabu (king) Bhre Vijaya was very kind to the early Arabs coming to Indonesia. He gave the Arabs a good life, allowed them to trade freely even teach their "knowledge" to Majapahit people. But the Arabs hit Prabu from the back. They fooled one of king's son Raden (Prince) Patah to topple his own father. Raden Patah supported by the Arabs and thousands of gullible people attacked his father's palace. Prabu fled such in a hurry with only two of his faithful servants, Sabdopalon and Nayagenggong. One of Prabu's famous saying: "I really do not understand of why the Arabs did this to me. I gave them here whatever they need. I treated them very kindly. I am trying to find out the answer. There is not a single reason I can find why they did this to me" and he lamented to his son Raden Patah: "You do not need to do this cruel act to your own father. I am an old man. If only you tell me that you want this throne, I will give to you happily."

Name: Archpagan
Date: Tuesday April 07, 2009
Time: 00:00:53 -0400


Pakistan has already become a lemming colony waiting to commit mass suicide. Let Allah bless you in that goal Jonab Mowla.

Name: Truth Detector
Subject: Mr. Mowla, Why?
Date: Tuesday April 07, 2009
Time: 01:21:41 -0400


Mr. Khandaker Golam Mowla, Do you see Catholics attacking and killing each other? No, you don't. Mowla, do you see Protestants attacking and killing each other? No, you don't. Do you see Jews attacking and killing each other? No, you don't. Do you see Muslims attacking and killing each other? If you keep your eyes open, I'm sure you do. In fact Muslims kill each other wholesale. Mr. Mowla, since you know so much about Islam, will you please explain why Muslims are stupid enough to go around killing each other? Also, explain why only Muslims die and kill each other as suicide bombers. Thanks in advance.

Name: nuke war caused by islam is coming soon
Subject: nuke war caused by islam is coming soon
Date: Tuesday April 07, 2009
Time: 02:18:37 -0400


nuke war caused by islam is coming soon

Name: Hint Do
Date: Tuesday April 07, 2009
Time: 03:06:14 -0400


Mr. Mowla, you are so stupid and naive. Don't you know that Malay muslims are heavily into drinking, sex, corruption and murder? If you don't believe me, travel to that place and find out for yourself. Shows how ignorant you are. Seriously Mr. Mowla, YOU know nothing about islam!

Name: Khondakar Golam Mowla
Subject: Islam will survive upto end time
Date: Tuesday April 07, 2009
Time: 09:01:06 -0400


Nothing to comment ecept following links USA http://www.authorho e/ItemDetail. .aspx?bookid= 44552 http://www.authorho e/ItemDetail. .aspx?bookid= 55528 http://www.universa l-publishers. com/book. php?method= ISBN&book=1581128770 UK http://www.authorho BookStore/ ItemDetail~ bookid~44552. .aspx http://www.authorho BookStore/ ItemDetail~ bookid~55528. aspx Link of my previous book and interview is available in following link of Santa Clara University. http://www-relg- studies.scu. edu/facstaff/ murphy/courses/ sctr132/prep- 17.htm Press release of my present book is available in thousands of site including in following URL http://www.forbes com/feeds/ prnewswire/ 2008/11/28/ prnewswire200811 280845PR_ NEWS_USPR_ ____NEF007. html com/search? hl=en&q=the+Judgment+ against+Imperial ism%2C+Fascism+ and+Racism+ against+Caliphat e+and+Islam

Name: Truth Detector
Subject: You're Wasting Your Time, Mowla
Date: Tuesday April 07, 2009
Time: 10:56:58 -0400


Mr. Mowla, I, and I'm sure many others, never go to the sites that Muslims suggest that we read. You should know that it has gotten to the point that no one believes what the Muslims have to say. You know as, well as we know, that Muslims are the biggest liars in the world. But they keep trying to convince us that "Islam Is The Religion of Peace." I would still like to know why ONLY Muslims use the suicide bomber tactic. If you answer that question to my satisfaction, I might listen to you on other topics. In the meantime, God speed.

Name: IK
Subject: Dear Mr. Mowla
Date: Tuesday April 07, 2009
Time: 19:51:28 -0400


Dear Mr. Mowla I feel sorry for you and I am only six years old (which is the age when when the holy prophet became an official pedophile). I also feel sorry for you for wasting 62 years following a charlatan, a liar, a mass murderer (Bani Qurayza), a rapist (Bain Almustaliq). I feel sorry for you Mr. Mowla for following a con man who made a living out of killing other people, raiding them, raping them, and taking their belonging after enslaving the women and children. Mr. Mowla, your prophet, Muhammad, was a despicable trash of a human being. In fect, the word "trash" may be an elevating word for him. And you feel sorry for Mr. Khan!! Why? did you read his book first and see the multiplicity of pieces of evidence he presents? Or are you just adamant that others are wrong and you are right? You think you have a divine right to the truth and others don't? Feel happy? you just wasted all of your life following a man who was no more than a thief, robber, rapist and mass murderer. Did you ever think that a peophet can force his way of belief by attacking other tribes? Muhammad, in the last 10 years of his life made more than 78 Ghazwas (called Highway Robberies in modern day English)? Mr. Mowl, Muhammad was EVIL Incarnate on Earth. He is boiling in the deepest pitt of hill which he thoroughly deserved.Everthing I told you here can be documented and proved from Islamic authentic sources like Qur'an, Hadith, and Sirat. Good luck to you.

Name: Kinana
Subject: graciousness
Date: Wednesday April 08, 2009
Time: 08:53:23 -0400


Mr Khan, this guy does not deserve you courtesy and openenss to discuss this matter in public like mature adults. Why it is typical of many Muslims to resort to name-calling and subject-avoidance and a refusal to supply proofs along with their outlandish assertions? Then in my experience what follows is silence. To give these people a platform for their idiocy is more than they deserve.

Name: Khondakar Golam Mowla
Subject: Ex-Muslims
Date: Thursday April 09, 2009
Time: 09:07:22 -0400


There is nothing called Ex-Muslims. Those brothers who claim to claim to be ex Muslims is not at all true. They left their parents temporary greed for money, fame white legs and breast. Once they will kicked by white legs they will return to their Muslim parents. Please watch following video and know the truth.

Name: Khondakar Golam Mowla
Subject: Ex-Muslims
Date: Thursday April 09, 2009
Time: 09:18:36 -0400


There is nothing called Ex-Muslims. Those brothers who claim to be ex Muslims are not at all true. They left their parents temporarily for greed for money, fame, white legs and breast. Once they will by kicked by white legs they will return to their Muslim parents. Please watch following video and know the truth.

Name: G.Ryan
Date: Thursday April 09, 2009
Time: 13:37:57 -0400


is he for real?the ottoman turks sided with the germans,they lost!which is why the already crumbling ottoman empire fell.hence,"the illegal" occupation of iraq and other parts of the old caliphate!keep in mind that constantinople was stolen by mehmet the 2nd in the first place,i don't think that attaturk did to bad,he tried to look after his people!

Name: Hint Do
Date: Thursday April 09, 2009
Time: 19:18:22 -0400


There is nothing called Muslims. Those insects who claim to be Muslims are not at all true. They left their faeces temporarily for greed for money, fame, white legs and breast. Once they will by kicked by everyone's legs they will return to their Muslim shithouses. Have a look at what real MUSLIM politicians in malaysia and their sons do:

Name: mike westman
Subject: the dark ages would return with islamic caliphate
Date: Monday April 13, 2009
Time: 10:04:18 -0400


yes they would

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