Dialogue with Fatima: On Cowardly & Ignorant Islam-watch, Shiites not Muslims & Illegal Zionist Occupation
20 Jun, 2007
On cowardly and ignorant Islam-watch
Fatima Davids wrote:
- hi there all ex-Muslims.
to make this email short my contribution is:
go public with your accusations against Islam (a website is not sufficient) have live debates with Islamic scholars that know their deen not some person that looks Muslim. you are going about this in the incorrect manner. bring it on the correct way not the coward way.
may Allah (S.W.T) guide you ignorant people Insha Allah
Dear Fatima,
Thank you for your comments. You should know very well why we cannot come out into the open. It is because Muslims are barbarians. They don't believe in debates, neither tolerance - they just kill. You can draw a naked picture of Jesus with a condom mounted on his penis and publish in a French magazine. It does not create any anger among Christians. You can put an image of Jesus into a bottle of urine and display it in a New York museum, without any reaction. But a few caricatures of Muhammad in a Danish paper incite acts of barbarism at all corners of the Muslim world. The cartoonists are still being hunted by the Muslim assassins - some of them traveling from Pakistan.
I hope, you will not find any difficulty understanding our
failure to come out.
MA Khan
Editor, islam-watch.org
hi once again.
no, i do not understand your 'not wanting to come out into the open' iv been to a talk at UCT in Cape Town South Africa. the talk was headed 'Islam a religion of peace or war?' it was held 2 weeks ago on a friday (Youmul Jumu ah) at 8pm in a lecture theatre of a capacity of say 300 people. (Dr) Imam hakeem quick and an Egyptian muslim man by the name of fadel soliman (who graduated from a CATHOLIC SCHOOL) presented the talk. in the audience were not only Muslims but christians aswell WHO CHALLENGED Mr Fadel. it did not take place in any violent manner. so why can you people not do the same? like I said-> you so called ex-muslims are hiding behind a website.
and for your information the reason why pictures about the Beloved Nabie Muhammed (S.A.W.S) who is NOT Allah, will cause outrage is because it is prohibited i.e HARAAM in our religion to display any such pics, maybe other religions do not prohibit pics of their lords or whatever, if you people are REALLY ex-muslims then you will know that it is haraam to display such pics not so? once again it shows your lack of knowledge of Islam.
to end off i HAVE to add that you do not defend your beliefs very well hey i.e. your belief that Islam is barbaric, that the Nabie (S.A.W.S) is Allah, which stems from your lack of Silamic knowledge. i urge you to go learn a bit more before making more assumptions
may Allah (S.W.T) GUIDE you ignorant people Insha Allah
Dear Fatima,
Majority of our writers are under death warrant from Muslims. I
hope you understand that.
About Muhammad's picture, what you believe need not be respected by others - who believe otherwise. Criticizing Hitler definitely hurt the Nazis but that does not mean that I or you cannot criticize Hitler. To you Muhammad could be a prophet, but to those people - who were slaughtered and enslaved by him - he was a barbaric terrorist for a valid reason. They should have the right to criticize him any way they want - so long it does not cause any criminal harm, likely physical assault on another person. Drawing pictures does not harm any body, like drawing of Jesus' picture does not harm any Christian. Muslims need to be civilized like the Christians in respecting other's position; they allow criticism or caricature of Jesus, although they are offensive to them.
MA Khan
you don’t get the point. it doesn’t mean that
if Christians do so and so then it applies to Islam as well, that’s
not a good argument.
Dear Fatima,
It is not true that it does not hurt Christians. It does but they
have learnt how to tolerate other's freedom of expression. It used
to hurt them more. If these things were done 500 years ago, surely
those who did it would be burned alive at the stakes.
Christians have civilized themselves over the last 400 years under intense pressure from the secularists. Muslims didn't or very little and much more is needed for them to adapt to the civilized world of the 21st century. Our website is only trying to tell them what is needed of them to tolerate.
MA Khan
Shiites not Muslims
o and by the way iv viewed the pics on your make believe site. you show pictures of Shiite Muslims cutting their kid's foreheads. well Shiites are not true Muslims, they read the Qur'an but interpret it incorrectly. They are astray from the path of Islam. they reject crucial beliefs in Islam.
this is evidence that you so called ex-Muslims did not learn the religion correctly because if you did then you would have known this info.
why don’t you give up your hate for Islam and rather go and search the correct knowledge of Islam or rather go concentrate on whatever you believe at this point, instead of spreading hate speech about a religion you know nothing of.
Fatima: "you show pictures of Shiite Muslims cutting their kid's foreheads. well Shiites are not true Muslims, they read the Qur'an but interpret it incorrectly. they are astray from the path of Islam. they reject crucial beliefs in Islam."
This is a problem with Muslims. Whoever they disagree with, they
are labeled "not Muslims" - which means apostates, the Sharia
punishment for which is death. So you are approving death of tens of
millions of Shiites by calling them "not Muslims." People of your
attitude in, which in fact is almost universal among Muslims, is the
reason for so much of troubles and bloodbath across the Muslim
However, Shiites are better than the true followers of Muhammad or Muhammad himself. Shiites believed torturing themselves while Muhammad went around attacking the non-Muslims, killing them, capturing their women and children as slaves, sold them, kept the young and beautiful women as sex-slaves & so on. Shiites believed not in torturing others but suffering themselves. Definitely a better ethical principle than Muhammad's.
MA Khan
well if shiite muslims are 'better' muslims then why do you have them displayed as bad people on your site-> injuring their kids foreheads, killling a hindu, then you mos a hypocrite. you seem never to answer the question properly you merely divert the attention.
Thanks Fatima,
The Ashoura ritual is idiotic self-infliction which should be
stopped. It brings nothing, no benefit. That's why I show these
photos show's Islam stupidity and how that lead human beings to such
cruel suffering.
If we think Shiite is better than Sunni, it only means it is
better of the two bad things - neither of which are desirable. I
hope I have been clear.
MA Khan
On Israeli Occupation of Palestine
how about looking at the Israeli flag (the Zionist flag) and you will be surprised in what you will discover, you want to shout out loud about Palestinian people wanting to occupy Israel (Israel is an illegitimate state anyway) but have you informed the world about Israel’s motives to pave the way for the false messiah (each line/symbol on the Israeli flag represents a goal that Israel has to accomplish in order to achieve this but go find out for yourself and come out of your ignorant state)
you people have a long way to go once again i say MAY ALLAH S.W.T GUIDE YOU INSHA ALLAH
Dear Fatima,
Muslims captured Israel in 637-38 AD under Caliph Umar through
bloodbath, slaughter, widespread pillage, destruction and looting,
destruction/desecration of churches and synagogues. If Israel is not
legitimate, which was created under a UN verdict, Muslims capture of
Jerusalem was nothing but barbaric. So was the attack on Israel by
the Arab states immediately after Israel was created..
MA Khan
MA Khan is the editor of islam-watch.org website.