Letter: Will Islam Collapse in Our Lifetime?
26 Dec, 2007
Dr. DM, an Indian Infidel sent the following letter to Islam-watch. It is published with editor's response:
Dear Mr Khan,
Hope you are well and things are fine. I sent the following question for any knowledgeable person.
A knowledgeable person, Dr. Ali Sina, from faithfreedom.org has predicted the decline and fall of Islam during our lifetime or say, in this century. On what basis you predict this.
Now since I asked this question, I would like to give my background so that you will understand my mindset. My name is DM. I did my Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry at the University of Georgia in USA and currently work as a researcher. I did my Masters from India. I am from Calcutta (now called Kolkata) India. My parents moved from Bangladesh (East Pakistan) to India for obvious reasons. My grandfather was killed in 1971 by Urdu speaking Muslims backed by Pakistan. The reason, he was a Hindu person. I am not a religious person. I visited temples, mosques, churches, synagogues, gurdwaras, Buddhist temple etc.
Now I would like to give the background of my question. I have experienced that in all Islamic countries there is no practice of free thinking. Muslims (practising and non-practising) in Islamic countries are insulated from the truth, and their media and their political system don’t allow them to think freely and analyze logically. Most of the times, they think everything from the religious point of view. They give an Islamic twist in their opinion. That’s the way they are groomed. Even the newspapers published in the west by the Muslims living in the west show the same mentality.
Muslims live in the west, take the advantage of west’s liberal democracy and then criticize USA and the west. For example, I was reading an article published in the weekly news magazine, The Weekly Bangla Patrika, Friday, June 08, 2007. The editor: Mahbubur Rahman, published by Bangla Patrika Inc., 34-30, 72nd Street, Jackson Heights, NY 11372. In one article (pp5, by Minar Rashid), it is written that Islamic countries own the 70% of oil and 40% of minerals of the world. America and the west are exploiting, and oppressing the Islamic countries in various ways. The projection of Shia-Sunni divide is a hype created by west, so that Muslims will keep fighting with each other. The population of west is declining. America does not want1.2 billion Muslims to become powerful. 1.2 billion people can be a threat to the west etc. Rather America should truly love the people of Islamic countries.
So you see the mindset of the people from Islamic countries. The Muslims (practicing and non-practising) read these newspapers. So whether the Muslims are in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia or America does not really matter. The mindset remains the same.
Interestingly in the same issue of The Weekly Bangla Patrika, Friday, June 08, 2007 (pp59), one Islamic sect Ahle Sunnat Wale Jamat (of Bangladesh) gave an advertisement that they follow the real Islam. They quoted Mishkat Sharif (pp30) where Prophet Muhammad said that his Umma will get divided into 73 sects, and only one sect will go to heaven and others will go to hell. This sect Ahle Sunnat Wale Jamat wanted to tell that they are following the true path and Muslim people should join them.
Now if this is the situation where in all Islamic countries most of the people are illiterate, brainwashed by the media, don’t have newspapers which promote free thinking, people don’t do any self-criticism then how the Islam will decline during our lifetime.
Then how the
decline of Islam is possible?
Note: I read Ibn Warraq’s books.
I also watched the videos of ‘Unlearning Intolerance’ Seminar at the
United Nations held on
7 December 2004,
United Nations Headquarters, New York. I read the articles of
Dear Dr. DM,
Although this question was more appropriate for Dr Ali Sina to answer, let me put my perspectives in case Dr Sina, being a busy person, fails to reply.
I personally have not predicted that Islam will implode within our life-time or within the current century. Instead, I feel that Islam still has the chance to overwhelm the world within half a century. It may well become an overpowering force in parts of the world where Muslims are currently a relatively weak force, such as in India, Russia and all of Africa. At the same time, there is a possibility that there will be a beginning of the decline of Islam in the coming decades.
It all depends on how the non-Islamic world, the West in particular, responds to current resurgence of Islam. As I see it, the political response of the Western world has not been very encouraging. The same is true for Russia and India.
The only way to do the undoing of Islam is to expose it for what it truly is and what it has been ever since its birth. As long as the leaders of the non-Islamic world are unwilling to take a stand and speak up freely and frankly about the problem of Islam, it will continue to grow in strength and spread its influence. In a couple of decades, the world needs to tackle Islam’s resurgence to save modern civilization with limited damage. I frankly see little hope that it will happen. Non-Muslim leaders of the world are not going to handle Islam in the way it is needed. They might step in at some point, but it may be too late by then.
I have however some hope in the power of general people of the infidel world. There are promising signs that the general populace are waking up to the danger of Islam. There is a significant rise in awareness about Islam among the people in Europe, USA and Australia etc. They are reading up about Islam and its history, and realizing what is it up to. Here, I personally believe that websites like Islam-watch.org, faithfreedom.org, jihad-watch.org, frontpagemag.com, and authors like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Ibn Warraq, Robert Spencer, Mark Steyn, Martin Amis, Wafa Sultan, Nonie Darwish and many others have played valuable role in creating this awareness.
But educating them is a difficult task. Most of them have this innocent but naïve view that all religions are the same. There are few bad apples in every lot. Religion is not the problem, but those few bad apples are. However, people are changing mind about Islam. The issue is: how fast? They need to rise up and voice their opposition against Islam and force their politicians to take measures for protecting their civilization.
I am personally optimistic about this people’s power. I believe that they will wake up from their slumber in time to protect their civilization. As Muslims in the West would come under pressure, they will leave Islam in large number, modernize or pack up to go home.
However, I am not so optimistic that Islam will collapse in the Islamic countries in our lifetime, probably not in a century. It has after all survived 14 centuries despite many hurdles along the way. Education would not help either. Education makes Muslims more fanatic. You have already given some example of how educated Muslims come to the West and still stick to their original mindset. In fact, Muslims not only stick to their mindset after relocation to the West, but they often become more fanatic or bigoted. You will see many Muslims, who hardly prayed or wore Hijab while in their home country, suddenly become very pious and start wearing head-covering after arriving in the West. This article in our website gives a good overview of how Muslims transform after coming to the West.
Pressure and free criticism are probably the only way to modernize or dismantle Islam. And this pressure and criticism can come only from outside as there is little likelihood that free expression and thought will ever be able to evolve from within Islam. It will more likely come from Western countries. Countries like India, China and Russia could do their part but I do not see any hope in them. They are busy in appeasing and empowering the Islamists for their narrow self-interests, which may come back to bite them real hard.
In sum, I believe that because of increasing pressure and criticisms; Islam will first modernize or be dismantled in the West. If that happens, the wind will slowly but definitely blow into the Islamic world. But it will be a painfully slow process.
The pace of it may also be influenced by political transformations in countries where Islam poses a threat. Because of the lack of appropriate initiatives for countering Islamic resurgence by current left-leaning and Islam-appeasing secular governments, hardline fringe political parties may come to the fore in many countries. For example, the hardline BJP may become an indomitable force in India within the coming decade. Similar change in political landscape is likely in many European countries as well. The next few decades are going to be very much eventful, particularly concerning Islam. Whether Islam will triumph or collapse – we have to wait and see.
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MA Khan is the editor of islam-watch.org website.
Name: alastair
Date: Wednesday December 26, 2007
Time: 07:17:55 -0700
It wasn't until I began to visit websites such as this that I became aware of the true nature of Islam and the threat it poses to civilization. Anyone who dares to criticise Islam in print or on television is at risk of their life. The Internet is our only hope.
Name: Clark
Date: Wednesday December 26, 2007
Time: 10:14:56 -0700
Alastair: I agree. That is why we need to elect leaders who are not afraid to call islam what it is; a death cult, nothing more. I truly feel for the poor imbeciles in those muslim lands who are brainwashed into islam from birth. Most are good, peaceful people who only want to live life in peace. But because of the fanatics, they may pay the price, when we in the West get fed up with their crap, and make Hiroshima look like a birthday cake candle.
Name: Godot (ex-Muslim in exile)
Date: Wednesday December 26, 2007
Time: 11:19:29 -0700
Free debate is incompatible with Islam as well as with any other religion.
Name: Akira
Date: Wednesday December 26, 2007
Time: 12:38:04 -0700
I think it will take some time but there is no doubt that islam will decline in the long term. Glasnost set the end to world communism and the internet will set the end to islam. Islam cannot stand the free circulation of news, nor can it stand the free circulation of products, services, people and capital. But islam cannot keep all the freedom out either. It will become undermined and die.
Name: Akira (2)
Date: Wednesday December 26, 2007
Time: 12:49:20 -0700
Who is financing all this brainwashing throughout the world? Right, the islamists from Saudi Arabia and other oil-rich countries. But in a few decades, there will be no more oil from there, they will even become out of fresh water. And they will become out of there own islamic culture - they are destroying it by themselves!! http://www.westernresistance.com/blog/archives/001966.html
Name: Akira (3)
Date: Wednesday December 26, 2007
Time: 13:00:08 -0700
Without oil and water, without an economic fundament, islam will become obsolete. Much like the old USSR, the islamic world is unable to develop and manufacture products for the world markets. Muslims are the worst educated people in the world. Many cannot read, others can only read the quran without understanding it. But there is no to live from islam. Just read the UN Arab Development report!
Name: Akira (4)
Date: Wednesday December 26, 2007
Time: 13:05:47 -0700
And there is nothing in Islam the world cannot live without it. No arts, no music, no movies, no culture. It´s the muslim world that´s in desperate need for almost anything. Yes, they still have oil. But the free world has got anything else. Do you know how weak islam really is? They have around 20% of the world population but only a few percent of the world economy. And without oil, they are nothing!
Name: Akira (5)
Date: Wednesday December 26, 2007
Time: 13:09:11 -0700
Before the muslims can fight us, they have to buy our weapons and our technology. The do not have the brains to produce their own! And many of the few intellectuals they have leave their countries because they cannot stand it any more to live in a world of stupidity. A world where humans have nothing to do but to pray and to hope. Don´t you see how desperate those muslims are?
Name: Bobby
Date: Wednesday December 26, 2007
Time: 13:45:59 -0700
Islam will end when the world stops pumping in billions of dollars in exchange for oil. Without oil they would be forced to educate themselves to compete with the rest of the world. When the ideological poison the arabs injects to the world today dries out rest of the world will be free of Islam.
Name: savetheworld
Date: Wednesday December 26, 2007
Time: 14:21:20 -0700
Islam creates a mental blockade for its followers. Islam is a threat to humankind. We have to destroy islam before it destroys the world.
Name: Dr. Anil K. Sarkar. MD
Date: Wednesday December 26, 2007
Time: 15:32:55 -0700
Islam, a dogma of barbarism was preached as a religion. To lure the Arabs to become Muslims, the prophet declared that killing a man to take his camels and women were not sins but holy acts sanctioned by Allah, if done against the no-believers. Muhammad married his daughter-in-law and a girl of nine but to stop any criticism of his sexual perversion, he made any criticism of him punishable by death. So since then nobody ever dared to criticise him. Islam welcomes everybody suffering injustice and since there never was any justice on earth, the people suffering injustice became Muslims, so Islam has been gaining in strength. So Islam will probaly win and take over the world as I cannot imagine that the non-Muslims will know what Islam is and will work together to eliminate this barbarity from the human society. Islam and humanity cannot be together on earth. Anil K. Sarkar December 26th 2007
Name: Ayesha Ahmed
Date: Wednesday December 26, 2007
Time: 15:48:46 -0700
A very realistic evaluation. Muslims get really encouraged and their faith strengthens when world leaders like like Bush , Blair Prince Charles etc keep talking of greatness of Islam. The best chance of fighting islam is massive exposure of it's very soft underbelly. When world leaders start making statements that Quran is a piece of crap and Mohammed was a rapist, murderer and a pedophile , educated muslims may start wondering. It is definitely encouraging to see more and more westerners criticizing islam and not falling for islamic apologetic propoganda and sugarcoated explanations of quran and sunna.
Name: U.K. TODAY.
Date: Wednesday December 26, 2007
Time: 18:24:07 -0700
Its rare I agree completely with ANYTHING, but with this article I fully comply. An excellent essay in sheer common sense. I have often wondered myself why SEEMINGLY rational Mohammedans suddenly take on a shocking metamorphose of piety, bigotry and hate, becoming a pale shadow of the human beings they could, and should have been. It seems like a form of hypnosis in that one day they're "Sane" and then for no apparent reason, CLICK, the light goes off and the Devils at home. How can a "cult" induce such a change in the twenty first century?. Coming from the West I have never been inducted into the Islamic faith, and never will be. So to former Muslims of thought, I ask, can you shed some light to the apparent personality changes these "TRAGIC SOULS" endure?. Best wishes from a puzzled agnostic.
Name: TIM C
Date: Wednesday December 26, 2007
Time: 20:45:29 -0700
If the world would rid itself of Saudi Arabian oil, (oil means money to promote radical Islam) it would thus go a long way to deconstructing the Saudi dominated Wahhabi sect, that seeks to exclusively promote Salafi Islam to the ummah worldwide. Then, and only then can we begin to de-radicalize impressionable young Muslim minds and their dreams of "jihad for paradise," to honour the "cult" of Islams barbaric causes and demands, As it actively seeks to dominate the future of our world. In conclusion: No oil = no money to promote Islam = a retreat of fundamentalism. Its not rocket science - its not inclusive - its not perfect - but its a start!.
Name: San
Date: Thursday December 27, 2007
Time: 02:23:44 -0700
A lot of credit to this website. Earlier i were not aware of treachery and mischivious activities Islamist has.
Name: MA Khan
Date: Thursday December 27, 2007
Time: 03:43:07 -0700
Those who have mentioned the "oil factor" -- it is indeed a big factor. Without oil-money, Islam will wither away. But the Problem is, by the time oil dries out, West will be overtaken by Islam. So waiting for the oil to dry up is not a realistic approach for saving the civilization.
Name: Shafee al-Apostate
Date: Thursday December 27, 2007
Time: 05:10:34 -0700
I for one am very optimistic of the imminent collapse of Islam in our lifetime. Being from South Africa and a former victim of apartheid, I speak from experience. I remember back in 1989, how full of despair we were that apartheid could be defeated soon. The apartheid regime seemed to be entrenched permanently, our leaders were being assassinated, or in prison or in exile. Then unbelievably, like a miracle, there was an overnight transformation. Nelson Mandela and our other leaders were amazingly set free and our country eventually cast off the chains of racism that it had endured for over 300 years. The ordinary people, both black and white, made this possible by a process of education to all that there was a better way to live this life than being in constant fear and enduring oppression. The sudden collapse of the Soviet Empire also took everybody by surprise. There was no world war to bring this about. It happened because ordinary people eventually tired of the communist system with its mind control. The same will happen to Islam. More and more ordinary Muslims are becoming disenchanted with this way of life that enslaves their minds and souls. The internet and other independent media are paving the way. People’s eyes are being opened to the harsh reality of this cult that poses as a tolerant and peaceful religion. After 9/11, more and more people who had formerly believed that all faiths were similar are seeing the true face of Islam and they do not like what they see. The indulgent and opportunistic politicians who make feeble excuses for Islam will soon find themselves cast on the dung heap of history.
Name: antimod
Date: Thursday December 27, 2007
Time: 06:03:48 -0700
Please, for God's sake dont call nonmuslims as infidels. Nonmuslims of any religion worship and pray to God in some way or the other and their faith in the Almighty is implicit. Just because they dont toe the path suggested by the Sunna doesnot mean that their faith is not worthy. Please all readers do abstain from referring nonmuslims as infidels.
Name: Hanumant
Date: Thursday December 27, 2007
Time: 07:34:48 -0700
From recent trend of events, I too have a feeling that Islam will not survive the current century, at least it will become a spent force, reformed enough to be a pale shadow of its former self, like the ex-communists of Europe. Islam's capability of keep people spellbound under illusion is enormous. Some little known Hindu text has accurately described Mohammed as an incarnate of demon Tripurasura, an expert illusionist, who was finally diminished by the power of Lord Shiva. This time also Tripurasura needs to be given the taste of Lord Shiva's power. This time also only, farsighted, uncompromisisng and no-nonsense leadership from non-Muslim world will be able to contain Tripurasura. I feel such leadership is gradually emerging, and the final showdown may not be far away.
Name: From Sujit Das to Mr. M. A Khan
Date: Thursday December 27, 2007
Time: 08:52:48 -0700
Oil does not need to dry out. Within another decade, the cost of oil production will be so high that oil prices will rise heavily. This will compel the civilized nations to look for other sources of energy, as example ocean power generation, wind power, solar power generation etc. Offshore exploration of oil requires technology which unfortunately the Muslim world cannot provide. Just ten years ago, coal was widely used. Now we hardly need coal. Most of the coal mines are closed down in India. Similarly after ten years or so, we will not require oil from Muslim countries. Whatever small requirement of oil will be there, the civilized nations will explore from the oceans. With this, Islamic terrorism will also die down. Islam cannot survive without terrorism. I believe, Dr. Ali Sina’s prediction is accurate. Islam may not be completely eliminated but it is going to be a very insignificant religion to do any harm to the world any further. My prediction is that within another ten / fifteen years, Islam’s demise will be in plain sight of everybody. What we are seeing today is the last upheaval. All we have to do is merciless attack on Islam from every possible direction so that it dies even faster. Thank you.
Name: savelife
Date: Thursday December 27, 2007
Time: 09:23:24 -0700
To Sujit Das. The mindset of the educated muslims (if people having higher degree are considered educated)has not really been influenced much by the liberal democracy. Even for the people who say that they are liberal, the core is radical. Only when they are in the west or under pressure, they give a moderate opinion. The number of progressive muslims is very small. Its one drop in the ocean. Deradicalisation of islamic world is a huge task. Islam has spreaded even when there was no oil. Definitely there must be something in islam which is apparently appealing. Free thinking, critical analysis,and constructive criticism can help to save the world and the humankind. Who will bell the cat (islamic world). Those who will try to improve the condition of people of islamic world, will be dead.
Name: mhw
Date: Thursday December 27, 2007
Time: 09:34:51 -0700
For Islam to be seriously wounded it would have to suffer multiple major calamities approximately simultaneously, say - renunciation of Islam by a big shot Iman - TV footage of massacre of thousands of muslims by other muslims - drop in the price of Oil due to emergence of an alternative those things could set off other events like say, - systemic self examination by muslims of the sources of Islamic violence - systemic self criticism by muslims of previous genocidal actions by muslims - systemic renunciation of the doctrine that the Quran is of devine origin Once those things happen, Islam is defanged. Once it is defanged, who cares whether it dissappears or not.
Name: balam
Date: Thursday December 27, 2007
Time: 09:50:15 -0700
It is impossible to convince the Muslims that they are following an evil and dangerous ideology. Islam is based on ignorance in extreme. The Muslims will never change with enlightenment or reasoned persuation. The only language they understand is sheer force. You cannot change a donkey into a horse. The donkey always needs a stick, whereas a whip is enough for a horse. The worst mistake the world is making is to appease the Muslim world, starting with Saudi Arabia. When the Japanese made an unprovoked attack on Pearl Harbour, which killed 1745 American servicemen, the Americans retalliated against Japan with nuclear bombs on Heroshima and Nagasaki. Likewise, when 16 of the 19 Saudi Arabian bombers attacked the Twin Towers on 9/11, I wonder why America did not retalliate in a similar manner, when they lost twice as many of their citizens? Some voices say that America should have nuked Mecca and Medina, with Neutron bombs, to teach them a lesson and stop Islamic terrorism for good. It is quite logical to say that you cannot cut diamonds with wax. You have to be as hard as a diamond to cut diamonds. The third world Muslim countries, which produced terrorists based their support on the money from emmigrants who have settled in the west. These immigrants are also involved in terrorist acts in the west. The west should not only convict the culprits,involved in terrorism, but also deport the whole families to their countries of origin. Most of the time these families live on the state benefits and burden the National Health Service. After the terrorist has served his prison term, he should be deported and never be allowed back into the west. The Mosques are the source of indoctrination, of hate and terror. There should be no further Mosques built and the preaching in the Mosques and Muslim schools should be monitored. The Quran is nothing but textbook of hate and terror. Its author, Mohammad claimed that he had been made victorious with terror. Ref: Sahih Bukhari,4:52:220. His followers want to emulate him. No wonder there is no peace where there are Muslims. The Muslims use the freedom of media in the west by preaching against other religions on the television, likewise, the non-Muslims should expose Islam for what it really stands for. Islam represents the evil and ugly face of humanity. It cannot be reformed; it must be eradicated, by exposing its true face to the world.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Thursday December 27, 2007
Time: 09:54:54 -0700
A short while ago I read the assasination of Ms. Benazir BHUTTO of PAKI-SATAN. I predicted that Ms. Bhutto will be killed definitely , this year and before the elections took place. It is most clear to any keen observer of ISLAM/ISLAMISTS/ QQURRAN/ MO's followers psyche - that it is a greatest insult,shame,unislamic, worst than death , for a woman to rule on men . In ISLAM , a woman is a sex slave, a robot of sex - that is all. Mo said with his meagre knowledge that menstruation is a disease. In ISLAM - a woman sitting on and dictating to men is the greatest blasphemy and needs to be killed immediately. Why did they tolerate Ms. Bhutto as P.M for few years. Atr that time itself calls were there - to not allow BHUTTO to be P.M. But it was the residual tolerance , cultural influence of Hindus that allowed it to take place temporarily. Late the ISLAMISTS realized that it was too much. Same thing in Bangladesh too. In both countries - the residual Hindu influence allowed to slip by the incident and tolerate for some time. But now the ISLAMISTS realized that it was a mistake. Next is HASEENA . Bangladeshi ISLAMIST are determined to prevent her or any other Moslem woman to become prime Minister again. That is why they are prosecuting her . Same thing happened with Bhutto too. She was under investigation and could have been disqualified from contesting. It was the greatest misfortune , of highest calamity that INDIA the noble land and a noble country with timeless values,traditions,ethos,principles,philosophy- fell under the brutal,savge,cruel,uncivilized, bloodthirsty, death cult called ISLAM . When will be this plague of humanity - called ISLAM will be eradicated ? to save this beautiful earth for all human beings.
Name: destroyed by islam
Date: Thursday December 27, 2007
Time: 12:54:50 -0700
it was not only my country but also my life is destroyed by islam. i am from a muslim country as u call them. I am sorry to say that Islam is getting control more and more strongly on people mindset in my country so fast and so strong till I find myself a stranger among them and of course rejected and isolated especially if I try not to critisise isalm, but just discussing any topic from a logic point of view.islam is a vicious cycle always produces more and more narrow minds. the strictness is obvious from one generation to another. islam is a disease that flourish only in ignorant minds. by the way it is not only oil it is also about 20% of the world population busy doing nothing other than hating even themselves which offer a good market, they are only consumers of everything even their bread.
Name: A Hindu
Date: Thursday December 27, 2007
Time: 13:27:46 -0700
You guys really need to find a better job....but in case you are completely unemployed and have no gainful activity in your life..please debate better issues like: #1. Will wolves be domesticated in our life times. #2. Do snakes make reliable pets. #3. Will NASA want to launch a Mars like expedition on Uranus. if these topics are not enough, I will think of a few other more useful topics in my next vacation.
Name: vbv
Date: Friday December 28, 2007
Time: 00:14:50 -0700
Muslims forget that they are as much the product of evolution as others. They forget or are forcibly made to forget that their pre-muslim ancestors had created great and flourishing civilizations around the world ,while the only contribution of their creed 'islam' over the centuries was backwardness ,lies, mayhem , anarchy, rapes ,massacres,trampling of human-rights,terrorism ,murders, drug-running ,etc which would have made the mafia or the erstwhile Chicago crime-syndicate blush with innocence! It is not easy ,if not impossible, to wish away such a barbarous and uncivilized cult which has brainwashed its adherents to a point of no redemption ,unless these brain-dead zombies called muslims come out of the long stupor of darkness and ignorance to see the light of reason and humanity at large and welcome all kinds of diversity in this beautiful and unique planet in our solar system known as EARTH! Ofcourse the dissipation of oil and reduction on our dependence on it will also greatly help in keeping these zombies in check. But above all politicians like Bush,Blair,etc should not give credence and legitamacy to this barbaric creed by bleating "islam is a peaceful religion" crap and that would also be of great help. The political correctness has reached a nauseating point. You can see the dithering incoherence of the West has now led to the brutal assassination of Benazir Bhutto. This dithering and typical indecisiveness ,like Hamlet of Shakespearan fame, will make Pakistan the first kingdom of Al Queda! The west has always got it wrong - it was Iraq,Iran but never Pakistan or Saudi Arabia from where all islamic terrorism is exported throughout the world! The West wants democracy in Iraq but not in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan. Strange logic!!!So the growth of muslim fundamentalism can be squarely blamed on the West ,especially the USA which gave all the dirty training and weapons to the radical muslims fighting tyhe erstwhile soviets. The West created this frankestien and we are facing the consequences ever since! And lo ,they are bent on repeating the history all over again with Iraq,Iran, Pakistan ,Saudi Arabia,Sudan,et al!!! They are facilitating the growth of islam rather than allowing it to die a natural death if they had let them be and get self-destructed in their mutual wars ,as you know they can never be at peace within themselves , instead of poking your nose in their rotten affairs!!
Name: vbv
Date: Friday December 28, 2007
Time: 00:27:24 -0700
Mind you Pakistan has nuclear weapons with missiles provided by China and North Korea and they also house Al Queda ,even if the West ,especially the USA,always prefers to look the other way. Pakistan is not , and was never ,truly democratic. Their so-called democracy always needed the blessings of their military to survive! And they get all the aid from the USA ,the world's greatest democracy. Ironical ,isn't it ? With this scenario islam can only flourish and get more radical ,and not die its natural death.
Name: to VBV
Date: Friday December 28, 2007
Time: 08:34:04 -0700
Hi VBV, Your comment is valuable. Your analysis is very good, and thought provoking.
Name: StephenDvd
Date: Friday December 28, 2007
Time: 12:27:12 -0700
I agree mostly with Mr. Khan's response, but am not so optimistic about the West's ability to withstand Islam. Not only has the Mainstream Media capitulated to Islam, but even the so-called "right-wing" has no understanding of the problem and wishes to pretend that the majority of Moslems are "peaceful" and "moderate". Condi Rice's recent attempt to portray Palestinians as "victims" and compare their situation with blacks in pre-Civil Rights segregated U.S. is an example of Republican ignorance. As noted in Khan's letter, the pretense that "all religions are the same" remains a significant stumbling block to the average Infidel's ability to recognize the threat of Islam. Europe and UK are in the process of Islamicizing into Eurabia, and the U.S. is just further behind in the process. So, no I don't see any chance that the tide of Islam will be turned back soon. Websites such as Islam-watch, Jihad-watch and Dhimmi-watch are great -- and possibly the only hope for waking up the west. But, keep in mind the recent problems with various Web Security services blocking these websites and the fact that large numbers of Westerners probably are too complacent to ever check these sites out. I hope these sites have serious impact on western society -- but based on what I see in the media and among people I talk to, I question if it will be enough.
Name: to StephenDvd
Date: Friday December 28, 2007
Time: 12:36:00 -0700
To StephenDvd, We must give an urgent wake up call to west and to all non-muslims. Honestly speaking, its a do or die situation. Its very crucial issue and we all must work together to save the humankind.
Name: Wisdom for Non-Muslims
Date: Saturday December 29, 2007
Time: 12:32:30 -0700
We should be patient. We are against Islam, not against the muslims. It may be counterproductive to put too much pressure against muslims. We must enlighten them without insulting them. If we do so, the truth will prevail since there are so many contradictions and false teachings in the quran. In a few decades, the whole world will understand that islam is against democracy and progress.
Name: To the Author, Wisdom for NonMuslims
Date: Sunday December 30, 2007
Time: 10:22:30 -0700
Dear the Author, Wisdom for Nonmuslims, I think you are absolutely correct. We should attack islam. But we should not talk bad about muslims, who are victims of islam. Religion is a very sensitive issue. We are walking on a razor sharp blade. We have to engage muslims in a dialogue in a decent peaceful fashion, in a logical way. It is a tuff job. But we have to do it. Its good for all the people. Thank you. Best regards, Peace
Name: Truth Seeker
Date: Sunday December 30, 2007
Time: 15:26:49 -0700
Islam will overtake Christianity very soon. The people of the West and their governments are not realizing this fact. When the Muslims would become more numerous and powerful, perhaps, with nuclear weapons, and start doing what they intend to do to the non-Muslims, only then would they come out of their slumber and take steps against the Muslims. This might lead to the crippling of Islam's wing and to the curtailment of the Muslims' power. Unless this happens, Islam would continue to grow and make the earth a place of discord and hatred.
Name: SadMuslim
Date: Wednesday January 09, 2008
Time: 07:50:37 -0700
I am a non-practising muslim and for many years was very doubtful about alot of things that I heard in the mosques. My doubts were clarified by websites like these and gave me answers to alot of the doubts I had. However, the problems that I currently face are :- * I have to pretend that I am a believer, which I do by attending Friday prayers. Only about 15% of muslims pray their regular 5 times, so I am safe here from detection. I also went for Hajj a few years ago, to keep my wife happy. I enjoyed the experience and treated it as an atheist performing Pagan ritchuals for inner peace and tranquility. * I have children who are still attending Madressa for religious education. Trying to get them out has caused a big problem with my wife and her relatives around us. I have taken a stance to make sure that my kids are only taught how to read the Quran in Arabic, as they will not understand what they are reading. I am always talking to them about all the negative aspects of Islam, so that they can think outside the religion. Hopefully, when they are older, I will have a private conversation with them and get them to move away from the religion. But, un-brainwashing them is not going to be easy. Your site has been very useful in giving me ideas as to how to approach this problem. * If I were to publicly declare my belief, my wife would be under alot of pressure to leave me as she comes from a more fundamental family than I do. She does suspect that I lack belief but I have never declared that to her explicitly. My marriage would break up immediately if I was to declare publicly of my atheistic beliefs. This would affect my children and my immediate family, hence I will lead a lie, die like a muslim and be buried like a muslim. I just hope my wife dies before me so that she doesn't have to endure the 4 months punishment of being imprisoned in our own home after my death. So as you can see, I am still being statistically counted as a muslim, living in the west but NOT behaving like one. There must be many people like me who dare say anything. For me, it's not going to be possible to declare what I believe but to endure it silently. I reckon, I will not see my own children declare it publicly either. I have started to sow the seeds of doubt into them and none of them are interested in the religion. My wife is a different story, I have learnt to tolerate her but also make sure that what she does, it does not have a detrimental effect on the family.
Name: redlight
Date: Wednesday January 09, 2008
Time: 10:00:36 -0700
Dear Sad Muslim, Its is a common problem face by lot of ex-Muslims because of society, family and fear of intimidation lot of ex-Muslim cannot express their opinion about Islam freely because Islam always discourage and forbids freethinking (Had there not been believing men and believing women whom you did not know, that you may kill them and on whose account a sin would have been committed by you without (your) knowledge, that Allah might bring into His mercy whom He wills ـ if they (the believers and the disbelievers) had been apart, We verily, would have punished those of them who disbelieved with painful torment.) (48:25) So obviously ex-Muslim should always maintain a caution approach regarding expressing their views. But it doesn’t mean that we should become mere spectrums and do-nothing to fight this evil force I am very glad that you broke the chain of fear, hatred , ignorance now it’s your turn to spread the message of truth everywhere but using guerilla tactics we can harm more Islam from inside rather waging a war from outside Dr. Ali Sina’s article like How to Sow the Seeds of Doubt might help to know some method to do this thing I wish you good luck
Name: SadMuslim
Date: Thursday January 10, 2008
Time: 03:05:29 -0700
Dear Redlight, Thanks for your encouraging words. I will push forward with caution and do whatever I can.
Name: muslim
Date: Thursday January 10, 2008
Time: 18:06:17 -0700
well islam survived 14 centuries witout oil it will continue to do so.how can oil protect islam. if stupid pagan religions hindu and buddism can survive islam will certainly thrieve. keep dreaming losers it ain't happening! pathetic morons islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. high number of ppl are converting to islam every day. muslim countries have high birth rates and low death rates! islam can never die out get it through ur thick skulls! last year 20,000 ppl converted to islam in usa, conversion rates r faster than ever. u will not find a single muslim afraid of islam dieing out! we r totally relaxed! u can conspire all u want but realy face it: do u really think a few apostates can wipe an entire world religion? lets be honest here folks and not day dream. Ali sina is a loser,pro islamic debaters in answering-christianity.com beat him in religious debate fair and square period. go there and find it ur self! some muslims maybe poor but never uneducated where did u get that idea? don't u see muslims coming into the west from all over the world and stealing western ppl's jobs? we r too smart for few apostates who failed to comprehend quran the love peace and most importantly the salvation it ensures! we will all go to heaven and u losers will burn in hell!
Name: Swayameva
Date: Saturday January 12, 2008
Time: 13:46:49 -0700
My view is different, the Americans for their own interest first supported, rather I would say carried the Islamic nations like Saudi etc in lap, later this became a fashion between the Russian, Chinese and other EU nations like France, Germany, since although many of them part of NATO they wish the downfall of US. When two powerful fight, the less powerful become powerful - An ancient saying.
Name: RS
Date: Tuesday January 15, 2008
Time: 05:09:12 -0700
I am new to this sight. I happen to come across this site after see some of the comments made by Z Naik about non muslims and hindus in particular. I do agree with Mr. MA khan. problem is the muslim mindset. Education at present has not made any difference, Z Naik is prime example. He educated in relatively effluant area in India and proceeded to get medical degree but still belives that vast humanity is progeny of adam and eve. It the religious brain washing from and very early age which produce as islamic mental autometones who cannot think outside the box. Other beliefs and religions have matured and allow free thinking deabte without the fear.What I feel is the change has to come from with in Islam however fear preached in Islam in itself will not allow it that easily.
Name: RS
Date: Tuesday January 15, 2008
Time: 05:37:29 -0700
This is my second post. I happen read other comments and I was heartened by comment made by one person called himself sad Muslim. Let me ressure him He has won half the battle alreaday that is the hardest bit . On top of that he has decided to make sure that his children atleast are encouraged to think for themselves and not trained in to mere sheep.He has in his humbleway and continues to contribute towards education about Islam. Whether he stays follower or become athiest, he has taken a small step( for him but a big one for humanity) toward the change that I mentioned about in my first post.
Name: SadMuslim
Date: Thursday January 17, 2008
Time: 04:56:19 -0700
Dear RS, Thanks for backing me up. I have always been a free thinker and in my mind always cast doubt about the stupid things I heard in the mosques. Where I was struggling, was to be able to find information, that would help me understand how Mo pulled this fast one. The internet and sites like these came to my rescue and answered my questions. It is not difficult for anyone to understand this logic if you can see how Hitler, Saddam, Idi Amin, Poll Pott etc got away by terrorising whole nations. These people were revered in their countries and if they were allowed to have succeded, the history books in their countries would have been very different and their future citizens would have believed how great these maniacs were. Mo is no different. He has cleverley used the unknown (i.e life after death) to put fear into people. I suggest the following :- Try to get as many email addresses of Muslims and then send them links to sites like these and faithfreedom. This can be cheap and effective. Some will fall at some point. I can provide over 200 email addresses but I am scared to send them links directly as I would be exposed. A simple subject like "Science and the true Islam", will get them running to open up the links. What happens next, depends on how well we can target them to generate an interest to read further. We have to be careful not to criticise directly, but be subtle. We can only do it without being too provocative but at the same time, telling the truth. They will soon start to realise the stupidity of this crazy ideology.
Name: SadMuslim
Date: Thursday January 17, 2008
Time: 05:51:49 -0700
Sorry forgot to add to my previous comment. If we can get the muslims to read just the specific suras from the Koran, it would be a good start. Take Sura 18 (Al-Kahf) for example, it is considered the heavy weight of the Koran but contains inaccurate scientific information on the earth, uses folk lore to describe how Zul Karnien reaches the eastern and western most earthly points (a child will laugh at this, fairy tales are better), describes the sun setting in a muddy spring, justifies the killing of an innocent boy because of his belief etc. I think just presenting the Suras of the Koran to the muslims is going to be enough for them to see how wonderful this book of Allah is. Lets hatch the plan. Get the IGNORANT muslims to read the Koran as a starting point.
Name: To Sadmuslim
Date: Thursday January 17, 2008
Time: 15:10:14 -0700
To Sadmuslim, Thank you for your sincere and valuable opinion. Kind regards, Truthseeker
Name: Hindu
Date: Friday January 18, 2008
Time: 15:25:37 -0700
Dear Muslim, You criticised Pagan Hindus, but have you ever thought about Pagan Islam. Did you know that Islam is a mix of Christianity and Paganism. Since you don't understand your own religion, let me explain the following facts. 1) You pray to a cube called Kabaa and believe it to be devine. Is this not made out of stones ? Does god hide inside it ? If as you believe that god is everywhere, why do you have to face the cube stone when you are praying ? 2) In one of the corners of the Cube, there is a black stone that muslims try to kiss. We know that this was a meteorite that the pagans collected before Islam and now you guys believe it to be a stone from your imaginary heaven. How nice to worship a stone. We openly admit to worshipping stones but are not in denial. 3) Your 100 names of god were all pinched by Muhammad from the Pagans. Ilah (Moon God) was the supreme and twisted around and now known as Allah. 4) During Hajj, you through stones at 3 stone pillars. How interesting as we don't ever do something silly like that. It's ironic, that the shaytans are stronger and manage to massacre thousands of you each year whilst performing this richual. SO PLEASE TELL ME, WHO IS THE REAL PAGAN ?
Name: To Hindu
Date: Friday January 18, 2008
Time: 16:25:09 -0700
Hi Hindu, Your comments are thought provoking, and logical. Then FOLLOWERS OF ISLAM ARE ALSO PAGAN. Thank you for your comments. Truthseeker
Name: Hindu
Date: Saturday January 19, 2008
Time: 02:45:54 -0700
Yes truthseeker, Islam is the most pagan religion of them all. To add further, they have richuals for everything i.e pray before they fart, pray before they enter the toilet, pray before they ejaculate etc. Its unbelievable what they get upto and how Allah has brainwashed them completely. At least, we hindus are allowed to think.
Name: scholar
Date: Saturday January 19, 2008
Time: 19:23:30 -0700
the truly Islam is that who follow the 12 Grandson of Prophet Muhammad "She'ah" who defated Israel alone. all world didn't expect that. Iran and Iraq "in future" If "Hezbullah" defated Israel what do u think about Iran??
Name: SadMuslim for Scholar
Date: Sunday January 20, 2008
Time: 03:55:59 -0700
Unfortunately Scholar, the main stream sunnis regard the Sheas as Kafirs and hence we both have the same destiny i.e hellfire. I have never studied the Shea faith but it's something I want to understand. This also shows how in-consistent Islam is, which is a direct result of the very poor way the Koran has been written. One has to ask, who really is the REAL ALLAH ?
Name: SadMuslim on Hindu comment
Date: Sunday January 20, 2008
Time: 06:56:14 -0700
I support you fully about Islam being Pagan. I would also like to add that since you have mentioned the stone throwing richual (which I have performed myself), it also makes Islam a devil worshipping religion. So this proves that Islam is both Pagan and Satanic.
Name: shahab
Date: Monday January 28, 2008
Time: 04:04:16 -0700
This is what u people have..just ignorance of islam and stubborn peoples around this site.I also can defame and demoralize other religion but Islam never permits us to do so.Its my advise instead of reading about Islam from a site established by non-muslims go and study Islam from an authentic sites or place,Open up ur minds to truth,& FEAR THEDAY OF JUDGEMNET WHEN GOD WILL ASK U ABOUT THE LIES PEOPLE HAVE POSTED HERE IN COMMENTS & IN ARTICLES..the punishment is severe after DEATH..BEAWARE.Study Islam first and then comment.
Date: Monday January 28, 2008
Time: 05:10:03 -0700
IN USA ON AN AVERAGE 600PEOPLE/DAY ARE CONVERTING TO ISLAM.I PRAY TO GOD TRANSFORM THE MOST POWERFULL COUNTRY USA INTO A MUSLIM COUNTRY.People attached with sites are mostly stubborn.Please check the NASA pictures of Mars..u will see by ur own eyes on google earth.the name of our Prophet on it,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTNLrka_13U.see the Makka on gogle the bright light is visible from space,though NewYork and Paris have more lights than Makka.check out the NASA reports on beam of radio-activity connection of Makka into space..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABwM5IJcZ28
Date: Monday January 28, 2008
Time: 06:12:21 -0700
It just shows your stupidity and ignorance on how easily you lot can be taken for a ride. Anybody can post something on youtube. This could well be an Islamic Propaganda Site. Why don't you contact NASA directly and confirm the authenticity of this claim ?
Name: An Ex-Muslim for Shahab
Date: Monday January 28, 2008
Time: 06:15:26 -0700
When I was ignorant, I was a muslim. As soon as I started to read and understand the Koran, I lost my faith. That must tell you something.
Name: To Amuslim
Date: Tuesday January 29, 2008
Time: 11:43:19 -0700
Hi Amuslim, Apply your brain and logic. When will YOU grow?? God! which world we are living in!!! Thank you for your opinion. Truthseeker
Name: Raheem Bilal
Date: Friday February 08, 2008
Time: 16:37:31 -0700
Sura 11.19 Those who hinder men from the path of Allah and wish it, to be crooked: these were they who denied the Hereafter. ( As long as the sun rise in the east and set in the west, islam will endure. Keep in mind that we muslims fear God, and put our trust and faith only in Allah. As a true believer in the Holy Qu'ran, I know for a fact that Allah is Master of the day of Judgment. Sura 3.64 Say: " O people of the Book! come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but Allah that we associate no partners with Him: That we erect not from among ourselves lords and patrons Other than Allah" if then they turn back, Say ye: Bear witness that we are muslims bowing to Allah's will." No man can stop the will of God, when all of us are in the grave for 100 yrs, muslims will still be praying to God. To think other wise is foolish. May Allah bless the rightious people of the world regardless of their faith peace Adur Raheem Bilal
Name: To Raheem Bilal
Date: Tuesday February 12, 2008
Time: 21:51:44 -0700
Dear Raheem Bilal, Do you trust the prophecy of Pedophile Mohammad?? Can Pedophile Mohammad be a Messenger of Divine God??? Mohammad's life does not show the divine qualities of God's Messenger. Thank you for your opinion. TruthIsStrong
Name: Adur Raheem Bilal
Date: Friday February 15, 2008
Time: 16:04:08 -0700
Peace Dr DM MA Khan, if your going to attack islam through sister Aisha, who loved and respected the prophet until the day that she died, then you will have to study the history of the great sister. What about Aisha's parents (mom and dad), are they too "Child Molesters"? Since Aisha's parents both approved of her engagement with Jober and later approved to her marriage to Muhammad, is it fair for anyone to call her mom and dad and former fiancée and whole tribe all child molesters? I think whoever does that would be out of his mind and needs to study a little history about the Middle East. if indeed the marriage of Lady Aisha was something which was despicable even at that time and in that culture, this fact would never have been recorded for posterity and all efforts to conceal or cloud it would have been undertaken. But the fact that this hadith had reached us after it was recorded centuries ago and to all the Muslim generations in between proved that the marriage was culturally and morally acceptable and the fact is also that the Muslim community at that time remained unshakened in its faith in his Prophethood and the message which he had brought bear testimony to this assertion. Secondly - we have to look at the life of Lady Aisha afterwards. She was without doubt one of the foremost scholars of Islam. It is even said that she had attained in her lifetime the position of Mufti - someone capable of giving religious rulings - a position very few Muslims will ever occupy. Sura 6.68 When thou see men engaged in vain discourse about our signs, turn away from them unless they turn to a different theme. If satan ever make thee forget, then after recollection, sit not thou in the company of those who do wrong. Sura 6.114 Say shall I seek for judge other than Allah? when he it is who hath sent unto you the book, explained in detail. They know full well to whom, we have given the book. that it hath been sent down from thy lord in truth. Never be then of those who doubt.) As a rightious muslim I may question your intentions, but only God can judge your heart. If it is your intention, to try to destroy islam, and to turn believers into disbelievers this is what Allah said in Sura 11.8 If we delay the chastisement for them for a definite term, they are sure to say "what keeps it back" Ah' on the day it actually reaches them, nothing will turn it away from them, and they will be completely encircled by that which they used to mock at.) I am asking all of my muslim brother, to disagree with your oponent with kindness and a good heart. peace, and have a good day, bro Raheem
Name: To Adur Raheem Bilal
Date: Sunday February 17, 2008
Time: 12:44:34 -0700
To Adur Raheem Bilal: Dear Mr. Bilal, Morals never change. Good has always remained good. Evil has always remained evil. Divinity is something, that when we accept something as divine, we dont debate it, we dont criticize it. Because its divine. A Prophet is a Messenger of God. His (or, Her) life and activities should reflect the divine qualities. He (or, She) should set good examples to the people of his (or, Her) time. Prophet Mohammad married Ayesha when She was six and consumated the marriage when she was eleven. Mohammad married his daughter in law, Zainab Bint Jahsh. Mohammad had many wives and slave women. Mohammad is a child molester and pedophile. He had swords used in tribal warfare. His swords are kept in museum. Search google.com to see the sword of Muhammad. Mohammad's life and activities dont show any high moral values, and do not show the divine qualities of God's Prophet. How can Mohammad be the messenger of God? Thank you for your valuable opinion. We learn from each other. Kind regards. TRUTHSEEKER