One Law for All: Campaign against Sharia law in Britain
02 Dec, 2008
Press Release
Launch of One Law for All - Campaign against Sharia law in Britain
December 1, 2008
The One Law for All campaign against Sharia law in Britain is to be
launched at the House of Lords on International Human Rights Day,
December 10, 2008 from 4:00 to 5:00pm.
According to campaign organiser, Maryam Namazie, ‘Even in civil matters, Sharia law is discriminatory, unfair and unjust, particularly against women and children. Moreover, its voluntary nature is a sham; many women will be pressured into going to these courts and abiding by their decisions. These courts are a quick and cheap route to injustice and do nothing to promote minority rights and social cohesion. Public interest, particularly with regard to women and children, requires an end to Sharia and all other faith-based courts and tribunals.'
The campaign has already received widespread support including from AC Grayling; Ayaan Hirsi Ali; Bahram Soroush; Baroness Caroline Cox; Caspar Melville; Deeyah; Fariborz Pooya; Gina Khan; Houzan Mahmoud; Homa Arjomand; Ibn Warraq; Joan Smith; Johann Hari; Keith Porteous Wood; Mina Ahadi; Naser Khader; Nick Cohen; Richard Dawkins; Shakeb Isaar; Sonja Eggerickx; Stephen Law; Tarek Fatah; Tauriq Moosa; Taslima Nasrin and others. It has also received the support of organisations such as Children First Now; Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain; Equal Rights Now – Organisation against Women's Discrimination in Iran; European Humanist Federation; International Committee against Stoning; International Humanist and Ethical Union; Iranian Secular Society; Lawyers Secular Society; the National Secular Society; and the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan.
The campaign calls on the UK government to recognise that Sharia law is arbitrary and discriminatory and for an end to Sharia courts and all religious tribunals on the basis that they work against and not for equality and human rights.
The campaign also calls for the Arbitration Act 1996 to be amended so that all religious tribunals are banned from operating within and outside of the legal system.
In the words of the Campaign Declaration: 'Rights, justice, inclusion, equality and respect are for people, not beliefs. In a civil society, people must have full citizenship rights and equality under the law. Clearly, Sharia law contravenes fundamental human rights. In order to safeguard the rights and freedoms of all those living in Britain, there must be one secular law for all and no Sharia.'
Roy Brown, immediate past president of the International Humanist and Ethical Union said, "IHEU is lending its full support to this campaign. It is intolerable that the very values on which UK society is based - human rights, equality and the rule of law - are being undermined by the quiet and insidious application of systems of law that have no basis in equality or justice."
Terry Sanderson, president of the National Secular Society, which is also supporting the One Law for All campaign, said: "It is a grave error for the authorities in this country to give credence to Sharia in any form – whether legally or in terms of informal arbitration. When women are being subjected to violence in their marriages, it is not acceptable for religious authorities – which are, by definition, misogynistic – to arbitrate. A two-tier legal system, with women's rights being always secondary to religious demands, is unnecessary, undesirable and ultimately unjust."
To RSVP to attend the launch or for more information, please contact Maryam Namazie, email:, telephone: 07719166731; website: The campaign’s website will be available on the day of the launch.
One Law for All
Campaign against Sharia law in Britain
We, the undersigned individuals and organisations, call on the UK government to bring an end to the use and institutionalisation of Sharia and all religious laws and to guarantee equal citizenship rights for all.
Sharia law is discriminatory
Sharia Councils and Muslim Arbitration Tribunals are discriminatory, particularly against women and children, and in violation of universal human rights.
Sharia law is unfair and unjust in "civil matters" too
Proponents argue that the implementation of Sharia is justified when limited to civil matters, such as child custody, divorce and inheritance. In fact, it is civil matters that are one of the main cornerstones of the subjugation of and discrimination against women and children. Under Sharia law a woman’s testimony is worth half that of a man’s; a woman’s marriage contract is between her male guardian and her husband. A man can have four wives and divorce his wife by simple repudiation, whereas a woman must give reasons, some of which are extremely difficult to prove. Child custody reverts to the father at a preset age, even if the father is abusive; women who remarry lose custody of their children; and sons are entitled to inherit twice the share of daughters.
The voluntary nature of Sharia courts is a sham
Proponents argue that those who choose to make use of Sharia courts and tribunals do so voluntarily and that according to the Arbitration Act parties are free to agree upon how their disputes are resolved. In reality, many of those dealt with by Sharia courts are from the most marginalised segments of society with little or no knowledge of their rights under British law. Many, particularly women, are pressured into going to these courts and abiding by their decisions. More importantly, those who fail to make use of Sharia law or seek to opt out will be made to feel guilty and can be treated as apostates and outcasts.
Even if completely voluntary, which is untrue, the discriminatory nature of the courts would be sufficient reason to bring an end to their use and implementation.
Sharia law is a quick and cheap way to injustice
Proponents argue that Sharia courts are an alternative method of dispute resolution and curb legal aid costs. When it comes to people’s rights, however, cuts in costs and speed can only bring about serious miscarriages of justice. Many of the laws that Sharia courts and religious tribunals aim to avoid have been fought for over centuries in order to improve the rights of those most in need of protection in society.
Sharia law doesn’t promote minority rights and social cohesion
Proponents argue that the right to be governed by Sharia law is necessary to defend minority rights. Having the right to religion or atheism, however, is not the same as having the ‘right’ to be governed by religious laws. This is merely a prescription for discrimination, inequality and culturally relative rights. Rather than defending rights, it discriminates and sets up different and separate systems, standards and norms for 'different' people. It reinforces the fragmentation of society, and leaves large numbers of people, particularly women and children, at the mercy of elders and imams. It increases marginalisation and the further segregation of immigrant communities. It ensures that immigrants and new arrivals remain forever minorities and never equal citizens.
One law for all
Whilst arbitration tribunals are part of British law, they are subject to such safeguards as are necessary in the public interest. Clearly, public interest, and particularly the interests of women and children, requires an end to Sharia and all faith-based courts and tribunals.
Rights, justice, inclusion, equality and respect
are for people, not beliefs. In a civil society, people must have
full citizenship rights and equality under the law. Clearly, Sharia
law contravenes fundamental human rights. In order to safeguard the
rights and freedoms of all those living in Britain, there must be
one secular law for all and no Sharia.
One Law for All
We call on the UK government to recognise that Sharia and all religious laws are arbitrary and discriminatory against women and children in particular. Citizenship and human rights are non-negotiable.
We demand an end to all Sharia courts and religious tribunals on the basis that they work against and not for equality and human rights.
We demand that the Arbitration Act 1996 be amended so that all religious tribunals are banned from operating within and outside of the legal system.
Maryam Namazie is a rights activist, commentator and broadcaster on Iran, the Middle East, women's rights, cultural relativism, secularism, Humanism, religion, Islam and political Islam. She is also the Spokesperson of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain.
Name: Kinky smith
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 23:08:12 -0500
Great article. It effectively summarizes one of the most problematic realities if islam - Sharia law. Hopefully informed folks with integrity like Maryam Namzie will continue contributing to the discourse and help disclose what i personally believe to be an illegitimate religion which is a great harm to the well-being of mankind. P.S. - For any dull-minded reader out there - No one here is saying that muslims should be prevented from practising their religion as an individual faith. That would obviously be wrong.
Name: Sean (USA)
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 23:57:29 -0500
Thank God! My respect for England is climbing back up again. I'm just repulsed that they allowed Sharia to begin with. What the hell were they thinking.
Name: Maryam Namazie, champion of women rights.
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 00:13:23 -0500
Maryam Namazie is the British Persian with guts. Those in the West should consider the advocates of shariah law a subvertion of the rule of law. Such people should be given a life sentence, and where there is death penalty, should be executed. Britons should vote out the Labour Party for legalising shariah law. Close all mosques and Koranic schools NOW.
Name: Ban Sharia
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 01:52:41 -0500
Perphaps countries like India where a different version of Sharia has been in place since the last 60 years should take a cue. The entire Sharia if applied in India would make Muslims suffer because of the brutal and inhuman attitute that Sharia has towars human life and dignity. However according to the Sharia in India, Muslims can marry upto 4times, etc. This is bad for a democracy.
Name: good article,humanity must ensure that islam is wiped out from earth else nuke world war 3 is coming
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 02:42:32 -0500
good article,humanity must ensure that islam is wiped out from earth else nuke world war 3 is coming
Name: Tony
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 03:02:08 -0500
This lady is SO right! If Sharia pretend-courts continue, maybe they should have some competition. What about Catholic courts? Baptist courts? Atheist courts? ginger-haired courts? obese courts? dog-and-cat courts for animal cruelty? But to be serious, Islam is a serious danger. All things Islamic - banks, courts, schools, mosques - even if they seem 'moderate' - are just a trojan horse for their fellow-religionist thugs.
Name: UK is also caught in political islam
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 05:47:23 -0500
UK is also caught in political islam.Uk once known for rational thiking and breeder for scientifc thaught and tempermwnt now turned to islamic playground due to political islam.Only its citizens can save it.
Name: DH
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 11:56:09 -0500
"The campaign has already received widespread support including from AC Grayling; Ayaan Hirsi Ali; Bahram Soroush; Baroness Caroline Cox; Caspar Melville; Deeyah; Fariborz Pooya; Gina Khan; Houzan Mahmoud; Homa Arjomand; Ibn Warraq; Joan Smith; Johann Hari; Keith Porteous Wood; Mina Ahadi; Naser Khader; Nick Cohen; Richard Dawkins; Shakeb Isaar; Sonja Eggerickx; Stephen Law; Tarek Fatah; Tauriq Moosa; Taslima Nasrin and others. It has also received the support of organisations such as Children First Now; Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain; Equal Rights Now .....All members of the British National Party of course! Don't you agree Mr Livingstone?
Name: KC
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 19:26:34 -0500
If Sharia laws are good for some, then are they not good for all. If so, then why shouldn't ALL Brits volunteer to fall under it. If not, then it is the powerful(Men)in Muslim society that wish to maintain that power over women and advocate for Sharia. If a court of arbtration was indeed only a finder of fact, all parties were truly voluntary and applied a rulings blindly where all participants are considered equal. Then Maybe, but is that what Sharia courts are?
Name: Kaminski
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 21:38:16 -0500
We need to stand up and be counted - re-evaluate what 'western' values mean to us as citizens of liberal democracies - to defeat this. To embrace Sharia law in the UK or any other western country would be a sad regression. Perhaps Islam did have the most advanced legal code for women at the time of its creation. However, things have moved on, at least in western civilisation, in the last 1,400 years.
Name: G.Ryan
Date: Wednesday December 03, 2008
Time: 13:04:55 -0500
Here in the U.K our political masters tell us what we want,not the other way round(that's all parties).They pander to the muslim vote(see that nasty little cretin George galloway).No one with half a brain would vote for these people,so we don't but muslims do.That is our fault and we need to change it,or we will be lost!
Name: G.Ryan
Date: Wednesday December 03, 2008
Time: 13:12:32 -0500
Also,muslims would do well to remember that we beheaded a king for forcing his unwanted oppression upon us.A long time ago i know but we will only be pushed so far.
Name: Milton V
Date: Sunday December 07, 2008
Time: 21:24:52 -0500
ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! I hope this campaign enjoys 100% success. If we permit Sharia Law to have validity what next? Hells Angels Law? Kray Brothers Law?
Date: Monday December 08, 2008
Time: 07:20:30 -0500
Name: ciccio
Date: Tuesday December 09, 2008
Time: 12:13:14 -0500
I live in Canada and we had the same push for sharia here. The Muslim position was that the Jews had their own arbitration tribunal and not to have sharia was discrimination. The government wholeheartedly agreed with their position and promptly abolished all religious tribunals. Not a murmur from the Jews, they have always been above all a pragmatic people.
Name: Susan Stannard
Date: Monday December 15, 2008
Time: 10:20:53 -0500
This country is secular, religion has a place in the courts of this land. Our laws are by no means perfect but at least all individuals are viewed as the same, to be treated as the same, ruled by the same and the thought that are people who reside here who can be treated differently is ridiculous on the one hand and truely aweful on the other. I say it must stop and the men and woman involved try and find some other way of making themseleves feel important
Name: Colleen Barry
Date: Saturday January 17, 2009
Time: 19:59:08 -0500
I hope the women of the world Destroy Shari'a Law when ever it displays it's ugly head. This has to be stopped for ALL NATIONS.