Mumbai Terror Attacks and the Reaction of the Western Media
28 Nov, 2008
- As this article is sent in, the city of Mumbai in India, no
stranger to terror attacks, is under a virtual state of siege by
militants using tactics that have been employed by Islamist groups
in several parts of the world. So far, the news suggests that more
than 80 people (mostly Indians) have been killed and
over 900 injured. The final tally, almost certainly, will be
significantly higher. The terrorists are known to have singled out
American and British residents and taken between five and seven of
them hostage at the Taj and a popular restaurant, Cafe Leopold,
that was attacked, happened to be a popular location with foreign
visitors, especially with visiting Israeli tourists
and with India's tiny Bene Israel Jewish community.
Attacks have also taken place at the Victoria Terminus railway
station and at the Ramada Inn; so far the news is that ten places
have been targeted and possibly more would be listed as the
situation becomes clearer. While the Indian government has rushed
National Security Guard commandos from New Delhi as well as moved
army units into Mumbai, it is likely that the future for the
hostages held by these terrorists is bleak.
At this unfortunate point in time, the reaction of the Western
media has been interesting to say the least. While virtually every
western newspaper and website has been sympathetic to the victims of
the attacks, some of the so-called "expert" analyses have been
ignorant in the extreme.
An article in the Times in the UK by Jeremy Page says that this
attack is a "new" tactic by Islamist militants, ignoring the fact
that just a few weeks ago, a major hotel in Islamabad was completely
destroyed in a truck bomb blast. The Times also ignores the fact
that tourists have been targeted by the Gamaa Islamiya and
associated groups in the past in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan and Turkey.
The New York Times has refused to post the claim by a group calling
itself the "Deccan Mujahideen" that it carried out the attack - it
has, in fact, refused to mention the religious orientation of the
group involved. The BBC has played it both ways talking about
attacks by Islamist militants in India in the same breath that it
has mentioned recent attacks by a Hindu militant outfit on Muslim
targets including Pakistani tourists on an India - Pakistan train.
While CNN's India unit, IBN Live, has mentioned the terrorists'
antecedents and offered a detailed analysis to its Indian audience,
its US website has been curiously silent as far as naming the
terrorists' background is concerned.
It is interesting to me, as an Indian who grew up in the country
during its extreme socialist years under Indira Gandhi and her son
Rajiv, periods that many Indians who remember the period in question
consider the worst as far as the freedom of the press is concerned
in India, how the extreme political correctness in the Western media
keeps key information from being reported through self-censorship.
In the case of Britain's Times, the convoluted logic offered by
Jeremy Page is not just ridiculous in the logic it offers, it also
suggests that the writer (and his editors for that matter) are
either complete ignoramuses or propagandists out to sell a
particular viewpoint. While the world laughed at Iraqi Information
Minister Muhammad Saeed Al-Sahhaf for his ridiculous statements
during the beginning of the second war in Iraq, these journalists
are taken as serious, and reputable analysts of the situation that
is unravelling itself in Mumbai at the moment. At its worst in India
during its socialist years, this kind of voluntary suppression of
the news was resorted to by only one newspaper - The Hindu - during
India's Emergency under Indira Gandhi while the rest of the media
struggled to try and break free of the restrictions imposed upon it.
In contrast, the media in what are arguably the countries with the
freest laws in the world, seem to be bending over backwards to
suppress information that would give a clearer perspective to
heinous attacks that have killed scores of innocent people and which
are certain to result in more deaths before the mess ends.
Is there an ulterior motive to this political correctness, I wonder? What have the media outfits that have taken pains to suppress relevant information connected with these attacks have to gain from this? Should I, and people like me, who look to the media to report the news accurately and honestly, look at this as censorship of a sort? Should we look at this attitude as one founded in a desire for disinformation? If the media outfits responsible for this suppression of facts could do this in connection with something that has happened far away in India, should they be trusted as far as their reporting on local issues is concerned? At the end of the day, there are vastly more questions that the actions of the Western media seem to raise than they answer. And that is not what the "news" represents to many of us from third world nations with simpler definitions of honesty and accuracy than the sophisticated media in the West care to bother about.
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Mr. Mehul Kamdar lives in the U.S. He maintains a blog.
Name: i stay in mumbai near colaba,it is horrible encounter is still on
Date: Wednesday November 26, 2008
Time: 23:14:40 -0500
i stay near colaba,in mumbai encounter bettwen jihadis and special forces is still on.stupid police took over 4 hours to call in army,they send in police commandos without proper weapons and no body armour and they were killed incl salaskar,karkare etc top cops.finally army was called in around 3:00am.special commandos came in around 4:00am.only now around 8:30+ the nsg-special commandos r doing something.i am ex-muslim i always kews this wud happen,like beslan or paki islamabad 5 star hotel strike etc...this is all rolled into 1 horrible strike,and police got it all wrong and oevr 12 police incl senior cops r dead and over 120 ppl r dead.there is cerfew in our area,and still now no one knows how many jihadis r there in taj etc.very danerous has been declared for kids only school holiday.but no one is venturing out in this area as army,navy,police srpf,etc all r out in full force.this is what happens when the fu*ker congress-commies-sp etc pally up to jihadis.
Name: Long live the pseudo secularists
Date: Wednesday November 26, 2008
Time: 23:30:28 -0500
India has been hijacked by the gang of pseudo secularists. While the Congress party was bussy secularising terrorism by falsely implicating hindus in acts of terrorism the Jihadis were planning their attacks.The so called free media of India has also played its part in secularising terrorism by trying to potray hindus as vile beats who just want to hurt the poor Muslims. I feel great pain in my heart when I think of people who loose their lives in their Jihadi attacks.India is in a mess and the majority population is crying while the Congress and its allied parties are bussy licking the feet of the Mullahs and Islamic terrorists.Thanks a lot COngress for allowig India to become the breeding ground of Jihadi Muslims.Thank you for allowing hateful people like Zakir Naik and Ahmed Deedat to spread hate.Thank you congress for allowing the Hindus in Kashmir to be killed by Muslims.Thank you COngress for letting Muslims open up their madarssas which are the breeding grounds for Jihadis. There is just so much that we Indians have the Congress party to thank for........
Name: Evil Islam
Date: Wednesday November 26, 2008
Time: 23:55:18 -0500
Islam has nothing to give mankind only bloodshed.
Name: Evil Koran
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 00:55:12 -0500
Koran is the most evil book ever printed in the history of mankind. Koran turns humans into terrible beasts mercilessly killing innocents helpless people. It is the fountainhead of never ending evil that will haunt mankind. Even if all Muslims are eliminated from the face of the earth somebody will pick up a Koran, read it and the evil process begins again.
Name: Burn the Koran
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 00:59:54 -0500
The world should initiate burning of Koran as a symbol of protest for this evil fountainhead.
Name: Peace Initiation day
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 01:47:56 -0500
As a free thinker I believe that we should allow all sorts of books and philosophies to exist.There should not be control over thoughts.However when it comest to the Quran, i beg to differ, because it a manual of terror and massacre.It has no righ to exist and create havoc in human lives.
Name: all these terror activites on india are by products of westtern silence
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 01:53:37 -0500
all these terror activites on india are by products of western silence.Western media mainly wnts money which they get by petro dollrs as investment and some as 'Tips'.The so called human right workers are only concerned about terrorists but not about the normal human civilian.The bastards self declared civil rights activists like Bala Gopal,VaraVara rao,Testsa setelvad,Arundati roy all are supporting the terrorists publicly Which show how political and media islam penetrated itno india.these antinational psuedo human rigghts ctivists must be hanged publicly or stoned to death first.
Name: over 300 r dead,as usual media which is pro islam and anti india is lying
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 03:19:15 -0500
over 300 r dead,as usual media which is pro islam and anti india is lying,a friend working as doctor in jj hospital tols me,total over 300 dead oevr 600 injured.
Name: Who Can We Blame?
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 04:37:31 -0500
Some time back, a fellow posted this. I want the readers to make their own Opinion for arguments sake. A Zionist dressed as a white Ninja who purchased a Gasoline bouzer a day earliar for twice the market price, sprays out gasoline on to a passing pilgrim train which heads to a Holy site and sets the pilgrim train on fire. While screams of horror and agony are deafning the train speeds away while the poor Pilgrims are roasted and this Zion inhales the distant roasted flesh which tempts him to do more roasting as he has experienced regular barberques and Car bombs and would you believe trained suicide bombers in most places in the world.His past training ground The State of isreal has payed him handsomely for all thses good deeds. He planted car bombs that killed his own people and even managed to get lunatics from his countries ghetos to go to schools and murder little children. So convincing and well versed with all faiths is he.that he informs The local polize and bribez the polize with briefcases of euro denominations, to make statement that this waz done by a muzlim. He further informs the world media which his relatives controls ,that the muzlims have set fire to a Holy train. Then the Zionist instigate the local tugs by hiring them to riot and go on rampage by setting fire to the properties of innocent people in the name of holly war to drive away and rape the women folk and children and kill the men and boys. The entire State of this country is in destruction as properties vandalised, burning of innocent victims of this unjust violence are either perished and /or distabalised or even maimed, the Zionists takes pride of his accomplishment and plans his next tour of duty all in the name of Zion, holding his Lion heart all the way with his nose pointing up in the air whispering today hindu -.Muzlim problem next I start Shia- sunni problem in pakiland .
Name: The law of karma
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 07:53:19 -0500
The law of karma will visit the Muslim world.
Name: B Kisan
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 07:59:24 -0500
Muslim crackpots are already blaming Zionists in the comments of this very article. So wacky Muslim, Zionists have taken Jewish hostages in Mumbai.
Name: Islamist beasts
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 08:04:41 -0500
There is no point in the senseless killing of innocent and helpless people by these Islamist beasts. These just shows how cowardly these people are.
Name: Don't blame the West.
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 08:11:00 -0500
Where was India when the West needed it? First it was cozying up to the Russians and now to the Chinese. It's a great friend to the US when it wants nuclear technology and service sector jobs. How about when the US needed help in Iraq? Where was India? Even so, I expected more from American media. I guess since the election is over terrorism doesn't really matter. After all, Barack Obama can't promise all kinds of aid to India just yet. I watch C-SPAN every morning and I didn't hear a word about India. All they could talk about was whether we could handle a "brainy president". Fox was all about the turkey. MSNBC told of a "besieged militant" (!) who got on TV and said India was killing Muslims in Kashmir. CNN is still giving us near total coverage of what is happening in India. I'm not surprised that the press speak of "militant" groups. The world doesn't want to know about Islamic terrorism. It (India among them) still thinks the US is the aggressor in both Iraq and Afghanistan. How many people in India thought we deserved 9/11? How many Indians will blame the US for these attacks, on the absurd notion that we are stirring Muslim anger? Go ahead and find fault with the West. It might help, however, if you got your own house in order first.
Name: lw1 to Who can we blame?
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 08:14:20 -0500
Muslims have been the aggressor in India for about 900 years. Where does the 'Zionist' come into that? As you say ,readers should make up their own minds.
Name: Way to stop Islamists
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 08:24:58 -0500
The only viable way to stop Islamic terrorism is to stop the mosques and madrassahs. Perhaps we have to close them down or even bomb them-- nothing like giving them a taste of their own medicine.
Name: dd
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 08:27:54 -0500
"How many people in India thought we deserved 9/11? How many Indians will blame the US for these attacks, on the absurd notion that we are stirring Muslim anger? Go ahead and find fault with the West." No one is finding fault with the west. We are finding fault with the traditional media. Traditional media is obsolete in the west or in India. Internet rules. As for 911, till 911 no one (especially the west) was talking about islamic terrorism after 911 everyone is talking about it. We couldn't send troops to iraq because it is not the way to fight islam unless you go on a conversion mission where everyone who doesn't leave islam is put to the sword/bullet. Otherwise you will replace taliban with taliban lite which with time will become taliban again as long as the country is muslim majority. The iraq/afgan war is senseless with that respect because it is not fighting islam only one islamic regime, which is replaced with another islamic regime. The best thing for Americans to do would be to take the troops and go home.
Name: lw1
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 08:38:40 -0500
In the west poltical corectness rules - from many laws giving more rights to criminals,terrorists than victims.In the EU,a factory for making more and more regulations (some extremely crazy,e.g. how much a vegetable is bent before being rejected),people are always afraid about who will be offended.Common sense does not rule any more.Islamists do not play by the same rules.
Name: juujuu
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 09:21:58 -0500
Well one reason they could have not specified as Islamist terrorists the perpetrators is because it has not been confirmed yet, It just happened. Responsible media does not report what could be spurious information, which wouldn't help anyone. You sound very defensive. It is odd considering that it sounds like they are trying trying to give Muslims a break, but not jumping to conclusions based on an email or a phone call that could be from any source. We need responsible clear thought in times like these Mehulji, what is the purpose of your blog? What is it that you are hinting about that is the secret motive of not naming specifying Islamic terrorists, and at this point how can you consider it such a crucial aspect of this very new story? I can't imagine.
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 09:23:25 -0500
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 09:28:07 -0500
INSIDE TAJ HOTEL TERRORIST WAS ASKING BRITISH AND AMERICAN PASSPORT HOLDER AMONG 100's of hostages captured. 100's of israelies captured in another hotel. evil mulims
Name: RE: Don't blame the West
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 09:34:27 -0500
While it is true that the Indian government used to cozy upto the commies and Muslims right from the 60's-80's.However it was Goddamn Congress govt which ruled India like its personal fiefdom, and forgot that Commies and Muslims are friends of no1. India does not need American aid, perhaps American needs aid most at this time, with its crumbling economy. But yes, we do need to fight ISLAM together. we can start by creating pressure on the Government to ban importing Muslims. We can also stop using the goods from Islamic countries.
Name: Time has come ...
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 09:45:26 -0500
... to ask muslim representatives all over the world about the responsibilty of their holy teachings and how to deal with that. Every writing that teaches and propagates violence can be banned - why not the quran? Muslim organisations should be asked how they are thinking about the violence in the quran and in islamic law. What are we waiting for?
Name: juujuu
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 09:55:16 -0500
Mehulji, could you respond to this please? Comment Well one reason they could have not specified as Islamist terrorists the perpetrators is because it has not been confirmed yet, It just happened. Responsible media does not report what could be spurious information, which wouldn't help anyone. You sound very defensive. It is odd considering that it sounds like they are trying trying to give Muslims a break, but not jumping to conclusions based on an email or a phone call that could be from any source. We need responsible clear thought in times like these Mehulji, what is the purpose of your blog? What is it that you are hinting about that is the secret motive of not naming specifying Islamic terrorists, and at this point how can you consider it such a crucial aspect of this very new story? I can't imagine.
Name: dd
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 10:02:05 -0500
"What is it that you are hinting about that is the secret motive of not naming specifying Islamic terrorists, and at this point how can you consider it such a crucial aspect of this very new story? I can't imagine. " The secret motive is that they are scared shitless of muslim outrage and want to be politically correct. He is questioning political correctness. Deccan mujahideen has claimed responsibility, do you consider that inconsequential? The identities of terrorists are muslims. If you don't think that is crucial to be mentioned it is obvious you are a muslim sympathizer blaming the victims for becoming victims. That is why traditional media is obsolete. Because they can't call islam a shit religion for fostering such hatred. They have to be politically correct.
Name: DH
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 10:21:25 -0500
Look. Wha' ya gotta rememba is dis wa abou' da uppreshun uv da moosleems ol ova da wuld in Bosnia chechnya Palistine afganistan ol ova da wuld moosleems is bein' murdad by da zionist-indian army-crusada-russian-alliance moosleem childran is bein' killed mosleem wimmin' is bein' raped if ya don' wan' oll dis bad things ta keep happenin' ya gotta stop oll dis uppressin' an withdraw your soldyas frum ow countries an' stop oll your sinful ways like drinkin' alcohol an havin sex an lettin your wimmin dress like prostitutes an' you should admit dat Muhammad (saws) is da messunjer uv allaaaah which you know is true cuz it say so in your torah an injil which you corrupted..etc..etc..etc
Name: what more india needs?
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 10:23:33 -0500
what more india needs?Isamic terrorism may be new ot us and the west but not for india.India has been victim of it for centuries from 1000AD.More than 120 million innocent weapon less indians are beheaded by islamisc invaders.Pridvi forgave 16 times Ghajani in the name of peace and tolerance and paid for it.Entire india suffered due to that.Buddhist view of peace and tolerence which was later adopted by Gandhi too does not work in the case of mad islamic terroris animals.Remember how ten thousand professors and stdents are beheaded at the ancient great university of Nalanda.As long the india and the world does not recognise islam as HIV virus of Humanity ,the sufferings of terrorism continue.Does India still need more voilence due to islam ???
Name: down with them
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 11:14:36 -0500
to proud muslims who state islam is a religion of peace..heard of the hamas,the taliban?lakshar-e-toiba?hizbollah?the al -qaida??? and to western people...indians have been facing terrorism for the kashmiri pundits who were slaughtered in kashmir by millitants..not all muslims may be "evil"..but theres way too many for it to be just a coincidence.and please don't blame israel for it. blame the muslim terrorists and the congress with its policy of appeasement towards the "vote bank" minorities...the mastermind behind the 2001 attack on the indian parliament is not being hanged in spite of the supreme court order..he's even asked for president's pardon.while these congress freaks exist who usurp justice ,terror is not going to be stopped. the malegaon blast was a stray incident.
Name: lw1
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 11:51:38 -0500
Just saw on Sky TV that Kashmiri terrorist group has accused Hindu militants of the attack in Mumbai. Same reaction as seen after London bombings,denying that Muslims were responsible. Nobody has been identified definitely as being responsible,so how can the Kashmiris blame Hindus? Is there a history of Hindus acting this way?
Name: Muslim Conspiracy at Works
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 11:58:59 -0500
There are already many muslims in online forums blaming the CIA or the Zionists and a Billion muslim illiterates will believe it.
Name: caleb singh
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 12:10:19 -0500
shame on the cowardly bastards muzzie terrorists no matter how noble a cause nothing can justify slaughter of innocent civilians based on religious hatred these filthy cowards can only use asymmetrical warfare methods to fight. fight man to man infidel armies if you dare muzzie terrorists and not show extreme cowardice by targeting defenseless innocents and shame on the canibal bastard "allah" he is sanctified by blood of slaughtered infidels to hardcore muzzie supporters nothing can justify this bastardized and satanic ideology
Name: Vampire Islam
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 12:34:08 -0500
Islam is a political-religious ideology that thrives on blood.
Name: ExMuslim
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 12:43:37 -0500
Islam is terrible! Nuke Pakistan & Saudi Arabia -- Islam will disappear.
Name: News from India
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 13:16:56 -0500
Djihadists possibly intruded by sea from Pakistan - according to latest information from Sky News.
Name: ChrisLA
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 14:41:40 -0500
There was widespread failure by the media in the U.S. to mention the name of the group, the Deccan Mujahideen, who claimed responsibility for the Mumbai attack or the religious motivation for taking Americans, British, and Jews as hostages. Here's what I had to learn elsewhere. The Deccan Majuhideen is not an unfamiliar group or new to terrorism. Last May they launched a coordinated attack in Jaipur which killed 63 innocent people. "Majahideen" means holy warrior, and has as its root the word "jihad" as in numerous verses in the Quran, such as Surah 9:20: "Those who believe, and who have forsaken the domain of evil and have striven (jahadu) hard in Allah's cause with their possessions and their lives have the highest rank in the sight of Allah; and it is they, they who shall triumph!" The media make a serious mistake in believing that by avoiding any mention of the ugly side of Islam they are somehow respecting Muslims. Respect requires that you treat adults like adults. When you censor facts because they might upset Muslims, you are actually treating them like children -- condescending to their child-like naivety (or deliberate blindness) -- letting them continue to believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. Islamic terrorism -- jihad -- is deeply ingrained into the commands of the Quran and nowhere else, and to whitewash over that by not even mentioning the fact that the Deccan Majahideen claimed responsibility for the attack is shameful.
Name: Islam is over - and overdue!
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 15:21:16 -0500
This time people will realise that the problem is deeply connected to the quran and the whole islamic ideology. So-called peaceful mainstream-muslims will face serious challenges to explain these latest horrile crimes!
Name: RE:juujuu
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 21:27:27 -0500
Hey! jun Jun listen you dumb fool, only Muslims carry out such stupid acts of violence, tell me one reason why the Hindus would do this.Hindus don't have any history of oppressing Jews or any other nationality for that purpose. It is you Muslims who are born terrorists who do this kind of stuff!!!
Name: bobby
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 22:53:18 -0500
Sonia Gandhi is the worst thing to happen to India and we can blame Rajiv Gandhi in bringing her to India. She either has no understanding of the muslim mindset, or only worry about getting congress to power by working the muslim vote banks. she is one evil person!
Name: Nisha Patel
Date: Friday November 28, 2008
Time: 04:47:22 -0500
Why are the media and Governments blind in highlighting the sponsors of these terrorist? Why are they not highlighting who arms them? From which country, the arms are purchased? How do they get these arms and amo? No one cares a damn how these terrorist procure weapons? No one cares a damn who and what sustain them? Is it very difficult for people to understand the cunning ways of these People who do these atrocities and force Governments and media institutions to blame it on some third party? Who are the founding fathers these terrorist and what???s contributing the spilling of blood. Terrorism in the last 50 to 60 years has increased? IN THAT CASE WHY IS THE WORLD IGNORING THIS? Anyone who follows religion will not do these atrocities, only People who do not follow religion resort to these crime. Some bright spark highlighted what???s Sonia Gandhi doing about this. Isn???t she been blackmailed to make false statements, so that when she makes a statement branding a particular race in order to stop the continuous bombings? Isn???t this similar to 9/11? Bush targeted two innocents??? regimes and we are in a Global Economic mess. Come on world? I won???t be surprised if the Government of India, headed by an honest and respectful individual should be blackmailed to the demands of these low grade humans to tarnish the Image of this great country. We all know how Developed countries in the past changed elected leaders in order to satisfy the demands of these secret Governments who are the contributors of these mass murder.
Name: lw1
Date: Friday November 28, 2008
Time: 07:02:55 -0500
Just mention Bosnia,Chchnya,Palestine and Afghanistan and many Muslims think they have a passport to any action they take .The Quran endorses this.They want to forget Muslims killing and oppressing Muslims e.g.Saddam Hussien killing and burying in mass graves thousands of Shias, gassing thousands of Kurds and invading Kuwait.Pakistan oppressing what was then East Pakistan (Bangladesh),at the moment many Muslims are being killed by Muslims in Pakistan and similar in other countries.Muslims generally keep quiet about this.If Allah teaches peace, why are you killing eachother?
Name: dd
Date: Friday November 28, 2008
Time: 11:59:13 -0500
"How do they get these arms and amo? No one cares a damn how these terrorist procure weapons? " For this I squarely blame the west. Most of the weapons seized from the militants are Russian or US made. If the west doesn't take serious measures to control its arms industry from exporting weapons to terrorist groups, I tell you chickens have a habit of coming home to roost. The Western public should wake up and pressure their governments to rein in its arms industry or you will face your own weapons being used against you one day. This is a very very serious issue.
Name: dd
Date: Friday November 28, 2008
Time: 12:04:41 -0500
On top of this France and Russia are eager to build nuclear reactors in Libya and Iran respectively. There is no one more foolish than he who arms his enemies in return for money.
Date: Friday November 28, 2008
Time: 12:36:44 -0500
Reading through the UTube comments, some Muslims are quick to claim victimhood in this whole matter. The whole world is mistreating them so don't blame them for retaliating! I guess we should all apologise to Muslims every time they launch a terror attack against us!
Name: A Proud NRI based in London
Date: Friday November 28, 2008
Time: 12:57:31 -0500
Its really sad and tragic what has happened and is still happening in Mumbai. The intent of such persons clearly includes de-stablising India and stopping India???s growth as a world superpower. My love and support goes out to all those who have lost loved ones in these attacks. I am extremely proud of the response of the Indian Army and Commandos - they have done a fantastic job in the most difficult of circumstances. The loss of valuable life could have been so much greater had they not responded as effectively. I agree that the media coverage has been upsetting - Whenever there is a terrorist attack in India, the Western media portrays it as ongoing tension between Hindu???s and Muslims rather than stating that it is Islamic terrorists who are carrying out attacks on innocents. This really angers me because the Western medias portrayal implies that Hindus are to blame and that the so called ???marginalised??? muslim minority do this because they have no choice. How exactly has the muslim ???minority??? in India been marginalised and disadvantaged? What rubbish. There are many minorities in India and all of these minorities live peacefully with Hindus - be it Jains, Budhists or Parsis. Furthermore the manner in which India manages diversity and equal rights (in relation to religion) is a model from which many ???liberal??? Western nations could learn. Individuals from many minority faiths in India have reached top positions in many fields in India - WHICH HAS NOT YET HAPPENED IN THE UK. My family in India are Jains and they have done extremely well despite the fact that they belong to a ???minority??? group. It is highly UNLIKELY that the terrorists are all Indians - most of the terrorists (if not all) have come from outside Indian borders. The Western media has been very quiet regarding the claim that some of the terrorists are British - even when there are facts to support this. However they were very quick to point out that the terrorists were Indian born WHEN THERE WERE NO FACTS TO SUPPORT THIS.
It is interesting to note that whenever there is a terrorist attack in a Western country, they are very quick to point out that it is Islamic terrorists or Pakistanis who are to blame. So when there is an attack in India, why do they say that the Indian muslim minority do this because they have been ???marginalised???? Hence we should be proud of our diversity as a nation and we must not let such comments by Western Media create conflict between individuals in India. I realise that emotions are understandably high right now but we have to remember that the majority of Muslims in India are good citizens and human beings JUST LIKE US. The attacks have come from outside Indian borders and at a time such as this all Indians should unite while the authorities investigate. Yes, there are many terrorists who hail from an Islamic background. Yes, there are many muslims who support such terrorists. BUT that does not mean that all muslims are bad people. The terrorists are also killing muslims. The terrorists want to de-stablise India - DO NOT LET THEM. Also, do not forget that there are other communities that seek to incite hatred between Hindus and Muslims in India - they do this through the media. They do this to stop India???s growth. DO NOT LET THEM. As Indians - of all religious affliations and irrespective of where we live (i.e. in India, in the UK, in the US, in Africa or elsewhere) - we should peacefully UNITE against such terror by not allowing it to destroy our communities or our progress; we should re-double our efforts in our quest for excellence and work together to enable India???s growth. JAI HIND
Name: lw1
Date: Friday November 28, 2008
Time: 14:01:51 -0500
Muslims have been waging a religious war against India for about 900 years.The war is either less intense or more,but it is there all the time.Hindus and Buddhists were not a threat to Muslims when they came via Afghanistan and committed all those masscres and other atrocities. About 90 years ago there was a declared Jihad in southern India and many lives were lost.All this should be taught in schools and universities.All the atrocities during Muslim rule in India has been sanitised out of the history books. Why alter or suppress history so that Muslims wouldn't be upset?If you do the deed,then take responsibility. Many Muslims deny the Holocaust took place in Germany and there is no pressure on them about the massacre in Darfur and other places.Political correctness can be taken too far.Like the Indian press, western press is largely scared of Muslims-with reason,but the balance hasn't been found.The courageous ones bear the brunt of Muslim backlash.I am not a Christian but they should have the right to build churches freely in Saudi Arabia,Iran, Pakistan and any other Muslim countries as Muslims are allowed to build their mosques.Quran doesn't bring peace,but the Bible will as that is its main message. Muslims are rarely fair--Quran does not allow that.True Muslims are never fair.
Name: Islamic Terrorists are crazy Desperados!
Date: Friday November 28, 2008
Time: 14:58:20 -0500
They don??t realise that they lost the war before it began. They have nothing to deliver and this is the reason why they hope to succeed with vio??ence. But they will fail because Islam is wrong and because there is nothing useful in it.
Name: Lakshmanan, India
Date: Saturday November 29, 2008
Time: 08:31:48 -0500
Nice to learn Kamdar's comment about the Hindu newspaper. The Hindu's exaggeration about Hindutva terrorism is getting my nerves. Is it wrong to react on the atrocity unleashed by Pakis and their Indian supporter? Even if a Hindu indulges in violence against perceived Paki sympathisers, it does not pose any danger to India. The only mistake (condemnable) on the part of Col Purohit and the Sadhvi was detonating in a public place. They should have planned to kill the selective target to strengthen India and not planting bombs like bastardy muslims do.
Name: Evil and cowardly Islam
Date: Saturday November 29, 2008
Time: 12:35:56 -0500
Evil and cowardly Islam never runs out of new methods of killing innocent and helpless people.
Name: philogynist
Date: Saturday November 29, 2008
Time: 17:15:53 -0500
To DH Muslims are NOT persecuted all over the world. They (you) choose to be different and refuse to integrate with indigenous populations. You've taken the practice of self pity to a level that we with the "stiff upper lip" would find embarassing in our ranks. You're all pathetic cowards, hiding behind children, civilians and women's skirts. You really are scum- a scum that should be dispersed with a suitable detergent. Hopefully, the western leaders will wake up in time to the very real danger that resurgent Islam poses. Your culture is arid, backward, humorless, life-denying, dreary,, miserable, misogynist, and everything else negative that you can think of.
Name: marineland
Date: Sunday November 30, 2008
Time: 01:05:33 -0500
I am American and am disgusted by the dishonest propaganda of American journalism, but I feel powerless in the face of it. I do much research and reading from less mainstream sources to inform myself, and when I share my findings with others-- Koranic verses as well as documented history, I am attacked for being " right wing", "reactionary", etc,,. The situation seems hopeless- The West is complacent and mentally lazy-- I am a Christian , but never embraced Christ until I read the pure evil and violence of the Koran. All the evil that is unraveling before our eyes (including the cooperation of the media and politians) is all part of Satan's plan. I am at a loss about what to do, except for to pray and wait for God to send his son once again to save us from our own evil and stupidity. I wish I knew what else to do in the meantime, but no one wants to listen or wake up.
Date: Sunday November 30, 2008
Time: 13:09:51 -0500
I can't believe how everyone thinks they have a right to judge Islam. You ignorant creatures increase your knowledge of the topic you write about! Islam is a religion! Let me remind you, Christians were killed in India by Indian (I could call them Hinduist Millitants!). Too many people are given the right to express their narrow minded view, which leads to stupid comments and dicussions. Go and increase your narrow minded brains before you dare to put Islam in any wrong position. Once and for all note Islam= peace! Don't let the western game players ruin your lives. That's what they want, they want to see you fight with people that aren't your enemies. They blame 'Islamist Millitans' (which is a joke as there is no such thing) for any attack that happens in the world. America started this by funding people to fight against Russia's war with Afghanistan and now it got out of control and they start blaming Islam for everything. I feel sorry for people that trap their minds by the media, escpeailly the western media. You are all given a brain and should be able to recognise true from false. So next time before making a comment about Islam make sure your statements are the product of the modern media which blames Islam for any and everything. Sooner or later the truth will come out.
Name: To: Chris LA
Date: Sunday November 30, 2008
Time: 15:40:17 -0500
"Respect requires that you treat adults like adults. When you censor facts because they might upset Muslims, you are actually treating them like children -- condescending to their child-like naivety " I can't agree more. When the appeasers pander to Islam in the name of respect, they're actually patronising Muslims, treating them as lesser humans not to be held to the same standards as normal human beings. I find it hypocritical when they accuse Islam critics of racism when they're the ones practising their own subtle brand of racism.
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 01:06:47 -0500
"Christians were killed in India by Indian (I could call them Hinduist Millitants!). " Yes you could and the media calls them right-wing Hindus. Nobody has a problem with that so why not 'Islamic militants'.
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 01:08:27 -0500
"They blame 'Islamist Millitans' (which is a joke as there is no such thing)" Actually, Al Qaeda would beg to differ.
Name: dd
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 08:43:10 -0500
To: TO NARROW MINDED PEOPLE "Once and for all note Islam= peace! " The recruiters from alqueda don't use the English dictionary or the nursery rhyme book to do the recruiting, they use your Koran to do the recruiting. So your assertion that Islam=peace is false.
Name: help pakistan
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 05:46:59 -0500
now india has every reason to bomb terrorist bases in Pakistan since they have denied involment with terrorists but have accepted its failure to control them.hence india should help them eliminate these terrorists like US did by bombing terrorist bases in afganistan,iraq including Pakistan its key ally.bombing pakistan would not mean war with pakistan.india govt should understand this and help pakistan by bombing terrorists breeding ground there.
Name: DH
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 12:01:48 -0500
To philogynist. I regrettably inform you that I am not a Muslim. My impression of their incoherent drivel must have been quite convincing.
Name: DH
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 12:08:18 -0500
Re the following statement from "TO NARROW MINDED PEOPLE":..."I can't believe how everyone thinks they have a right to judge Islam.".... Islam judges everybody who does not believe in it to be deserving only of death and an eternal burning. Why SHOULDN'T those of us so targeted pay Islam back in its own judgemental coin? Because Muslims are special people by virtue of their belief in the prophethood of a seveth century moral reprobate? Not a satisfactory reason I am afraid.
Name: DH
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 12:09:45 -0500
BTW "TONARROWMINDEDPEOPLE". By "Narrow-minded people" I take it you mean everybody who does not accept that Muhammad was a prophet.
Name: indian from fiji
Date: Wednesday December 03, 2008
Time: 06:34:24 -0500
india should not waste its money on bombs and, missiles and fighter jets if its leaders whom they elect choose not to wage a war on terrorists only because these politicians lack courage or are least bothered about terrorists because they are either busy makin money or busy playing dirty politics with poor and gullible indians to secure their such govt of india would do much better by diverting its miltary budget to feed the poor because when it matters most india govt cant strike these terrorists in pakistan where they have their bases.india should learn from US about how they strategised their mission against afganistan iraq and pakistan.they bombed terrorist basrs in pakistan.that didnt mean that US and pakistan were at war.india should do the same.if not then the current govt of india should step down and let younger and better people including the miltary to take control.
Name: Mehmud Pelhavi
Date: Monday December 08, 2008
Time: 09:43:18 -0500
A time to kill: if the past of 1300 years, indians will always be cowardly bunch, who depended on persian empire for there protection. But once persia (now iran) fell to islam, the indians have been attacked repeatedly and they have lost because of their rules of war that followed the geneva convention a thousand years before it was invented. In a war, there are no rules, except to be quick or be dead. A true warrior always knows when its time to kill. Even your "geeta" teaches that to you, that geeta was written in order to counterbalance the budhhists view of non-violance by the great vyasa. It is considered the equivalent of the "the prince" by macchiaveli by the western yoers. Sadly, indians have not learned from the lessons of last 1300 years.and have failed to kill when it was time to kill. You still fail to kill your enemies when its time to kill. You have no killer instinct. You consider it s sign of "greatness" to let your enemy go freem rather than to kill him. The very free enemy than comes and kills you. The charity in pakistan, the "school of quadasshiah", refers to the victory of 0ver islam over persian and the persian's flight to india. They still give anti-hindu shermans everyday and itis pullic news. You are still not acting. It is the time to kill the enemy before it becomes to big. But you will not learn and you will become islamic just like the persian empire did, even though they speak farsi. Time is on the side of islamic fundamentalist and it is only a matter of time. The time to kill these small ememies now before they become the huge armies of islam. I am an iranian (former persian) writing this. So i you will understand if i do not give my e-mail address because i am muslim from iran, not by choice.