Exposing Islamic Butchery and Desolation at Egypt's Oldest Monastery
10 Jun, 2008
The whole truth about the butchery and desolation in the oldest Monastery in the world, Deir Abu Fana, in Egypt
turned Egypt to a major islamic terrorists breeding country,
starting by his security police, to please and cash from his Saudi
masters and extort the West.
The ethnic cleansing of Christians in Egypt and in every muslims dominated country is the unmistakable sign of a coming Islamic upheaval in the West.
The diabolical double game of deception played by the Islamic world and performed, according to mohammad’s famous doctrine, “ War is deception,” by the king of Saudi Arabia and Ali Gomaa, the Mufti of Egypt to anesthetize the Western world with peaceful words of interfaith dialogue, while pursuing the “cast in stone” dictum, confirmed twice in the Koran 2:193 and 8:39, “And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and all religion be to Allah (the whole world converted to islam.)
dissemination of disinformation and lies by the major Western press
agencies is a flagrant complicity with the Islamic world, that
caused already in the Western world the slaughtering of thousands,
destructions, and still misleading the Western public which will
lead to more slaughtering and desolation, and ultimately to a
conflagration with unpredictable consequences.
The first hand account of the Abu Fana Monastery events
Since last Saturday, at 5 pm Egypt local time,
we at – Coptic News Organization - were
in direct, nonstop contact over the phone with the monks in Abu Fana
Monastery, 190 miles south of Cairo, monitoring the events, minutes
after the indescribable barbaric criminal attack by more than 60 muslims,
round the clock, nonstop. We were over the phone, hearing the
massive automatic weapons gun fire that you can have a
glimpse of it in the video clip, which none of the so called major
news agencies did.
The thugs, the followers of the butcher of nations, the laughing killer (this is one of muhammad’s famous name) attacked the peaceful, harmless, and unarmed monks in their desert Monastery of Abu Fana that existed 300 years before the curse of islam reached Egypt, and again spread their butchery and desolation for the second time this year. We reported the last attack in January 13, 2008, and a similar incident took place in Minya in October, resulting in 20 people receiving injuries. In total, this is the eighteenth attack in the last four years by the same neighboring muslim gang lead by a well known ex-police informer, and not one of these muslim thugs were ever arrested or prosecuted.
Results of the attack:
- One church was
set on fire; another one was destroyed to the ground, Bibles,
crosses, Icons, holy utensils of the Altars were desecrated, spit
at, thrown to the ground, stepped and urinated on.
- Four of the monks were shot and wounded. One was beaten with iron bars.
(Father Bakhom ,Father Saweris , Father Veni , Father Micheal , And a fifth monk )
- Three monks
and a Christian that was visiting the Monastery (Father Maximous,
Father Yoanas, Father Andrawes, and the brother of Father Mina who
was visiting the monastery at the time of the attack) were
kidnapped. The three monks were freed from the hands of the muslim
attackers and brought to the monastery the next day by the police,
after thousands of angry Copts gathered at the diocese of El Minya,
being aware of the extreme gravity of the kidnapping of symbols of
the church, and the catastrophe it could cause in Egypt, and
internationally due to the immediate reactions, and monitoring from
all the Coptic organizations in the Western world. The condition of
the three monks was extremely critical, they were barely alive, not
able to walk or stand on their feet after they suffered
indescribable torture for refusing to say the shahada ( Islamic
profession of faith) and to spit on the cross. Every time they
refused to recite the shahada they were stoned and even muslim women
were spitting on them, putting sands in their eyes, ears, and mouth.
They were lynched, lashed with electric cables, buried to their
waist and stoned again, blind folded and attached to palm trees and
beaten with wooden bats that crushed their back, arms, and leg
bones. Their ears were cut; they were hit on their sexual organs.
Islam and sex are inseparable (that’s one of muslims favorite
treatment for kafirs), to refresh your memory, read about the
Christian missionaries in Turkey,
Nothing unusual here, it's perfectly in line with what they're told
to do, according to the koran, 8:12, " I will
instil terror into the
hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all
their finger tips off them."
The kidnapped
Christian visitor, brother of one of the fathers of the Monastery,
is still not accounted for. According to the three other monks
kidnapped with him, he was last seen by them being tortured to force
him to recite the bloody Islamic shahada. The fact that no words or
answers from the security police about his whereabouts, and the fact
he was not brought back with the other three monks make us strongly
believe that he was killed.
The question that all the Copts, whether in Egypt or across the world, are asking: If the police succeeded in getting back the three kidnapped monks, why they didn’t arrest the kidnapers and the attackers, and why the disappearance of the fourth kidnapped person is still unsolved?
- Several workers that were performing various jobs at the monastery during the attack were also wounded.
- All the Monastery’s farms, including orange, citrus, olives, and mushrooms farms were destroyed and all farm buildings set on fire. These monks succeeded in the last ten years, with their knowhow, to set the standards for modern farming, and make the desert bloom in the land belonging to the Monastery, using the latest techniques to obtain results that could’ve been a model for all the desert land of Egypt, that represent more than 90% of a country where people are dying for a loaf of bread, and importing 75% of its food. But this is not how muslims think. Their prophet didn’t tell them to labor the land or to emulate other people success, but to steal it, same as mohammad exterminated the Jewish and Christian populations of Arabia to steal their lands and their properties. And what they can’t steal, they destroyed. That’s why their ultimate aim is the destruction of Israel for committing the biggest sin in the eyes of muslims, succeeding.
For muslims, this is called business as usual in our language. In their language it’s called religion, cast in their hateful, but “very holy” Koran by their thug prophet alter ego, allah himself. In case you’re just getting acquainted with the religion of the prophet of thugs, and not to be accused of making this up, read it for yourself, Koran 33:27,
“And He made you heirs of their lands, their houses, and their goods, and of a land which ye had not frequented (Before). And Allah has power over all things.”
- Chicken farm, fish farm, Honey bees, were set on fire and destroyed. They dynamited the fish farm in a way that the fish were sprayed on the surrounding land. No people on earth can compete with the followers of the prophet of doom in their hate capacity for what is good, and their love capacity for evil.
- The water station and irrigation lines were destroyed.
- Electric power generators were stolen, and power lines destroyed.
- Agricultural machinery and equipments were stolen or burned and destroyed (another mohammad’s islamic legacy).
- Construction materials and equipments were looted.
- Cell phones, Cameras, computers, money, and farms produce were looted.
- Eight monks living cells and living quarters for visitors that come to the monastery for worshipping, and monastic life seekers that were not destroyed in the previous attacks were all burned and destroyed.
The police, located 4 miles away, was called as soon the attack started at 5 pm. They arrived at 9 pm despite hearing the gun fire sounds, same as us, over the phone, their perfect knowledge of the gravity of the situation, the history of all the destructive previous attacks, and knowing, " their friends, and associates," that are committing the attacks.
After the arrival of the security police at 9 pm, the attackers continued their shooting and destruction till 10 pm, while the security officers questioning and interrogating the monks.
No attempt by the police, neither in this attack or the previous ones, to arrest any of the attackers, whom they perfectly know, or even to launch any forensic examination, or report the attack to the district attorney. Instead, the police asked the monks to call and ask the Christian contractor responsible for building the wall around the monastery to come from his house, located 18 miles away. At his arrival, he was taken to the police station for questioning after assuring the monks that it’s only a matter of procedure that won’t take more than an hour. The next day, the contractor, that was 18 miles away from the monastery during the attack, was officially declared arrested and accused of killing one of the muslim attackers.
This has been the famous no-brainer trick, and pattern used by the Egyptian authorities, for every attack on the Copts, during the last thirty years, to arrest Christian scapegoats and accuse them falsely with various crimes according to the situation, and then blackmail the Christian authorities of the church to drop the charges and the case against the muslim attackers, in exchange of the release of the Christian “scapegoats,” and a declaration that both sides were equally responsible.
Let’s assume that one of the attackers that shot and wounded four monks got killed from someone at the monastery, wouldn’t that be considered by all the laws of the world to be a legitimate self defense? When you’ll see the power of the gun fire attack in the video clip, you’ll be the judge to answer that question.
The refusal of the district attorney to come to scene of the attack, the monastery, or to launch an investigation of the events.
- Through a phone conversation With Father Mina, one of the monks at the monastery, he Stated, “the police was so complacent, and several officers were just watching and laughing.”
Neither the police, neither the justice department represented by the public district attorney produced any details about the alleged, “killed” muslim, or any forensic or medical examiner autopsy report.
El Menya governor, police general Diaa Eddin Mohamed Ahmed Khalil announced on all television channels, with a very straight face without blinking and with no apparent sense of shame, that, “both groups, muslims and Christian monks exchanged fire.” Without giving any forensic proof, except that one of the muslims got “killed.” He just forgot to mention that the only weapons the monks and priests used, all along the Coptic church 2000 years of history, is the cross, and their prayers.
In another television interview, he declared again that the monks opened fire on the attackers, and a muslim got killed. Adding, “this is just a skirmish between two neighbors about the right of ownership of a piece of land that has nothing to do with religion.”
Questions: Since the governor is aware of the existence of fire weapons in the monastery, where those weapons are, and how come the authorities allow monasteries to have fire weapons? Doesn’t that simply means that the governor is not doing his job, and he’s not qualified for his position. But this also a coded message to justify attacks on Christian monastery and churches, since his declaration implied that monasteries are armed, and according to the shariaa law, Christians are denied to carry, or to own arms. This is an extremely dangerous announcement that means monks and priests are armed and represent a danger to the country that should be fought and attacked. So any attack on a Church or a monastery can't be viewed as an attack on unarmed innocent people.
The governor and the police authorities announced that, only, “one” muslim was a victim, from more than sixty muslim attackers, that should mean that all the monks were aiming at the same person all the time. What a coincidence?
The honorable governor, was making these statement as if he was the governor of Kabul or Kandahar in Afghanistan, and these are just normal events, or as he put it, “it’s just a skirmish between two good neighbors.” Putting equally on the same scale a gang of terrorist killers and robbers, and peaceful loving monks that deserted the world for a life of prayers, worship and productive work to benefit the country.
Saying that this, “skirmish,” have nothing to do with religion, is an indication from the governor that justice based on truth is not an option for the Copts in this case, as it was never an option for them since the barbarian hordes of mohammad brought their curse to Egypt 1400 years ago. His declaration is meant to be the conclusion of the case, based on his own falsification of the facts.
The stupid question here is: when muslims have disagreements between themselves about a piece of land, do they attack, and shoot to kill each other with automatic weapons, kidnap, stone, lynch, lash, and crush each other’s hands and legs?
And assuming it is a piece of land disagreement between muslims and Christians, which is not the case, is this is the governor, and the Egyptian government accepted standard to resolve that disagreement, by burning churches, kidnapping monks, forcing them to spit on the cross, convert to islam, cutting their ears, crushing their hands and feet, bringing women to fill their eyes, ears and mouth with sands, plus all what you’ll see in the video clip?
Let’s reverse the roles, and assume that the Copts attacked muslims over a dispute for a piece of land, and burned their mosques, destroyed their properties, spat on the Koran, cursed mohammad, kidnapped and tortured their imams to force them to convert to Christianity, shot and critically wounded four other imams, and caused what you will see in the video clip, would the honorable governor, the Egyptian authorities, and the media say that, “ this is just a skirmish between two neighbors that have nothing to do with religion?”
I guess you know the answer. For just a cartoon on a piece of paper, or few words on islam from the Pope of Rome in the context of an academic speech, they put the world on fire. They massacred Christians across the world, burned churches, bombed embassies with the latest one just few days ago, the Danish embassy in Pakistan with all the casualties and innocent victims blown to pieces. They terrorized, and still terrorizing the world with no end in sight. All this just for a cartoon on a piece of paper, how much more they would do if what they did to the monastery and the monks were applied on them by Christians, and by the Copts of Egypt? It’s no-brainer, I wouldn’t even try to guess the number of Copts slaughtered or the number of churches put on fire. And it wouldn’t be only limited to Egypt, Christians would be massacred and churches would be put on fire in every Islamic dominated country. They are already doing it voluntarily without any provocation. So imagine their delight to have this hoped for excuse to indulge and excel with the most religious zeal in applying what they worshipped and prayed for from birth, to kill, destroy, and spread desolation and more oceans of blood, all this and more while praising allah for giving them the opportunity to fulfill his curses on these cross worshippers. This was, and still is their major contribution to the world since 1400 years ago.
One of the muslims’ slogan that became famously known is, “first the Saturday people, and then the Sunday people.” It is clear that they are simply proceeding according to plan. They effectively cleansed the Saturday people from every muslims dominated country, and are now focused to finish up, what they started 1400 years ago, the Sunday people, to guarantee their place in their allah’s killers’ paradise.
Another stupid question: why the Egyptian police didn’t produce, and expose to the world the weapons used by the “Jihadist” monks? But again, what’s the use of asking stupid questions to the expert Egyptian police?
And what about the weapons of the muslim attakers? But that’s a very naïve questions.
Two fire trucks arrived, two hours after the police arrival, and after the fire consumed all what was meant to be burned.
No ambulance for the injured monks and they were taken to the nearest government hospital (Mallawi hospital) in a truck used for animal transportation. In the hospital, doctors refused to treat them, to abstain from issuing reports confirming the cause of the wounds. Which will be considered aiding the cause of the kafirs against muslims. We’re talking here about the noble medical profession and doctors that swore to uphold the Hippocrate’s Oath, but this is now the Egypt that produced the most famous doctor in the world that also recited the same oath, Dr. Al Zawahri.
As a side note, we have live recorded confessions from Egyptian ex-muslim doctors that rejected islam after they witnessed and documented the intentional murder of hundreds of Christian patients (that’s the number they personally witnessed, just in the hospitals they worked at), per year, in government’s public hospitals, by muslim doctors acting with a completely clear conscience, and even admitting it confidentially, but proudly between themselves, and praising allah for giving them the opportunity to do it “medically,” and professionally. Either by committing intentional errors during surgeries, or prescribing wrong medications based on erroneous diagnosis. It is also a known fact that the medical schools and the medical board in Egypt are totally controlled by the Muslims brotherhood.
Back to the events.
The wounded monks and workers were then taken, after the intervention of Coptic authorities and lawyers, to El Minya city main Hospital. They were left in the emergency reception with no medical care, bleeding for four hours, and in urgent need of blood transfusions. The muslim “doctors” excuse was, “there is no blood at the hospital that correspond to the monks blood type.” Of course, their blood types is that of apes and pigs.
Immediately, our Coptic rooms on the Paltalk that were transmitting the events, nonstop, alerted the Coptic population and churches close to the hospital for the urgent need of blood donors. Within the hour, hundreds of angry Copts gathered front of the hospital, but were denied entry to donate blood by the police for “Undisclosed” security reasons.
the condition of the wounded monks was deteriorating, the officials
at the hospital announced that their injuries are very superficial,
and only requires simple medical procedures.
That was Sunday 2 pm. At 2:30pm, Coptic Pope Shenouda’s office and the highest authority of the church in Cairo immediately arranged the transportation of all the monks and the other victims to a private Cairo Coptic owned hospital. At their arrival, they were all rushed to the intensive care unit, and all required extensive surgeries. In particular, two of the monks that were kidnapped required extremely complicated surgeries that lasted more than nine hours. One monk is still risking the amputation of his crushed arm, and another almost lost his site from being viciously hit on the head with the back of a riffle and the sand put in his eyes.
With the usual cover-ups and “Taquia” lies from all Egyptian government institutions and officials, the Copts of Mallawi and surrounding areas of Deir (pronounced: dare, meaning monastery) abu Fana in the province of El Minya, which has a high concentration of Copts that suffered the harshest oppression and losses in lives and properties from muslims attacks, and the government systematic persecution during the last forty years, and not one single muslim being condemned, started to gather on Sunday at the diocese Cathedral in protest, chanting in defiance, “ With our blood and soul, we will defend the cross,” and appealing to Hosni Mubarak, the president, to intervene and let the truth and justice prevail, and save the country from an imminent catastrophe because, “ The Coptic hearts are on fire.”
The attack on Deir Abu Fana last Saturday followed the massacre of a Coptic jeweler and three of his Coptic employees on Wednesday in Cairo, and another Coptic-owned jewelry store was targeted the next day, Thursday, this time in the port city of Alexandria.
The security police surrounded the Cathedral, since Sunday afternoon and provoked clashes with the Copts protesting, peacefully, inside the Cathedral gates.
On Monday, the spokesman priest of the diocese of Mallawi announced that the presumed “killed” muslim victim was known in the area, and his father declared sometimes ago that he wanted to get rid of him for being gravely mentally retarded. The spokesman added that this person never set foot on the land of the monastery, and no corpse was ever found by the police on the monastery’s land. He stated, very bluntly, that this presumed, “victim,” has been definitely killed somewhere else, and the accusations of the monks by the police is another deception by the police authority of the province to blackmail the Copts.
On Wednesday, another dramatic event that had the effect of heating up the emotions and disgust of the Copts in El Minya province. In a village called Dafsh, about seventy miles from Mallawi, a twenty five year old muslim killed his twenty two year old Christian neighbor by stabbing him to death.
On Thursday, hundreds of Coptic youths started
to gather front of Saint Mary’s and Saint George Church inthe
center of the village, protesting peacefully, and demanding that the
killer be judged and punished. The riot police dispersed them on
Friday morning, using tear bombs.
Friday afternoon, they gathered again at the church in the afternoon for the funeral. After the burial, they were provoked and shouted at by muslim youths. The situation quickly escalated to clashes between the two groups that prompted a massive intervention by the riot police to disperse both groups and impose a curfew on the whole village. The police announced the arrest of the muslim killer and investigating the case.
Also Thursday: in the village of El Kosheh, which made the world news in January 2000, for, "The massacre of the millinium," was the scen of another dramatic events. A security officer driving his car, hit and killed a Christian copt, according to many eye witnesses. El Kosheh have a population of 35000 Christians and 5000 muslims. The police authorities provided witnesses testifying that it wasn't the officer driving the car.
Today, Sunday: The Egyptian government media is still insisting that the reason for the attack on Deir Abu Fana, was robbery, and to prevent the building of wall to protect the monastery. Religion and terrorism were not an issue. The slaughtering of four Coptic Jewelers in Cairo was also for robbery. Denying the jihad terrorism against the Copts or Christians is the surest thing for it to continue. How they would fix something that doesn’t exist. No doctor can cure a disease if the patient deny he’s sick.
This is exactly what’s happening in the West. The war on terror is a deceiving term; it’s a war on the symptoms of terror, or the consequences of terror. When you eliminate cancerous cells on top of the skin you don't eliminate cancer, you have to extirpate it from its roots, or it will spread all over the body. They may succeed to destroy some rotten fruits, but the tree is producing other fruits, every day. And the tree producing the rotten fruits is the koran, and islamic teaching.
These are not just words; these are simple facts that doesn’t require a high IQ to figure out, and time will prove it.
All what the Christians in Egypt and especially the monks in the desert, and native Christians in every muslims dominated country are looking for is their right to live and their freedom of belief. Is that too much asking?
Yes, it is too much asking according to islamic government, it's against islam. For them, the cornerstone of their religion is to kill all who don’t submit to their allah, Koran 9:29,
"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."
Muslims are the only people on earth that it's against their religion to, "live and let live." Their "faith," order them to live and kill, those who don't adhere to the same, "live and kill," doctrine.
The question of all questions, not only for us as Copts, but for the whole Western world, who are the real terrorists, the ones that pull the trigger and cause death and desolation, or the ones giving them the means, facilitating, covering up and blessing their actions?
The terrorists are not Bin Laden, Zawahri, Zarkawi and company. They execute what they were taught and told to do. They're just the foot soldiers. You can kill them all, it won't make a dent. The koran is producing thousands in madrassas all over the islamic world, and even in the Western world every day.
Naïve those who will think that this is a remote Coptic issue, or that the silent holocaust going on against all Christians in muslims dominated countries is also a remote issue that doesn’t, and won’t affect the West. All Islamic governments, especially Egypt and Saudi Arabia are spreading the Islamic disease in every Western country through their well established bases, mosques, schools, muslim centers, islamic organizations and official missions. Jihad will always be their biggest export product, they have the money to finance it, as it is already happening now, and their people are already within us.
All these Islamic government officials, including their leaders (thugs), and their security apparatus that are the real instigators of Christians cleansing in their countries, whom they hate and consider them part of the Western kafir world that they’re aiming to Islamize, how is it conceivable that these same governments and their security apparatus cooperate with the Western governments or with their law enforcement agencies, with good faith, to fight Islamic terrorism against the Christian kafirs in the West, when their main focus is to eliminate the Christians in their own countries.
It is important to know that governors in Egypt are not elected, but are chosen by the president. In other words, the governor is only the mouth piece, and his declarations are dictated to him by the government and the president of Egypt. Never, in the course of these grave and terrorist events, Mubarak, the dictator of Egypt and the lackey of his masters the Saudis, which his era has been one of the most oppressive for Christians, never intervened or ordered an investigation. Would he be that silent if this attack, destruction and butchery happened to a mosque or an Islamic institution?
As for the moderate muslims in Islamic countries or their brothers and sisters in the West, their answer is crystal clear: they agree, there is no persecution or ethnic cleansing for Christians in their countries of origin. But let what happened to the monastery in Egypt, or to Christians in every Islamic country, happen to them and their mosques in the West, and they would put the world on fire. No need to waste more time trying to define moderate muslims in the West. They perfectly defined themselves, and made it clear on whose side they are.
These are the same Islamic countries that allowed the dancing on the streets, and distribution of candies to celebrate the 911 massacres, which they called, the Islamic conquest of New York.
Al Qaeda started from Egypt by Al Zawahri’s Islamic terrorist group,
The Grand scale deceptions, and lies of the Egyptian Islamic government, the producer of the ideology of terror across the Globe was never limited to Egypt. Many people ignore that the ideology of Islamic terror and Jihad is spread to the world by Egypt’s Sunni ideologues from Al Azhar University who sets the guidlines for all the Sunni world, and the Muslims Brotherhood who established cells all over the world, including America and every Western country to deflate their system from within. Saudi Arabia’s role was, and still is to provide the financing.
Media Disinformation:
The lies and deceptions about the Abu Fana monastery attacks, spread by the major Western press agencies
By Agence France Presse (AFP). Monday, June 02, 2008
Deadly Muslim-Christian clashes in Egypt
MINYA, Egypt: One Muslim man was killed and four Coptic Christians, including two monks, injured Saturday when a land dispute involving a historic monastery in Egypt turned violent, a security official said. Khalil Ibrahim Mohammed, a Muslim resident of a town neighboring the Abu Fana Monastery near the southern city of Minya, was killed during clashes with Christians, the official said. The clashes broke out when the monastery began building a wall around neighboring property after receiving final approval earlier this year. Tensions often run high between Egypt's Muslim and Christian communities in an increasingly religious society dominated by Sunnis. – AFP
No mention of muslims attack on the Monastery, shooting to kill monks. No mention of kidnapped and tortured monks. They call it, “The clashes (instead of attacks) broke out when the monastery began building a wall around neighboring property after receiving final approval earlier this year.”
According to AFP, the “Clashes broke,” when Christians began building …” That makes the Christians the guilty ones that provoked the clashes.
Christians didn’t go to clash with muslims, they were attacked in their own Monastery by muslim terrorists thugs. This should’ve been called: Deadly muslim attack on Christian monks in their monastery.
For disseminating this deception, AFP is very appropriate for: Another Foolish Posting
Sat May 31, 2008 6:37pm EDT
Egyptian Christians, Muslims clash, killing one
CAIRO, May 31
(Reuters) - One Egyptian Muslim was killed and four
Christians were wounded on Saturday in a clash over disputed land
near a Christian monastery in central Egypt, security sources said.
Muslim Khalil Mohammed, 39, was killed by gunfire, the sources said,
speaking on condition of anonymity. At least two of the wounded
Christians were monks at the monastery, the sources added.
The groups exchanged fire after Christians in the town of Mallawy,
about 300 km (190 miles) south of Cairo, began constructing a wall
around disputed land near the Abu Fana monastery, the sources said.
Same deception: Clash over disputed land. And then Reuters becomes the accomplice of the ultimate falsification of truth with this, “The groups exchanged fire.”
Reuters should’ve known better, that monks never carry weapons, and that the Egyptian Coptic Church has been called all along history, the Church of the Martyrs. All this proves one of three things, either Reuters people are accomplice, with the Egyptian government, in criminal cover-ups and deceptions with total disregard to the intellectual integrity of their readers. Or, they rely on sources that freelance for them in their free time, when not selling falafel and tahini sandwiches, or, their reporters job now is limited to copy and paste, which is exactly what happened. They should be called, Reuters C&P News
That goes for all the so called major press agencies, that you wake up every morning to be fed on their disinformation and deceptions, especially when it comes to Islamic related news.
To summarize: the major catchy highlight of the news reported by those agencies is: Deadly muslim-Christian clashes in Egypt, Both groups exchanged fires, and one Egyptian muslim was killed. The rest is the trash stuffing.
If 60 Christians with Kalashnikov automatic weapons stormed a mosque, attacking 12 non armed imams. Destroying and burning the mosque and property, shooting several imams, kidnapping and torturing four of them. Several hours later, three of the kidnapped imams were found in critical conditions… etc.
Would the News agencies call this: Muslim-Christian clash? I doubt it, but you are the judge.
Or when you're in your house, and thugs come shoot at you, hitting you and torturing you to death, would you call that clashing with thugs?
This past week has been very concentrated in events that kept us focused on a situation that is still boiling, and in our analysis, highly explosive. The radicalization in Egypt is gaining momentum and all signs are pointing to more dramatic, if not catastrophic events, and not only regarding Copts issues.
But this only reinforce our resolve and perseverance to fight islam, destroy their evil ideology, and expose it more to the world. For us, and the Western world, islam doesn't offer any other option, even if Western governments don't realize it yet. With islam, what people or governments don't realize is totally irrelevant, and past history is best proof for that. How many times people don't realize many things, but it never immune them from the consequences
We have several hours of video footage showing more in details damages and the condition of the wounded and tortured monks and other workers, unfortunately we didn't had yet the time to subtitle them in english. What I want you to see in this video, from the minute 1:33, is the barbaric attack, the fire power of the attackers, the damage, and the scene of desolation of what used to be an Oasis of peace, serenity and blooming desert.
Part of the transcript (a monk in an advanced position describing to another father in the old part of the monastery the destruction and the attack over his cell phone).
- Gun shots ... father .. father ... they're destroying the church of Pope Kyrollos (He was the previous Pope of the church till 1971, and one of the church Saint) .. father .. they're using the excavator to destroy the building ... they're destroying the whole building ... they're also destroying the cells .. and the restaurant .. father .. they're going towards the honey bees building ... yes father .. oh Lord .. father .. they're destroying the honey bees building ...
The truth about the attack on Abu Fana Monastery
Testimony of one of the tortured monk
The father monks declared that they consider, "their torture to be a blessing they don't deserve for the sake of the faith in Christ."
Part of the transcript of the fathers saying: the torture was in every way .. and using all means ... I was not able to walk .. they were hitting with woold bars and electric cables ... they were asking us to deny Christ and to spit on the cross .. every time we were saying, "Jesus Lord," they were saying let your Jesus help you ... we thank the Lord for this blessing ... we are not deserving ... (2nd father) they thought I was almost dead .. they made us lay on the floor and there were three men and some women hitting us too .. on the head and the back ... I couldn't move ... the women were hitting us for not saying the shahada ... they used many things ...
The undersigned
Coptic organizations condemn and deplore the barbarian and brutal
attacks against the historical Abu Fana Monastery in Mallawi, Minya
Province, Egypt. The attack began between 2pm-5pm on Saturday, May
31st, and continued through the night. It is important to note that
this is not the first time the monastery has been exposed to such a
brutal militant attack perpetrated by a mob. This militant attack
took place in broad daylight directly under the sight and
‘protection’ of the security officers.
This armed attack on Abu Fana Monastery resulted in four monks
injured by bullet wounds, and the kidnapping of three other monks:
Maximos, Andraous, and Youanas. The three kidnapped monks were
returned on Sunday, June 1st, after having been tortured and beaten.
Injuries sustained by these monks include fractured and broken
Roughly 60 aggressors, who carried automatic weapons, carried out
the armed attack on the monastery. This attack resulted in great
damage to the monastery, including the theft of equipment, burning
and destruction of the monastery’s farms, and the complete
destruction of the monastery’s farm equipment like tractors…
At the same time the 3 monks were kidnapped, a Christian man named
Ibrahim Tiqi Riad, brother of Father Mina, was also kidnapped. His
fate is still unknown.
Such crimes, including other armed attacks on churches and shops
owned by Coptic Christians, take place in broad daylight in a
planned, systematic manner that suggests that the target is genocide
of the Copts in order to weaken their existence, eliminating them
both morally and physically.
The undersigned Coptic organizations does not, and will not,
tolerate these crimes and attacks committed against the Copts. These
crimes and attacks are incompatible with all the international
declarations for human rights. We will escalate our campaign to the
highest international level.
Despite the seriousness of this matter, the authorities have failed
to respond in a timely manner. The security service’s negligence
suggests their collaboration with the attackers.
Because of the provocative statement made by Major General Ahmed Dia
Eldin (the Governor of El Minya) that this incident is “an ordinary
quarrel over disputed land between neighbors,” and that “fire was
exchanged on both sides;” we assert that the monks were unarmed and
do not own weapons. The attackers totaled approximately 60 people
who were carrying
weapons. The Governor also alleged that one Muslim was killed during
the attacks.
Note that these statements by the government will have a negative
impact on the integrity and transparency of the investigation, and
gives the State Security the opportunity to change the facts.
State Security Director Major General Mohammed Nour Eldin accused
some monks with charges of “inciting” the Christian citizens to
clash with other residents in Mallawi. It is totally illogical to
attribute such things to the monks, who have dedicated their lives
to quiet prayer in the desert.
We, the undersigned organizations, demand an appeal to the High
Commissioner for Human Rights and the Human Rights Council to form
an international fact-finding committee to ascertain the causes of
the armed attacks against the property and lives of the monks at Abu
Fana Monastery. We also demand that the Egyptian government takes
action immediately to protect the lives and property of the Copts.
The undersigned organizations:
1. Coptic Association for Human Rights, Switzerland
2. Coptic Canadian Association
3. Copts-United, Britain
4. Coptic Assembly of America
5. Coptic Association of France
6. Coptic Organization of the Netherlands
7. Middle East Christian Union in Austria
8. The Voice of the Copts, Italy
9. Middle East Christians Association
10. Christian Copts of California
11. The Cultural Organization of Coptic Intellectuals, France
12. Australian Coptic Organization
13. The International Coptic Union
14. The Austrian Coptic Organization
15. Coptic Assembly of America, California Chapter
16. The Word Center for Human Rights in Cairo
17. Free Copts
18. International Christian Union of USA
19. American Coptic Association
20. Coptic News Organization
Mr. Hanna Zaki, Selim Naguib, and Awad Shafik, Attorneys at Law, will be responsible for filing the international complaints.
We invite all free people of the world, aware that the spreading danger of islamic terrorism and its lethal and growing threat to the Western world, to expose to all International Organizations as well to their own governments, the perfidious hypocrisy of the Government of Egypt.
Let me remind you again, this is not only a Coptic issue. The muslim terrorists that attacked, and massacred Copts in the 80's and 90's, are the same that organized and committed the 1993 first World Trade Center bombing and 911, Egyptian sheik Mohammad Abdel Rahman (the blind sheik), serving a life sentence in America, and Mohammad Atta, the leader of the 911 operation. These terrorists in Egypt could land in America or any Western country tomorrow, or their brothers may already be in your neighborhood. Their hate for the Copts for being Christians is part of their hate for you. Have no mistake about it, fighting terrorism in Egypt prevent those terrorists from coming to you. Remember, terrorists are globalist.
The Egyptian government has been receiving more than two billion dollars from the American tax payers for the last thirty years, during the same period it produced more terrorists than ever before. It is also receiving substantial donations from practically every Western country.
You can't be that naive not to know that all this terrorist activities are done with the implied complicity of the government of Egypt. The government never condemned any terrorist for killing Christians. It applies the sharia law, "No believer should be killed for the blood of a kafir."
When a government willfully neglects to prosecute a terrorist crime, The government becomes the prime perpetrator of the crime. By its inaction she condones the commitment of such a crime and asserts her implied consent.
Fighting islamic terrorism requires action, it won't go away by only talking about it. The only reason we talk about it is to instigate the people to action.
Have the spirit of a soldier, and send this to your government officials, representatives, and all relevant organizations in the list, to show them how the double face Egyptian government is one of the main global terrorist breeders. As I mention earlier above, islamic terrorism is not the foot soldiers, it's the governments, and Egypt is the major player.
Let conclude with a Quranic note (8:60),
"Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies, of Allah (all non Muslims) and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the Cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly."
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Name: Abu Taleb
Date: Monday June 09, 2008
Time: 21:06:23 -0700
Similar incidents happen everywhere, not just in Egypt. Whereever there are many muslims then there are always attacks against non muslims. So, for those who consider Islam as a peaceful religion, let me ask a question: If Islam really peacefull, then why there are so many attack against non muslims, why we don't find similar pattern in other religions?
Name: To Akhter andNoor and Abeliever and OneGod
Date: Monday June 09, 2008
Time: 21:26:56 -0700
Tell me folks: When people of any other religion go to their house of worship, they come out refreshed and peaceful. When Muslims come out of the Jum'a (Friday) prayer, they are ready for a war or fight with the police. One wonders what happened in the mosque that made them come out like that. Do you folks have an answer? Hmmm..maybe I should have a wild guess. The Mosque is called "Mihrab"in Arabic. The original word in arabic has its origin in the word "Harb" which means "War". Is this what Muslims do in the mosque.. go bizerk, so when they come out,they are ready to attack any other human being. Well, now we know who was in the Mosque. Could it be the worst of the devils in the spiritual world? Come on folks, who would want a gangster for a prophet? Who would want a religion that has a history of wars instead of good teaching about morals and world peace. Anyway, its a lost cause to discuss good ideas with you folks, but nevertheless, I am interested in what you will say.
Name: Islam brings death and suffering to other religion
Date: Monday June 09, 2008
Time: 22:10:49 -0700
Islam is a religion of peace? Everyone can see now, what Mo taught to people, to terrorize, attack other peceful people. What comes from satan is certainly satanic teachings. Mo is the personification of satan himself.
Name: vbv
Date: Monday June 09, 2008
Time: 22:47:23 -0700
Islam in action - the filthy cult with its worse-than-mafia idealogy serves only to criminalise society ,usher in barbarity and immorality. This is a criminal cult, the visuals show how savagery and depravity combined can bring untold misery,death and pain to innocent people. Islam cannot be a 'religion' in the true sense of the term , just violent, intolerant mafia cult that the civilised world should join hands and exterminate like one would eradicate deadly diseases. What do the likes of Akhter,Iqbal Singh(a muslim with a fake name) and others have to say of these well documented butchery by islamic fanatics? Ofcourse they will offer another "taqiyaa" of what true islam is ,etc. We know what true islam is and what a rabbid madcap of a psychopath ,criminal-rapist and murdering maniac their so-called prophet was!
Name: judeo christianity islam is a curse on mankind and must be destroyed
Date: Monday June 09, 2008
Time: 23:34:59 -0700
judeo christianity islam is a curse on mankind and must be destroyed.look at what moses and his followers did they killed peaceful pagans on command of allah [ read torah/bible ],christians did same,enslaving and converting starting from roman empire to now,even usa was formed by killing native americans and taking their land. muslims r doing same thing looting and killing in name of their religion.ALL 3 TERRORIST BLOOD THIRSTY IDEOLOGY MUST BE DESTROYED TO SAVE MANKIND FROM WORLD WAR 3.
Name: The Qur'an has been falsified???
Date: Tuesday June 10, 2008
Time: 02:46:59 -0700
Name: balam
Date: Tuesday June 10, 2008
Time: 05:05:08 -0700
I was distressed to read this article.The Pharoes of Egypt are wearing the cloak of Islam,which is horrendous.I wonder why America contnues feeding this python called Egypt.It is most disgraceful to continue pouring in billions of dollars into a coutry by a christian country,which treats the christians so shabbily Shame on America and other western countries who help Egypt even through the tourist industry.They should ban tourism to Egypt and stop paying jazia to the muslim countries in any form.You can never win a Snakes loyalty and friendship.The best way to deal with it is to crush its head under your heel till it dies.It would have been better if Mr.Blair takes his family somewhere else than this wretched country called Egypt in future.May the WRATH of GOD falls on it sooner than later-this damned depicable Muslim hell hole called Egypt.
Name: allah may be the real saitan
Date: Tuesday June 10, 2008
Time: 09:44:10 -0700
allah may be the real saitan and viceversa.Why this muslims once they convert to islam begin to hate and intolerate their own brother humanbeings which they shared common land and ehnicity and thousands of history.Example is AR rahaman of india who after became muslim and grown to top music director with the help of hindu directors and hindu musi gurus started a foundaton to spread so called islam in US(Losangels)He says his sister got cured after prayera of peer of dargah and then his family converted to islam.But he don't know self declared prothet of god ,mohammad could not cure his own son from disease and his son died.After this his wife said that night he was not at all a prophet otherwise his son would have been cured of disease.Stupid Ar rahaman started spreading islam throuth KM(koran Mohammad)music institute now in chennai just to spread islam in the guise of music. no doubt he has the talent in music but that is inherited music talent from his musician father and great music maestro IlayaRaja where he worked as Keyboard player.But he is not a rational thinker.Can AR raman pray for Aids patents, cancer patents for curing through his ARrahaman foundation of LosAngels ?His is earning for indian music industry which includes all religous people but he is doing servise to spread only islam aand serve muslims alone.His dress ,life style and every thing became islamic now.He chargers less money for muslim producers and directors whish he defends by saying that he felt they(close)to his heart.Hi diluted and almost destroyed classical carnatic and cinema music of the south and gave singers least importance by introdusing too many singers.now after becoming too islamic his music sounds routine and uninteresting.Music requires pure heart to excell but hatred and superstitious islam makes mind impure and blurred.He is on the way to deaed end as music director soon.Many younsters are in the Queue. by introducing multiple singers for
Name: Mohammed a Mobhammed?
Date: Tuesday June 10, 2008
Time: 10:31:58 -0700
I think Mohammeds main achievement was the gathering of the mob and then to release all this bloodthirsty desperados against peaceful and civilised people. It is very similar to the expansion of the Mongolian Empire. Casting terror, kill innocent people and steal. Until today, nobody was ever able to get this mob back into the desert were it belongs.
Name: Challenge to all infidels from Akhter
Date: Tuesday June 10, 2008
Time: 14:19:38 -0700
Produce a sura like Quran if you can. You cannot because Quran says you are deaf dumb and blind (2.171) and Quran is the truth.
Name: Time for action
Date: Wednesday June 11, 2008
Time: 00:56:13 -0700
It is time to burn down mosques and madrassahs. The non-Muslim world should not sit down and take it lying down. Time to give back what the Muslims have done. Muslims who do not want to be involved should leave Islam.
Name: Time for action
Date: Wednesday June 11, 2008
Time: 00:56:26 -0700
It is time to burn down mosques and madrassahs. The non-Muslim world should not sit down and take it lying down. Time to give back what the Muslims have done. Muslims who do not want to be involved should leave Islam.
Name: A verse like quran
Date: Wednesday June 11, 2008
Time: 06:36:59 -0700
There is no allah but GOD and mohammad is fazool(SHIT) of allah.Are you happy akhter.Now it is your turn to produce a verse like this.
Name: Challenge to Akhter
Date: Wednesday June 11, 2008
Time: 10:14:11 -0700
Purify the Internet, Insult to your Prohphet and Islam posted everywhere
Name: ChrisC....Responding to Akhter
Date: Wednesday June 11, 2008
Time: 10:16:14 -0700
Why would any sane, honest, good person want to "produce a sura like Quran"? There is enough filth and insanity in the world already. Mohammed's plague has brought nothing but suffering, evil and corruption to the world.
Name: Micael
Date: Thursday June 12, 2008
Time: 10:33:52 -0700
Please dont compare christianity with islam or even with judaism. Christ never gave any sanction for murder or violence. If he did please show the evidence. Next, dont blame christianity for what the white settlers did to the native population of america. That has no backing from any thing christ said. Rather the opposite. If you want to form an opinion about christianity start with the gospel. Intellectual laziness does not help when coming to an informed opinion about anything.
Name: Susie MooCow
Date: Thursday June 12, 2008
Time: 19:22:19 -0700
Time For Action and burn down all/ every mosque and every madrassah or islamic academy so they have no place to go to teach their evil dogma or plan their evil attacks. Time for action, everyone in the West should really be taking up for the Copts because they have been on the front lines with Islam way too long, just like Israel. Time for action, yeah right now with Obama for President? Forget it.
Name: vbv
Date: Sunday June 15, 2008
Time: 02:42:27 -0700
Challenge to Akhter : - The whole world thinks you muslims are filthy,mentally deficient,stupid,blinded by a stupid book that you cannot see any further than it. You are all miserable,backward,wallow in filthy cult of violence and treachery. See Pakistan,Bangladesh, Afghanistan,Saudi Arabia,Sudan,Somalia,Ethiopia,Iraq , Iran ,Palestine,Syria,Libya,etc Perfect examples of the above description. Can you disprove that!
Name: at least we don,t bow down to a pile shit and worship rats you filthy bastards
Date: Sunday June 15, 2008
Time: 10:14:50 -0700
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KV32swMaDr4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojIzkNa5tMM Cow Dung worship I assure you read that title right, this is exactly what the ladies of the house in DH’s community do the morning after Diwali to ensure wealth and prosperity in the household for the year to come. Since I had no idea how things worked I let my sister in law do the preparation, which actually meant using fresh cow dung to draw a symbolic representation of a village complete with 3D little cow dung people (all this made with bare hands and on the ground in the court yard). I myself took the less smelly job of putting various types of lentils and grains in designated area on the pattern to mimic granaries and mangers. We then went back to the kitchen to make little birds out of rice floor dough for the female only ritual. Once MIL was ready we headed back outside, lit oil lamps in the dung village, and had our feet painted with some magenta tainted water and proceed to bless the village with the usual water sprinkling, grain throwing and red powder applying all the various elements and then conclude by eating one of the rice flour birds each before call it quit and head to the kitchen for breakfast. While the whole ritual may sound gross (after all this is cow dung we are talking about). What fascinates me is how Hinduism has remained an earthy religion close to its people and the farming roots of India, with all the rural symbols and wish of prosperity linked to grain, food and by default wealth. And somehow it is not so odd that the Goddess of wealth is a woman, and that the rituals closely associated to fertile matters are conducted by the women of the household using earth symbols, which are by default symbols of life and fertility as well (the men have another ritual the next day involving fire). The rest of the day is generally spent lazing around as everything is anyway closed. That part was actually tougher on me than being around smelly dung and a swarm of flies.
Name: Bicameral Watcher
Date: Tuesday June 17, 2008
Time: 17:05:33 -0700
To "Challenge to all infidels from Akhter". How can you possibly take seriously the hallucinated vocalisations of a schizoprenic pedarist in florid bicameral episodes?
Date: Thursday June 19, 2008
Time: 13:31:03 -0700
According to muslims on this site people in the west have loose morals and the west is depraved and decadent. Why then do muslims still arrive in these countries in large numbers? Are they not afraid of being corrupted? Why do muslims not stay back in their islamic countries which have islamic sharia law? They way they are defending islamic religion I should think they would be comfortable and feel safe in a islamic country. But yet they wish to go to the west. Any explanations? Why has islamic religion not made any islamic countries prosperous, progressive and among the best in the world? The most prosperous and powerful countries are non muslim. How come following islam has not made any islamic nation among the top countries in the world? Any explanations?
Name: mariam
Date: Sunday June 22, 2008
Time: 06:34:50 -0700
Shame on you Moslems. By the way Arabic BBC went along and ignored the incident, then later said clash between monastry and moslems. Dont be surprised, the head of Arabic BBC is a moslem.
Name: This is a blessing
Date: Tuesday July 01, 2008
Time: 08:10:48 -0700
Like those Fathers that were tortured said "their torture to be a blessing they don't deserve for the sake of the faith in Christ." There is no higher glory than carrying the cross for faith in Christ.
Name: Mohamed the Child Molester
Date: Tuesday July 01, 2008
Time: 08:11:23 -0700
Kosom el Mosleemeen, follower of the child molester Mohamed who molested Aisha when she is 6 years old.
Name: balqani
Date: Monday July 14, 2008
Time: 09:28:28 -0700
come then you sons of barsoom to paltalk and let's see what happens to your yasou3 .
Name: Ahmad
Date: Friday August 15, 2008
Time: 10:36:55 -0700
I am a moderate moslim...and ill tell you that those of us who take violence as a means for their satisfaction in the the name of Islam are not but Hippocrates and murderers. my religion never encouraged violence unless it was in order to purify and abolish the enemies of god! and those enemies of god are not Christians nor Jews...but those who spread corruption and sin. to clarify the situation further, in every religion there are extremists...whether you are a Muslim, a Christian or a Jew...and i will not go in to detail in this matter but if you look carefully into history you will find that there had been slaughter between Muslims, Christians and Jews and all that in the name of god..(pretty ironic). as i said that those Moslims who practice this type of violence are not but murderers, i will also add that those people are present in other religions too. My point here is that i condone such nonreligious behavior that has mislead people into believing that it is based on god's teachings...This is not so! Instead of attacking the religion i think it would be much more useful and much more elegant to reform the wrong doers who present and portray the image of Islam in the way it looks to many today! and truth be told...there is no truth about Islam other than it being a religion from god that teaches us people to live peacefully!!! this maybe ironic with what the media shows today...but the reason for all of this; is the misinterpretation of many to Islam just like many who wrote their comments dissing Islam! please research the teachings of such a religion before you actually condone the religion from the doings of the killers who are called "believers"! *Question : does it seem sound to say that all 1.2 billion believers are all violent and will kill any other believer of a different religion!!! if it does to you then you MAY WANT TO LOOK FURTHER INTO your knowledge! and please be aware that in many countries Muslims treat those of other beliefs with respect...and this is the way i think we must behave!