The Best of Peoples in Allah's Eyes
24 Mar, 2008
“Ye are the best of Peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had Faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have Faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors.”
- This too is conditional: you should have faith, believe in
allah, emulate mohammad, and kill the perverted
Now all you bigots and politically incorrect
will laugh and accuse me of debility and question my mental health
for agreeing with the allah of islam that muslims are the best
people ever created according to his standard. It all depends if you
see the cup 1/2 full or 1/2 empty.
According to the Tafsir (interpretation) of that verse, muslims are
the best, because contrary to the perverted, and transgressors
people of the Book (Jews and Christians), they believed in mohammad
and islam.
So right off the pap, allah commanded muslims to treat others as
inferiors, filth, unclean Kafers, and to show them harshness. That’s
what they did to all the Christian countries they conquered (but
defensively, remember, islam only defends itself). Look at the
condition of the Christian natives (you can even see it on videos
that the Egyptian government don’t want you to see,
here), and you’ll agree with me that muslims are the best of
peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding
what is wrong.
The allah of islam commanded muslims to be the best deceivers,
Taqquiya 3:28, and they are.
The allah of islam commanded muslims to be killers, “to slaughter
the unbelievers wherever you find them.” And to kill and be killed.
They are the best in that, with no competition.
The allah of islam commanded his followers to curse in every prayer
every non muslim, esspecially Christians and Jews, and they are the
most devout, unmatched and best in that regard.
The allah of islam commanded his followers to steal (the jeziah) and
rob the unbelievers (kafers). Not only they're the best to fulfill
that, but actually that’s what sustained them for 1400 years, it’s
their bread and butter. This particular command is very dear to
their hearts, to emulate their prophet’s lifetime carrier, robbing
caravans, Jews and Christians.
The Allah of islam commanded his followers to forbid anyone
rejecting him, and to slaughter any one that desert islam, that's
what they've been doing for the last 1426 years.
The Allah of islam commanded them to “instill terror into the hearts
of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their
finger-tips off them”, they're doing it with the greatest religious
zeal in a way unmatched even by savage and vicious animals. They’re
the best neck, and finger-tips cutters all over the world.
The Allah of islam commanded them to force islam on people by the
sword and terror till all people submit and feel themselves subdued,
Mohamed his prophet of doom started this legacy, and it’s still
alive and well, with his followers keeping close to a billion human
being in bondage to that blood thirsty Allah. They’re the best
terrorists evolved for mankind to enslave people.
The Allah of islam commanded them to attack and conquer peaceful
countries, destroy their civilizations, kill their men, abduct and
rape their women, molest their children before selling them as
slaves, they excelled in doing exactly this all along their history
and still doing it and proud of it. The statistics of western
countries speaks for themselves, Muslims are the best rapists.
The Allah of islam forbid them to greet Christians and Jews, except
to deceive them by smiling in their faces, while rage and hatred is
filling their hearts.
The Allah of islam commanded them to beat women, and they're the
best and only people to perform this ritual as a religious duty, and
proud of it.
The allah of islam commanded them to molest (marry) little baby
girls, emulating their most honorable prophet of mercy. No one is
doing it better than them. They’re the best.
These are just few examples of
enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong. I ask
muslims to forgive me if I missed any other best attributes, please
feel free to add to the list.
Now, for all of you people out there, that are not enjoining what is
right, and forbidding what is wrong, and feeling left on the side of
the road, just remember, allah is still recruiting. If you’re
already in the hospitality of any penitentiary, you can belong to
the club of the best right there on site. Otherwise, just address
yourself to the nearest mosque.
Just a little advice if I may, try to be convincing, let belief and
faith protrude out of your face like the brother in the picture.
Don’t worry that kafers call him “rage boy.” You go by what allah
say in his “very” holy book, Koran 9:30, “That is a saying from
their mouths. They imitate the saying of the disbelievers of old.
Allâh's Curse be on them, how they are deluded away from the truth!”
For the believers, allah and his prophet are always right on the
money. They have too, after all, they get their 20% cut. You know
what they say, "You always get what you pay for."
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Name: claspur
Date: Monday March 24, 2008
Time: 05:52:38 -0700
Whenever I see Rage Boy, he always looks like he just got kicked in the nuts.
Date: Monday March 24, 2008
Time: 08:50:33 -0700
Mohammad very cleverly used Allah to cover his evil thoughts and deeds.Allah was the pre-Islamic Pagan god.Mohammad lied all along that he was getting revelations from allah,especially when he was in bed with women.I have had also simmilar experiences which are very thrilling and ejaculating.The man was completely nuts like his followers.You must be mentally unstable and sex driven to follow Islam.Islam takes away the thinking ability from muslims and turns them into brainless Zombies.There is nothing but Sex and Savagery in Islam.No wonder the Muslis are backward in every field except sex technology.
Name: Brainiac
Date: Monday March 24, 2008
Time: 09:21:40 -0700
Mohamed was evil and so is ISLAM.
Name: cjk
Date: Monday March 24, 2008
Time: 09:51:45 -0700
Concerning; WHAT MAKES MUSLIMS BELIEVE THE QURAN IS NOT WRITTEN BY MO'. Your long winded arguments only serve to uncover your inherent idiocy! The posting of your comments show anyone with brains how errant the logic of islam is. You should step back, take a breath and read what you write knucklehead. But then again anyone who believes that God wrote that sh*t is an idiot!
Date: Monday March 24, 2008
Time: 11:29:22 -0700
I guess thats why theres so many churches in Saudi Arabia, huh scumbag liar. ANYTHING THESE LIARS SAY IS EASILY DISPROVED BY LOOKING AT DAR AL ISLAM(PISS BE UPON IT). Anything, whether it be their science, technology, mercy, culture, art, peace, tolerance, or anything good.
Name: Great Article!
Date: Monday March 24, 2008
Time: 14:27:02 -0700
Any muslim can refer to Quran 3:110 and state that he is always superior to any non-muslim, even if he is a noble prize winner. That´s why there are hardly any muslim noble prize winners. It´s because Islam makes people arrogant and stupid.
Name: agnostic
Date: Monday March 24, 2008
Time: 14:45:29 -0700
What a hoot - Ye are the best of Peoples. That's why ALL islamic countries are FAILED cesspools given life by non muslims! Filthy muslims. Shame on you for continuing yourself to be trapped in mental retardation since 640.
Name: pmk
Date: Monday March 24, 2008
Time: 19:35:21 -0700
to "some facts about different religion": Your reasoning is lacking. You said "The word ‘Christianity’ doesn’t exist anywhere in the Bible or New Testament! Even Jesus never heard the word ‘Jesus’ during his lifetime!" My answer: Jesus was his NAME, you dope! The archangel Gabriel told Mary she would give birth to a son whose name would be Jesus. Mary and Joseph gave him that name at the time of circumcision. Read the gospel of Luke. "Christianity" is derived from "Christ", which IS in the New Testament. "Buddhism" comes from the person who originated it: Buddha. Those who call themselves Muslims are really mohammedans. No other religion is as exclusive as Islam. Arabic didn't exist at the time of the creation but everyone has to speak arabic to worship your moon god.
Name: tom
Date: Monday March 24, 2008
Time: 20:06:06 -0700
i agree will nearly everything you said, but muslims were not always intolerant in the past. what about the moors in spain, where christians, the jews and the muslims lived in peace. but today, you are right they are terrible
Name: MA Hussain
Date: Monday March 24, 2008
Time: 21:05:40 -0700
Tom, you are not quite correct that Muslims were more tolerant in Moorish Spain than they are today. The fact is: Jews and Christians were Dhimmis and paid Jiziyah all along in Spain. Muslims could convert Christians and Jews to Islam, but preaching to Muslims was a capital crime. Today, at least officially, converting Muslims to other religions is not prohibited in many Muslim countries, such as in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia. Most of all, although the treatment of infidels are not far from equal, nowhere non-Muslims pay the humiliating Jiziyah. Not even in Saudi. You are also talking about the Umayyad Muslim rule in Spain (756-1071). But do you have any idea that throughout history, Umayyads have been called godless by Muslims. Christians had been their major support and mainstay of power. Take note that if anyone talked positively of Umayyads in pre-colonial Muslim world, they could be killed. No one actually dared.
Name: miracle of koran
Date: Tuesday March 25, 2008
Time: 04:17:25 -0700
I like visiting this site,because it passionately expose the deceipt and hypocrisy that is in the demonic doctrine call Islam.The prophet of Islam, the only prophet without any prophetic credentials not even miracle from his demon friend call gabriel could offer him one as proof of divine appointment,but their is the a miracle though that a sane person can read the koran and the hadiths and understand all the asurdities therein and can still believe that Mohammed was a true prophet of the God of the Jews and Christian and be ready to kill and be killed for that corse is really the miracle of the koran.Consider the 1.3billion people ready to blow themselves up just to get access to Mohammed paradise of 'multiple sex and wine '
Date: Tuesday March 25, 2008
Time: 06:22:03 -0700
it's great unfortunate thing in the histoy that all religions hijacked ethical sysytems .They existed well before them .and some religions like islam made them half developed and irrational
Name: ZuK
Date: Tuesday March 25, 2008
Time: 12:10:17 -0700
Hi, Son of the Egyptian :) The lonk doesn't work. Would you check it again for me? Shukran.
Name: MORAL EQUIVALENCE - all religions have hijacked an ethical system
Date: Tuesday March 25, 2008
Time: 12:23:42 -0700
Ignorant, lazy people like using the moral equivalence bull to hide their own incomprehensive grasp of the facts. Stupid statements putting all religions, or governments and cultures for that matter only cloud reality for the simple. Anyone who equates islam with Christianity, Judaism, or Hinduism is an idiot. The Almighty and satan(allah) can both be lumped under 'religion' but they aren't the same.
Name: butt
Date: Tuesday March 25, 2008
Time: 14:41:36 -0700
Check this site out people ?
Name: Cynic
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 01:06:40 -0700
The baptism of Magdi Allam is a watershed event. The Islamists are red in the face. It is not a triumph for Christianity. But it is a small but epochmaking step for Muslims and the world. A person had the courage to publicly renounce Islam and make an example of it. Of course the Islamists would like to kill him. But the flood gates are going to be opened. Soon there will be too many people to be killed . Much more than any number of Islamists can handle. Heres hope, my friends, for a glorious world without islam.
Name: tom
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 01:41:48 -0700
I have one question, how well do muslims treat the poor, the sick and the mentally ill?
Name: Prophet of Islam
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 00:18:16 -0700
Only in Islam their prophet needs prayer from is follower. May Allah give him peace etc. bla bla bla. Never a Christian pray for Jesus, may God give him peace, or a Jewish pray May God give Moses peace, or a Buddhist, may Sidharta PBUH, and so on. How come a prophet still need prayers from his followers? I think a duty from a prophet is to lead people to salvation, not to be prayed for his peace be upon him etc. How can Mo lead to your salvation, Moslem, if he still needs your prayer for his own goodness? Think and use your logic. He is not a prophet, just ordinary man, with the thirst of sex in his mind most of the time.
Name: Wild Bill
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 00:38:47 -0700
Muslims are the Best assembly of ignorant fools I ever known. They believe in a book of lies written by an illiterate admitted liar, thief, murderer, rapist, and pedophile that preaches to his followers to do as he did. It is a philosophy based on hate and violence. They refuse to live in the 21st century and accept any other beliefs but their own. They teach their young to continue this ignorance and intolerance and to offer their lives to kill innocent people in the name of their prophet. What a sad bunch. 90% of the violence in the world is done in the name of allah (piss on his grave). Peace in the world will only be achieved when the last muslim is gone and when people respect the rights of one another. gone.
Name: SomeOne
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 10:55:48 -0700
Endlich - der erste arabische hardcore Anti-Islam-Blog ist da. Endlich - der erste arabische hardcore Anti-Islam- Fotoalbum ist da. --- At last - the first Arab hardcore anti-Islam blog is here. At last - the first Arab hardcore anti-Islam Photo Albums is here. --- أخيرا أول مدونة تعري وتفضح الإسلام أخيرا أول البوم صور يعري ويفضح الإسلام
Name: Dude
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 12:51:57 -0700
Radicals like this nut demonstrate an ignorance that is incomprehensible to an intelligent person. Moderate Muslims, however, have simply been brainwashed and deserver tolerance and patience. Moderates have come to see the fllacy of Islamic doctrine. However, they still have a need to believe in God so they remain conditionally faithful. Praise should be give to these moderates as they advance toward modern civilization. Nuts like Misr who believe in martyrdom as a path to sexual gratification are simply pathetic. It's scary that there are so many like him.
Name: The Prophet Mohammed
Date: Friday March 28, 2008
Time: 13:27:09 -0700
These mohammedans are bigots. They hate everyone including their own and yet want to come and live in our countries and benefit of our hethen laws. The Palestinians alsways want us Europeans to fund their ignorant lot and I do not understand what their own 'brothers' do for charity. It is always we who have to donate and help people who want to kill us! Are we as they say of us - STUPID? Oh, by the way they want to cut my throat as I do not want to be a follower of Muhammed anymore. I was on drugs when I said I would follow that mad son of a bitch. On the other hand becoming a mohammedan is so easy they are desperate for numbers. Still they breed like rabbits and one day their aim to distroy us will succeed. I have delt for many years with them and they are extremly ignorant and bigotted. Yet politicians are so interested in oil that they have forsaken us for our enemy. After all what is the problem of having a few of us killed in trains and on our everyday business for the sake of oil, which by the way without us heathens would not be extracted as those mohammedans do not know how to do it.
Name: mohd ishfaq tantray
Date: Monday March 31, 2008
Time: 03:54:13 -0700
The Controversy being begning ISLAM &charasinity is very worse we muslims are know in very a bad condation & rest on prevail to commond law & degnity of islam which has been proposed by prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him ) before 2000 year ago Mohd Ishfaq Tantray & Friend Atiq Ur Rehman
Date: Monday March 31, 2008
Time: 11:18:53 -0700
Catholicism overtaken by Islam: Vatican VATICAN CITY, March 30: Islam has overtaken Roman Catholicism as the biggest single religious denomination in the world, the Vatican said on Sunday. Monsignor Vittorio Formenti, who compiled the Vatican’s newly-released 2008 yearbook of statistics, said Muslims made up 19.2 per cent of the world’s population and Catholics 17.4 per cent.—Reuters
Name: Terry McMahon
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 14:13:10 -0700
If you read the Koran further on 3:113 - 3:116 you will find that Jews, and Christians are spoken of as believers in God. Most Muslims are good people, and some Muslim corrupt the Koran by taking only excerpts out of the Koran and interpreting them how they want. There are good Christians and Jews. There are also bad Christians and Jews as well. I suggest that those bad Muslims,Christians and Jews are not true believers in God and that their faith is false
Name: infidels find a way out!
Date: Wednesday April 02, 2008
Time: 02:38:05 -0700
wat a plain and easy way to justify insanity...u dont want to follow Islam...then dont...wats the point of talkin abt it when u hate it to this extent...looks like admittingly or not...but u guys are actually so obsessed by Islam itself tat u cant help but talk abt it...even if it is in the negative... ever heard of any Muslim crappin abt other prophets of other religions...NO...THEN BACK OUT AND WAIT TILL U ROT IN HELL!...God help u guys!
Name: 73rd Virgin
Date: Thursday April 10, 2008
Time: 15:39:25 -0700
When 'Abdullah bin Salam heard the arrival of the Prophet at Medina, he came to him and said, "I am going to ask you about three things which nobody knows except a prophet: What is the first portent of the Hour? What will be the first meal taken by the people of Paradise? Why does a child resemble its father, and why does it resemble its maternal uncle" Allah's Apostle said, "Gabriel has just now told me of their answers." 'Abdullah said, "He (i.e. Gabriel), from amongst all the angels, is the ENEMY OF THE JEWS." Allah's Apostle said, "The first portent of the Hour will be a fire that will bring together the people from the east to the west; the first meal of the people of Paradise will be Extra-lobe (caudate lobe) of fish-liver. As for the resemblance of the child to its parents: If a man has sexual intercourse with his wife and gets discharge first, the child will resemble the father, and if the woman gets discharge first, the child will resemble her." This has been scientifically proven to be a lie. Now we know that Mohammad lied when He claimed that he received the answer from God's angel. A liar is not to be trusted, especially one who claims to be speaking in God's behalf. There is no lie in truth. Allah boasts in being the Best Deceiver. Now we have a liar prophet and a deceiver God,, why believe either one?
Name: RE: Terry McMahon
Date: Monday April 14, 2008
Time: 03:18:41 -0700
Jews/Christians do not worship the same God as the Muslims. The muslims who slaughter people do so in obedience to the koran, they have not corrupted it. mohammad's repeated commands for muslims to slay the infidel for refusing to convert to islam is not taken out of context - and there is no context in which that could be justified anyway. The 'good' muslims as you call them who don't torture and behead are either not really muslims, or they are very disobedient muslims! I also wonder what you mean by a 'bad' Christian or Jew? Clearly Christians and Jews do not commit the heinous crimes that muslims do.
Name: gracey
Date: Monday May 05, 2008
Time: 02:56:10 -0700
i really agree to this coz whn i woz a mixed race girl my life woz ruined and den whn i coverted it woz extremely betta so who eva is havin da same problem u can convert to da best religion eva which is ISLAM so do dat now if ur life is ruined and u havent got anything to do with it so plz plz do so and remember no 1 can stop u and remember allah is the only 1 who is goin to b judging you on the DAY OF JUDGMENT AND WHN U DIE dnt fink its jesus or a elephant satue remember its allah whos gnna have ur good and bad deeds and then hes goin to put it on a scale ............. then u will kno whn u die so remember life is to short to hate and to do other stuff so remember whn u r bein bad eg back bite its like eetin da flesh of ur own alive bruva!!
Name: salim ibrahim
Date: Friday May 16, 2008
Time: 05:35:52 -0700
i proud to my salf i m muslim whan i pray i fill good i love our allah and allah is best god bless all muslim.
Name: just sharing my understanding. peace out
Date: Sunday September 14, 2008
Time: 05:58:04 -0700
Islam takes away the thinking ability from muslims and turns them into brainless Zombies. yeah. this religion doesnt give freedom to muslims. what their God only think is himself. Christians don't touch muslims lives, why do they have to kill those inocent people? Those people/believers don't think about the feelings of others. you know, sometimes you must think about your happiness. Think first to those muslims, what do you feel if you lost your family? it hurts right? think about it. sometimes you must also think about yourself and not always about your God. why don't let him kill those inocent people than using you? dont let him become lazy. let him stand on his own.