Saudi Woman Seeks Divorce from Husband for Lifting Veil
14 May, 2008
- In other words, they have no problem with their filth, as long no outsiders know about it, so they can keep boasting and fool the world with their nonexistent morality, let alone moral superiority.
As a general rule, and this is backed up by solid facts and ample proofs, every immorality muslims accuse others with, especially Westerners, you can rest assured that it is no match to the amount of immorality they have in every islamic country with no exception, starting by Saudi Arabia being the Mecca of immorality where a muslim don't even trust his wife with his brother. It will blow anyone's mind to know what's hidden under the hijab, literally.
As an example, muslims take a perfidious pleasure to taunt Christians with the child abuse cases committed by few Catholic priests that were brought to justice. While a wide spread child abuse, and raped young girls by imams and sheiks in mosques and islamic religious schools is no secret to anyone in the muslim's world, and has been debated on arab's satellite tv channels when parents exposed what happened to their children. With the major difference, that no imams or sheiks all along the years has been brought to justice and prosecuted for immorality.
Islam's interest overrides children rights
In islamic countries, islamic authorities have such a power that makes them above the law especially in morality matters, and abused children or raped little girls have no relevancy if it would tarnish islam. Otherwise how islam can claim to be, "the religion of the right path," that keeps people from doing wrong, or for muslims to claim to be, "the best ummah (nation) ever created?"
Nonetheless, no one more than a muslim himself knows better the filth of islam and the immorality of muslims that surpasses any other people on earth, which is all documented for anyone monitoring and up to date with islamic countries and muslims. Luckily we fall in that category.
But when it comes to get even with muslims on morality issues, we don't waste time exposing the mountains of documented filth that covers them from head to toe. We just open for them mohammad and islam's sewers, to bring them to their reality and let them see for themselves that no filth on earth, and no amount of evidences can match the filth of their, "most honorable prophet," and religion, the religion that legislated prostitution, whore houses and pedophilia.
We will blog, in detailed studies, the sewers of islam, which is the highest standard of their morality and pride. That's what we do in our arabic forums on Paltalk for the last nine years, and the result was, and still is devastating for muslims, resulting in the biggest desertion from islam in every arab country, like never seen before, and the momentum is increasing. Destroying islam in the muslim's mind is our aim, we believe that every muslim that leaves islam is one potential terrorist less. For them, the weapon of mass destruction of mohammad and islam, more than being accused with all the terror acts in the world from now till judgment day, is morality. After all, how can you make people ashamed from their own terrorists if the ultimate goal of their religion is to terrorize, kill or enslave the whole world, and their role model is the biggest butcher in history, which they call, "the most honorable, master of the universe."?
To give a muslim a free fall from his towering Don Quichotean lunacy, don't talk to him about islamic terrorism, he'll take you to Israel, the Crusaders, Hitler, native American Indians, black slavery in America, the Pope, Bush, Iraq, Gaza, ... and unless you have a thorough knowledge of history, he'll take you on an unending trip they programmed him with since birth, it's part of the "hate the Western kafir curriculum." The shortcut is to take him to mohammad and islam's morality, and laughable nonsense. That's where he won't find a fig leaf to cover himself.
Stay tuned ...
I'm just posting this for the fun, and the reaction of muslims in the comments .. if islam was not the evil bloody killing machine that it is, it would've been by far the funniest thing that surpasses any imagination, and I really mean it.
Saudi wants divorce after
husband lifts her veil
Never showed her face in 30 years of marriage
For 30 years, the wife said she never showed her face to her husband
in conformity with the tradition of her native village near the
south western Saudi city of Khamis Mushayt.
"After all these years, he tries to commit such a big mistake," the
wife told Saudi newspaper Al-Riyadh, after she left the house in
total disbelief.
This is not the first case of husbands who have not seen their
wives' faces in decades.
In the past Al Arabiya has reported the case of Ali al-Qahtani,
whose wife had been wearing the face veil for the entire ten years
of their marriage. When he tried to take it off, she threatened to
leave and only decided to stay after he swore never to try again.
Hassan Al-Atibi threatened to marry another woman if his wife didn't
show him her face. The woman nominated one of her friends who
doesn't observe this tradition as a possible new wife for him,
saying this would be better than her showing her face.
And neither the husband or children of Om Rabea al-Gahdaray, 70,
have ever seen her face. Al-Gahdaray says it is a family tradition,
also followed by mother and sisters, which her husband accepted and
never tried to change.
When asked how she could have kids without her husband ever seeing
her face, she replied: "Marriage is about love, not faces."
Comments posted by Muslim readers of Al Arabiya
shame on, as news articles like this one present arabs
to be not only close minded, but retarded as well, islam is a great
religion, but people like that have set the worst example of Islam
to the western world, the veil is a tradition used by arab bedouins
in general, not by islam!!!!, and posting such news in english gives
islam a bad name, but again, i wish this was the worst thing that
was done in the name of Islam, as it isnt, oh and if you (alarabiya)
have the tiniest drop of dignity, you would not post such news in
english for the whole world to see as this only happens in very rare
numbers, but then again, im not surprised to see such an article
coming from Alarabiya!! and i wouldnt be surprised if you dont
publish my comment as this website does not believe in freedom of
speech, because this website is a tool to try and give the middle
easterns a fake idea about the american so called "Democracy"
worst example of Islam
shame on because it always shows the worst example of
Islam to the western world I'm not surprised !! because this article
is from AlArabiya
dying with laughter!!!!
This is so funny walahi, i don't even know where to begin. And to
the people talking about dignity and that alarabiya should not have
posted this GET A FREAKING LIFE, for gods sake ever heard of freedom
of speech. This doesn't make arabs look stupid or retarded at all,
it is just highlighting some stupid stuff which goes on in the
Mideast. Next some of you will be saying don't post anything which
doesn't put arabs in good light e.g. bombings, beheadings etc i
guess the list can go on.
This is selective obscure instance of rarest of rare family custom
being masquaraded as ISLAMIC pervasive custom by self-hating west
worshipping Al Arabiya reportage.Why doesn't he write about values
its better to write some thing better than this its madness i mean
they are sick you say she dont show her face to her children and her
husband so you think they are normal ppl. alarabiya dont show the
bad image to the west they think muslim are like this every country
have sick ppl like this islam is the best religion
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Name: islamic psychofanta fearing
Date: Wednesday May 14, 2008
Time: 09:08:52 -0700
islamic psychofanta fearing of extinction of islamic faith like that of egyption faith which latsed for more time period than islam now
Name: Challenge to all infidels from Akhter
Date: Wednesday May 14, 2008
Time: 09:18:22 -0700
Can you write a verse like Quran?
Name: Ali Khalaf to Akhter
Date: Wednesday May 14, 2008
Time: 09:25:15 -0700
Akhter , Muslims have been challenging infidels to write verses like quran since your prophet days. The catch is, when some one comes up with a better verse he gets beheaded. Like your prophet got beheaded the best poets of his days.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Wednesday May 14, 2008
Time: 10:08:49 -0700
ISLAM = CRUELTY+HATRED+violence+TERROR+ POISON+ ILL WILL + curse of ALLA + Fear+ RAPE+ SLAVERY+ beheading+ incest+ homosexuality+ animosity+ fascism . QQURRAN is sewage. MO was bloodthirsty megalomaniac with extreme narrow mind and darkness + pedo+ rapist+ looter .
Name: Jesus - son of mary
Date: Wednesday May 14, 2008
Time: 11:02:43 -0700
smoke screen. Who would believe this? Its not possible to cover your face for that long. Its not even logical. Your hatred and envy has blinded you. God has no father or son.
Name: tanstaafl
Date: Wednesday May 14, 2008
Time: 11:29:25 -0700
Challenge to all infidels from Akhter - Okay, how about - "Don't kill Muslim apostates." There, make sure that gets in the next edition, Akhter.
Date: Wednesday May 14, 2008
Time: 12:11:56 -0700
The Saudi woman was quite justified in seeking divorce from her husband for looking at her face.The husband had seen her pussy/vigina for 40 years,which was probably better looking than her face.Well done Al-Arabia.It is better than the cartoons about mohammad and Islam.Good luck with future stories like that.
Name: Islam Is Intellectual Incest (IIII)
Date: Wednesday May 14, 2008
Time: 12:47:45 -0700
Many muslims do not have any imgagination about alternative thinking. They are enclosed in a tiny world of a book called quran written by an uneducated bedouine who had no idea about advanced philosophy or any developed religion. There is no advanced science in the quran and no advanced theology. The author of the quran quotes from the bible and other sources without understanding it. The style of the quran is not elaborated, it is crude, primitive, sometimes even vulgar and very often false (sperm gushed out from the backbone) by modern standards.
Name: Islam is overdue
Date: Wednesday May 14, 2008
Time: 13:05:18 -0700
Because of IIII (Islam is intellectual Incest) Islam is overdue. There is no development in islam and many intelligent people think that there is no development possible. There are only two options: 100% or 0%. But there is no future for a religion that believes that humans are made from clot!!!
Name: If this can be true,than that in Arabia is nothing!
Date: Wednesday May 14, 2008
Time: 14:13:34 -0700
AMSTETTEN, Austria (CNN) -- Josef Fritzl, who Austrian police say has confessed to imprisoning his daughter for 24 years and fathering seven of her children, twice holidayed in Thailand while she remained trapped in a cellar below his house, according to German media reports.
Name: ibn miser who is going to hear their plight? why don,t you high light their cases?
Date: Wednesday May 14, 2008
Time: 14:22:19 -0700
ract Objective: To ascertain the prevalence of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) in a community sample of Australian women. Design: Retrospective study, done in 1994, of cross-sectional data on the prevalence of CSA, collected as part of a larger two-stage case-control study of the possible relationship between CSA and alcohol abuse. Data were appropriately weighted to adjust for the different selection probabilities of cases and controls. Participants: 710 Women randomly selected from Australian federal electoral rolls. Results: * One hundred and forty-four women (20%) had experienced CSA. * In 14 of these 144 women (10%), the abuse involved either vaginal or anal intercourse (i.e., 2% of the sample population experienced such abuse). * The mean age at first episode of CSA was 10 years, and most (71%) of the women were aged under 12 years at the time. * Perpetrators of the abuse were usually male (98%) and usually known to the child; 41% were relatives. * The mean age of abusers was 34 years, with a median age difference of 24 years from that of the abused individual. * Only 10% of CSA experiences were ever reported to the police, a doctor or a helping agency (e.g., community organisations, such as sexual assault services). Conclusion: The high rates of CSA (estimated to be 20% of all women) and low rates of reporting (10%) indicate the need for general practitioners and other health professionals to be aware that a history of such abuse may be common in women in the general population. MJA 1997; 166: 65-68 Introduction Community-based studies in North America, the United Kingdom and New Zealand have shown that, for women, the prevalence of at least one incident of sexual contact with an adult before age 18 years ranges from 6% to 62%. 1-8 In an Australian study examining the extent of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) among social science students, 28% of the female students and 9% of the male students reported at least one such incident before the age of 16 years. 9 Official figures on the incidence of child abuse (including physical and sexual abuse and neglect) show that, in 1992-93, 59 122 cases were reported and investigated throughout Australia. Of these cases, 27 196 (46%) were officially substantiated, and the number of child sexual abuse cases was 5979 (22%). 10 Because of the secrecy and shame surrounding sexual abuse, the criminal sanctions against it, and the young age and dependent status of the child, it is likely that official statistics seriously underestimate its true extent. 11 To determine the true extent of CSA, prevalence studies that rely on retrospective reports of adult subjects are needed; this study presents epidemiological data on the prevalence of CSA in a community sample of Australian women. Methods Participants recruited The current study was part of a larger two-stage case-control investigation (conducted in 1994) into the relationship between CSA and alcohol abuse in women. Stage 1 of the study involved a postal questionnaire sent to 6000 women randomly selected from Australian federal electoral rolls. Approval for the study was provided by the ethics committee of the Australian National University. A total of 3958 (66%) valid responses were received. Women who had an alcohol problem were identified as cases from their answers to this questionnaire. Stage 2 of the survey involved sending all women identified as having an alcohol problem ( n= 184) and a random selection of controls (i.e., women identified as not having an alcohol problem [ n= 910]) a second questionnaire, which explored childhood sexual experiences. This paper reports the results of analysis of the responses to this second questionnaire.
Date: Wednesday May 14, 2008
Time: 15:14:07 -0700
The story at Islam Watch and also by Al Arabia is false,the real truth is that the husband had a drinking habit and also d a lot. The situation got so bad that he sold his wife for a night while gambling ,it is here that he asked her to lift her vial so the other person could see her,and so she refused and applied for divorce. DOES THIS MAKE SENSE OR THE CRAP BY IBN MISER?
Name: y.m to Akhtar
Date: Wednesday May 14, 2008
Time: 15:46:09 -0700
Akhtar,Please before you challenge to infidels,study the islamic history.If you did not study the islamic history,then please read the articals on the web site of faith freedom,especialy read articale,Is the Quran realy inimitable published on dated,26-5-2006,on faith freedom web look stupid to challange the infidles again and again,The Quran,s challeng has been met by many infidles,but sofor no Muslims meet the challange of Dr,Ali Sina,s.what a disgrace and Shame on all of you.
Name: To: Brother Akhter From: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Wednesday May 14, 2008
Time: 18:08:53 -0700
Greetings Brother. The Qur'an is miraculous indeed. Please read my article published about miracles of the Qur'an. I "discovered" how miraculous the Qur'an is. It is the most boring book to read in arabic. In fact, I challenge all infidels and jews to write a sura that is more boring than the suras of the "Miraculous" Qur'an. Please read the article brother. By the way brother Mumin Salih and Ali Sina did write some material that really show how miraculous the Qur'an is. Well brother, you ask for a sura like it, we give you the suralikeit website. But then you are not happy with that and accuse us that this is a "Christian propaganda site". Well brother, Christians are very civilized people. Their leader was a man of love, peace, forgiveness, and mercy (in short, the antithesis of Muhammad). But lets put that aside, and tell me this: What is it that will convince you that indedeed we have a sura better than the Qur'an. Whatever we'll say, you'll say: No, this is propaganda. So, Can you please specify your requirement for a sura better than the Qur'an? [believe it or not brother, that is a low standard indeed. The Qur'an is a hodge podge on unrelated verses in the same sura, full of contradictions, hate, and evil]. Any way just tell us the details of your standards for a sura better than the Quran, because whatever we say, you'll reject right from the start. Peace brother
Name: Challenge to all infidels from Akhter
Date: Wednesday May 14, 2008
Time: 18:26:44 -0700
Even if all infidels and jins got together, they cannot write a single verse like a quranic verse.
Name: To: Akhter From: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Wednesday May 14, 2008
Time: 19:45:54 -0700
Peace Brother. I rest my case. From your last comment, it is evident you have no ability of critical thinking whatsoever. If you really think the Qur'an is miraculous, then there is no fixing for a retarded mind. Any decent book is a hundred fold better than the Qur'an. The Qur'an is a book of hate and evil. Brother, FFI has just published my article on Islam and Terrorism. Read it. I loaded it with verses from the Qur'an. Read those verses and tell me if there is anything miraculous about them. Peace brother
Date: Wednesday May 14, 2008
Time: 20:17:41 -0700
The worst religion in the world with the worst people in the world.
Name: Malaysian Murtad
Date: Wednesday May 14, 2008
Time: 23:07:25 -0700
Those clueless muslim still didn't see how Islam teaches & promotes nonsense. In Malaysia too since the 80's have cases where Ustazs ( islamic Teachers) rape and molested underage girls. Most of of the time muslims pretends to be moral to Kafirs. Many muslims in malaysia secretly loves to drink Danish Beer " Carlsberg".
Name: The Baconator
Date: Wednesday May 14, 2008
Time: 23:10:16 -0700
God wrote the koran while drunk. That's why it forbids booze. Get drunk enough and you'd get the joke.
Name: antimod
Date: Thursday May 15, 2008
Time: 00:02:48 -0700
Is there any purpose in making discussions, cursing everytime the Islam and its followers. It is all futile since muslims are half witted and are not amenable to logic. Think of how you can demolish this draconian faith and convert its followers to free thinkers. Gird up and get ready for a big fight and fight till islam is totally thrown out of the earth. Peace will prevail then. Greece produced great thinkers and philosophers so long as they were pagans. The day they became monotheists the graph of creativity took a deep dive. Dogmas stiffle and enslave human mind.
Name: Asma
Date: Thursday May 15, 2008
Time: 00:17:33 -0700
Islam eradicates women as humans. This woman was following Mohammed's rules -- a man who serially raped women after murdering their families, after sending their boy children to be raped by his generals, after killing young mothers for daring to oppose him. She is simply taking the Muslim prophet's rules to their natural limit; a woman as a faceless breeding animal. She is the epitome of the Muslimah. A shadow, a nothing, nameless and faceless, wrapped in black cloth.
Name: balam to akhter
Date: Thursday May 15, 2008
Time: 01:10:44 -0700
It is sickening to hear the challenge by akhter like his prophet to produce a verse like quran by a demented parrot.You have got to be LUNATIC to write verses as you find in quran.End of argument.
Name: to Akhter, challenge to all infidels from akhter.
Date: Thursday May 15, 2008
Time: 03:17:58 -0700
How can you be so naive? Are you under-educated? With that stubborn character of you, I guess you're not even pass high school, let alone academic or university level. If you ever learn about philosophy, logical reasoning, you won't be that stubborn. And I think if ever you pass high school, then maybe you made it in over than 10 years. Poor Akhter. Still blinded by the 'glory' Quran? Open your eyes then, use your logic, not your blind faith to a warlord who claimed himself as a prophet. I've read your challenge to infidel in several writing in this web-site, but here you just only say: "Can you write a verse like Quran?" Why the change? I read that the challenge has been met by someone claimed himself as infidels, and to my astonishment, what he wrote is better, far more better than your verse. You don't dare to mention any verse again, Akhter? Because you know, someone will be able to make a sentence, better than your verse. How coward of you. I think it is better for you to hide under your mother gown hereinafter, then nobody will see you again in this world. Oh, you can go on living with your mother breastfeeding you all the time.
Name: ZuK
Date: Thursday May 15, 2008
Time: 07:14:13 -0700
To Khalil: What's your source for your alternative version of what happened? Or is is just creative writing --------------------- to Akhter: Man, you are SOOOO right - I've been sitting here with a bunch of jinnis for days and the best verse we could come up with is "Akhter, poor dumbass, go get some f***ing education and then start issuing challenges." Really, man, these jinnis keep flying around and spitting fire, but their literary talents are rather week. They make very good company, though. So, I bow before the miraculous, inimitable incongruency of you Kitab and its defenders. Actually, no, here is a verse BETTER than the one in Qur'an (and I wrote it all by myself!): "To me my lack of religion, to you your stupid superstitions." There we go. I won.
Name: akhter
Date: Thursday May 15, 2008
Time: 07:32:51 -0700
Zuk ,you poor bastard,is this the best you could do with your excilent education ?Let the readers be the judge of the crap you just heaped.
Name: james
Date: Thursday May 15, 2008
Time: 07:36:45 -0700
what a shame this silly muslim,ignored the teachings of his faith and picked the bad habbits of the kafirs,gambling, drinking,and seeking help other than Allah,then get ready for the con ciquances.
Name: al
Date: Thursday May 15, 2008
Time: 11:02:49 -0700
Zuk's verse is really good. Better than anything in the quran.
Date: Thursday May 15, 2008
Time: 15:17:35 -0700
there we go --- i won, zuk you are so fucked up ,please go and do your cow dung worship.
Name: ZuK
Date: Saturday May 17, 2008
Time: 06:13:20 -0700
You won... the super Leather Dildo, my friend. Shove it up your... spirit.
Date: Saturday May 17, 2008
Time: 15:40:15 -0700
This is what i call real entertainment ,and this is also what this crappy website and ffi deserve. zuk do you sprinkle cow piss on your food,do you close your eyes,or keep a watch to see where most of it drops.why are you so pale in appearence? must be lack of meat,they say most Indians [Hindus] have a very small willy. ha haa haaa. Watch out for them meat eaters, they carry big weapons.
Name: hahaha
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 01:50:42 -0700
akhter you really believe there are virgins waiting you in heaven??! haha, how brainwashed you are, maybe because you are made from clot....hahaha
Name: hahaha
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 01:52:17 -0700
akhter you really believe there are virgins waiting you in heaven??! haha, how brainwashed you are, maybe because you are made from clot....hahaha
Name: ZuK
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 08:29:34 -0700
Akhter, my poor moronic child... what leads you to think that I have anything to do with Sanat Dharma, or Hinduism, or anything at all with Bharatashtra's religions? I don't. But even *if* I did, then SO WHAT? Are your Indian references meant as an *insult* to me? My dear... You are deeply unable not only to read between lines, but to read the LINES. What do you think my surah meant: "To me my LACK OF RELIGION, to you your stupid superstitions"??? Too much halwa and too little protein have damaged your brain, Akhter.
Name: existence with respect- Message for Akhther
Date: Monday May 19, 2008
Time: 04:17:28 -0700
U seem to be gloating u r meat eating habits. U feel u have done a big job of killing mute animals to fill u r belly. Even that is justified for u - right. By the way even u r a product of forced or pervert conversion. Think over it. U r forefathers may have licked money to get converted or would have been cowards to do that on face of swords... Think
Name: jacinth malubay
Date: Wednesday May 21, 2008
Time: 05:38:59 -0700
I bilieved islam is a good religion even I'm a genuine christian believer,but it doesn't work that way in some cases that showing the faces to the legal husband is not permitted at all,is a crapped idea.Islam doesn't allow things that is unfair to all mankind.Islamist is not the true islam.Islam is a compassionate religion which I learnt from my neighbouring muslim community
Name: B
Date: Friday May 30, 2008
Time: 13:36:16 -0700
Name: B
Date: Friday May 30, 2008
Time: 13:37:20 -0700
Just another Muslim bashing website (yawn), get a life, or a girlfriend?
Name: Mo
Date: Sunday June 01, 2008
Time: 05:21:26 -0700
You must be the most intillegent person on earth and deserve an award for your essay. For sure you have won an award in the hearts of all muslims who have read this article it's a great award which is known as hellfire. You sad little impitent little boy. May guidence be sent your way, the wonderful thing about the net is that you can find anyone. Every Soul shall tast Death.
Name: sammy
Date: Wednesday July 16, 2008
Time: 15:29:17 -0700
That's BS, I don't believe this ..... I will never buy this .... This is ATTACKING the Truth or I should say HieJackin The Truth.... Blind ppl like you should go to hell fire ... straight flight
Name: aston
Date: Monday July 28, 2008
Time: 13:55:38 -0700
i think theres problem with wife for not shoeing her face which she has right so its fair..........
Name: Slave of Muhammed (Pbuh&p)
Date: Saturday September 13, 2008
Time: 15:30:59 -0700
you have the media power but still your religion is only about drinking and screwing girls on xmas.... we dnt have media power but Isalm is still the fastest growing religion in American and the world.and majority of the coverts are women.if we have this media power i can assure you within one month the whole world will become muslim.. .. Isalm is against CRUELTY+HATRED+violence+TERROR+ POISON+ ILL WILL + RAPE+ SLAVERY+ beheading of innocent+ incest+ homosexuality+ animosity+ fascism, your culture promotes Alcohol, non marital sex, pork eating, exploiting womens, pornography, which is destroying the institute of family, i can understand you coz if islam one day dominates the world all of these evil multi billion dollar industries will come to an end... this is what you are scared of, and to avoid this to happen you simply trying to present a fake islam in front of the world.... but let me tell you evil will vanish at the end, and end is yet to come.....