Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

Articles, Comments

Safety Manual for Internet Critics of Islam

I have had a lot of people write to me after my article. I would like to thank each one of you for your kind words of support. I have also been heartened at the number of ex-Muslims writing to me. This is for those people who live in muslim lands. Anyone in the free world (ie the west) will not require this information.

I also realized that the ones in the muslim lands are unique. They can see through centuries of lies, indoctrination, hate mongering and fear taught to us since childhood by the cult of Islam.
If you are living in one of the muslim lands there is a good chance of:
a.      The government trying to block sites that show the true nature of Islam like etc
b.      The government and/or the ISP trying to monitor internet traffic and the individuals.
You will also have draconian laws, which will proscribe death to those individuals that talk rationally against the pedophile Muhammad, or his cult, Islam.
Here is what happens when you use your internet:

Your House
(Your computer is assigned a unique IP by your ISP)

----request Data-->
(Data is sent to your ISP as http which can be read as text).
< --website data sent  ---
          to you  through ISP

Your ISP
Monitors traffic .


-----------------  >
Additionally the ISP knows which site you want to visit
< -- information -----
       from website
       in http text sent to you through ISP

Your Target Website.
e.g FFI

Here is what will happen when you follow the procedures listed below

Your House
(Your computer is assigned a unique IP by your ISP)

----request Data-->
(Data is requested from proxy by your computer in encypted form which cannot be read by ISP).
< ------
encrypted website data sent to you from proxy through ISP

Your ISP
Sees garbage : ) and cannot monitor traffic. They only see the proxy sites

< ----- >
the ISP only sees proxy site
< ------  > information        from proxy
in encrypted form. Not readable by ISP

Proxy site (or tor) sits between your ISP and your website

proxy requests information from your target website

Your Target Website

1. There is nothing to fear. There is no way that anyone can see what you are doing once you follow the simple steps listed below.

2. You are special. You are special because on your own accord you have been able to see through the lies that your countrymen follow. Think of Galileo going against conventional wisdom. Remember the numbers that follow Islam is not an indicator of its accuracy but an indicator of the delusions of humankind and their inability to be rational in the face of constant indoctrination. They need to be taught they need to have their minds opened. Rejoice and be happy that you are sensible, astute and sane.

3. You have been gifted and so it is your responsibility to fight against this evil that corrupts our society, our morality, our lives. If you have children think of the society that they might grow up in if you do nothing. Would you like your country to be another Talibanized Afghanistan, would you like your son to be a Muhammad Atta?  Would you not like the freedom to think and choose as do others in this world?

Here are some simple steps, which will ensure that you can continue to access sites blocked by your government in safety, and some steps to keep your data encrypted.
1. Never use your real name instead use a Pseudonym or pen name in any written communication to anyone concerning Islam.

2. Don't argue with other muslims especially in public. These discussions will seldom persuade one to change their faith overnight, which has been indoctrinated into them since childhood. Instead write (email) to them anonymously. Make sure you don't give away your identity. You can also put your thoughts down on paper more logically. I have had childhood friends turn against me in an instant, they just can't cope with the truth about Islam!

  1. If you live in a muslim country be careful of how you use the internet here are some tips that will ensure that the government or your ISP will not be able to spy on your internet activities:

a.  Use the firefox browser at  this has fewer bugs and backdoors in it-
b.  Avoid accessing Islam sensitive sites at the office. Someone could look over your shoulder.

    1. When surfing websites use a free proxy like   or   or   remember to check yes to all options.  This encrypts all inbound and outbound communication and also hides the sites that you visit so people can't see what information you receive or where you are getting it from. 

    2. Use hushmail at  this encrypts the traffic between your computer and their server in this way the ISP cannot see what you are sending.

The above procedures will ensure that the government or the ISP cannot track you on the internet

Additionally you can also (highly recommended) 

    1. Use a onion router (download the software bundle (1 file has all the programs) from )  install the file  .

    2. Download the tor button link from  and install this file. In firefox if there is a yellow indication at the top asking you to allow content from Add this to your trusted sites and click on the above tor button link again click yes to load the software into the firefox browser.

    3. You will now see a tor-enabled indication in green in the lower right corner. This is an indication that your communication is encrypted and you can browse any site without either the government or your ISP able to track you, it will seem as if you are accessing college sites etc...

    4. Use Norton or the free antivirus Antivir from 

    5. Use the free firewall

 Simple, isn't it? :)

There is no reason to be afraid. These steps will ensure that your communication is secure and you are able to use the internet without fear. Remember you are special and you have a gift. The pen is mightier than the sword. Contribute your thoughts and ideas to FFI and other similar sites so that you may save others. A better future awaits us but we must make this future. We must struggle.

Albert Einstein:

The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.

Aldous Huxley:

At least two thirds of our miseries spring from human stupidity, human malice and those great motivators and justifiers of malice and stupidity, idealism, dogmatism and proselytizing zeal on behalf of religious or political idols. 

Be safe, be secure, fight this wicked cult named Islam.

Here are some simple steps, which will ensure that you can continue to access sites blocked by your government in safety, and some steps to keep your data encrypted.

1. Never use your real name instead use a in any written communication to anyone concerning Islam.

 2. Don't argue with other Muslims especially in public. These discussions will seldom persuade one to change their faith overnight, which has been indoctrinated into them since childhood. Instead write (email) to them. Make sure you don't give away your identity. You can also put your thoughts down on paper more logically. I have had childhood friends turn against me in an instant, they just can't cope with the truth about Islam!

a. Use the firefox browser at   this has fewer bugs and backdoors in it- 

b. Avoid accessing Islam sensitive sites at the office. Someone could look over your shoulder.                                 

There is no reason to be afraid. These steps will ensure that your communication is secure and you are able to use the internet without fear. Remember you are special and you have a gift. The pen is mightier than the sword. Contribute your thoughts and ideas to FFI and other similar sites so that you may save others. A better future awaits us but we must make this future. We must struggle.    Be safe be secure fight this wicked cult named Islam.

Mohammad Abdullah can be reached at