Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

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Divine justice and the Quran

No religion that believes in God denies God's fairness and justice, yet according to the Quran only abiding Moslems will enter paradise, while all other people in the world will end up in hell. In 3:85, 5:85, 7:36 and few others confirm beyond any doubt that those who do not believe in Islam will end up in the blazing fire of hell. If this is true then God has no understanding of justice or fairness, but rather a sadist and a mass murderer on a horrific scale, since according to His Islamic teachings all those who do not believe in Islam will end up in the blazing fire of hell. The point here that since God is the creator of all humans on this earth, and diversifying His selection of creating humans in different religions then it looks so unfair to send these non-Islamic creatures to the blazing hell for His own doing (creation). God creates you in a certain religion then He punishes you for such creation! Of course many Islamic apologists tend to explain such unfairness by claiming that each one of us had the choice of becoming a Moslem and thus avoiding God's wrath. Such an argument is so nave when we realize that more than 99% of people on this planet tend to remain in the religion of their birth, since religion is only an accident of birth. Furthermore those apologists assume that by reading the Quran one had his golden opportunity to become a Moslem. They don't realize that an open minded individual who honestly seeks knowledge from the Quran would be very disappointed, if not shocked, at the many contradictions in the Quran and its opposition to scientific knowledge or even simple logic. Other Islamic apologists use the argument that being a Moslem means that you simply believe in God, which of course might give a chance of salvation for the people of the book, but excludes all other billions of people who do not exactly believe in God as the creator of all things. Further more such an argument is easily debunked by the Quranic verse 48:13 which stipulates that those who do not believe, not only in God, but also in the Moslem messenger Mohamad will also end up in the blazing fire of hell.

The behavior of the Moslem God in the Quran does not lend any encouragement for one who seeks true knowledge when He is described in the Quran as the greatest of all deceivers (3:54) and the best of all creators (23:14) (how many creators are there?). How could an honest researcher accept that the sun sets in a mud hole on earth as in the Quranic verse: 18:83-86? In verse: 40:74 God misleads the unbelievers, in other words He misleads the already misled! While in verse 14:14 He misleads whoever He wants! Does that make any sense? Verse 17:16 shows how God can plot to erase an entire village by ordering its well to do inhabitants to commit adultery to give Him the excuse to wipe out the entire village including the innocents who did not commit any offense!

How could anyone with a reasonable mind accept such qualities of such a cruel and unfair God? These teachings can only contribute to animosity to Islam and contribute to inter-religious wars that would claim hundreds of millions of victims from all sides.