Inconsistencies and Contradictions in the
by Mohammad
claim that the Quran is a literal inspiration from God; word by
word and letter by letter which means you cannot find any one
mistake or contradiction since God does not commit any mistakes.
But in 2:97 God says that it was Mohammad's heart that was
inspired which implies inspired images not words since words are
inspired to the mind. Actually nothing could be inspired to the
heart since it lacks the mechanism of memory. Below you should
find few of the contradictions and consistencies that do not befit
the almighty God.
2:23. if you have doubts about
our revelations to our servant ( Mohammad) call on your martyrs
(Shohadaikum). It should be call on your partners ( Shorakaikum)
as no one would call on the dead people to witness anything.
86:7 human sperms originate from between
the back and the ribs, which contradicts the science of embryology
which stresses that sperms originate from the testicles.
4: 78, 79. Verse 78 says that all
actions good or evil come from God while the verse 79 says that
good comes from God while evil comes from humans, an obvious contradiction.
37:139-145 Jona ( Younis) was ejected from the
belly of the whale, while in 68:48-49 Jona was not ejected. Which
is it ejected or not ejected?
2:6-7 God blinded the unbelievers as
he closed their hearts, their vision and their hearing. Why would
the loving God, who wanted everyone to believe, do that?
2:10 The kuffars are sick in their hearts
and God increased their sickness. Is that logical that God would
increase their sickness instead of healing them?
2: 264 God does not guide the Kuffars. Really?
Isn't like the physician who would not treat the sick? Who
needs guidance the believer or the unbeliever?
4:88 Do you want to guide those that God had
misled? Is that possible that the all loving God would mislead
His own creatures?
6:149 If God wished He would have guided all of
you. Status quo proves then that God did not wish to guide all!
Obviously he did not want everyone to believe.
13: 33 If God misleads his creature no one can guide
them. Again is it possible that the most merciful not only misleads
his creatures but He does not want anyone else to guide them.
14:4 God misleads whoever He wants and guide whoever
He wants. Aren't we here witnessing God's racism when He
is being selective in guidance?
91:8 God inspires humans their good and evil. If
God, in His unlimited capability, inspires good and evil for all
beings, then we are either doomed or saved right from the beginning
and we have no other alternative. Repentance means nothing when
such a decision was already made.
18:83-86 Zu-El Qarnin found out that the sun sets
in a hole of murky water. Really? The sun which is so much larger
than the earth would set in a murky hole on the same earth. Those
who claim that such a statement is attributed only to Zu-Al Qarnin
are easily debunked by the holy hadeeth where Mohammad confirms
the setting of the sun in a hole of murky water to Abu-Darr.
23:12-14 in Quranic embryology a stage is
reached when it becomes bones then the bones are dressed with
flesh ! Ignoring of course that the two flesh and bones are developed
simultaneously in humans.
17:1 Mohammad visited Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa. The
problem is that there was no Masjid Al-Aqsa nor any other masjid
during the life of Mohammad since Islam entered Palestine after
Omar Bin El Khattab conquered Palestine after the death of the
prophet. Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa was built almost sixty years after
the death of Mohammad by Marwan bin Abdelmalik.
23:14 blessed Allah the best of all creators.
How many creators do we have?
88: 20 The earth has been flattened. An obvious
contradiction to simple science.
19:25 Shake the palm tree talking to Mary. First of all
Bethlehem is a mountainous city where no palm trees grow anyway.
Secondly dates from a palm tree mature in the summer time not
the cold winter of December. Thirdly Christ was born in a manger.
Fourthly it takes a superman to be able to shake the trunk of
a palm tree.
5: 73 He blasphemes who says that God is one
of three gods. Not defending Christianity, but no Christian claims
that there are three gods. Obviously Mohammad was confused about
the trinity which describes God as one with three different characters.
Of course this claim is debatable.
31:10 God created the heavens and supported them with invisible
pillars. Obviously Mohammad thought that the sky is nothing but
some kind of a big tent which needs pillars to support it, but
invisible (since we can't see them). One should wonder about
the millions of airplanes that fly everywhere without bumping
into them!
71:15-16 God created the seven stories heavens and made
the moon as a source of light in these heavens. The earth could
hardly be seen by any distant star within the first level of heaven,
let alone its moon. How then the same moon would light up the
environment in other levels when it could hardly be seen or light
our first level of heavens?
poor authors of tafseer could not come up with any credible explanations
to any of the above, as they naively try in vain to unveil the
above contradictions.