When the Arab Intellectuals Debated Muhammad
15 Jun, 2008
This article is a byproduct of my search to find any shred of evidence to the Muslims’ claims that the Quran stunned the early Arabs. This is another topic, which, hopefully will be the subject of another article. All the evidence in the Islamic sources, including the Quran, point to the fact that the Quran was never liked by the early Arabs, or indeed by any intellectual Arab, even in our time. This article is a blow to those Muslim scholars who have the cheek to make their claims in the face of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. It is also in honour of those great minds of the Meccan Arabs, who, without shedding a drop of blood exposed Mohammed and his lies and attempted thwart Islam’s advance.
The background
The seventh century Mecca was a thriving city and a fully
established commercial and cultural center in Arabia. A climate of
religious tolerance prevailed that allowed all tribes to practice
their religions freely. The pre Islamic Arabs were not isolated in
their peninsula but kept in touch with the outside world. They mixed
and traded with the neighboring nations and were well aware of the
cultures and civilizations in the north and the south. The Arabs had
already established two kingdoms in the north that had strategic
alliances with the Romans and the Persians. The Arabs had their own
refined culture as reflected in their fine poetry, which the Arabs
still consider to be the best they ever had.
Mohammed made use of the prevailing religious-tolerance culture,
and claimed he was a prophet. The Meccan Arabs did not automatically
reject his claims, but they gave him a chance to present his case to
a group of well-known intellectuals- the chance to make any
clarifications or to answer any questions. Those intellectuals of
Mecca included Abul Hakam Ibn Hisham and Al Nadr Ibn AlHarith. Both
were well-traveled, and articulated and renowned for their wisdom
and profound knowledge of the neighboring cultures. Those
intellectuals read with open, but critical minds what Mohammed had
purportedly claimed Allah had revealed in his Quran. Those men must
have noticed that the Quran contained many serious errors and
expected Mohammed to give good reasons for his claims of divine
revelations. Those Arab intellectual demanded answers and
clarifications to the many questions raised by the Quran and
Mohammed’s claims as all intellectuals would do when they review a
new literary wok. Those critics were asking the same questions about
the Quran that we still ask in our time without getting any answers
from the Muslims scholars.
It appears that Mohammed was taken aback when those great men of
Mecca pointed to the weaknesses of the Quran. They pressed hard
demanding answers and explanations to the irrationalities they
spotted in the Quran, but Mohammed stood there, wordless and
powerless. The debate left Mohammed psychologically traumatized.
When the intellectual grilling was over, Mohammed began to recall
the events of the day and the stressful moments he endured. He
recalled some of the hard questions he couldn’t answer and framed
them in new verses as a means to preserve his self-esteem. Mohammed
recorded his feelings about that debate in the Quran, as he often
did in times of stress.
Here are a few samples of those verses expressing Mohammed’s
frustration (Translation of Hilali and Khan)
In these verses, the troubled Mohammed was talking to himself
through his imaginary god; one could sense that he probably wished
if he had never mentioned the Quran to the Meccans at all:
7: 2. the Qur'ân sent down unto you so let not your breast be narrow therefrom….
11: 12. So perchance you may give up a part of what is revealed
unto you, and that your breast feels straitened for it ….
20: 2. We have not sent down the Qur'ân unto you to cause you distress.
In sura 21 (Anbyaa), Mohammed indirectly admits his failure and
describes clearly what the Arabs thought of him and his Quran:
21: 5. .. they say:"These are mixed up false dreams! Nay, he has invented it! Nay, he is a poet! Let him then bring us an Ayâh (sign as a proof) like the ones that were sent before
According to the above verse, the Arabs described the Quran as dream hallucinations, or fabrications, and asked Mohammed to produce a convincing proof like the previous prophets did. This is clear evidence that the Arabs did not believe the Quran had what it takes to be accepted as a convincing proof. Contrary to what modern Muslims claim, far from being stunned on hearing the Quran, the Arabs of Mecca spotted its inferior style. Immediately and rightly they concluded that Mohammed must have made it up. The Arabs had contacts with the neighboring nations and were aware of the ancient religious beliefs. The contents of the Quran were not new to them and they correctly described it as just old tales:
16: 24. And when it is said to them: "What is it that your Lord has sent down?" They say: "Tales of the men of old!"
More interesting revelations come in sura 19 (Yunis) where the
Quran clearly describes how the Arabs expressed their distaste to
its language style. The Arabs openly asked Mohammed to discard the
nonsense he had been uttering and say something of higher standard.
Failing that, they suggested to him to do some corrections and
editing to make his Quran acceptable. Understandably, Mohammed’s own
opinion was that the Quran was good and that was the best answer he
could provide. He expected every body else to share him his opinion
about his Quran. The last thing he wanted to hear was that his Quran
was full with mistakes and needed amendments. The following verse
describes that tense moment as Mohammed stood, totally astounded, in
front of those intellectuals. He was unprepared for the critical
remarks by those highly knowledgeable scholars. As reflected in his
answer, he was surprised, confused and shaken in his confidence. One
would expect Mohammed to stand firm in defense of his Quran and to
clarify any inaccuracies or ambiguous parts. Instead, he unashamedly
retreated and blamed it all on Allah! When the Meccans pressed for
answers, Mohammed’s response was most disgraceful: I cannot bring
you better than this and don’t blame me for it, I only follow
10: 15. And when Our Clear Verses are recited unto them, those who hope not for their meeting with Us, say: Bring us a Qur'ân other than this, or change it."Say "It is not for me to change it on my own accord; I only follow that which is revealed unto me.
As a result of that debate Mohammed’s lies and personality were
exposed. As the Arab intellectuals made a mockery of him because of
his inability to defend his Quran or justify his claims, he suffered
of intellectual defeat and embarrassing social humiliation. Allah
understood well Mohammed’s disposition, He quickly revealed:
21:36. …they take you not except for mockery..
25: 41. And when they see you, they treat you only as a mockery
Mohammed lived about five years in Mecca after this debate, but
his activities came to a near standstill. Having discovered his true
personality, the Meccan Arabs treated him as a madman and turned
away from him. But they had full respect for his civil rights. They
did not see in him a significant danger to the society more than any
other madman would pose. They left him alone in his imaginary world
and allowed him to believe in whatever religion he wanted. This is
well described in the Quran in the following verses:
44: 14. Then they had turned away from him and said: "One taught by others, a MADMAN!"
37: 36. ..they said: "Are we going to abandon our gods for the sake of a MAD POET?
52: 29. … you are neither a soothsayer, nor a MADMAN.
The pre Islamic Arabs were not new to dealing with people who
claimed to be prophets. At that time it was a booming business in
Arabia. They were aware that any man may claim to be anything, but
their claims die with them. The Meccan Arabs just ignored Mohammed
as they would ignore any madman. This strategy had worked well while
he was still in Mecca. Mohammed’s movement became idle and Islam
appeared to be doomed in its infancy. Mohammed himself considered
suicide as described in the Quran:
18:6. Perhaps, you, would kill yourself with grief, over their footsteps, because they believe not in this narration.
26:3. It may be that you are going to kill yourself with grief, that they do not become believers
(Please note that the translators added to both verses the words
‘with grief’, which do not exist in the Quran. This is another
example of the deceptive translation of the Quran where the
translators immediately shield the gloomy meaning of the verse).
However, Mohammed’s fortunes changed dramatically when he met
people from the Aws and the Khazraj tribes of Yathreb. Those
brainless and spineless Arabs allowed Mohammed and his followers in
their city. It didn’t take Mohammed more than a few months to take
over the city in which he was supposed to be a guest. Mohammed used
the resources now available to him to establish his state. The Aws
and Khazraj had no further role to play in the Islamic history;
their name vanished completely within a generation after they gave
their country to Mohammed on a silver platter.
The story of the above debate says it all about Islam. Mohammed
lost the intellectual debate as Muslims still do to our time, but he
won the battle of the sword, which I hope that Muslims will not win
this time. Mohammed never forgot his intellectual humiliation in
Mecca from which he never recovered. Sadly, but expectedly, Mohammed
went back with his forces and used his sword to settle an old score.
As a warlord, Mohammed’s first priority was to kill both men who
defeated him intellectually.
I am afraid that as far Islam is concerned, the pen is not mightier than the sword.
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Mumin Salih is a Middle Eastern ex-Muslim. He can be contacted at rawandi@googlemail.com
Big Deal! Meccans still joined in Islam's conquests!
Sunday June 15, 2008
07:45:16 -0700
The Meccans could have killed him when he returned. They didn't. Instead they surrendered. What's with them asking him to "modify" the Quran? That shows they were trying to negotiate with him even then. You don't negotiate with bullies. It also doesn't excuse the Meccans who then used Islam to enrich themselves at the cost of all the civilizations with which they had come into contact. Maybe some intellectuals rejected Mohammed early on, but when he prevailed they followed right along with him and pursued their dreams of glory. That pursuit continues to this day. Trying to make heroes of ancient Meccans just because they once said "no" to Mohammed just won't wash.
Sunday June 15, 2008
10:01:23 -0700
Its quite hard to stand up for youe beliefs when there is a maniac like muhammed and his minions standing with a sword ready to chop your head. At least that would be a quick death. But they preferred to stone people to death which is a more painful, slow and traumatising death.
Not correct to demonise Arabs. The fault is Islam.
Sunday June 15, 2008
10:17:04 -0700
It would be wrong to demonise the Arabs because of Islam. The non-Muslims must stand united to destroy Islam and the centres that propagate this vile ideology. We need to destroy Mecca, Alazhar University and Mosque. If need be all who stand to defend this vile ideology must be immediately beheaded and send to heaven to enjoy the 72 virgins.
Excellent Article!
Sunday June 15, 2008
10:46:34 -0700
Perhaps the best article I ever read here. It is one of the most revealing facts that the quran itself points repeatedly to the many contemporary scholars and well educated people who read the quran and slammed, rejected and laughed at it. The ancient scholars did have an idea about the difference between quality and quackery. Quran is so full of errors and contradictions concerning logic, history, schience and theology. It is sometimes lengthy and boring, sometimes volatile. It´s style is not great in any way but swanky. It was not written by anybody with good education, sometimes the quran even turns out to be vulgar. It is, according to the great german philosopher Schopenhauer, "a wretched book".
Why the quran cannot be written by god
Sunday June 15, 2008
11:40:34 -0700
The style is not plain and simple but clumsy. There is no hidden wisdom at all. The author does not really understand what he is talking about and contradicts himself very often.
Sunday June 15, 2008
14:17:02 -0700
if the Quran is not from God , and is written by a man or men some 1500 years ago, they set you the highly educated modern man a little challange , may be some Arabs tried then ,but they failed , now it is up to you to restore the pride of the kafirs to meet the challange AND PRODUCE A CHAPTER JUST LIKE ANY ONE IN THE GLORIOUS QURAN, IBN KAMANU THE PARROT YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED FOR WHAT YOU WROTE, SIMPLY PATHETIC.
Sunday June 15, 2008
18:23:47 -0700
Hi moslem, YES your MOHAMMAD is THE MAD MAN FULL OF THE HALUCINATION. BELIEVE IT! Akhter, can you produce sura like this?
Sunday June 15, 2008
19:15:50 -0700
We kafirs don't need to produce any works to show the Islamists. We just do the same as the Koran says, but instead we burn mosques, madrassahs, nuke Iran and kill any Islamists that stand in the way. Just like what Mohammad taught (piss be upon him)
to Akhter
Sunday June 15, 2008
21:38:15 -0700
The Moslem world is full with bullshit men like you. You're so stupid, so very very stupid to believe in Mohammed and his Quran.
to Akhter & Co.
Sunday June 15, 2008
22:00:39 -0700
I don't care about what you beleive in as long you don't push it down my throat. Few days ago an Islamic guy try to push Islam down my throat and I am going to vomit it somewhere. I don't have anything personal with you but if your people make me angry, you will feel the heat. This guy told me that only Islam can exist, so that means either you are going to see another day or we are. This is a war nothing is personal, self defence is the right of every creature and I am just doing that. You are darkness and I am the one who you know as Satan of Fire, you just know present, I know past, pressent and future,. Your days are numbered, you can feel the heat of death on this website.
Sunday June 15, 2008
23:30:42 -0700
Hey Akhter ! You must be totally demented to believe that shit of a book full of lies is worthy of human consideration. After all all it says is Believe in Allah and his Muhamad or else face the fiery Hell! There is no intellectual or spiritual content in it , just threatening lines everywhere reminding of gruesome consequences of torture and death! It is just a mafia manual spiced with stories robbed from the Bible to give it legitemacy. Any faith should be questioned to promote healthy and free discussion - but islam pre-empts all that and demands utter submission and blind faith ! There are many books which are spiritual and intellectually stimulating without being restrictive and imposing like the works of Jean Paul Sartre, Bertrand Russel,Radhakrishnan, Aurobindo, Spinoza, Neitze,etc. If you want great poetry you can read Wordsworth, Shakespeare,Tagore or Kalidas. Mind Tagore also gave the national anthem to Bangladesh! Quran has no literary merit and is just a cult-promoting book , cannot stand comparison to Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Jane Austen, Shakespeare,Wordsworth, T.S.Eliot,Romain Rolland,Victor Hugo, Mapaussant,etc who can enrich our minds,show great understanding of humanity and human condition, spiritually satisfying,evoke compassion,understanding and love for fellow-humanbeings. Not the rabble-rousing ,instigating and inciting to violence ,cruelity and spreading ignorance,fear, mistrust and intolelerance, which is what Quran does and has been doing for the last 1,400 years! So Akhter wake you numbed brain to see reality with a clear , tolerant , unbiased and broad perspective, if you can , rather than making illogical,false and ridiculous claims for the cult book of Quran!
To 'Big deal! Meccans still joined in Islam's conquest"
Monday June 16, 2008
00:16:41 -0700
Intellectuals are not savages that Muhamad was. The pre-islamic Meccans would have been kind , peaceful people - not given to the idealogy of plunder,rape and massacre of the islamists. Muhamad would have beheaded in the most gruesome manner all the intellectuals and terrorised the common laity into submission! So don't blame the intellectuals for the rise in the mad cult of Islam!
Brain twisiting story
Monday June 16, 2008
01:42:53 -0700
I am a hindu and I totally agree with the professor who found Allah in Bhagvat Gita, Muslims are desperately trying to link their demonic culture with Hinduism all over the Internet, this story about Allah and Sheru is brain twister for them, now they will not run happily to read those type of articles, it could backfire. Others could read that comment under article from Ayesha Ahmed “Words of wisdom from intellectual born under Islam” 11/06.
About Akther
Monday June 16, 2008
01:57:58 -0700
I am happy to have Akther here for demonstraton purposes since he clearly reveals how stupid islamic thinking works. Thank you, Akther! Now I understand the mechanism of islamic brainwashing and brain-disabling! But let me try to help you: Your whole Weltbild depends on the presumption that the quran was written by god. But is there any evidence for it? You repeatedly asked us to write a surah similar to the quran. Don´t you see how stupid this is? What if we ask you to write anything like Shakespeare, Hemingway or Charles Bukowski? Can you? And how can we verify it? According to the logic of the quran, we cannot verify that any of all the books of Shakespeare, Hemingway or Bukowski are written by god or not! The logic of the quran is false and you cannot believe it because of your false presumption that the quran is from god. But can you - by quranic "logic" -give evidence that ANY book on the earth is not written by god?
Leave Akhter Alone
Monday June 16, 2008
02:23:24 -0700
Guys its useless to talk logical with Akhter, I know he is a good holy muslim and nothing personal but he is a brain dead zombie, who is just empolyed by his gang to monitor this site. In India we have a saying called " Its useless to play a flute before a buffalo". I think a buffalo may even undestand music but its useless to reason with Akhter. Probably Farooq still shows some signs of reason and logic, talk with him.
To all widow and Sudra killers
Monday June 16, 2008
03:23:20 -0700
One billion widow and Sudra killers have no moral gut to face a simple man, Zakir Naik, in an open stage debate even in the soil of India! HAHAHAHA! Instead, they are throwing dung and urine (that they worship) towards Islam and Muslims from their hole! How morally and intellectually coward they are! They only know how to kill innocent widows and Sudras!
To Mohammad Pawn
Monday June 16, 2008
03:59:47 -0700
The want to be Meshia of Sudra shows, he is just a pawn, he cannot see his own back which is loaded with tons of shit and is laughing at others. This caste system is the classic strategy used by Islamist to gain hold in India. But I think today low caste people in India are living in much good standards then these morally high Muslims in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Hey this is not going to work know because weak people already understand who is their real hero and who is just their to manipulate and exploit them.
Abdul Rahman
Monday June 16, 2008
04:37:52 -0700
My email to Mumin: Mumin Saleh, See the biography of my beloved teacher in my website. Non Muslim wrote a nice true story about Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. And you are worst than James Randi. You learn the truth but running away from it. You do have a sick mind. James Randi never learn the truth, so he is not as bad as you. Are you one of those guys whose ancestors were monkeys? Thats explained everything! I want to tell a story, may be you will be interested. James Randi from USA, the renown skeptic in supernatural has turned down my challenge to prove supernatural/paranormal is real. Please see my website for more details: http://abdulrahman180.googlepages.com/abdulrahman180 Appreciate if you could send out this email through out the world especially to your non Muslims brothers Abdul Rahman
Monday June 16, 2008
05:11:04 -0700
Mumin Salih is a Middle Eastern Christian Missionary.
see the cultist in action!!!!
Monday June 16, 2008
09:59:44 -0700
well reasearched article
Monday June 16, 2008
10:07:45 -0700
well reasearched article.Islamists intropsect yourself.Use brains too.Later you can think of unlimted sex in allah's whore house.Mohammad is sex maniac so he told that allah gives whore house.No one is against you muslims .No one wants you to hate like you hate others by calling kafirs.Atleast rationalise yourself if you can not loose your faith.
you should die of shame ,cultists!!!
Monday June 16, 2008
10:08:16 -0700
Muslims grab 1 lakh hindu women each year in India By Sujesh 23/02/2003 At 15:01 Muslims grab 1 lakh hindu women each year in India The following is from israel, where 300 jewish women a year elope with muslim men and produce muslim offspring The israeli jewish population is 6 million, out of this 300 women a year are seduced by muslim men This inspite of the daily islamic terror In israel thanks to the smaller population , each islamic bomb blast has a higher impact and there is very bad relations between jews and muslims Despite this the muslims manage to snag 300 jewish women a year Muslims are 30% of the israeli district of Galilee and many of their villages are NO-GO riot prone muslim ghettos, right within 1967 israel India has 820 million hindus, by extrapolation we come up with a minimum of 50000 hindu women a year eloped to muslims Next this has to be multiplied by the bollywood khan factor, the Sultan Mian factor and the psec factor ( a lot of dumb psec women married muslims , teesta setalvad, mira nair, kavita ramdas ) So the VHP estimate of 100,000 hindu women a year lost to making muslim babies is very conservative
The only cure, so better start converting to the only alternative ISLAM!!!
Monday June 16, 2008
10:23:15 -0700
With HINDUS aborting female fetuses ,and Muslims grabbing over one lakh[100,000] every year,what is going to happen to the Hindu men ,there is simply not going to be enough women to go round, many predict that there will be quite a few of MUSLIM women who could provide the answer ,but to do this Hindu men would have embrace Islam. It suggested that in 20 years or so the Muslim numbers in India would pass the 50% mark and thus a Muslim magarity. India would be the leading and newest member of the Islamic organisation.
kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ). Fact. ISLAM is plague,criminal,slavery,poison,jealousy,ill will against all nonmoslems.
Monday June 16, 2008
12:18:08 -0700
This is dedicated to all those followers of THE PEDO, RAPIST,THUG, MURDERER,LOOTER,KILLER, SLAVE PERPETRATOR-SLAVE PROMOTER, WICKED/cruel monster,fascist-Totalitarian intolerant, Terrorist called MO and who with his evil -wicked-primitive-savge ideas terrorized/fear instilled in good /civilized people and subjugated them by injecting poison and darkness into their lives - the blind followers called MUSSALMANS ....... AKHTER, AKA ZAKIR NAIK, NOOR ,abeliever, - you are really ZAKIR but acting in your poisonous way by posting as impersonater..... ISLAM/QQURRAN iS SEWAGE. ALL- ISLAM/QQURRAN/MO/ ALLA must be flushed into SEWAGE, burn it to see the end for ever . ISLAM days are numbered. Moslems who want to be good human beings and who want to lead a honest, loving,caring, freedom,peace loving, democratic, equality oriented People of ISLAM , Moslems whose conscience pricks them every second to be a good human being are leaving ISLAM, renouncing, denouncing this evil/wicked/cruel/barbarous/uncivilized/killing cult called ISLAM which is devoid of kindness/compassion/equality/ morals are finding happiness,peace in their lives by renouncing ISLAM/MO the monster. One can see that AKHTER/ ZAKIR/ NOOR/ABELIEVER are stricken panic and know fully well that ISLAM will collapse,sink,burn and disappear in it's own poison. I want Moslems in ISLAMIC countries to be good people , showing tolerance, respect,recognition, equality to all nonmoslems / nonmoslem faiths . DARFUR is on our conscience . ISLAM will make any good human being into a monster killer. We have several examples to prove this. ISLAM/MO/ALLA are false/hoax/ of a hallucinating lunatic...MO. ........To all good ,honest, spiritual Moslems /Moslimahs ........ at once renounce, leave ISLAM
An Indian Muslim!!!
Monday June 16, 2008
12:33:52 -0700
Inshaallah i look forward to that historical day when India will be the largest majority Muslim state in the world, and this time the Indians will have the destiny in their own hands and will have rulers not from out side , but from with in ,and we will make India the greatest nation on earth ,where every one will be treated equally and fairly no matter what creed , race or religion. India == FOR EVER [ zinda baad]
to: So don't blame the intellectuals for the rise in the mad cult of Islam!
Monday June 16, 2008
18:15:34 -0700
As long as you don't excuse them. They didn't reject the quran. They asked that it be modified. They were willing to go along to get along. When Mohammed came back with his thugs, the Meccans SURRENDERED. They didn't even have the courage of their own convictions. They didn't fight Islam. They gave in to it.
to An Indian Muslim!
Monday June 16, 2008
18:24:29 -0700
How will a Indian Muslims "make India the greatest nation on earth ,where every one will be treated equally and fairly no matter what creed , race or religion" without violating your own Islamic tenets? Where in Islam does it say that non-Muslims will be treated equally and fairly with Muslims? Will you let them build their temples as tall as your mosques? Will you let them wear the same clothing you do? Will you abolish the jizya? What you promise is mission: impossible. How do you distinguish between creed and religion? The two are synonymous.
kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Monday June 16, 2008
21:23:08 -0700
To all Mussalmans , The followers of the PEDO,RAPIST, wicked,cruel,murderer ,terrorist who brought to death,destruction ,misery to all present day Moslems - called MO_HAM_MUD . The challenge is for you.It is your life. Read and understand the basic tenets of ISLAM.Read the history of ISLAM. Study and follow the present day ISLAMIC countries, their regimes,JUNTAS ,totalitarian ,fascist rulers. Once a moslem with good heart decides to do good, to be kind, to be compassionate, to be peaceful, to be honest, to be loving, to be helpful to all humans, to respect all human beings, to be tolerant to all religions, to be treated as equal with all human beings , treat women as equal partners- then his conscience will be pricking. The good moslem will start thinking, The good moslem will start analyzing on rational basis. The good moslem will reject all blind beliefs, blind following of prophets ( profiteer) . Then the good moslem will question QQURRAN and mo's frauds . once a good moslem opens his heart to all good ,tolerant,peaceful,happy things , then pretty soon she/he will discover how evil ISLAM is , the fraud, the hoax committed by Mo and the deception, evil propaganda , the poison injected by MULLAS in Madrassas, the cruelty,the wickedness preached and instigated by Imams in mosques. Only moslems who want to be terrorists, to be rapists, moslems who want to be jealous and killers of nonmoslems, moslems who always discriminate against nonmoslems, moslems who want to be cruel,unkind, wishing ill will to nonmoslems, moslems who are totally intolerant of other faiths, moslems who feel animosity against nonmoslems - will remain as moslems until theu die .But they will not have peace even on their moment of death. This ZAKIR NAIK is such one monster who terrorizing, promoting terror, ill will against nonmoslems is such a Moslem. ZAKIR is a typical uniquely evil Moslem , cruel, cunning,wicked, filled with jealousy,ill will against nonmoslems, spewing venom against nonmoslems - it is his job !!! As a true moslem filled with evil and wickedness,cruelty, deception,dishonesty, lies - all made his part of life . ZAKIR will repent on deathbed ? ZAKIR is making ,promoting, instigating,inciting,all moslems to be evil and killers- just like a prostitute wants to drag other pious,good natured women into prostitution. This monster ZAKIR is dragging , pushing, injecting all moslems with poison,bloodthirsty. The world is watching ZAKIR NAIK - the terrorist, evil doer.
End is Near
Monday June 16, 2008
21:45:02 -0700
Islam existed till know because there was some momentum of good knowledge of ancestors of these muslims, which kept them going till know. But today they have nothing, they are brainwashed people hurdling together and the only leader they got is a dead book called Quaran. If they were not fool enough, then they would not have challenged the whole world at once.
To All Widow and Sudra Killers
Monday June 16, 2008
21:48:14 -0700
What good do Hindus have to offer to Humanity except evil caste system, slavery, untouchability, female infanticide, widow burning, bride burning, dowry burning, Sudra burning, Church burning, Sikh temple burning, Mosque burning, Christian killing, Buddhist killing, Sikh killing, Muslim killing, dung and urine worshiping, Lingam and Yoni worshiping, Hitler and Bush worshiping, lies, hatred, deceptions, curse, myths, superstitions, stupidity, backwardness, pornography, terrorism (RSS, Shiv Sena, Bajrang Dal, etc. terrorist organizations), extremism and fanaticism (BJP), suicide bombing (Hindu Tamil Tigers), general suicide (upper caste Hindus burn themselves alive pouring gasoline on their body when their lower caste counterparts are given little facilities from secular government), rape (lord Rama allowed 12 years to devil Ravana to sleep with his wife Sita), incest (lord Brahma had sex with his own daughter), the greatest sex-maniac (lord Krishna had more than 16,000 wives and gopis (cowherd girls) - he also had an incestuous relationship with his sister Subhadra - he liked to watch and touch the nude gopis bathing in the village ponds and hid their clothes and would not return it to them until he satisfied himself lustfully watching them and feeling them. What a God!), etc.? If they think that they have anything good to offer to Humanity, then they should preach it proudly instead of cursing and slandering Prophet Muhammad (a human), Islam and Muslims for their whole life! It appears that Hindus born with curse and sins (it's true, according to their stupid belief), live with curse and sins, and eventually die with curse and sins! You cannot defeat Islam or any other religion using curse, lies, hatred, and deceptions. Islam is FREE from all these evil stuffs. One billion widow and Sudra killers have no moral gut to face a simple man, Zakir Naik, in an open stage debate even in the soil of India! HAHAHAHA! Instead, they are throwing their dirty-filthy dung and urine (that they worship) towards Prophet Muhammad and Muslims from their hole! How morally and intellectually coward they are! They only know how to kill innocent widows and Sudras!!!
Monday June 16, 2008
23:14:48 -0700
To "To all widow and sudra killers"
Tuesday June 17, 2008
00:00:04 -0700
Muslims live by deceit,lying and backstabbing. Your "taqiyya" technique of slander and lies are self-evident in your posting. It shows your desparation to cover up your failngs as muslims . The whole world knows islam to be a backward , ignoble, murderous and lewd cult . This is evident from the backwardness of all islamic countries, like Pakistan,Bangladesh, Afghanistan ,Saudi Arabia,Iraq,Iran,Ethiopia , Sudan, Somalia,Nigeria,Libya,etc all dark holes of misery , ignorance,corruption, lack of human values, lack of human rights, full of strife ,ruled by fanatics and cruel despots in the name of "islam". Muhamad was a rapist , who raped others wives, raped 6 year old children ( he did not spare his friend Abu Bakr's 6 year old daughter Ayesha , you can imagine what that lecher could have done to others!),raped his daughter-in law. His first target was women after looting others' weaalth and mercilessly butchering them. This cult was founded by the most immoral,man who was also a psychopath and sadist! These are all written by muslim 'scholars' and 'historians' and not "Kaffir". Islam is a cult built on such immoral foundations , lying being a virtue in islam. India is a developing nation , sixth largest with a GDP of over a Trillion US Dollars , teeming with technocrats,doctors and other knowlrdge workers. Even in UK and USA ,their healthcare industry has substantial Indians in them. It is Indians by far who are contributing to the building of the economy of the countries in Arabian peninsula, the arabs given to sloth and the only thing they are efficient is to do the "as-up" prayers five times a day ,or plotting terrorist activities ,spreading misery with the cult of 'islam'. I have already given todaus living examples of 'islamic' countrieslanguishing in misery and violence based on islamic cult and its mafia-like tenets.You can never match India intellectually or economically. So your "taqiyya" of lies and deceit is ineffective!
To "To all widow and sudra killers"
Tuesday June 17, 2008
00:06:41 -0700
Islam is the only cult in the name of religion that sanctifies slavery and flesh-trade, and your fake 'prophet' was the one who practiced it to make money by selling captured women into slavery. This also recorded by your own muslim'scholars' and 'historians'. No other creed recommends enslaving people and buying and selling them as cattle and sheep.
To "To all widow and sudra killers"
Tuesday June 17, 2008
00:34:36 -0700
Talking about slavery islam is slavery. Remember there is death penalty for those who dare to leave islam. So you keep your flock together with threats and punishment which is unheard of in any religion , but is common in cults,especially mafia-cults. Islam means 'submission' ,abject surrender to Muhamad and his bloody bigotry! Can there be anything more demeaning and inhuman than this? If a muslim wants to convert to say Christianity, he is imprisoned ,tortured and made to recant by force ,or else he murdered by decapitating his head inthe most slow and painful manner! Can there be anything more barbaric ? So muslims are totally dehuamnised by a dreadful idealogy of murder,rape and torture for any inane reason, severe retribution for the slightest deviation, death for defiance! This is worse than mafia gangsterism! Shudras in India today are ruling like Ms.Mayavati inthe largest and most populous province in India , Uttar Pradesh,or Karunanidhi in Tamil Nadu. Can any non-muslim hold any position of political power in an 'islamic' country? I can with certainty say NO!
Tuesday June 17, 2008
00:35:32 -0700
"Muhamad was a rapist, who raped others wives." -- Yes, your Hindu father also raped your Hindu mom and you are an illegitimate child.
To Holy Muslims
Tuesday June 17, 2008
01:52:11 -0700
I think you are lossing, the Halal style, drop by drop at a time. Rest of the world is already banded together to get rid of Islam. The whole world has acknwoldeged the truth, which is Relegion is bullshit, and Hindus are practising bullshitter, we are worshipping bullshit from time unknown. So you cannot win us in religous busllshit, we are just expert bullshitter, from 1500 years you are just able to invent one god, but we invent a new God everyday. We know external God is just the imagination of man, a face given to imaganitation, the good and evil both are inside us. Your God is nothing but a dark imagination of the animal cravings in you, which want to dominate and thinks aggresion is the way to handle things. You guys just keep consoling each other to keep you going on the track of Islam, but a million people lost together in desert, does not make them found anywhere. You know the darkness and emptyness inside is real, its very hard to ignore it. Now only thing you can do is pretend fool. Hey there is a light at the end of tunnel, no one is going to make fun of you, if you come out of our hole. Man is also an animal mistakes happens, the world today is full with knwoledge, spritual, physical and mental, why not take your share ? Everybody is taking soemthing and you guys are just limiting yourself, nobody else. You don't know but you also have played a role in current evolution of man and earth, if Islam was not after everybody ass, then they would not have developed techngologies and other stuff to keep you away. Now its up to you guys you want to learn and evolve or finish with islam, role of islam is over now. Don't blame others for your problems, if you spend little more time in trying to think solutions for your problem yourself, rather then checking the koran, proably you can also be happy people. Why you worry about a heaven from which no one ever returned, others are making heaven for themselves on earth.
Tuesday June 17, 2008
02:13:14 -0700
The first letter:I:Of Islam stands for IGNORANCE.It is based on Ignorance and not on Enlightenment. No wonder most of the Muslims are Ignorant and can not stand the truth.The second letter:S:stands for Savagery.You can never find Muslims living at Peace any where in the world.They are still savages. The third letter:L:stands for :LUST:They like to acquire every thing without much effort, Even the Islamic Whorehouse called Paradise by killing a non-muslim.They wish to acquire the wealth through deceit.Live in a muslim country and find the truth for your self.The letter :A: stands for A-Morality. Mohammad told one of his friends:abu-dahir: three times that he would enter JANNAT even if he stole or committed adutry ,If he said:THERE NO GOD BUT ALLAH.HOW CONVENIET TO ENTER JANNAT. THE MUSLIMS WILL GET A SHOCK WHEN THEY WOULD BE THROWN INTO LAKE OF FIRE CALLED HELL. Mohammad would laugh his head off for deceiving billions of Muslims who keep ranting day and night P.B.U.H.IT is like throwing buckets of water on a house.You would be mad to do that unless it is on fire.The last letter:M:stands for mutuality.For every Evil deed ,The Muslims are always united.
Tuesday June 17, 2008
02:26:07 -0700
Mohaammad raped the Judeo-Christian and Pagan Ideologies and producd an ILLIGITIMATE child called ISLAM.This child has no credibility.No wonder It goes mad when told it is a real BASTARD.
The way to defeat Muslim fighters
Tuesday June 17, 2008
09:59:27 -0700
If Zakir Naik is scientific why is he afraid of eating PORK? A pig is just an animal and whether it is clean or dirty depends on how you prepare it. Zakir Naik is just an idiot who farts through his mouth. Yes, after you kill the Muslim fighters bury them with a pig's head. History has shown that this is a very effective way to scare the shit out of Muslims.
kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Tuesday June 17, 2008
10:13:23 -0700
To all the Mussalmans - the followers of the pedo,rapist,killer,thug,slave perpetrator,slave promoter,murderer, liar, taqiyya player, lecher MO - the bigoted, fascist, hate monger and poison injector - wow the MO (MO_HAM_MUD )- the profiteer has earned many qualities - albeit all evil,cruel,wicked and inhuman . MO passed the decree to put Moslem women in a black tent - called BURQA and HIJAB . what goes inside the BURQA nobody knows. MO prohibited women from going to school and learning - science ( becoz everything is in the ugly,poisonous book called QQURRAN). Mo_HAM_MUD also prohibited singing, dancing,music,painting,photography. Any moslem following - singing,dancing, music,painting is a mushrikeen. MO dictated Moslem women from falling in love with nonmoslems , kafirs,infidels, nonmoslems. He, he, He. ZAKIR NAIK the cruel,wicked terrorist - allow freedom, allow Moslem women to have freedom to meet and talk , mix freely and fall in love with kafirs, infidels and nonmoslems. When Moslems,moslem women ( MOSLIMAH) start to think freely , go to modern education ,instead of madrassas , when Moslems start to analyze, when Moslems start to question the blind faith, savagery,slavery,bigotry,hatred that is ISLAM - then they will be repelled, develop revulsion, get astonished to see the monstrocity, barbarism,cruelty, poison in ISLAM. This will automatically lead to rejection of ISLAM . The internet is the enemy of ISLAM. here on the internet - Moslems can see, get all truth and can find themselves the truth . They will also the mis/disinformation, taqiyya,deception, false propaganda by the thugs like ZAKIR and his ilk. This is happening. People ( good moslems ) who want to be honest, live with kindness, compassion, freedom, peace, love ,caring for others, people who always look into themselves and be accountable , people who want to do good to fellow humans - will get disgusted, feel bad,miserable and get repelled by ISLAM . Good people will always renounce ISLAM. The internet will help them. No terror , no fear of reprisals from followers of evil MO. The internet will spell doom and disappearance of fascist ISLAM. It is happening. EX. Moslems are helping in this great revolution.
Challenge to all infidels from Akhter
Tuesday June 17, 2008
11:08:24 -0700
Produce a sura like Quran.You cannot because you are lowest creatures (95.6), and worst beasts(8.55) according to Qura and Quran is God's book.
Why bother?
Tuesday June 17, 2008
17:22:12 -0700
Akhter, why should any non-Muslim ever want to produce a sura like the Quran? Mumblings of an illiterate that were written down by others then tossed together to create a bunch of unintelligible goop? Unlike Mohammed (and you), the rest of us are educated. We don't need to find validity in the words of a warlord who couldn't get his story straight.
to Akhter
Tuesday June 17, 2008
17:26:13 -0700
Quran is God's book? Then let him follow it. He could also try a little editing and get rid of the many contradictory passages. He really needs to make up his mind what he wants. He's a god and he can't figure it out? If the koran is god's book, I'll stick with the works of ordinary humans. At least they make more sense.
:why don't like the Quron
Tuesday June 17, 2008
21:37:21 -0700
:why don't like the Quron.Because they are human beings and think.They are not stupids like blind islamists.Tey have found many errors sorry blunders in Quron.
balam to zakir naik
Wednesday June 18, 2008
02:19:07 -0700
I can see the finger prints of the coward called Zakir Naik on the comments with the heading:why they dont like quran;I wish to tell him frankly : Because it is the incoherent outburst of an illiterate mad man who deluded himself in believing that he was a prophet.In fact he was ,he is and will remain a false prophet.He used the sword to uphold his claim but he has been found out to be an IMPOSTER.He lacks crediblility,which Zakir Naik can not justify with his verses of quran ,which come out as verbal diahoria.He has mission impossibe ahead because Mohammad was a DECEITFUL FRAUD.He is not the last prophet but THE LEAST PROPHET.
Pete, England
Wednesday June 18, 2008
05:46:50 -0700
Reading your comments, it just strengthens my belief that most of the world is made up of uneducated idiots. Has nobody yet wondered about the fact that there is not one tiny bit of evidence that a god exists? Islamists have declared war on infidels. Good, let's have it. Let's see who is still standing at the end.
To Pete, England
Wednesday June 18, 2008
11:52:30 -0700
People who have faith don't need proof. Look up faith in your dictionary. It's a belief that is not based on proof. If you're an atheist that's fine. Don't mock those who aren't. When you do, you're no better than those you mock.
Wednesday June 18, 2008
12:47:44 -0700
The islamic disease is already dying out. All muslim states are failed states and saudi-arabia will fall apart once its oil runs out. Islam thrives only on ignorance, illiteracy and stupidity, whereever it meets reason it dies out. For every new convert to islam, there are 2 people who leave it(apostates). Islam has never been weaker than it is now, it is a dying religion.